Sorted Weekly Tweets
Rest of the World
- Morgan Stanley Leads Japan M&A for 1st Time Since 1997 Global expertise is @ a premium w/many deals across borders $$ Nov 30, 2013
- Can Phone-Charging Stove Cut Wood Pollution and Save Lives? Cook food w/less fuel & pollution; make electricity $$ Nov 30, 2013
- Carney?s Housing Alarm Bell Nudges BOE Toward Stimulus Exit But will he really do it? Economic growth isn’t fast $$ Nov 30, 2013
- In Thailand, It’s Crippling D?j? vu All Over Again Democracy does not fit the cultures of some nations well $$ Nov 29, 2013
- OPEC Rift Emerging Over Iraq Output, Possible Return of Iran OPEC? Forgot about them. Iraq oil production grows $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Aussie Set for Longest Drop Since 1997 After Takeover Rejected A currency is less valuable when use is restricted $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Rice Bond Flop Adds to Yingluck Protest Misfortune Feels a little like 1997, could b messy in emerging markets $$ Nov 29, 2013
- How Poland Became Europe’s Most Dynamic Economy Great, but just watch the outsized entitlement liabilities $$ $SPY Nov 29, 2013
- Paul Krugman’s Blind Spot The countries that did not increase their deficits have done better than those that did $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Zeppelins Seen Hauling Caterpillars to Mine Siberia Fascinating way 2 move heavy machines 2 mines in Siberia $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Rich Russians Sparring With Putin Over $48B Olympics Bet Cloudy view of who pays 4 & benefits from building Sochi $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Pope Urges Countries Regulate Markets in Poverty Battle Jorge Bergoglio doesn’t understand the Bible; thus he errs $$ Nov 27, 2013
- In Iran, Obama Achieves 50% of His Goals If everyone is unhappy, it might be a good deal; looks like Iran is happy $$ Nov 25, 2013
- Europe’s Easy-Money Policy Snubs German Savers Germans should take vacations in Portugal, Italy, Greece, & Spain $$ Nov 25, 2013
- Islamists Settle on Turkey-Syria Border as War Blurs Lines Multiple player wars r inherently unstable & risky $$ Nov 25, 2013
- Extremist Tide Poses Growing Threat to Europe, Katainen Says Euro puts nations in a straitjacket, fuels extremists $$ Nov 25, 2013
- All for One: Xi Jinping and China’s New Deal Argues that the Chinese govt continues to centralize, not so sure $$ Nov 24, 2013
- The Weekend Interview with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Policies that favor Israel & Saudi Arabia r the same $$ Nov 24, 2013
Financial Sector
- San Jose Pension Crush Spurs Bid to Ease California Pacts State laws will change 2allow cuts 2 nonaccrued benefits $$ Nov 30, 2013
- Foreclosed Sales at US Auctions Double as Prices Gain This is a good sign; B careful 2get a clean title if buying $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Wall Street Props CLO Boom as Rules Lift Costs Get them out the door b4 new regulations require risk retention $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Banks may pay $105B more to settle mortgage tab Did the banks even *make* $150B from 2005-8? Who gets the fine $$ ? Nov 27, 2013
- Could banks charge fees for deposits? Yes they could if the Fed tries to loosen policy further $$ Nov 27, 2013
- How Regulators Will Toughen the Volcker Rule This is an impossible task & will result in lawsuits galore $$ #fail Nov 27, 2013
- Speed Traders Meet Nightmare on Elm Street With Nanex Slanted article downplays Nanex’s insights on the markets $$ Nov 27, 2013
- London Gold Fix Calls Draw Scrutiny Amid Heavy Trading Very difficult to eliminate all unfairness in benchmarks $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Wall Street May Take Derivatives Regulator to Court Arbitrariness in issuing regulations leads 2 pushback $$ $SPY Nov 25, 2013
- Tackling The Fed: Jeb Hensarling’s Promise At Cato After 100 yrs, it is time to review our $$ state of affairs Nov 25, 2013
- Nonprofit that flipped homes to investors faces scrutiny Not necessarily illegal, perhaps unethical, sneaky $$ Nov 25, 2013
Companies? & Industries
- Repsol Deal With Argentina Was Propelled by Pemex Pemex mediates/wins, $REP loses, gets $$, $YPF free, Argent wins Nov 29, 2013
- How Alyssa Milano Created a Fan-Gear Fashion Empire for Women Create clothes women like in team colors, not pink $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Judge Approves ResCap Settlement W/Housing Regulator Unsec debt recovers 35%; I remember when they were hot stuff $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Maker of Nutella and Tic Tacs Confident in Family Hands Profitable organic growth &staying private. Smart strategy $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Clean Wind Farms Catch Up to Dirty Big Oil The comments section is replete w/replies on the many ways birds die $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Kobe Bryant’s $50M Shows Salary Cap Is Ruining NBA Easiest way 2ruin a professional sports team is pay star 2much $$ Nov 27, 2013
- For-Profit Colleges Face Consumer Bureau Probe on Lending Roles Student debt is a lousy deal avoid it if u can $$ Nov 25, 2013
- Western Digital unwraps hybrid-data-storage system Best of both worlds @ reasonable cost SSD&HDD $$ FD: + $WDC Nov 25, 2013
- Monsanto vs. Mutant Crop Developers in Global Seed Market There r multiple ways of creating new strains, y fight? $$ Nov 24, 2013
Politics & Policy
- Obama?s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in the face’ to Roman Catholics True enough, but I don’t c the need $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Stay Home, America Commentary on trying to turn Thanksgiving into a shopping day & what it costs us as a culture $$ Nov 29, 2013
- What a Higher Minimum Wage Does for Workers and the Economy Democracy doomed if people vote 4 $$ from Treasury->them Nov 27, 2013
- Should We Bail Out Cities? Answer: no, we shouldn’t. Most bailout r in areas we knew were high risk already $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Not so sure: Democrats Give Up 2014 With the Filibuster It’s a long way to the 2014 & 2016 elections $$ $SPY $TLT Nov 25, 2013
- Rebirth Eludes Baltimore as Camden Reality Lags Promises Professional sports arenas r economic idol 4 destruction $$ Nov 25, 2013
- The Senate Goes Nuclear, Fallout to Come A discourse on protecting the rights of the minority, a la the Founders $$ Nov 24, 2013
Market Impact
- Warren Buffett and Time-Horizon Arbitrage Buffett as a quality GARP manager; challenge is finding durable moats $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Why Are Takeover Prices Plummeting? Interesting 2c a lack of fervor among acquirers during high valuations $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Madness & Sanity It is flattering to be quoted at such great length; Good thing that I do not enforce copyright $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Stock Market Trading: The 20 Rules Of Engagement Useful rules 4short-term traders from the estimable Todd Harrison $$ Nov 27, 2013
PPACA / Obamacare
- Hit-and-Miss Obamacare Site Still Frustrating at Deadline It could never have been fully fixed by 11/30 $$ $TLT $SPY Nov 29, 2013
- A Fight Over Contraception Won’t Help Obamacare Tie PPACA 2 abortion & the fight is unlikely 2 ever end $$ Nov 29, 2013
- Even Subsidized Obamacare Plans Haven’t Found Takers Yet Particularly among the young & healthy it doesn’t help $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Is Obamacare Challenging Enough for Obama? Astounding to hear an ideologue like Margaret Carlson criticize Obama $$ Nov 27, 2013
- Manias, Panics and ObamaCare Crashes PPACA was fatally flawed, the work of ideologues who don’t get healthcare $$ Nov 24, 2013
- Startup Scrambles to Replace the Egg Intriguing idea 2try 2replace eggs w/ingredients commonly fed 2 chickens $$ $TSN Nov 25, 2013
- When Marketing Is Strategy Adapt your products & services 2 meet needs of consumers 4 convenience & effectiveness $$ Nov 25, 2013
- Magnus Carlsen’s Win in Chess Championship Shows Powerful Role of Computers Computers improve the abilities of men $$ Nov 24, 2013