The Major Article List is Live!

Though it is something that will grow, the major article list section of this blog is now up-to-date. It is a complete index of my long-term writings at RealMoney (primarily).

The one thing that would make it better would be to index my long term Columnist Conversation posts. It is my favorite part of RealMoney, and that is why I have concentrated there, even though I don?t get paid for cc posts. (sad that) What would be interesting would be to scour my cc posts for long term value, though I have over 1500 cc posts. I?m not doing that anytime soon. 80% of my cc posts are ephemeral, and I?m not sure it is worth the effort to get the other 20%.

3 thoughts on “The Major Article List is Live!

  1. This list is a wonderful resource, David. While I have read most of the articles in real time — since I always look for your posts — I found myself clicking back to articles with a fresh perspective. There are some favorites that I would like to highlight for investors.

    Are the articles available to general readers, or only those with the appropriate credentials?


  2. i agree – your cc comments are fantastic and i hope there is some way you could re-post the non ephemeral ones here — thanks so much for this blog

  3. Jeff, some are available on RM’s free site, but most aren’t. They would require a subscription.

    Sean, wish I had enough time to troll through my old cc posts… if anyone sends me a post, that they think deserves to be on the list, I’ll look at it and add it.

    And, thank you both for your very kind comments. For what it’s worth, yesterday I was at a lunch meeting listening to Jarrod Wilcox talk about asset allocation for wealthy investors. The lady next to me turned out to be a fan of mine, and was surprised to meet me when we exchanged business cards. I always get taken aback when I meet a fan. It’s fun, but surprising.

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