Day: January 22, 2008

Fed Cuts 75 Basis Points, More to Come

Fed Cuts 75 Basis Points, More to Come

It just shows how high the pressure on the FOMC is, if they have to peremptorily act one week ahead of their regularly scheduled meeting.? Again, one week doesn’t matter much in terms of actual policy impact.

Yet, they may do more at their meeting.? Though I called for a 3.00% Fed funds rate in 2008, I wasn’t thinking of the beginning of the year… more like the middle-to-end.? Now it seems to be a first quarter phenomenon.? And, as I have said since the beginning of this move, given that the FOMC has been willing to use crude policy tools like the Fed funds rate to try to reflate areas where credit stress is high, they will overshoot.? The lags in the action of monetary policy versus the immediacy of political pressure forces the overshoot.

My questions: how low do we go with the Fed funds rate, and how much will price inflation run in the process?

Personal Finance, Part 10 ? Data Security

Personal Finance, Part 10 ? Data Security

I have a filing system that I designed to help me save time.? I have a box in my bedroom that I toss papers that I might need into.? Any paper with sensitive personal data goes in there as well.? Once or twice a year, I go into that box and sort through the papers.? I sort the papers into various piles:

  • Insurance
  • Bank Statements
  • Brokerage
  • Taxes, last year
  • Taxes, this year
  • Not needed
  • Not needed, and shred, due to sensitive data (SSN, address, monetary data, identifying information)
  • Art that my children have given me
  • Articles that I wanted to keep a permanent copy of
  • Other, etc.

Typically, I retain the year-end statements for mutual funds, and monthly statements for banks and brokerages.? The rest I shred.? Rather, my 9-year old shreds… she does a very good job, and does it happily. :)? Roughly half gets shredded, and one-quarter gets thrown away.? The rest gets filed.

I store the long term financial data in file folders until they get large, and I bind them into binders.? I retain tax data for personal reasons, though there is little reason to go beyond seven years.? About once every decade, I go through all of my files, and pitch stuff mercilessly, retaining only what is best.? I did that two years ago.? 2016 is a long way away.

The idea here is to minimize my time spent filing, retain critical data, shred data that would be harmful in the hands of data felons, and make sure that I know where to find something that is truly needed.? So far this system has worked very well for me, and I have been using it for about 20 years.

Anyway, I went through this process yesterday, and now it is great to have things organized again.? 2007 was a memorable year for me, and it was fascinating to consider all of the things that happened, including starting this blog.? (Yes, I found those papers as well.)

Deflation or Inflation?  Why Choose?

Deflation or Inflation? Why Choose?

Some of the commentary regarding inflation and deflation misses the point.? We are presently faced with both rising consumer price inflation and asset deflation.? Not a fun combination, to say the least.? It puts the FOMC into a real box.? To borrow an analogy from the Bible, Greenspan ate sour grapes, and Bernanke’s teeth are set on edge.

So what does the FOMC do in such a situation?? We don’t have that much history to work with, but during the ’70s, the FOMC generally loosened.? Fixed income portfolios should tilt toward shorter duration, even though you are losing income, and away from the dollar.? It is probably still too early to begin taking a lot of additional credit risk, but the bet is getting more attractive by the day.

Now, there are a number of commentators that can’t wait one week, and say the FOMC should act now.? The economy is not like someone that you have to take to the emergency ward; one week makes little difference, and the FOMC will do better work if they are meeting each other face-to-face under normal meeting conditions, than over a conference call.

Given the present equity market distress, should we assume that the FOMC will do more than 50 basis points in January? Had you asked me last week, I would have said “no.”? The political pressure is a lot higher now, so I would say yes, they will do more.? It won’t help the areas under credit stress, but it will make it look like they are serious about “fixing the economy.”

We could see a move of either 75 or 100 basis points.? I debate internally how good Fed funds futures are in abnormal environments like this.? Under Greenspan, I sometimes felt that monetary policy had been privatized, and whatever the futures market said, the FOMC would do that.? I don’t know if Bernanke has the same faith that futures traders know what the right monetary policy is.? If I were a Fed Governor, I certainly would not have that confidence.? Once the yield curve gets to a certain slope, the recovery will come in time.? Making the curve steeper won’t make it any faster.

People are impatient, and their complaining causes the FOMC to overshoot on policy decisions.? The lag that monetary policy has is significant, and the FOMC in recent years has made it even slower through their policies of incrementalism.

There are several possibilities here for the FOMC action:

  1. They hold firm, and don’t lower much (50 bp), because price inflation is a concern.
  2. They take the judgment of the futures traders, and move a full 100 bp.? Or, they conclude that asset deflation is a bigger risk, and decide to make a bold statement.? After all, isn’t Bernanke the guy who never wants to see the Great Depression recur, and loose monetary policy can prevent that?? (I don’t think that’s right, but…)
  3. They split the difference, make bows to both camps in their language, and do a 75 bp cut.

The last of those seems most likely to me.? I have said in the past that the FOMC is:

  • Being politically forced to loosen more than they would like, and
  • Dragging their heels in the process.

That’s why I think we end up on the low end of where Fed funds futures will likely point tomorrow.? 75 basis points does not trip off the tongue, but will be a compromise position in the minds of Federal Reserve Governors who are puzzled at the present situation.? Because of political pressure, they know that they have to move big, but consumer price inflation will make them less aggressive.

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