Sorted Weekly Tweets
- Danske Bank?s Patience With Moody?s Evaporates Questions over willingness of Denmark to provide support in a crisis. May 11, 2012
- CIC Stops Buying Europe Government Debt on Crisis Concern Overblown; China will return to funding the Eurozone $$ May 10, 2012
- Greeks May Hold $510 Billion Trump Card in Renegotiation Depends on how well Core EZone banks have divested Greece $$ May 10, 2012
- Spanish Banks Erode Creditors With ECB Loans Better collateral highly encumbered; Unsec debts implicitly subord 2 ECB May 10, 2012
- Greece Euro-Exit Debate Goes Public Core Eurozone wrestles w/how to kick Greece out, even though they can’t. $$ May 10, 2012
- How a Radical Greek Rescue Plan Fell Short Greece is failing as a culture due2 corruption; no rescue would work $$ May 10, 2012
- Denmark?s Banks Endure Writedown Shock Delaying Recovery Good sign on Denmark; take pain early -> in good shape $$ May 10, 2012
- Greek Election Surprise Rejects ?Barbarism? of Bailout Austerity Growth is magic, magic I tell u! Just invoke it! $$ May 08, 2012
- Merkozy End Means Franco-German Gulf; Greek Voters Rebel Loss of Sarkozy may not b bad, but Greek paralysis will b $$ May 08, 2012
- Francois Hollande has ten weeks to avert a French bond crisis When few adults r in the room the children run wild $$ May 08, 2012
- Challenge to Austerity, And Germany, Is Sharpened The odds have risen that Germany will leave the Eurozone $$ May 08, 2012
- Obvious but it needs 2b said $$ RT @Hawk100Clemens: Mauldin tells #CFA12 every monetary union in history has failed. May 07, 2012
- France faces 40pc house price slump If French banks have trouble now, just wait until the bad mortgage debt hits $$ May 06, 2012
JP Morgan
- What Beached the London Whale? Credit Indices Crosshedging long credit risk by buying protection on an index? $$ May 11, 2012
- J.P. Morgan Trades In Its Crown That goes for firms and CEOs as well: $JPM and Jamie Dimon will not get free passes May 11, 2012
- Drew Built 30-Yr JPMorgan Career Embracing Risk Lifetime 2build reputation; few years 2destroy it; revealed: 1 day $$ May 11, 2012
- And the best way to reduce risk is to lower leverage & raise cash $$ RT @marydchilds: “The best way to hedge something is to get rid of it.” May 11, 2012
- Facebook Co-Founder Saverin Gives Up U.S. Citizenship Before IPO Cuts down on the tax bill; discount prior 2 IPO $$ May 11, 2012
- Facebook IPO Said to Get Weaker-Than-Forecast Demand $FB faces slowing revenue growth, order books 4 IPO go slack $$ May 11, 2012
- Google?s Brin Makes Strides in Hunt for Parkinson?s Cure He may get it one day; his Mother already has Parkinson’s $$ May 11, 2012
- And also for those who call vegetables “veggies?” RT @jasonWSJ: Can we impose a $40 fine on dudes who refer to sandwiches as “sammies”? May 10, 2012
- Firefox browser group irked with Microsoft, Windows 8 Only Internet Explorer runs on Windows 8; expect some lawsuits $$ May 10, 2012
- Aluminum Buyers in Japan to Pay Record Fee on Supply Drop Smelting capacity reduced, China buys more, Japan pays up May 10, 2012
- @RobTheStreet A lot depends on the definition of marriage, Would you allow people to marry inanimate objects, animals, or multiple parties? May 09, 2012
- Brookstone to sell Lilliputian portable power chargers, this year Impressive technology if it works. $$ May 08, 2012
- Economy Reshapes Wisconsin Recall Vote My wife and father were forced in2 unions by collectivist brutes. Go Walker! May 08, 2012
- Father?s Shadow as Transit Leader Hard to Evade for Shuster Bud Shuster is a jerk, forcing us through Breezewood $$ May 08, 2012
- Kellogg?s Kashi Targeted as Web Food Fighting Escalates We need 2 send a lot of people back 4 science reeducation May 08, 2012
Rest of the World
- Sony, Panasonic Fall to 30-Year Lows as TV Losses Mount Sold Panasonic after reviewing uneconomic “green” agenda $$ May 11, 2012
- Kim Jong Un Bashes ?Pathetic? North Korea Fun Park He should know; he lived outside NK, where there is real fun $$ May 10, 2012
- Sukhoi SuperJet Disappears During Indonesia Demo Flight Another sign of degraded Russian abilities in aerospace $$ May 10, 2012
- Bad H/L: Shooting to Kill Pirates Risks Blackwater Moment Correct H/L: Hiring Armed Guards protects cargoes &crews $$ May 10, 2012
- Drug-Defying Germs From India Speed Post-Antibiotic Era Long. Scariest article of the day; wash your hands w/soap $$ May 08, 2012
- Israel Pyramid Rules Turn Insurers Into Buyout Targets Interesting:
Israel is limiting holding company levels to 3 $$ May 10, 2012
- UK Pay Protests Oust Aviva Chief I remember when they overpaid for Amerus Life in the US; sign of bad management $$ May 10, 2012
- RT @merrillmatter: @AlephBlog Methinks we’ll need to see some epic blowouts in natgas space (ha ha) before supply/demand can come back i … May 10, 2012
- Chesapeake Deals Carry $1.4 Billion in Undisclosed Liability $CHK May b worth a look when things stop getting worse May 10, 2012
- When the Exxon way stops working $XOM learns 2b more cooperative w/foreign countries where it wants 2 explore 4 oil $$ May 08, 2012
- Argentina Taps Ex-Schlumberger Executive Galuccio to Run YPF Possibly a good choice to run the purloined company $$ May 08, 2012
Fixed Income
- Still time to make money in Treasury bonds The depressionary bull case 4 long T-bonds; D. Rosenberg & Lacy Hunt $$ May 10, 2012
- Why Emerging Market Corporate Bond ETFs are Hot High USD yield, but be wary. Laws governing creditor rights vary $$ May 10, 2012
- In other words, the 30-year Tsy sold well today b/c some seek Depression insurance & others hedge convexity or immunize long liabilities $$ May 10, 2012
- Treasuries Pare Losses as Europe Concern Aids Sale Investors make sure they get income 4 30-yrs & $$ back when old May 10, 2012
- S&P Warns Of $46T Perfect Credit Storm If companies have adequate cash flows from operations, this is not an issue. May 10, 2012
- In Canada, Alternate Currency Keeps Traction With Fans Paper Money, Issued by Canadian Tire, Is Popular Way 2Pay $$ May 11, 2012
- Revisit after their housing bubble pops RT @vgmac: There is a lot of love for Canada’s banking system here at the Chicago Fed conferences $$ May 10, 2012
- @vgmac Then again, at the first Treasury/blogger summit I told them they should imitate the Canadian regulators and central bankers. #canada May 10, 2012
- Canada Housing Bubble Concern Shown in Insurer Query Should the Canadian govt try2exit the mortgage insurance biz? $$ May 10, 2012
- CMHC Says Capital Levels “Double” OSFI Requirements F&F also had capital far higher than their disaster level $$ May 08, 2012
Cisco Systems
- Cisco shares drop on tech spending worries Global economic weakness feeds into tech firms that sell much abroad $$ May 10, 2012
- @ampressman Cramer said something like, “It’s not a growth company if they have to talk about the economy, weather, industry factors, etc.” May 10, 2012
- @ampressman $AAPL is a growth company, at least for now, $CSCO was a growth company somewhere in the last 15 years… May 10, 2012
Delta Air Lines
- Buy Delta Air Lines: Trainer Refinery Purchase & Improving Financials Will Lift The Stock Poorly reasoned thesis $$ May 08, 2012
- Remember when $DD bot Conoco? There would b synergies in petrochemicals. $DD bot it at the peak, spit it out at the bottom $$ #limitscope May 08, 2012
- $DAL substitutes risk in jet fuel pricing 4 risks in crude oil, gasoline, heating oil prices, & operational risk in a biz it doesn’t know $$ May 08, 2012
- @The_Analyst Agreed, though enough capacity has come out of the industry through mergers that they might finally c some pricing power $$ May 08, 2012
US Housing
- 5 Pitfalls of Home Refinancing Longer maturity, Closing costs, Contract terms, Hidden fees, Appraisals $$ May 10, 2012
- Look Who?s Pushing Homeowners Off the Foreclosure Cliff Mtge docs exist to protect the lender’s property interest $$ May 08, 2012
- RE: @bloombergview Read any mortgage contract; it exists to protect the rights of lenders, including protecting the m? May 08, 2012
- No Repeating Slowdown Seen by U.S. With Banks to Housing While hi % of mtges r underwater, finl stress will remain $$ May 08, 2012
- Pimco Housing Bear Kiesel Says It?s Time to Start Buying He assumes dark supply will hang on for higher prices. $$ May 06, 2012
US Regulation
- Maybe to be perfectly fair, the government releases the data on a website at midnight ET, long before the US markets ? May 10, 2012
- A Jury of Peers for Broker Disputes The playing field may be more even now; odds r still stacked against investors May 10, 2012
- Congress Seeks Postal Overhaul While Making It Impossible The real danger is after reduction, PS is less relevant $$ May 10, 2012
- US Millionaires Told Go Away as Tax Evasion Rule Looms Fewer foreign banks will accept accts w/US citizens/firms $$ May 10, 2012
Berkshire Hathaway
- Biggest Buffett Targets Seen Spanning Deere to Henkel Muses about what Buffett would buy 2 eclipse BNSF $$ May 08, 2012
- +1 RT @Kevin_Holloway: Good read on possibilities of recent $BRK.B purchases among some other gd thoughts by @AlephBlog May 08, 2012
- Deep in the Insurance Weeds at Berkshire Hathaway This helps explain the life reinsurance losses at $BRKB. LTC $$ May 08, 2012
- Buffett understands tech. But he searches for revenue streams that can’t easily be obsoleted. $AAPL & $GOOG could be ? May 07, 2012
Market Dynamics
- World?s Simplest Stock Valuation Measure Growth Rate/2 + 8 = PE Ratio; @eddyelfenbein & his conservative PE formula $$ May 10, 2012
- Dole Food Breakup Seen Bearing Fruit With 58% Return Can $DOLE become a high margin biz, & pay down debt? $$ May 10, 2012
Financial Sector
- What about front-running? $$ RT @abnormalreturns: @MebFaber: Nail in the Mutual Fund Coffin (NAV Based ETF Trading) May 08, 2012
- BTW, for those holding dividend funds, back in 1994, stock managers following a yield strategy got crushed. $$ #annushorribilisforbonds May 08, 2012
- The Dangers of Dividend Funds Dividend funds may b safer than other stock funds, r still stock funds w/real risk $$ May 08, 2012
- True 4 many $$ RT @ReformedBroker: ?Daddy, what do you do at your job?? May 08, 2012
- BofA?s New Black-Belt Data Chief Targets Blinding Gaps Merger integration didn’t happen in $BAC ‘s IT areas $$ #mess May 08, 2012
- Billion-Dollar Traders Quit Wall Street for Hedge Funds Volcker Rule reducing dealer-driven market liquidity $$ May 08, 2012
- Flash-Crash Story Looks More Like a Fairy Tale Still a mystery; but4any self-feeding panic, players leaning wrong way May 08, 2012
- Almost Half of Finance Graduates Seek New Jobs, PwC Says The bubble in financial jobs has popped, decamp 2 other inds May 08, 2012
- ?Where is Everybody?? Little retail participation is bullish; it means that only the relatively smart $$ is playing May 08, 2012
- 50 Ways to Restore Trust in the Investment Industry The CFA Institute gathers opinions from members on cleaning up $$ May 08, 2012
- RE: @bloombergview Equity is more expensive than other types of bank capital; raising the cost of capital means fewer? May 07, 2012
- Heat’s on Triparty Repos Fed Is Pressing Big Players to Reduce Exposures to $1.7 Trillion Market $$ May 06, 2012
Company Specific
- How Hewlett-Packard lost its way Very long & ugly article about board & mgmt dysfunction @ $HPQ. FD: +$HPQ 4 me&clients May 08, 2012
- A Real Concern For Apple?s Stock: Telecom Carriers Threaten to Kill Subsidies on Phones Interesting thesis $$ May 08, 2012
- AMR Said to Seek More Overseas Flights as Suitor Circles $LCC wins more backing, could allow filing another plan $$ May 08, 2012
- Exodus From Tiburon to Texarkana Is Exaggerated Truth is, people & firms r sticky, until they finally get fed up! $$ May 10, 2012
- If we do not discipline ourselves, the bond market will discipline us $$ RT @carney: Why the left will keeping winning. May 08, 2012
- Too bad, we need a better opponent to Obama $$ RT @BloombergNews: Breaking: Santorum Endorses Former Rival Romney as Republican Nominee May 08, 2012
- Don’t Worry (About GDP), Be Happy GDP approximates economic growth; more subjective progress measures r ridiculous May 08, 2012
- @justinwolfers Last thing we need on the Fed is another neoclassical Ph. D. economist. Let’s try some brainy generalists, value investors $$ May 07, 2012
- @GaelicTorus @justinwolfers All I am saying is value investors understand how the economy works better than neoclassical economists do $$ May 07, 2012
- Disabled Americans Shrink Size of U.S. Labor Force I still resent former neighbor on SSD, putting Xmas lights on roof May 06, 2012
- But are they ending with an accrual basis surplus, not just a cash surplus? That’s the question. May 06, 2012