
To my readers: I have not been feeling well over the last week.? Ordinarily, I feel quite healthy, and I am grateful to God for the general health I have had over the last 10 years.? But this sickness has made it difficult for me to concentrate, headaches, etc.? Haven’t had headaches in a long time — 5-10 years or so, can’t remember the last time.

So, hopefully I will be writing more soon.? During the downtime I have read a lot, and spent time monitoring and thinking about my business.? But I feel utterly unproductive, tired, and subdued.

Just letting you all know why I have been so quiet.? I have a lot of good stuff to trot out, but getting the focus is difficult when your head is pounding.

One thought on “Apologies

  1. David — Like all of your other readers I appreciate the information you share. We all hope you are feeling better soon.

    Providing content while maintaining excellence is a demanding task. Few are willing even to try, and most of those quit after a short time.

    Best wishes —


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