Blog Notes

I have more good stuff coming next week. For those with a subscription to RealMoney, be sure and catch my article Monday morning.

I have added Feedburner to the blog as an option for receiving my posts, and comments from readers, via RSS. If this is an aid, let me know, and if this is something you would rather not see, let me know. I want to maintain a balance between functionality and simplicity.

I plan on responding to blog comments and returning e-mails early next week. Much as I thought leaving my employment would free up time, many other demands have intervened. Thanks for reading, and keep giving me feedback; it only improves what I do.

2 thoughts on “Blog Notes

  1. What ere they doing to RAMR? They meet expectations increase revenues and then halve the stock! I bought a smidge today anyway.

  2. Regarding the FED, your view is probably exactly what they will do but that does not make it the correct thing to do or the wise thing to do.

    Consider: The FED’s role is to support the business economy as well as control inflation. ( Yes they are opposite, but that is still their directive.)

    Point, realize a small correction now could probably avert the necessity of a larger correction later, even possibly a full scale bailout. Would it not be better to cut rates .25% now versus the necessity of a .50% or a .75% cut later or even worse. Making the cut later after many more Billions $ go up in smoke is ludicrous as well as wastefull.

    Although the problem is now Bernake’s, that is only because Greenspan kept the easy money flowing too long instead of gradually tightening. But by waiting longer with this problem Bernake will necessitate even more accomodating later. Late reactions are always greater than early action, this is true in sailing boats, flying airplanes and managing business as well as managing the economy of a country.

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