Day: July 20, 2013

The Rules, Part XLVI

The Rules, Part XLVI

Speculative companies should be evaluated on cash, burn rate, probability of success, size of potential market and margins at maturity.

I rarely buy speculative companies, but it is an interesting question as to how speculative companies like Amazon, Google, or a biotech firm should be valued.? Speculative companies are like options; they often end with no value, and occasionally end with a large value.

Here are my five points:

  • Cash
  • Burn rate
  • Probability of success
  • Size of potential market, and
  • Margins at maturity.

Cash and burn rate tell you how long the company has to play before it fails.? If a company is spending cash in an effort? to produce a profitable business, how long can it do so until it runs out of cash?

That plays into the probability of success — more time means a higher probability, mostly, but desperation can aid success.? Other aspects on probability of success include the competition, novelty/reliability of the science, etc.

If the strategy does succeed, how large could the market be that is served, and how big could the margins be as part of an oligopoly?

But after all that, discount for the probability of failure, and discount the future earnings stream at 20%/year, because this is so uncertain.

As I said to colleagues at one firm I worked for in 2004, “Imagine Google gets 20% of the profits of the global advertising business 10 years out, and holds onto it?? What would that be worth?”

It would be worth a lot, and Google has probably exceeded that profitability estimate, thus the high market valuation of Google.? Give credit to people with clever ideas at the right time.

Anyway, be careful investing in speculative companies — this is an area where you will get more strikeouts than home runs.? I tend to be a singles hitter in investing, but with a high average.? But in the few cases where I look at a speculative company, this is how I do it.


The Rules, Part XLV

The Rules, Part XLV

Market rents are typically fixed in size.? When a strategy to exploit a particular market inefficiency gets too big, returns to the rent disappear, or even go negative prospectively, even if they appear exceedingly productive retrospectively.

If you have read me for any decent amount of time, you know I am big on economic and financial cycles, and how they can’t be eliminated.? There are two groups that think the cycles can be eliminated:

  • Politicians and Central Bankers who think they can create permanent prosperity, when all they really create is an increase in overall debt.
  • Efficient market theorists who think there are no strategies that beat the market.

It is the second group that I am dealing with this evening.? Market strategies trend.? If we have had outperformance from value investing this year,? the odds are good that we will have it next year, unless it has gone on for too many years (5+).

Ideas in investing tend to streak, get overinvested, then die.? This is one reason why I don’t believe articles about the death of various investment concepts.? We need to think about investment ecologically.? There are no permanently valid investment factors to beat the market.? There are many investment factors that beat the market over time, but not while many are pursuing them.? Imitation drives returns, and then over-imitation kills them.

That means we should be wary when a strategy has been working too well for too long.? It also means we should be skeptical when any strategy with a strong thesis behind it is declared “dead.”? That may be the very time to consider it, or maybe wait a year or two.? Many strategies are forgotten; after a time of failure it is time to remember them.

Part of this stems from the biases of institutional investors.? They think that their winnowing down of the investable universe through screening will always produce a good crop of candidates in which to invest.? But that’s not true.? Talented investors think more broadly, and are willing to consider investments that don’t fit within common screens.

The thing is: strategies go in cycles.? They are born at a time when no one loves them.? They gain currency from the good returns of those who adopt them, leading to a frenzy where many adopt the strategy, and returns are great, but now companies that fit the strategy are overvalued.? The process goes into the reverse gear where the strategy is garbage, until enough parties abandon it and the prices of stocks that would be a part of the strategy are attractive.

So when you hear:

  • Value is dead
  • Growth is dead
  • Large caps are dead
  • Small caps are dead (rare)
  • Momentum is dead
  • Low volatility is dead.
  • Quality is dead.
  • Low Quality is dead.
  • XXX industry or sector is dead.

Be skeptical, and begin edging into companies that you like in the “doomed” strategy.? Make sure they have strong balance sheets and competitive positions.? That will protect you if the trend persists.

One more note: this doesn’t work in reverse.? A strategy that has been working for a little while will likely streak.? Resist the trend when it is old, not when it is young.

Finally, remember: there are only tendencies, not laws: markets exist to surprise you.? There are theories that work in the market over time, but they do not work year after year, the results come in lumps, unlike the projections of the financial planners.

And I close by saying to all of my readers — is this not how the market works?? There is momentum, but it sometimes fails dramatically.? Ideas streak, and then collapse far faster.? I say be aware of what has been rewarded and what has not.? Sell stuff that has been rewarded too long, and that which has been recently trashed.? Buy the stuff that has come into favor, and strong companies that have been unduly trashed.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira