Financial Literacy for Children

As we were driving down the highway Monday evening, back from our oldest daughter’s symphony concert at U-MD, my wife and I began talking about teaching children about money.? We homeschool, so we have to consider a lot in training our children for the real world.

Some of my children have an interest in the market, some don’t. Personalities differ, but you want to give them some core knowledge that everyone can use. There have been people in our home school get-togethers who when they find out I am an investor, they ask “Do you know of any good books on the stock market for kids?” Lamely, I suggest the out-of-print book by Ken Fisher’s son, Clayton, which is pretty good, but I didn’t think it was definitive.? One has complained to me about the Stock Market Game, which seems to teach speculation, not investment.

That’s true of most stock market contests — the only exception I can think of was the Value Line contest back in 1984 . I managed to place in the top 1%, but not high enough to win. That contest forced you to pick 10 stocks from ten different groups for six months. The stocks were sorted by price volatility deciles, so you had to pick some volatile stocks and tame stocks. The stocks were equal weighted, and there was no trading. Great contest — I would love to run something like that. I have suggested it to The, but no dice. Hey, maybe Seeking Alpha would like to try it! Nominal prize money, but there would be bragging rights!? (Abnormal Returns, this could work for you as well…)

My wife tells me to think about it. Well, today, as I’m going through my personal e-mail, I run across a note from the Home School Legal Defense Association promoting the National Financial Literacy Challenge. Timely, I think. They are having a competition based off of the national standards published in 2007 by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Finance.

So I look at the standards, and I think, “These are pretty detailed… how can you turn this into a usable curriculum?”? I print them out and read a little bit of them to my wife Ruth, who says, “Typical for those that set standards, and aren’t teachers; you can’t work with that stuff.”? My wife was a high school teacher, and despite that hindrance, she still homeschools well.? But she knows the troubles that come to public school teachers as mandates come down from on high.

She asked me, “What would you recommend, then?”? I thought about it and said that the personal finance book that I reviewed recently, Easy Money, would be a good book for high school seniors to read.? It’s not a complex book at all.? Afterward I would discuss it with them.? She asked me why I hadn’t done that for our older two children and I said, “It was published after they went to college.? I’ll ask them to read it this summer.”

For investing, I still think that Buffett’s Annual Reports are understandable to most teens.? Marty Whitman is easy to read as well.? But I always liked Ben Graham, and I think The Intelligent Investor is accessible to the average teenager.? Good investing is not complex… but often we make it so.

Full disclosure: if you enter Amazon from my links and buy anything, I get a small commission.? It is my substitute for the tip jar, and it doesn’t increase your costs at all.

5 thoughts on “Financial Literacy for Children

  1. David – I would recommend the Clason financial literacy classic “The Richest Man in Babylon” for a teen literacy teaching resource. I recently used it for a youth financial literacy course and it worked very well. It is also short and structured which makes it useful for lessons.

  2. I think “The Wealthy Barber” by David Chilton is a great book for kids/young adults just starting to think about the future. Written more as a story, it is easy and fun to read and covers basic concepts like saving 10% of your paycheck, making a will etc….While I agree that “The Intelligent Investor” is perhaps the best book for investors I don’t think I would start kids with that.

  3. What I’m wondering is if this test is available for home school students who aren’t members of HSLDA. Do you have any idea? Thanks…

  4. I think teaching children financial literacy from a young age is as imperative as teaching reading, writing and ‘rithmetic. My family have made some poor financial choices, and I want to avoid the same scenario for my children. I very much enjoyed your post. Thanks.

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