Category: Insurance

Investing In P&C Insurers

Investing In P&C Insurers

When I was half my current age, an actuary in my life insurance firm said to me, “Property-Casualty insurance is not real insurance.? When they lose money, they just raise rates, and they make the money back.”? Today, with greater knowledge, I know that he was half-right.? Here is where he was wrong:

  1. If a P&C insurer risks a significant fraction of its surplus, such that if they could lose enough in a single year that they would not be able to write more business, that is an insurer to avoid.? Good P&C insurers do not bet the farm.? They manage such that they will always stay in the game, allowing themselves to write good business at good rates after a disaster.
  2. If a few badly-run insurers die after a disaster, that is all the better for those that remain.? Capacity exits, and those left standing raise rates and earn strong profits.? P&C insurers and reinsurers that “swing for the fences” tend to die.
  3. As with most things in life, it is those that take moderate risks that do best.? Invest in those P&C insurers.
  4. P&C insurance is insurance on a micro level.? It is not as if losses are directly rated back to insureds.? On a macro level, conservative P&C insurers and reinsurers are toll-takers.
  5. This applies more closely to short-tail and mid-tail insurers.? Long-tail insurers take a long time to validate their underwriting, and in certain environments, can go broke more easily than other P&C insurers.

That said, P&C insurers and reinsurers that underwrite and invest carefully tend to make money regularly, and with a better return on equity than most industries.? It is one big reason why Warren Buffett has done so well over the years.? Small underwriting gains combined with small investing gains can compound quite well, leading to a very nice overall return.

There is one more advantage here.? Insurance fuses the twin problems of uncertainty and time [accruals].? This is difficult enough, but the accounting treatment discourages many from analyzing the insurers.? Complexity in business begets accounting complexity.

That is why I think that my main job with insurers is analyzing the management team. Good management teams think like owners, and reduce exposure when times are aggressive.

That’s why 15% of my portfolios for clients & me are in P&C insurers.? They have done well in the past, and there are no changes indicating why they won’t do well in the long run if they are conservative.


Problems in Life Insurance

Problems in Life Insurance

I am not an FSA, but I am an actuary.? That said, I am not presently practicing inside a life insurance company, so as I write this, there may be some things that I get wrong.

There are two areas that concern me in life insurance accounting at present.? The first is that there is no good way to estimate the reserves for products that have secondary guarantees.? Yes, many actuaries can create models to try to estimate what the reserves should be.? But when you are dealing with variables that are less than predictable ? withdrawal assumptions, investment performance, etc., the results are often less good than desirable.

As a result, there have been reinsurance deals done to eliminate or reduce the formulaic reserves on secondary guarantees.? As a former boss of mine at AIG liked to say, ?I drop my deficiency reserves in the Atlantic Ocean.?? In other words, a Bermuda reinsurer with weaker reserving standards would absorb the secondary guarantee risk, even if it was another AIG subsidiary.? The same can be done through securitization and Special Purpose Vehicles.

Two articles on the topic:

  1. Experts Fear Life Insurers Are Courting Reserve Risk
  2. Captive SPVs: Shadow industry or necessary tool for life insurers?

But here is the more recent problem: allowing insurance companies to use their own models for reserving.? If the results of banks using the Basel Standards were bad, this has the potential to be worse.

You want all setting of reserves/accruals in financial companies to be conservative, and not manipulable by the companies, lest solvency be compromised.

When I was active in pricing, reserving, and cash flow modeling, I felt I had some of the best modeling out there, because most actuaries don?t understand complex regression models, and the components of investment return.

But I would never use my models to set the reserves.? That goes too far.

You don?t want to hand over reserving rules to one hired by the company, no matter how ethical he might be.? That way lies disaster.? There are always subtle pressures put on actuaries to be less conservative, because companies face pressure to show good earnings in the short-run.

Think of the mostly European quants, accountants and actuaries using the Basel standards.? Giving them the authority to set their own reserves for credit using internal models led to setting the reserves too low.? You want to have checks and balances.? You don?t want to have players serving as their own umpires.? So what if the statutory standards are too tight?? That just means earnings will be delayed, not eliminated.? Risk margins should be received as earned, and never capitalized.? Besides, the current crisis shows us that we never truly understand the parameters of the distribution.

Now, the rules in question are Statutory rules, affecting solvency, but not earnings, which come from GAAP.? What Statutory affects is the degree of solvency for subsidiaries, and the amount of free cash flow available to the holding company in the short-run.

This gives a lot of flexibility to management teams, and there is a lot more room to be liberal or conservative in terms of overall leverage policy.? In the short run, there could be a self-reinforcing cycle driving up the prices of life insurers as the less conservative buys the more conservative, resets their reserves, and uses the excess cash flow in the short run to acquire more companies.

Now for three quotations from this Wall Street Journal article on the topic:

Critics of the plan say they fear insurers will go overboard in their effort to placate investors who have grumbled for several years about subpar returns, draining the industry of reserves that could be needed in future financial crises. Many publicly traded life insurers are struggling to post the midteens returns on equity that shareholders want. Analysts say it is too soon to calculate how the new method will filter through to returns.

“This a significant and historic vote for the NAIC, moving forward on a substantive change in policy,” said Thomas Sullivan, a partner with PwC’s regulatory advisory business, and a former Connecticut insurance commissioner.

Once insurers can free up capital, “you could see more competitively priced products to consumers and/or improved financial flexibility for insurers,” Mr. Sullivan said.

Others are less optimistic. The move to principles-based reserving “is one of the most important developments in the history of life insurance,” said Joseph Belth, a professor emeritus of insurance at Indiana University and editor of the Insurance Forum. “Future generations of executives, regulators and consumers will have to deal with the financial carnage.”

Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of the New York Department of Financial Services, had urged fellow regulators to vote no in a letter dispatched last week.

“The insurance industry weathered the financial crisis well precisely because of the careful reserving state regulators have historically required,” Mr. Lawsky said Sunday. “To ignore the lessons of the financial crisis and deregulate the industry, allowing them to keep less in reserves, is unwise.”

Listen to the New York Department of Insurance, which is the giant among pygmies.? They understand insurance regulation, versus most of the others states that don’t, who don’t deserve? a vote.? Listen to Joe Belth, who has fought against all manner of insurance frauds.? He deserves to be listened to as an elder statesman, unlike many others who think loosening up standards will produce some great outcome.

Principles based reserving will be less transparent than current standards.? Think of it this way.? Under the old rules, everyone was using the same algorithm.? You could ask questions about the inputs to it, and whether they were reasonable.? Under the new rules, regulators not only have to ask questions about inputs, but about the algorithms.? I can tell you from my experience, New York and the large states will be challenged trying to regulate that.? The small states?? They can’t even handle the present standards.

Now, it is not a done deal that these standards will come into existence.? Note from this article:

With the adoption of the Valuation Manual and prior approval of revisions to the Standard Valuation Law, the NAIC and Academy can present this as a package to state legislatures for consideration in early 2013. This package must be approved by 42 jurisdictions that represent states in which at least 75 percent of direct premiums are written before PBR takes effect. ?

Both New York and California are against this, and they have 18% of the market.? 8% more against, and this is dead.? Also, I know from my own forays back in 2000, when I led the effort to modernize Maryland’s life insurance investing code that it is very difficult to convince legislators to adopt new standards that they don’t understand.? I succeeded, and mainly because I was able to explain how excesses would be curbed.? With this legislation, I have no idea how you pitch it, aside from the braindead “More flexibility is good for the life insurance industry,” pitch.
I do not stand behind the American Academy of Actuaries.? I was a member of that for years, but I do not see them as promoting the good of all, but only that of the insurance/benefits industries.
Two more articles:

And to put my money where my mouth is, I am willing to testify against this legislation in state capitols as needed.? Maybe I get the fun of going back to Annapolis, but where else might I go?

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Politics & Policy


  • Was the Budget Deficit Worth the Fight? Budget deficits are an assault on the quality of our money & savings $$ @carney Nov 24, 2012
  • None Dare Call It Default A nicer term for what’s about to sock the middle class is ‘entitlement reform.’ $$ Nov 24, 2012
  • Judge Pens New Bankruptcy Chapter US BK Court Judge Thomas Bennett takes on the Jefferson County, AL Ch 9 filing $$ Nov 24, 2012
  • Banks reportedly lining up against Elizabeth Warren committee spot & I say give her a chance $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Globalism goes backward As global growth slows, so does its handmaiden, globalization. $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • 2013 Looks a Lot Like 1937 in 4 Fearsome Ways Pre-election spree, post-reduce deficit, class war, prior laws bite $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • FHA running out of money ?We take the findings of the independent actuary very seriously…? loss reserves too low $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Pension cuts could boost state?s Social Security costs If benefits drop below certain level, have 2 pay SS/Med taxes $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Special Dividends Surge Fourfold as US Tax Increase Looms Last chance 2 reward shareholders w/low div tax rates $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • San Bernardino: How California law, police/firemen, CALPERS, dysfunctional politics, & bad pension acctg rules killed Nov 19, 2012


Monetary Policy


  • Soros Buying Gold as Record Prices Seen on Stimulus Gold prices react2cost of carry; neg in real terms now $$ #zoom Nov 24, 2012
  • Paula Broadwell?s Radar Tracks Generals, Not Fed Bernanke’s/Yellen’s ideas will crumble from stagflation $$ @cabaum Nov 24, 2012
  • Abe threatens to turn BOJ into an unlimited piggy bank for the government Eventually the real economy will rebel $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • It’s a Good Bet the Fed Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing Couldn’t pick a worse Fed 4 crisis: imagines it knows what 2 do $$ Nov 19, 2012




  • Hurdling H-P: Oracle Shows Way in M&A Point is $ORCL ‘s older deals have been productive, $HPQ ‘s not. $$ FD:+$ORCL Nov 23, 2012
  • H-P?s Deal Process Bypassed CFO Pre-Whitman Note that Cathie Lesjak opposed the Autonomy purchase. Smart lady $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Goodwill Hunting @epicureandealmaker takes down a generally cruddy Bloomberg article on $HPQ & Goodwill accounting $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Note to all writing about Hewlett Packard: the ticker is $HPQ, not $HP, which is Helmerich & Payne, which drills oil and gas wells $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Ironic in many ways. HP should have been happy with their engineer-driven pre-Fiorina culture. It did a lot… Nov 20, 2012


Loose Monetary Policy Harms Fringe Nations


  • Debt Burden Adds to Won Gains in Crimping Korea Rebound Loose monetary policy creates debt bubble in S. Korea $$ Nov 24, 2012
  • S&P: Australia is Spain in waiting Heavily indebted financial systems can be like the snowpack prior 2 an avalanche $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Prison of Debt Paralyzes West Government debt after a point does not stimulate, but perpetuates unproductive policy $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Purple Palace Abandoned Shows China Shadow-Banking Risk China is like Japan 23 years ago: fearsome & malinvested $$ Nov 20, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Egypt Presidential Decree Sparks Protests Anyone surprised that the Muslim Brotherhood came out on top? State Dept Nov 23, 2012
  • Can Xi Jinping bring about the change China needs? Long article on the new Chinese leader; very tough road to travel $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Pipeline Would Loosen Russian Stranglehold On European Natural Gas Supply Where there is a will there is a way $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Misconstruing Germany Will Prove to Be Death of the Euro Germany won’t want a banking union; their banks have issues Nov 20, 2012
  • China unlikely to make shift to consumption, b/c it means granting freedom to the people & reducing party cronyism $$ Nov 20, 2012


Personal Finance


  • After Sandy damage, insurance adjusters may bring more bad news If odds of getting flooded > 1% get flood insurance $$ Nov 24, 2012
  • Tax Moves to Make Now Balanced piece; worth a read. Assumes we don’t go over the fiscal cliff: a deal is struck $$ Nov 24, 2012
  • Lenders Rev Their Engines Surge in Demand for Auto Loans Spurs Push Into Sector; Subprime Is a Big Draw $$ Nov 23, 2012
  • For ‘Credit Invisibles,’ A Market Takes Shape A blast from the past; using payment histories 2 establish credit $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • apparent mojo @researchpuzzler does homework, comes to correct conclusion on a tiny junk fund featured in the WSJ $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Draining Away! Universal life policies suffer from low interest rates. B sure 2 check the gteed minimum rate $$ Nov 19, 2012




  • The Great Thanksgiving Hoax Strangers were the lazy ones; like the Hutterites the Saints could have made socialism work Nov 21, 2012
  • Archbishop Says Church Lost Credibility on Women Bishops The “laity” understands the Bible better than the priests $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Why One Poll Says 45% Would Rather Skip Christmas Costs a lot; nativity means much to Christians, Christmas is made-up Nov 20, 2012
  • Windows 8 killed my PC No operating system should expect 2b equally good touch vs keyboard, tablet vs laptop, etc $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • Kill the Password: Y a String of Characters Can?t Protect Us Anymore Long but worth it; multifactor ID is the future $$ Nov 20, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • Kyle Bass gives it to us with both barrels Very long. Worth it if you want to see what he is up to in investing. $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Mismeasurement of Pensions Before and After Retirement The full paper, & you don’t have to pay NBER a cent $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • In a Slow Market, Wait for Compelling Values Says Johnson Expects 5%-ish returns 2013; unusual 2 get small returns $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Tech Sets Correction Course Largest sector of the market is feeling soggy, which does not bode well 4 the rest $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Why Mutual Fund Guardians Are Failing Old/good article on the flaws of mutual fund governance; skewed incentives $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Investment Falls Off a Cliff US Companies Cut Spending Plans Amid Fiscal and Economic Uncertainty; unstable policy Nov 19, 2012
  • Buy on the rumor, sell on the news $$ RT @BloombergNews: S&P 500 rises most in two months amid budget deal optimism | Nov 19, 2012


Other Companies


  • I know the basics on a lot of companies but is the first time I have heard of Schiff Nutrition International $SHF $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Hostess Judge Sees Return to ?Liquidation Scenario? Twinkies will survive, but many who produce them will not $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • Hostess Seen Attracting Bids for Assets From Flowers The brands will get bought; the value is there, not in plants $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Drillers Begin Reusing ‘Frack Water’ Energy Firms Explore Recycling Options 4 Industry That Uses Water Like Chicago Nov 19, 2012




  • Bad Headline: Wall St Kept Winning on Mortgages Upending Homeowners Most tricky mtges not originated by Wall St $$ Nov 19, 2012
  • Wrong: S&P 500 in Cheapest Bull Market Since Ronald Reagan When will they learn *not* 2 use P/E 4 mkt valiuation? $$ Nov 19, 2012




  • @PlanMaestro Thanks — missed that. Nov 23, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro I just can’t believe the 1.5 Billion figure for the Earth’s carrying capacity; even the Club of Rome is more optimistic, no? Nov 23, 2012
  • “How many lines can be drawn in a 2D plane such that they are equidistant from 3 non-collinear points?” 3… Nov 23, 2012
  • Grantham is outside of his skill set here, and should be ignored. Also, global population will top out at… Nov 23, 2012
  • Nothing against Bill McBride. He deserves praise from all of us. There are three missing pieces though, and… Nov 21, 2012
  • . @Dvolatility H-P CDS Curve Flattens on Write-Down Early buyers of $HPQ protection made decent money, late less $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • @Dvolatility $HPQ CDS spreads did forecast the spread widening, but not the magnitude. It also forecast the stock price move also $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • @japhychron @TFMkts @dvandeventer @Dvolatility Or, does the negative tangible book have an impact on modeling? $HPQ $$ Nov 21, 2012
  • “You can count beans and trace them back to their sources, good. But can you adequately question the?” $$ David_Merkel Nov 21, 2012
  • @dvandeventer @Dvolatility Any read on the level 5Y CDS is trading at? Used to have a BBG terminal, but don’t now… Nov 21, 2012
  • @Dvolatility Where does the $HPQ CDS trade now? Nov 21, 2012
  • @qusmablog Much of the world has to go through a “failure cycle” before “normal growth” can reboot. Many entrenched interests don’t want it. Nov 21, 2012
  • @Nonrelatedsense @researchpuzzler Also not good for the WSJ 2 write about a small fund w/short track record… bigger problem $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • @Nonrelatedsense @researchpuzzler Apologies, Chou Income did beat the Barclays Agg since inception Carry does it $$ Nov 20, 2012
  • @CEOofmyFUTURE longer term measures like the Q-ratio, CAPE10, Price to resources, & Hussman has a measure also Nov 19, 2012
  • @BloombergNews Who’s in charge of this page: They changed it last week and made it less useful $$ Nov 19, 2012




  • Notable & Honorable $$ RT @Nati2de: Larry Hagman was married to the same woman since 1954. Impressive, especially for a Hollywood actor. Nov 24, 2012
  • Growth comes when capital, labor & resources have fair prices RT @BloombergView: Greece needs growth, not austerity | Nov 21, 2012
  • RT @retheauditors: #1 cause of accounting fraud is revenue recognition issues and #1 industry for accounting fraud is technology/softwar … Nov 20, 2012
  • Gracias, no se habla $$ RT @besanson: #FunAndFinance Interest Rate Swaps and LIBOR in 5 minutes // Thanks or RT Nov 20, 2012
  • Torture data until it confesses something $$ RT @Alea_: Does ?Statistical Significance? Imply ?Actually Significant?? Nov 20, 2012
  • RT @finemrespice: The Federal Housing Administration stands against all prior biological evidence that primates are capable of forming m … Nov 19, 2012
  • Buy on the rumor, sell on the news $$ RT @BloombergNews: S&P 500 rises most in two months amid budget deal optimism | Nov 19, 2012


Blog News


  • My week on twitter: 75 retweets received, 4 new listings, 50 new followers, 92 mentions. Via: Nov 22, 2012


Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 3

Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 3

There’s one thing that is a little odd about me: occasionally as I am waking in the morning, something that I have been thinking about comes crashing in on me, and I get a moment of clarity where everything seems obvious for a complex question.

So to begin, I would like to say that I was utterly wrong in part 1 and part 2 of this series.? It won’t work.? Here’s why:

When is it safest to buy high yield bonds — when spreads are tight, or when spreads are wide?? Of course, when spreads are wide.? When spreads are tight, it is risky to buy corporates.? But my method for allocating capital would do the reverse: it would force a lot of capital to be allocated when spreads are high, and little when spreads are low.? That’s the wrong way to do it.

Second, most bond defaults occur because the borrower chokes on an interest payment, not a principal payment.? If you can make the interest payments, under normal circumstances, you can refinance the principal.? That indicates that the risk of a bond will grow less than linearly with maturity.? It may even be flat.

The upshot of this, is that you would want to assign capital counter-cyclically if you could, but no one would go for that, it doesn’t fit human nature.? So maybe a compromise works where there is a fixed amount of capital assigned across the cycle, and not varying by maturity.? So how do you make adjustments for variable riskiness?

For corporate bonds that have a public stock trading, a contingent claims model can yield good results.? Egan-Jones does that, though many of the major raters have similar models, that they watch as a check on their fundamental reasoning.

But many bonds have no publicly traded equity to give them estimates of value and volatility.? Whether private corporates or securitized debts, there is no way to accurately estimate risks, unless you have a cash flow database of the underlying properties/assets, and aside from CMBS, that would be hard to get.

That brings us back to the rating agencies.? Much as they failed on rating novel types of debt that the regulators should not have allowed regulated entities to invest in, the rating agencies did a good job in rating seasoned corporate bonds, both private and public, incorporating private data to sharpen their estimates of creditworthiness.

I know that Dodd-Frank has required Federal Regulations to eliminate the use of credit ratings.? What have they substituted? Management judgement, simplistic statistical tests, nothing, and the ability to use quantitative rating schemes.? My view is this: there will be a series of scandals out of this, and there will be a return to the rating agencies, where human judgment takes in the factors that can’t be crunched into an equation.

Thus I return to my opinions expressed in: In Defense of the Rating Agencies ? V (summary, and hopefully final). You can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them.

Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 2

Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 2

After writing Eliminating the Rating Agencies, I felt there was room for improvement.? Part of that stems from reading critiques of the rating agencies that really don’t understand why ratings exist.? Ratings don’t exist to help average people, they exist to allow regulators to evaluate the credit risks of financial institutions.

The beauty of my prior proposal is that it can be applied to any credit instrument, even private placements for which there is no market.? Let me give an example.? In mid-2002 with the ten-year Treasury yielding 4.5% an investment banker approached me with a private bond deal — $50 million in total to finance the owner of real estate where the US Government had old computers that would be difficult to do away with.? The yield offered was 8% for 10 years, and S&P shadow-rated it “A.”? We bought 20% of the deal.? We were the biggest holder at $10 million.

Following my procedure in the prior article, the amount of capital that would have to be put up would be almost $2.2 million.? Now, that is likely too severe, but maybe the regulators would choose a percentage of that amount as the right amount for all fixed income securities.? Other securities that are not hedges would be considered deductions from capital.

Is the bond illiquid?? More spread -> more capital required.? The beauty of this system is that it does not care where the excess spread is coming from.? It just measures the present value of the uncertain spread, and realizes that it is a very good proxy for credit risk.? It can be applied to any bond, preferred stock, etc. fairly easily.

There would have to an additional analysis for asset-liability mismatch, but existing methods for measuring that are adequate.? In any case, the rating agencies would no longer be needed for measuring credit risk.? Regulators would simply review the calculations of the actuaries/quants, as they file their annual/quarterly statements.? The value of the uncertain portion of the fixed income assets would be the proxy for the total credit risk of the firm.? No rating agency needed to calculate that.

An Actuarial Question

An Actuarial Question

Here is a question from a reader:

Hi Mr. Merkel,

?My name is XXXXXXX and I rcently started my ASA modules. I am considering pursuing a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst designation from the SOA. I was curious if, based on your experience in both the financial and actuarial world, you had any thoughts on the CERA designation? I have

2.5 years of experience and work for a pension consulting firm, but would like to broaden my skill set. I really enjoy The Aleph Blog, especially the book reviews. Keep up the good work.



My response:

Dear XXXX,

I don’t have an opinion on the CERA designation.? In my opinion, the SOA is in the midst of an existential crisis.? How do they survive, prosper, and maybe even grow the SOA?? Outside of their core industries, insurance and employee benefits, they have strong competition.? Many organizations that do something like them are larger than the SOA.


1) Put a gun to the head of the CAS by offering a casualty track.

2) CERA competing against other risk management credentials

3) Make an effort to create new “actuarial” tracks off of the experiences of nontraditional actuaries, most of whom are a lot more entrepreneurial than other actuaries.? Investing, big data, etc.? Look for all the things that involve the intersection of the Law of large numbers and durational discount…

4) Try to cooperate with the CFA Institute — how that will work, I have no idea, and I am reminded of the limerick about the young lady from Niger.

5) Attempt to merge all actuarial organizations in the US & Canada into one organization — try to go global, like the CFA Institute.? (The rewards of being global are far smaller than imagined.)

Think hard about what you want to do, and analyze which credential will get you there.? Then pursue it with all your strength, and pick up adjacent/tangential skills to differentiate yourself.? That last part is important, and it is what has made my career very different than most actuaries.

It’s kind of like violating the semi-strong form efficient markets hypothesis — in order to do better than the market, you need an edge.? Find that edge, because regardless of what credential you get, you will need to know more than that to excel.

Best wishes,


And his response:

Hi David,

Thank you very much for the thoughtful response. I had not considered the size of the SOA in relation to other competing organizations. As you said, I will have to do some hard thinking about what I want to do and pursue the my designations accordingly.

Thanks again,


Thee is an article waiting to be written about credentialing in investments, and how the credentials are not worth much.? It is a lot harder to get an FSA from the Society of Actuaries than it is to get a CFA credential from the CFA Institute.? But the CFA offers a lot more with respect to investing than an FSA does.

Now, those are two strong credentials that are worthy of trust.? There are many more credentials out there, and most are not worthy of trust.? Be careful.? Many put initials after their names, and they aren’t worth a lot.? Be careful.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • Insurers Must Boost Reserves for Residential Mortgage Bonds Pretty trivial; change small, not worth making $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Randian and the Bailout Without a tax gift from the US Tsy, $AIG couldn’t pay off the bailout Oct 25, 2012
  • For that last tweet, full disclosure, long $AIZ for clients and me Oct 24, 2012
  • Assurant Reports 3rd Quarter 2012 Financial Results Over 8.75 yrs $AIZ has shrunk its share count from 142M to 78M $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Weschler Rise From Grace Leads to Role Advising Buffett Interesting tale of a guy who can deal4 & value companies $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Goldman Sachs Creates a Dividend+Buybacks Measure, & 4 Insurer Stocks Shine I own 2 of them 4 clients. Which 2? $$ Oct 22, 2012


Central Banking


  • Here Comes the Dollar Wave Again Defend exports, import inflation, asset bubbles “Our currency, but your problem.” Oct 25, 2012
  • Approach risks ?distorting? decisions & ?it might be economically inefficient 2try2 push prices up so much,? Shiller Oct 24, 2012
  • Redacted Version of the October 2012 FOMC Statement Note: CPI inflation is at 2%, also inflation expectations rising $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • FOMC Statement: Oct 24, 2012
  • “We fail 2c the direct link, or even an indirect link, btw the size of the Fed’s balance sheet & the unemp rate” $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Buffett: ‘”I get a little worried about continuously expanding” the Fed’s balance sheet, he said on CNBC.’ $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Traders Calling Singer?s Bluff on Intervention as Koruna Gains Czech National Bank playing with fire, will burn $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Would mean that the external effect of loose monetary policy have been played out, & the next big move is coming (but from where)? $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Worst Carry Trades Show Central Banks at Stimulus Limit Interesting thought: if carrytraders can’t make money… $$ Oct 22, 2012


Fiscal Cliff


  • Firms Hit Brakes Before Fiscal Cliff Tap brakes is more like it. Most think we won’t go over the cliff #gridlock $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Aha! Here’s The REAL Reason Corporate Executives Are Freaking Out About The Fiscal Cliff Favors initiatives of Dems $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • How Supap Kirtsaeng?s Textbooks Idea Led to Supreme Court What rights exist to re-sell something that you bought? $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Plot to Destroy America’s Beer A tale of cost-cutting, quality reductions. Light beers ascendant. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Sandy Nears Jamaica, Forecasters Weigh New England Threat High Incidence, Low Power 4 Tropical Storms in 2012 $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Calling All Germs Cellphones Are Great for Sharing Photos?and Bacteria; Cleaning May Harm Screens $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Romney?s Air Force Comparison Misses U.S. Edge in Jets There r some situations where more lower tech jets would help Oct 24, 2012
  • Dean, Marathon Split-Offs on Tap Post-split $DF looks interesting, if boring. More room 2 focus $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Shale Glut Becomes $2 Diesel Using Gas-to-Liquids Plants This is the Holy Grail, because gasoline is tough2produce $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The internal combustion engine is far from dead Most real improvements in energy efficiency deal w/fossil fuels $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Americans Buying Fewer New Cars in Lifetime long-term probably not a good sign; autos drive a lot of the economy $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • The Myth of Affordable Energy – Interview with Ed Dolan Energy efficiency is increasing. Full cost pricing desirable $$ Oct 20, 2012




  • Russian Funds Band Together to Repel Government Cash Grab Gotta b careful on pension funds cuz govts like 2 raid them Oct 26, 2012
  • More Americans delaying retirement until their 80s This is the way it should be. Retirement s/b 4-5 years at most Oct 25, 2012
  • Can Japan?s Elderly Become Its Growth Engine? This seems like wishful thinking to me. Spending from savings <> wages $$ Oct 24, 2012




  • U.S. securities regulator questions need for new broker standard Extending fiduciary standards 2 brokers in question Oct 24, 2012
  • Forcing frequent failures @interfluidity hits a home run in dealing with bank failures, & how to regulate Oct 24, 2012
  • Low Rates Pummel Banks Borrowers Benefit, but Industry Lending Profits Hit Lowest Level in Three Years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Marsico: When Going Private Goes Wrong June 2007 was the wrong time 2 LBO, then performance lags $$ My sympathies2them Oct 23, 2012
  • 3 key money topics Romney-Obama debates ignored Housing prices, Investor protections & Retirement Savings $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • The end of stock market crashes? I’m sorry, but the conclusion is bogus. Even if its works, only some could escape $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Mortgage risks underestimated, economists conclude FHA uses a model that leads it to underestimate delinquency risk $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Annaly Says Michael Farrell Dies After Cancer Diagnosed He was kind2me ~2000; willing2share ideas w/little me $$ $NLY Oct 22, 2012
  • Mortgage REITs: Not Just Yet I would be careful here & reduce exposure… they are always unstable vehicles $$ Oct 21, 2012
  • The Winner for Investors Is… @jasonzweigwsj points out the connection between returns & politics is tenuous $$ Oct 21, 2012




  • Firings Highest Since 2010 as Ford to Dow Face Slump This is the US economy. We can’t support workers relative2profit Oct 26, 2012
  • Weak Tea at Unilever Persists Amid Innovation at Rivals Did not even know that Lipton was a Unilever brand $$ $UL $UN Oct 24, 2012
  • Doom Heralded at Hayman by Widening Trade Deficit: Japan Credit Japan?s debt is the ?cleanest dirty shirt.? Not. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Hunger Stalks My Father?s India Long After Starvation End Long article, makes me grateful that I can feed my kids $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Electrolux, Philips Warn Of US Slowdown Another soggy data point; less demand 4 bigger-ticket consumer items $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Ya, true RT @glenntyrpa: @barnejek @AlephBlog @sikorskiradek Yea. When did Japan invade China? Was that 1930? 🙂 we Americans forget. Oct 26, 2012
  • RT @PragCapitalist: Today’s financial tip: don’t ever buy a boat. Instead, find a friend with a boat. If necessary, buy the friend. … Oct 24, 2012
  • Clever RT @BradErvin1: @AlephBlog @PragCapitalist This is Buffett, courtesy legacy @kevindepew articles @Minyanville $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Stinks, just stinks RT @ritholtz: THE SELLSIDE: SAME AS IT EVER WAS Courthouse News Service via @CourthouseNews $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @KathrynTully: The last of Sarah Thornton’s top reasons for quitting art market surely belongs in top 10 reasons not to be a journo. … Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @emckean: LOVE THIS RT @aniajakubek: There’s a Polish saying that means “Not my problem” & literally translates to “Not my circus … Oct 24, 2012
  • SIFMA gets an infamous big name to speak to them RT @LaurenLaCapra: #greenspan Oct 23, 2012
  • At my house too RT @retheauditors: Halloween is dead to me. Oct 22, 2012




  • #FF @NickTimiraos @carney @grossdm @annsaphir @ritholtz @ToddSullivan @PlanMaestro @RolfeWinkler @LaurenLaCapra @davidgaffen @jennablan $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • @TraderNewsFeed No, I don’t think that. I think we should enjoy our work, and enjoy it for as long as we can, until we can no longer work $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @rjwile True, but that’s the price of not saving enough. There is no right to a retirement. Someone send the EU the memo. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial I largely agree. Reducing the real value of debts would help. My only fear is that nominal incomes might not grow much $$ Oct 25, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial Missed that, thanks. Still, the Chain-weighted PCE deflator is 1.5% yoy at present. Oct 25, 2012
  • @barnejek oops Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist A boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money $$ That said, the recession created a lot of used boats 4 sale Oct 24, 2012
  • @tebaho I am not a Romney backer Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein lifted the stake above 50% by 1995. Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1977, GEICO was ~6% of his public investments, before $BRK.B acquired 33% of the company by 1980, and buybacks + Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1981, GEICO was ~30% of his public investments — no data on how big his private investments were then $BRK.B $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein 1996-7 around 16% of pretax income. Prior to that, it was not wholly owned, and so Buffett acctd 4 it as an investment $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein $BRK.B would not want to live without GEICO, but in my opinion, it could live without it Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein It’s about 5% of BRK’s pretax profits. The float it generates is very short and is only 5% of liabilities. Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist It’s a conglomerate fueled by a set of huge insurance companies, where assets r sourced privately & publicly $$ $BRK.B Oct 24, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro @aarontask @TheStalwart I think it is spurious correlation b/c I c many other variable that r weak. US economy is flat. $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @felixsalmon In the NT Greek, there r2 words for God’s will, &1 tells u God ordains everything, the other, he doesn’t approve everything Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator I would ask the question, how is $TGT going to deploy the capital? The answer probably lies there. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen America’s politicians have always made appeals based on religion, & then abandoned the religious voters that support them (not new) Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi I realize with Japan, it is unlikely 4 there 2b an external default, until the external debt gets big enough Oct 24, 2012
  • @aarontask This is a stock versus flow issue. The banks reap capital gains now, but it will reduce their future interest margins/income $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator Think they are trying to free up capital for alternative uses. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen But all people have unprovable a priori opinions, and many will affect their views on public policy, whether “religious” or not Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen It becomes the same paradox that philosophers go through with respect to the concept of free will vs determinism Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen Even 2a Christian like me, God’s will is a highly nuanced, b/c there r 2 words in NT Greek 4 “will” & they mean different things Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen One of my close friends came into existence as a result of a rape. Two good people adopted him; biological mother was courageous Oct 24, 2012
  • . @aarontask will look for it — if anyone has a link 2 it, pass it 2 me Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Nations with their own currencies don’t have to default on debts. I think some will choose to default for political reasons $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “This brings up something @ritholtz would say ~ blog traffic goes up during a crisis?” ? David_Merkel $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Not sure he will lose; he has a decent chance of being correct. Japan has preceded the global economy for past 20 years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “5. Tadas, as you have said before, investment/finance blogging is hard. And many of the best of us?” $$ David_Merkel Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett I distrust polls generally. I am not a Romney supporter. Most statistical comments in the media r not well-founded $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Stratification matters more. The size was smaller than most polls I c, & instant senses of who 1r often not correct Oct 23, 2012
  • @DUNNER2 @CBSNews Now there was a poll that no one asked for, the sample size was far too small, but actually had a real impact. Sad. Oct 23, 2012
  • @Shwaver should be more like 5% if the poll is well stratified, and most polls aren’t Oct 23, 2012
  • @thejudge1082 @cbsnews I would criticize that as well. Most polls are too small and not well stratified Oct 23, 2012
  • @nmariecrumbie @DJDougMadrid @cbsnews I am *not* a backer of Romney. I am voting for the Constitution Party. I am a statistician, are you? Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @CBSNews size *always* matters. I am a statisticiam by training. The hyper-short news cycle forced out a poll Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @cbsnews of course size matters — what I object to is trying to get instant answers to what people are thinking $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @ituzzip On a 500 person poll the error bounds are wider +/- 5%. But Rs answer polls less often than Ds. Oct 23, 2012
  • @JW28 Sorry, I am not a Romney backer Oct 23, 2012
  • @DJDougMadrid I don’t believe in instant, & I am voting 3rd party. Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Most polls I see are double that, it was still small, given the short time after the debate. Oct 23, 2012
  • @CBSNews Small sample size Oct 23, 2012
  • @TheStalwart I think you are fair and balanced, because A third of the time I agree, a third I disagree, and a third I an in-between. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @wallstCS FD: long $SFG — You do realize that revenue is not a useful valuation metric for insurers, right? Earnings & Book r relevant $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • @groditi @GaelicTorus it drives a lot of technology development, materials science, design (or lack thereof), advertising, energy efficiency Oct 22, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 No, the point is that corrupt governments tend to spawn corruption in society Oct 20, 2012


Here is an e-mail from a reader:

I’m curious about the intercept of the PB-ROE line. In your examples (, only life had a negative intercept; the others were all positive. Here’s the implication:

?PB = a + b ROE (where a and b are the intercept and slope).

If I divide both sides by ROE I get:

PE = a / ROE + b

Taking the differential:

dPE = – (a / ROE^2) dROE

So if the intercept is positive, an increase in ROE results in a lower PE and vice versa.

So here are two questions:

1) Why would the relationship be negative? Is it because the higher ROE is achieved via leverage, is therefore riskier, and requires a lower PE??

2) Why is the intercept negative for life insurers but positive for the others?

First, you have to understand PB-ROE.? The idea is that there is a limiting factor to earnings with financial companies.? The earnings of financial companies is limited by its book capital.? I think this is correct to a first approximation.? But different financial companies experience different financial results; they have different ROEs.? How sustainable are those different ROEs?? ROEs tend to revert to mean; competition drives that.? How fast ROEs revert to mean derives from the length of the businsess written.? Long tail exposures found in life companies mean that a higher ROE usually gives more kick to the P/B multiple.

As an aside, with industrials and utilities =, I often think that sales are the limiting factor, and so my equation becomes:

P/S = a + b * E /S + e? (E/S = profit margin)

Now to your math.? You have the first equation wrong, it should be:

PB = a + b * ROE + e , where e is a normally distributed error term, so if you did the division by ROE, it would be:

PE = a / ROE + b + e / ROE, which means my error term could no longer be normally distributed.? So, you can’t divide through by ROE.? Not legitimate.

Let’s try a different approach.? What if we modeled P/E as a function of B/E?

First, to me that doesn’t make sense, because the idea of capital as a limiting resource goes out the window.

Second, if you did that the a and b would be different, because regression minimizes the squared differences of the dependent variable (actual versus expected).

So, with respect to what I said above, I would not do the math your way. Dividing and differentiating by ROE neglects the meaning of the original equation.? All models are just that, models.? But we can’t go neglecting what they internally assume, and expect to get good results.

So, I can answer your second question, but not your first question.? When we estimate PB-ROE, often the equations with the highest slopes have the lowest intercepts.? What that describes are situations where the ROEs, if they are high, are expected to remain high, and thus produce much higher P/Bs.? Such would be true with long duration coverages like in the life industry.

The reason the life industry is different is that the companies with high ROEs are expected to maintain those high ROEs for a longer period of time, because coverages are long, and pricing adjusts slowly.? With other insurance coverages, pricing adjusts annually or nearly so.

For a short-tail P&C company with an ROE of zero, I would expect a P/B multiple that is positive, because pricing adjustments and mean-reversion are coming soon.? For a life company with a low ROE, the adjustment will happen slowly, or it may never happen.? Perverse dynamics kick in when a company with long-tail coverages finds itself earning very little to nothing.? There is the tendency to mis-estimate reserves, “because we can’t be making so little.”? The length of accruals allows a greater degree of subjectivity to be injected into the estimates.? Short accruals get validated every year.? Long accruals don’t get that validation, at least not in a way that a public investor can see.

If you were an actuary inside the long-tailed life insurer, you would get some data telling you that your assumptions were optimistic, right, or pessimistic.? But it takes a while to figure out whether the last few years are a deviation or a trend.? Good actuaries dig in, and look at the causes for claims, trying to see if the reasons for policyholders making claims matches up with the original estimate of what the subject population would be likely to die (or have disability or LTC claims) from.? Too many abnormal claims may imply that the business has been underwritten wrong, and needs to be adjusted.

That analysis takes some doing, because long-tail life coverages are low-frequency and high-severity.? That’s why the qualitative data may help, by giving clues long ahead of the flood of claims that you did not expect.

To summarize: Life is different because the coverages are long duration in nature, and ROEs don’t change so rapidly.


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorry I missed last week.? Thanks to those who like this.


Monetary Policy


  • Black Monday and the Greenspan put Initial error of Alan Greenspan. Fine-tuning monetary policy 2 remove volatility $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • Southeast Asia Seen Leading Rate Increases Next Year I doubt it; $$ laxity is the rule of the time; tough 2 fight Oct 19, 2012
  • Wall Street CMOs Crushed as Sales @ 3-Yr Low Wouldn’t call a 15% drop “crushed.” Fed feeding on their collateral $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Fed-Induced Stock P/E Gains Seen Ending Soon Effects of QE3 s/b fully anticipated by now. $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Currency Wars: US Attack Axel Merk criticizes Bernanke’s claim that US monetary policy isn’t a major prob 4 emg mkts $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Yes, it is more complex, but easy developed country monetary policy does make life tough for emerging… Oct 15, 2012


Financial Blogging


  • The Critic Wall Street Loves to Lunch With @felixsalmon one of the leaders of financial blogging gets profiled here $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • 6 blogs u should be reading @reformedbroker @thestalwart @calculatedrisk @pragcapitalist @convertbond & Bess Levin Oct 18, 2012




  • Prior tweets courtesy of Van R. Hoisington & Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D. Whole thing will be posted here in a few days $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Until the excessive debt issues r addressed, the multiyear trend in inflation, & thus the long Treasury bond yields will remain downward $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • “During all of the Fed actions since 2008 the velocity of money has plummeted and now stands at a five decade low” Hoisington & Hunt Oct 12, 2012
  • A jump in daily essentials has a more profound negative impact on living standards in economies with lower levels of real per capita income. Oct 12, 2012
  • How the Fed expects economic traction from higher stock prices when rising commodity prices r curtailing real income & spending is puzzling Oct 12, 2012
  • These three studies show that the impact of wealth on spending is miniscule?indeed, ?nearly not observable.? Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • “Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and other Fed advocates believe the ?wealth effect? of QE3 will bring life to the economy.” Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • Prior Tweet quotes Hoisington & “unintended consequence of these Federal Reserve actions, however, is to actually slow economic activity” Oct 12, 2012
  • QE3 is a tacit admission by the Fed that earlier efforts failed, but this action will also fail to bring about stronger economic growth. $$ Oct 12, 2012


Rest of the World

  • Devastating Photos Of India’s Illegal Coal Mines Government nationalizes coal mines; mafia springs up2 mine coal $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • Why China Has The Worst Farms In The World Worst in the sense of productivity per worker; they have lots of workers $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • Why Indians Are Getting Poorer Over past year, the Indian currency lost around 20% of its value against the US $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • China Faces Tough Choice on Growth Does the CCP continue to favor short-term self-interest, or long-term power? $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • Zhang Weiying: China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent Fascinating tale of an Austrian economist surviving in China $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • Iran Low on Options as Hyperinflation Concerns Spark Gold Dash Hyperinflations spawn currency substitutions: gold, $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Chavez Win Called by BofA Sparks Selloff as Barclays Flops Sad that Chavez won, but the bonds reflected a loss $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Cheapest Chinese Stocks Since ?97 Not Enough to Signal Rally Noneconomic actors compete & drive down future profit $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • The Iran Hyperinflation Fact Sheet From my former professor @ JHU, Steve Hanke. Financial sanctions r biting in Iran $$ Oct 07, 2012


Financial Reform


  • A Simpler Way to End Too Big to Fail Limit non-deposit liabilities; banks will scream; worthy 2b tried $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • EU, Japan Warn Against New US Swaps Rules Technical efficiency of mkts is less important than resiliency of mkts $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Ex-GE Bankers Convicted of Municipal Bond Bid-Rig Scheme 4 years of jail time; restitution plus 20% would b better $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Swaps Collateral Costs May Increase Under Rules Weighed by SEC Raises costs some, probably the right idea $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Treasurers Worry Over Accounting for MMF Changes Geithner tries MMF reform. Better: $$ Oct 16, 2012




  • Gasoline prices _ finally _ begin to slide Refineries finally catch up w/maintenance, outages & demand $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • First oil nears for Kazakhstan’s supergiant field Kazakhstan reduces the amount of time that foreigner scan profit $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • California Asks Court to Reinstate Carbon Fuel Standard I am happy that I left California at age 27; unrealistic $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Gas Market Stung by Rapid Traders HFT and “news” trading games in the futures markets. Running stops is not new $$ Oct 16, 2012




  • Spanish Borrowing Costs Ease It won’t last, but enjoy it 4 now. $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Retirement No Option for Older Workers in Europe?s Crisis Problem is greater in Europe because of lower fertility $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Hollande Robbed of Growth Engine as Companies Cut Investment Logical 2 invest less when EU & France r a mess $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize Nobel committee finally “jumps the shark.” The EU is unstable; a war waiting 2 happen $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Spanish Bonds Risk Forced Selling as Rating Approaches Junk The Rating agencies r flawed, but on credit they r honest Oct 12, 2012
  • IMF?s Blanchard: Healing From Crisis Could Take Decades Crisis won’t b healed until total debt levels normalize $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • IMF Sees ?Alarmingly High? Risk of Deeper Global Slump A stopped clock is right twice/day, $ the IMF is right now $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Why a U.S. buyout firm is investing in Greece ht: @danprimack – Companies w/global markets insensitive 2 local probs $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • Sicily, a Portrait of Italian Dysfunction Core Europe is to Italy as Italy is to Sicily. $$ gone & hard work starts Oct 08, 2012




  • Dem convention used corporate cash, despite pledge No one is truly a politician until they break a promise $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Obama Pursuing Leakers Sends Warning to Whistle-Blowers Hard to believe, but Obama outdoes Bush, Jr. 4 opacity $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Romney?s Rates Seen Spurring Growth Too Little 2 Late Nice 2c Obama & Romney competing 4 who can harm economy most $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • A123 Bankruptcy Gives Romney New Example of Green-Energy ?Loser? $$ $AONE Make green energy advocates take Physics Oct 17, 2012
  • Sorry, US Recoveries Really Aren?t Different Reinhart & Rogoff take on Romney’s advisors who say the US is different Oct 16, 2012
  • Romney Rolls in Rural Vote That May Provide Swing-State Margins Interesting perspective, but is that a big bloc? $$ Oct 16, 2012
  • Dividends: Start Screaming This one is tough. Probability of a cooperative Congress after the elections is low $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • California Facing $5 Gasoline Stirs Brown to Relax Rules There is a pain point 4 everyone, just found 4 CA gas $5 $$ Oct 08, 2012


Economic Strength / Weakness


  • Winners and losers as US weather patterns change Worth a read 4 the list of winners & losers near the end $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Challenges forcing change in trucking strategy Definitely a soggy data point; US & global economies seem 2b slowing $$ Oct 18, 2012




Taxpayers get hosed. Farmers doing fairly well $$ Oct 18, 2012

  • Drought brings record US cost for crop insurance subsidy 2012, Taxpayers pay more, Insurers pay some, farmers benefit Oct 17, 2012
  • Milk-Cow Drought Culling Accelerates as Prices Jump Anything involved in animal husbandry is having tough time now $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Midwest Drought Claims Poultry Producer Many firms involved in the meat biz r having a rough time now. $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • At this rate, growing tobacco should be prohibited. Oh, wait, we tried that with alcohol. Never mind. $$? Oct 09, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • Throwing Out Insiders Won’t Fix Corporate Boards Good boards watch over mgmt & have decent industry & company knowledge Oct 17, 2012
  • All-Time Highs, Almost There Will the market hit new highs this year, in 2013, or when? $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Legg Mason?s Miller Redeemed as Housing Bull 2 soon 2 say. Miller doesn’t seek a “margin of safety” when investing $$ Oct 15, 2012
  • Vanguard to JPMorgan Dodging Neediest Borrowers This is what you tend to see 1-2 years in advance of the crash $$ Oct 14, 2012
  • As an aside, there’s kind of a rule of thumb for Bermuda insurers on buybacks: >1.3x tangible book: special dividends. <1.3x TB buybacks $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • The Buyback Epidemic @reformedbroker notes that buybacks make less sense, the higher valuations get. I concur $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • New Regime @reformedbroker notes a sea change in the markets. I’ve been heading that way; still thinking about it $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • CNBC: Jim Rogers vs. Marc Faber (FULL) 10/04/2012 Faber & Rogers on the same segment? What a hoot! $$ $GLD $SPY $TLT Oct 12, 2012
  • OCC Forced JPMorgan, Wells Fargo to Write Down Home-Equity Loans FD: + $WFC – ’bout time. Recoveries poor on HEL $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • California Leading U.S. Out of Housing Bust I would be wary of “dead cat” bounces here $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Bubble-Era Financing Returns as Profits Falter Pay-in-kind bonds return, very nice. 2 years of rally left at most $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Wrong: Bullish Sign for Stocks: Leverage Is Up What matters more is whether leverage will rise in the future $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Not New York Towers Rise With Embrace of Yield When vacancy rates r this high, ordinarily rents fall. Y not now? $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Welcome to the ?Desert of the Real? ? a postmodern economy Increasing abstraction destroys economic intuition $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Why Data Will Never Replace Thinking Every bit of data requires the creation of a hypothesis to give it meaning $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Global Finance Chiefs at Odds Everyone pursuing similar policies (Loose $$ & deficits) reduces effectiveness 4 all Oct 15, 2012
  • Heidi N. Moore joins the Guardian’s US Team as Finance & Economics Editor Congrats @moorehn ! Will b reading u there $$ Oct 15, 2012
  • I’m not much of an #Orioles fan, but don’t you have to love a team of nobodies who can challenge the highly paid #Yankees? $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Tech Firms Become Real- Estate Trusts Tech firms that own a lot of real estate take advantage of becoming REITs $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • The UN has declared today as the International Day of the Girl Child Sex selection abortion kills the most girls $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Please follow Cato Scholar and JHU professor that I learned a lot from: @steve_hanke Oct 10, 2012
  • Musk?s SpaceX Launches Craft for Space Station Deliveries Space age begins as governments r less of a factor $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Insurers Shed Annuity Assets This doesn’t feel right. other times when financial guys buy insurers, doesn’t work $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • If Only T. Boone Pickens Had Died Score: TB Pickens 0, Wealthy donors 0, Oklahoma State Univ. 0, Life Actuaries 1 $$ Oct 08, 2012


Replies & Comments


  • @PlanMaestro 2 notes: rsv strengthing in Australia a concern, but not big. 2) Low ROE biz of the 90s is fading; life re was a loser then $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro I love $RGA . Good mgmt team. Less interest rate & stock market dependent than life insurers FD: long RGA for me and clients $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • @TheStalwart I get a few ridiculous marketing requests/day. Do all bloggers get them? I reply2them this picture $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap Sigh. Baltimore County is not as far gone as Baltimore City (which is also a county), but this is not wise or arms length $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “6 Wall Street blogs you should be reading – Jon Friedman’s Media Web – MarketWatch” Oct 18, 2012
  • @MattGGriffith Thanks. Will probably do a post in the near future expaning on that last paragraph. It struck me at the end $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • @laurenfosternyc Have you ever seen the “Gold Medal Gold Model?” Gold prices r a function of real interest rates $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • @CflGator these are deferred annuities so the life table plays no role. Problem is investing “too clever” inside a regulated life insurer $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “Student-loan debt is a good investment – Outside the Box – MarketWatch” Oct 15, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “Student-loan debt is a good investment – Outside the Box – MarketWatch” Oct 15, 2012
  • . @paulnovell It will be public in a few days — they e-mail it out to friends & clients b4 posting it here: $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • @wanderinggull Which? I don’t know. What was meant to produce “ever closer union” seems to be producing the opposite. Nobel = Pollyanna Oct 12, 2012
  • “Good post, Josh. You have identified many of the best. No one of us covers it all; it’s a strong list” ? David_Merkel Oct 10, 2012
  • @munilass Get to sleep, Babylass will need you tomorrow. 🙂 Oct 09, 2012
  • @PavChyt @matinastevis Her *former* husband. She kept the name b/c it was good politics. She did not keep him. Oct 08, 2012
  • @PavChyt @MatinaStevis I received the name Merkel at birth. Angela got it from her 1st husband. At least people r spelling it right now $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Yeah, & that is BV net of AOCI RT @PlanMaestro: $RGA : book value per share FD: long $RGA for myself & clients Oct 20, 2012
  • Jack speaks the truth, listen 2 him $$ RT @ReformedBroker: Jack Bogle: Get Out of the Casino Oct 18, 2012
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: All polling data is massaged A LOT in an era when only 10% of people respond to surveys. So that also introduces a … Oct 17, 2012
  • RT @MuniCredit: Citi Muni Presentation: #muniland h/t: @bondgirl Oct 12, 2012
  • I appreciate retweets RT @LSilverspar: Not enough for the value of your posts. If you value the retweets, I will do so far more often. $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • RT @danprimack: Every time people get all worked up over a national presidential poll, I wonder if the electoral college was eliminated … Oct 08, 2012
  • True of many notable CEOs w/earnings 2 smooth RT @rcwhalen: GE’s Jack Welch Knows All About Cooking the Books $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: “Markets are increasingly distorted by Central Banks, attempts to squeeze drops of growth from overindebted developed w … Oct 07, 2012
  • Shock! $$ RT @BarbarianCap: Revised Greek GDP figures show recession deeper than thought > data released friday night Oct 06, 2012
Match Assets and Liabilities

Match Assets and Liabilities

?Good investing stems from matching assets to the eventual need to pay cash at a future date.? True for individuals and institutions.?

So I said yesterday.? A few people said to me that I needed to expand on that, and so now I expand.

The most common error in mismatching investment horizons is borrowing short to own long assets.? We institutionalize this in the banking sector, though I believe it is a policy error to do so.? Deposits should finance working capital, and not fixed capital.? Long-term assets should be financed by long-dated loans or equity.

When you borrow on a short-term basis, where the terms are not locked-in, to buy a long dated asset, you take the risk that financing terms could move against you, changing that you can no longer hold the asset.? This happens in asset bubbles, particularly toward the end.

It happens because it is the cheapest type of finance in the short-run, but often the most costly in the long run.? Someone who pays up, and locks in lending terms for the life of the asset has far more predictability.

This is one reason why I try to analyze lending terms when analyzing manias.? Typically, manias occur when enough people are willing to buy and finance a lot of it short term.

But, the opposite sometimes happens.? There are some that will borrow long to invest short.? We saw that in 2009-10, when companies were borrowing long to insure liquidity.? Maybe you can consider it an insurance premium to make sure you stay alive as a company.

I have two other examples, both from the third insurance company that I worked for.? In the middle of my time there, the company hired a consultant to analyze the investment policy of the company.? The analyst had a big name, and he found that the company as a whole was mismatched short by two years.

If you are a well-run life insurer, you are either matched or as much as two years long.? (I think a one-year gap between assets and liabilities is optimal, and so does Pimco.)? It was a free lunch to lengthen the portfolio ? returns increase, and risks decrease.

Sadly, or happily, depending on how you view it, in the annuity line of business that I was running two years later, after the first annuity withdrawal study was complete (one year ahead of the Society of Actuaries study, which mimicked my approach), I realized that the long-term guaranteed rates were significant, and I realized that the asset portfolio should be lengthened to reflect that.

I remember the investment department questioning me regarding putting 20% of annuity assets into 30-year bonds, and I said, ?They hedge us against the long term guarantees.?? They bought in, and it was another example where there was a free lunch ? increase in income, decrease in cash flow risk.

On Investment Policy

This is why my most important question for investors is ?When do you need the cash??? There is a gradation of approaches for maximizing returns with reasonable certainty in investing, and the approaches vary as the time horizon expands.

To all investors: try to match your investment strategy to the time that you need the money.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira