Sorted Weekly Tweets
I am considering making this an end-of-the-week feature as a news recap.? Comments?
- BofA?s Clash With Fannie Intensifies as Insurers Reject More Loan Claims Originators need to bear UW error results $$ Mar 03, 2012
- Life as Libor Traders Knew It Seen as Abusive An inside look at the problems of LIBOR. Collusion & marketless numbers Mar 03, 2012
- $AIG Earnings an Illusion of a Bend in US Tax Laws IRS gives AIG special treatment by allowing it to use NOLs post-BK Mar 03, 2012
- You have a good point, and I may reference it when I write this evening, but valuations have compressed for all insur? Mar 01, 2012
- Fannie, Freddie and the $180 billion hole F&F transferred wealth to early investors from taxpayers & late investors $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Make losses and prosper, AIG edition Hey Q: how much $$ will $AIG make in the future in order to not pay taxes? $$ Feb 25, 2012
Berkshire Hathaway
- Contra: Warren Buffett on Investing Buffett has not been a deep value investor for 30 years; this article misses it $$ Mar 02, 2012
- +1 RT @valueprax: Thoughts On Mergers, Acquisitions And Conglomeration From Rothbard And Buffett (@AlephBlog, $BRK) Mar 01, 2012
- The Truthiness of Berkshire’s Performance Don’t think Buffett anticipated the P/B squeeze in insurance stocks. $$ Mar 01, 2012
- Buffett Plans More Solar Bonds After Topaz Deal Buffett doesn’t give suckers an even break, no guarantees on solar $$ Mar 01, 2012
- RE: @TheStreet_News When I wrote for RealMoney, I was often critical of Buffett, but I have shifted.? He is a great e? Feb 29, 2012
- When you think you made a great purchase (Warren Buffett edition) I was surprised to learn about this $BRKa sub also $$ Feb 28, 2012
Home Schooling
- Question of priorities, could conserve RT @ReformedBroker: “How am I supposed to live on $350,000 a year?” – you’re right, kill yourself $$ Mar 01, 2012
- @ReformedBroker Have his wife call my wife; can save lots of $$ if u go from private school 2 homeschool, & it is easier than 1 would expect Mar 01, 2012
- @ReformedBroker The downside is that it is a lot of work, but not hard work, and the challenge is controlling your children frequently $$ Mar 01, 2012
- @merrillmatter I know you’re kidding, but the mothers I know who homeschool would be fearsome in the business world were they redirected $$ Mar 01, 2012
Municipal Finance, or lack thereof
- If Stockton Is Broke, Then Why Isn?t San Diego? Govt Unions fight to keep benefits govts shouldn’t have granted $$ Mar 03, 2012
- Pension Pain Mounts, Low Rates Boost Liabilities More evil results of Fed policy substituting debt 4 organic growth $$ Mar 01, 2012
- To Pay New York Pension Fund, Cities Borrow From It First Shell game at best; net contributions needed to DB plans $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Raiding the coffers State pension plans r borrowing from their pension plans 2 fund their own pension contributions Feb 29, 2012
North Korea
- @LSilverspar You made me laugh, yes, all of these have impacts on us… but given their counterfeiting, some action should be taken $$ Feb 29, 2012
- @dpinsen And access of the Dear Leader to his favorite Scotch… hitting him where it hurts. 😉 $$ Feb 29, 2012
- @dpinsen Agree, bigtime. We got them to the bargaining table last time by cutting off their financial access to the rest of the world. $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Then once NK starts to counterfeit it, go back to new $50s & $100s; make their life tough. Feb 29, 2012
- How the U.S. Could Pressure North Korea Tomorrow: Quit the $100 Bill This is worth doing, and create a $75 bill $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Greek PSI exchange summary – an offer you can’t refuse Yes, we all voluntarily give up 70% of the value of r claims $$ Mar 03, 2012
- Greek Crisis May Test the Value of Swaps ISDA wimps out and does not declare a credit event; will destroy Sov CDS mkt Mar 03, 2012
- A Primer on the Euro Breakup Explains why the Euro will break up, at least at the fringe &y this should not surprise $$ Mar 02, 2012
- ECB Free Money May Carry a Cost Makes governments relax & ignore structural problems, & banks arb the ECB $$ Mar 01, 2012
- ECB Allots ?529.5 Billion in Long-Term Refinancing Operation Higher than anticipated takeup of cheap funding $$ Feb 29, 2012
- More signs of Draghi’s “stabilization” euro area banks show material tightening conditions in the banking system $$ Feb 28, 2012
- On PIGS on Drugs European states owe ?12-15 billion to the pharma industry; they stop paying suppliers b4 cutting staff Feb 28, 2012
- “Amused – Italian banks figured it out. An hour before LTRO results, 5 Italian banks issued & bought their own bonds.” Feb 28, 2012
- Europe Gets Ready for Round 2 of Bank Loans Heightening the dependence of stressed banks and govts on the ECB. $$ Feb 28, 2012
- You may want to hold off on buying that Italian villa 66.5% of agents report a fall in housing prices during 4Q $$ Feb 28, 2012
- @japhychron Can’t think of anyone, btw, there is a theory that a decent # of stressed banks used LTRO 2 buy in their own debt… $$ Feb 28, 2012
- LTRO programs’ impact on sovereign bond purchases by banks (past and present) Indirect way of financing fringe govts $$ Feb 28, 2012
- Mario Draghi reveals the Grand Plan & Good austerity results in freer mkts, more growth $$ Feb 28, 2012
- Merkel torn by conflicting pressures in Greek vote Any other Firefox users noticing that Reuters pages format badly? $$ Feb 27, 2012
- @moorehn Good piece, I think many will benefit @soberlook has been writing some good stuff also & Feb 24, 2012
- China?s Billionaire Lawmakers Make US Peers Look Like Paupers China’s lawmakers r absolutely more wealthy than US peers Mar 01, 2012
- China May Double Rare Earth Exports as Demand Rebounds Quite a change from prior, makes u wonder why they change… $$ Mar 01, 2012
- Why China Will Have an Economic Crisis This is getting very mainstream, makes me think I could be wrong. $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Fortress? Michael Novagratz on Lessons from OWS, and China Cronyism raises the odds of domestic violence in China $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Evil Overlords or Lucky Devils: The Men Who Rule Hong Kong Long but interesting, re the influential wealthy in HK $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Junk Isn?t Spreads are down and investor interest is up; this is my biggest intermediate-term concern at present. $$ Mar 02, 2012
- Junk vs. Loans & Loan participation funds cheap compared 2 junk, but downside still there. Feb 29, 2012
- The rating agencies are the farm teams for credit analysts, in the same way that Value Line is for stock analysts.? A? Feb 29, 2012
Upcoming Book of Josh Brown
- I invite you to read his website .? He writes a lot of clever stuff there.? One of ? Feb 29, 2012
- Confessions of a Reformed Stockbroker Another preview article 4 @reformedbroker ‘s forthcoming book $$ Feb 29, 2012
Personal Investing
- Dividends Rise Again Their coffers bulging with cash, companies are increasing the once out-of-favor common dividend $$ Mar 03, 2012
- IRAs Get Sexier All manner of illiquid assets can b crammed in2 an IRA if you have a friendly custodian $$ #beware Mar 03, 2012
- Treasury yields and credit spreads divergence is not sustainable Ordinary times credit spreads r inverse 2 Tsy yields Mar 02, 2012
- The Myth of Commodity Diversification A defense of why gold is a true diversifier of portfolios versus commodities $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Conflict of All Conflicts from @reformedbroker I rarely get angry, but this one annoyed me; skewed incentives $$ Feb 29, 2012
Accounting rules (yes)
- Standard Setters Strain 2 Avert More Revenue-Recognition Angst Industry-specific revenue policies r better; reject IFRS Mar 03, 2012
- Another “Case” of Terrible Decisions Borne of Terrible Accounting Rules Don’t compromise on revenue recognition. $$ Feb 29, 2012
- Mark-to-Market Pensions Show Brutal Year Some companies are biting the bullet and moving pension acctg to mark2mkt $$ Feb 25, 2012
Corporate News
- Natural Gas Renaissance Sparks Favorable Chemical Reaction Petrochemicals benefit from cheap fracking feedstock $$ Mar 02, 2012
- Apple Dividend May Return Part of $98B Cash If $AAPL can’t use all of its cash then give it to shareholders $$ Feb 29, 2012
- @PlanMaestro Operating profitability is poor, and given their business mix, their P/B is fair for a company with a 5% anticipated ROE. Feb 29, 2012
- @ToddSullivan Now if they can achieve a decent ROE, and not have weak reserving… I was wrong regarding Maiden Lane when I wrote about it. Feb 29, 2012
- CNA: A P&C Insurance Turnaround Story A fair analysis of $CNA, worthy for insurance investors 2 read. O, he cites me $$ Feb 29, 2012
- One thing that is not mentioned frequently is that shale gas production profiles tend to peak and decline rapidly. Th? Feb 28, 2012
- ?Hope Phase? for Stocks May End in Tears Again Markets anticipate sustained US growth & soft landing for China $$ Feb 28, 2012
- Confronting a Law Of Limits How does $AAPL grow into its valuation? Especially where obsolescence moves rapidly? $$ Feb 25, 2012
- FDA Warns on Statins Every drug has side effects, w/statins it may be diabetes. Be wary, & avoid all drugs if u can $$ Mar 01, 2012
- Seriously? Any reason to avoid it? RT @kasie: Days since Mitt Romney has taken questions from the national traveling press corps: 17. Feb 25, 2012
- Slavery should be an issue where liberals and conservatives could agree for policy, and maybe apply the Palantir technology 2 root it out $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Fishing as Slaves on the High Seas Another place where slavery still exists; sex trade, Dubai construction & more $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Why Doctors Die Differently Careers in medicine taught them the limits of treatment & the need to plan for the end Feb 25, 2012
- ‘Japanese Madoff’ Flagged Industry Newsletter Warned in 2009 About Firm’s ‘Unnaturally Stable Returns’ $$ #ponzi Feb 25, 2012
- Killer App Have a bunch of Silicon Valley geeks at Palantir Technologies figured out how to stop terrorists? Palantir. Feb 25, 2012
- At 35, I was a devoted Husband and Dad of 5 children, with the oldest being 7 years old.? Nominally, I was the invest? Feb 25, 2012
- War with Iran:Would you go bankrupt for your country? War does not stimulate the economy, contrary 2 popular belief $$ Feb 25, 2012
- Is Japan Doomed? What? There’s a free lunch where the Govt can borrow indefinitely? NO! Cash flows about 2 shift b wary Mar 02, 2012
- Core inflation is once again above expectations There is inflation coming; stagflation even; bad policy begins to bite Mar 02, 2012
- A Wake-Up Call for Japanese Watchdogs Bigger than MF Global, smaller than Madoff; how do you say Ponzi in Japanese? Feb 28, 2012
- Oil denominated in EU currencies is at record highs; demand destruction likely Wonder where breaking point is? $$ Feb 28, 2012
- Gundlach warns U.S. stock market vulnerable Investors concede rally almost over; still expect to earn coupon-> danger Feb 28, 2012
- Architecture Billings Index indicated expansion in January leading indicator 4 new Commercial Real Estate investment $$ Feb 28, 2012