Day: May 5, 2007

A Half-Dozen Comments on the Current Market Environment

A Half-Dozen Comments on the Current Market Environment

Here’s my take on a large part of what is going on it the markets now.

  1. Bond market implied volatility is low. Tony Crescenzi comments about that on the Treasury market, but it is also true of the agency and swap markets. Less true of corporates, because rumored LBOs are making market players jumpy, but spreads are still pretty tight. People are too complacent…
  2. What did well in the first four quarters of this year? Borrowing from Merrill Lynch, in terms of sectors, it would be utilities and materials, follow by healthcare and energy. In terms of quality, low quality continues to win, which is a function of tight credit spreads. Growth strategies are working — low PEG ratios, small caps, and high ROE are doing well so far in 2007.
  3. China may take the global economy over the edge. Between tightening interest rates and raising deposit requirements, they are moving to slow their economy. One thing that fights against them is the currency; much stimulus comes from keeping the yuan low.
  4. One factor that helps to keep oil prices high is the inefficiency of the average state-owned oil company. Venezuela, Iran, and Indonesia are great examples of the damage that can be done by negligent government-sponsored companies tha don’t reinvest enough in their businesses.
  5. Fascinating to see copper and gold up, Baltic freight up and timber prices down. US housing is damaging timber, but demand outside of the US is driving the rest at the margin.
  6. Even more amazing is the foreign buying of Treasuries, which proceeds unabated to recycle the shrinking current account deficit.

I have more, but I am tired, and will post more on Monday.

Blog Enhancements II

Blog Enhancements II

It is my goal to make this blog more enjoyable and usable for my readers.? To that end, today I added some code that adds recent comments to the sidebar, and allows users to subscribe to comments on a post if they like.


Future enhancements that are likely coming:

  1. More books and more commentary on my books page, plus links to Amazon (whether I make money off it or not).
  2. Update of the major articles list.
  3. Addition of a polls feature.
  4. And internal enhancements that will enable me to better monitor my site.? Please note, I will never sell the e-mail addresses of those who register on my site.? I live by the words of Jesus Christ, who said, “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”? People hate having their e-mail addresses sold; I hate it when it happens to me.? I won’t do it to my readers.
  5. Some way of tracking my portfolios, apart from what I am doing now at, so that I can comment on my performance as needed.


Now, if there are other features you might like to see, let me know, and I will do my best to see if I can provide them.

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