Improving Publishing in the Social Sciences

I?ve been toying with an idea that I think would improve economic and biometric research, but will never get adopted.? Split research into two components:

  1. Generating research ideas
  2. Doing the research

But here?s my twist: economists and biometricians could submit ideas to a central database, but would be barred from doing that particular project.? No researcher would be allowed to work on his own idea ever again.? Researchers would be assigned research ideas randomly from the central database, allowing for some modest amount of customization as to what types of projects they have the skills to do.

The researchers would then take a fresh look at the ideas, because they don?t have a dog in the fight.? They haven?t been defending a point of view on the idea, so the idea will be investigated with less bias.? This would have the salutary effect of creating more well-rounded researchers that have broader interests, and, more skeptical researchers.? It also might allow journals to publish articles that indicate that a certain area of inquiry is a dead end, which does not get done as often as it should.

This is an attempt to make economics and biometrics into sciences, by forcing more neutrality into the research.? The scientific method requires a neutral observer, but sadly, many researchers become patrons of their pet ideas, and the sorry excuse called ?peer review? at the journals does not weed that out.? Peer review reinforces the biases of the majority most of the time.

My proposal will never be adopted because the cozy academic guilds are ever so happy to leave their ?research? unchallenged, so that they can keep their cushy jobs, even though they produce little of lasting value.

Summary: if an idea is true, it shouldn?t matter which competent researcher investigates it.? We believe in a neutral observer.? Well, let?s make the observer genuinely neutral, and see how much trash gets discarded, and real truths preserved.

6 thoughts on “Improving Publishing in the Social Sciences

  1. Tried this once years ago. There were three competing designs for a complex electro-mechanical consumer product and three competing designers. I was one of them. We were getting no where beyond bickering, so I got the bright idea of swapping designs. Amazing thing happened, each saw the merits of the other’s design and began arguing for it as though it were his own. So we swapped again. Further progress was made in each case, but this time we were able to sit down and rationally discuss the merits of each design, each designer being intimately familiar with all the ins and outs, and make a good final decision. The extra time was well spent. I doubt whether this would work any more. I’m amazed it worked then. Most people won’t work on anything until they become emotionally invested in it. Corporations spend a lot of money with consultants who claim they can enhance emotional investment. The best that can be done in the case of government grant monies given to basic research is that they be split equally among opposing hypotheses. If there are no opposing hypotheses then no money. This will never happen either because it is the very antithesis of politics, or “arbitrary consensus building”.

  2. David, this is a neat idea, but given human nature, I can easily see it being circumvented. A social scientist assigned a project involving a hypothesis about which he has a strong opinion can still bring a bias to the way the research is conducted, because he has a strong belief about what the outcome “ought” to be.

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