Day: July 24, 2012

Concentrated Interest

Concentrated Interest

I used to think that Barack Obama was one of the more intelligent Presidents of the United States, but I no longer do.? Consider his recent statements, which show his socialistic attitude:

???? There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back.? They know they didn?t — look, if you?ve been successful, you didn?t get there on your own.? You didn?t get there on your own.? I?m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart.? There are a lot of smart people out there.? It must be because I worked harder than everybody else.? Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.? (Applause.)

???? If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help.? There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.? Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive.? Somebody invested in roads and bridges.? If you?ve got a business — you didn?t build that.? Somebody else made that happen.? The Internet didn?t get invented on its own.? Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

No man is an island.? We know that.? But in any big enterprise, there is the difficulty of organizing the efforts of all to create something that will satisfy the needs/desires of many.? It is true in business; it is true in war; it is even true in politics, more’s the pity.

Those that structure and plan, who create work so that others can do relatively simple tasks and be paid are valuable people; they have unique skills, and deserve to earn a lot if their efforts result in a lot of satisfied customers.

Our public schools do not train people to be entrepreneurs; they train people to be clerks and technicians.? That said, one advantage the US has over other nations is that we are willing to be flexible, and let failures figure out how they will survive.? Not knowing how you will pay the bills is a great incentive toward initiative.

Back to the main topic.? If you have built a successful business, you have done an amazing thing that most people could not do.? You took the efforts of many men and concentrated them toward a specific task of satisfying the needs of customers.? That is tough stuff, and few can do that well.

Bureaucrats can’t create a business.? Okay, maybe they can create failures like Fannie and Freddie.? They might be able to create a technology by accident, but not know what it could be used for.? Though Arpanet was the precursor to the Internet, it could not create the wide diversity of services created in the private sphere.? It’s like talking about the things the Chinese invented ahead of the West, but they never exploited those inventions.? The private sector did far more to make the Internet useful than the US Government did.

Having a concentrated interest for profit is what sharpens businesses, and makes them more responsive to the needs of people.? This is preferable to having a big government dictate what businesses and individuals ought to do, because the government by its nature is either “one size fits all” (good, sort of) or cronyist, playing favorites (bad).

Everyone has people who helped them and trained them in this life.? That doesn’t mean the government can take credit and demand full allegiance and high taxes.? Most of the time, productive people had good parents, and as one of my mentors said to me, “Children who are not taught by their parents do not get taught.”? He put five children through the public schools, all of them bright.

It takes thought and effort to create a big organization and prosper.? Don’t let naysayers deceive you.? If you built a successful business, you did something significant.? You built it.? Yes, the common resources of society support many of us, but using the common resources and the efforts of those who are only capable of doing a job is significant, and worthy of praise, not condescension from a man who has never built anything significant in his life, and presently destroys opportunities through bad policy.

Book Review: Prisoner of the State

Book Review: Prisoner of the State

Before I start this evening, a note to readers: if you like my reviews, vote them up at

This book is very different than most I review.? First, it should not have existed.? While the author was under house arrest, he found time to dictate the book, recording over music tapes of his children & grandchildren.? He then? handed out the tapes few-by-few to friends who then somehow gathered them together into one place to create this book which is available in English and Chinese.? (Again, to those reading this at Amazon, there are links at my blog.)

Zhao Ziyang was a member of the Chinese Communist Party from his youth, joining the party at age 19.? He proved to be an able administrator, and the provinces that he served/led tended to prosper.

Why did they prosper?? He gave them more freedom economically.? Control was only at the highest levels, whereas low level control in other provinces of China tended to produce bad results.? Freeing up agriculture aided the Chinese economy in a large way: the people no longer starved.

Zhao kept his head low during “The Great Leap Forward,” and also during “The Cultural Revolution.”? Until he became Premier in 1980, he kept his head low.? He was the sort of guy who got things done quietly, and did not trumpet his achievements.

As Premier, he was entrusted with oversight over the Chinese economy.? Because of his prior successes he was inclined to offer more an more freedom to the economy, and did so until his ouster in 1989.? This resulted in considerable economic growth, but also resentment from hardliners, who felt that they were losing control of China.

In 1985, the hardliners started to go after Hu Yaobang, General Secretary of the Party, who was relatively liberal on freeing up the economy.? By 1987, they oust him, and against his wishes, Zhao Ziyang becomes the General Secretary of the Party.

In April of 1989, Hu Yaobang dies.? Students protest in the streets because he had offered some hope of political reform.? Zhao urges lenience to the protestors, and urges them to go back to their studies.? They continue the protest.? The hardliners prevail upon Deng Xiaoping to use the military against the students, who may have wanted to preserve Zhao’s decision, but not against unified opposition from hardliners in the Party.

Zhao chose to step down, rather than enforce Deng’s decision, which came with no vote in favor on the Standing Committee.? The Tienanmen massacre occurred, and Zhao Ziyang was confined to his home for the next 15+ years.

That’s the history, and very brief.? Here are a few things to make the matters more clear:

To those in the upper levels of the Party, the Cultural Revolution was a horror.? The ideological rigidity of the far left of the Party was stifling, and being killed or re-educated for slight variations from the party line was not something that most wanted to repeat after the death of Mao.? We can all be grateful that Mao recalled Deng from re-education shortly before his death.

Zhao Ziyang worked as a “fitter” at the Xiangzhong mechanics factory in Lianyuan County, in the Province of Hunan during part of the Cultural Revolution.? He was purged in 1967, and restored relatively quickly in 1971.

But there were some in the Party who did not like any type of reform.? They liked the control from the Marxist/Leninist policies, whether they grew the economy or not.? Even if rejecting the excesses of the Cultural Revolution, they still wanted as much control as possible.? Those “Party Elders” made life tough for Hu and Zhao.

Deng Xiaoping was a man who wanted the benefits of free markets, but would not free politics.? He saw how the experiments of Hu and Zhao were leading to a stronger economy, but did not want to countenance the idea of Democracy.? He wanted the Communist Party to have singular control over the economy, because it enabled the government to act quickly as it needed, with all the resources of China at its disposal.? Deng wanted economic reform, but when it was convenient for him to placate hardliners, he threw Hu, then Zhao, under the bus.? He eventually in 1992 took a tour through the special economic zones of Southern China, showing his alliance with economic reform.

Deng wanted political reform, but that has various meanings.? To Hu and Zhao, it meant more democracy and economic freedom.? To Deng, it meant cleaning up the corruption that inevitably occurs in a mixed system — socialism typically has a lot of corruption.? Deng was not realistic; you can’t change the nature of man.? Hu and Zhao knew that freeing things up would eliminate incentives to cheat.

At the end of the book, Zhao talks about the need to move China, or at least the Party, to some form of Democracy, with checks and balances, which is something that Deng does not want, because it slows the government’s power to act.

Zhao and Hu were two men born ahead of their time.? Every citizen of China should be grateful for all they did and suffered, because they tried to promote your liberty.


In general, I think Zhao was naive, and Hu was tone-deaf.? Hu did not respond to the requests of Deng to act on bourgeois liberalism.? Zhao let the student demonstrations after Hu’s death? frame him.

After he was confined to his house, he appealed to many senior party members as to what the Chinese Constitution said was illegal about his imprisonment.? He was naive.? After going through the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, why should anyone believe that the Chinese Government would honor its own constitution?? After all, there is no division of powers, as Zhao sought, and Deng did not.

Who would benefit from this book:?? Anyone who wants to understand the politics and economics of China better would benefit from this book.? If you want to, you can buy it here: Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang.

Full disclosure: I bought this book with my own money.

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