Day: April 15, 2013

Classic: The Fundamentals of Market Tops

Classic: The Fundamentals of Market Tops

I wrote the following at RealMoney on 1/13/2004:




Market Analysis


Watch out for a momentum-driven investor base.

Companies will take advantage of a topping market by raising cash.

A top in the market is not imminent.


I am basically a fundamentalist in my investing methods, but I do see value in trying to gauge when markets are likely to make a top or bottom out. The methods that I will describe in this column are somewhat vague, but I always have believed that investment is a game that you win by being approximately right. Precision is of secondary importance.

At the end of this column, I will apply my reasoning to the current market to show what concerns exist and why there is reason for optimism.

The Investor Base Becomes Momentum-Driven

Valuation is rarely a sufficient reason to be long or short the market. Absurdity is like infinity. Twice infinity is still infinity. Twice absurd is still absurd. Absurd valuations, whether high or low, can become even more absurd if the expectations of market participants become momentum-based. Momentum investors do not care about valuation; they buy what is going up, and sell what is going down.

You’ll know a market top is probably coming when:

  1. The shorts already have been killed. You don’t hear about them anymore. There is general embarrassment over investments in short-only funds.
  2. Long-only managers are getting butchered for conservatism. In early 2000, we saw many eminent value investors give up around the same time. Julian Robertson, George Vanderheiden, Robert Sanborn, Gary Brinson and Stanley Druckenmiller all stepped down shortly before the market top.
  3. Valuation-sensitive investors who aren’t total-return driven because of a need to justify fees to outside investors accumulate cash. Warren Buffett is an example of this. When Buffett said that he “didn’t get tech,” he did not mean that he didn’t understand technology; he just couldn’t understand how technology companies would earn returns on equity justifying the capital employed on a sustainable basis.
  4. The recent past performance of growth managers tends to beat that of value managers. (I am using the terms growth and value in a classic sense here. Growth managers attempt to ascertain the future prospects of firms with little focus on valuation. Value managers attempt to calculate the value of a firm with less credit for future prospects.) In short, the future prospects of firms become the dominant means of setting market prices.
  5. Momentum strategies are self-reinforcing due to an abundance of momentum investors. Once momentum strategies become dominant in a market, the market behaves differently. Actual price volatility increases. Trends tend to maintain themselves over longer periods. Selloffs tend to be short and sharp.
  6. Markets driven by momentum favor inexperienced investors. My favorite way that this plays out is on CNBC. I gauge the age, experience and reasoning of the pundits. Near market tops, the pundits tend to be younger, newer and less rigorous. Experienced investors tend to have a greater regard for risk control, and believe in mean-reversion to a degree. Inexperienced investors tend to follow trends. They like to buy stocks that look like they are succeeding and sell those that look like they are failing.
  7. Defined benefit pension plans tend to be net sellers of stock. This happens as they rebalance their funds to their target weights.

Corporate Behavior

Corporations respond to signals that market participants give. Near market tops, capital is inexpensive, so companies take the opportunity to raise capital.

Here are ways that corporate behaviors change near a market top:

  1. The quality of IPOs declines, and the dollar amount increases. By quality, I mean companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage, and that can generate ROE in excess of cost of capital within a reasonable period.
  2. Venture capitalists can do no wrong, so lots of money is attracted to venture capital.
  3. Meeting the earnings number becomes paramount. What is ignored is balance sheet quality, cash flow from operations, etc.
  4. There is a high degree of visible and/or hidden leverage. Unusual securitization and financing techniques proliferate. Off balance sheet liabilities become very common.
  5. Cash flow proves insufficient to finance some speculative enterprises and some financial speculators. This occurs late in the game. When some speculative enterprises begin to run out of cash and can’t find anyone to finance them, they become insolvent. This leads to greater scrutiny and a sea change in attitudes for financing of speculative companies.
  6. Elements of accounting seem compromised. Large amounts of earnings stem from accruals rather than cash flow from operations.
  7. Dividends become less common. Fewer companies pay dividends, and dividends make up a smaller fraction of earnings or free cash flow.

In short, cash is the lifeblood of business. During speculative times, watch it like a hawk. No array of accrual entries can ever provide quite the same certainty as cash and other highly liquid assets in a crisis.

Other Gauges

These two factors are more macro than the investor base or corporate behavior but are just as important.

Near a top, the following tends to happen:

  1. Implied volatility is low and actual volatility is high. When there are many momentum investors in a market, prices get more volatile. At the same time, there can be less demand for hedging via put options, because the market has an aura of inevitability.
  2. The Federal Reserve withdraws liquidity from the system. The rate of expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet slows. This causes short interest rates to rise, making financing more expensive. As this slows down the economy, speculative ventures get hit hardest. Remember that monetary policy works with a six- to 18-month lag; also, this indicator works in reverse when the Fed adds liquidity to the system.

One final note about my indicators: I have found that different indicators work for market bottoms and tops, so don’t blindly apply these in reverse to try to gauge bottoms.

No Top Now

There are reasons for concern in the present environment. Valuations are getting stretched in some parts of the market. Debt capital is cheap today. There are an increasing number of momentum investors in the market. Making the earnings estimate is once again of high importance. Nonetheless, a top in the market is not imminent, for these reasons:

  • The Fed is on hold for now. Liquidity is ample, perhaps too much so.
  • Actual price volatility is muted.
  • Since all of the accounting scandals of the last few years, many corporations have cleaned up their accounting and become more conservative.
  • Cash flow from operations comprises a high proportion of current earnings. More dividends are getting paid.
  • Leverage has not declined, but most corporations have succeeded in refinancing themselves in a low interest rate environment.
  • Conservative asset managers have not been fired yet.
  • Most IPOs don’t seem outlandish.

Not all of the indicators that I put forth have to appear for there to be a market top. A preponderance of them appearing would make me concerned, and that is not the case now.

Some of my indicators are vague and require subjective judgment. But they’re better than nothing, and kept me out of the trouble in 1999 and 2000. I hope that I — and you — can achieve the same with them as we near the next top.

The current market environment is not as favorable as it was a year ago, but there are still some reasonably valued companies with seemingly clean accounting to buy at present. Right now, being long the market is more compelling to me than being flat, much less short.

Classic: Avoid the Dangers of Data-Mining, Part 2

Classic: Avoid the Dangers of Data-Mining, Part 2

The following was published on 6/1/2004 at




Investing Strategies


Models that work well on data about the past may not work in the future.

Check methods for weak points, like overfitting or ignoring illiquidity or business relationships.

Keep in mind some practical considerations when testing a theory.


Other Areas of Data-Mining


In 1992-1993, there were a number of bright investors who had “picked the lock” of the residential?mortgage-backed securities market. Many of them had estimated complex multifactor relationships that allowed them to estimate the likely amount of mortgage prepayment within mortgage pools.

Armed with that knowledge, they bought some of the riskiest securities backed by portions of the cash flows from the pools. They probably estimated the past relationships properly, but the models failed when no-cost prepayment became common, and failed again when the Federal Reserve raised rates aggressively in 1994. The failures were astounding: David Askin’s hedge funds, Orange County, the funds at Piper Jaffray that Worth Bruntjen managed, some small life insurers, etc. If that wasn’t enough, there were many major financial institutions that dropped billions on this trade without failing.

What’s the lesson? Models that worked well in the past might not work so well in the future, particularly at high degrees of leverage. Small deviations from what made the relationship work in the past can be amplified by leverage into huge disasters.

I recommend Victor Niederhoffer and Laurel Kenner’s book, Practical Speculation, because the first half of the book is very good at debunking data-mining. But it also mines data on occasion. In Chapter 9, for example, the authors test methods to improve on buying and holding the index over long periods by adjusting position sizes based off of the results of prior years. Enough results were tested that it was likely that one of them might show something that would have worked in the past. My guess is that the significant results there are a statistical fluke and may not work in the future. The results did not work in the recent 2000-2002 downturn.

As an aside, one of the reasons Niederhoffer’s hedge fund blew up is that he placed too much trust in the idea that the data could tell him what events could not happen. The market has a funny way of doing what everyone “knows” it can’t, particularly when a majority of market participants rely on an event not happening. In this case, Niederhoffer knew that when U.S. banks fall by 90% in price and survive, typically they are a good value. Applying that same insight to banks in Thailand demanded too much of the data, and was fatal to his funds.

What to Watch Out for

Investors who are aware of data-mining and its dangers can spot trouble when they review quantitative analyses by looking for these seven signals:

1. Small changes in method lead to big changes in results. In these cases, the method has likely been too highly optimized. It may have achieved good results in the past through overfitting the model, which would interpret some of the noise of the past as a signal to return to the earlier analogy.

2. Good modeling takes into account the illiquidity of certain sectors of the market. Any method that comes out with a result that indicates you should invest a large percentage of money in a small asset class or small stock should be questioned. Illiquid or esoteric assets should be modeled with a liquidity penalty for investment. They can’t be traded, except at a high cost.

3. Be careful of models that force frequent trading, particularly if they ignore commission costs, bid/ask spreads, and, if you are large enough relative to the market, market impact costs. These factors make up a large portion of what is called implementation shortfall. In general, implementation shortfall often eats up half of the excess returns predicted by back-testing, even when back-testing is done with an eye to avoiding data-mining.

For a full description on the pitfalls of implementation shortfall, read Investing by the Numbers, by Jarrod X. Wilcox.? Chapter 10 discusses this issue in detail. This is the best single book I know of on quantitative methods in investing.

4. Be careful when a method uses a huge number of screens in order to come down to a tiny number of stocks and then, with little or no further analysis, says these are the ones to buy or sell. Though the method may have worked very well in the past, accounting data are, by their very nature, approximate and manipulable; they require further processing in order to be useful. Screening only winnows down the universe of stocks to a number small enough for security analysis to begin. It can never be a substitute for security analysis.

5. Avoid using quantitative methods that lack a rational business explanation. Effective quantitative methods usually come from processes that mimic the actions of intelligent businessmen. Never confuse correlation with causation. Sometimes two economic variables with little obvious financial relationship to each other will show a statistically significant relationship in the past. Two financials merely being correlated in the past does not mean that they will be so in the future. This is particularly true when there is no business reason that relates them.

6. Look for the use of a control. A control is a portion of the data series not used to estimate the relationship. It’s left to the side to test the relationship after the “best” model is chosen. Often, the control will indicate that the “best” method isn’t all that good. And beware of methods that use the control data multiple times in order to test the best methods. That defeats the purpose of a control by data-mining the control sample.

7. One of the trends in accounting is to make increasingly detailed rules in an attempt (wrongheaded) to fit each individual company more precisely. The problem with that is it makes many ratios difficult to compare across companies and industries without extra massaging to make the data comparable. This makes thinning out a stock universe via screening to be less useful as a tool. For quantitative analysis to succeed, the data need to represent the same thing across different firms.

Practical Recommendations

There are many pitfalls in quantitative analysis. But three simple considerations will help protect investors from the dangers of data-mining.

1. Paper trade any new quantitative method that you consider using. Be sure to charge yourself reasonable commissions, and take into account the bid/ask spread. Take into account market impact costs if you are trading in a particularly illiquid market. Even after all this, remember that your real-world results often will underperform the model.

2. Think in terms of sustainable competitive advantage. What are you bringing to the process that is not easily replicable? How does the method allow you to use your business judgment? Is the method so commonly used that even if it is a good model, returns still might be meager? Even good methods can be overused.

3. If doing quantitative analysis, do it honestly and competently. Form your theory before looking at the data and then test your theory. Then, if the method is a good one, apply the results to your control. If you perform quantitative analysis this way, you will have fewer methods that seem to work, but the ones that pass this regimen should be more reliable.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Market Dynamics


  • The Scary Risks of Safety Bubble Up Never forget that dividend stocks r stocks & that assets r risky if overpriced $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Cheap Mortgages Are Hiding the Truth About Home Prices If Mtge rates r artificially low then housing prices r high $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Suckers! Tech Execs Selling Stock as Nasdaq Hits High Fed is the tide; who will b found swimming naked when it ebbs $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Banking Business: Complexity Cubed If you want to simplify corporate structure, start simplifying the tax code $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • The 14% Rate of Corporate Profits Will Eventually Revert 2 Mean, Spoiling the Party Don’t use P/E 2 measure cheap $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Most big companies, unless they r simple start to underperform at mkt cap > $100B. Managing the complexity is virtually impossible. $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • How The Equity Q Ratio Anticipates Stock Market Crashes & The Q Ratio and Market Valuation $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Check Here to Tip Taxi Drivers or Save for 401(k) Stupid efforts at manipulating behavior eventually fail $$ #quitit Apr 10, 2013
  • Questions to Ask Your Adviser About Fees Main things what do you pay & find out who else is paying him Apr 09, 2013




  • Merkel?s No-Nuke Stumble May Erode Re-Election Support An unforced error; far better 2 invest in Nuke plant safety $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Swedish Banks Make Money Ditching Cash as Krona Goes Virtual It is a mistake to make $$ disappear. Ask Cyprus why $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Economic Crisis Hits the Netherlands Imagine a nation where 120% LTV loans & trading homes every 3 yrs is common $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • ECB Survey Challenges Image of Poor Southern Europe I suspect this study is wrong or measuring the wrong thing $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Why Thatcher Wouldn?t Succeed in Our ?Lean In? Culture U have to + in the concept of killing sacred cows w/courage $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Portugal austerity plan frays Top court struck down wage cuts and lower pensions for state workers; what now, Troika? Apr 09, 2013
  • Soros: Europe faces ‘slow death’ Japan is trying to escape Seems 2 argue for massive QE, but no sign that QE works Apr 08, 2013
  • Why Rescue Fragile Banks? Outsource Them Instead Exile TBTF banks to the E-Zone; let them pay 4 the bailouts Apr 08, 2013
  • Europe Builds Own Chapter 11 Moves closer to the US, but still is not as flexible in rehabilitating corporations Apr 07, 2013


Credit Markets


  • Foreclosures Jump in New York as US Sees Decline: Mortgages Judicial f/c states catch up w/the rest of the US $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Pimco’s Gross Turns Positive on 10-Year Treasurys Guessing what central banks will want 2 buy, mug’s game Apr 10, 2013
  • Bank Investors Press Breakups to Add Value, Burnell Says Biggest banks r worth more broken up; can’t manage well $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Banks rethink the branch, but will it work? This article is just another way 2say there r2 many banks & branches $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • The leverage story banks want to hide To avoid bank insolvency focus on liquidity of assets/liabs in stressed times Apr 09, 2013
  • Contagion Starts Small Small->large requires domino debt failures, needing liquidity for illiquid, or safety mismatch Apr 09, 2013
  • Time bomb to the next crash is ticking as debt sales surge Investors requiring safety mismatch buying unsafe debt Apr 09, 2013
  • Where Bank Regulators Go to Get Rich An astounding array of former regulators aiding “end arounds” on regulation Apr 08, 2013



Rest of the World


  • Ghost of Suharto Seen in Boomtowns Leading Indonesia Growth Indonesia often booms near end of global econ cycle $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Low bond yields luring global central banks into equities: survey This is so unorthodox & cronyist it beggars belief Apr 09, 2013
  • Why Capitalism Won?t Change North Korea?s Regime Current leaders will lose out if people learn how badly they live $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Clashes Highlight Egyptian Divide Hippocratic Oath applies to diplomacy w/”regime change:” “First do no harm!” Apr 08, 2013
  • Is the Global Economy Slowly Falling Apart? Good list of some of the major problems; overstated title/weak conclusion Apr 08, 2013




  • A Day in the Life of a Beijing ‘Black Guard’ Secretive groups stop Chinese citizens complaining about local govts $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • China Exports Miss Forecasts as ?Absurd? Data Probed Will b interesting 2c how people revise views on Chinese data $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • In China, off-balance-sheet lending risks lurk in the shadows Tough Q: how do the shadow banks & municipalities fund? Apr 09, 2013
  • New Bird Flu Seen Having Some Markers of Airborne Killer No sign of mammal-to-mammal transmission, would not worry Apr 07, 2013
  • China Says It Can Manage H7N9 Virus as Infections Rise No human-to-human transmission yet, SARS-like most likely Apr 08, 2013





US Politics & Policy


  • Options Few as US Leaders Told Saturday Mail Can?t End Raise all postage prices, & double 4 junk mail $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Boomers Push Doctor-Assisted Dying in End-of-Life Revolt It’s almost like the Boomers want to corrupt everything $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Medical School at $278,000 Means Even Bernanke Son Has Debt Bad idea 2 invest where rules can b changed against u $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Obama seeks to reduce US subsidy of crop insurance It is time 2 end ALL Ag subsidies; just goes 2 Big Agriculture $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • FOMC Minutes Show Several Members Saw QE Over by Year-End Don’t think so, but if true, lighten up on risk assets $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Andy Kessler: The Pension Rate-of-Return Fantasy Excellent piece: bad pension assumptions; will lead2 benefit cuts $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Interview with Harvard Economist Carmen Reinhart on Financial Repression Sane words amid macroeconomic snake oil $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • USDA asks White House to approve sugar-for-ethanol program Utter corruption, $$ in the pockets of the US Sugar lobby Apr 09, 2013
  • A Primer for Understanding Obama’s Budget This is y Federal Debt always goes up by more than the planned deficit Apr 09, 2013
  • Evangelicals Push Immigration Path Governments limit immigration 4 selfish reasons; migrants come b/c desperation Apr 09, 2013
  • U.S. Plans New Laser Weapon for Persian Gulf Don’t get too excited; it only works at short range #studyphysics Apr 09, 2013
  • O?Malley Wins on Guns, Taxes Seen as 2016 Resume-Packing Raided liability funds 2 finance current spending #phony Apr 09, 2013
  • How Obamacare Will Distort the Health-Care Market This was easy2c in advance; ability to adjust premiums very limited Apr 08, 2013
  • Rhode Island’s Scary State Treasurer Raimondo fires back after Forbes contributor attacks her Apr 08, 2013
  • Workers Stuck in Disability Stunt Economic Recovery Many of these people should be called unemployed, not disabled Apr 08, 2013
  • Chicago Mayor’s Pension Conundrum Tip of the iceberg; this is going on in different ways in all US states Apr 08, 2013





  • Wrong: This Underused Metric Points To Big-Name Bargains 4 of 8 “bargains” r insurers; no way 2calc free cash flow $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Wrong: Kill the 30-Yr Mortgage You don’t finance long-term assets like homes w/short-term debt. Badly thought-out $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • A better long-term solution to make the residential RE mkts more stable would be to ban mortgage insurance & second lien mortgages (HEL) $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Wrong: Stalking the Silent Financial Killer in Our Midst Please kill this while little: LTC not underwritable $$ Apr 10, 2013




  • Mmm, the Flavors of Fermentation Interesting article that points out the many ways we use fermentation 4 flavoring $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Gates Helps Australia?s Richest Man in Bid to End Slavery Noble goal 2 free those who r essentially kidnapped $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • How Thatcher Saved Britain She did not give in 2 the Unions, nor Argentina, nor USSR, nor the media; she stood alone Apr 10, 2013
  • Wood: the fuel of the future Having lived in a town where wood was the most common winter heat source, air was dirty Apr 09, 2013
  • Tour Data Suggest Tiger Woods Owes His Comeback to One Basic Skill?Sinking Putts Drive 4 show; Putt 4 dough. Apr 09, 2013
  • Label Decoder | Protein Additives I think we are creating more health problems by eating processed foods Apr 09, 2013
  • 10 Insanely Overpaid Nonprofit Execs Caught btw managing a large enterprise & charitable mission; fight each other Apr 08, 2013
  • The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World Multiculturalism that cannot tolerate the ideas of conservatives Apr 07, 2013




  • As an aside, SCOR’s balance sheet is more levered than it seems. Reminds me a little of Scottish Re (spit, spit) RGA’s looks solid FD:+ $RGA Apr 11, 2013
  • RGA, Scor in final race for Generali US unit-sources SCOR aggressive, will likely overpay | FD: + $RGA $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Ace?s Greenberg Says Takeover Spree Beats Share Buybacks Seems like Evan is trying 2 create a mini- $AIG $$ $ACE Apr 11, 2013
  • Record levels for global reinsurer capital Listen 2 1Q conf calls, listen 4 pricing, divs, buybacks. EZ $$ been made Apr 10, 2013
  • Metlife on Offensive Against Systemic Tag Life Ins cos shouldn’t b SIFIs unless they have short-dated funding $$ $MET Apr 10, 2013
  • Insurers see promise in pay-for-performance health plans Skeptical: does not remove incentives 4 overuse by doctors Apr 09, 2013




  • Banks Are Not as Bad as You Think: Pettis Afraid I have to disagree, bad banks set back growth in 1870s & 1930s $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Crapo Says He Opposes Setting Capital Standards With Legislation Far better2focus on liquidity analyses under stress Apr 09, 2013




  • Regulators Feeling ‘Social’ Pressure In Age of Twitter, Old Rules That Don’t Address New Media Pose Challenges $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Drug Conjugates: ‘Guided Missiles’ to Treat Cancer Drug conjugates attack tumor cells, rather than just any cells $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • The Future Of Mobile [SLIDE DECK] Long, but data-packed & a breezy read. cc @hblodget thanks, I learned some stuff Apr 09, 2013
  • Sponsors Now Pay for Online Articles, Not Just Ads I get ~10/week of these at my blog. Have never taken any of them. Apr 09, 2013
  • We Just Took A Big Step Toward Having Super High-Definition Desktop Displays So fine u won’t notice the pixels Apr 09, 2013
  • This Simple App Could Put E-Books On Millions Of Phones In The Third World Software & Cheap phones promote literacy Apr 09, 2013
  • Hypothermia Cure: Cooling Infants to Battle Brain Damage Interesting & Odd technology may benefit 0.1%+ of births Apr 09, 2013


US Economy


  • Murdoch-Diller Showdown Threatens to Make Fox Cable-Only Endgame for the separation of content & transmission $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • North Dakota Undergoes Refining Renaissance U know things r hot when a new crude refinery is built from scratch $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • You Got In; Now, Please Come Speaks 2 the overcapacity problem in colleges; high fixed costs r driving pleading $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • ?Everyone believes that, given where we are with interest rates, the only eventual direction is up” I c this said daily maybe more $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • US Transports Economic Pulse : Trucks — Boats – Planes – Trains Two up, two down — all in all, we muddle along Apr 09, 2013
  • I am become Ron Johnson, Destroyer of Worlds @reformedbroker sets up future biz school case study. I + my $0.02 $JCP Apr 09, 2013


Replies, Comments & Retweets

  • Commented on StockTwits: Not really. At present I own the following for clients & me: $NWLI $RGA $AIZ $SFG $AFL &… Apr 11, 2013
  • Ouch RT @ReformedBroker: Gundlach: Forget Fed Minutes, QE is not stopping anytime soon, talk is just talk. Yellen’s down to do this til 2025 Apr 11, 2013
  • RT @ReformedBroker: “Japan is important to watch, it’s a pace car for stock market peaks, weird policy responses and currency debasement … Apr 11, 2013
  • I think so too $$ RT @ReformedBroker: Gundlach: “Emerging market corporate debt is THE best area of investment grade fixed income right now” Apr 11, 2013
  • @fundmyfund If “Everyone Ought to be Rich” then who will deliver the pizzas? 😉 Apr 11, 2013
  • @LaurenLaCapra Another idea: DB available 4 pay: League Tables cost $6 Apr 11, 2013
  • @LaurenLaCapra Thy this and if that’s not enough try this Google query: Take care Apr 11, 2013
  • ‘@PensionDialog 2003 vs now, interest rates were higher & valuations 4 risk assets lower. Pension returns will b lower over next 10 years $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • @ritwik_priya Saw that, though housing values have fallen across much of Europe, particularly where mortgage debt is high Apr 10, 2013
  • @PensionDialog That’s backward looking, while interest rates are forward looking. In 2003, 10Y Tsy yields were more than 2% higher than now Apr 10, 2013
  • ‘@EMostaque To some degree, others will let funding levels stay low (& hope), some will pay more $$ , some will cut benefits where possible Apr 10, 2013
  • @IraApfel Sadly, proposal will reduce assets in MMFs, which r usually more stable than banks in a crisis. Better: $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Yes RT @asymptotix: So, if anyone must leave, it should be Germany (and Finland), not Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain.. Apr 09, 2013
  • @jarrodwilcox A free trade zone in Europe is a good thing & might prevent war; a common currency, the way it is going could start one Apr 09, 2013
  • @jarrodwilcox But I think WW 3 is a boogeyman. Sandwiched between Russia/USSR & the US, that big of a war wouldn’t be likely 2 happen. Apr 09, 2013
  • Probably the latest peak blossom since I’ve been here RT @EddyElfenbein: Cherry blossoms in DC Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @jarrodwilcox: @AlephBlog Euro looks like a disaster until you remember WWII. Political will to overcome divisions may still be will … Apr 09, 2013
  • Those are succinct insights in why the Euro would fail. There were other saying similar things at the time… Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @AndreCimini: @AlephBlog Yes, absolutely. Here’s a couple of very interesting articles on Canada: 1) 2) htt … Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini Cam Hui is a good guy; I usually agree w/him. Second article makes some very good points; I learned from it, tho I knew some Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini It was an interesting article. Interesting to contrast US/States v Canada/Provinces. Provinces do more; linked tighter2Canada Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @AndreCimini: @AlephBlog Here’s why CDN gov’t debt deceiving; add in provincial debt and total debt is around 86% of GDP. http://t.c … Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini Thanks, I had forgotten that. Apr 09, 2013
  • 1 straw blowing in the wind, some go other ways RT @ReformedBroker: Forward Earnings Estimates Set a New Record High Apr 08, 2013
  • @groditi Also factor in the drag from pension liabilities, reductions from spending rules from lower interest rates; I think it washes Apr 08, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 34 retweets received, 2 new listings, 61 new followers, 34 mentions. Via: Apr 11, 2013


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