Category: Real Estate and Mortgages

Book Review: Pandora’s Risk

Book Review: Pandora’s Risk

This is two books in one, and very well done.? The main part of the book explains risk and uncertainty in general terms, such that most people can understand it.? But for those that can deal with complex math, the latter part of the book offers a lot of additional firepower.

Risk is a tough subject because history only vaguely informs you as to how bad things can get.? Past is not prologue.? There are two possibilities, the past contains and event that was so horrible that it can never happen again, or, the past does not tell you how bad things can be.

Market observers took the first view, that the Great Depression could not repeat.? As a result, few prepared for a situation where there was too much debt, and insufficient ability to service it.

The subtitle of the book is rightly “Uncertainty at the Core of Finance.” Not risk, but uncertainty.? The distinct is important, because risks are things that we know some things about the possible economic outcomes, and can control them to a degree.? Uncertainty is where we don’t really understand the dimensions of the outcomes, and have little if any control.

There is fundamental uncertainty to the simplest aspect of finance, money.? Money seems stable enough in the short-run, but every now and then it fails due to hyperinflation, or the slow steady failure in the store of value sense of moderate inflation over long periods.

Wealth itself is uncertain.? Even if you own it free and clear, there’s no way to tell what it will be exchangeable for next year, much less further out.? There are a lot of people who thought they knew what their homes were worth 5-7 years ago that are decidedly disappointed.

Government debt is uncertain, as governments think they can always roll it over, but political and other obstacles can lead to a refusal to pay when debt service becomes high relative to tax revenues.

Banking is uncertain, mainly because of borrowing short to lend long.? If banks limited themselves to facilitating transactions, a lot of the uncertainty would go away.? Banks would be a lot smaller, less profitable, and there would be fewer of them, and the economy would be more stable.? (Entities with longer liability structures, like pension plans, endowments, and life insurers would become the new source of lending. More would be financed through equity.)

Credit is uncertain.? During boom times, corporate bonds behave independently, and diversification evens out results.? As a result, corporate credit seems safer than it really is, and marginal ideas get to borrow.? During bust times, far more corporate debt defaults than would be expected — there’s almost no such thing as an average year.? It’s either feast or famine.

There are things that can be done to try to mitigate uncertainty: credit ratings, or any scoring system for assets, lending at a more senior level, and Value-at-Risk.? Also using more robust assumptions on possible outcomes, which would lead to smaller position sizes, less leverage, or more cash.

The book has a real strength in showing how the the assumption of normally-distributed risks fails dramatically in many cases, and offers alternatives that would work better.? Trouble is, once you realize how volatile the world really is, a lot of strategies either don’t work, or need to be scaled back.

The book praises actuaries as risk managers, with their ethic codes and stress tests, as opposed to quants with Value-at-Risk and no ethics code.? Banks and Wall Street would be better off in the long run hiring actuaries, who think about risk more holistically, and getting rid of the quants in their risk control departments.? Same for the regulators who evaluate banks.

There are other controversial ideas here: is it possible that the strong economic growth of the past is an anomaly?? Is it possible that growth for nations, and the world as a whole follows S-curves, like products and companies?

This is an ambitious book, and I like it a lot because it is willing to cross boundaries and apply the principles in one? area to another that seemingly should not receive it.? I liked it a lot, and would recommend it to many.


On page 17, he thinks of currency as a put option, but I think of it as 0% overnight commercial paper.? On page 37, he confuses Moses and Joseph, having Moses predict the 7 good followed by 7 bad years, when it was Joseph who did that.

Who would benefit from this book: Every financial regulator should have this book.? Every academic burdened by the lies of Modern Portfolio Theory should get this book.? Anyone who fancies himself to be a risk manager should have this book.? Finally, if you want to understand why financial markets are inherently uncertain, this book will teach you well.? If you want to, you can buy it here: Pandora’s Risk: Uncertainty at the Core of Finance (Columbia Business School Publishing).

Full disclosure: The publisher asked if I wanted the book.? I said ?yes? and he sent it to me.

If you enter Amazon through my site, and you buy anything, I get a small commission.? This is my main source of blog revenue.? I prefer this to a ?tip jar? because I want you to get something you want, rather than merely giving me a tip.? Book reviews take time, particularly with the reading, which most book reviewers don?t do in full, and I typically do. (When I don?t, I mention that I scanned the book.? Also, I never use the data that the PR flacks send out.)

Most people buying at Amazon do not enter via a referring website.? Thus Amazon builds an extra 1-3% into the prices to all buyers to compensate for the commissions given to the minority that come through referring sites.? Whether you buy at Amazon directly or enter via my site, your prices don?t change.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

I am considering making this an end-of-the-week feature as a news recap.? Comments?




  • BofA?s Clash With Fannie Intensifies as Insurers Reject More Loan Claims Originators need to bear UW error results $$ Mar 03, 2012
  • Life as Libor Traders Knew It Seen as Abusive An inside look at the problems of LIBOR. Collusion & marketless numbers Mar 03, 2012
  • $AIG Earnings an Illusion of a Bend in US Tax Laws IRS gives AIG special treatment by allowing it to use NOLs post-BK Mar 03, 2012
  • You have a good point, and I may reference it when I write this evening, but valuations have compressed for all insur? Mar 01, 2012
  • Fannie, Freddie and the $180 billion hole F&F transferred wealth to early investors from taxpayers & late investors $$ Feb 25, 2012
  • Make losses and prosper, AIG edition Hey Q: how much $$ will $AIG make in the future in order to not pay taxes? $$ Feb 25, 2012


Berkshire Hathaway


  • Contra: Warren Buffett on Investing Buffett has not been a deep value investor for 30 years; this article misses it $$ Mar 02, 2012
  • +1 RT @valueprax: Thoughts On Mergers, Acquisitions And Conglomeration From Rothbard And Buffett (@AlephBlog, $BRK) Mar 01, 2012
  • The Truthiness of Berkshire’s Performance Don’t think Buffett anticipated the P/B squeeze in insurance stocks. $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • Buffett Plans More Solar Bonds After Topaz Deal Buffett doesn’t give suckers an even break, no guarantees on solar $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • RE: @TheStreet_News When I wrote for RealMoney, I was often critical of Buffett, but I have shifted.? He is a great e? Feb 29, 2012
  • When you think you made a great purchase (Warren Buffett edition) I was surprised to learn about this $BRKa sub also $$ Feb 28, 2012


Home Schooling


  • Question of priorities, could conserve RT @ReformedBroker: “How am I supposed to live on $350,000 a year?” – you’re right, kill yourself $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • @ReformedBroker Have his wife call my wife; can save lots of $$ if u go from private school 2 homeschool, & it is easier than 1 would expect Mar 01, 2012
  • @ReformedBroker The downside is that it is a lot of work, but not hard work, and the challenge is controlling your children frequently $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • @merrillmatter I know you’re kidding, but the mothers I know who homeschool would be fearsome in the business world were they redirected $$ Mar 01, 2012


Municipal Finance, or lack thereof


  • If Stockton Is Broke, Then Why Isn?t San Diego? Govt Unions fight to keep benefits govts shouldn’t have granted $$ Mar 03, 2012
  • Pension Pain Mounts, Low Rates Boost Liabilities More evil results of Fed policy substituting debt 4 organic growth $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • To Pay New York Pension Fund, Cities Borrow From It First Shell game at best; net contributions needed to DB plans $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • Raiding the coffers State pension plans r borrowing from their pension plans 2 fund their own pension contributions Feb 29, 2012


North Korea


  • @LSilverspar You made me laugh, yes, all of these have impacts on us… but given their counterfeiting, some action should be taken $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • @dpinsen And access of the Dear Leader to his favorite Scotch… hitting him where it hurts. 😉 $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • @dpinsen Agree, bigtime. We got them to the bargaining table last time by cutting off their financial access to the rest of the world. $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • Then once NK starts to counterfeit it, go back to new $50s & $100s; make their life tough. Feb 29, 2012
  • How the U.S. Could Pressure North Korea Tomorrow: Quit the $100 Bill This is worth doing, and create a $75 bill $$ Feb 29, 2012




  • Greek PSI exchange summary – an offer you can’t refuse Yes, we all voluntarily give up 70% of the value of r claims $$ Mar 03, 2012
  • Greek Crisis May Test the Value of Swaps ISDA wimps out and does not declare a credit event; will destroy Sov CDS mkt Mar 03, 2012
  • A Primer on the Euro Breakup Explains why the Euro will break up, at least at the fringe &y this should not surprise $$ Mar 02, 2012
  • ECB Free Money May Carry a Cost Makes governments relax & ignore structural problems, & banks arb the ECB $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • ECB Allots ?529.5 Billion in Long-Term Refinancing Operation Higher than anticipated takeup of cheap funding $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • More signs of Draghi’s “stabilization” euro area banks show material tightening conditions in the banking system $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • On PIGS on Drugs European states owe ?12-15 billion to the pharma industry; they stop paying suppliers b4 cutting staff Feb 28, 2012
  • “Amused – Italian banks figured it out. An hour before LTRO results, 5 Italian banks issued & bought their own bonds.” Feb 28, 2012
  • Europe Gets Ready for Round 2 of Bank Loans Heightening the dependence of stressed banks and govts on the ECB. $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • You may want to hold off on buying that Italian villa 66.5% of agents report a fall in housing prices during 4Q $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • @japhychron Can’t think of anyone, btw, there is a theory that a decent # of stressed banks used LTRO 2 buy in their own debt… $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • LTRO programs’ impact on sovereign bond purchases by banks (past and present) Indirect way of financing fringe govts $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • Mario Draghi reveals the Grand Plan & Good austerity results in freer mkts, more growth $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • Merkel torn by conflicting pressures in Greek vote Any other Firefox users noticing that Reuters pages format badly? $$ Feb 27, 2012
  • @moorehn Good piece, I think many will benefit @soberlook has been writing some good stuff also & Feb 24, 2012




  • China?s Billionaire Lawmakers Make US Peers Look Like Paupers China’s lawmakers r absolutely more wealthy than US peers Mar 01, 2012
  • China May Double Rare Earth Exports as Demand Rebounds Quite a change from prior, makes u wonder why they change… $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • Why China Will Have an Economic Crisis This is getting very mainstream, makes me think I could be wrong. $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • Fortress? Michael Novagratz on Lessons from OWS, and China Cronyism raises the odds of domestic violence in China $$ Feb 25, 2012
  • Evil Overlords or Lucky Devils: The Men Who Rule Hong Kong Long but interesting, re the influential wealthy in HK $$ Feb 25, 2012




  • Junk Isn?t Spreads are down and investor interest is up; this is my biggest intermediate-term concern at present. $$ Mar 02, 2012
  • Junk vs. Loans & Loan participation funds cheap compared 2 junk, but downside still there. Feb 29, 2012
  • The rating agencies are the farm teams for credit analysts, in the same way that Value Line is for stock analysts.? A? Feb 29, 2012


Upcoming Book of Josh Brown


  • I invite you to read his website .? He writes a lot of clever stuff there.? One of ? Feb 29, 2012
  • Confessions of a Reformed Stockbroker Another preview article 4 @reformedbroker ‘s forthcoming book $$ Feb 29, 2012


Personal Investing


  • Dividends Rise Again Their coffers bulging with cash, companies are increasing the once out-of-favor common dividend $$ Mar 03, 2012
  • IRAs Get Sexier All manner of illiquid assets can b crammed in2 an IRA if you have a friendly custodian $$ #beware Mar 03, 2012
  • Treasury yields and credit spreads divergence is not sustainable Ordinary times credit spreads r inverse 2 Tsy yields Mar 02, 2012
  • The Myth of Commodity Diversification A defense of why gold is a true diversifier of portfolios versus commodities $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • Conflict of All Conflicts from @reformedbroker I rarely get angry, but this one annoyed me; skewed incentives $$ Feb 29, 2012


Accounting rules (yes)


  • Standard Setters Strain 2 Avert More Revenue-Recognition Angst Industry-specific revenue policies r better; reject IFRS Mar 03, 2012
  • Another “Case” of Terrible Decisions Borne of Terrible Accounting Rules Don’t compromise on revenue recognition. $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • Mark-to-Market Pensions Show Brutal Year Some companies are biting the bullet and moving pension acctg to mark2mkt $$ Feb 25, 2012


Corporate News


  • Natural Gas Renaissance Sparks Favorable Chemical Reaction Petrochemicals benefit from cheap fracking feedstock $$ Mar 02, 2012
  • Apple Dividend May Return Part of $98B Cash If $AAPL can’t use all of its cash then give it to shareholders $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro Operating profitability is poor, and given their business mix, their P/B is fair for a company with a 5% anticipated ROE. Feb 29, 2012
  • @ToddSullivan Now if they can achieve a decent ROE, and not have weak reserving… I was wrong regarding Maiden Lane when I wrote about it. Feb 29, 2012
  • CNA: A P&C Insurance Turnaround Story A fair analysis of $CNA, worthy for insurance investors 2 read. O, he cites me $$ Feb 29, 2012
  • One thing that is not mentioned frequently is that shale gas production profiles tend to peak and decline rapidly. Th? Feb 28, 2012
  • ?Hope Phase? for Stocks May End in Tears Again Markets anticipate sustained US growth & soft landing for China $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • Confronting a Law Of Limits How does $AAPL grow into its valuation? Especially where obsolescence moves rapidly? $$ Feb 25, 2012




  • FDA Warns on Statins Every drug has side effects, w/statins it may be diabetes. Be wary, & avoid all drugs if u can $$ Mar 01, 2012
  • Seriously? Any reason to avoid it? RT @kasie: Days since Mitt Romney has taken questions from the national traveling press corps: 17. Feb 25, 2012
  • Slavery should be an issue where liberals and conservatives could agree for policy, and maybe apply the Palantir technology 2 root it out $$ Feb 25, 2012
  • Fishing as Slaves on the High Seas Another place where slavery still exists; sex trade, Dubai construction & more $$ Feb 25, 2012
  • Why Doctors Die Differently Careers in medicine taught them the limits of treatment & the need to plan for the end Feb 25, 2012
  • ‘Japanese Madoff’ Flagged Industry Newsletter Warned in 2009 About Firm’s ‘Unnaturally Stable Returns’ $$ #ponzi Feb 25, 2012
  • Killer App Have a bunch of Silicon Valley geeks at Palantir Technologies figured out how to stop terrorists? Palantir. Feb 25, 2012
  • At 35, I was a devoted Husband and Dad of 5 children, with the oldest being 7 years old.? Nominally, I was the invest? Feb 25, 2012
  • War with Iran:Would you go bankrupt for your country? War does not stimulate the economy, contrary 2 popular belief $$ Feb 25, 2012




  • Is Japan Doomed? What? There’s a free lunch where the Govt can borrow indefinitely? NO! Cash flows about 2 shift b wary Mar 02, 2012
  • Core inflation is once again above expectations There is inflation coming; stagflation even; bad policy begins to bite Mar 02, 2012
  • A Wake-Up Call for Japanese Watchdogs Bigger than MF Global, smaller than Madoff; how do you say Ponzi in Japanese? Feb 28, 2012
  • Oil denominated in EU currencies is at record highs; demand destruction likely Wonder where breaking point is? $$ Feb 28, 2012
  • Gundlach warns U.S. stock market vulnerable Investors concede rally almost over; still expect to earn coupon-> danger Feb 28, 2012
  • Architecture Billings Index indicated expansion in January leading indicator 4 new Commercial Real Estate investment $$ Feb 28, 2012
Difficult Decision

Difficult Decision

We would all like our practical decisions to go easily, and bear quick positive results.? That’s not reality.? As for me, I needed to decide whether I would:

  • borrow against my home at 3% for 15 years.
  • liquidate a portion of my taxable brokerage account
  • liquidate shares in best private manufacturer of commercial lawn mowers in the world.

I decided on the flexible and probably low-cost solution, selling some of the taxable brokerage account.? I have two accounts, an IRA and the taxable account.? They were invested differently, but my investors get a blend of the two accounts.? I used to put the higher income names into the IRA, while the taxable account would take the lower income names.

That has been changed. Both portfolios have the same proportion of names (companies). In the process, gains have been realized, but not so much as overwhelm the deferred losses of the past.

But for this exercise, one salient result was that both portfolios, which are the model portfolio in aggregate, would become like the model portfolio.?? They are now clones of each other, as is true of all client portfolios that I manage.? My promise to clients is that they get what I get, so I create a clone of my portfolio for each client.? It certainly aligns my incentives with theirs.? Even after today, my next-largest client is 20% of my aggregate portfolio.? So, yes, I eat my own cooking, and in general, my cooking has been tasty over the last twelve years, even though the last year has been less than inspiring.

On the bright side, with the market up, it has allowed me to harvest an amount that will take care of my family for a year, while leaving my portfolio up considerably from one year ago.? That helps a lot when revenues from managing money are still light.

Hopefully, within a year, I will have enough clients that my revenues support my family.?? We’ll see; but if that doesn’t happen I know there are a number of firms that would like to employ me, so my downside is limited.

One final note: one reason why this was a difficult decision was that the low rates for mortgaging my home were more difficult to obtain while self-employed.? Aside from my investments, I am not earning as much as I used to.? The fixed costs of liquidating part of my portfolio were 6% of the fixed costs of obtaining the mortgage.? Beyond that the question remains as to how well equities will do in the future, a question for which I have no good answer.

I think I made the right move here; I usually do, generally, but we will see whether this was the right decision over the next few years.

Notes on the 2011 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report, Part 2

Notes on the 2011 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report, Part 2

Picking up where the last post left off:

13) So Buffett told us he has a successor lined up, but won’t tell us who, but will tell us that the successor doesn’t know that he is the successor.? Really does not seem like much of an improvement over the past, except that the CIO function is getting better defined with Todd and Ted.

14) Todd & Ted share their performance 80/20 — 80% of their own and 20% of their colleagues performance.? Seems like a fair idea, balancing the team vs the individual.

15) The regulated subsidiaries, and manufacturing, services and retailing did well. That operating income growth is what drove the year.? The turnaround at NetJets was also a help, and that was fast.

16) We are still waiting to see what problems BRK’s decentralized system can develop.? To this point, the flexibility for managers within a structure that oversees reinvestment of cash flow is admirable.

17) The economic spread of BRK businesses is significant, and I would argue, unrivaled in terms of conglomerates.? It almost makes me think that Buffett is aiming for owning an extra-productive slice of US/World GDP.? It makes acquisition criteria #1 less relevant, because if you are small and private, and want to be acquired by BRK, it means that you analyze BRK, identify the portion of it that you are most similar to, and talk to the CEO of that segment, not Buffett.

18) That brings up my view of Buffett at present.? He has changed as the amount of assets under management has grown.? The last phase for Buffett is not large cap value manager, but private equity manager / conglomerateur.? He uses the float that his insurers produce to invest in a wide number of enterprises that will produce excess returns.? He does not run a closed end fund, but runs a conglomerate.

19) Interesting to see Nebraska Furniture Mart open its third store.? Logical to do, if the experience is replicable.

20) ?We do not talk one-on-one to large institutional investors or analysts.? Bravo.? Would that this would be true of more companies.? When I represented a large holder of Safety Insurance, the management asked me what we wanted in terms o market disclosure.? I said that it did not matter to us, and that we would be happy if they never talked to the media/analysts, and only emitted 10-Qs and 10-Ks, even without notifying us as to timing.

21) Buffett notes that a decent number of borrowers that lost their homes did well in the crisis, because of all the money they extracted from loans.? That might be similar to a private equity manager profiting through deals to borrow where he pays himself a dividend.

22) Owning 11% of Munich Re gives Buffett additional influence over the reinsurance market.

23) Because of the need for collateral, BRK will not be making any more significant derivative bets.

24) Buffet repeats his screed that he issued to Fortune regarding bonds and gold.? I repeat my screed.? It’s all logical, Warren, but you have to think more broadly and read about the gold medal gold model.

25) It makes sense that flying to Kansas City is a better strategy than going to Omaha.? But as this becomes widely used, make sure you reserve a car early.

26) If you want to ask Buffett a question at the annual meeting, you can do it by e-mailing the following:

(In your e-mail, let the journalist know if you would like your name mentioned if your question is selected.)

27) There will be insurance analysts at the annual meeting, and they are Cliff Gallant of KBW, Jay Gelb of Barclays Capital and Gary Ransom of Dowling and Partners.? I have a lot of respect for Gary Ransom — listen to the questions that he asks.

28) Minus & Plus: Negative change in AOCI & comprehensive income of noncontrolled interests down.? Strong CFO, net of capex, supports goodwill.

29) At for BRK’s big options: BAC in the money, GS at, GE/DOW out of the money.

30) Do parts of all asbestos liabilities eventually go to Berkshire Hathaway for reinsurance?? Who don?t they reinsure?? “The liabilities for environmental, asbestos and latent injury claims and claims expenses net of reinsurance recoverable were approximately $13.9 billion at December 31, 2011.”

I know that Buffett thinks he can earn money off of the float on these claims in excess of the implied interest rate.? But when he begins to become the preferred habitat for reinsurance, he makes BRK more volatile with respect to legal judgments.

31) “Without prior regulatory approval, our principal insurance subsidiaries may declare up to approximately $9.5 billion as ordinary dividends before the end of 2012.” And that is because only 10% of the regulatory surplus of $95 billion can be released.

32) BRK, unlike many firms, has more reasonable assumptions on DB pensions: expected return: 6.9%, discount rate 4.6%.

33) To date, share repurchases have been insignificant.? Looks like $67 million from the Statement of Shareholders Equity.

34) “On January 31, 2012, we issued an additional $1.7 billion of parent company senior unsecured notes, the proceeds of which were used to fund the repayment of $1.7 billion of notes maturing in February 2012.”

Why not pay down short-term debt?? BRK has the cash, and you state that you have an aversion to debt, particularly at the holding company level, but you are not acting like you have an aversion to debt over the last 10 years.

To Buffett: is there a level of debt at which you would be uncomfortable at the parent company, or subsidiaries?? Also, would you ever make an effort to get the AAA rating back?

35) BRK has a very diversified reserving book if you look at page 84 of the annual report — impressive.

36) I appreciate acquisition principle 6, which deal with aspects of value that accounting does not capture.? Buffett takes the right position to value those fully, because you will eventually get that value, and others will not pay up for it.

37) Buffett makes a lot out of the virtues of deferred taxes and float. He argues “they are liabilities without covenants or due dates attached to them.”? This is true, though deferred tax liabilities assume that you will make money, and will continue to grow.? Float is similar, it assumes you will underwrite well, and it would be nice if you grew.

38) Buffett says toward the end of the annual report:

There is a third, more subjective, element to an intrinsic value calculation that can be either positive or negative: the efficacy with which retained earnings will be deployed in the future. We, as well as many other businesses, are likely to retain earnings over the next decade that will equal, or even exceed, the capital we presently employ. Some companies will turn these retained dollars into fifty-cent pieces, others into two-dollar bills.

I’ve written about this before.? Some managements teams with skill should retain all earnings, and not pay a dividend.? Management teams without skill should act like REITs and pay out 90% of taxable income (or free cash flow).

39) Buffett says he was wrong on housing.? I think he is still wrong on housing; it will take a lot longer for this situation to normalize.? The key variable is the proportion of houses with debts exceeding a 90% LTV.? Those houses are illiquid; can’t be sold except in a short sale.

40) One final wild idea: would BRK consider buying out the corpus of AIG?? I have better small insurance acquisition targets than that, but buying out AIG would be delicious given the comments Greenberg made to Buffett back when BRK was smaller.? He was very dismissive of BRK.? Also, Buffett could fold ILFC into NetJets (or vice-versa), sell off the life companies, and impose greater discipline on the P&C underwriting.? Personally, if BRK made a bid for AIG at $32, I think Buffett could make a lot out of it, and he would not have to worry about a lot of fuss, because the major holder is the US Government.

Recent Sorted Tweets

Recent Sorted Tweets

Finance Business


  • Breaking Ranks: Former Broker Turns Bomb Thrower @reformedbroker interview previews his book: $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • Why CLO managers continue to struggle Low issuance, warehousing is tough, need more subordination, fewer senior buyers Feb 24, 2012
  • My Favorite Quote from Baupost’s 2011 Annual Letter DIstressed bond mgrs get itchy in bull phase & buy new junk @ par Feb 24, 2012
  • SEC IFRS Plan Endorsement IFRS is not worth giving up comparability or sovereignty for. Project is a total loser. $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • Very cool, congrats RT @Finovate: @AlphaClone to offer Alternative Alpha ETF from U.S. Bancorp Feb 23, 2012
  • SEC May Ticket Speeding Traders Worthy of an experiment like the kind they did to study the “uptick rule” $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • AQR?s Aaron Brown on Red-Blooded Risk When I was a bond mgr, could sense some aspects of risk listening 2 broker’s tone Feb 23, 2012
  • The Volcker Rule is not going to bring your house back Prop trading was not a leading cause of the financial crisis. $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • Pimco Said to Quit Mortgage Bond Group Feels wrong parties (their clients) r paying 4 bad servicing,instead of banks Feb 23, 2012
  • ?If you want, I can dig up an old research piece on analyst coverage — there are basically 3 factors that explain 70? Feb 21, 2012
  • Stressed VAR is still a “protractor in the jungle” Risk management sh/not b done w/central measures but stress tests $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • How One Company Teaches Employees the ABCs of Finance More companies should do this, they would b more profitable. $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Gross Fund at 66% Premium Shows Pimco Allure in Quest for Yield Yield illusion distracts many investors. Avoid it. $$ Feb 17, 2012
  • Read:Which three of DOL’s new 401(k) rules represent the biggest land mines for financial advisors and plan sponsors? Feb 15, 2012
  • The 400% Man Wish I could meet some of his disappointed investors who came to kick the tires and were disappointed. Feb 15, 2012
  • Contra:Foot-Dragging on IFRS Decision Could Strip SEC of Power The US could lose representation on IASB. Good, drop out Feb 14, 2012
  • Notes from iGlobal’s Global Distressed Investing Summit: Part 2 Leveraged loan market seems to be in decent shape $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • Pimco: $25 Billion Foreclosure Deal to Hit Pensions Harder Than Banks Gives MBS buyers a reason 2 sue originators $$ Feb 13, 2012
  • Missing at MF: $1.6 Billion Included for the 1st time is roughly $700 million in client money residing in the UK $$ Feb 13, 2012
  • Stockbrokers: A Guide to Private Placement Due Diligence Illiquid investments are ways to cheat average people. $$ Feb 11, 2012
  • Why illiquid? Can’t recover the commission otherwise.? Can deceive people that their investment is worth more than it? Feb 11, 2012


Market Strategy


  • Jim Stack was right, and he?s still bullish Basically a forward P/E plus momentum argument, & lack of sharp falls $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • S&P 500 Gets 9% Cheaper on Record Profits Makes a P/E argument; profit mrgns will eventually revert, may take a while Feb 23, 2012
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  • The Intelligent Investor: Are Index Funds Messing Up the Markets? May also be traders following each other $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • If history is any indication, high dividend stock outperformance should continue Uses 40s & 50s as analogy $$ Feb 20, 2012
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  • RE: @alea_ Interesting analysis.? I would be wary of teasing too much out of the cluster analysis of sector correlati? Feb 18, 2012
  • MORGAN STANLEY: January Exhibited This Tell-Tale Sign Of A Market Top When everything rises at once, look out! $$ Feb 18, 2012
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  • @ampressman Common summary stat 4 acctg quality 4 $AAPL Net Operating Accruals / Assets, has been deteriorating 4 last 7 years + Feb 18, 2012
  • @ampressman $AAPL acctg used to be very conservative, now modestly liberal by that statistic. It’s a bad direction, not a bad position, yet Feb 18, 2012
  • Should the Rich Invest Like Colleges? Better question: what are your goals? Do you have an infinite horizon? $$ Feb 18, 2012
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  • Parabolas have 2 end somewhere $$ RT @ReformedBroker: $AAPL sold off because people were getting impatient with how slowly it was moving up. Feb 15, 2012
  • FPA Capital?s Bryan Beats Peers Embracing Oil Volatility A clever focus on absolute retruns, w/a long horizon $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • Paulson Gives Activism a Go Not as easy as it looks w/ $HIG. Acctg may not fairly capture variable liabilities $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • RE: @SoberLook DB hedges its bets.? Average years rarely happen in high yield, they are either good or bad. Feb 14, 2012
  • THE 1987 MYTH?. ?Illusion of stability within disequilibrium? Very well said, in one short phrase. $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • America Inc. Faces Margin Stall US companies have begun to see rising costs eat into the bottom line. Finally. $$ Feb 13, 2012
  • Hulbert: Insiders Selling at Heavy Pace Just another straw blowing in the wind, but insiders usually have good sense $$ Feb 10, 2012




  • Greek PSI outcomes tree: credit event probability at 93% Clever grraphic shows high likelihood of Gk CDS triggering. $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • The market is now pricing in Greek sovereign CDS trigger Upfront prices for Greek CDS moving up $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Despite Pact, Unease Lingers for Greece “Many Problems Remain Even Under Best-Case Scenarios” Shrink, shrink… $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Greek Rescue Is Not the End of the Story Won’t save Greece on its own & there r other fringe nations 2 deal with $$ Feb 20, 2012
  • ECB Greek Plan May Hurt Bondholders While Triggering Debt Swaps ECB may get better treaqtment than private holders $$ Feb 20, 2012
  • So, what would your plan for Greece be? Play the game, and let Keynes sneer @ u as u attempt 2 solve the impossible $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Greek Economy Shrinking Rapidly And it may shrink more rapidly depending on what the rest of Europe does $$ Feb 14, 2012




  • ECB’s Mario Draghi magic corrupts bond markets Banks become dependent on ECB, bank bondholders more subordinated $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • European Banks May Tap ECB for $629 Billion Cash ?There is a ?lose-lose? air around the ECB?s auction next week,? $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • The Eurozone should be prepared for a new government in France And that govt will be more hostile to current actions $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Spain Sinks Deeper Into Periphery on Debt Rise As debts grow higher, the probability of escape gets lower. $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Iron Lady Merkel Bucks German Street on Greek Aid Strategy working 4 now, but what if colleagues lose their seats? $$ Feb 20, 2012
  • Moody?s Cuts European Sovereigns Spain, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia & Malta all cut. France & UK -> neg outlook Feb 15, 2012
  • Unlisted in euroland Didn’t catch this in Jan. Private bonds can offered 2 ECB as collateral; helps French banks $$ Feb 13, 2012


The Well-off Fringe Nations


  • Icelandic Anger Brings Debt Forgiveness If the debt problem is not severe, austerity. If it is severe (Iceland) default Feb 22, 2012
  • Nordic Currencies Stung in Crisis Much of the world, looking for a store of value, drive fringe currencies up $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • Canada housing market: poised 4 ‘severe correction,’ George Athanassakos says Canada is used to the boom/bust cycle $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • @joshuademasi You’re right, but most of the fringe currencies are facing the same dilemma; who to favor, consumers vs exporters, etc… $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • Israel Safest as Investors Discount War Threat Well-capitalized banks & balanced economy w/much high tech $$ #warrisk Feb 20, 2012
  • A hedge fund bets big on a Canadian mega quarry Property rights r tough here. What if an existing farmer tried this? $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Australia?s Gillard Urged to Increase Mortgage Purchases A mistake, far better to let the market fail. $$ Feb 17, 2012
  • You’re right, reminds me of an old piece I wrote: Thanks $$ RT @joshuademasi: The 5 stages of USD grieving ! Feb 15, 2012
  • Norway?s Rate Policy Dilemma Pits Household Debt Against Krone ?Headache? Cut rates, asset bubble grows, Krone weakens Feb 15, 2012





  • Plan B for China’s Wealthy: Moving to the U.S., Europe Wealthy Chinese know their govt, thus the need for flight $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • China?s FDI and Trade Outlook Horrible Says Commerce Spokesperson Hard 4 Comm Party 2command domestic consumption up $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • ‘Mother of all bubbles’ will pop China stocks: GMO Low prob: China successfully navigating soft landing out of a bubble Feb 18, 2012
  • China’s excess exports turn negative Key Q: how will China grow its economy by stimulating domestic consumption? $$ #uh Feb 18, 2012
  • Too many bearish on China, but I’m bearish also.? What to do? Seek out China bulls.? If their arguments sound dumb, d? Feb 17, 2012
  • The Silent Victims of the U.S.-China Currency War Smaller nations get caught in crossfire of competitive devaluation $$ Feb 17, 2012
  • China’s Military Spending to Double by 2015 I think it take some losses before DC takes this seriously. $$ Feb 17, 2012
  • China?s Tenuous Hold on Peace Tibet is restive, China blames its problems on the economic mismanagement of foreigners Feb 14, 2012
  • Glimpses of a Chinese Town Under Lockdown some reporters managed to get there to document the heavy security presence Feb 14, 2012
  • Liu Mingkang Outlines the Reforms China needs to Undertake Will the communist party willingly reduce its power in China Feb 13, 2012




  • Japanese Equities Herald Return to Inflation If Japan bond market breaks, ructions will be felt the world over. $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • Energy imports will pressure Japan’s trade deficit But, Japan has a current account surplus from its net foreign assets Feb 23, 2012
  • Japan Suggests No Quick G-20 Deal on IMF Funding non-European members of the IMF waiting on the Europeans to act $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Tokyo Small-Caps Set for Longest Win Streak Unnoticed but true, look @ this CEF: FD: long $JOF Feb 22, 2012
  • Yen Slumps After Japan Expands Bond Buying Competitive currency devaluations driving Forex $$ #beggarthyneighbor Feb 15, 2012




  • Japan Refiners Said to Stall on Iran Deals Life is harder on those that need Iranian oil, like India, China, Japan $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • Iran Says It Loaded Locally Made Fuel to Nuke Not sure I believe this, but if it’s true, the Israelis will know 😉 $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • Iran presses ahead with dollar attack Unlikely to work, but it’s all they can do w/oil transport shut down $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • Letter Writers Break Iranian Taboo They are so desperate that they write the Ayatollah and criticize conditions. $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • Iran Sanctions Tighten as Shippers Stop Loading Risk goes up, shipping insurance premiums rise, shipping stops $$ Feb 13, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Record Redemptions Loom Amid Akbank $1.3 Billion Loan Talks Never knew Turkish firms financed w/so much Short debt $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Chavez Missing $10 Billion a Month by Curbing State Oil Investment PDVSA falls behind Pemex? How low can you go? $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • Ch?vez Opposition Faces Hard Election Chavez controls media & oil wealth; tough for Capriles, but he can still win. Feb 14, 2012
  • Gunfights in Saudi Arabia Show Spread of Tensions Shia in Saudi Arabia fight the govt. Biggest split in Mideast $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • The Real Reasons the Rich Are Moving Cash to the Caymans Litigation risk, and US political risk; diversify yr govts Feb 13, 2012


Federal Reserve / Monetary Policy / Fiscal Policy


  • Those believing the Fed is on hold for the next 3 years will be in for a rude awakening FF futures & TIPS betray mkt $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • Exported Inflation to Return Home, but When and in What Form The Fed will find it hard to shrink its balance sheet $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • Healthcare expenses will overwhelm the US federal budget Suspect a deal will b driven 2 reduce benefits somehow $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • ?Fiat Money and Collective Corruption? Hard money would help, the bigger problem is light regulation of banks/credit $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • Fed Writes Sweeping Rules From Behind Closed Doors Q: Why? 2 avoid bank influence, or 2 hide bank influence? $$ Feb 21, 2012
  • The Race To Debase In All Its Glory Balance sheets of major central banks expand rapidly $$ #racetothebottom Feb 21, 2012
  • Wealthy Enriched by Double-Dipping U.S. Plan Long article describing unethical use of SBA $$ . #eliminatetheSBA Feb 21, 2012
  • Over-regulated America The home of laissez-faire is being suffocated by excessive and badly written regulation $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Geithner: GOP Walked Away From Tax Overhaul – Bloomberg Articles like this indicate another stalemate in the making $$ Feb 17, 2012
  • Potomac Divide Shows Foreclosures Thru Courts Slow Home-Price Recovery MD has slow foreclosures, housing mkt lags VA Feb 16, 2012
  • Sober Look: Regulate it all, ask questions later New regulations reduce the liquidity of the corporate bond market $$ Feb 16, 2012
  • FHA is almost broke. What will DC do when it goes critical? RT @HousingWire: FHA defaults up for ninth straight month Feb 15, 2012
  • Pentagon May Oust Troops Involuntarily to Meet Reductions in Budget Plan Tough time 2b let go if you r a veteran $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • What a surprise! $$ RT @pdacosta: Bernanke’s big housing speech makes no mention of the Fed’s regulatory laxity in run-up to the crisis. Feb 10, 2012




  • Contra: Should Mortgage Rates Even Be Lower? Mortgages do not price off of Tsys, but swaps and bank bond yields $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Wall Street Crowds Into Trader Joe?s CMBS mkt getting heated; loans linked 2 retail rose to 45% 4 bonds sold in 2011 Feb 22, 2012
  • ?Have a lot of friends who have lost a lot of money waiting for $TLT to break. FD: long TLT Feb 21, 2012
  • A $360 trillion confidence trick I have argued that LIBOR should be based off of binding offers to borrow/lend $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • W/TIPS NY Fed concentrates on the long on-the-run & nearby, w/nominals opposite. Makes implied inflation look higher $$ Feb 10, 2012



Muni Bonds


  • Stockton, CA, to Weigh First Steps Toward Bankruptcy Start of negotiations to reduce emplyee pensions & healthcare $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • Good piece, thx RT @munilass: Evaluating Chapter 9 Bankruptcy for City of Detroit: Reality Check or Turnaround Option? Feb 21, 2012
  • Yes. $$ RT @BarbarianCap: @munilass isn’t this the muni book that @AlephBlog reviewed very favorably a few days ago? Feb 20, 2012




  • New Rules Wreak Havoc forRetirement-Plan Sponsors I would expect rules to be modified, else headaches 4 DC plans $$ Feb 24, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap Looking at the RFP, that is one of the few things *not* under consideration, pity too, because it is more important. #DumbOCPP Feb 23, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap The audit is a test of methods and data, not assumptions. That’s actually pretty normal unless you an assumptions outlier $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap I’ve said it many times b4, if life insurers have 2b conservative in accounting, DB plans s/b more so, but they r less so $$ Feb 23, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap Some cases, deals will be driven to reduce benefits, depends on state/muni laws, Ch 9 allowable; not protected by ERISA/PBGC Feb 23, 2012




  • The Capabilities Premium in M&A Long piece that explains why some mergers work; they aid organic growth & r small $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Elemental to Raise $1.7 Billion Next Year to Mine Potash Potash pricing has been volatile lately, cross-currents $$ Feb 22, 2012
  • Gamestop to J.C. Penney Shut Facebook Stores: Retail $FB may have a more difficult time w/retail than some expect $$ Feb 20, 2012
  • Hewlett-Packard’s Message: We’ve Been Here All Along Note: long $HPQ . HPQ definitely sounds more certain now. $$ Feb 16, 2012
  • Icahn Pushing CVR?s Sale Means $1 Billion Gain for Shareholders What refiner wants more capacity now & fertilizer? $$ Feb 16, 2012
  • Hedge Funds Switch Positions, While Paulson Switches Investing Style Issue w/ $HIG is value of Variable product biz $$ Feb 15, 2012




  • The Control Revolution And Its Discontents There is a “sweet spot” for market efficiency, too much & things get chaotic Feb 24, 2012
  • The Decline In Inventory Right Now is NOT a Good Sign Fall in seller confidence & decline in new distressed inventory Feb 23, 2012
  • Spring Lambing in UK Turns Deadly as New Virus Kills Young Infects pregnant sheep, cows and goats, 5% infection rate Feb 22, 2012
  • Midwest Farmland Prices Update for the Year 2011 Good discussion after a good article; things r getting a little bubbly Feb 22, 2012
  • Finding Treasures Among Insurer’s Wreckage Never bot Atl Mutual’s Surplus Notes, but historical curiosities, wow $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • @StockTwits Insurance is boring, but antiquities at the oldest companies are fascinating. Wonder what Nationwide did w/Provident Mutuals? $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • @StockTwits I would hold meetings every now and then in Provident Mutual’s underused antiquities room; would start good conversations $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Why Is Violent Crime Declining in US Cities? & Smarter law enforcement makes DC safer. Wow! $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Thanks, liked it. RT @onwrdnupwrd: you will like this one from this weeks economist Feb 18, 2012
  • Interracial Marriages in US Reach a Record Interesting that it is more prevalent with college educated people. $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Harvard Mapping My DNA Turns Scary Journalist learns hard things about his DNA. Would he be better off not knowing? $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Groupthink: The brainstorming myth People do better solving problems on their own, and sharing ideas w/the group $$ Feb 18, 2012
  • Fear, Submission, and Authoritarianism; a Disturbing Trend Negative social mood leads to loss of liberties $$ Feb 16, 2012
  • Santorum?s Electability Pitch Undermined by 2006 Senate Re-Election Loss – Bloomberg Shouldn’t be an issue, here’s why: Feb 15, 2012
  • As the late Bob Casey said, “You can’t lose if you are a pro-life Democrat.” This is true, and it is why Santorum lost to his son. $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • Cracking the Long-Jump Code Fascinating science applied; the key seems 2b2 jump higher, not just longer $$ Feb 15, 2012
  • The Best Foods for Thought, Literally Perhaps the Mediterranean diet can aid brain function, or a lowcal diet $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • Contra: Almost Half the Price of Oil is Speculative Premium It should be impossible to so overprice such a large mkt $$ Feb 14, 2012
  • The Hunt Brothers thought they could corner a much smaller silver market, and were not able to do it.? The oil compan? Feb 14, 2012
  • So, What’s Your Algorithm? Being able 2 crunch large amounts of data can lead to more objective decisions $$ #ornot Feb 13, 2012
Against Risk Parity, Redux

Against Risk Parity, Redux

Here are two articles to read on risk parity:

Pro: Pick Your Poison

Con: The Hidden Risks of Risk Parity Portfolios

I’m on the “con” side of this argument, because I am a risk manager, and have traded a large portfolio of complex bonds.? For additional support consider my article Risks, Not Risk.? Or read the second half of my article, “The Education of a Corporate Bond Manager, Part X.” There is no generic risk in the markets.? There are many risks.? Interest rate risk and credit risk are different topics.?? There are bonds that have interest rate risk but not credit risk — long Treasuries.? There are bonds that have credit risk but not interest rate risk — corporate floating rate notes, my favorite example being floating rate bank trust preferred securities.

It is not raw price volatility that drives investment results as much as the underlying drivers of the volatility.? For fixed income, I described those in the two articles linked in the last paragraph.? During non-credit-stressed times, a bank’s 30-year floating rate trust preferred security is roughly as volatile as a five-year noncallable bond that it issues.? But during times of credit stress, the first security becomes volatile, whereas the second one doesn’t.? The first moves in line with 30-year swap yields, LIBOR, and long junior bank spreads.? The second moves in line with 5-year Treasury yields, and short senior bank spreads.? The underlying drivers have little in common, and when things are calm, their volatilities are similar, because the drivers aren’t moving.? But when the drivers move, which in this case is one correlated driver, credit stress (30-year swap & junior bank spreads go a lot higher), the volatilities are very different, the first one being high and the second one low.

Thus equating volatilities across a bunch of asset subclasses, investing less in the volatile, and levering up the non-volatile, is hard to do.? History embeds all the curiosities of the study period, and calls them normal, and that past is prologue.

From the Pick Your Poison article above, what I think is the (lose) money quote:

Gundlach insists most money managers misunderstand junk bonds, comparing them to 5-year Treasurys to determine how rich their yields are, when the correct comparison should be to 30-year Treasurys.

How can Gundlach compare junk bonds, which do better when the economy heats up, with long-term Treasurys, which get killed when the economy revs up and the Fed raises interest rates?

That?s irrelevant, he responds. The thing to look at is volatility, because that tells you the odds you will have to sell at a loss when you need to raise cash in an emergency. On that basis, junk bonds that were trading at a seemingly reasonable spread of 5 percentage points, or 500 basis points, to 5-year Treasurys in mid-2011 were actually trading at an intolerably low 250-basis-point spread to the proper bond. (By then DoubleLine had cut its junk bond allocation from 10% to 1%.) Sure enough, junk fell 12% as the year went on, and the spread to 30-year Treasurys has doubled since mid-2011.

?It?s called risk parity,? Gundlach says. ?There?s only two investors who seem to understand it?me and Ray Dalio,? the highly successful manager of $122 billion (assets) Bridgewater Associates.

Personally, I don’t think Gundlach makes his money that way for his funds, but in case he does, how should a good bond manager view junk bonds?

First, ignore Treasuries — they aren’t relevant to the price performance of junk bonds.? I’ve run the regression of Treasuries vs junk bond index yields many times.? It’s barely significant for BBs, and insignificant thereafter.? Second, look at stock market indexes of industries that lever up and issue junk debt.? Junk corporate debt is a milder version of junk stocks, i.e., the stocks that issue junk debt.

Third, a corollary of my first reason, realize that risks with junk aren’t driven by spreads, but yields.? With highly levered, or very junior debt, it does not trade on a spread basis, but on a price basis.? Anyone looking at spreads will see too much volatility versus yields and prices.

But mere volatility won’t tell you the riskiness.? Indeed, when economic times are good, junk will do well, and long Treasuries do poorly.? Now, maybe that makes for a very noisy hedge, but I wouldn’t rely on it.

And, volatility is a symmetric measure, which as bond yields get closer to zero, the symmetry disappears.? Most asset classes display negative skew and fat tails, which also makes volatility problematic as a risk measure.

Going back to my first piece on the topic, if I were applying risk parity to a bond portfolio, it would mean that I would have to buy considerably more of shorter and higher quality instruments, and lever them up to my target volatility level, somehow with spreads large enough that they overcome my financing costs.? Now, maybe I could do that with mispriced mortgage securities, but with the problem that those aren’t the most liquid beasties, particularly not in a crisis if real estate is weak.

I guess my main misgiving is that levered portfolios are path-dependent, as pointed out in the GMO piece above.? You can’t be certain that you will be able to ride through the storm.? The ability to finance short-term disappears at the time it is most needed.

Now, if you can get leverage after the bust, and invest in beaten-up asset classes, you can be a hero.? But that’s a time when only the most solvent can get leverage, so plan ahead, if that’s the strategy.? If an investor could consistently time the liquidity/credit cycle, he could make a lot of money.

As the GMO piece concludes, the only benchmark that everyone could hold would be a proportionate slice of all of the assets in the world, which implicitly, would strip out all of the leverage, because one would own both the shares of the company, and the debt it owes, and in the right proportion.

So I don’t see risk parity as a silver bullet for asset allocation.? I think it will become more problematic, as all strategies do, as more people show up and use it, which is happening now.?? First in the hands of the master, last in the hands of a sorcerer’s apprentice.? Be careful.

PS — I have respect for the skills of Gundlach and Dalio.? I’m just skeptical about what happens to risk parity when too many use it, and use it without understanding its limitations.? And, here is a nice little piece about Bridgewater and its strategies.

Redacted Version of the January 2012 FOMC Statement

Redacted Version of the January 2012 FOMC Statement

December 2011 January 2012 Comments
Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in November suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some apparent slowing in global growth. Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that the economy has been expanding moderately, notwithstanding some slowing in global growth. No change.
While indicators point to some improvement in overall labor market conditions, the unemployment rate remains elevated. While indicators point to some further improvement in overall labor market conditions, the unemployment rate remains elevated. The unemployment rate is down, but few jobs are being created, and people are dropping out of the labor force.? This is improvement?
Household spending has continued to advance, but business fixed investment appears to be increasing less rapidly and the housing sector remains depressed. Household spending has continued to advance, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed, and the housing sector remains depressed. Shades down their view on business investment.
Inflation has moderated since earlier in the year, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. Inflation has been subdued in recent months, and longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. True for the last few months for goods & services prices, but past isn?t prologue.? TIPS are showing higher inflation expectations.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. No change.? Mentions of the statutory mandate are always meant to hide the distasteful aspects of what they do.
The Committee continues to expect a moderate pace of economic growth over coming quarters and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee expects economic growth over coming quarters to be modest and consequently anticipates that the unemployment rate will decline only gradually toward levels that the Committee judges to be consistent with its dual mandate. No change.
Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. Strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. No change.
The Committee also anticipates that inflation will settle, over coming quarters, at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee?s dual mandate. However, the Committee will continue to pay close attention to the evolution of inflation and inflation expectations. The Committee also anticipates that over coming quarters, inflation will run at levels at or below those consistent with the Committee’s dual mandate. Drops language inflation and inflation expectations.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at levels consistent with the dual mandate, the Committee expects to maintain a highly accommodative stance for monetary policy. Adds that the FOMC will be highly accommodative, if it hasn?t been so already.
The Committee also decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions–including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run–are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through mid-2013. In particular, the Committee decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that economic conditions–including low rates of resource utilization and a subdued outlook for inflation over the medium run–are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate at least through late 2014. Extends the period of high accommodation for another 15-18 months.

They moved this paragraph up from last time.

the Committee decided today to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate. The Committee also decided to continue its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of securities as announced in September. The Committee is maintaining its existing policies of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. The Committee will regularly review the size and composition of its securities holdings and is prepared to adjust those holdings as appropriate to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability. No real change.? Central bank asset policy does not have that big of an impact on economic activity.

They moved this paragraph down from last time.

The Committee will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ its tools to promote a stronger economic recovery in a context of price stability.   Deletes meaningless sentence.
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Richard W. Fisher; Narayana Kocherlakota; Charles I. Plosser; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Three new regional Fed presidents.? Storm and fury, signifying nothing.
Voting against the action was Charles L. Evans, who supported additional policy accommodation at this time. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who preferred to omit the description of the time period over which economic conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federal funds rate. Make that four, with a dissent from Mr. Lacker, who is likely the only one to dissent in 2012.? Talked with him at the Cato Monetary Conference ? he is skeptical of the asset policy at the Fed.? This dissent disagrees with the Fed trying to give a time period for how long the Fed funds rate will remain low.



  • So they extend the period of accommodation by a little more than a year.? Sends financial markets flying, and especially TIPS prices, but will have little impact on the economy.? (Do they want the yield on 30 year TIPS to go negative?? Looks that way.)
  • GDP growth is not improving much if at all, and the unemployment rate improvement comes more from discouraged workers.? Inflation has moderated, but whether it will stay that way is another question.
  • In my opinion, I don?t think holding down longer-term rates on the highest-quality debt will have any impact on lower quality debts, which is where most of the economy finances itself.
  • Also, the reinvestment in Agency MBS should have limited impact because so many owners are inverted, or ineligible for financing backed by the GSEs, and implicitly the government, even with the recently announced refinancing changes.
  • The key variables on Fed Policy are capacity utilization, unemployment, inflation trends, and inflation expectations.? As a result, the FOMC ain?t moving rates up, absent increases in employment, or a US Dollar crisis.? Labor employment is the key metric.
  • The Fed is out of good policy tools, so it will use bad policy tools instead, and for longer than before.

Questions for Dr. Bernanke:

  • Why do think extending the period of accommodation by a little more than a year will have any significant effect on the economy, aside from stock and bond prices?
  • Is it possible that you don?t really know what would have worked to solve the Great Depression, and you are just committing an entirely new error that will result in a larger problem for us later?
  • Discouraged workers are a large factor in the falling unemployment rate. Why do you think the economy is doing so well at present?
  • Why do you think that holding down longer-term rates on the highest-quality debt will have any impact on lower quality debts, which is where most of the economy finances itself?
  • Why will reinvestment in Agency MBS help the economy significantly?? Doesn?t that only help solvent borrowers on the low end of housing, who don?t really need the help?
  • Couldn?t increased unemployment be structural, after all, there is a lot more competition from labor in emerging markets?
  • Isn?t stagflation a possibility here?? I mean, no one expected it in the ?70s either.
  • Could we end up with another debt bubble from keeping short rates so low?
  • If the Fed ever does shrink its balance sheet, what effect will it have on the banks?
The Rules, Part XXIX

The Rules, Part XXIX

Risk premiums should never be capitalized, they should only be taken into income as earned.

This may end up being another odd post of mine.? I’m going to start writing about bank regulation, but I will end up talking about monetary policy.

There are many people who hate the rating agencies. They hate them because they are a convenient target, and most people don’t understand what they do. Rating agencies provide opinions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Many people would like to get rid of the rating agencies. But it’s not that easy. Regulators outsource their credit rating function to the rating agencies because they don’t want to do that work.

There is a way to eliminate the rating agencies, and I have written about that before. But the idea is so radical, that the banks would rather have the rating agencies exist, than use my idea.

So what’s my idea? Simple. If you were setting up a portfolio, what would you assume would be the minimum that you could earn on the portfolio? My minimum would be buying Treasury bonds and earning interest on them.

So if I am looking at a portfolio of risky assets, I would split each asset into two. I would mirror the cash flow pattern of each asset, and construct an equivalent Treasury portfolio to mimic the cash flows. All of the cash flows above that amount from the risky asset are the risky cash flows. The amount of capital that banks hold as reserve against losses should be proportionate to the present value of risky cash flows.

Unlike my last piece on this, I am not saying that the whole present value of risky cash flows should be held as capital against losses. But the regulators should use this, if we are not using rating agencies, as a proxy for credit risk in bank asset portfolios.

Why is this a good measure of credit risk inside banks? The market for lending is fairly efficient. Debts that have more risk have higher interest rates.

This measure of risk benefits from the concept of simplicity. It can be applied everywhere. And, there is good theoretical justification for it. Any return that is upon the government bonds is subject to question.

But suppose we decided to use this as a major portion of our formula for regulating bank capital. What would happen to monetary policy?

Well, if the Fed tries to do something similar to ?operation twist” it would require banks to hold more capital against their positions, because the safe interest rate falls, it causes the risky portion of each loan to rise. As such, any sort of ?operation twist” would fail, because the rise in capital levels, would blunt any advantage from over Treasury interest rates.

From my vantage point, it would be a real plus to have monetary policy neutered in that way. The Fed, should it deserve to exist, should be concerned with the banking system and its solvency. It should not be concerned with the overall level of interest rates. If lowering interest rates lowers the judgment of solvency, then that would restrain the Fed from being too aggressive in lowering rates. And that would be good. The Fed has generally not succeeded with monetary policy. They have been too loose in the past, leading to the problems of the present.

And, as I have said before, we should not have unelected bureaucrats driving our economy, rather, we should have Congress do it because we can vote them out.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading me. I appreciate all of my readers.

Industry Ranks January 2012

Industry Ranks January 2012

I?m working on my quarterly reshaping ? where I choose new companies to enter my portfolio.? The first part of this is industry analysis.

My main industry model is illustrated in the graphic.? Green industries are cold.? Red industries are hot.? If you like to play momentum, look at the red zone, and ask the question, ?Where are trends under-discounted??? Price momentum tends to persist, but look for areas where it might be even better in the near term.

If you are a value player, look at the green zone, and ask where trends are over-discounted.? Yes, things are bad, but are they all that bad?? Perhaps the is room for mean reversion.

My candidates from both categories are in the column labeled ?Dig through.?

If you use any of this, choose what you use off of your own trading style.? If you trade frequently, stay in the red zone.? Trading infrequently, play in the green zone ? don?t look for momentum, look for mean reversion.

Whatever you do, be consistent in your methods regarding momentum/mean-reversion, and only change methods if your current method is working well.

Huh?? Why change if things are working well?? I?m not saying to change if things are working well.? I?m saying don?t change if things are working badly.? Price momentum and mean-reversion are cyclical, and we tend to make changes at the worst possible moments, just before the pattern changes.? Maximum pain drives changes for most people, which is why average investors don?t make much money.

Maximum pleasure when things are going right leaves investors fat, dumb, and happy ? no one thinks of changing then.? This is why a disciplined approach that forces changes on a portfolio is useful, as I do 3-4 times a year.? It forces me to be bloodless and sell stocks with less potential for those with more potential over the next 1-5 years.

I like some technology names here, some energy some healthcare-related names, P&C Insurance and Reinsurance, particularly those that are strongly capitalized.? I?m not concerned about the healthcare bill; necessary services will be delivered, and healthcare companies will get paid.

A word on banks and REITs: the credit cycle has not been repealed, and there are still issues unresolved from the last cycle ? I am not interested there even at present levels.? The modest unwind currently happening in the credit markets, if it expands, would imply significant issues for banks and their ?regulators.?

I?m looking for undervalued and stable industries.? I?m not saying that there is always a bull market out there, and I will find it for you.? But there are places that are relatively better, and I have done relatively well in finding them.

At present, I am trying to be defensive.? I don?t have a lot of faith in the market as a whole, so I am biased toward the green zone, looking for mean-reversion, rather than momentum persisting.? The red zone is pretty cyclical at present.? I will be very happy hanging out in dull stocks for a while.

P&C Insurers and Reinsurers Look Cheap

After the heavy disaster year of 2011, P&C insurers and reinsurers look cheap.? Many trade below tangible book, and at single-digit P/Es, which has always been a strong area for me, if the companies are well-capitalized, which they are.

I already own a spread of well-run, inexpensive P&C insurers & reinsurers.? Would I increase the overweight here?? Yes, I might, because I view the group as absolutely cheap; it could make me money even in a down market.? Now, I would do my series of analyses such that I would be happy with the reserving and the investing policies of each insurer, but after that, I would be willing to add to my holdings.

Do your own due diligence on this, because I am often wrong.? One more note, I am still not tempted by banks or real estate related stocks.? I am beginning to wonder when the right time to buy them as a sector is.? As for that, I am open to advice.

Risk-Based Liquidity

Risk-Based Liquidity

When there is financial failure, it comes as a result of illiquidity.? Now, truly, these parties are insolvent, because they took the risk of not being able to pay cash when it was due.? Illiquidity and insolvency are really the same thing, though many obfuscate.

If you can’t pay cash, it doesn’t matter what your assets are worth in “normal” times.? Banks should have planned in advance to make sure liquidity was always adequate, rather than doing the usual borrow short, lend long, that they usually do.

But after reading through the Fed ‘s proposal on bank solvency, I conclude that they may not get the picture.? They spend time on liquidity and other issues.? With liquidity, it is uncertain how they will view repo markets.? To me, those should be view as short-term finance of long dated assets.

During times of crisis, repo markets seize up, with rising repo haircuts.? Maybe I’ve read the Fed’s proposal wrong, but it seems that it neglects repo funding, which had a large effect on the recent crisis.

If banks had to be able to size their activity to survive a rise in repo haircuts equal to half of the highest that we have seen, it would probably be enough to make the issue go away, because the haircuts would be less likely to rise as a result of that restraint.

Now, I appreciate the perspective of this article from Dealbreaker on the topic.? All of the assets of the bank support all of the liabilities. In one sense, there are no assets that are tagged “equity” and others tagged “liability.”

P&C Insurance works a little different.? In that, premium reserves are invested in high quality short-term debt.? Claim reserves are invested in high quality debt similar to the period that claims are expected to be paid out over.? The remainder (the equity) can be invested in risk assets in order to earn a decent return for shareholders.? The idea is this: match liabilities with high quality assets of the same length, and take risk with the remainder of assets, realizing that they might might needed for liquidity in the worst case scenarios.

But really, banks should not be viewed differently.? They should invest like P&C or life insurers.? Invest in high quality assets equal to the terms of their liabilities — deposits (estimate stickiness), savings accounts (same), CDs (the term is known).? After that, take risks with the remaining assets in ways that reflect their comparative advantage, realizing that they might might needed for liquidity in the worst case scenarios.? Illiquid investments (e.g. private equity)? should not be allowed for a majority of of those investments.

If banks don’t engage in asset/liability mismatches aka maturity transformation, most of the risks of bank runs will go away.? And that is what I propose.? Note that if that happens, average people will have to pay some fee each year to have a checking account.? Banks would be liquidity utilities.

This fits under my rubric that the insurance industry is much better regulated than the banking industry.? Were it in my power to do so, I would turn banking regulation over to the states, and leave to the Fed control of monetary policy only.? You would soon see intolerant banking regulation, much like we see in insurance, and defaults would decline.

What could be better?

Theme: Overlay by Kaira