Blog Notes

  1. If anyone is having difficulty registering to use the site, just e-mail me, and I can set you up manually.
  2. I have added a few more categories for my posts. One category will be best posts at The Aleph Blog. I have my own ideas, but you can nominate articles if you like.
  3. I have an article on the VIX coming in the next week or so, also a short piece on a subsegment of the life insurance business, and one summary piece on the “Fed model.”
  4. Longer term, there should be articles digging into mistakes in academic finance, rescuing capitalism from capitalists, flexibility vs. discipline, traffic analogies to investing, hidden correlations, and asset allocation.

Suggestions? E-mail me as well, or just comment below. Generally, I try to respond to comments within a week if I can.

One last late addition… I am republishing this because I added one more feature, the “bizz buzz” button at the bottom of each post. It appears on each post’s distinct page, as opposed to the blog’s front page.? You can get to it from the front page by clicking on the permalink, or the post’s title.? If you particularly liked one of my posts, click on the “bizz buzz” bee icon, and that will recommend the story to others at the “Best way to Invest” website.? Thanks for all of your support as readers!