Fairness Versus Economics (2)

When I wrote yesterday, I did not consider everything that I regard as unfair, just a small portion of it, and I thank my readers for responding and expanding my view.? Some thoughts:

  • I was decidedly not a a fan of the Bush II Administration on economic policies.? They pushed us further into debt, and were generally in the pocket of the wealthy.? My views on taxation are nonstandard, but they would be far more fair to all Americans than what we have today.? I can hear Buffett scream from Omaha, if this were passed.? Gates from Seattle, too.
  • My comment that we are in peacetime stands, because we have asked no sacrifice of Americans to stand behind the war effort.? And why not?? Because it is too difficult to get people to sign on that they are behind the war; the benefits of the war are unclear at best.? They may be behind individual soldiers, but support for the war is unclear.? When the war has no obvious cost, people don’t complain about it much.
  • I was also not a fan of the Clinton, Bush I, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Johnson Administrations on economics.? None of them addressed entitlement reform, which was the biggest long-term issue.? And worse, the Reagan Adminstration listened to the lightweight Greenspan regarding Social Security, who has done more harm to the nation than any since FDR.? Making unfunded promises is inherently dishonest, and now we are nearing our endgame for Medicare and Social Security.
  • Do I blame politicians more or voters?? I still blame voters more, because they do not act out of principle, but they vote their pocketbooks.? Pocketbooks are important, but ethical issues more so.? If we don’t do what is right, we will end up in the ash heap of history, with many other failed nations like the USSR.? We vote into power losers who lie to us and tell us that everything will be okay, even though tax rates are inadequate, and monetary policy is encouraged to be loose on average.
  • I have never been behind our defense or intelligence buildups, much as I have friends in both areas, as I live near DC.? I was against Gulf War I, much less II and Afghanistan.? None of those wars were needed, or protected us.? They may have increased our terrorism risks by making us a more obvious enemy.
  • Though I think that war is legitimate, I rarely find actual wars to be so.? Far better to stay at home, and wait until we see real threats against us.
  • I don’t back Nixon in his economic policy; he was as bad as Bush II.
  • I did not back the bailouts of banks, the automobile companies, or any special interest.? I opposed them.? I have always argued for policies that are fair to all Americans.
  • Keynes is misunderstood for what an intellectual lightweight he was, pursuing stimulus and encouraging low interest rates. He did not look at the long-term, which is what a statesman does.
  • Though I am nominally a Republican, I do not always vote that way.? I voted for Bob Casey, Sr., when I lived in Pennsylvania, though I was not crazy about his economic policies.? I vote primarily on my view of who will be the best person, as measured by the Ten Commandments.

My views are complex, but in general, I think that people are wrong to look to the government for help, and instead should act to rein in the government so that it can’t harm.? On a strict constitutionalist basis, much of what the US Government does is extra-constitutional; the powers not explicitly given to them are denied to them.

My first piece was not primarily geared toward giving my political views, but explaining the gap between the intelligentsia and the t-party.? Fairness is the main issue, and those who care about it are firing at those who are in power, the Democrats.

If I have offended any, I am sorry.? It is not my way to be rude.? I have hated the excesses of both Republican and Democratic administrations as they have trampled on average Americans, even if average Americans di not know what hit them.