Day: January 24, 2009

A Day in the Life of John Davidson, Part III

A Day in the Life of John Davidson, Part III

“Take your seats, Gentlemen.” Brad Baldwin intoned.? John headed for his seat, and realized that one of the heads of the subsidiaries was not yet there.? Where was the head of credit-related insurance, Jan Kimmelman?

As John sat down, Brad said, “You may note that Mr. Kimmelman is not here.? We fired him this morning, and his subsidiary is going into liquidation, depending on what we believe our best options are in the current economic environment.”

That news sent a chill through the room.? No subsidiary of Mega Insurance had ever been eliminated in its 40-plus-year history.? What else could happen?

Peter Farell, the Chief Investment Officer walked in, saying to Brad Baldwin, “Your special reports are ready.”? Then, looking at Stan Bullard, he said, “And yours are ready too.”

This floored John.? He had asked Peter for reports to bolster his case, but what would these other reports show?? The CEO never had extra reports on investments, and Bullard was always silent… what would he have to say?

Before his thoughts were complete, Brad said, “We will follow our ordinary procedures.? Each one of you will present the report for your subsidiary.? We will do a presentation of our own.? After that we will ask you questions.? Any questions?”

Total silence, partly out of shock.

“Fine then. Mr. Goldsmith, your report.”

Henry rose and referred to papers he had previously distributed.? There were shuffling noises for a moment, and he began his report.? Pricing trends were neutral-to-good.? They had pared back in competitive lines, and were expanding in lines where pricing was showing some strength.? Profits were adequate, and reserves were at the high end of reasonable.

John thought that Henry was the best.? He understood the economics of his business, and played the pricing waves like a pro at the top of his game.

At the end, Henry said, “Though conditions appear good now, and we will aim to do better next year, our profits could be affected by major disasters in the next year.? This is a cyclical business.”

At that, Baldwin said, “Mr Blitztein?”

Marc stepped forward, and began to discourse on competitive dynamics in the P&C business, particularly the short tail areas where they focused, and where the Law of Large Numbers could apply.? They were getting good results in auto and home insurance, and some of their specialty coverages were gaining traction.? Growth was slow, but they thought that the future could be better.

John thought, “Well good for you.? At least you don’t have asset problems to worry about… can your Zebra character come work for me?”? John shook his head.? Henry and Marc were in no danger, and Jan was gone.? Brent was obviously successful, which left him as the scapegoat.? His subsidiary could easily be merged into Whata Life, and most of Wonderful LIfe’s employees dismissed.? Great.? John had been a second father to many of his employees.? They weren’t just numbers to him — he wanted his employees to benefit from the success of the company.? As it was, he did not see how that would happen, given this meeting.? Bowing his head, he prayed quietly to Jesus.

With Marc’s presentation complete, Brad said, “Mr. Davidson, it is your turn.”

John looked at Peter, who acknowleged the glance, and then rose to speak to the meeting.? HIs stomach was quivering, but he knew he must give it his best.



I’ve been thinking about ways to set up an “aggregator bank,” [Aggbank] much as I would rather see RTC 2 come into existence.? If we are going to allow banks that are live try to shed their dud assets to the Aggbank, then, maybe this is a way that it should be done:

Aggbank needs real advice on assets.? Not just fakery from large asset managers, who might be doing favors for friends, but independent skeptical advice that realizes that many of the assets will not be “money good.”? Here is my advice:

Aggbank should solicit offers of assets, with prices.? It should then publish that it will buy so much of assets that have been offered, so if anyone is willing to sell it cheaper, submit their offers.

The winning offers hand over the assets and receive cash in return.? They also hand over two securities: a senior loan agreement and common equity 50/50, in exchange for an equity stake in Aggbank, equal to the price that the asset was sold for.? The equity stake is reducible/increasible if the eventual value of the asset sold proves less or more than the price it was sold for.

This provides reasonable incentives for fair sale prices, and protection to taxpayers, while allowing banks to lighten their inventories of illiquid assets.

A Day in the Life of John Davidson, Part II

A Day in the Life of John Davidson, Part II

John looked at the deep brown wood.? When he first came to the boardroom ten years ago he was impressed at its seeming splendor, and thrilled to be a new CEO of Wonderful Life.? Today, the thrill was gone and the wood just seemed dark.

?Hiya, Johnny! Howya doin???

With a jolt, John Davidson turned to face Brent Fowler, CEO of Whata Life.? He answered, ?Just fine, Brent, and you??

?Oh, Johnny.? There are always opportunities to be pursued in our business, and we are doing well in exploiting all of them.?

?Indeed, sir.? Congratulations on another good year.?? John choked up a bit as he said this, because he did not get how Whata Life could be so profitable and grow so fast at the same time.

?Thaaank you , Johnny.? If you are in the right place at the right time, the profits just flow, and that is where we aim to be!?

John didn?t have much to say to that, so he bid Brent adieu for the moment, and bumped into Henry Goldsmith, who was the head of Mega?s Bermuda P&C reinsurance company.? He had always found Henry to be a straight shooter, so he smiled as he asked, ?Hi Henry, how goes it on the rock??

Henry smiled and said, ?Not so bad.? No major disasters, so we make a lot.? We just have to leave some of it to the side for future disasters.? And you??

?Could be better, Henry.? The credit crunch is eating at our assets, and growth has been marginal, despite our best efforts.?

?How much money have you lost??

?We?re making money, Henry, but less than last year.? We can?t dividend as much back to Mega.?

Henry?s eyes widened, and he said, ?Oooh.?? My sympathies.? Look, it?s a tough environment; every life company is having a rough time of it.? Just look at AFLAC.? If they can?t make it, no one can.?

?Very true.? Thanks, Henry.?

?Don?t mention it, John.? Hey remember, if things go bad, I?m here for you.?

?Thanks again, Henry.?? John knew that Henry kept his word, so he considered it an offer to help him in his next job search.? Good guy, bad day.? At that moment the head of domestic P&C, Marc Blitztein, walked into the room.? ?Hey, John, old man, how?re you doing??

Marc was the youngest of the subsidiary managers, but he had turned around the flagging domestic P&C division by focusing on new quantitative underwriting tools before most of the smaller competition caught on.

?Good to see you, Marc. How?s business??

?Could be better.? Competition is rough, but we keep finding new ways for people to know us.?

?Indeed you do.? That Zebra mascot of yours is ubiquitous.?

?Ziggy?? What a concept!? It?s amazing what one good idea will do.?? John wished that he had Ziggy.? Maybe that Zebra could sell life policies as well.? Alas, he had no fancy logos or cartoon pitchmen.

John said, ?Well, more power to you.? Worried about this meeting??

?A little.? We aren?t growing the way we used to; we?re only around 10% growth, and loss costs are catching up with us, somewhat.? How about you??

John shook his head.? ?I don?t know.? Things weren?t great prior to the credit crunch, but given the effect on asset values, we are pinched here.? We won?t be able to dividend as much next year.?

Marc looked at him sympathetically, and said, ?I?ve heard what that can mean.? My heart goes with you.?

?Thanks,? said John, distracted as his cell phone bleeped.? It was his wife.

?Hi honey, you won?t believe what John, Jr., did today??

?Uh, dear?? Can I call you back this evening?? The big meeting is about to happen.?

?I?m sorry, dear.? Call me back.? I?m praying for you.? Love you.?

?I love you too dear.? Bye.?

As he turned his cell phone off, he saw that the CEO of Mega Insurance, Brad Baldwin, had entered the room, together with Stan Bullard, scion of the family that owned Mega.? Behind them was the CFO, the corporate actuary, and a person he had never seen before.? John wondered what might be going on, and thought that this would be one bad day.

Spot the Three Currency Regimes

Spot the Three Currency Regimes

I’ve had an interest in the Yuan since the revaluation in 2005. To start this off, two RealMoney CC posts:

David Merkel
Yuan Musings
8/10/2005 10:46 AM EDT

Today, the People’s Bank of China, in a speech given by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan, announced the currencies that are in the basket against which it sets the value of the yuan. They are the currencies from the following nations, excerpted from the speech:

China’s major trading partners are the United States, the Euro land, Japan, Korea, etc., and naturally, U.S. dollar, euro, Japanese yen and Korean won become major currencies of the basket. In addition, China also trades significantly with Singapore, U.K., Malaysia, Russia, Australia, Thailand, and Canada, currencies of these countries are also important in determining China’s RMB exchange rate.

Nice. But the weights and whether the weights are fixed were not given either. I’ve run a constrained regression model using data from the last 15 trading days (which only gives me 4+ degrees of freedom), constraining the lesser currencies to a 10% weight at most. What I end up with is that the U.S. dollar is in the high-80% range in terms of weight in the basket. If true, it means that the change in the yuan peg accomplished little, as I suggested at the time.

This is a very tentative conclusion, because I need more data. Two weeks from now, I will be able to shed more light on this.

As an aside, I have a model for the Singapore dollar, where the basket weights aren’t given, and it’s very predictable and normal-looking. They clearly have fixed weights. Within two months, I should be able to determine whether the same is true of the Chinese yuan.


David Merkel
China’s Rigged Currency
9/30/2005 4:10 PM EDT

Please pardon a brief Friday rant on China’s currency. I have a model that attempts to figure out the weights on their non-disclosed currency basket. Given the multicollinearity problems of my model, here is what I think I know:

  • The hypothetical basket is composed 75% of US dollars. Probably some of that weight belongs to currencies highly correlated with the US dollar, but the model picks the US dollar.
  • The yuan has been artificially appreciated versus the basket Over the past month and a half by 0.5%. If all of the currencies in the basket were revalued equally, the dollar would be 8.133 yuan, as compared to 8.092 today. (Wouldn’t Washington squawk if the exchange rate actually fell below the initial devalued level?)
  • This may explain the recent move by China to change the currency bands for all currencies except the US dollar. It was getting too hard to do a controlled appreciation of the yuan versus the dollar while staying within their currency bands for the other currencies; it’s impossible to have more than one set of cross rates globally.

    My guess here is that China is trying to please Washington in a slow way, but retain the benefits (to the government, and those connected with it) of a managed currency. Investment implication: business as usual in China; neo-mercantilism continues for now.

    Position: none


    For those that missed my logic at the time of the devaluation, China kept its currency fixed to the US Dollar until mid-2005, then appreciated it in a dirty float until mid-2008.? Since then it has returned to a dirty fixed rate versus the US Dollar.? Note that the last regime shift fits with when things really began to turn down in the global economy.

    Make no mistake, China’s currency has been managed since 2005.? Timothy Geithner was correct when he said in his written responses to the Senate:

    President Obama – backed by the conclusions of a broad range of economists ? believes that China is manipulating its currency. President Obama has pledged as President to use aggressively all the diplomatic avenues open to him to seek change in China’s currency practices.

    Now, it was a mistake and impolitic to say that.? Given all the money that China has loaned the US in US Dollars, you don’t want to let the sucker know how badly he has lost money bite the hand that feeds you.? We need to send economic policymakers to media school so that they can know how their statements affect markets and foreign relations.? Learning on the job wears on us all.

    I don’t have a big point here, except to say:

    • China’s currency policy changed in mid-2008.
    • China never let its currency float, even against a basket.
    • Timothy Geithner needs to consider his words more carefully.
    • We need to consider what a pseudo-fixed exchange rate implies for economic matters.

    Personally, I don’t think that China keeping its currency artificially cheap can work in the intermediate-term.? But the Chinese Government does not think in terms other than what benefits their long-term control over China.? Other things can and will be sacrificed.? But maintaining control over domestic affairs matters greatly to the Chinese Government, and all foreign affaqirs must bow to that.

    The pseudo-fixed exchange rate will require increased purchases of US assets, relative to? an appreciating Yuan regime.? Perhaps we should be grateful for that.? If so, we haven’t seen any benefits, and neither hasw China.

    I wish I could give a crunchier conclusion here, but I can’t.? In our deflationary world, the temptations toward protectionism, even through currency policy, are significant.? It is no surprise that we are seeing this change now.

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