Post 950

When I began this blog, I would do a post every 100 posts that pertained to the blog itself, my readers and me.? I did not do a “Post 900” for a number of reasons.? This post is meant to make up for it.? For those that echo my blog, like Seeking Alpha, I ask that you republish this, because I need it this time.

I love writing, but that is not what I do best.? My best talents are managing equity assets.? I have a pitch book that explains my methods, and how I have beaten the S&P 500 since September of 2000.? My problem is this: if you don’t have an institutional investor, institutional investors won’t invest with you.? So, if you have influence over an institutional investor, ask them whether they would be willing to consider me, and I will send them my pitchbook, updated to the end of April 2009.

Again, thanks to all my readers.? Your time is limited, so appreciate that you consider me.? If I gain an institutional investor, oddly, that will free me to write more.

Here is my e-mail address.

One thought on “Post 950

  1. Hello David,

    I thought you would really appreciate this TED talk on cheating and what makes people more or less likely to rationalize it.

    “[H]e tempted people to cheat. He told a new group of test takers to score their own tests and tell Ariely how many questions they got correct. These volunteers reported, on average, that they solved seven questions. The interesting thing about this, says Ariely, was that the higher average wasn’t because a few people cheated a lot; rather, it was because a lot of people cheated a little.”

    Rhetorical question for you and readers, but after watching the video do you think the responses to date to the credit crisis by Bernake, Paulson, Geithner, et al have been more or less likely to make the banks be “aggressive” in their accounting? What about the parade of CEO’s over the last 12 or 14 months saying all was fine with their capital base as little as days before bankruptcy?

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