Sorted Weekly Tweets
The Volatility Machine, or, Developed Markets Sneeze and Emerging Markets Catch a Cold
- Record Cash Leaves Emerging Market ETFs on Lira Drop Sold mine b4 the 1st Fed taper; China’s fin’l sys vulnerable $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Calm Broken in Markets Amid Concern of Emerging Contagion Emerging mkts decoupling from developed mkts wrong way $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Basci No Rebel as Elections to Dictate Turkish Rate Moves Raise rates to defend the lira, watch exporters sag $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Rajan Warns of Policy Breakdown as Emerging Markets Fall Good guy, but fighting from a weak position $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Argentina 105% Stock Return Proves Illusory as Peso Sinks Make high returns in Arg pesos, but what can they buy? $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Fragile-Five Selloff Cuts Rupee Issues to ?07 Low Volatility machine feeds tightening policy to weakest emerg mkts $$ Feb 01, 2014
- The Price of Argentina’s Devaluation More devaluation 2 come, black market price of $$ 50% above official price $IRS Jan 30, 2014
- China Bank Regulator Said to Issue Alert on Coal Loans Wealth management products embed significant credit risks $$ Jan 26, 2014
- Fernandez Ditches Argentina for Cuba Summit Amid Crisis May what happened to Khrushchev happen to Fernandez $$ $IRS Jan 26, 2014
Companies & Industries
- Amazon?s Boundless Spending Tested as Sales Growth Slows & $AMZN needs to raise its prices $$ Feb 01, 2014
- How IKEA Protects the Environment and Sofa Margins IKEA is a very clever company that sells furniture cheaply $$ $FBN Jan 30, 2014
- Walmart Expands Same-Day Grocery Delivery Test to Denver Will b interesting 2c if this works profitably $$ $WMY $KR Jan 29, 2014
- Billionaires Fuming Over Market Selloff That Sinks Magnit Never confuse trading value w/intrinsic value $$ $SPY $TLT Jan 29, 2014
- Branson?s Butanol Heading to U.S. as Ethanol Substitute I’ve been waiting for this; this is big & good. $$ $SPY $XLE Jan 29, 2014
- Ethanol Exporters Search for a Port Key Problem: Industry’s Distribution Network, Built Around Domestic Market $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Apple’s $160B Mystery It is a mystery. What could you buy for $160B that would yield something like 10%? $AAPL $$ Jan 29, 2014
- With a Shortage of STEM Graduates, Accenture Hopes to Grab Them Early Clever idea by $ACN getting real thinkers $$ Jan 26, 2014
Financial Sector
- Mortgage Volumes Hit Five Year Low Once policy accommodation ebbs, the housing mkt normalizes. 2 many houses $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Futures industry: A story of crisis and opportunity Interesting history of how the Chicago futures exchanges grew $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Sudden Swings in HSBC, Diageo Spur Trading Error Concern “Fat fingers” can be a problem in computerized markets $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Wall Street Attracts Chop Shops 20 Years After ?Wolf? This isn’t as large as it used 2b. Now more fraud online $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Companies Shift Strategies as Pension Funding Improves Smart to immunize pension liabilities when fully funded $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Friday Was a 90/90 Day and What It Means? @Ritholtz tells us there has been a sea change & this is a correction $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Delinquent Debt Seized by Lehman Alum Seeing Recovery Hedgefund doesn’t own homes, but owns debt interest on homes $$ Jan 29, 2014
- The Hidden Risks of Bank Loan Funds A good piece by the estimable @davidschawel . U might need 2play defense $$ $BKLN Jan 29, 2014
- How the Safe Havens Stack Up For now nothing beats long US Treasury bonds FD: Long $TLT Jan 29, 2014
- SEC Accuses Legg Mason of Some Accidental Fraud Given the complexity of law, much fraud is boring $$ $LM $SPY $MDY Jan 29, 2014
- Puzzle for CFOs: Fixed or Floating-Rate Debt? Here’s the easy answer, do half fixed & half floating. Easy. $$ $BKLN Jan 29, 2014
- Mary Jo White Wants SEC to ?Rethink? Corporate Disclosures Overthinking it; many people don’t read risk factors $$ Jan 29, 2014
- BlackRock?s Fink Warns of ?Too Much Optimism? in Markets Fink is on target, vs the wishful thinking of bureaucrats $$ Jan 26, 2014
- Former Phone Psychic Fit Right in as a Quant Trader Very weird. Making money by selling illusions can b profitable $$ Jan 26, 2014
- Gold Mint Runs Overtime in Race to Meet World Coin Demand Notable demand 4 physical gold amid falling prices $$ $GLD Jan 25, 2014
- Is Momentum on Your Side? This strategy works well, if u can handle the volatility. 2007-2008 flameout. $$ $SPY $MDY Jan 25, 2014
- How to Fine-Tune Your 401(k) Account Worth a read if u have a 401(k). Consolidate, review allocations & savings % $$ Jan 25, 2014
- That last article is one reason interest rates should remain LOW. Retiring baby boomers turning assets into streams of income. $$ $TLT $TBT Jan 25, 2014
- Two Words: Private Equity Private equity is still a risk asset, and goes through booms & busts, stick w/quality $$ Jan 25, 2014
US Politics & Policy
- Christie Knew About Lane Closings on Bridge, Ex-Ally Says If true, Chris Christie is toast, in the US & New Jersey $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Meanwhile, Back in America… It feels more like grief, Like the loss of something you never thought you’d lose $$ Feb 01, 2014
- The Republican Presidential Contender Everyone?s Overlooking I find John Kasich 2b unlikely, but so are the others $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Only the Foolish Pay the 45% Estate Tax @ritholtz tells truth on estate tax, rewards accntnts, lawyers, actuaries $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Minimum Wage Laws Kill Jobs Sad but true. From first principles this should be obvious 2 all $$ Jan 30, 2014
- The Unspoken Reason Obama Can’t Raise the Minimum Wage Public opinion does not think poverty is important $$ $SPY Jan 29, 2014
- No Babies, No Stimulus @asymmetricinfo says it well; if your population gets older, policy should be more austere $$ Jan 26, 2014
- How the U.S. Helped Win World War I Intensified our bad habit of meddling in conflicts that are not ours $$ Jan 25, 2014
Rest of the World
- For Europe?s Youth, Minimum Wages Mean Minimal Employment Youth unemployment is higher in nations w/minimum wages $$ Feb 01, 2014
- El Nino May Return as Models Signal Warming of Pacific Ocean El Nino – the adult version of the boogeyman $$ $SPY Jan 29, 2014
- Snowden Nominated by Norway Lawmakers for Nobel Peace Prize Well deserved. He ruined his life 4 the good of all $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Slop-Bucket Reality for Aboriginals Missing Canada Boom Tribal cultures tend to fail in a capitalistic world $$ $SPY Jan 29, 2014
- Japan Beyond Tokyo Luring BlackRock With Overseas Money Abenomics will fail, & Japan will b the first casualty $$ Jan 29, 2014
- South Sudan Military Says Rebels Breach Cease-fire After separating from the North, tribal animosities dominate $$ Jan 25, 2014
- Food Festival Pageants Open Up Competitions to Attract Candidates Offering larger scholarships to food ambassadors $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Why National Football League players go from rich to broke Injuries shorten careers & fancy living depletes the $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Super Bowl Prostitution Digitally Mapped by Data Trackers Wonder how many female slaves they can help to free? $$ Feb 01, 2014
- The Employee of the Month Has a Battery Minimum wage hikes r accelerating trend toward automation & fewer workers $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Bitcoin Figure Is Accused of Conspiring to Launder Money Governments care if u r trading w/evil people $$ $TLT $SPY Jan 29, 2014
- Infertility, Diabetes, Obesity and the Mystery of PCOS Messy. Overweight & Diabetes correlated with infertility $$ Jan 29, 2014
- How You Might Be Tracked for Ads in a Post-Cookie World Worth a read. After all, you want to protect your privacy $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Frigid Super Bowl Recalls Ref in Wet Suit With Few Penalties When u r struggling 2 survive, few penalties issued $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Burning Question: Does Rinsing Fruit Make a Difference? If organic, YES! If not organic, yes. $$ #microorganisms Jan 29, 2014
- 4 things to know about Warren Buffett adviser Tracy Britt Cool is slow beginning of more centralized operations $$ Jan 28, 2014
- Pregnant Texas Woman, Marlise Mu?oz, Removed From Life Support Many people would have adopted the child $$ Jan 27, 2014
- Maryland Shopping Mall Shooting Leaves 3 Dead, Police Say Biggest Mall near me. I’ve shopped at the Sears there $$ Jan 25, 2014
- Wrong: China PMI Ascends as Global Barometer With Market Sway Should examine China’s financial system soundness $$ Feb 01, 2014
- Dumb: Obama Announces New Retirement Accounts Providing investment options 2 those who don’t invest is a waste $$ Jan 30, 2014
- Weak arg: Congress Has Never Allowed Unemployment Insurance Extensions 2Expire With Long-Term Unemployment So High $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Wrong: Obama Offering Retirement-Savings Plan for Workers Getting poor people 2 invest in Treasuries is criminal $$ Jan 29, 2014
- Wrong: Yellen Faces Test Bernanke Failed: Ease Bubbles That is not her inclination; she will inflate bubbles $$ $SPY Jan 29, 2014
- Wrong: Senator Schumer pushes plan to undercut tea party Far better to end gerrymandering $$ Jan 27, 2014
- Wrong: What?s Behind the Emerging-Market Meltdown Kooky Keynesian prescriptions: ruin long-run 2 help short-run $$ Jan 26, 2014
Comments, Replies & Retweets
- Reading: Whatever happened to the feature which allowed us to customize news sources for stock portfolios? $$ $YHOO Feb 01, 2014
- Whatever happened to the feature which allowed us to customize news sources for stock portfolios? #YahooAnswers $$ Jan 31, 2014
- Commented on StockTwits: Clever, thanks. Jan 29, 2014
- RT @Pawelmorski: Financial media basically rubbish at covering EM. Jan 29, 2014
- Commented on StockTwits: The word was “tend” not “must? Jan 29, 2014
- @TTownsend4969 Blessed are you, Tina Townsend. May you always be grateful for the work that Jesus has done in you. Jan 29, 2014
- RT @M_C_Klein: .@mark_dow on EM: “Don?t try and fight the old school and their anachronistic biases. They are bigger than you are.” http://? Jan 28, 2014
- @pdacosta @bySamRo Grateful I exited my closed-end EM funds in November prior to the first taper. Michael Pettis’ volatility machine runs $$ Jan 26, 2014
- RT @StephenKing: Memo to Justin Bieber: For the young celeb, life is a banquet of free food. What they don’t tell you is that you are often? Jan 26, 2014