Day: April 18, 2007

An Interesting Post from NPR Marketplace

An Interesting Post from NPR Marketplace

We haven’t had foreclosure on a wide scale since securitization became common. Some municipalities are trying to figure out who truly owns a house in foreclosure if the loan was securitized. I would think that the trustees were the legal owners on behalf of the junior certificate holders, with the servicer acting in behalf of the trustee.

The radio show NPR Marketplace had an interesting piece on this phenomenon. When a city is dealing with a mass of abandoned buildings, they want to know who owns them, so that they can be protected, and blight avoided.
In this era of securitization, finding the owner after foreclosure is not simple. Listen to the piece, and consider the effects on our markets and society.

Too Many Vultures, Too Little Carrion

Too Many Vultures, Too Little Carrion

I had a cc post over at RealMoney called Too Many Vultures, Too Little Carrion . The idea was that there’s too much money ready to rescue dud assets at present. Yesterday, Cramer had his own blog entry suggesting that the absorption of subprime assets at relatively high prices implied that the depositary financial sector is a sound place to invest. I disagree. In the early phases of any secular change, there are market players who snap up distressed assets, and later they find out that they could have gotten a better bargain had they waited.

The good sale prices for subprime portfolios is not a sign of strength, but a sign that there is a lot of vulture capital looking for deals. The true problems will surface when the vulture capital gets burned through or scared away.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira