Computer Difficulties Here

The computer crashed and ate one of my posts, so I won’t have an article this evening.? I do want to ask a question of my readers, though.? How has website response been for you?? As the readership has grown, it has seemed that my website has gotten more sluggish.? Is this your experience, or not?? Either way, let me know.

6 thoughts on “Computer Difficulties Here

  1. David,

    I’ve never had any problems with speed of service; sometimes the charts haven’t loaded up properly, but I don’t think that’s related. On a separate issue, I’d be interested in your subsector analysis of the insurance stocks again this earnings season, if you want to do it.

  2. Yes page loading does have issues at time. Though it generally comes up after a minute or two.

  3. I’ve seen errors with you MySQL connection at times, and ran into an issue with posting a comment (getting no response, trying again, and ending up posting a duplicates). But overall the performance has been good.

  4. I’ve seen the errors as well; also some periodic page loading problems; not often though

  5. hey well my computer doesnt let me see the second page when you click on something and another page comes out it doesnt let me see why is that

  6. Thanks for the feedback, I am talking with the host about quality issues. In general, things seem to be doing adequately, considering the growth in traffic here. I’m using around 1% of the total resources that they say I have, so any problems are not for lack of bandwidth paid for.

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