Category: Portfolio Management

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Facebook & WhatsApp


  • Rags-To-Riches Tale Of How Jan Koum Built WhatsApp Into Facebook’s New $19B Baby Background on WhatsApp founders $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • WhatsApp Shows How Phone Carriers Lost Out on $33B Perhaps consortium of telephone companies should have bot them $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Whatsapp and $19B Explains why $FB decided 2 get into mobile, & how WhatsApp may benefit their mobile push $$ $GOOG Feb 22, 2014
  • Zuckerberg Bonded With WhatsApp CEO Over Coffee and Dinners Promise made to respect the unique culture of WhatsApp $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Facebook?s horrible, stroke-of-genius IPO @felixsalmon Makes point that overvalued $FB stock can b currency 4deals $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • How Much Sequoia Made On WhatsApp The funny part is how Zuckerberg pranked Sequoia 10 yrs ago, & regretted it $$ $FB Feb 22, 2014
  • Facebook Investors Shrug Off Concerns About $19B Deal also & $$ $FB Feb 21, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • Companies bracing for 1-2 retirement punch Unlikely that Obama’s proposals would b enacted; hurts powerful people $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • White House to Propose New Limits on Overseas Corporate Tax Avoidance This will be difficult 2 enforce; complexity $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Gold Rush Ghost Town Bodes Ill for California Power Flow Interesting article on how the drought is affecting CA $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Peggy Noonan: Whose Side Are We On? We can have a “Cold War” vs those who hate democracy & human rights $$ $SPY $TLT Feb 22, 2014
  • NSA Official Warned About Threat 17 Years Before Snowden Warned computer system administrators had too much power $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Fannie Mae Payments to US Will Exceed Bailout 2 bad, b/c government owns $FNMA & will keep it as a piggy bank $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • An anti-tech backlash in San Francisco Note to politicians: don’t bite the hand that feeds u 2 support malcontents $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Good: Bumper profits threaten US ethanol support Time to free *all* energy sources from subsidies adj 4 pollution $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Bottlenecks along the Industrial Revolution There is $$ 2b made in expanding energy infrastructure in America $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • CBO Is Right: Minimum Wage Hike Can Kill Jobs Suggests raising the Earned Income Tax Credit, which would add jobs $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Obama Keystone Pipeline Review Roiled by Nebraska Judge Governor & Legislature bypassed Public Services Commission $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Obamacare’s Latest Surprise for Taxpayers? @Asymmetricinfo says Obama Admin may extend risk corridors past 3 years $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • Detroiters Without Cars Seek Jobs in Vain as City Shrinks Cities r organic & they can die, like Detroit. Give up $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • UAW’s Devastating Defeat at a Tennessee Volkswagen Plant: 4 Blunt Points Give workers credit 4 rejecting bad deal $$ Feb 17, 2014


Market Impact


  • Frontier-Market Funds Pour in Boosted by Fixed Currencies 2 much $$ flowing into immature mkts via ETFs; avoid $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Learning From a Literary Legend: The Importance of History Argues that 10-year stock returns will b below average $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Income As The Outcome: Reframing the 401(k) Plan Int rates fall, 401(k) bond values rise, but future income falls $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Wall Street Bond Dealers Renounce Treasuries That Lure Pimco This is a mess, &no one knows, but I remain long $TLT $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • FX Traders Facing Extinction as Computers Replace Humans True if all u r doing is matching trades not if profiting $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • Information asymmetry, bad incentives and Taibbi @izakaminska does an excellent takedown of Tabibi’s recent piece $$ Feb 15, 2014


Rest of the World


  • Japan Record Trade Gap Shows Risk of Abenomics Losing Steam High debts, trade deficit due 2 low yen, disaster $$ $FXY Feb 22, 2014
  • For Chinese, It’s Going to Cost More to Become Canadian Pity those that want to escape China 2 Canada w/their loot $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Nigeria’s Delta Oil Thieves Scrape Out a Precarious Living Long piece shows a vignette of the troubles in Nigeria $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Foreign Investors Scoop Up New Treasuries Even as Fed Cuts Buying Weaken your currency. Help exporters. Buy US Tsys $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • India Hedging at Two-Year High as Polls Shroud Outlook Fears of a minority govt have hedgers buying puts on Nifty $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Samsung Investors May Discover World of Possibilities Pity about Sarbanes-Oxley. Samsung shares used 2 trade in US $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Emerging Stocks Rise to Three-Week High on Record China Lending W/China overlending already a problem, not helpful $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Invading Switzerland? Try Before 8 or After 5 The Swiss Air Force likes to have the evenings off. War can wait $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • UN warns North Korea’s Kim Jong-un w/a strongly worded letter Few things crueler than making a Mom kill own child $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Bank of Japan Surprises Markets Expands Loan Programs, Keeps Main Policy Unchanged, builds bigger debt bubble $$ $FXY Feb 21, 2014
  • Japan?s GPIF Should Own $600B of Stocks, Ito Says Angling 4a nomination 2 the coveted “Putting in the top” award $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • As World’s Kids Get Fatter, Doctors Turn to the Knife Bariatric surgery on a 3-yo, as parents can’t say no re food $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • China Fund Shifts Focus Away From Energy to US, European Recovery Plays CIC shifts out of power & into real estate $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Japan Growth Figures Disappoint GDP Increase Comes in Well Below Expectations, perhaps Abe will think twice $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • China Overtakes India as Gold Consumer When your property can b confiscated by gov’t, helpful 2 have gold 2 carry $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • US to Face G-20 Pressure Over Tapering If the emerging market nations are properly financed, US $$ policy won’t harm Feb 21, 2014
  • At Asia Air Show, Plenty of Competition for Sales of Drones Many uses 4 drones to monitor areas that r hard 2get2 $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Russians Return to Cyprus, a Favorite Tax Haven But they won’t put $$ is Cypriot banks after losing much of it b4 Feb 21, 2014
  • Billionaire Niel Trains Geeks to Fix France?s Talent Mismatch Sets up a school in France that teaches programming $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Elliott vs Argentina: 3 possible resolutions @felixsalmon Sovereign immunity, pari passu & bondholders? ransom $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • Europe Mending as Markets Signal Even Portuguese Get Work Less clear than it seems, but Europe is getting better $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • Sochi Olympics: Vic Wild, American-Born Snowboarder Competing For Russia, Wins Gold Far better he got a good wife $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • What the Heck Is Going on in Venezuela? (Could the Maduro Regime Fall?) Yes, it could fall, but what will replace? $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • China Digs Itself Deeper Into Dollar Trap Buying Dollar assets supports the cronies of the party that export $$ $FXI Feb 19, 2014
  • Asia Has Crisis to Thank for Gains in Emerging Rout Emerging Asia, minus China, in better shape than 1997-8 $$ $FXI Feb 19, 2014
  • Swiss Fault Lines Exposed as Villagers See Risk to Postcard Life Urban vs rural & the “last settler” syndrome $$ $FXF Feb 17, 2014
  • Salmond Says Forcing Scotland to Drop Pound to Hurt UK Seriously doubt UK would giveup the seigniorage if Scots go $$ Feb 17, 2014
  • A Rebuke to Japanese Nationalism Japan needs 2 give up any sense that what they did in WWII was honorable $$ Feb 17, 2014
  • Indonesia Says Australian Defense of Spying Is ?Mind Boggling? My, but Snowden opened many cans of worms w/leaks $$ Feb 17, 2014
  • Saudis Agree to Provide Syrian Rebels With Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles Proxy war between Wahabis & Shia continues $$ Feb 15, 2014


Financials & Personal Finance


  • Wall Street Landlords Buy Bad Loans for Cheaper Homes Color me skeptical; when investors own homes, mkt overvalued $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Energy Holdings Nears Bankruptcy After Creditor Talks Falter They overpaid & the debt was huge, even Buffett lost $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Tender Offer for Insurer Divides a Boardroom $AFG ‘s offer for $NATL is more than generous, just tender yr shares $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Putting Your 401(k) on Autopilot Would b better if we made plans where employees could buy defined benefit units $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • The growing case against ETFs Makes same point that Jack Bogle & I make, ETFs get traded badly by most investors $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Americans Ramp Up Borrowing US Household Debt Posts Largest Quarterly Increase Since Before Recession $$ #seenthisb4 Feb 21, 2014
  • Has Small-Business Lending Really Improved? Qty available may b high, but yields r steep @ nontraditional lenders $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • The Current Opportunity Set Valuation-sensitive mgrs see fewer & fewer places 2 put $$ 2 work, so cash balances grow Feb 21, 2014
  • These Wells Fargo robbers were also tellers Comments, some think if banks r dishonest they should b stolen from $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • I, Claudius, caller of bank bonds Memo 2 bond investors: if you buy an odd bond, b sure 2 read the prospectus $$ $TLT Feb 15, 2014
  • When One Spouse Saves and the Other Spends I do not get how this person can be a financial advice columnist $$ $TLT Feb 17, 2014
  • Debt-Market Chill May Leave Banks Out in the Cold–Heard on the Street No January bounceback 2 make up 4 December $$ Feb 15, 2014

Companies & Industries


  • 10-Gbit Google Fiber is already real, just not from $GOOG $VZ has tested it & others 2, coming 2 biz, not home $$ Feb 22, 2014
  • Charter Seen Eyeing Cox After Time Warner Loss Cox family is pretty cagey; $CHTR would have 2 pay through the nose $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • ‘Candy Crush Saga’ Maker Files for an IPO Put King Digital in the “too hard” pile, hard to predict future success $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Google to Push Its Fiber Rollout on Comcast’s Turf $GOOG experiments, $CMCSA will have hard time competing w/fiber $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • My Goldman Sachs Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (And Why I’m Grateful) Toughened her up, made her more cynical $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Chevron’s Free Pizza Offer Only Feeds Public’s Distrust It was a cheesy way 2 compensate people 4 their troubles $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • The Coal Plant an Illinois Town Couldn’t Give Away $AEE pays $DYN to take over a coal plant. Now $DYN wants 2leave $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Rarest of Rare Iridium Gains as Growth Spurs Demand Cheaper than gold, Iridium is used in industrial applications $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Buffett?s Coca-Cola Complacency Warning Foretells Troubled Year Listen to Buffett, his intuition is sharp $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • Steve Perlman’s Amazing Wireless Machine Is Finally Here If it works, it is a huge increase 4 mobile bandwidth $$ $T Feb 19, 2014
  • Actavis Agrees to Buy Forest Labs for $25 Billion Kudos 2 @Carl_C_Icahn Quite a string of victories $FRX $ACT $IEP $$ Feb 18, 2014


Fed Notes

  • Fed Puts Rate Increase on the Radar Move Before 2015 Unlikely, but Minutes Suggest Some Inflation Hawks R Circling $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • The Key Passages in the Federal Reserve’s Minutes Hawks start discussion on when the Fed Funds rate should rise $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Yellen Leads Fed Damned Every Way by Emerging Market Angst Can’t win b/c developed mkt $$ policy swamps EM policies Feb 21, 2014


US Economics


  • Worsening US Divorce Rate Points to Improving Economy “We’re finally doing well, honey. Now we can afford2divorce” $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Citi’s Economic Surprise Index Hits Zero As such, the economy is slowing & bond yields r falling. Who knew? $$ $TLT Feb 21, 2014




  • ‘Downton Abbey’ Is Downright Un-American If a servant wrote book about how nice her employer was it wouldn’t sell $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Go Ahead, Let Your Kids Fail Fail & bounce back -> Kids gain skills & grit @asymmetricinfo is off on her book tour $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • I Took the GMAT With No Preparation. Here’s What Happened Journalist gets score good enough 2 go 2 biz school $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • Friedman and Hanke on Bitcoin But what happens when 1 party gets cheated in a Bitcoin transaction? Caveat emptor? $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • The Official Forecast of the US Government Never Saw This Winter Coming We don’t understand climate well $$ $TLT $SPY Feb 19, 2014



  • Wrong: In Buffett We Trust as Berkshire Annual Report Lacks Disclosure There is more than adequate info in the 10K $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Wrong: Cut Off Harvard to Save America When u mess w/what is a nonprofit & not, u can’t tell what will b the result $$ Feb 21, 2014
  • Wrong: Is China at Risk of a Debt Crisis? Not Really,Bank Says China facing domestic banking crisis, like US 2008 $$ Feb 19, 2014


Comments, Replies and Retweets

  • “From what I glean, Zuckerberg romanced them & told them $FB wouldn’t touch their baby. We’ll see” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 20, 2014
  • “Well said. It is hard for China to give up forced investment and export promotion. It’s economic heroin” Merkel $$ Feb 19, 2014
  • Commented on StockTwits: This: and if I knew Spanish, could have seen it earlier:… Feb 18, 2014


On Emergent Phenomena

On Emergent Phenomena

How do you deal with a risk that has never been seen before?? I’m going to focus on financial risks here, but clever people can generalize to other classes of human risk, like war and terrorism.

By “emergent phenomena” I mean what happens when people act as a group pursuing the same strategy.? One person doing a given strategy means nothing.? But when millions do it, that can be significant.? Same for corporations, but the numbers are lower, because corporations are far bigger economically than the average household.

Here are some examples of emergent phenomena:

  • 1987 — Strategies for dynamic hedging became a large enough part of the market that the market became unstable, where parties would buy as the market rose, and sell as the market fell.
  • Tech stocks were the only place to be 1998-2000, until they weren’t 2000-2003.
  • Too much hedge fund money was playing the quantitative value plus momentum trade in 2007.? Many players borrowed money to goose returns in 2006-7.? It blew up in August 2007.
  • The fear of not getting “free money” caused many to overinvest in residential real estate 2004-7, until the free money was not only not free, but billing you for past indiscretions.
  • There was a frenzy among commercial real estate investor toward the end of the 1980s, which bid prices up amid more buying power from then-cheap commercial mortgage debt, leading to an overshoot, and fall in property value in the early 1990s.
  • In 2005, the CDO Correlation Trade led to a panic in the corporate bond market, and in auto stocks.
  • Into the late 1980s, Japanese households and some foreigners plowed progressively more liquid capital into the Japanese stock and warrant markets.? That was the peak, and few if any have made their money back.

Emergent phenomena stem from:

  • Many people and institutions doing the same thing at the same time.
  • Using debt to substitute for equity in a trade that has become a “sure thing.”
  • Multiple companies and industries pursuing the essentially same trade, but in different corners of the markets.? (Think of the real estate bubble.? There were so many different angles that the bulls played: mortgage insurance, financial guaranty, subprime loans and derivatives thereof, weakened lending standards on prime loans, etc.)
  • And it is more intense when economic agents borrow short-term to finance their efforts, because when things go wrong, the feedback loop is quick.

Everyone runs to the exits in a burning theater, and so, fewer get out amid the struggle, than if everyone patiently walked out.? In financial terms, this is why markets are more volatile than expected, particularly on the downside.? Too many people want to sell in a panic, after having pursued a well-known strategy that had been successful for quite a while.

But no tree grows to the sky.? The intelligent investor notes several things:

  • Where is the most new debt being applied, and to increasingly little effect?
  • What fad are players investing in, that you think can’t be maintained long-run?
  • What is happening that would not be happening if it were not for price momentum?
  • Where are players relying on price appreciation or else their levered positions will collapse?
  • Where is money being borrowed short-term to fund long-term assets?

People are prone to imitate past success, even when a rational person would conclude that it doesn’t make any sense to borrow money and buy an asset at a high price.? It’s easier to imitate than to think independently.

In the present market, I see large increases in government debt and student loans.? Beyond that, there is the income craze in investing.? Don’t look at the yield; look at the underlying business.

Be wary.? The stock market has run hard the last ~5 years, and I see valuation-sensitive investors retreating.? Even with bond rates low, that doesn’t mean stocks are better.

All for now.? Comments welcome.


If Investing Were Free, How Would It Change What You Do?

If Investing Were Free, How Would It Change What You Do?

Sometimes I think people forget that they are people; they think that somehow technology will eliminate their foibles.? ETFs have lowered costs for investors, but the greater ability to trade has enabled investors to more easily be greedy or panic.

Go ahead.? Make trading free.? Lessen further the frictions that inhibit bad trades.

If investing is free, would we create better asset allocation models?? Costs are pretty low now, and I don’t see many imitating GMO, which has the best models of which I know.

Costs are already low now for common trades, and if you are willing to deal with poor customer service, you can trade cheaply in many places using Interactive Brokers. [I like Interactive Brokers.? They are the cheapest, and where they are good, they are very, very good.? Where they are bad, well…]

There is virtue to having some “sand in the gears,” i.e., things that hold us back from making too many adjustments to investments.? If investing is free, then human nature will lack one more roadblock against bad decision-making.

Investors get fixated on explicit costs, and miss the implicit costs, which are often higher.? Honestly, on any investment decision, you want to take time, and ask whether the change is worth it.? Are you really on the right side of the trade?? Just because there is little to no cost to do the trade, does that mean it is correct to trade?

Over the years, with ETFs, I have found that people trade more, and lose in trading.? Jack Bogle was/is right regarding ETF clones of low cost mutual funds.? To the degree that we encourage people to trade because of low transaction costs, the more we enable unintelligent fear and greed.

But As For Me

How would free trading affect what I do?? It wouldn’t.? The cost of trading for me is so low, that it does not figure into what I do.? It is better in investing to think hard about your decisions, and make fewer of them.? Thus I constrain myself to making major portfolio changes four times a year.? It’s a big process, and I do it at mid-quarter.? I think hard about the changes I make, and I make few of them, realizing that I am not immune to fear and greed.

This was written partially with an eye to an article at Abnormal Returns, which I rarely disagree with.? My main point is that human nature is a much bigger factor in investing than costs.? First learn to control human nature, if you can.? Then control costs.

Why are Pensions so Messed Up

Why are Pensions so Messed Up

A few days ago, I was reading Felix Salmon’s piece Pension politics.? (Nice title, the type that Tadas likes — the shorter the better.)? I wrote a short response in the comments, largely agreeing with Felix.? Here it is:

Here are the facts:

1) DB pension funding accounting rules are more liberal than life insurance accounting rules.

2) Pension actuaries have long assumed investment earnings rates well in excess of what can be achieved.

3) Longevity has long been increasing for those that buy annuities, and take pensions.

4) Average people are lousy investment managers, they panic and get greedy at the wrong times. Pension asset managers aren?t great, but they largely avoid panic & greed.

5) The PBGC is horribly underfunded, as are most municipal pension plans.

6) Overseas, things can be bad, like Poland, Argentina, India, etc. In those cases being on your own is better. Our custodial systems here are pretty good. (Please ignore MF Global.)

7) Fees are generally too high in asset management, and most people should go for passive management, or a few clever value investors.

8 ) Hedge funds, commodities, and private equity are not the answer. Analyze the returns on an dollar-weighted [IRR] basis and they will be much lower than the illustrated buy & hold returns.

9) Highly paid workers lose out in bankruptcy. Multi-employer trusts are prone to a run on the pension plan if a major employer goes BK.

10) the average person is at best a budgeter, and not an investor. That said, buying inflation insurance is very expensive, if you can achieve it at all.

Summary: in general, you are right, Felix, but it is a question of cost to the corporations funding the DB plans. I think the cost is worth it, but maybe it needs to be shared with workers, taking pre-tax dollars to buy more future DB plan payments. How many people would do that? Sadly, not many.

Pensions have always been a bit of a compromise.? In order to get employers to create Defined Benefit [DB] pensions, the government allowed for funding methods that were liberal — a plan sponsor wouldn’t have to put in as much at the beginning; it can catch up over time.? More than that, the assumptions that DB pensions could use were far more liberal than what life insurers could use for similar contingencies.? Life insurers had to use best estimates and then add risk margins.? Pensions could dream of returns, with no risk margins.

The 401(k) was an accident.? It was tossed into a much larger bill, and no one noticed.? After passage, some benefits consultants, notably Ted Benna, found ways to use it, creating the boom in Defined Contribution [DC] plans.

Corporations initially added DC plans to their DB plans, but as the 90s ended, and equity performance sank, many terminated their DB plans.? Part of it was the asset markets, but another part of it was aging workforces, because the funding rules were weak (unlike life insurance).? Sponsors realized that they would have to spend a lot more on DB plans in the future than they would otherwise want to.? Now stingy corporations cut back on their DC matches, or accept kickbacks out of investment manager fees.

There are two great virtues in defined benefit plans: 1) Investing is handled by professionals.? 2) Level payments are made.? Most people can budget.? Few can invest.? Yes, there is the problem of inflation, should it occur, but pensioners should have assets outside of their pension to deal with inflation.? They need longevity insurance, so that they avoid outliving their assets.

Though it might be hard managing a fixed income versus uncertain inflation over an uncertain lifespan, it is much harder to manage a lump sum over a full retirement.? When finances are tight, it is much harder to make the right decisions.? Hope biases average investors in favor of taking chances, whether the market favors taking chances or not.

Add in the troubles with defaults of DB plan sponsors, and significant benefits can be lost, particularly if you have been highly paid.

I would want to tell most asset allocators that there is little to no magic in alternative investments.? The alternatives face the same risk factors as ordinary investments, and they are not underinvested by pension investors.

Closing Notes

Sorry, I forgot to blame the IRS for limiting overfunding for tax reasons, when the overfunding was really funding, and would have been useful today.

Even without the introduction of the 401(k), corporations would have cut back on DB pensions because of costs.? A lot of that was due to bad funding methods, but without those bad funding methods, many DB plans would never have been done.

Just be grateful you don’t live in other parts of the world, where governments are more graspy, and pension assets are a target to plug holes in the government deficit.

This May Be Gold, But It Is Not Golden

This May Be Gold, But It Is Not Golden

I’ve done a number of articles on dollar-weighted returns in mutual funds.? There are rare cases where the shareholder base is smart, usually in value funds, where the shareholders add more money on declines, and lighten up when things are going too well.

Tonight’s target is the Gold ETF SPDR Gold Shares [GLD].? As with most volatile mutual funds, people tend to get greedy or panic.? They chase performance.? Consider this list of inflows and outflows from GLD. Cash flows are assumed to occur at mid-period.


Cash Flow


???????????? 13,081


?????? 2,902,381


?????? 3,152,826


?????? 4,129,118


?????? 5,163,301


??? 10,326,761


?????? 8,197,457


??? (3,046,769)


?????? 5,499,978


? (18,958,700)


??? (4,320,084)


? (30,887,920)







Versus a buy-and-hold investor, the average holder gives up almost 3% of returns via market mistiming.? Technicians may talk down buy and hold, but buy and hold usually outperforms the average trader.? This is similar to what my friend Josh Brown talks about in his article Flows Don?t Follow Value, They Follow Performance.? Very few investors are rational businessmen, estimating likely returns over their funding horizon.? Rather they chase past success, and flee past failures.

Such has been true of the SPDR Gold Shares ETF.? Say what you will about the cheapness of large ETFs, people will still misuse them.? They will buy late in a bull phase, and sell late in a bear phase.

And so I say to all: Guard your emotions.? Be forward-looking.? Analyze likely value five years out.? Don’t make snap decisions out of regret.? Think about risk control before you buy shares, bonds, whatever.

Now, as a personal aside, it took me around eight years to learn to control my emotions.? Over the last 20 years, I have made at most a handful of errors reacting to bad market events.? I learned to analyze rather than panic back in the 90s.? It doesn’t mean that I am always right, but it does mean that I act.? I almost never react.

As for GLD, be wary about paper gold.? Is it really fully collateralized by audited gold in a warehouse?? There are lots of promises of gold being traded, but how much physical gold could you have delivered to you, should you want it?

That’s all for now.? Be careful in all of your investing; it is easy to err.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Market Impact


  • Companies Squeeze 401K Plans From Facebook to JPMorgan This should not surprise, many companies shrink labor costs $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Wells Fargo edges back into subprime as US mortgage market thaws Isn’t a problem now, problem comes w/imitators $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Homebuyers Get Break as Loan Rates Defy Fed Tapering Housing & general economy weakened, so mortgage rates fell $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Pension politics @felixsalmon points out how defined benefit plans r in general better 4 workers. Mind the PBGC $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Colleges Raise Record $33.8B Exceeding US Peak in 2009 Donations always follow creation of unrealized cap gains $$ Feb 12, 2014
  • Some Lines Say Maybe the Stock Market Will Go Down @matt_levine correctly criticizes the 1928-9 $SPY graph overlay $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • 1929 Stock Market Crash Chart Is Garbage Unequal left & right scales make the relationship look tighter than it is $$ Feb 12, 2014
  • ?When to Ignore the Investment Experts ?When all the experts &forecasts agree ? something else is going 2 happen.? $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Comparing Economic Recoveries In 1984-2006, growth was borrowed from future by increasing debt levels-> #payback $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Aluminum Lines Still Trouble the London Metal Exchange Aluminum inventories will b a prob, til short intrates rise $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Top Anecdotal Signs of a Market Bubble Good piece, like one of mine: Watch the credit cycle $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Ten Stocks to Own During a Market Correction Good list. I own a few of them. $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Does trend-chasing explain financial markets? Partly. Difference between investment IRR and total return is big $$ Feb 10, 2014
  • ?Security. Safety. Stability.? from @reformedbroker Gold is useful at certain points, but only when it is hated $$ Feb 10, 2014
  • Flows Don?t Follow Value, They Follow Performance @reformedbroker wrote this little gem. Learn & internalize it $$ Feb 10, 2014
  • Long Term Charts 2: Western Markets Since The Middle Ages Interesting charts from very messy data at Zero Hedge $$ Feb 10, 2014
  • Most Expensive Place to Find Out Who You Are @jasonzweigwsj : Your reaction 2 minor crisis shows yr risk tolerance $$ Feb 10, 2014


Companies & Industries


  • AIG Takes $832 Million Charge on Death Bets as Hedge Funds Gain Life settlements should b illegal $$ $MET $AIG $PRU Feb 14, 2014
  • To Stop the Coffee Apocalypse, Starbucks Buys a Farm $SBUX helps create a variety of rust resistant Arabica trees $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Former BlackRock Manager Finds Billions on Rice Energy Few investment mgrs have operating talent; Daniel Rice does $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Buffett’s Pal Munger Heads a Very Weird Company Growth of $DJCO thru investing leads 2 # of growing pains & 13F $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Here?s Why the Biggest Cable Company in the Country Thinks It Can Get Bigger Feds tolerant of cable re antitrust $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Why AOL ended up spending millions on ‘distressed babies’ $AOL chose 2b in healthcare biz 4 its employees & lost $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • 3 High-Yielders To Buy On The Pullback In total $SNH issues more stock than it pays in divs. Divs -> cap losses $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Who is John Thompson? A look at Microsoft’s new chairman May have right stuff to protect new CEO from meddling $$ Feb 10, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • Runaway Drones Map Land, Film ‘Wolf,’ Knock Down People, FAA Gives Chase Drones r here 2 stay; time license them $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Teacher Tenure Put to the Test in California Lawsuit Tenure has outlived its usefulness; older teachers can b lazy $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Lincoln’s Foreign Policy in Today’s World Kept England & France from joining Civil War; otherwise pragmatic $$ $SPY Feb 15, 2014
  • What Would Lincoln Do? A clever man w/principles, who did not cease to be pragmatic pursuing 1 main goal – Union $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Harvard Professor Attacking Google Thrives as Web Sheriff At some point, lack of disclosure will blow up on him $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • The $2.2B Bird-Scorching Solar Project Get used 2 idea: almost every form of energy imposes environmental costs $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Obamacare Damage-Control Teams Seek to Calm Complaints Things r tough when u r trying to avoid media embarrassment $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Billionaire Musk Gets Brownsville to Pay for SpaceX Like a football owner bargaining 2 get taxpayers buy a stadium $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Snowden Swiped Password From NSA Coworker & it cost him his job. Snowden denies it; NSA is Not Saying Anything $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Puerto Rico Legislators Amend Bill Calling for Bank-Deposit Shift Provincial govt’s attempt 2raid cookie jar stopd $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Obamacare Will, in Fact, Encourage Employers to Cut Jobs As the employer mandate comes into force, jobs will b cut $$ Feb 12, 2014
  • Tea Party Scorns Republicans as House Lifts Debt Ceiling t-party can b “pure” as Dems raise ceiling w/few GOP $$ $TLT Feb 12, 2014
  • A Lame Duckish Calm Falls Over the Capital Parties in DC act as if the next event is the November elections $$ $TLT Feb 12, 2014
  • Obama Rewrites ObamaCare Another day, another lawless exemption, once again for business; WSJ bangs populist drum $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • The US Senate Again Insists on USPS Saturday Mail Delivery 2 timid; end Wednesday & Saturday delivery $$ $UPS $FDX Feb 11, 2014
  • US firms ?paid effective tax rate of 2.2% in 2011? More than a tax haven, Ireland helps insurers shave reserves $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • No Honeymoon for Janet Yellen QE withdrawal will bite, & what will become of all the deposits? $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Please Hold Your Bernanke Applause Remember, when Greenspan left, he was viewed as a success, same as BB now $$ $TLT Feb 11, 2014
  • Sounding the Tax Alarm, to Little Applause IRS stiffs whistleblowers who often lose employability 4 being a tipper $$ Feb 10, 2014


Rest of the World


  • Putin is Playing a Game of His Own Not so fast. Russia has significant resources & influence in Eastern H’sphere $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Boy?s Life Hanging on 8-Hour Trip Shows Why Venezuelans Protest Socialism is like a cancer that spreads til death $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • Let’s Watch Venezuela Destroy Itself Logical extreme of Socialism falls apart; pity that Chavez never lived 2c it $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • Chinese Join Winklevosses in L.A. Luxury Home Hedges Amazing what the wealthy will pay 4a fancy foreign retreat $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • Next crisis won?t come from the emerging markets Argues France, Germany, Britain, Australia & Canada-> 2 much debt $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Mister Donut, Pan Am and Friendster Found Alive and Well Old brands never die, they just move overseas & make $$ $SPY Feb 13, 2014
  • Bank of England points to 2015 rate rise, blurs guidance More precision than 1 can know; the world is messy $$ $FXB Feb 13, 2014
  • Italy Pays Record Low to Sell 3-Year Debt at Auction Let the leverage build for the next crisis $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Fink to Mobius Touting Emerging Stocks Fails to Stem Outflow A time 2 nibble, not a time 2 gulp $$ $EEM Be wary Feb 13, 2014
  • Greek Truckers Show Plight as Groceries Show Up Frozen Freeing up the labor market will work as attitudes change $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Tunisians Bolt Doors Even After New Constitution Passed Constitutions cannot create cultural change; asks 2 much $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Israel Desalination Shows California Not to Fear Drought When resources r tight there are incentives 2 create tech $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • London Walkie Talkie Owners to Shield Car-Melting Beam Reflective parabolic curve of building melts cars @ a spot $$ Feb 12, 2014
  • Rouhani Seeks Economic Fix as Iran Commemorates Revolution Will have to get the agreement of unelected true rulers $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Argentina to Replace Bogus Inflation Index to Mend IMF Ties Argentina tries 2 find cheapest way out of this mess $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Who Should Pay for Trusts that Go Bust? If China is smart, protect depositors, but let banks & WMP holders fail $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Iceland Girds for Fight as Suit Targets Half $14B GDP Icelandic taxpayer will refuse the bill; UK will b stiffed $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Mobius Says Emerging-Market Rout Near End as Valuations Lure I dunno, a 4% earnings yield premium seems small $$ $EEM Feb 11, 2014
  • Rehabilitating Portugal Long; Argues that a Greek-style bailout should b done, or Portugal will eventually default $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Iranian TV Shows Rare Broadcast of Band Playing Music Christianity has always been easier on music than Islam $$ Feb 11, 2014


Work Trends


  • Sheep-Shearing Wells Fargo Banker Bridges US Income Gap Sells coffeemakers too; many in US work multiple jobs $$ $TLT Feb 13, 2014
  • Workers Shed Caution, in a Healthy Sign for Labor Market When workers r willing 2 quit, labor mkt is healthy $$ $TLT Feb 11, 2014




  • A Little Valentine’s Day Straight Talk Sage counsel 2 younger women if they want to get married: start early $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • The Sex Question Readers Want Answered Most Even Long-Married Happy Couples Ask, ‘How Can We Have Sex More Often?’ $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Ten Ways You’re Probably Leaving Money on the Table Simple list of ways to save money for avg upper-middle class $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Why Mom’s Time Is Different From Dad’s Time Husbands, u can win if u reduce chaos for your overburdened wives $$ Feb 11, 2014




  • US Scores Fusion-Power Breakthrough Bad news is Tritium very expensive @ $100K per gram; takes much energy 2 make $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • If Ocean Heat Pump Switches On, Expect to Feel It Speculative; we don’t understand climate or hurricanes well $$ Feb 11, 2014
  • Who is Steven Reisman? Meet Hip-Hop VIPs’ Favorite Lawyer, The Man With The $2 Bills Weird. Very, very weird $$ $SPY Feb 11, 2014
  • What Really Happened to Flappy Bird? Beware the success u wish 4? Also: Still a puzzle $$ $SPY Feb 11, 2014


Wrong, etc.


  • Skeptical: Blackstone-Fueled Single-Family Home Boom Lifts Chicago In past hi levels of investor ownership bearish $$ Feb 15, 2014
  • Wrong: Pros Panic, Retail Investors Stay Cool on Emerging Markets Too short a period time to judge $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • Wrong: Social norms: The indignity of no work New technologies will create new jobs & make the whole world better $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • Wrong: Warren Buffett is laughing at you for selling Poorly thought-out piece glues 2unrelated ideas together $$ $EEM Feb 13, 2014
  • Wrong: The #1 High-Yield Investment Of America’s Elite Spammy article that talks about REITs as if they r a secret $$ Feb 11, 2014


Replies, Retweets & Comments


  • 10 miles west of Baltimore, MD, we got ~15 inches of snow over the last last 2 days. #snow #weather #pax $$ Feb 14, 2014
  • “I made this comment six months ago:… & then, I tipped the SEC. ?” ? David_Merkel $$ $DJCO Feb 13, 2014
  • “Administrative Services Only” plus individual stop loss protection is in general the smart way2?” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • “This is a common confusion in statistics — you can have a high correlation and a low beta. Second?” ? Merkel $$ Feb 13, 2014
  • RT @Pawelmorski: Scary parallel my foot. Feb 12, 2014
  • @davidgaffen that would only be a temporary fix. I wrote this 3.5 yrs ago on the topic: The internet eats USPS Feb 11, 2014
  • @quakkelaar I miss you too. If you are ever near Baltimore/DC, let me know; we can get together, brother. Last few years have been hard Feb 11, 2014
  • RT @ReformedBroker: Please explain how the wording of this investment advertisement on the Washington Post site could be legal: Feb 10, 2014
  • ‘ @quakkelaar Hail old friend. Yes, same old mistakes, b/c those wishing to retire are making the money sweat, until it rebels on them $$ Feb 09, 2014


Mimicking the 1980s Value Line Contest

Mimicking the 1980s Value Line Contest

A letter from a reader:

Dear Mr. Merkel,

I am organizing an investment contest in my university and I want to do it properly. Can you provide me with data of stock divided into 10 groups based on volatility? I searched for it in Yahoo Finance, but if you have it compiled in a better way, it would be really helpful.?

Also, what do you mean when you say a minimum capitalization limit? Do you mean that the students should hold a certain amount of cash, that they are not allowed to invest?

Sometime in 1985-1986, [Corrected from 1983-1984 — DM] Value Line held a contest where it asked participants to pick ten stocks, one from each of ten price volatility groups, ranked from lowest to highest.? Why such a contest design?? Well, with most stock picking contests, the winner picks a really volatile stock, it soars, and he is the winner by accident.? I say “by accident” because there were others with similarly volatile stocks that lost.

Forcing players to pick a portfolio of stocks, including less volatile stocks, creates a real challenge that resembles real portfolios.?? Even though the contest will still run over 6 months[Corrected from 3-6 months — DM], the luck component is substantially reduced, even though results over a short time horizon are highly affected by luck and momentum.

Well, I’ve created a file that divides the US-traded market into 10 volatility buckets for you, using data from a screening package.?? Here’s the link.

3,589 stocks made the cut.? No ETFs, closed-end funds, etc.? No market caps below $100 million. No stocks with less than 3 years of trading history.? The market cap limit is there because really teeny stocks can fly, and skew the results.? And no, no cash is in the results, just the average returns of 10 stocks.

Here are the average price volatilities by bucket.? [Volatility is actual price volatility for 36 trailing months]

Bucket Avg Price Volatility
1 15.04
2 19.80
3 23.28
4 26.67
5 30.01
6 33.69
7 38.16
8 44.38
9 54.21
10 107.02

As for industries, the volatilities are what you might expect:

Ten Least Volatile

  • 1206 – Natural Gas Utilities
  • 1203 – Electric Utilities
  • 1209 – Water Utilities
  • 0512 – Fish/Livestock
  • 0506 – Beverages (Non-Alcoholic)
  • 0524 – Tobacco
  • 0715 – Insurance (Property & Casualty)
  • 0503 – Beverages (Alcoholic)
  • 0933 – Real Estate Operations
  • 0730 – S&Ls/Savings Banks

Ten Most Volatile

  • 0912 – Casinos & Gaming
  • 0930 – Printing Services
  • 0124 – Metal Mining
  • 0409 – Audio & Video Equipment
  • 0427 – Photography
  • 0969 – Schools
  • 0118 – Gold & Silver
  • 0803 – Biotechnology & Drugs
  • 0966 – Retail (Technology)
  • 0424 – Jewelry & Silverware

That said, such a contest would force some choices from both safe and volatile investments.

Smaller stocks are a lot more volatile than large stocks on average:

Mkt Cap Bucket

Average Vol Decile













Over 100B


Finally, some countries are more or less volatile than others.? Of the 50 countries represented, trading on US exchanges, here are the most and least volatile:

Least Volatile

  • Colombia
  • Denmark
  • Panama
  • Philippines
  • Turkey
  • Belgium
  • United Kingdom
  • Chile
  • Switzerland
  • Japan

Most Volatile

  • Israel
  • Bahamas
  • Finland
  • Portugal
  • Russian Federation
  • India
  • Monaco
  • Greece
  • China
  • Argentina


My point in showing some of the divisions is to give an idea of ways to analyze and play the game.? You could also do it by momentum or valuation variables.? Momentum would probably work best in a short contest.

As for me in the early ’80s, I was a busy graduate student, so I looked at the stocks rank ed highest for Timeliness by Value Line in each volatility group, and selected the one for each group that I thought was the most promising.? As it was, I finished in the top 1%, but not high enough to win a prize.

Anyway, I think this is a great contest design, because it minimizes the ability of players to pick volatile stocks.? With ten stocks of varying volatility in the portfolio, stock-picking skill has a greater chance of being revealed.? Better would be a longer-term contest, but few have the patience for that, and players will argue that they should be allowed to trade, making for a more complex contest.

Industry Ranks February 2014

Industry Ranks February 2014

Industry Ranks 6_1521_image002

My main industry model is illustrated in the graphic. Green industries are cold. Red industries are hot. If you like to play momentum, look at the red zone, and ask the question, ?Where are trends under-discounted?? Price momentum tends to persist, but look for areas where it might be even better in the near term.

If you are a value player, look at the green zone, and ask where trends are over-discounted. Yes, things are bad, but are they all that bad? Perhaps the is room for mean reversion.

My candidates from both categories are in the column labeled ?Dig through.?

You might notice that? I have no industries from the red zone. That is because the market is so high. I only want to play in cold industries. They won?t get so badly hit in a decline, and they might have some positive surprises.

If you use any of this, choose what you use off of your own trading style. If you trade frequently, stay in the red zone. Trading infrequently, play in the green zone ? don?t look for momentum, look for mean reversion. I generally play in the green zone because I hold stocks for 3 years on average.

Whatever you do, be consistent in your methods regarding momentum/mean-reversion, and only change methods if your current method is working well.

Huh? Why change if things are working well? I?m not saying to change if things are working well. I?m saying don?t change if things are working badly. Price momentum and mean-reversion are cyclical, and we tend to make changes at the worst possible moments, just before the pattern changes. Maximum pain drives changes for most people, which is why average investors don?t make much money.

Maximum pleasure when things are going right leaves investors fat, dumb, and happy ? no one thinks of changing then. This is why a disciplined approach that forces changes on a portfolio is useful, as I do 3-4 times a year. It forces me to be bloodless and sell stocks with less potential for those with more potential over the next 1-5 years.

I like some technology stocks here, some industrials, some consumer stocks, particularly those that are strongly capitalized.

I?m looking for undervalued industries. I?m not saying that there is always a bull market out there, and I will find it for you. But there are places that are relatively better, and I have done relatively well in finding them.

At present, I am trying to be defensive. I don?t have a lot of faith in the market as a whole, so I am biased toward the green zone, looking for mean-reversion, rather than momentum persisting. The red zone is pretty cyclical at present. I will be very happy hanging out in dull stocks for a while.

That said, some dull companies are fetching some pricey valuations these days, particularly those with above average dividends. This is an overbought area of the market, and it is just a matter of time before the flight to relative safety reverses.

The Red Zone has a Lot of Financials; be wary of those. I have been paring back my insurers, but I have been adding to P&C reinsurers.? What I find fascinating about the red momentum zone now, is that it is loaded with cyclical companies.

In the green zone, I picked almost all of the industries. If the companies are sufficiently well-capitalized, and the valuation is low, it can still be an rewarding place to do due diligence.

Will cyclical companies continue to do well?? Will the economy continue to limp along, or might it be better or worse?

But what would the model suggest?

Ah, there I have something for you, and so long as Value Line does not object, I will provide that for you. I looked for companies in the industries listed, but in the top 5 of 9 balance sheet safety categories, and with returns estimated over 12%/year over the next 3-5 years. The latter category does the value/growth tradeoff automatically. I don?t care if returns come from mean reversion or growth.

But anyway, as a bonus here are the names that are candidates for purchase given this screen. Remember, this is a launching pad for due diligence, not hot names to buy.

I?ve loosened my criteria a little because the market is so high, but I figure I will toss out lot when I do my quarterly evaluation of the companies that I hold for clients and me.

Industry Ranks 6_19997_image002

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

?Note: this is the 100th weekly edition of sorted weekly tweets.

Market Impact


  • Standing Out from the Crowd: Measuring Crowding in Quantitative Strategies Overinvestment in strategy precedes losses Feb 08, 2014
  • Does Fair Value Accounting Contribute to Market Price Volatility? An Experimental Approach Short answer: no $$ $XLF Feb 08, 2014
  • The Deeper Causes of the Financial Crisis: Mortgages Alone Cannot Explain It But they were the leading cause $$ $XLF Feb 08, 2014
  • Contagion Rejected as Biggest Bond Buyers Double Down on Junk Makes me think the correction will b another crisis $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Hedge Funds Preparing for $1T Property Bill Key Q: Will they limit their risks prior to the next commercl RE bust? $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Apollo Credit Twice Size of LBOs Shows Private-Equity Shift Not a good sign, nonstandard lenders r fragile $$ $APO Feb 07, 2014
  • Five Pointers on Floating-Rate Funds Don’t chase performance, rates may not rise, nor yields, adds credit risk $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Inverse VIX Fund Gets Record Cash on Calm Market Bet Be careful to not hold it long $$ $VXX Feb 05, 2014
  • World’s cheapest stock markets: Where are shares cheap? Gives u a rough idea as 2 where values may b found $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • Gundlach Shows Why Betting Against Treasuries Is a Fool?s Game Interesting that he is in long Tsys $$ FD: + $TLT Feb 03, 2014
  • Monday?s Selloff, by the Numbers That’s 2 large >2% down days in less than 2 weeks $$ $SPY Feb 03, 2014


Companies & Industries


  • Big Pizza Chains Use Web to Slice Out Bigger Market Share Easier 4 large chains 2 implement online ordering $$ $PZZA Feb 08, 2014
  • SodaStream?s New Mainstream Rivals: Coke and Green Mountain All the more reason 4 $PEP 2 buy $SODA $$ Feb 07, 2014
  • Why Discount Airlines Draw Fewer Complaints (Hint: It’s Not Better Service) Friendlier attitudes r better service $$ Feb 07, 2014
  • Satyajit Das: The Truth About Bank Earnings Bank earnings r lower quality; getting harder to increase them $$ $XLF Feb 05, 2014
  • Experts testify on true cost of Target breach Magnetic stripes will go away, & chips &/or PINs will appear $$ $TGT Feb 05, 2014
  • Apple Quietly Builds New Networks $AAPL certainly has spare $$ to throw at it, enhancing service quality $NFLX $GOOG Feb 04, 2014
  • H-P Finds Accounting Errors at Autonomy Unit We knew it was a dumb deal at the time, now $HPQ shows just how dumb $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Prophet of No Profit: How Jeff Bezos won the faith of Wall Street. Moats, operating leverage, pricing power $$ $AMZN Feb 01, 2014
  • Ask Buffett what he would be willing 2pay 4 $AMZN — after all, it has significant moats. I think he would put it in the “too hard” pile $$ Feb 01, 2014


Rest of the World


  • China, the Death Star of Emerging Markets @williampesek points at financial bubble in China; what will make it pop $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Scandal Tests Chinese President’s Standing With Military Corruption is a major issue 4 China, between Party & Army $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Saudi Twitter Debate as Citizens Criticize Government Social media allows criticism tht would not b done in public $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • China Savers? Penchant for Property Magnifies Bust Danger Anytime a single investment strategy dominates -> worry $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Pimco?s Bill Gross Says He Avoids China ?Mystery Meat? Great phrase as we do not know much about indebted China $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Sao Paulo Biggest Water-Supply System May Run Dry Within 45 Days Many water systems r near their limits globally $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Emerging Stocks Drop to 5-Month Low Led by China as Ruble Gains Not all emerging mkts r equal, some financed wrong $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Japan Sees Worst Developed-Stock Rout as Nikkei 225 Drops Current mkt reveals weak underlying fundamentals $$ $FXY Feb 04, 2014
  • Dad Can?t Buy Daughter Shoes as Argentine Currency Falls ?Do you know how I feel buying my daughter used shoes?? $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Argentina Scrambles To Raise $10B, Avoid Reserve Collapse; BONARs Bidless Only hold hard assets in Silverland $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • EM rout? Or Intervention Sunday? Difficult to tell what Developed Mkt policymakers will do, they r strapped @ home $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Argentina Bust Lures Investors After 200 Years of Defaults Invest in the hard stuff, land does not depreciate $$ $IRS Feb 04, 2014
  • Emerging-Market Rout Seen Enduring on Low Real Rates Funding structures of some emerging markets fall, $$ goes 2 $TLT Feb 04, 2014
  • Canadian Oil Rises as California Ships in Record Amount by Rail Retweet after me: Pipelines r cleaner & safer $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Analysis: Emerging markets outlook not rosy, but valuations tempt This may b a time 2nibble, not a time 2gulp $$ $EEM Feb 04, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • AOL is leading the way to make 401(k)s worse for everyone Meh; new employers will compensate workers that lose $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • ‘Six Californias’ plan difficult but doable, assessment shows Ideas like this come & go in a fragmented California $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • No, CBO did not say Obamacare will kill 2M jobs Rather, will discourage 2M from working full-time; big deal $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Ex-NSA Chief Details Snowden’s Hiring at Agency, Booz Allen Snowden set back US intelligence by 20+ yrs. Good. $$ Feb 06, 2014
  • The Tyranny and Lethargy of the Times Editorial Page Inside baseball, picture sums up story $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Puerto Rico Has Credit Rating Cut One Step 2Junk by S&P also Well-deserved, default coming $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Going on 30, Living With Mom and Dad Part is being slow 2 marry, then education, poor career choices, motivation $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Crop Insurers Win as Congress is Poised to Pass Farm Law If we can’t reduce ag subsidies when ag is healthy… $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Obamacare Wonks Flunk Data Analysis You can show lots of savings if u show your winners & hide your losers $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • CBO: Obamacare Will Lead To 2M Fewer Workers In Labor Force By 2017 Unintended consequences; fix this, break that $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Fed Presidents Say Stock Decline Unlikely to Derail QE Taper In the short-run true, but if the decline persists… $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win Tax code is cockeyed, wealthy can avoid taxation $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • How Feds? Double Standard Enables Bad Bankers Simple: little bankers get prosecuted; big banks get fined $$ $BNK $XLF Feb 04, 2014
  • Early Drive for Hillary Clinton Unsettles Democrats Some Worry It Will Siphon $$ from Candidates in Midterm Elections Feb 04, 2014
  • You Can Thank or Blame Richard Stanger for Writing 401(k) Many important laws r accidental; killed DB pensions $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • ISM Miss Is Ugly All Around I’ve been arguing that the economy is weaker than it looks 4 a while; here’s a clue $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • US Banks Ease Loan Standards in Fed Survey as Demand Rises Can inflation b far behind if this persists? $$ $TLT $TIP Feb 04, 2014
  • California Dries Up as Brown Pushes $15B Tunnel If u don’t allocate water economically, becomes a political fight $$ Feb 04, 2014




  • Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients My longer review: $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Why I Did Not Go To Jail @bhorowitz good read on the importance of proper company, legal, & incentives structure $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Daniel Suarez Sees Into the Future ‘Influx’ may propel sci-fi writer in2 void left by Tom Clancy &Michael Crichton $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Why Melted Cheese Does the Trick Creaminess enhances the textures and flavors of other foods $$ $KFT $DF Feb 06, 2014
  • Deadly New Bird Flu Strain Spawned by Virus Behind H5N1 This is overblown. People die from the flu each year $$ $SPY Feb 05, 2014
  • Young Bankers Seek ?Good Yield? With Their Own Nonprofits Wealthy & powerful like 2b thought benefactors $$ Lk 22:25 Feb 04, 2014
  • How the Seattle Seahawks solved Peyton Manning Even if u r not into football, interesting 4 understanding strategy $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Super Bowl Safety Is Blow for Broncos and Las Vegas Sportsbooks The odds r interesting to read 4 unusual bets $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • Microsoft Adds Momentum to ?Open Science? | Understand that scientists r not neutral observers; they have 2 publish $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Carney leaving CNBC for WSJ?s ?Heard on the Street? | @carney gets a significant promotion! Congrats! $$ $SPY $TLT $GE Feb 01, 2014


Other Economics


  • Free Checking Is Disappearing Perk Smaller banks often offer better deals than big banks on checking $$ $XLF $SPY Feb 08, 2014
  • More Men in Prime Working Ages Don’t Have Jobs 1 of the qualitative factors that show how punk the economy is $$ $SPY Feb 08, 2014
  • An International Gold Standard Beats The Rule Of The Governing Elite Old, makes point gold standard was better $$ Feb 05, 2014



  • Wrong: High unemployment putting the ECB in isolation Loose monetary policy doesn’t lower L-T unemployment $$ #global Feb 08, 2014
  • Wrong: America The Startup Worth a read, but the writer does not really understand the Pilgrims or the Puritans $$ Feb 04, 2014


Retweets, Replies, & Comments

  • @HistoryInPix Cemented the creation of the graphical user interface, buggy in prior versions, aside from pricey Macintosh ghetto Feb 06, 2014
  • ‘ @catofwallstreet the credit cards will have chips, not us- already have these in Europe. Also, consider amillenialism or postmillenialism. Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @PUMPSandDUMPS: This fan says it all #pennystocks Feb 05, 2014
  • Ice falling, branches too, west of Baltimore — kind of pretty $$ #weather Feb 05, 2014
  • @DavidSchawel The difference between dollar-weighted & Time-weighted returns is crucial but few get that. Good tweet on $DBLTX $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @DavidSchawel: Retail psychology: chasing performance, then puking the bottom & missing the bounce-DBLTX Fund assets vs adjusted NAV htt? Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @cate_long: Cheers! “@carney: Thanks everyone! Very excited to be joining the @wsjheard team! Some details here Feb 01, 2014
  • @dpinsen not all, but a majority Feb 01, 2014


An Expensive Kind of Insurance

An Expensive Kind of Insurance

Strategy One: “Consistent Losses, with Occasional Big Gains when the Market is Stressed”

Strategy Two: “Consistent Gains, with Total Wipe-out Risk When Market is Highly Stressed”

How do these two strategies sound to you?? Not too appealing?? I would agree with that.? The second of those strategies was featured in an article at recently — Inverse VIX Fund Gets Record Cash on Calm Market Bet.? And though the initial graph confused me, because it was the graph for the exchange traded note VXX, which benefits when the VIX spikes, the article was mostly about the inverse VIX?exchange traded note XIV.

Why would someone pursue the second strategy?? Most of the time, it makes money, and since January 2011 we haven’t a horrendous market event like the one from August 2008 through February 2009, it makes money.

I would encourage you to look at the decline in the second half of 2011, where it fell 75% when the VIX briefly burped up to around 50.? But given the amazing comeback as volatility abated, the lesson that some investors drew was this: “Volatility Spike? Time to buy XIV!”? And that explains the article linked above.

You might remember a recent book review of mine — Rule Based Investing.? In that review, I made the point that those that sell insurance on financial contracts tend to win, but it is a volatile game with the possibility of total loss.? To give another example from the recent financial crisis: most of the financial and mortgage insurers in existence prior to 2007 are gone.? Let me put it simply: though financial risks can be insured, the risks are so volatile that they should not be insured.? You are just one colossal failure away from death, and that colossal failure will tend to come when everyone is certain that it can’t come.

But what of the first strategy?? How has it done?

Wow!? Look at the returns over the last few weeks!? Rather, look at a strategy that consistently loses money because it rolls futures contracts for the VIX where the futures curve is upward-sloping almost all the time, leading to buy high, sell low.

Does it pay off in a crisis?? Yes.? Can you use it tactically?? Yes.? Can you hold it and make money?? No.

Back to the second strategy.? People are putting money into XIV because they “know” that implied volatility always mean-reverts, and so they will make easy money after a volatility spike.? But what if they arrive too early, and volatility spikes far higher than expected?? Worse yet, what if Credit Suisse goes belly-up in the volatility?? After all, it is an exchange-traded note where owners of XIV are lending money to Credit Suisse.

Back to Basics

Do I play in these markets?? No.

Do I understand them?? Mostly, but I can’t claim to be the best at this.

What if I try both strategies at the same time?? You will lose.? You are short fees and trading frictions.

What if I short both strategies at the same time?? Uncertain. It comes down to whether you can hold the shorts over the long term without getting “bought in” or panic when one side of the trade runs the wrong way.

Recently, someone pinged me to speak to CFA Institute, Baltimore, where he wanted to talk about “not all correlations of risky assets go to one in a crisis” and pointed to volatility investing as the way to improve asset allocation.? Sigh.? I’m inclined to say that “you can’t teach a Sneech.”

I favor simplicity in investing, and think that many exchange traded products will harm investors on average because the investors do not understand the underlying economics of what they own, while Wall Street uses them as a cheap way to hedge their risk exposures.

There may be some value to speculators in using “investments” like strategy one for a few days at a time.? But holding for any long time is poison.? Worse, if you are accidentally right, and the world comes to an end — this is an exchange-traded note, and the bank you lent to will be broke.? That will also kill strategy two.

So, my advice to you is this: avoid either side of this trade.? Stick with simple investments that do not invest in futures or options.? Complexity is the enemy of the average investor.? I can understand these investments and they don’t work for me.? You should avoid them too.

PS — before I close, let me mention:

Good article in both places.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira