Category: Portfolio Management

The Rules, Part XXXVI

The Rules, Part XXXVI

It almost never makes sense to play for the last 5% of something; it costs too much. Getting 90-95% is relatively easy; grasping for the last 5-10% usually results in losing some of the 90-95%.

When I was a corporate bond manager, and doing my own trading, I had a first question in dealing with any broker: Am I getting a good deal?? If the answer to that question was “yes,” then the proper response is “Done.” Don’t haggle.? Even if you get a slightly better deal, it will damage your reputation.? The best reputation to have is between “reasonable” and “tough.”? Tough is worth more when you are driving the deal.? When the deal is offered to you, and it is a good one, reasonable preserves your reputation as a fair negotiator.

You never want to be seen as a pig.? Once you seem to be a pig, opportunities dry up.? The guy who followed me after my time as a corporate bond manager was a pig, according to my brokers, and as such, the ability to do deals suffered.

This is true of much of life.? In negotiation, leave something on the table for the other guy.? You want to be able to do more deals afterward, and a reputation for being tough but fair is the gold standard.

Kids play for all of the marbles.? Intelligent adults play to win a competent fraction of the marbles.? That is an intelligent way to view many aspects of life.? And so I encourage you to play fairly, but cleverly, for your share.

Don’t be a Fool

Don’t be a Fool

When I wrote for RealMoney, I would often write things critical of others, but not identify my target.? Why?

  • I didn’t want to get kicked out, or have a fight that would discredit RealMoney.
  • But I did want to teach general principles.

I maintain that practice to this day.? Typically, I don’t name names.? Again, two reasons:

  • I don’t want to get sued.
  • But I do want my readers to understand what are shoddy practices, so they can avoid them.

Recently, a large investment website has been loosening up their standards for who they will allow to advertise via e-mail.? Here is one redacted advertisement:

A New Strategy With Startling Results

Dear Investor,

A small group of XXX clients are making 20% to 40% in trading profits…PER DAY.

They call it ?Exploiting the Banker?s Market.?

Their trading methodology is unlike anything you?ll find in today?s financial marketplace.

And best of all, their newsletter is totally free.

Honestly, this is the only investing newsletter worth your time.

?Sign up for free now. [link removed for your protection]


XXX Investing Team

P.S. By exploiting the banker?s market, they just hit winners on 19 out of 22 trades, including gains of 45%, 48%, 56%, and 78%.

Prior to this, they took gains on 30 out of 33 trades. You can achieve these same returns. It’s simple.

As long as the bankers remain in control of the markets (and now that Obama got re-elected, you know they will), this unique trading methodology offers you a safe and consistent way to profit.

If you?re interested in profiting day after day ? even if the bankers and the Fed are working against you ? then do not miss these unique trading strategies.

It?s all revealed to you in this free newsletter. [link removed for your protection]

30 Forest Ave
Naperville, IL 60540

Note that YYY is a penny stock promoter.? XXX may be decent enough, aside from their willingness to employ YYY.? Investing in options is a ticket to the poor house for most, because the market is not very liquid.? It is very hard to make money trading options.? Most lose money doing so.

But here is another from the same e-mail list:

Dear Investor,

Where were you on August 13, 2012, when tech-stock guru WWW gave the green light on EZchip Semiconductor (EZCH), then trading at $28.36?

Well, maybe it doesn?t matter because very few investors had ever even heard of this red-hot networking chip company.

But on November 8, EZchip reported a huge earnings beat and rallied an incredible 15% to $34.80 in one day, delivering a 23% gain for ZZZ subscribers [link removed for your protection] who bought alongside Sean at the $28 level.

So we?ll ask you some simple questions?

  • Do you want to make money off of hot technology trends that have nothing to do with how the US Fiscal Cliff and European drama play out?
  • Would you like to get in on the hot storage play at which Facebook (FB) and Apple (AAPL) are throwing money?
  • Or the semiconductor producer that is printing money on the global transition to 4G/LTE smartphones?
  • How about the left-for-dead social-media play that is about to rise like a phoenix?

If you answered yes, then we’ve got an offer for you.

We?re giving you an exclusive 30% discount on an annual subscription to ZZZ [link removed for your protection] , WWW?s exclusive money-making tech stock newsletter that will help you do all of the above and more.

For just $447 (a savings of nearly $200!), you?ll receive:

? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? Exclusive access to WWW?s hand-picked portfolio of technology stocks ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? Instant e-mail updates whenever WWW makes a trade or initiates new coverage ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? Expert analysis of the most important tech-industry news ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? Access to quarterly webcasts, where WWW delivers in-depth analysis of the technology industry ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? WWW?s special report: 5 Stocks That Will Gain 50% From Apple TV ?
? ? ? ? ?

But most importantly, with a ZZZ subscription, you will get direct access to Sean, who stands by ready to answer any and all reader questions through our regular mailbag feature.

Sean?s goal is simple: to have your ZZZ subscription pay for itself many times over through winning trades while keeping you up to date on everything that?s hot in tech.

So, do you want in? [link removed for your protection]

Advertisements like this appeal to dopes.? There is no easy money in the market.? Anyone can cherry-pick a record of risky calls and show a bunch of wins.? What of the losses? How many and how severe were they?? Why don’t you show the results of an audited real money portfolio that you managed?? What, you didn’t put any real money behind? these calls?

Look, when advertised results are too high, they usually aren’t real.? Get smart.? Avoid websites that propagate such nonsense.? Anyone willing to sully their reputation for a bunch of cheap advertising revenues is not worth your time.? I get about 10 advertising proposals per week, and I turn almost all of them down.

If it seems too good to be true, it is false.? Avoid reaching for the rare exception, and you will be much better off.

The Rules, Part XXXV

The Rules, Part XXXV

Stability only comes to markets in a self-reinforcing mode, from buy and hold (and sell and sit on cash) investors who act at the turning points.

Beyond the vicissitudes of the markets, there are businessmen.? They have a sense of what their capital costs.? They reason regarding acquisitions and selling off their own holdings/subsidiaries.? They ask themselves how permanent current financing conditions are likely to be.

They don’t play momentum; they just look for when buying or selling businesses makes sense.? The market, on the other hand, has many that only want to buy what is rising, and sell what is falling, to a first approximation.

The market is about business, not stock trading.? Businesses are primal, trading markets are secondary. When businessmen find a publicly-traded business trading at an attractive value, they buy it, particularly if there are synergies between the businesses.? Thus during the bust phase of equity and credit markets, M&A often consists of cash-rich firms buying out firms that are in distress.

The same is true in boom times.? Companies sell themselves, or subsidiaries to leveraged players who think the game will go on much longer than reality will bear.? The sellers sit on the cash; the buyers enjoy the losses when the bust comes.

Volatile markets favor those with strong balance sheets — those that can wait for a better day, or, those that can wait for better opportunities. In either case, they can wait; they do not have to buy or sell now.? They are experiencing no cash flows forcing them to action.

Those with strong balance sheets focus on return on book capital, and avoid leverage.? They look to grow the book value (“net worth”) of their company, and ignore secondary goals.? They are shareholder-oriented.? They take advantage of both sides of the boom-bust cycle — selling near peaks when return on capital is lousy, and buying near troughs when return on unlevered capital is fat.

This is simple stuff, but hard to execute, because the fear/greed cycle interferes with rational calculation.? Regardless, absolute valuation investors put in the tops and bottoms of markets by their selling and buying.? To the degree that technical analysis works, it is because they trace the bread crumbs of large valuation oriented investors.

That’s all for now.? Thoughts?? Give it to me in the comments.


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets




  • California Democrats seize super majorities in both houses of Legislature CA businesses plan exit strategies $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Harsher energy regulations coming in Obama’s second term Fracking, chemical emissions, & more $$ -losing green energy Nov 08, 2012
  • US crop insurance a post-election target, farm bill elusive W/Ag doing so well over last 5 yrs, this should b ez, not Nov 08, 2012
  • Ethanol Going Ugly Turns Bush Plan Into Obama Test Should b a no-brainer, but Congress ag state politics r ugly $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Could This Be End of Evil Filibuster? Limit filibusters to actual votes & require physical presence on the floor $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Obama Win Means Health Overhaul to Move Ahead in States Destroy health care 2 replace it w/single-payer system $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Yep, There Have Been Problems With Email Voting in New Jersey In general, probability of fraud in voting is rising $$ Nov 07, 2012
  • Defense Fund Rockets to Four-Year High: Romney Rally? Discounting Obama’s change of heart after election $$ 😉 Nov 06, 2012
  • Romney Threatens Pimco?s Gross With Bernanke-Dumping Plan 2 many links in the chain of reasoning; low prob correct $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Southfield Twp. voter appears to die, then asks ‘Did I vote?’ I found his words to his wife 2b touching in many ways $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Tuesday Is Election Night, Be Careful What You Tweet Measure twice, cut once, tweeps. & bring a dose of skepticism $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • Three Men Make a Tiger John Mauldin predicts Romney as victor; piece is mostly about eliminating confirmation bias $$ Nov 05, 2012




  • China: Worse Than You Ever Imagined 40MM+ people were killed during the “Great Leap Forward.” Mao deserves derision $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • China’s leadership challenge in new era: douse “inequality volcano” Widespread poverty in China scares Communist Party Nov 08, 2012
  • A Cheerleader for Mao’s Cultural Revolution Lied about Cultural Revolution & The Great Leap Forward. Millions died. Nov 08, 2012
  • The Chinese Credit Bubble – Full Frontal As I have argued for some time, total debt in China is quite high $$ #danger Nov 07, 2012




  • Peltz Takes Stake in Danone Danone $DANOY is a French firm, will be difficult to encourage change $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Prudential Records $618 Million Loss on Derivatives I worry about life industry; the acctg 4 secondary gtees: yuck $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Nucor Galvanizes Gas Hopes $NUE provides capital 4 development of gas resources of $ECA -Gets 50% stake in wells $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Office Depot-OfficeMax Deal Seen Rescuing Value The failure of office retailers as the non-profit $AMZN undercuts $$ Nov 07, 2012
  • SapuraKencana Agrees 2 Buy Seadrill Tender Rigs Interesting deal, clever investor; expands Malaysia exposure $SDRL $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • Sharp blunted, and it?s not alone Argues that Japanese electronics mfg & exports r getting killed by strong yen $$ Nov 04, 2012


Federal Reserve


  • Inflation, QE and forcing the banks to lend I’ve subscribed 2 The Economist for 25 years; they r getting dumber $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • Casting Dual Roles, at Treasury & the Fed Bernanke’s Last Supper & The Return Of Larry Summers $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • Off of the last tweet, it would be nice 2c Bernanke retire; he really may b tired of the abuse. His prob was he thought he knew what 2 do $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • & as a result, could not c that Neoclassical macro does not work with an overindebted economy. We need fewer economists at the Fed & Tsy $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • Wrong: Seth Klarman Goes Nuts On The Fed In His Latest Investor Letter Y I think value investors should run the Fed $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • Seth Klarman, like most value investors, is farsighted & not just thinking about how to goose GDP for the next year. Klarman 4 Fed chair $$ Nov 04, 2012




  • Convergence between the core and the periphery economies in the Eurozone Drowning PIIGS pull Germany & France under $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • ECB & Fed: Worlds Apart Axel Merk praises the ECB & disses the Fed. Argues that ECB has not gone fiscal as the Fed has Nov 08, 2012
  • Unsteady Greek Coalition Faces More Strikes Suspect they make it through; Greeks don’t want 2 leave Eurozone yet $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • The peripheral threat to France Many of the PIIGS r getting more competitive relative 2 France. No E-zone w/o France Nov 04, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Old People Versus Babies, In One Graph Global demographic crisis in one very easy to manipulate graphic $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Iceland Sees Mortgage Bubble Threat From Foreign Cash The problems of capital controls start to bite $$ #nofreelunch Nov 06, 2012
  • Turning Trash Into Tidy Profit Optimistic story on turning trash into durable building materials in Senegal $$ Nov 05, 2012


Sandy and Disaster


  • Frederick County teen wins regional science competition The software can read a picture & tell where it is. $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Sandy’s Aftermath: Samuel Pritt Develops Geolocation Software Young friend won Siemens US Science Competition $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Insurance divides haves from have-nots after Sandy Insurance is for catastrophes; scrimp on frequency, not severity $$ Nov 04, 2012
  • Reserved Buoyancy, Down-Flooding, and Living Off the Grid The value of slack in physical systems, especially boats $$ Nov 03, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • FIRE IN THE DISCO! @reformedbroker warns us that a recession is coming, & talks about a decline in corporate profits $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Even 6.75% is too high. Looking at the Q-ratio, CAPE10, & long high quality bond yields would make 4% more realistic $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Lightening the Pension Load Never thought I’d c terminal funding return; can b bad 4 annuitants if insurer fails $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Fitting Factors Into the Formula Bob Arnott& Cliff Asness discuss quantitative investing; long article worth reading $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • TAGP expiration will put downward pressure on short-term yields Once guarantee goes, much S-T $$ will look 4a home $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Cash as Trash, Cash as King, and Cash as a Weapon In different environments & hands, cash has different properties $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Wrong: Is Your Manager Skillful?or Just Lucky? Bill Miller neglected “margin of safety” & reaped bad results $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • They didn’t read paper closely. Performance of anomalies diminished, not destroyed, by publishing academic research $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • For John Maynard Keynes, Economic Theory Was a Sideline He was a better investor than he was an economist $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • It?s the Earnings, Stupid: ?Atrocious? Q3 Turns Josh Brown Cautious Time 2b cautious says @reformedbroker. Calendar? Nov 05, 2012
  • “All I know: The next bankruptcy cycle, whether in 2 or 3 or 4 years, is going to be one for the ages. Count on it.” $$ Nov 03, 2012




  • A New Idea of How to Fix the Ratings Agencies by @carney | My response: $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Investors won?t read the fine print Even many institutional investors become overworked, lazy, etc. & don’t read $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • Hero of the day, CPDO edition I remember 2006 when @alea_ @interfluidity & I (@ Realmoney) were criticizing CPDOs $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • Health-Care Law Spurs Shift to Part-Time Workers Law of unintended consequences: How 29-hr workweek got created $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • 10 things walk-in clinics won?t tell you Major factor is the loss of continuity u have w/doctor who knows u $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • After Bailout, Giants Allowed to Dominate the Mortgage Business “Is this what we saved [the financial system] for?” $$ Nov 04, 2012



  • Can say that again RT @bespokeinvest: Wow, big selloff in the last couple minutes of trading. Dow down 430 points since Tuesday’s close. $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • Some gift RT @pdacosta: Gift that keeps on taking: France, Belgium agree to pump 5.5B euros into bailed-out Dexia Nov 08, 2012
  • RT @ReformedBroker: This Greek austerity bill is the equivalent of slapping a Kick Me sign on the Troika’s back. Gives us one day’s peac … Nov 07, 2012
  • Rupert goes back to sleep $$ RT @felixsalmon: RT @dansabbagh: Pearson says FT is not for sale. “This particular Bloomberg story is wrong. ” Nov 06, 2012
  • RT @SimoneFoxman: you’ve got to be kidding me. — Southfield Twp. voter appears to die, then asks ?Did I vote?? Nov 06, 2012
  • First of many 2 come RT @FrancesDenmark: Indiana is the first state to drop its pension return expectations below 7.0% Nov 06, 2012
  • Murdoch would b interested $$ RT @ReformedBroker: The Financial Slides RT @TheStalwart: Who will buy the FT? Maybe BI in a reverse merger? Nov 06, 2012
  • Bite your tongue 🙂 Janet Yellen has exceeded the Peter Principle $$ RT @fundmyfund: precious metals say = janet yellen here we come Nov 06, 2012
  • Easy 2 talk tough, hard 2 not repay $$ RT @munilass: So much for cities standing up to Calpers Nov 06, 2012
  • marriage changes u $$ RT @moorehn Surprising: single & married women are further apart politically than men & women r Nov 06, 2012
  • Probably priced in $$ RT @kyles09: isn’t the exp of TAG a negative for the big bank stocks or do you think it is already priced in? Nov 06, 2012
  • I was just looking forward to the end of the political season, sigh RT @jfahmy: Hillary Clinton listed as current 2016 favorite (6:1 odds). Nov 05, 2012
  • Dog bites man RT @TheStalwart: National Review endorses Mitt Romney Nov 05, 2012
  • Wow $$ RT @businessinsider: New York Magazine’s Breathtaking Cover Shows Manhattan From Up In The Sky by @KimBhasin Nov 03, 2012



  • @valuewalk Thanks. $DANOY might do what they can to improve margins, but might play badly in France. Has mgmt been s/h-friendly in past? $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • @Frank_McG Very cool. We homeschool — only 4 left, 1 senior, 2 freshmen & a 5th grader. My wife is having a blast. $$ Nov 08, 2012
  • @TheOneDave You’re welcome — you do some great stuff Nov 07, 2012
  • @TheOneDave Hey, Dave, don’t see where we can get the Chart… Nov 07, 2012
  • @amacker Floating NAV, hehe Nov 07, 2012
  • @TheStalwart My friend and former boss Eric Hovde would have beaten Baldwin, and handily… Nov 07, 2012
  • @kyles09 My actuarial conservatism, and knowing that God can do whatever he wants with me Nov 07, 2012
  • @carney I hear you: I’m going to write a piece where I take my “eliminate the rating agencies model” and clarify it $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist Thanks, Cullen. I applied that idea to corporate board elections when writing 4 Realmoney, Shame it didn’t get traction $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • @michaelroston Yes, but there is a lot of $$ on both sides, and the phones ring. WV & PA gambling firms & Christians vs MD gambling firms Nov 06, 2012
  • @michaelroston However, if you live in MD all u hear about is 7, the ballot measure expanding gambling. Other measures: <crickets> $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 That’s what I am saying — they r taking consensus risks $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 But my point about the balanced funds is this: in the selection he could invest in, they r all taking the same broad risks Nov 05, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 57, Married, one kid at home, significant assets good job, wife w/good health, 52, he not so healthy, has saved aggressively Nov 05, 2012
  • @FriedrichHayek I knew that Keynes got bailed out once (or was it twice?), but he learned from his losses, & was far better at the end $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • @MarketIntegrity @CFAInstitute @CFAcareers @CFAevents You might want to get different logos; it makes you look like u r RT-ing yourself $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • @japhychron Bingo. You got it. Nov 04, 2012
  • @TeamHeadwaters Forgot about that.. those are some of the best limestone deposits in the world, in an area ideal 4 potato farming, right? Nov 04, 2012
  • @nelson3748 That seems correct, but doesn’t S. Korea have the same issues w/the Chaebol, & they r functioning ok, seemingly… Nov 04, 2012
  • @munilass Thanks. I put it on my wish list. We discussed mishedging in the finance markets, Soros, &c. Nice of him 2 spend time w/little me. Nov 03, 2012
  • @munilass What’s the title of the book? I spent about ten minutes talking with him in early 2000 at a Complexity Theory conf @ Columbia U Nov 03, 2012



  • I suspect that Obama ends up winning the popular vote as well, and maybe surpasses 50%, fwiw, which isn’t much… $$ Nov 07, 2012
  • Best thing about elections: they’re over. Second best: gridlock continues. Worst: Four more years of Bush-clone Obama. $$ Nov 07, 2012
  • “Stocks aren’t GDP futures, so its not a lock that they immediately fall during the recession?” ? David_Merkel Nov 08, 2012
  • Last pres election, took oldest child 2 vote. This time, took child #5 2 vote. If I live, next time will be kids 6 & 7. Time after, kid 8 $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • “Josh, the article is worth a read, but the Chronicle of Higher Education misreported on it. The?” ? David_Merkel $$ Nov 06, 2012
  • “People easily forget that the stocks of commodity producers are very different than buying the?” ? David_Merkel $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • Helping a client w/his 401(k). Common balanced fund risk factors chosen: Low Duration, Medium credit quality, Large Cap Blend Equities $$ Nov 05, 2012
  • The benchmark changes added jobs that were created at an unknown earlier point in time. If they were… Nov 03, 2012


Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 2

Eliminating the Rating Agencies, Part 2

After writing Eliminating the Rating Agencies, I felt there was room for improvement.? Part of that stems from reading critiques of the rating agencies that really don’t understand why ratings exist.? Ratings don’t exist to help average people, they exist to allow regulators to evaluate the credit risks of financial institutions.

The beauty of my prior proposal is that it can be applied to any credit instrument, even private placements for which there is no market.? Let me give an example.? In mid-2002 with the ten-year Treasury yielding 4.5% an investment banker approached me with a private bond deal — $50 million in total to finance the owner of real estate where the US Government had old computers that would be difficult to do away with.? The yield offered was 8% for 10 years, and S&P shadow-rated it “A.”? We bought 20% of the deal.? We were the biggest holder at $10 million.

Following my procedure in the prior article, the amount of capital that would have to be put up would be almost $2.2 million.? Now, that is likely too severe, but maybe the regulators would choose a percentage of that amount as the right amount for all fixed income securities.? Other securities that are not hedges would be considered deductions from capital.

Is the bond illiquid?? More spread -> more capital required.? The beauty of this system is that it does not care where the excess spread is coming from.? It just measures the present value of the uncertain spread, and realizes that it is a very good proxy for credit risk.? It can be applied to any bond, preferred stock, etc. fairly easily.

There would have to an additional analysis for asset-liability mismatch, but existing methods for measuring that are adequate.? In any case, the rating agencies would no longer be needed for measuring credit risk.? Regulators would simply review the calculations of the actuaries/quants, as they file their annual/quarterly statements.? The value of the uncertain portion of the fixed income assets would be the proxy for the total credit risk of the firm.? No rating agency needed to calculate that.

Industry Ranks November 2012

Industry Ranks November 2012

My main industry model is illustrated in the graphic.? Green industries are cold.? Red industries are hot.? If you like to play momentum, look at the red zone, and ask the question, ?Where are trends under-discounted??? Price momentum tends to persist, but look for areas where it might be even better in the near term.

If you are a value player, look at the green zone, and ask where trends are over-discounted.? Yes, things are bad, but are they all that bad?? Perhaps the is room for mean reversion.

My candidates from both categories are in the column labeled ?Dig through.?

If you use any of this, choose what you use off of your own trading style.? If you trade frequently, stay in the red zone.? Trading infrequently, play in the green zone ? don?t look for momentum, look for mean reversion.

Whatever you do, be consistent in your methods regarding momentum/mean-reversion, and only change methods if your current method is working well.

Huh?? Why change if things are working well?? I?m not saying to change if things are working well.? I?m saying don?t change if things are working badly.? Price momentum and mean-reversion are cyclical, and we tend to make changes at the worst possible moments, just before the pattern changes.? Maximum pain drives changes for most people, which is why average investors don?t make much money.

Maximum pleasure when things are going right leaves investors fat, dumb, and happy ? no one thinks of changing then.? This is why a disciplined approach that forces changes on a portfolio is useful, as I do 3-4 times a year.? It forces me to be bloodless and sell stocks with less potential for those with more potential over the next 1-5 years.

I like some technology names here, some energy, some healthcare-related names, particularly those that are strongly capitalized.? I?m not concerned about the healthcare bill; necessary services will be delivered, and healthcare companies will get paid.

I?m looking for undervalued and stable industries.? I?m not saying that there is always a bull market out there, and I will find it for you.? But there are places that are relatively better, and I have done relatively well in finding them.

At present, I am trying to be defensive.? I don?t have a lot of faith in the market as a whole, so I am biased toward the green zone, looking for mean-reversion, rather than momentum persisting.? The red zone is pretty cyclical at present.? I will be very happy hanging out in dull stocks for a while.

That said, dull is hard to find these days.? Where will demand remain strong, or where will demand rebound are tough questions.

The Red Zone has a Lot of Noncyclicals

What I find fascinating about the red momentum zone now, is that it is laden with noncyclical companies.? That said, it has been recently noted in a few places how cyclicals are trading at a discount to noncyclicals at present.

So, as I considered the green and red zones, I chose areas that I thought would be interesting.? In the red zone, I picked IT services and beverages.? Stable industries.

In the green zone, I picked most of the industries.? If the companies are sufficiently well-capitalized, and the valuation is low, it can still be an rewarding place to do due diligence.

That said, it is tough when noncyclical companies are relatively expensive to cyclicals in a weak economy. Choose your poison: high valuations, or growth that may disappoint.

But what would the model suggest?

Ah, there I have something for you, and so long as Value Line does not object, I will provide that for you.? I looked for companies in the? industries listed, but in the top 4 of 9 financial strength categories, an with returns estimated over 15%/year over the next 3-5 years.? The latter category does the value/growth tradeoff automatically.? I don?t care if returns come from mean reversion or growth.

But anyway, as a bonus here are the names that are candidates for purchase given this screen.? Remember, this is a launching pad for due diligence.

Full disclosure: long for me and clients: HPQ, VLO, TOT, TEL, INTC, CSCO, VOD

On Time Horizons

On Time Horizons

Why are time horizons important?? Because people have future goals that they want to meet.? We typically invest money today because we have some need that we are trying to meet in the future, whether that is college expenses, retirement, or some other less common need.? Institutionally, that could be funding a charitable endowment, a pension plan, or the liabilities of a life insurer (or other insurer, but life liabilities are long).

Most retail investment advice is short-term in nature: the analyst has determined that something good or bad will happen in the short-run, so buy or go short now, respectively.? In general, such investment advice has not worked out well.? Why?? For the most part, it is very difficult to time corporate events.? It is better to try to gauge longer-term prospects, and invest accordingly — but that means you have to have no need for the assets in the short-run.? As is said in many places, you are only investing what you can afford to lose.

Few invest that way, because it is in our nature to be jumpy.? We look for short-term gains when we should be patient.? Many stocks are like crops that may take years to mature.? Yes, if you get the timing right, you can do far better, assuming you have better places to reinvest.? Making a clever move is one thing, but a series of clever moves is tough.? Investing is easy, but changing horses, and selling and buying to make a big kill is tough.

Now bonds offer more precision on time horizons.? Invest today, and barring default, your principal comes back at maturity. With equities, we rely on arguments that over the long run equities don’t lose money.? There is nothing structural to support this; ask the Japanese if they agree.? (I could comment on equity markets that have gone out of existence for a time, but I refrain.)

At present, the CAPE10 and Q-ratio indicate that stocks are not likely to return a lot over the next 10 years.? The same is true of most high-quality bond investments.? Also, true of most high-yield investments when expected losses are netted out.

In an over-indebted world, the marginal efficiency of capital is low — we need a certain amount of bad businesses to fail, so that capital can be reallocated to ventures that are more promising.? No one likes failure in the short-run, but it yields good results in the long-run — more promising ideas get capital.

We don’t need more houses, banks, autos, etc.? The bailouts were a failure because they perpetuated a part of the economy that was in oversupply.? Thus we have had a weak recovery.

Back to time horizon.? I am not crazy about buying bonds here.? The risk-reward is awkward, but the same is true of stocks.? That said, the variability on stocks is greater normally, but with rates so low, it may be similar.

If this does not sound optimistic, you understand me well.? Perhaps that means that cash, gold, or foreign currency bonds might be better, though I have my doubts on foreign bonds.

I’m going to keep doing what I always do.? I buy cheap, well-capitalized stocks, in industries that are out of favor.? I manage money with a view to holding stocks for 3-5 years.? Though it has not worked well for me recently, it has worked well in the past, and I will pursue my opportunities there.


Dealing in Fractions of Sense

Dealing in Fractions of Sense

So the SEC wants to take on some of the market distortions caused by decimal (and sub-decimal) pricing.? Well, there are the things that can’t be argued about and the things that can.

Starting with what can’t be argued about: liquidity is not a free good.? In a trading market, it exists because market makers or specialists are willing to offer markets of a certain size and bid-ask spread given the usual price volatility.? Most of the time they? will make money, because there is enough informationless volume trading back and forth, that they can take a few losses when information hits the market, and informed traders temporarily make money against intermediaries until a new equilibrium is reached.

The same is true when things become more uncertain — either bid-ask spreads get wider, or sizes get smaller, or both.? I remember back in 2002 as a corporate bond manager/trader — bonds were trading in “onesies” and “twosies,” though bid-ask yield spreads hadn’t widened much.? (I.e. $1-2 million of face amount would trade at a given bid-ask context… if they got too much interest in one side or the other, the bid-ask spread would move, and fast.

So when the SEC made its move to change the tick size (minimum bid-ask difference) from fractions of dollars — eighths & sixteenths, to pennies, there was a tendency for the amount offered by intermediaries to decline.

Now if you are a small trader, you don’t care that much about this.? You were able to get your work done, and at thinner bid-ask spreads.? Life is good.

But if you are a large manager of assets, it’s not so easy.? You have a big buy or sell that you have to do, and the market gate is thin.? Give away too much of the size you want to do, and the market runs away from you, costing you money.? You might actually like markets with bigger offerings and wider spreads better.

And so you seek other trading venues out away from the NYSE and NASDAQ, and occasionally you find you can get large trades done there when there is another large trader willing to take the opposite side of your trade.

And in the process the other trading venues sometimes create fleeting trading opportunities between them and NYSE or NASDAQ, or within them.? That’s high-frequency trading [HFT].? Now, NYSE and NASDAQ profit from this because they sometimes receive payment for order flow.? They seek orders, and are willing to pay a tiny amount to get them, knowing they can make a profit on the other side of the transaction.

Given all of the above, the SEC is now reviewing a proposal to change back to fractions.? My first reaction is this favors the big over the small.? My second reaction is why not regulate/legislate and create one central order book that all orders go through for each security, and publicly display the bids and asks.

My third reaction is why not end payment for order flow.? High frequency trading would end without easy access to the deepest markets.

My penultimate reaction is, why not restructure markets so they transact once a second, or once a minute. It would not impede markets much at all in my opinion.

But my last reaction is, why not charge a teensy fee for every order placed in any venue, whether it executes or not?? It might be as small as a penny on a thousand dollar order.? Or even a penny on a ten-thousand dollar order.? Just enough that there is a disincentive to place a lot of orders where there is little intention of having them fulfilled except at advantage to the order placer.

These are better ideas than moving back to eighths and sixteenths once again — leave that alone, the existing market structure favors small traders, and that is not all bad.? Many large traders disguise themselves as small traders, and get trades done more cheaply than if they were trading in fractions.

Every trading system has its weaknesses — the challenge is to create the system that is the best for the most.? In that case, a good system will:

  • Have a central order book, or,
  • End payment for order flow, or,
  • Change markets to an auction format, or,
  • Add a fee that eliminates most non-completed high-frequency trades.

Personally, I like simplicity.? One central order book and no alternative venues, but allowing for a wide amount of order types that accommodate large orders and small orders.

So don’t go back to fractions.? They weren’t the solution to the current problem.? Better to restrict the market structure so that placing an order costs something.? Being able to place an order is a good, so there should be some cost, whether it executes or not.

What I propose here is more minimalist than other proposals, and would solve most problems from high frequency trading.? Add a small fee to each order — what could be easier?

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • Insurers Must Boost Reserves for Residential Mortgage Bonds Pretty trivial; change small, not worth making $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Randian and the Bailout Without a tax gift from the US Tsy, $AIG couldn’t pay off the bailout Oct 25, 2012
  • For that last tweet, full disclosure, long $AIZ for clients and me Oct 24, 2012
  • Assurant Reports 3rd Quarter 2012 Financial Results Over 8.75 yrs $AIZ has shrunk its share count from 142M to 78M $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Weschler Rise From Grace Leads to Role Advising Buffett Interesting tale of a guy who can deal4 & value companies $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Goldman Sachs Creates a Dividend+Buybacks Measure, & 4 Insurer Stocks Shine I own 2 of them 4 clients. Which 2? $$ Oct 22, 2012


Central Banking


  • Here Comes the Dollar Wave Again Defend exports, import inflation, asset bubbles “Our currency, but your problem.” Oct 25, 2012
  • Approach risks ?distorting? decisions & ?it might be economically inefficient 2try2 push prices up so much,? Shiller Oct 24, 2012
  • Redacted Version of the October 2012 FOMC Statement Note: CPI inflation is at 2%, also inflation expectations rising $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • FOMC Statement: Oct 24, 2012
  • “We fail 2c the direct link, or even an indirect link, btw the size of the Fed’s balance sheet & the unemp rate” $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Buffett: ‘”I get a little worried about continuously expanding” the Fed’s balance sheet, he said on CNBC.’ $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Traders Calling Singer?s Bluff on Intervention as Koruna Gains Czech National Bank playing with fire, will burn $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Would mean that the external effect of loose monetary policy have been played out, & the next big move is coming (but from where)? $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Worst Carry Trades Show Central Banks at Stimulus Limit Interesting thought: if carrytraders can’t make money… $$ Oct 22, 2012


Fiscal Cliff


  • Firms Hit Brakes Before Fiscal Cliff Tap brakes is more like it. Most think we won’t go over the cliff #gridlock $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Aha! Here’s The REAL Reason Corporate Executives Are Freaking Out About The Fiscal Cliff Favors initiatives of Dems $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • How Supap Kirtsaeng?s Textbooks Idea Led to Supreme Court What rights exist to re-sell something that you bought? $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Plot to Destroy America’s Beer A tale of cost-cutting, quality reductions. Light beers ascendant. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Sandy Nears Jamaica, Forecasters Weigh New England Threat High Incidence, Low Power 4 Tropical Storms in 2012 $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Calling All Germs Cellphones Are Great for Sharing Photos?and Bacteria; Cleaning May Harm Screens $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Romney?s Air Force Comparison Misses U.S. Edge in Jets There r some situations where more lower tech jets would help Oct 24, 2012
  • Dean, Marathon Split-Offs on Tap Post-split $DF looks interesting, if boring. More room 2 focus $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Shale Glut Becomes $2 Diesel Using Gas-to-Liquids Plants This is the Holy Grail, because gasoline is tough2produce $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The internal combustion engine is far from dead Most real improvements in energy efficiency deal w/fossil fuels $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Americans Buying Fewer New Cars in Lifetime long-term probably not a good sign; autos drive a lot of the economy $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • The Myth of Affordable Energy – Interview with Ed Dolan Energy efficiency is increasing. Full cost pricing desirable $$ Oct 20, 2012




  • Russian Funds Band Together to Repel Government Cash Grab Gotta b careful on pension funds cuz govts like 2 raid them Oct 26, 2012
  • More Americans delaying retirement until their 80s This is the way it should be. Retirement s/b 4-5 years at most Oct 25, 2012
  • Can Japan?s Elderly Become Its Growth Engine? This seems like wishful thinking to me. Spending from savings <> wages $$ Oct 24, 2012




  • U.S. securities regulator questions need for new broker standard Extending fiduciary standards 2 brokers in question Oct 24, 2012
  • Forcing frequent failures @interfluidity hits a home run in dealing with bank failures, & how to regulate Oct 24, 2012
  • Low Rates Pummel Banks Borrowers Benefit, but Industry Lending Profits Hit Lowest Level in Three Years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Marsico: When Going Private Goes Wrong June 2007 was the wrong time 2 LBO, then performance lags $$ My sympathies2them Oct 23, 2012
  • 3 key money topics Romney-Obama debates ignored Housing prices, Investor protections & Retirement Savings $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • The end of stock market crashes? I’m sorry, but the conclusion is bogus. Even if its works, only some could escape $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Mortgage risks underestimated, economists conclude FHA uses a model that leads it to underestimate delinquency risk $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Annaly Says Michael Farrell Dies After Cancer Diagnosed He was kind2me ~2000; willing2share ideas w/little me $$ $NLY Oct 22, 2012
  • Mortgage REITs: Not Just Yet I would be careful here & reduce exposure… they are always unstable vehicles $$ Oct 21, 2012
  • The Winner for Investors Is… @jasonzweigwsj points out the connection between returns & politics is tenuous $$ Oct 21, 2012




  • Firings Highest Since 2010 as Ford to Dow Face Slump This is the US economy. We can’t support workers relative2profit Oct 26, 2012
  • Weak Tea at Unilever Persists Amid Innovation at Rivals Did not even know that Lipton was a Unilever brand $$ $UL $UN Oct 24, 2012
  • Doom Heralded at Hayman by Widening Trade Deficit: Japan Credit Japan?s debt is the ?cleanest dirty shirt.? Not. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Hunger Stalks My Father?s India Long After Starvation End Long article, makes me grateful that I can feed my kids $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Electrolux, Philips Warn Of US Slowdown Another soggy data point; less demand 4 bigger-ticket consumer items $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Ya, true RT @glenntyrpa: @barnejek @AlephBlog @sikorskiradek Yea. When did Japan invade China? Was that 1930? 🙂 we Americans forget. Oct 26, 2012
  • RT @PragCapitalist: Today’s financial tip: don’t ever buy a boat. Instead, find a friend with a boat. If necessary, buy the friend. … Oct 24, 2012
  • Clever RT @BradErvin1: @AlephBlog @PragCapitalist This is Buffett, courtesy legacy @kevindepew articles @Minyanville $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Stinks, just stinks RT @ritholtz: THE SELLSIDE: SAME AS IT EVER WAS Courthouse News Service via @CourthouseNews $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @KathrynTully: The last of Sarah Thornton’s top reasons for quitting art market surely belongs in top 10 reasons not to be a journo. … Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @emckean: LOVE THIS RT @aniajakubek: There’s a Polish saying that means “Not my problem” & literally translates to “Not my circus … Oct 24, 2012
  • SIFMA gets an infamous big name to speak to them RT @LaurenLaCapra: #greenspan Oct 23, 2012
  • At my house too RT @retheauditors: Halloween is dead to me. Oct 22, 2012




  • #FF @NickTimiraos @carney @grossdm @annsaphir @ritholtz @ToddSullivan @PlanMaestro @RolfeWinkler @LaurenLaCapra @davidgaffen @jennablan $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • @TraderNewsFeed No, I don’t think that. I think we should enjoy our work, and enjoy it for as long as we can, until we can no longer work $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @rjwile True, but that’s the price of not saving enough. There is no right to a retirement. Someone send the EU the memo. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial I largely agree. Reducing the real value of debts would help. My only fear is that nominal incomes might not grow much $$ Oct 25, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial Missed that, thanks. Still, the Chain-weighted PCE deflator is 1.5% yoy at present. Oct 25, 2012
  • @barnejek oops Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist A boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money $$ That said, the recession created a lot of used boats 4 sale Oct 24, 2012
  • @tebaho I am not a Romney backer Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein lifted the stake above 50% by 1995. Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1977, GEICO was ~6% of his public investments, before $BRK.B acquired 33% of the company by 1980, and buybacks + Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1981, GEICO was ~30% of his public investments — no data on how big his private investments were then $BRK.B $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein 1996-7 around 16% of pretax income. Prior to that, it was not wholly owned, and so Buffett acctd 4 it as an investment $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein $BRK.B would not want to live without GEICO, but in my opinion, it could live without it Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein It’s about 5% of BRK’s pretax profits. The float it generates is very short and is only 5% of liabilities. Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist It’s a conglomerate fueled by a set of huge insurance companies, where assets r sourced privately & publicly $$ $BRK.B Oct 24, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro @aarontask @TheStalwart I think it is spurious correlation b/c I c many other variable that r weak. US economy is flat. $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @felixsalmon In the NT Greek, there r2 words for God’s will, &1 tells u God ordains everything, the other, he doesn’t approve everything Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator I would ask the question, how is $TGT going to deploy the capital? The answer probably lies there. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen America’s politicians have always made appeals based on religion, & then abandoned the religious voters that support them (not new) Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi I realize with Japan, it is unlikely 4 there 2b an external default, until the external debt gets big enough Oct 24, 2012
  • @aarontask This is a stock versus flow issue. The banks reap capital gains now, but it will reduce their future interest margins/income $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator Think they are trying to free up capital for alternative uses. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen But all people have unprovable a priori opinions, and many will affect their views on public policy, whether “religious” or not Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen It becomes the same paradox that philosophers go through with respect to the concept of free will vs determinism Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen Even 2a Christian like me, God’s will is a highly nuanced, b/c there r 2 words in NT Greek 4 “will” & they mean different things Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen One of my close friends came into existence as a result of a rape. Two good people adopted him; biological mother was courageous Oct 24, 2012
  • . @aarontask will look for it — if anyone has a link 2 it, pass it 2 me Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Nations with their own currencies don’t have to default on debts. I think some will choose to default for political reasons $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “This brings up something @ritholtz would say ~ blog traffic goes up during a crisis?” ? David_Merkel $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Not sure he will lose; he has a decent chance of being correct. Japan has preceded the global economy for past 20 years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “5. Tadas, as you have said before, investment/finance blogging is hard. And many of the best of us?” $$ David_Merkel Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett I distrust polls generally. I am not a Romney supporter. Most statistical comments in the media r not well-founded $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Stratification matters more. The size was smaller than most polls I c, & instant senses of who 1r often not correct Oct 23, 2012
  • @DUNNER2 @CBSNews Now there was a poll that no one asked for, the sample size was far too small, but actually had a real impact. Sad. Oct 23, 2012
  • @Shwaver should be more like 5% if the poll is well stratified, and most polls aren’t Oct 23, 2012
  • @thejudge1082 @cbsnews I would criticize that as well. Most polls are too small and not well stratified Oct 23, 2012
  • @nmariecrumbie @DJDougMadrid @cbsnews I am *not* a backer of Romney. I am voting for the Constitution Party. I am a statistician, are you? Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @CBSNews size *always* matters. I am a statisticiam by training. The hyper-short news cycle forced out a poll Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @cbsnews of course size matters — what I object to is trying to get instant answers to what people are thinking $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @ituzzip On a 500 person poll the error bounds are wider +/- 5%. But Rs answer polls less often than Ds. Oct 23, 2012
  • @JW28 Sorry, I am not a Romney backer Oct 23, 2012
  • @DJDougMadrid I don’t believe in instant, & I am voting 3rd party. Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Most polls I see are double that, it was still small, given the short time after the debate. Oct 23, 2012
  • @CBSNews Small sample size Oct 23, 2012
  • @TheStalwart I think you are fair and balanced, because A third of the time I agree, a third I disagree, and a third I an in-between. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @wallstCS FD: long $SFG — You do realize that revenue is not a useful valuation metric for insurers, right? Earnings & Book r relevant $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • @groditi @GaelicTorus it drives a lot of technology development, materials science, design (or lack thereof), advertising, energy efficiency Oct 22, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 No, the point is that corrupt governments tend to spawn corruption in society Oct 20, 2012
On the Virtue of Hard Questions for Young Analysts

On the Virtue of Hard Questions for Young Analysts

Yesterday I represented the Baltimore CFA Society at the kickoff meeting for the 2013 CFA Institute Research Challenge.? As is the norm, the Washington, DC CFA Society (which is 2.5x larger than us) and Baltimore choose a local company for the students to analyze.? Last year, it was Under Armour [UA].? This year, it is Marriott [MAR].

One quick aside.? Last year, the more bearish you were on Under Armour, the better a team scored.? But guess what?? Under Armour rose 15% in the last 7+ months — the team that finished last had the result that was the best, and the winner did the worst.? I know many of my readers don’t like Jim Cramer, but one thing that he said shines through here: “The bear case always sounds more intelligent.”? The same is true in academic competitions.? That’s one reason it is good to have a mix of temperaments in an investment firm.? Personally, I believe that bulls and bears do better together than separately — they need to round each other out.

Personally, I would prefer to analyze a growth stock like Under Armour, to the “asset light” hotelier Marriott.? That said, Marriott’s? Investor Relations team was out in force for the six (maybe seven) colleges who showed up, and gave what I thought were credible answers to the students who asked them questions.? Near the end of the presentation, the senior Investor Relations person walked them through each line of the income statement — I thought that was a nice touch, but wondered what Marriott used as an internal measure of profitability.

(Note to any students reading me: take a look at what Moody’s, S&P, and Fitch use as their metrics on Marriott.? The rating agencies are not dumb, and they get more data than stock analysts do. They are inside the wall.? They get material nonpublic information, and disclose the portion of it that is relevant to bond investors.? At the presentation, the Marriott IR folks stressed repeatedly that they want to maintain an investment grade credit rating.? That is a large constraint on what Marriott does, and should be considered in any good analysis.)

This will be an interesting competition, and five months from now, it will be fun to be a judge in the local version of the Investment Challenge.


Two weeks ago, I was a judge in a competition among finance students for four colleges that met a McDaniel College.? I was the only judge that did not graduate from McDaniel, which was formerly Western Maryland College, named after the Western Maryland Railroad which funded the school in its early years.

The question at hand was whether the Texas Rangers should have acquired A-Rod in 2000.? This is a tough question, because it is a binary decision, and it faces the winner’s curse.? So, you hired A-Rod.? How badly did you overpay to get him?

I don’t think I am overstating the problem.? Anytime there are multiple bidders for a unique asset, the winning buyer tends to overpay.

The case study (from Harvard) had its own issues.? It overestimated how fast average player salaries would grow, and the econometrics behind the estimation of wins as a function of player salaries was decidedly poor.? More than the Harvard Business School case study would admit, it was a lousy decision to hire A-Rod.? Add in the social effect on other players when A-Rod is paid a huge amount relative to them, and even if he is a nice guy, you wonder if you are truly valuable to the franchise.

But when you are a judge in such a competition, your mind works this way: the first team sets the tone, and has an advantage until a team eclipses them.? Then that team sets the tone.

The judges were pretty neutral on whether A-Rod should be hired or not.? The vote depended more on the process they undertook.? How much research did they do?? How do they back up their assertions?? Did they believe the data in the case study blindly?


Face it, the business world is unclear/dirty, and those that analyze it have to take account of what they don’t know, and make the best decision that they can.? This is the virtue of hard questions for young security analysts, and why we hold such competitions.

Toss them a hard problem.? Make them think outside the box.? Life is tough, and investment decisions are often unclear.? This is life.

Investment competitions are a far better way to train students than the raw academics.? Modern Portfolio Theory is garbage.? Most academic approaches to investing don’t work.? But try to understand a business like Marriott.? They make money off of selling their name.? They make money managing hotels.? How can they be sure to make money as they do so?? Those are the tough questions to analyze.

It’s a good thing to make young analysts face a hard question.? Whether they win or lose, they had to work hard, plan, compromise with team members, and come to a decision that would face criticism.? When we invest money, we don’t get criticism vocally, but we do see the gains and losses.? Thus the investment competitions are a very good way to prepare students for the eventual gains and losses they will face when they are making business decisions on their own.



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