One thing to do at The Balance is fix old articles.? This article compares speculators and investors.? What I brought to this article was the following:
- Change the phrasing from trading to speculating to be more pointed.
- Add more and better criteria to what an investor does.
- Added the entire section “What To Do”
- Added a picture and more links.? Corrected grammar in a few spots and tightened up some language.
The main reason to edit this article as I did was to give readers more disciplined ideas with respect to buying and selling, and encourage them have rules, and keep a journal of decisions, together with why they bought, and at what point would they sell.? If not, then investors will not take losses when they ought to, and not sell when their thesis is proven false.? That is the way of more and deeper losses.
WIth that, enjoy the article.? It also features my selling rules in the links.