Category: Public Policy

Some Graphs on Fed Policy

Some Graphs on Fed Policy

I don’t want to spend a lot of time on the Fed.? I do want to shine a light on their lack of forecasting abilities.? You have to understand, they are cheerleaders for the US economy, and usually (though not now) defenders of fiscal policy.

The following figures are based off my weighted average estimates taken from the Fed’s guidance.

Let’s start with their forecasts of GDP growth.

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Note that GDP estimates have been wildly optimistic, and have come down over time.? Why should these people have charge over monetary policy?? They don’t show any competence.? It’s as if they have one failed theory that they share — neoclassical economics.

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Yes, the unemployment rate has come down, but much of it it due to discouraged workers. Also, younger people are having a hard time finding work, while oldsters are having to work to survive.

Now let’s look at the hyper-optimistic PCE deflator:

central tendency_26254_image001

Inflation has been falling as the PCE measures it, and CPI also.? Asset inflation has taken the place of goods and services price inflation.? Eventually, that will switch, when the relative need to consume rises, as it did in the ’70s.

Now let’s look at the expectations for the Fed Funds rate:

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Fed funds continually moves down over time. The Fed overestimates when they will tighten, because the economy is far weaker than they expected (go back to graph 1). The final graph confirms this:

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Thus the futility of the Fed. After almost two years of giving guidance, they are no closer to tightening than when they started.? Tightening is 27 months away, if their estimates are right, same as they thought in January 2012.? Tightening seemed further away when more aggressive QE was introduced, but that quickly abated, like a drug addict adjusting to higher doses.

Lousy Forecasters

The Fed’s ability to forecast, since it began communicating more under Greenspan, has never been good.? They are always too optimistic, and assume the powers of monetary policy are high, when they are low.? This applies double to abnormal policy like QE.

Perhaps the Fed could do us a favor.? Stop the shenanigans, and let the yield curve get a normal slope between 2- and 10-year Treasuries, around 1%.? Also end QE.? Then tell Congress that the ball is in their court, and the Fed won’t do any more “stimulus.”? Then Congress would have to face their own shortcomings, and decide if they are Keynesians or Austrians, and act.? Congress dallies because the Fed acts.? Voters can punish Congress; they can’t punish the Fed, much as it deserves it.? If we need a recession to clear away bad debt, so that we can grow again, let’s have it, and stop the asset inflation that the Fed engenders.

As it is, I don’t think QE is doing much good at all for the US, unless monetizing the debt is something good, which historically leads to high inflation.

Redacted Version of the September 2013 FOMC Statement

Redacted Version of the September 2013 FOMC Statement

July 2013 September 2013 Comments
Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in June suggests that economic activity expanded at a modest pace during the first half of the year. Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in July suggests that economic activity has been expanding at a moderate pace. Shades their view of GDP growth up.
Labor market conditions have shown further improvement in recent months, on balance, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Some indicators of labor market conditions have shown further improvement in recent months, but the unemployment rate remains elevated. Adds weasel words because the participation rate is falling, and wages are stagnant.
Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has been strengthening, but mortgage rates have risen somewhat and fiscal policy is restraining economic growth. Household spending and business fixed investment advanced, and the housing sector has been strengthening, but mortgage rates have risen further and fiscal policy is restraining economic growth. Shades their view of housing down.? The Fed hasn?t learned that they can?t control the long end of the yield curve
Partly reflecting transitory influences, inflation has been running below the Committee’s longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. Apart from fluctuations due to changes in energy prices, inflation has been running below the Committee’s longer-run objective, but longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. Little change.? TIPS are showing similar inflation expectations since the last meeting. 5y forward 5y inflation implied from TIPS is near 2.45%, down 0.05% from July.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. No change. Any time they mention the ?statutory mandate,? it is to excuse bad policy.
The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic growth will pick up from its recent pace and the unemployment rate will gradually decline toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. No change.Emphasizes that the FOMC will keep doing the same thing and expect a different result than before. Monetary policy is omnipotent on the asset side, right?
The Committee sees the downside risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as having diminished since the fall. The Committee sees the downside risks to the outlook for the economy and the labor market as having diminished, on net, since last fall, but the tightening of financial conditions observed in recent months, if sustained, could slow the pace of improvement in the economy and labor market. Does not take credit that the tightening of financial conditions happened largely because of FOMC communications.
The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, but it anticipates that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term. The Committee recognizes that inflation persistently below its 2 percent objective could pose risks to economic performance, but it anticipates that inflation will move back toward its objective over the medium term. No change.? CPI is at 1.8% now, yoy.? It may be closer than they think.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, Taking into account the extent of federal fiscal retrenchment, the Committee sees the improvement in economic activity and labor market conditions since it began its asset purchase program a year ago as consistent with growing underlying strength in the broader economy. However, the Committee decided to await more evidence that progress will be sustained before adjusting the pace of its purchases. The notable paragraph, saying that the ?taper? is not starting because fiscal policy is not as stimulative as the Fed wants.
the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. Accordingly, the Committee decided to continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month and longer-term Treasury securities at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. No real change.Operation Twist continues.? Additional absorption of long Treasuries commences.? Fed will make the empty ?monetary base? move from $3 to 4 Trillion by the end of 2013.


Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative. Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative, which in turn should promote a stronger economic recovery and help to ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months No change. Useless comment.
The Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. and will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until the outlook for the labor market has improved substantially in a context of price stability. No real change.
The Committee is prepared to increase or reduce the pace of its purchases to maintain appropriate policy accommodation as the outlook for the labor market or inflation changes. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will continue to take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases as well as the extent of progress toward its economic objectives. In judging when to moderate the pace of asset purchases, the Committee will, at its coming meetings, assess whether incoming information continues to support the Committee’s expectation of ongoing improvement in labor market conditions and inflation moving back toward its longer-run objective. Drops the concept that they might increase the pace of purchases.? Aside from that, this section says about the same thing as July.
Asset purchases are not on a preset course, and the Committee’s decisions about their pace will remain contingent on the Committee’s economic outlook as well as its assessment of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases. New sentence, but it really doesn?t add much.? Didn?t we know that already?
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. No change.Promises that they won?t change until the economy strengthens.? Good luck with that.
In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. Not a time limit but economic limits from inflation and employment.Just ran the calculation ? TIPS implied forward inflation one year forward for one year ? i.e., a rough forecast for 2014, is currently 2.39%, up 19 bp from July.? Here?s the graph.? The FOMC has only 0.11% of margin in their calculation.


In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. No change.
When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. No change.
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Elizabeth A. Duke; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; James Bullard; Charles L. Evans; Jerome H. Powell; Eric S. Rosengren; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen. Two doves leave the FOMC
Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations. Voting against the action was Esther L. George, who was concerned that the continued high level of monetary accommodation increased the risks of future economic and financial imbalances and, over time, could cause an increase in long-term inflation expectations. George continues to make her point that is the same as mine in my piece Easy In, Hard Out; that the Fed may have greater problems as a result of its abnormal policies, whatever they do in the future.



  • No taper yet.? Equities, long bonds, and gold rally.? The FOMC says that any change to policy is contingent on almost everything.
  • They shaded their views of housing down and GDP up.
  • Longer statement.? They think that if they use more words, they will be clearer.? Longer statements are harder to parse and understand.
  • Current proposed policy is an exercise in wishful thinking.? Monetary policy does not work in reducing unemployment, and I think we should end the charade.
  • In the past I have said, ?When [holding down longer-term rates on the highest-quality debt] doesn?t work, what will they do?? I have to imagine that they are wondering whether QE works at all, given the recent rise in long rates.? The Fed is playing with forces bigger than themselves, and it isn?t dawning on them yet.
  • The key variables on Fed Policy are capacity utilization, unemployment, inflation trends, and inflation expectations.? As a result, the FOMC ain?t moving rates up, absent increases in employment, or a US Dollar crisis. ?Labor employment is the key metric.
  • GDP growth is not improving much if at all, and much of the unemployment rate improvement comes more from discouraged workers, and part-time workers.
On Principles-Based Accounting for Financials

On Principles-Based Accounting for Financials

I may lose some friends in the industry for writing this.? Accounting bases vary for three reasons at minimum:

  • Accurate portrayal of the change in value of the firm (GAAP, IFRS)
  • Assuring solvency of financial institutions (Statutory)
  • Making sure taxes get paid (Tax)

Here’s the problem: when assets or liabilities get complex, accounting rules have a hard time setting values for them.? This is especially difficult for anything that does not trade regularly, if at all, and anything that has unique personal characteristics.? The value of a life insurance contract varies from person to person, even if major underwriting variables are the same.

But this applies to other areas.? Living benefits for variable insurance contracts do not have a good theory behind them, because the performance of asset markets is unpredictable.

Another example: letting banks set reserves for credit losses off of internal models.? Remember the rating agencies calculating subordination levels for ABS, RMBS & CMBS?? These securities had never been through a failure cycle, so they used default rates from non-securitized lending.? But those that lend and retain the risk are more conservative than those that lend and sell the risk.

The internal models have the potential to be more accurate than accounting rules, but they have greater potential to be more liberal, as management teams lean on accountants, quants, and actuaries for a desired accounting result.

I think it is better the the accounting standards setters to spend some money, hire people with expertise, and craft better rules.? Here’s another example: I think that the pension accounting standard should not allow investment earnings and discount rate assumptions higher than 2% over the ten-year Treasury.

I am in favor of rules-based accounting for solvency purposes.? Let the regulators be conservative.? Principles based accounting might be fine for GAAP/IFRS, but it destroys comparability across companies, and makes equity analysis a lot harder.? Better to have rules-based accounting there too.

If we had God doing accounting, yes, principles-based would be better, because he knows the future perfectly.? But we don’t know the future, so we have to build in conservatism via rules.

I have two more ideas for accounting simplification.? First, tax financial companies on their GAAP income.? That aligns taxation with their priorities.? If they offer a modified GAAP income that reflects how value is delivered, tax them on that.? Income should be taxed on the true increase in value.

Second, eliminate the statutory accounting basis by using GAAP/IFRS, and boost the level of statutory capital that financial firms need to hold.? Adjust the capital levels off of the business mix, penalizing secondary guarantees.

These two proposals would radically reduce the accounting efforts that financial firms go through, while increasing taxes, and enhancing solvency.

One final note: require that those who prepare the squishy parts of financial statements have an ethics code, like CFAs and Actuaries.? That’s not perfect, but training in ethics generally makes people more conservative in accounting.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets


Rest of the World


  • Chinese Buy Sydney Homes at Unprecedented Rate, McGrath Says Stylish flight capital does not come cheaply, mate $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Rajan Hailed as Swings Drop Amid Gundlach Warning Rajan has courage to defend the Rupee & slow the Indian economy $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Aniston?s Salad Isn?t Enough as Quinoa Farmers Reap Golden Crop Bolivian farmers rejoice growing quinoa makes $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Catalan Separatists Pull Off Human Chain But Referendum Is Harder Reaching the limits of bad policy, risking wars $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Norway Pledges to Limit Oil Spending Probably smart, because it is easier 2 overspend an endowment than underspend $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Shipping Rates Seen at 2010 High on Record Ore to China Means China is likely not rebalancing to consumption yet $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Youngest Japan Boards Beating Oldest With Stocks Rising 139% Returns were 52% for other firms over the last 3yrs $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Syrian Christians Pack Passports Fearing Islamist Onslaught More Coptic churches in US, next comes Syrian Orthodox $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Russia to Brazil Intervention Adds to U.S. Debt Distress The real Q is what they are buyingw/the $$ they sell? Sep 09, 2013
  • Syria Vote May Derail Obama?s Agenda in Congress Argues that Obama has to win the Syria vote 2 avoid looking weak $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • Ancient Golden Treasure Found Near Jerusalem Temple Mount Byzantine coins dating from 4th – 7th centuries $$ menorah Sep 09, 2013
  • India?s Middle Class Hit as Rupee Plunge Pushes Up Prices Another example of how inflation hits the poor hardest $$ Sep 08, 2013
  • Tokyo Defeats Madrid, Istanbul for Rights to 2020 Olympics Tokyo wins the prize to build Olympic white elephants $$ Sep 08, 2013


US Politics & Policy


  • US Faces Long-Term Care Crisis, Report Says Unsolvable unless we rein in costs, redefine what Medicare will cover $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • States Face Decision on Saving Trains Federal subsidies end on short Amtrak routes, will states pick up tab? $$ #bus Sep 14, 2013
  • Walmart Wins in DC “Mayor Gray has chosen jobs, economic development and common sense over special interests” $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Republicans Holding Next Fed Chairman?s Fate Stay Quiet GOP sits & grins over no-win situation 4 democrats & Obama $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • How Wal-Mart?s Waltons Maintain Their Billionaire Fortune This is y defining income more important than tax rates $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • How to Preserve a Family Fortune Through Tax Tricks Graphic showing how GLATs, CRATs & Family LPs work $$ #lowertaxes Sep 12, 2013
  • Even a Railway Line Can?t Dodge the Keystone XL Controversy Given the delay, new projects replace the need 4 K-XL $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • New York Mayor Race Worries Business De Blasio pursues policies that made Detroit the great city it is now $$ #FTL Sep 12, 2013
  • California city backs plan to seize negative equity mortgages Fail: loss of financing for city & new homeowners $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • GE, IBM Ending Retiree Health Plans in Historic Shift Obamacare leads large corporations 2shed retiree healthcare $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Fraud Stealing $100M Shows Flaws in US Crop Insurance System relatively easy2cheat.Graphic: $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • NSA Violated Privacy Protections, Officials Say Much as it would unemploy my friends, we need 2 end the NSA $$ Sep 11, 2013
  • Five Revelations From New NSA Documents Government violated its own rules repeatedly, showing no respect 4the law $$ Sep 11, 2013
  • Intel clashes w/Obama’s election-year al Qaeda claims The successes against al Qaeda undone by spread 2 new areas $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Kerry’s ‘Gaffe’ Beats Military Strikes Hey, getting the chemical weapons out of Syria is @ least a small win, yes? $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Crop Insurers? $14 Billion Some See as Money Laundering Difficult 4 crop insurers 2 lose as US Taxpayers foot bill $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • DeVry Lures Medical School Rejects as Taxpayers Fund Debt Long article on how Caribbean med schools compete w/US $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act: Time to End the Corporate Welfare There is no need to subsidize terror insurance $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Taxpayers Turn US Farmers Into Fat Cats With Subsidies Crop insurance sends all the risk of farming to taxpayers $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • In Conversation With Michael Bloomberg Long somewhat hostile article asking Bloomberg his views, plans, etc. $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • Dear NSA, Thanks for Making Us All Insecure NSA weakens security 4all, harms interests of US Internet Corporations $$ Sep 08, 2013
  • it also lowers global trust in the US, fragments the internet, & encourages nations that censor & monitor the internet by US bad example $$ Sep 08, 2013


Financial Sector Today


  • Why looser lending standards won’t help you Lending standards fall in markets hit by crash & now prices r rising $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Berkshire, AIG Join Battle Over Lucrative Business $BRK.B roils industry expanding in excess-and-surplus insurance $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • House Talk: When an HOA Forecloses Yes, your homeowners association can foreclose if you don’t pay your dues $$ Sep 08, 2013
  • Upside: Emerging-Market Bond Bargains They look cheap, but Q is how they adjust 2 tighter world monetary policy $$ Sep 08, 2013


Financial Crisis Fifth Anniversary


  • TARP didn’t save banks, it ruined them: Kovacevich Contradicts Paulson who said the TARP funds were voluntary $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • By every measure, the big banks are bigger The top 6 banks hold 67% of all assets in the banking industry $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • A Toxic Subprime Mortgage Bond’s Legacy Lives On Story of CWABS 2006-7 Borrowers, Investors & Others Touched by It $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Lehman’s Cold Dead Hand Is Still Reaching Out For Money Many games can b played w/derivatives of a BK counterparty $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Five years after Lehman, risk moves into the shadows Bank runs still possible due2 repo, margining, putable debt $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • 2008-2013: The Financial Crisis in 9 Charts GDP, S&P500, Finance profits, employment, income, cars, homes & more $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Lehman Brothers Abyss Had Paulson Seeking Prayer Amid Crisis I’m getting tired of seeing Paulson in the news $$ #long Sep 12, 2013
  • Embracing Wynne Godley, an Economist Who Modeled the Crisis The right answer involves Minsky and the Austrians $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Financial Crisis: Lessons of the Rescue, A Drama in Five Acts John Taylor blames Govt policy for creating crisis $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • Henry Paulson Defends Fannie Mae Bailout As a result, we have maintained an overleveraged economy, more govt debt $$ Sep 09, 2013


Central Banking


  • Why Michael Woodford Thinks the Fed Should Taper Contends that we need more safe assets in the financial system $$ Sep 14, 2013
  • Is the Demographic Shift Weakening Monetary Policy Effectiveness? Older ppl react less 2changes in interest rates $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Fed wants yet another tool in its swelled policy kit fixed-rate, full-allotment overnight reverse repo agreements $$ Sep 09, 2013




  • Detroit?s Bankruptcy and Pension Solution Depends More on its Planned Recovery and Rebirth – Not Just Cutting Costs! Sep 14, 2013
  • The prior article tweeted I disagree with. There r many high sounding words, amounting 2 “If we all clap, Tinkerbell will live!” $$ #nohope Sep 14, 2013
  • Insight: In Silicon Valley start-up world, pedigree counts The school u went 2 or the firm u worked 4 matters $$ Sep 13, 2013
  • MIT?s Williams Decodes Economics of Gene Sequencing Economist connects intellectual pprty & incentives 2 research $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change Admits Global Cooling? Climate changes; it always changes $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Financial Secrets Revealed! (Just Don?t Ask Where They Came From) @retheauditors tells journos&readers2check facts $$ Sep 11, 2013
  • Fate or Destiny? @reformedbroker goes on hiatus? My but I will miss him. The financial blogosphere will miss him $$ Sep 11, 2013
  • The Weak Recovery Explains Rising Inequality, Not Vice Versa When growth was strong, incomes more even $$ Sep 10, 2013
  • Alcoa, H-P & Bank of America to Be Replaced on DJIA Nike, Visa & Goldman Sachs enter $$ $V $GS $NKE $AA $HPQ $BAC Sep 10, 2013
  • 10 ways to wipe out your retirement savings Complexity, leverage, low diversification, self-custody, slick-talkers $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • Are the Baltic Dry Index Telling Us to Expect Stronger Economic Activity? BDI has been turning up lately, so maybe $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • Did you read the deal terms? Looking at a special dividend of ~$5/share plus ~0.23 shs of $VZ per sh of $VOD. $$ Sep 09, 2013
  • AT&T Gets Tentative Approval to Fund Pension With Preferred Stock In BK, pref stock worth little;PBGC holds bag $$ $T Sep 08, 2013


Verizon Bond Deal

  • How to Borrow $49B with a Stroke of a Pen Bond deal of $VZ had weak covenants versus most investment grade deals $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Verizon Nets $2.09 Billion Windfall for Bond Sale Buyers In order to get the deal done $VZ had to offer 4%+ gift $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Verizon Pays Premium to Top Apple Bond Record I would b wary of holding much long $VZ debt. Who doesn’t own it? $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Verizon Plans $20B Debt Sale Biggest ever, & on top of $48B+ of existing debt, will have 2have juicy yields $$ $VZ Sep 10, 2013
  • Verizon may boost size of bond offering: sources $VZ gets ready 2 issue biggest USD corporate bond deal EVER $$ $25B+ Sep 10, 2013


Wrong, Etc.

  • Gundlach Says Fed Is Mistaken in How It?s Ending Easing This article does not make clear what Gundlach objects to $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • 4 investment tips that you should never use Mixed analysis where the author knocks down falsehoods and straw men $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Confused: Buffett?s investing advice is a portfolio killer More a criticism of Peter Lynch than Warren Buffett $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Wrong: Systemically Important Banks in the Post-Crisis Era Long, and misses liquidity issues like repo financing $$ Sep 10, 2013


Retweets, Replies, and Comments

  • @munilass I read this and thought that things haven’t changed much since Heraclitus and Parmenides. Would like to hear his thoughts on Godel Sep 14, 2013
  • @jeffdanoff1 Of course I know that. I detest Paulson’s 5-year anniversary self-justification obfuscation. Kovacevich shoots straight. Sep 14, 2013
  • RT @munilass: Feynman’s lectures are now available online (Volume 1) (via @jtc_19) Sep 14, 2013
  • @munilass @BarbarianCap I too have appreciated your writings. They are worth keeping. If you don’t want to pay to do it, I could host them Sep 14, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “Buffett?s investing advice is a portfolio killer – Jeff Reeves’s Strength in Numbers – Ma?” Sep 12, 2013
  • Thanks @munilass | I knew u had written about this in the past. I’m a generalist w/bonds, so I thought I would show it 2u4 your thoughts $$ Sep 12, 2013
  • Hey @munilass — I would b interested in your opinion on this from The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget Sep 11, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: @Financial_Iceberg Saw that & tweeted it yesterday. The question is how long China can c… Sep 10, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “David Einhorn was right about this stock – MarketWatch” Sep 09, 2013
  • @mcuban @howardlindzon Here is my reply, 2 large for twitter: Yes, most retail investors r dumb, but money can b made Sep 07, 2013
The Rules, Part LIII

The Rules, Part LIII

The tech market washes out about every eight years or so.? The broad market, which is a more robust beast, washes out far less frequently.? My question: are these variants of the same phenomenon?

I wrote this back in early 2003.? I can now answer my own question: No.

I’ve looked at this question many times, and debated the answer, but there are a few things that have made me decide “No.”

  • Sectors often move independently of the market as a whole, particularly growthy sectors that lose their growth.
  • The big moves of the market as a whole have usually been correlated with credit crises, which are part of the financial sector, not the tech sector.
  • The tech sector grows more slowly as a whole now, and hasn’t washed out for a while.
  • The financial sector fails because of financial leverage, the firms are too levered, and take too much credit risk.? The tech sector fails because market players bid up the prices of stock assuming permanently high rates of growth.? These are fundamentally different reasons for over-valuation, because most tech stocks have little debt.

Credit crises lead to big overall declines in market values, particularly with financial stocks, but affecting all other stocks, because when credit conditions are tight, things slow for all firms.

When tech stocks are overbid, it is more of a local mania where market players overestimate the degree of growth the sector can achieve.? There is little collateral damage to the market.? A seeming exception to this is 2000-2002, where the market went down with tech, but financials were less affected. In that drawdown, tight Fed policy drew everything down, and tech more than everything else.? Remember the NASDAQ over 5000?? Still hasn’t returned there, while the Dow, S&P 500, and Russell 2000 have hit new highs.

Here’s the summary: financial stress tends to be pervasive, affecting everything.? Stress from growth expectations that disappoint tend to be sector-specific, and don’t drag down the market as a whole.

And so the answer to my question that I asked 10+ years ago is “no.”

On Human Fertility, Part 3

On Human Fertility, Part 3

I write about this every now and then, because human fertility is falling faster then most demographers expect.? Using the CIA Factbook for data, the present total fertility rate for the world is 2.45 births per woman that survives childbearing.? That is down from 2.50 in 2011, and 2.90 in 2006.? At this rate, the world will be at replacement rate (2.1), somewhere between 2020 and 2030.? That?s a lot earlier than most expect, and it makes me suggest that global population will top out at 8.5 Billion in 2030, lower and earlier than most expect.

Have a look at the Total Fertility Rate by group:

On human fertility 3

The largest nations for each cell are listed below the graph.? Note Asian nations to the left, and African nations to the right.

Africa is so small, that the high birth rates have little global impact.? Also, AIDS consumes their population, as do wars, malnutrition, etc.

The Arab world is also slowing in population growth.? When Saudi Arabia is near replacement rate at 2.21, you can tell that the women are gaining the upper hand there, which is notable given the polygamy is permitted.

In the Developed world, who leads in fertility?? Israel at 2.65.? Next is France at 2.08 (Arabs), and the US and New Zealand at 2.06, slightly below replacement.? We still grow from immigration, as does France.

Quoting from my prior piece, why is this happening?? There are many reasons why the total fertility rate is declining:

  • Educating females makes many of them want to have fewer kids, whether the reason is pain, effort, wanting to work outside the home, etc.
  • Contraception is more widely available.
  • The marriage rate is declining globally.? Willingness to have children is positively correlated with marriage.
  • Governments provide an illusion of support, commonly believed, that the government can support people in their old age, so people don?t have kids for old age support.

The rapidly slowing rate of childbearing will have global population peak in the early 2030s at a level in the lower 8 billions, unless there is some further change to attitudes on children that makes people have more or even fewer kids.

Some of those changes may come from:

  • governments looking to stem a shrinking population that is causing a future problem with their social welfare programs.? (Note: in general, whatever governments offer, people don?t have materially more kids. Once women are convinced that kids are more of a burden than an advantage, they do not easily shift from that view, even if that view is wrong.)
  • Various religious leaders realizing that the women are not with the program of growing their ranks, where contraception has become quietly common.? I am speaking mostly of Catholics and Muslims here.
  • Abortion, especially for sex selection reasons becomes more or less common.? Growth in future population depends heavily on the level of fertile women, and if they are being killed or not at birth in places like China, India, the satellite countries of the former Soviet Union, etc? fewer women means a lower growth rate, and unhappier societies 20+ years out.

As I close, I want to list a few nations that are below replacement rate, that would surprise some people:

  • Libya
  • Vietnam
  • Iran
  • Qatar
  • Lebanon
  • Chile
  • Uzbekistan
  • Brazil
  • Thailand
  • Russia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Tunisia
  • North Korea
  • South Korea

And those the are close to replacement rate:

  • Bangladesh
  • South Africa
  • Peru
  • Burma
  • Morocco
  • Colombia
  • Turkey
  • Indonesia
  • UAE
  • Saudi Arabia (Wahabism is less strong than believed)
  • India
  • Mexico
  • Venezuela
  • Argentina

One last point, because the demographics profession has been slow to pick up on these shifts, if present trends continue, within 10 years, I believe you will see a scad of articles talking about the likely leveling off of global population and even future shrinkage of global population, and the effects thereof.? Always something to worry about?

The Rules, Part L

The Rules, Part L

Countries are firms that produce claims on assets and goods

If I were rewriting this today, it might read, “Countries are firms that produce claims on assets, goods, and income, and anything else they can dream of, in order to retain their privileged position.”

Countries exist for defense and internal justice.? That’s the bare minimum; think of it this way: can there be rivals for defense and internal justice without a civil war?? With many other issues, countries may be willing to share the load — charities that deal with the poor, in addition to welfare programs.

Countries have unique taxation rights, and though big businesses and other interest groups may bend countries to their will, the countries still have their rights.? In a crisis, that could be significant.

FDR confiscated gold during a crisis.? Cyprus swiped bank deposits in a crisis.? Argentina meddles with pension monies.? What could governments do as entitlement (welfare) payments rise more rapidly than taxes?? I don’t know for sure, but you can bet there will be some desperate moves made, tapping many sources of income, transactions, and assets, as well as limit benefits via benefits taxation and other methods.

You could even see widespread purging of the SS Disability Insurance [SSDI] rolls in a real crisis.? I think of an former neighbor, on SSDI because of a bad back who was regularly on his roof putting up and taking down Christmas lights.? He always seemed hale & hearty to me, but there he was on the government dole.

To the extent that they can, countries establish the rules of the economic game. reserving the right to change the rules.?? It has to be this way, because aside from God, there is no greater power that can make countries change their ways by fiat.? Yes, there are wars and civil wars, but those have no determinate outcome.? No one orders a country around directly.? Indirectly, things are different, as diplomacy may bring pressure that makes another country compromise.

The model where countries rule over others to get “a piece of the action” is a fair approximation economically of how countries act.? Consider it as you invest, especially with foreign investing.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Companies & Industries


  • Falling gas prices this Fall Pollution requirements fall, people drive less, overcomes geopolitical effects $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Wal-Mart vs Costco, Why My Critics R Wrong $WMT offers more variety vs $COST | thus more people lower wage rates $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Brazilian Billionaire Who Controls Your Beer, Condiments, & Whopper Long piece on Jorge Lemann $$ #Heinz $BRK.B Aug 30, 2013
  • New York to Seattle Buyers Tap Brakes After Rates Rise Rising prices & mortgage rates mean loan payments 2 high $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • US Bank Legal Bills Exceed $100B Bloomberg Just think how profitable they will be when the dust settles 😉 $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Cheap Corn Deters Buyers in US Sugar-for-Ethanol Plan Corn scarcity becomes corn glut, reinforcing sugar glut $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Why Wal-Mart Will Never Pay Like Costco $WMT has much wider diversity of products, so more workers @ lower pay $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Why Is Chicken More Expensive? Ask McDonald’s When $MCD adds a new ingredient to their menu, drives prices higher $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Xerox Can Fix Number-Switching Scanners, but Not Altered Docs Could b a lot of work 2 re-scan originals if u havem $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • JPMorgan Worth 30% More If Broken Up, KBW Says Pure play financial institutions always get better valuations $JPM $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • Apple, Samsung, IBM, World’s Universities in Graphene Gold Rush Crystalline Carbon 1 atom thick sheets are amazing $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • College is like gasoline, demand for it is inelastic. Thus any subsidy gets captured by the college, & taxes get eaten by gas consumers $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • The Real Reason College Costs So Much Richard Vedder explains how federal subsidies push up the price on college $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • djco_corresp-031513.htm Munger’s law firm explains y $DJCO shouldn’t b viewed as an investment company. Well done! $$ Aug 24, 2013

US Politics & Policy


  • Obama Is About 2Undermine His Mideast Doctrine Obama has mostly tried 2disengage US from Mideast, this reverses it $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • The Rising Cost of Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI’s trust fund runs out is 2016; 2EZ 2get on disability $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • And Next Year There Will Be an Eighth Budget ?Showdown? Rate of budget growth slowed, but scope of govt expands $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Regulators Ease Mortgage Rules Swiss cheese regs destroy direct incentives 4 originators 2 produce quality loans $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Regulators Back Away From Tougher Mortgage Rules More capital needs to be held against exotic mortgage loans, good $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Obama Meets Panel Reviewing US Surveillance Programs Repeal the Patriot Act; modifications r not enough $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • College Leaders Wary of Obama Plan Linking College Aid to Rank Plan could hurt the very parties Obama wants 2 help $$ Aug 25, 2013
  • Samantha Power on the Duty to Intervene This argues that the US should be the cop of the globe 4 the worst things $$ Aug 25, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Sinopec-Apache Deal Shows China’s Resource Appetite China learns how 2negotiate minority stakes in oil properties $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Hollande Draws Heat From Biz 4 Tax-Driven Pension Revamp France?s tax burden is ~46% of GDP, 3rd highest in Europe $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Scandinavia?s Weakest Nation Finds Welfare Habits Too Costly Denmark looks forward, realizes it must cut welfare $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • The Abenomics Mirage: In Reality, Too Many Challenges? Japan imports on net so a lower yen doesn’t help much $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Schaeuble Snubs Greek Plea for Direct Bank Recapitalization Perhaps Greece needs 2 establish effective taxation $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Spaniards Fleeing Jobless Scourge Seek Jobs in Morocco Can’t earn as much but can earn something as Spain shrinks $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Start-Ups Fill Void Left by Spain?s 26% Unemployment Rate If u can’t work 4 someone else u can work 4 yourself $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • Czech Zero Percent Lending Rate Feeds Home-Buying Frenzy Bad things happen when there is seemingly free $$ available Aug 28, 2013
  • Vietnam Rises as Middle Power at Defense Summit Wants to stay neutral btw the US & China, while protecting itself $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • Teachers Roil Mexico Capital Maybe it’s time 2 move the capital out of Mexico City, to someplace more hospitable $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • Emerging-Market Rout Intensifies on Syria Jitters Jitters affect oil mkt & it spills over in to weak emerging mkts $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • Fed Officials Rebuff Coordination Calls as QE Taper Looms Emerging markets whipsawed as US monetary policy shifts $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • Veteran Saudi Power Player Prince Bandar Works To Build Support to Topple Assad Islamic proxy war continues $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Emerging Europe Is a Haven in Selloff Hard to damage nations w/more orthodox fiscal policies, but still part of EZ $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Emerging market slump highlights Fed’s global reach The US sneezes & the world catches cold, again $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Charlene Chu Interview with Goldman on China?s Credit Bubble Excellent Interview showing future China weakness $$ Aug 27, 2013




  • Scientists Shed New Light on Black Holes The speed w/which gas is pulled toward a black hole repels some entering $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Is It Evil to Send Your Kids to Private School?? Parents will always find ways 2keep children out of subpar schools $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Age-Related Forgetfulness Tied to Diminished Brain Protein This may have some promise in reducing dementia $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Definitive merger agreement between 2 business journalists Do some R&D, & create subsidiaries that will b spun off $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • How Haute Vegetables R Conquering $500 Tasting Menus Borage is a well-known medicinal herb; interesting 1st course $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Six Reasons the US Will Dominate Immigrants, more workers, entrepreneurship, labor flexibility, <Financing, strong $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • P2P lending pulls in big investors – should you bite? Soon 2 come, a peer2peer lending closed-end fund $$ #ohno #FTL Aug 28, 2013
  • Shoeshines Keep Wall Street in the Black (or Maybe Brown) A unique institution stays alive on Wall Street $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Sometimes I think Federal education policy is designed to weigh down the system, making it easier 4 private & home schools 2 outperform $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Biggest Changes in a Decade Greet Students Some Teachers, Parents Push Back on New Standards “Common Core” $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Home Births on the Rise for New York Families Fascinating trend, though I think the best is a midwife @ a hospital $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Midwives provides far better care than doctors w/normal deliveries, & they r cheaper. Being @ a hospital provides insurance if trouble $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Are You Ready for the Post-College SAT? College is not valuable to some employers -> a new test 2 show your smarts $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Regarding that last tweet, could testing replace college? Credentialing is important, but do we need to waste four years to credential? $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Jail Becomes Home for Husband Stuck With Lifetime Alimony Debtors prison returns in a new form $$ long article Aug 27, 2013
  • Muriel Siebert, First Woman to Buy Seat on NYSE, Dies at 84 Used to have an account w/her firm; good company $$ Aug 27, 2013
  • Ben Franklin Gets a Makeover Ben Franklin owned slaves?! Whouda thunk it! New presentation about a complex guy $$ Aug 25, 2013
  • Dishwashers Beat Clothes as US Moms Use Hand-Me-Downs People buy things w/longer-term value, reduce luxuries $$ Aug 25, 2013


PPACA / Obamacare


  • A New Kind of Insurance Head-Scratcher: Estimating Future Income Incentive will b2 under-report until checked $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • The Young and the Healthy One more calculator 4 Obamacare subsidies 4 young & not well-paid $$ Old win, young lose Aug 30, 2013
  • Senior Discounts Interesting illustrative calculator on premium subsidies under Obamacare. Incentives to earn less $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Thus PPACA will have an incentive 2 destroy working, & the exchanges will fail, as they will only attract the sick, young ppl stay away $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Also, look at this graphic As incomes go from 25K to 55K, subsidy is lost & an implied 17% tax from the loss $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Subsidies for Older Buyers Give Health Insurers a Headache Subsidies will will older poor in2 exchanges, not young $$ Aug 30, 2013


Harbinger Group Life Insurance IPO
?? Falcone Insurer Said to Seek $1 Billion Valuation in IPO – Bloomberg & my tart comments: $$ Aug 30, 2013

  • Harbinger’s insurance unit files for $100M IPO $HRG pays itself a dividend; dig the 28pp of risk factors @ the SEC $$ Aug 29, 2013


Market Impact


  • Pimco Sees Taper in Worst MBS Slump Since 1999 Bond market summary, particularly noting taper effect on MBS market $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Some IPOs Aim for Small Investors Keep your hand on your wallet, alternative stock distribution methods untested $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Currency Spikes at 4 PM in London Provide Rigging Clues All human systems r gamed; need 2 acct 4 that w/benchmarks $$ Aug 28, 2013
  • How ?black squirrels? infested Wall Street Efforts to level playing field made it more opaque & hazardous $$ #complex Aug 27, 2013
  • Cyclical Stocks Looking Historically Cheap Yes, cheap. What will happen 2 cyclical earnings if the economy slows? $$ Aug 25, 2013


Central Banking


  • Fed’s IG says central bank violated document rules Issued minutes of policy meeting a day b4 the scheduled release $$ Aug 30, 2013
  • Did Fed?s Forward Guidance Backfire? Paper Says Probably The idea that clear Fed communication works is unproven $$ Aug 25, 2013
  • Summers as Obama Voice of Authority Rides Car Rescue in Fed Race Good piece on y Obama may pick Summers 4Fed Chair $$ Aug 25, 2013


Wrong, Etc.

  • Wrong: CLO Rule Aimed to Pass Retention to Banks Won?t Work, RBS Says Will shrink the # of issuers, that’s not bad $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Bad title: Why Is Vladimir Putin Acting So Crazy? He’s acting rationally in response to changing conditions $$ Aug 29, 2013
  • Wrong:Will Obama Make the Fed Even Worse? Not well argued. More about his view $$ policy is 2 tight, less about Obama Aug 27, 2013
  • Sort of: The Strong Case for Optimism About US Growth Except it is optimism after 5 more years of deleveraging $$ Aug 27, 2013


Retweets, Replies & Comments

  • RT @EddyElfenbein: Happy 83rd Birthday to Warren Edward Buffett @WarrenBuffett. The Dow was at 240.42 eighty-three years ago. Aug 30, 2013
  • #FollowFriday Thanks @ReformedBroker @pelias01 @researchpuzzler for being top influencers in my community this week 🙂 Aug 30, 2013
  • Thanks @OGMarcusC @Metalbanker for being top new followers in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 30, 2013
  • @ledbetreuters If you had your own website, & had a Google Page Rank over 5, u would get around two of those per week. Very pesky. Aug 30, 2013
  • RT @azizonomics: Nobel War Prize Aug 30, 2013
  • RT @ianbremmer: Knock knock. Who’s there? The international community. The international community who? Precisely. Aug 30, 2013
  • RT @treehcapital: Yet another reason to love New Zealand @pkedrosky: New Zealand bans software patents Aug 29, 2013
  • Thanks @researchpuzzler @AndreCimini for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 26, 2013
  • @alisonforns And I see the glass as 70 fewer than 140. What a wonderful world! Aug 26, 2013
On Trading Illiquid Stocks

On Trading Illiquid Stocks

Before I start for the evening, I would like to mention that Aleph Blog ranked #120 on Onalytica Indexes? Top 200 Influential Economics Blogs.? The post doesn’t mention it, but Aleph Blog was tied for #86 in terms of popularity.? More people read me than cite me or link to me.

This is more of a finance & investing blog than an economics blog, largely because I am a dissident in the land of neoclassical economics.? This blog is a melange of my varied interests, and is a bit of an acquired taste.? This will be true tonight as well, because tonight’s topic is trading illiquid stocks.

I regard a stock or bond as illiquid if dollar volume traded is low relative to the market capitalization of the security.? Why would I want to own such a security?? Neglect.? There are few eyes analyzing a security that cannot be sourced in size.? Thus, if you have a strong opinion on the security, and it is neglected, you have the opportunity for some strong returns.

In the portfolios I manage for clients, roughly 10% of the assets are illiquid, as I define it.? I have generally had good results with neglected stocks, but many stocks are neglected for a reason, typically a management team that is unfair to outside passive minority shareholders.? Who wants to put cash into a “roach motel?”

In dealing with illiquid stocks, I typically use discretionary reserve orders.? A discretionary order displays the price at which you want to buy or sell, and what degree of latitude you are willing to compromise on the price.? Here’s an example:

Bid: 10.40 Ask: 10.50

A discretionary order might say, “Buy 1000 shares @ 10.39, with 0.06 latitude.”? Any sell order flashing through at 10.45 or lower would trigger the discretionary buy order.

A reserve order says, “I want to sell a large number of shares, but I only want to display a small number, to avoid scaring the market.”? It could be “Buy 1000 shares, show 100 @ 10.40.”? If someone comes in with a larger order than 100 @ 10.40, it will execute up to 1000 shares.? Makes you look small to everyone but the market makers and specialists, who know how much you really want to do.

And that is a difficulty, and I learned it the hard way — I tried a trade where? was offering 20,000 shares and showing 100 on a NASDAQ stock, and the market for the stock went down on what was an otherwise calm day.? Other retail investors couldn’t see my size, but the market maker could, and he adjusted his bid down considerably.? So now I break up my trades, and don’t exceed a certain normal size for the liquidity of a given stock.

A discretionary reserve order combines the two.? For less liquid stocks, I use it frequently, because it erases some of the advantages that high frequency traders have.? My example would be: “Buy 1000 shares, show 100 @ 10.39, with 0.06 latitude.”

So for an illiquid stock was buying lately, I was doing the following (using the same market as before):

  • Buy 1000 shares, show 100 @ 10.40, and,
  • Buy 1000 shares, show 100 @ 10.39, with 0.06 latitude

The idea is to be ready to buy the sell orders that flash through the market at 10.45 or less, while being ready to buy shares cheap if someone decides to lift the bid.? The combination allowed me to buy 20% of the volume across two days, and not budge the stock price — it declined until the seller exhausted himself, after which, the stock started to rise, and I could get nothing more done.? I got 80% of the position on and will wait for a better opportunity for the balance.

Moving from Micro to Macro

So I have my own techniques for coping with market complexity.? I don’t complain about high frequency trading [HFT]; I fight back.? I don’t trade much, so trading is not a core way in which I add value.? That said, I do what I can to minimize the total costs of trading, which is a balance between paying up and getting the stock, and not paying up and the stock gets away from you.

As this article points out HFT is the result of squeezing market makers & specialists through decimalization and a few other regulatory changes.? Intermediaries lost margins and large traders lost the ability to do large trades without revealing their intentions to the world.? Thus in a free market, alternative execution sites come into existence.? Providing liquidity deserves some sort of reward, because it is a good.? HFT is one way for a liquidity provider to get paid, even if some of the tactics are questionable.

The competition to trade the same stocks in different venues led to complexity, such that data exchanged across execution venues must all run on the same clock.? If that is not so, it can lead to the “Flash Crash,” or the recent shutdown at NASDAQ, which ostensibly happened to avoid a repeat of the “Flash Crash.”

Complex systems require some degree of cooperation or regulation in order to operate well.? I have suggested that we don’t need microsecond liquidity to make things work.? Liquidity once per second, or even once per minute would do.? Having one central order book for each stock also would do it, together with tiny fees on orders that get cancelled.

Willingness to offer liquidity deserves a reward, and the more so for orders of size and duration.? They act similarly to what market intermediaries do, so let us come to a market system where such offers of liquidity, whether to buy or sell, get properly rewarded.? That might bring stability to the markets, together with a reduction in complexity.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • Boehner Tells Caucus House Will Keep Fighting Health Law If the company mandate is delayed, y not the individual 1 $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • California Health Exchange Might Face Online-Enrollment Delay More glitches as we get closer to Obamacare fiasco $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • Jeffrey Singer: The Man Who Was Treated for $17,000 Less You have to understand how negotiable medical costs are $$ Aug 23, 2013
  • UPS to End Insurance Coverage for 15,000 Working Spouses This is the future as Obamacare comes into existence $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Jeffrey Singer: The Man Who Was Treated for $17,000 Less First party payment reduces health costs, not ins/govt $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Republicans in Echo Before Big Burn Defy Affordable Care In this era, it probably helps the Reps, LBJ’s era not $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Obamacare exemption ? none dare call it treason Congress and Administration r exempt from the PPACA $$ #FTL Aug 20, 2013
  • GOP keeps needling Obamacare in key Senate states Complexity of PPACA makes it its own worst enemy; ez 2 thwart $$ Aug 19, 2013
  • Norquist Says Obama to Take Health Delays, Avoid Shutdown House can block things, Senate cooperation unlikely $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Obama Suspends the Law. What Would Lincoln Say? Article made me sympathize with Lincoln. Could Obama be Impeached? $$ Aug 17, 2013




  • Wrong: Why the US Power Grid’s Days Are Numbered Overstates the green case. More difficult to dismantle grid $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • Wrong: How To Invest Like Carl Icahn U can’t invest like Carl Icahn b/c u can’t b big enuf 2 bully mgmt teams $$ $IEP Aug 23, 2013
  • Word to Fed: Less Talk, More Action When u have 2 re-explain what u r doing a # of times, u probably don’t get it $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Wrong: Janet Yellen called the housing bust and has been mostly right on jobs Yellen did not call housing bust $$ Aug 19, 2013
  • Wrong: Summers-led Fed might raise rates faster than Yellen Forces being dealt w/r larger than individual ideas $$ Aug 19, 2013


Politics & Policy


  • Has Eric Holder Found Wall Street?s Nightmare? 2 early 2 say; tough to prove that people had bad motives vs stupid $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • Ivory Tower Types Fall for Bigger Inflation Fix Inflation is tough to eliminate once it gets entrenched $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Obama to Propose College Ratings System on Bus Tour Haven’t we distorted incentives on college enough already? $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Secret Court Faulted NSA for Collecting Domestic Data If govt can’t tell us about it, they shouldn’t b doing it $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Why Science and Politics Don?t Mix Science is compromised when observers cease 2b neutral & overstate conclusions $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Justice Department Plans New Crisis-Related Cases nothing serious here, just late grandstanding & posturing $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • New Details Show Broader NSA Surveillance Reach Giving up liberty 4 security means that we will have neither $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • More Than Half of U.S. College Students Get Federal Aid If we reduced the aid given 2 students, tuition would fall $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Ignoring Write-Offs, Report Says Reported earnings may b overstated, as dud loans persist $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Raising Kids? Your Taxes Are Far Too High Especially counting value of kids future contributions 2 entitlements $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Congress gets a bunch of general and basic nostrums about how financial risk modeling is done and implemented $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Fed Finds 18 Large Banks Weak in at Least One Capital Area Fed’s study shows moderate knowledge of risk mgmt $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Greenwich Stilt Houses Foreshadow Impact of New FEMA Maps Think of the taxpayer subsidy from premiums that r2 low $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Treasury Faces Coupon Conundrum With 5Yr Sale, Wrightson Says We have computers now, not everything has 2b eighths $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Last Bernanke Years Shows No Sign of Buyer?s Remorse Why should he? Providing liquidity easy; taking it back hard $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • The other part of the story is that people who work have a purpose, and that makes them happier. Shame about younger people not employed $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Mailman at 72 With America?s Longest Route Long story showing future, where old people keep working til they die $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds NSA search abuses r not rare; we need to end NSA $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • The Baby Penalty Female PhDs who have children lose opportunities. True 4 all who take time from work 4 family $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Teachers Face License Loss This almost never happens. The teachers’ unions always find a way 2 protect their own $$ Aug 17, 2013



Rest of the World


  • It Looks Like 1998 Again in China Excess capacity to export what world doesn’t need plus high financial debts $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • ‘Leftover women’ in China face tough choices in looking for love Women like2marry up, which means many won’t marry $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • Who Is Ali Khamenei? Long & nuanced article on the supreme leader of Iran – History, views, influences, & theories $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Mexico’s Pemex Looks to Tap U.S. Shale This doesn’t look like a smart idea; most good business is incremental $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Allies Thwart America in Egypt Israel, Saudis and UAE Support Egyptian Military Moves $$ #choosefreedomvsdemocracy Aug 20, 2013
  • Israel Boosts Ties With Egyptian Army as US Mulls Cuts Politics makes strange bedfellows $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Al Qaeda ‘rat line’ from Syria to Iraq turns back against Assad Actions taken against US in Iraq now harm Assad $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Bankers Supplanted by Elves as Iceland Chases Cash A place where allowing banks to fail worked well $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Central-Bank Moves Blur the View Bodes well 4 their bonds, tough 4 the stocks of their exporters, importers ok $$ Aug 24, 2013
  • Potash Rift Seen Lasting as Asia Sales Said to Rile Uralkali Interesting article reviews potash cartel history $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Gold Rout Seen Bottoming by Analysts as China Buys & China Gold-Mine Deals at Record $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Regulatory Concern Grows along with Surge in Interbank Business Surge in China Interbank lending is worrisome $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Egypt’s Former President Mubarak May Be Freed A logical outcome, 1 that shows the Army is playing “for keeps” now $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • In classified cyberwar against Iran, trail of Stuxnet leak leads to White House Will this lead 2 anything negative $$ Aug 19, 2013
  • Last of Zuma?s Main Critics Sidelined as Vavi Suspended South Africa traded one oligarchy for another $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • The Dutch, Europe’s apostles of austerity, feel the economic pain Paying the piper 4 taking on 2 much debt $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Easy Credit Dries Up, Choking Growth in China Payoff 4 malinvestment may b arriving. Japan 1989 -> China 2013 $$ Aug 17, 2013

Market Impact


  • Market Size Complex Systems = More Glitches We can reduce glicthes if we reduce complexity & choice 4 large $$ mgrs Aug 24, 2013
  • Americans don?t know anything about interest rates & portfolios Investment returns r magic 2retail $$ @reformedbroker Aug 22, 2013
  • Hedge Funds Severely Underperforming This Year Net exposure relatively high, but heavily shorted stocks rally 33% $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Low-volatility ETFs may not be what they used to be Any investment strategy can b overused, & returns vanish $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • Looking for value: When the child outperforms the parent Spinoffs r underanalyzed companies w/incentive 2 focus $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • Bond Trading Hampered as Buyers Retreat to Crowded Exits Overstates the degree dealer inventories affect prices $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • CLO Refinancings at $50 Billion Seen Rewarding Riskiest Issues Feels like 2006 in credit craziness $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Repo Market Decline Raises Alarm as Regulation Strains Debt Repo market getting less liquid, that’s not so bad $$ Aug 20, 2013



Companies & Industries


  • Buyout of $AIG Unit Is On the Rocks Difficult to overstate how sensitive ILFC profits r2 cheapness of financing $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Water + Sunshine = Fuel as Lab in California Chases Dream Dream indeed. Call me a skeptic on the science here $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • A New Spate of Deaths in the Wireless Industry Every death is tragic, but w/deaths <20/yr, that doesn’t seem high $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Kodak Reorganization Approval Affirms Move From Cameras Unsecured creditors get 4-5% of their claims, stock gets 0 $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • Problem for Bezos: Mall Becoming Cheaper Than Amazon Who knows? Maybe $AMZN will have to earn $$ to exist. #nonprofit Aug 20, 2013
  • The busiest acquirer you haven’t heard of Many acquisitions in a short time is usually a recipe for disaster. $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Shale Grab in U.S. Stalls as Falling Values Repel Buyers Anytime there is a boom, prices overshoot, then writeoffs $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • What Tim Cook and Apple should do with all that cash Harder than it sounds, most of the $$ trapped abroad, bond deal Aug 20, 2013
  • The 1975 Buffett memo that saved the Washington Post’s pension Buffett was always a smart guy; prescient in 1975 $$ Aug 19, 2013
  • Cisco and the Search for New Life Companies w/strong core businesses have a hard time expanding into new business $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Rail-Truck Shipments Reveal Holiday Sales Clues Holiday sales may rise, higher volume of goods transported in 2013 $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Fixed Indexed Annuities Merit Caution Law should give contractholders right 2 full value withdrawal if transferred $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Oil-Pipeline Cracks Evading Robotic ‘Smart Pigs’ If cracks r along the welds, they don’t get detected easily $$ Aug 17, 2013




  • JPMorgan Sub-New Normal Growth Seen Vexing Next Fed Chief New Fed Chief will face economy traveling @ stall speed $$ Aug 23, 2013
  • Economists Need to Admit When They?re Wrong Crisis caused by a huge rise in private debt; economists missed that $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Green Bay: More Legends Than Streets Smallest franchise city has more heroes than streets to append their names $$ Aug 22, 2013
  • Abandoned Dogs Roam Detroit in Packs as Humans Dwindle This is strangely fitting; Detroit slowly becomes 3rd world $$ Aug 21, 2013
  • Eating of Sausages “no Christian is bound to do those things which God has not decreed.” Of Calvinism old & modern $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Seth Lipsky: Ben Bernanke’s Anger and the AIG Case Questionable legal ground4the Fed’s takeover of AIG 2b explored $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Why An M.B.A. Isn’t Good Enough Anymore High costs, changing demographics, technological change-> reinvent the MBA $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Broker Audits Marred by Conflicts of Interest, Watchdog Says Deficiencies >95% of brokerage audits it reviewed $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • What’s Ailing America’s Cattle? Scientists Suspect Livestock-Feed Additives Are Behind Distress $$ Be careful Aug 20, 2013
  • Student Test Scores Rose When Teachers Retired Early Teachers peak in effectiveness after 5-10 yrs of experience $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • Hybrid Bond Gamble Pays Off as Stimulus Spurs Gains Paid off for now, but these hybrids sting w/higher probability $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • John Laporte, T. Rowe Price Manager Who Beat Peers, Dies at 68 Pretty certain I met him @ Baltimore CFA, good guy $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Are College Costs Reaching a Breaking Point? Possibly, if Federal aid drops & fewer people go to college $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • New Software Forces You to Pay Attention During Company Training Next, they’ll give you drug that makes u like it $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Price Manipulation Includes Silver and Gold When prices r fixed by survey or transactions, games will b played $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • Francis Ouimet’s U.S. Open Victory That Changed the Game Forever Meet Francis Ouimet, the amateur who won US Open $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • A Chance to Own a Home for $1 in a City on the Ropes Get your own home in Gary, Indiana for $1 $$ Aug 17, 2013
  • How a Black Hole Really Works Scientists watch black hole at center of Milky Way eat a cloud of gas $$ Aug 17, 2013


Comments, Replies, and Retweets

  • #FollowFriday Thanks @ReformedBroker @pelias01 @researchpuzzler for being top influencers in my community this week 🙂 Aug 23, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: ILFC very different than NetJets. $BRK.B capable of buying ILFC, but Buffett won’t pay to… Aug 22, 2013
  • Thanks @dpinsen @ReformedBroker for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 22, 2013
  • Thanks @pelias01 @TopInvestBlogs for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 22, 2013
  • Thanks @howardlindzon @moneyscience for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 22, 2013
  • Thanks @brasil247 @JerseyDemic for being top new followers in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 20, 2013
  • “Many acquisitions in a short time is usually a recipe for disaster.” ? David_Merkel $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • @pdacosta FWIW, I thought the document was amateur in discussing financial risk management Open 2other thoughts $$ Aug 20, 2013
  • @buzzmerk @StevStiffler @truedat157 @pcyansee the greater Q is why the Mars Corp hasn’t sued him for trademark infringement- ruins the brand Aug 20, 2013
  • Thanks @AboveAvgOdds @Nonrelatedsense for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • Thanks @japhychron @The_Analyst for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • Thanks @GaelicTorus @AndreCimini for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • Thanks @ReformedBroker @dpinsen for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • Thanks @pelias01 @TopInvestBlogs for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • Thanks @howardlindzon @moneyscience for being top engaged members in my community this week 🙂 | insight by Aug 19, 2013
  • “Buffett would have made a very good actuary, and with a bonus: he can communicate complex concepts?” ? Merkel $$ Aug 19, 2013


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