Day: August 18, 2012

The Future Belongs to Those with Patience

The Future Belongs to Those with Patience

I’ve finished the book “Bailout” and will review it next week.? I am in the midst of the book “The Crisis of Crowding,” and will likely review it next week.? What I write this evening is a bit of an experiment, and preparatory to what I write on “The Crisis of Crowding.”

Here’s the issue: I spend more time on liability issues than most investors.? How is an investment financed?? For those that have access to RealMoney, these old articles of mine explain the issues very well:

Managing Liability Affects Stocks, Pt. 1
Separating Weak Holders From the Strong
Get to Know the Holders? Hands, Part 1
Get to Know the Holders? Hands, Part 2

In hindsight, I wish we could have had consistent titles for the articles.? The broad idea is this: how much risk might the holder of the asset be taking on depending on how he finances the asset?? The asset in question is a long duration asset, like a house or a factory.? Consider the spectrum:

  • I own the asset “free and clear.”? I have other unencumbered assets to deal with uncertainties.
  • I own the asset “free and clear.”
  • I have a significant amount of equity invested in the asset, and the rest is borrowed on fixed terms.
  • I have a normal amount of equity invested in the asset, and the rest is borrowed on fixed terms.
  • I have a modest amount of equity invested in the asset, and the rest is borrowed on fixed terms.? I had to pay a higher interest rate to do this.
  • I have a modest amount of equity invested in the asset, and the rest is borrowed on floating rate terms.
  • I have no equity invested in the asset, and the financing is borrowed on floating rate terms.

As you go down the spectrum, the odds of loss go up that the owner of the asset might ever lose control of the asset.? As financing shifts toward the end of the spectrum, the odds of a bubble go up, as cheap financing allows marginal buyers to buy more of the asset in question.

Now this can be framed more generally: what are the likelihood of outcomes on the assets that I buy versus the fixed commitments needed to support my purchase, or the internals of the asset (i.e. too much internal debt).? The rate needed to support the purchase could be the rate needed to support a happy retirement.

And there is the problem.? When needs are fixed and outcomes are variable, it can be quite a trouble, particularly when asset prices have been rising because of increased buying power from debt arrangements.? Almost all systems would be relatively stable without debt.? Even the dot-com bubble had its slug of debt from internal trade financing, and the need to pay taxes s a result of the options received.

When a large number of people are relying on decent-sized short-term asset price gains in order to do well, that is a recipe for disaster.? Note: at the same time, that don’t need to make money, and have financial flexibility, don’t care to invest, because asset prices are too high compared to the cash flows that they are likely to throw off.? They invest in cash-like equivalents, carefully researched ideas that look weird, biding their time, looking dumb as the mania proceeds.

When those that are inflexible expect a lot, and those that are flexible expect nothing, that is the peak of the market.? There is no one left to buy the speculative assets in question, and things will mean-revert.

Prices of the speculative assets start to fall, and things cascade in ways that few would expect, because as prices fallvarious liabilities are called into question.? And, if the liabilities are called into question, so are those who funded the liabilities, because they are less certain of receiving the cash flows that they expected.? This process continues until only those with modest or no borrowings is left standing, or the government intervenes to protect her chosen.

[Note: all liabilities are assets of someone else, and net in aggregate to zero.? That is even true of the duration of liabilities; aggregate liability durations net to zero as well.? Liabilities are an important sideshow in a world driven by assets.]

The bottom comes when those that are inflexible expect nothing or worse, and those that are flexible expect that will make decent money as they wait.? This is a trite saying, but as a friend of mine once said, “The tritest sayings in life are true,” here is the saying, “Patience is a virtue.”? In investing, good things flow over time to those who are willing to invest during crisis, and sit back during the latter parts of a boom.? Bad things come to those that chase the market, investing when things are hot, and divesting when things are not.

Asset returns are not what the financial planners tell you.? Asset returns are lumpy.? They are feast and famine, with more feast than famine, but with enough famine scare a lot of people away.? The good returns come when most are scared, and think the market is rigged.? The bad returns come after a period of prosperity, and those that don’t understand the market start investing, because it seems to be free money.? As I often say, the lure of seemingly free money brings out the worst in people. (Someone please send the memo to Ben Bernanke.)

Those who are patient in investing earn most of the rewards over the long haul.? Others may clip gains at the edges, but real wealth stems from owning the best assets when few want to invest, and being patient when opportunities are few.

Now, if everyone knew this and acted like this, the market would get really dull, and would grow at the rate of book value, like private businesses do.? But not everyone is patient and provident.? Moral tendencies vary.? In the long run, those that insist on returns in the short run don’t get them, while those those that wait for returns in the long run do.


I’m planning on writing a summary post on the crisis, to explain what drove the crisis, and what did not.? The framework that I have given here will instruct that process.

Using Investment Advice, Part IV

Using Investment Advice, Part IV

My last point on investment advice is to think long-term and treat it as a business.? You are trying to buy underpriced cash flow streams.

Because it is a business, you must focus on the long term, and downplay short cycle information.? Don’t let the media scare you or make you greedy.? There are bumps and jolts in all investing.? Keep your eyes on the long term.? Always ask yourself when reading news, “What is the long-term effect on profitability?”? Often good companies have bad quarters or years.? The same is true of bad companies having good years.? Look at the long-term profitability, and downplay the short-term noise.

By short-term noise, I largely mean the media.? That includes the web, and those that tout stocks on a short-run basis. There are several problems here:

1) Media investment advice (and that from Wall Street as well) is biased toward buying.? Articles will give you a list of stocks to buy either generally, or in a given industry.? The biggest problem is that they won’t generally follow up on their recommendations, nor will they tell you what the time horizon is for the recommendation, or what catalyst should lead you to sell.

2) You will not see many articles offering a list of stocks to sell.? There are several reasons for this: a) most readers have some cash, which they could use to buy stock.? Most readers do not own the stocks that one might suggest to sell, so unless readers are enterprising enough to sell short, which even fewer are willing to do, your article is of little value to the average person. b) Do you want the possibility of a lawsuit?? Unlikely, but could happen. c) If you rely on advertising, do you want the reputation of shooting companies down?

There is an even bigger reason behind this: the world is designed to be 100% long.? That is the norm.? Shorting is a side-bet.? Even holding cash is a side bet, trusting in the veracity of a central bank that mostly has claims on the taxation power of the government.

3) Most people in the media are not investors.? As journalists, they have to be neutral.? At least there has to be significant disclosure of interests.? Readers should ask themselves, “What does this writer know that I don’t?? Who disagrees with him?”? In good investment shops, they have a process where they challenge opinions.? Rarely do you see that in the media, where two parties present opposite opinions.

4) Even when professionals go on the air or on the web, be skeptical.? (This includes me.)? They may have an interest to mention stocks that are close to their “Sell” level, but they will not mention companies that they are currently acquiring.? Hey, I went through that when writing for RealMoney.? I could write about things only once we had our full position on.? It is normal for firms to not allow their employees to write, ever.? It is second most normal to allow them to write only when the firm’s interests are not affected.

5) There’s no measurement process, no feedback when people give investment advice in the media.? They seem more credible when they are on the Web, TV, Radio, but does that really make them more competent?? It does make them more marketable.

6) Investing is best when it is businesslike.? Good opinions take a lot of time to form within investment firms.? If anyone can do the “lightning round,” Cramer can.? But good investing isn’t typically snap decisions, so we should not give a lot of credence to anyone’s off-the-cuff remarks.

7) Remember, few people writing/speaking on investments are doing you favors.? They have their agenda.? Some make it clearer, like me, and others don’t.? Be aware, you are your own best defender.

8 ) Few writers will urge caution on asset allocation because it is a boring topic, and besides articles on bonds don’t sell.? People read advice that excites, not that which preserves safety, at least not to the same degree.

9) One last note, good value investing is usually boring.? There may be some interesting tales, but who will be good/talented enough to do all of the research and spill it for free?? There are uses for such a person that pay more.

This probably ends my series on Investment Advice, but feel free to send questions, ideas, etc.? Thanks for reading this.

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