Blog Republishing Policy Shift

At one point, I began restricting who could republish my articles, but I have decided that it is more in my interest, and in the interests of others, to allow a fuller republishing of what I write.? Anyone may republish articles at my website, so long as they give full credit to David Merkel and The Aleph Blog, with a link back to the original article.

It is appreciated if one contacts me in advance of publishing me, but if you cite this blog post, Iwill understand?? presuming that I have not revoked this, which I find unlikely.? Nonetheless, read my blog news posts for further details.

One thought on “Blog Republishing Policy Shift

  1. What are the rules? I keep posts largely like a library since no one reads my blog. I often quote old posts from blogs when I comment, and it’s easier for me to have them filed on my blog using my system. Also, I often reread posts. Is this wrong? What other system could I use? Often the posts disappear.

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