Blog Outage

Apologies for no post last night.? It is rather disconcerting to find the database of my website corrupt, and wonder whether I will have anything of it left.? If anyone has any recommendations on good hosting providers, I am all ears.

In the “what is coming up” file, I have the following ideas that I am working on:

  • Several book reviews.
  • A piece on ETFs
  • Monetary policy 101
  • Fundamentals of Market Bottoms
  • Intraday trading — does not seem to follow a random walk
  • What of strategies that need continuous liquidity?
  • Fixing the title of my blog, so that clicking it takes one to the home page

That’s all for now.? Thanks for reading my posts, and interacting with me, even though I find it difficult to keep up with the flow of e-mails.

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