Category: Value Investing

Value Investing when Debt Levels are High

Value Investing when Debt Levels are High

I would ask yourself how to implement value investing in an era where debt is no longer expanding. Arguably an era where inflation is increasing (albeit from a low starting point).

A few years ago, everyone ?knew? housing prices never went down nation wide. Today, CNBC constantly tells us that the consumer is 70% of the economy? undoubtedly true when debt levels were expanding. But consumer income is not growing as fast as the cost of living, and debt levels cannot expand again. The ?consumer is 70% of the economy? assumption probably won?t hold over the next few decades like it did in the past few decades. How does one implement value investing in such an environment?

So asked on reader in response to last night’s post.? His full comment was similar to some of the musings of Bill Gross, in that we don’t live long enough to really prove we have skill in investing, but over the last 40 years the overall macroeconomic regime of expanding debt favored certain classes of investors.

A few thoughts:

1) Value investing is SAFE and cheap, not CHEAP and safe.? Focus on margin of safety.? Spend time asking what can go wrong.? Test the strength of moats.

2) In 2008-2009, there were a lot of value investors that got savaged.? Why?? They invested a lot in statistically cheap financial companies that were carrying a lot of credit risk.? Having worked for a hedge fund 2003-2007 that did the opposite, my own investing was constrained because I feared what might happen when the bear part of the credit cycle emerged (leaving aside a mortgage REIT that I foolishly held onto).

Credit-sensitive financials are like cyclical non-financials that have over-invested in productive capacity.? They have high operating leverage, and will only prosper when demand is strong/credit is good.? Cyclical companies often have low P/E multiples near the top of the cycle, because the bear phase is anticipated.? They have high or negative P/E multiples near the bottom of the cycle, because the bull phase is anticipated.

The main idea here is to be skeptical of companies carrying a lot of credit risk, particularly after they have succeeded for some time.? When the credit risk manifests, it is savage.

3)?? Avoid debt and products that require it.? My portfolios ordinarily avoid companies with a lot of debt.? I like companies that finance themselves internally through retained earnings.? During bear market phases, companies with financial flexibility do better.? It is always better to get financing at a time when you don’t *have* to get it.? Seeking liquidity when little is available is never an attractive place to be.

Also remember that big ticket items like houses, cars, boats, RVs, college educations, do badly when credit conditions tighten.? Luxuries are disadvantaged versus necessities also.? Before the bear part of the credit cycle hits, own companies that are self-financing, and have stable revenues.

4) Inflation tends to favor value investing based on flow (income statement, cash flow statement) versus stock (balance sheet).? In one sense, corporate pricing power boosts the value of companies that can pass on the inflation and then some.? This was true in the ’70s when value investor did relatively well.

In summary, I would say that in the future, value investors need to focus on:

  • Safety first
  • Avoidance of credit risk, implicit and explicit
  • Investing in companies that don’t have to seek external finance
  • Companies that can pass on the effects of inflation.
Ben Graham Did Not Give Up on Value Investing in Theory

Ben Graham Did Not Give Up on Value Investing in Theory

Hi David,

Love the blog. I am an MBA student and obsessed with the value investing philosophy. There are two points that? could use clarification.

  1. There are so many value investors today, does that mitigate potential rewards? Does value investor competition create less value?
  2. Towards the end of Grahams career he said ” I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities”? This was disheartening to read, but I saw that Jason Zweig commented that Graham was only referring to passive investors.Graham seems to imply otherwise. Any thoughts?

I would really appreciate a response.

All the best.

So wrote one of my readers.? I’ll try to answer both of the questions.

The answer to the first question is relatively simple.? Any strategy can be overused relative to the degree of mispricing in the market.? There can be too many value players.? There can be too many momentum players.? There can be too many investors aiming for dividends, low volatility, high quality, etc.

If you are the only one with a strategy, you can make a ton off of it.? Think of Ben Graham back in the 30s, 40s & 50s… there were few people kicking the tires on seemingly troubled companies that had a lot of unused assets.? It was easy to make a lot of money in that era, for the few that were doing it.

Phil Fisher was a growth investor with a singular insight — look for sustainable competitive advantage, or in the modern parlance, a moat.? He racked up quite a track record in the process.

Or think of Sam Eisenstadt who developed the core of Value Line, building on the ideas of Arnold Bernhard.? He was way ahead of GARP investing by incorporating price momentum, earnings momentum, earnings surprise and valuation into one neat method.? It took a long time before those anomalies were exhausted.? It worked for 50 years or so.

Or think of Buffett, who synthesized many strands of value investing together with an insurance holding company, levering up value investing with an aim of rapid compounding of profits.

Any valid strategy with few users will reap relatively high rewards.? When lots of people pursue it, relative rewards fall.

Value investing has two things going for it that tends to reduce the tendency for the rewards to be played out.? It takes effort, and it’s not sexy.

Value investing can be taken to as deep of a level as one wants.? Sometimes I read the analyses of other value investors, and I say to myself, “This is either masterful, or he had a lot of time on his hands.”? I tend to be more simplistic, realizing that the first 20% of the analysis releases 80% of the value.? I am also a better portfolio manager than I am an analyst, though I’ve had people say to me that my intuition is sharper than many.? (I don’t know.)

The “not sexy” aspect of value investing partly stems from a desire to invest in things that are growing rapidly, because there have been notable growth companies that have made their investors a lot of money.? Why else do you see articles “This stock is the next Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc?”? Creating the next Chevron, IBM, or Berkshire Hathaway would take a lot of time, relatively.

Every now and then, value investing gets crowded, but the advantage never fully goes away for a long time.? Besides, market events like 1973-4, 1979-82, 1987, 1998, 2002-3, and 2008-9 shake up things so that there are a crop of new opportunities.? As I said to my boss in 2007 when he was giving me a bad review, “When I came here in 2003, it was as if the applecart had been knocked over, and easy values were easily picked up, like apples.? Today, there are no easy pickings.”

Okay on to question 2.? Part of the problem here is the famous part of what Graham had to say is well-known but the whole article is not well-known.? Here is the whole article.? And here is the famous quote, again:

In selecting the common stock portfolio, do you advise careful study of and selectivity among different issues?
In general, no. I am no longer an advocate of elaborate techniques of security analysis in order to find superior value opportunities. This was a rewarding activity, say, 40 years ago, when our textbook “Graham and Dodd” was first published; but the situation has changed a great deal since then. In the old days any well-trained security analyst could do a good professional job of selecting undervalued issues through detailed studies; but in the light of the enormous amount of research now being carried on, I doubt whether in most cases such extensive efforts will generate sufficiently superior selections to justify their cost. To that very limited extent I’m on the side of the “efficient market” school of thought now generally accepted by the professors.

On the face of it, to a value investor, this is rather disheartening.? Who wants to see the founder abandon the heritage? But I mostly agree with Jason Zweig, because this has to be taken in context with the other things he said in the FAJ article.? Let me explain:

First, since Ben Graham, we have discovered a wide number of anomalies in investing: earnings quality, momentum, distress, asset shrinkage, share shrinkage, neglect, etc.? We haven’t been impoverished because we no longer have net-nets (cheap companies with unused assets) to invest in.? We’ve sharpened the discipline beyond what Ben Graham could have imagined.

Second, if you read the full article, Ben Graham still defends value investing:

Turning now to individual investors, do you think that they are at a disadvantage compared with the institutions, because of the latter’s huge resources, superior facilities for obtaining information, etc.?
On the contrary, the typical investor has a great advantage over the large institutions.
Chiefly because these institutions have a relatively small field of common stocks to choose from–say 300 to 400 huge corporations — and they are constrained more or less to concentrate their research and decisions on this much over-analyzed group. By contrast, most individuals can choose at any time among some 3000 issues listed in the Standard & Poor’s Monthly Stock Guide. Following a wide variety of approaches and preferences, the individual investor should at all times be able to locate at least one per cent of the total list–say, 30 issues or more–that offer attractive buying opportunities.
What general rules would you offer the individual investor for his investment policy over the years?
Let me suggest three such rules: (1) The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator. This means, in sum, that he should be able to justify every purchase he makes and each price he pays by impersonal, objective reasoning that satisfies him that he is getting more than his money’s worth for his purchase–in other words, that he has a margin of safety, in value terms, to protect his commitment. (2) The investor should have a definite selling policy for all his common stock commitments, corresponding to his buying techniques. Typically, he should set a reasonable profit objective on each purchase–say 50 to 100 per cent–and a maximum holding period for this objective to be realized–say, two to three years. Purchases not realizing the gain objective at the end of the holding period should be sold out at the market. (3) Finally, the investor should always have a minimum percentage of his total portfolio in common stocks and a minimum percentage in bond equivalents. I recommend at least 25 per cent of the total at all times in each category. A good case can be made for a consistent 50-50 division here, with adjustments for changes in the market level. This means the investor would switch some of his stocks into bonds on significant rises of the market level, and vice-versa when the market declines. I would suggest, in general, an average seven- or eight-year maturity for his bond holdings.
This is value investing.? What Graham is suggesting won’t work is that big investors who have a lot of money to put to work will be forced into big names that are over-analyzed.? He is not saying that analysis of less followed names won’t work; the small size of the individual investor is an advantage, not a curse.
Then Ben Graham says:
What general approach to portfolio formation do you advocate?
Essentially, a highly simplified one that applies a single criteria or perhaps two criteria to the price to assure that full value is present and that relies for its results on the performance of the portfolio as a whole–i.e., on the group results–rather than on the expectations for individual issues.
Can you indicate concretely how an individual investor should create and maintain his common stock portfolio?
I can give two examples of my suggested approach to this problem. One appears severely limited in its application, but we found it almost unfailingly dependable and satisfactory in 30-odd years of managing moderate-sized investment funds. The second represents a great deal of new thinking and research on our part in recent years. It is much wider in its application than the first one, but it combines the three virtues of sound logic, simplicity of application, and an extraordinarily good performance record, assuming–contrary to fact–that it had actually been followed as now formulated over the past 50 years–from 1925 to 1975.
Some details, please, on your two recommended approaches.
My first, more limited, technique confines itself to the purchase of common stocks at less than their working-capital value, or net-current-asset value, giving no weight to the plant and other fixed assets, and deducting all liabilities in full from the current assets. We used this approach extensively in managing investment funds, and over a 30-odd year period we must have earned an average of some 20 per cent per year from this source. For a while, however, after the mid-1950’s, this brand of buying opportunity became very scarce because of the pervasive bull market. But it has returned in quantity since the 1973-74 decline. In January 1976 we counted over 300 such issues in the Standard & Poor’s Stock Guide–about 10 per cent of the total.? I consider it a foolproof method of systematic investment–once again, not on the basis of individual results but in terms of the expectable group outcome.
Finally, what is your other approach?
This is similar to the first in its underlying philosophy. It consists of buying groups of stocks at less than their current or intrinsic value as indicated by one or more simple criteria. The criterion I prefer is seven times the reported earnings for the past 12 months.? You can use others–such as a current dividend return above seven per cent or book value more than 120 percent of price, etc. We are just finishing a performance study of these approaches over the past half-century–1925-1975. They consistently show results of 15 per cent or better per annum, or twice the record of the DJIA for this long period. I have every confidence in the threefold merit of this general method based on (a) sound logic, (b) simplicity of application, and (c) an excellent supporting record. At bottom it is a technique by which true investors can exploit the recurrent excessive optimism and excessive apprehension of the speculative public.
So, no, Ben Graham did not give up on value investing.? One could easily say that he was arguing for value indexing.? He knew what characteristics of cheapness would lead to superior returns.? He also thought there was room for value investing outside of the largest 400 companies available for investment.
He did recognize that the easy days were gone.? Analyzing liquid assets net of liabilities no longer paid off.? But value investing, buying assets with a margin of safety, and buying them cheap to their intrinsic value was not dead, at least for small investors.? What Ben Graham would have learned had he lived longer was that value investing would adapt, and find new ways of seeking value.? We are you heirs, Ben, and we have built upon your work.
As a final note, though Ben Graham sought “the good life” and was often more concerned with the arts than investing, he was the original quantitative investor.? He recognized aggregate behavior of stocks relative to valuation criteria, and saw that such value investing still worked.? But with individual issues, the “Happy Hunting Ground” of the 30s, 40s and 50s no longer existed, aside from ’74-76.? That’s what Ben Graham meant when he no longer believed in individual security selection for value investing.
PS — When I initially inclined to write this piece, I did not think I would write this.? I thought I would support the mainstream opinion — that Graham gave up on value investing. I can now tell you that that view is wrong. :D? Very wrong.


Full disclosure: Long BRK/B, CVX

Best of the Aleph Blog, Part 22

Best of the Aleph Blog, Part 22

These articles appeared between May 2012 and July 2012:

On Distribution Formulas

Most formulas for distributing income from an endowment or a a savings/investment fund are too liberal.? If you want the purchasing power to last, distribute less.

Correlating Risky Assets

How do correlations come into existence with risky assets.? This piece explains.

Simple Stock Valuation

An exploration of Eddy Elfenbein’s simple stock valuation model.

Don?t Become the Market

When any firm becomes the dominant provider of a good or service, it should ask whether it has mispriced.? A veiled critique of JPM’s whale trade in the credit markets.

In Defense of Nothing

Manufacturing is overrated.? We’ve got enough things, now we need services to make our lives richer.

Little Things are Important

When leverage is high, little things failing can lead to large and bad results.

High Profits

Labor is not scarce, so profit margins are high.? Will that last forever?? No, but it might be a while.

23,401 Auctions

391 Auctions

A pair of pieces suggesting that the markets could be better off if we held auctions once a second, or once a minute.

The Rules, Part XXXII

Dynamic hedging only has the potential of working on deep markets.

Arbitrage pricing can reveal proper prices in smaller less liquid markets if there are larger, more liquid markets to compare against.? The process cannot work in reverse, except by accident

The Rules, Part XXXIII

When politicians don?t have answers, they blame speculators, financiers (Wall Street), or foreigners.? They do anything to take the spotlight off their culpability or ineptitude.

Aim for the Middle

Very basic advice that tells you that the best returns come from taking moderate risk.

Works if Small, Fails if Large

Another bogus theory of asset allocation that works today, because markets favor it, and not enough people are using it.

Strong Hands

On the value of long-term investors holding stocks that you hold.

Logical Links

If there are a lot of links in a chain of reasoning, it is likely to be wrong.

Modified Glass-Steagall

I suggest a number of reforms that would be more effective than reinstating Glass-Steagall.

Don?t Blame Money Market Funds

On the hypocrisy of the SEC and the banking regulators

Do Insurance Stocks Do Better than Average Over the Long-Run?

The answer is probably, but not certainly.? Really, it is a mess.

On Life Insurance and Life Reinsurance

Explains why I like the life reinsurance oligopoly

On Bond Ladders

The most robust strategy for interest rates; always second-best, and never the worst.

On Internal Indexes, like LIBOR

An Analysis of Three-Month LIBOR 2005-2008

On Floating Rates

In most scandals, not enough attention is paid to those who should have been questioning the situation and did not.? There were parties angling for higher LIBOR and lower LIBOR.? Anytime you borrow or lend using an index, you assent to the method of the index.? What, you didn’t analyze it?

The Failure of Government-Provided Prosperity

The government has almost no control over prosperity, and yet it tries to take credit for it, and ends up ruining prosperity through deficits and loose monetary policy.

Grow Embedded Value

The main idea in investing is finding investments that will compound your money at an above average rate, with a margin of safety.

The Education of a Mortgage Bond Manager, Part I

The Education of a Mortgage Bond Manager, Part II

The beginning of my eight-part series on mortgage bonds.? I did it well for three years.

Packages! Packages!

A tale of my younger investing days, when I would mail companies for data.

Missing Earnings Estimates

Why occasional earnings misses are desirable.

Forget Your Cost Basis

All good investment decision-making is forward looking.? Whether you are buying or selling, it doesn?t matter where prices have been in the past.

Concentrated Interest

This piece generated a lot of heat, but I still stand behind it.? The concentrated interest of a profit motive is a good thing, and all of the government services do not affect what you have done at all.? The entrepreneur is a hero, whether in business, government, or elsewhere.

Industry Ranks August 2013

Industry Ranks August 2013

Industry Ranks 6_1521_image002

My main industry model is illustrated in the graphic. Green industries are cold. Red industries are hot. If you like to play momentum, look at the red zone, and ask the question, ?Where are trends under-discounted?? Price momentum tends to persist, but look for areas where it might be even better in the near term.

If you are a value player, look at the green zone, and ask where trends are over-discounted. Yes, things are bad, but are they all that bad? Perhaps the is room for mean reversion.

My candidates from both categories are in the column labeled ?Dig through.?

You might notice that this time, I have no industries from the red zone.? That is because the market is so high.? I only want to play in cold industries.? They won?t get so badly hit in a decline, and they might have some positive surprises.

If you use any of this, choose what you use off of your own trading style. If you trade frequently, stay in the red zone. Trading infrequently, play in the green zone ? don?t look for momentum, look for mean reversion.? I generally play in the green zone because I hold stocks for 3 years on average.

Whatever you do, be consistent in your methods regarding momentum/mean-reversion, and only change methods if your current method is working well.

Huh? Why change if things are working well? I?m not saying to change if things are working well. I?m saying don?t change if things are working badly. Price momentum and mean-reversion are cyclical, and we tend to make changes at the worst possible moments, just before the pattern changes. Maximum pain drives changes for most people, which is why average investors don?t make much money.

Maximum pleasure when things are going right leaves investors fat, dumb, and happy ? no one thinks of changing then. This is why a disciplined approach that forces changes on a portfolio is useful, as I do 3-4 times a year. It forces me to be bloodless and sell stocks with less potential for those with more potential over the next 1-5 years.

I like some technology names here, some telecom related, some basic materials names, particularly those that are strongly capitalized.

I?m looking for undervalued industries. I?m not saying that there is always a bull market out there, and I will find it for you. But there are places that are relatively better, and I have done relatively well in finding them.

At present, I am trying to be defensive. I don?t have a lot of faith in the market as a whole, so I am biased toward the green zone, looking for mean-reversion, rather than momentum persisting. The red zone is pretty cyclical at present. I will be very happy hanging out in dull stocks for a while.

That said, some dull companies are fetching some pricey valuations these days, particularly those with above average dividends.? This is an overbought area of the market, and it is just a matter of time before the flight to relative safety reverses.

The Red Zone has a Lot of Financials; be wary of those.? I?m considering paring back my insurers.

What I find fascinating about the red momentum zone now, is that it is loaded with noncyclical companies. That said, it has been recently noted in a few places how cyclicals are trading at a discount to noncyclicals at present.

In the green zone, I picked most of the industries. If the companies are sufficiently well-capitalized, and the valuation is low, it can still be an rewarding place to do due diligence.

That said, it is tough when noncyclical companies are relatively expensive to cyclicals in a weak economy. Choose your poison: high valuations, or growth that may disappoint.

But what would the model suggest?

Ah, there I have something for you, and so long as Value Line does not object, I will provide that for you. I looked for companies in the industries listed, but in the top 5 of 9 balance sheet safety categories, an with returns estimated over 15%/year over the next 3-5 years. The latter category does the value/growth tradeoff automatically. I don?t care if returns come from mean reversion or growth.

But anyway, as a bonus here are the names that are candidates for purchase given this screen. Remember, this is a launching pad for due diligence, not hot names to buy.

I’ve loosened my criteria a little because the market is so high, but I figure I will toss out? lot when i do my quarterly evaluation of the companies that I hold for clients and me.




Industry Ranks 6_19997_image002

On Missing Revenue Estimates

On Missing Revenue Estimates

I note that over the last few years that news reports regarding quarterly earnings have taken on another dimension — revenues get tracked as well as earnings.? I look at that and I shrug.? Not every sale is a good sale.? In overly competitive environments we should want to see companies making fewer sales, and perhaps shrink aspects of the company that can easily be rebuilt.

So when the companies that I own miss revenue estimates, I don’t care much.? I care far more about their discipline to obtain quality business that produces reliable profits.

This is a different story with growth companies, which I don’t generally invest in.? Growth companies should see reliable and large increases in sales.

Perhaps some analysts think that growing revenues supports growing earnings.? It would be far better to look at operating cash flow, or lack of growth in accrual items to validate earnings.? The less earnings coming from accounting accruals, the better the quality of earnings.

That’s all for now.? The quick summary: ignore revenue estimates, and check accounting quality.

Advice to Two Readers

Advice to Two Readers

I get a lot of requests for advice.? Here are two of them.


?I really appreciate you discussing your trading/haggling strategies in the Education of a Corporate Bond Manager. ?It’s definitely given me new ideas and helped me get better pricing in my purchases the last couple of years. ?I still refer to them every few months or so.

I have a question about changing jobs in the fixed income industry – I work in a treasury division, managing my company’s cash and short-term investments. ?I’ve done well, but we use yield-based benchmarks, as part of the portfolio is used to immunize short term liabilities. ?When I interview with asset management shops, they want previous total return portfolio management experience. ? ?

Do you know any particular types of firms or sub-industries that use yield-based benchmarks? ?Does managing to a yield benchmark stunt my learning growth compared to a total return mandate?


Yield-based benchmarks exist when:

  • The liability structure being invested against is short (We could need this cash at any moment for business use!)
  • The liability structure is long, but well-defined, such as a bank or insurer that wants predictable income versus their liabilities, and so the game becomes maximize spread net of default costs, subject to matching asset and liability durations (and maybe partial durations if the liability stream is long).

You are doing the first of these.? Truth, what you are doing could be measured on a total return basis, but it wouldn?t make a lot of difference.

The second one applies to banks and insurers, and can be done on either basis as well.? The difficulty comes with trying to calculate the total return of the liabilities. ??If that it too hard to do, they create a bond benchmark that they think represents when they think the liabilities may pay out.? If the liabilities possess some degree of optionality, like that of residential mortgage prepayment, the benchmark could include bond options (long or short).

The yield on the bond benchmark is easy to calculate, as is the total return.?? Thus relative performance can be calculated either way.? I had to do this for an insurance client once who insisted that our performance was poor when we had returned more than 0.70% year more than single-A corporate, which was quite good.

Thus, one place you could try working is for is an insurer, bank, or other financial intermediary.? But what of those that manage funds for retail.? What then?

Aside from unconstrained funds, even a mutual fund has a liability to invest against ? the expectations of the client.? In that sense, most mutual fund managers aren?t doing full total return either ? they have to stay within a certain range for interest rate sensitivity. They also could be evaluated on the basis of yield realized versus that of a generic portfolio meeting their interest rate sensitivity targets.? More commonly, they would be ranked against their competitors on a total return basis.

In closing, it you don?t want to manage money for a bank or insurer, you?ll have to try to wedge your way into work in a total return environment ? taking a junior level position, and showing competence.? Believe me, most firms would love to promote from inside, if possible.



Dear Mr. David Merkel,

I really appreciate your hard work you are putting in your site and I am an avid reader of it. I would like to seek your advice regarding a decision I am facing. My goal is become a value investor and establish my own asset management firm to manage my own money and other people’s money. Right now, I have the opportunity to pursue partnership in my family business and be able to run it along with my father. I am 23 years old, and I am a freshman student at the _+_+_+_+_.? If I am to be a partner in my family business, I have to drop out from the university and travel to +_+_+_+_+_+_+_, where the business is. I am still a freshman student because when I was 19 years old, I dropped out to establish my own business in the same industry as my family in +_+_+_+_+_. I had an experience running a business and I had the opportunity to sell my business after two years of operation to my cousins, and, thankfully, it was a profitable venture.

My family business is somehow facing sales shrinkage and cash flow problem due to low capital (my family made terrible mistakes in managing it) and economic downturn. They are specialty contractors and manufacturers of fenestration products (windows, doors, kitchens, curtain walls, and rolling shutters). If I am to work with them, I can be able to help them in reorganizing the company. It might be risky for me, but if everything worked out well enough, I will have earnings that I believe is better than being an employee.

I am facing a decision that I need to make. You might not be able to advice me, but whatever advice you give me, I appreciate it. If my goal is to manage my own money and other people’s money by establishing my own asset management firm, is it helpful to have a university degree or the experience of having ran a business? Shall I drop out and pursue my family business opportunity? If I am to continue studying, I will incur student loan debt which I won’t prefer. But, alas, I will do it if it need be to accomplish my goal. Thank you a lot.

You have my sympathies on two fronts:

1) Choosing between family obligations and personal goals is never easy.? I have had to face that in deciding what jobs I could take while raising my family.? I was recruited for a managing director position in an investment bank in the mid-90s, but passed it up because I could not peel away that much time from my family and church.? It took a lot of time for me to become an institutional investor as a result.? I became an investment actuary at the age of 31, started working in an investment department at age 37, started work at a hedge fund at age 42, and started my own firm at age 49.? By 49, I had more than enough assets to care for my family if my business failed, at least to put the kids through college.?? After that, I could be stretched.

2) Good operational businessmen can be very good investors.? There are synergies between the ability to operate a business, and the ability to make good investment decisions.? Don?t think that building another business is a waste of your time.? It will sharpen you in ways that most institutional investors never grasp.? I benefited a great deal from building profitable business within insurance companies, and it sharpened my knowledge on how to invest.

Now, all that said, if you take time out to rebuild your family?s business, don?t neglect your education.? Read good books on value investing, and study those who have been great.? I?m not saying that college is useless, but I am saying that much of the knowledge that academics teach on economics is deficient.? In some ways, it is better to be a clever businessman than an academically trained man.? The latter will not gain much insight into how to invest.? The businessman has a better chance.

Perhaps a good compromise would be to study for the CFA credential in your spare time.? I did that.? Along with that, invest some of your money in ideas that you think are worthy.? I did that from 1992-2003, before I began investing in stocks professionally, and I did very well.

You need to find out whether you have significant insights versus the rest of the markets.? Academic learning will not help that.? Operational business experience *might* help that.

Don?t give up your goal of managing your own value investing firm, but realize that there are many paths to getting there, and the most important thing is trying to develop insight into the markets that others don?t have.? Typically, academic study does not develop that.

I hope things work out for you.? Let me know how you do.



Less is More

Less is More

Before I start this morning, I would simply like to point out these five old articles of mine, because they will be relevant to my argument:

My contention is that most institutional investors are biased toward action, not inaction, and that is probably true of many “hands on” amateur investors as well.? In many cases they would be better off doing nothing, doing less, or at worst, doing half.? Quoting from that piece:

But the real benefit of doing half is the psychology of the situation.? Many investors suffer from fear, greed, and regret.? Doing half short-circuits those responses.? When the stock price moves in favor of profits, be glad of those profits.? When the stock price moves against profits, reanalyze and either a) go flat, recognizing your mistake, and being grateful that it was small, or b) increase the bet to a full position, and be grateful that you didn?t put a full position on initially.

But often an investor finds himself in a psychological “Zugzwang.” [That’s a? chess term for compulsion to move.]? One of your investments has been revealed to be a blunder, and now you deal with regret, or worse yet, a desire to catch up [envy, greed].? Let me suggest a solution.? Just as there are no good macroeconomic policies after a financial crisis — one must seek to stop the next crisis, not fix the current one, the same thing applies to the intelligent investor, where we go back to first principles:

  • Did I have an adequate margin of safety?
  • Did I buy it cheap relative to prospects?? Were my expectations too rosy relative to what could have been seen, given data known prior to the revelation of the error?? Did anyone else get it right?
  • Did I understand the industry prospects well enough, and how my company interacted there?
  • Did the management team surprise me by misusing free cash flow, borrowing capacity, etc?
  • Were there accounting problems that I should have seen?
  • Did I size the position right?
  • Did I reduce exposure and add exposure to the right companies via my normal portfolio management processes?

Now, these correspond to my portfolio rules, in a jumbled way.? If you have analyzed risk well on a forward-looking basis, when a small problem hits, the stock should be off a few percent.? When a big problem hits, maybe off 10%.? Having a strong margin of safety protects the downside, and keep you from being a forced seller.? Most investment ideas take time to work out.? A company may do well for years, and then all of a sudden it gets discovered and takes off.? On lesser-known companies, where internal value is growing, I don’t mind seeing a flat chart.? Eventually value will be discovered.

With an adequate margin of safety, a disaster can be a time to add, if long-term prospects are not unduly damaged.? The company with the disappointment must compete against the rest of your portfolio for capital, so after a disappointment, remeasure how you think it would rank as a new position in your portfolio.? If you didn’t own it, would you buy it?

The idea here is to do risk control upfront.? The reward to this is that you will make fewer decisions, and better decisions.? You won’t have to sweat as many ugly scenarios, and so you can spend more time knowing your companies better, so that you have an information advantage versus most of your competitors.? You will do less trading, but have better investment results.? This is a case where more is less, and many of the leading value investors (Buffett, Klarman, etc.) would concur.? I can see it now, “The Less is More Guide to Investing.”

It would certain help some institutional investors with their foibles.? High portfolio turnover does not usually produce great returns (there are notable exceptions).? Get out of the short-term performance business, and into the long-term, if you can.? Trade less; analyze and invest more.? Spend less time on day-to-day gyrations, and look for what is ignored by the market.? Start playing a game that you might have a chance of winning, and develop your own edge.? It’s a tough market, but you can make it tougher for everyone else by approaching it from a valid angle that few others do.

In the end you will make fewer decisions, but the decisions will be higher quality.? Less will be more, and what’s more, your clients will like it, and not mind that your life just got a lot easier.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • Aflac Wins Wider Access to Japan Post?s Insurance Sales Network Looks like a win 4 all sides. FD: + $AFL $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Echoes of the Asian Crisis India, Turkey, Brazil, South Africa? all r running substantial current-account deficits $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Measuring Mario Draghi’s Promises 1 Year On Mario gambled & won so far. Have the banks used this calm time well? $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • China risks deflation trap as true GDP crumbles Whole economic sectors that recently drove growth have stalled $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Boring But Important: ECB Relaxes Collateral Rules ECB is wiling 2take less creditworthy collateral, aiding growth $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Egypt?s Vanishing Currency Black Markets The military has brought temporary calm, but can they run the economy? $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Ma Says Taiwan People Override Missiles in Meeting Xi Taiwan & China might get along, were it not for old grudges $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Japan Prices Rise Most Since ?08 in Boost for Abe: Economy May seem 2b a boost, but wait till interest rates rise $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Moody?s Sees Local Default as $21 Billion Matures How China deals w/defaults will have a long term market impact $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • An American General Warns the Israeli Right? Arabs either get their own state, or they get Israeli political rights $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • No Menstrual Hygiene For Indian Women Holds Economy Back Be grateful that you don’t live in India if u r a woman $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • Egypt General Stokes Protest U.S. Suspends Planned F-16 Delivery as Military Chief Calls for Anti-Morsi Rallies $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • Pope Calls for More Just Society Airy-fairy, what do you mean by just? Eliminating crony capitalists & socialists $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • China Coal-Fired Economy Dying of Thirst as Mines Lack Water China can command projects 2b done; can’t make water $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Troubled Currencies Iran, North Korea, Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt & Syria. Dig the stats: $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Mandela?s Wealth-Sharing Dream Fades in South Africa Black elite replaced a White elite, little change 4 most $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Record Downgrades Foreshadow First Onshore Default Reaction 2a default in China will b interesting $$ #willtheyletit Jul 21, 2013
  • China Communist Party Fate Seen Resting on Farmer Rights Will Communist Party grow up & recognize property rights? $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • ‘Desperate’ Cuba voyage is latest scrape for North Korean fleet Interesting story on how bad NK merchant marine is $$ Jul 20, 2013
  • Hitting China?s Wall Late to the party, Krugman realizes that China’s economy has to rebalance 2 more consumption $$ Jul 20, 2013




  • Detroit?s Bankruptcy: What You Need to Know Nice summary of how most of the major parties r affected & process $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • How Detroit Drowned in a Sea of Troubles Most disasters result from a series of small bad decisions $$ #detroit #FTL Jul 26, 2013
  • Now That Detroit?s Gone Bust, Is Your City Next? Consider San Diego, doesn’t fit model $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • How Detroit Affects Muni-Bond Investors If Detroit forces losses onto bondholders, other municipalities will mimic $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Detroit Bankruptcy Judge Rhodes Is Ponzi-Law Scholar Sound like a bright, no-nonsense guy; rules over big problem $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Detroit Bankruptcy Likely to Spark a Pension Brawl How much will benefits b cut4active, deferred & retired workers $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Pension Payouts May Turn on Whether State or Federal Law Prevails If State Law, then defined benefits r protected $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Moody’s: Detroit bankruptcy filing credit negative Will b interesting 2c which classes of bonds recover $$ well Jul 20, 2013


Obamacare / PPACA


  • Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker: Unworkable ObamaCare Opaque rules, big delays & rising costs: The chaos is mounting $$ Jul 26, 2013
  • Will Obamacare Kickstart Health-Care Revolution? More likely to boost overall spending until we scrap & start over $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • Obama’s New York Model How NY state destroyed its insurance market using ObamaCare rules. PPACA now deregulates $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Union Fears ?Destructive Consequences? From Obamacare Overly complex laws often r attacked piece-by-piece $$ Jul 20, 2013




  • US States And Local Pensions Deficits Still in the Red Zone? Big issue. Govts didn’t put in $$, stretched assumptions Jul 26, 2013
  • Corporate Pension Plans Start Return Toward Fully-Funded Status Yields up, risk assets up, DB pension funding up $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • David Skeel: Facing Up to America’s Pension Woes If you have a public pension, your income will b cut, get ready $$ Jul 25, 2013




  • Crack spread 101 For a primer on how crude oil refiners make $$ , start here. FD: + $VLO $PSX $MPC Volatile beasts Jul 26, 2013
  • Pimco Prepares for Life After Bill Gross The key mind that built Pimco; how will it survive without him? $$ #notwell Jul 26, 2013
  • Is Your College Going Broke? Forbes rates 925 schools on financial strength. Scores here 4 free; c who will live. $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • Global Oil Supply Shock? Special report on Crude covering the US, Canada, Russian Supply, & global demand factors $$ Jul 22, 2013


Monetary Policy


  • Fed Chief Choice Shapes Up as Race Between Summers, Yellen Sad that it comes to this, neither is competent $$ #FTL Jul 25, 2013
  • Bernanke Seen Slowing QE to $65 Billion in September Y r we listening 2 economists? I don’t c QE tapering in 2013 $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Fed Criticized on Oversight of Bank-Owned Commodity Units Fed has never used its role as lead bank regulator well $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Biggest Banks Face Fed Restoring Barriers in Commodities Asset allocations to commodities drove financialization $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Gonzalo Lira: The Democrats Finally Embrace Money Printing Democrats realize the larger QE is, they can spend more $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Right now, Larry Summers is the front-runner for Fed chair Reverse psychology 2 scare us 2 beg Obama pick Yellen $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Why Fed Has Failed to Lower US Unemployment Main reason:monetary policy can’t solve unemployment, regulatory issue $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Janet Yellen for Fed Chair @calculatedrisk makes a good case 4 Yellen; I would prefer someone more skeptical $$ Jul 20, 2013


Daily Journal


  • If $DJCO is managing >$100 million in stocks, then y aren’t they filing a 13F-HR w/the SEC as other managers do? $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Munger Triples Publisher?s Value With Panic-Era Stock Bet Cagey Munger times the bottom w/quality companies $$ $DJCO Jul 24, 2013




  • Easing of Mortgage Curb Weighed The Apostles of ez debt underwriting preach their gospel 2 regulators in DC $$ #FTL Jul 24, 2013
  • Americans Gambling on Rates With Most ARMs Since 2008 Proving again that u “Can’t teach a Sneech.” $$ #FTL Jul 24, 2013
  • Athene’s James Belardi, a Controversial Player, Gets Into the Annuities Game Regulate him 2 the strictest degree $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Nontraded REIT Pulls In Bundles Of Cash Avoid any illiquid investment where the promoter knows far more than u $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Housing Recovery Increasingly Prices Out First-Time Buyers A good thing; ppl need 2 save&make bigger downpayments $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Commodities and banks, a recap @izakaminska gives a primer on the financialization of commodities $$ Good read $STUDY Jul 23, 2013
  • Resigned to reform, Wall Street tries a different tack in DC Look at the insurance industry, it’s better regulated $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Gorilla Flipping Homes as Rebound Revives Rapid Trades Interesting niche: w/scale buys worst homes, rehabs/flips $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Mortgage applications fall as refinancings dry up, big opportunities for REITs REITs can issue private mortgages $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Prudential Hits Back on Risk Status $PRU right & FSOC wrong, problem isn’t size, asset quality, but liab liquidity $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • In other words, unless a life insurer is writing biz that is immediately or contingently terminable, they don’t go bad in a crisis $$ $PRU Jul 22, 2013


Politics & Policy


  • Letters About 401(k) Plan Costs Stir Tempest problem is that is hard 2 service small account & give them advice $$ Jul 25, 2013
  • Uncertainty and the Slow Labor Market Recovery SF Fed estimates that policy uncertainty has held back employment $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Feeling the heat on climate change Climate is like markets; unpredictable, constantly varying, makes fools of us $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Parents Shell Out Less Money for Their Kids’ College Fewer will attend college, instead they will enter trades $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Reining in the audit industry’s reality distortion field Acctg stds 2 flexible & auditors 2 chummy w/cos need chg $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Tax break that corporate America wants kept secret Not secret, corporations have negotiated taxes w/IRS 4a while $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Warren?s Mistake About Wall Street Risk-Taking Crisis came b/c too many financed illiquid assets short-term $$ Jul 22, 2013


Market Impact


  • It’s Possible to Graduate Debt-Free. Here’s How: Scholarships, online courses, use your skills 2make $$ & summer job Jul 24, 2013
  • Three Big Money Mistakes You Could Be Making Right Now Simplified: B careful what you spend; ez 2 waste $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Gold futures hiccup indicates demand outpacing supply Too much paper gold chasing too little gold; take delivery $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Investors, Analysts See End of Commodity ‘Supercycle’ Probably true intermediate-term, but not long-term $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Investors Struggle With Cash Conundrum Cash is unique & useful, preserves value when inflation or real rates rise $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • SEC?s White Takes on Two Billionaires in One Day to Make Mark I like the current aggressive posture of the SEC $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Junk Bonds Jump as Bonds Boom Yield lust resumes as bonds begin to rally more generally amid new issuance $$ Jul 21, 2013




  • Advances That Regrow Babies’ Hearts “Our theory is that a newborn heart has amazing growth potential…” $$ #Cool Jul 23, 2013
  • Does it matter if students can?t write? Yes! Ability 2 write is a proxy for ability 2 analyze qualitative data $$ Jul 24, 2013
  • Wrong: How an Introvert Can Be Happier: Act Like an Extrovert B what u like 2b & you will b happy; don’t force chg $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • Duchess Casts Midwife Tradition Aside for Royal Birth 4 normal births midwives r the best, they give better care $$ Jul 23, 2013
  • SIM Cards Have Finally Been Hacked, And The Flaw Could Affect Millions Of Phones Watch yr cell phone bill 4 chgs $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Forget campfires, more kids heading to entrepreneur camp Interesting idea, maybe I’ll send one of my kids $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • Burger Binges at Red Robin Fuel Hospitality Hiring Spree Optimistic sign 4 job growth on the low end of wages $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • What happens to entrepreneurs after their one-hit wonder falls from favor? 4 examples: what happens after hot->not $$ Jul 22, 2013
  • A Buffett Fortune Fades in Brooklyn An unscrupulous charity invades the principal of an endowment & fails badly $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Rise of the Warrior Cop Cops become more like soldiers, trampling on rights of Americans 2 life, liberty & virtue $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Fifteen Years After Autism Panic, a Plague of Measles Erupts The measles return after 15+ years of low vaccination $$ Jul 21, 2013
  • Germiest Places – 8 Ways to Protect Yourself in Restaurants U may never again feel the same about ketchup bottles $$ Jul 21, 2013


Comments, Replies, & Retweets


  • Planning would be better Jul 25, 2013
  • @JLGull1 It applies to Berkshire Hathaway, Perry Corp, Markel, and many other holding companies Jul 25, 2013
  • @kaylatausche Honored to have you following me. Keep up the good work at CNBC; you do it well. Jul 24, 2013
  • @chadstarliper What I saw was fwd rates 5 years out move up pretty hard, and not move back, much Jul 24, 2013
  • @chadstarliper I agree w/ that, though in the short run, most don’t look at the fwd cv. But didn’t the fwd cv move when BB said “taper?” Jul 24, 2013
  • @chadstarliper But it does affect the yield the debt is offered at vs the open market Jul 24, 2013
  • @srochetrading thanks Jul 24, 2013
  • @chadstarliper QE is buying ~50% of US debt issuance, Democrats would like that to continue. Jul 24, 2013
  • @srochetrading I don’t know GL that well, would @ProfSteveKeen talk 2 me if I asked him? Jul 24, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “Warren Buffett sidekick Munger creates a mini-Berkshire at Daily Journal” Jul 24, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “Warren Buffett’s long-term stock picks – MarketWatch” Jul 24, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “Stagflation: The Fed?s worst nightmare – Irwin Kellner – MarketWatch” Jul 23, 2013
  • @Bonjubs Yes, being a Christian, a Libertarian, a loving father & husband, adopting 5 children & having 3, are all crimes against humanity Jul 22, 2013
  • @Bonjubs Rebellion is almost always a mistake. It has not helped most of the Arab Spring. Most long-lasting change comes via peaceful means Jul 22, 2013
  • RT @StevStiffler: ????? s??? p??? o? ?uo?d ?no? u?n? o? ???? ?up?p no? ?? ??????? Jul 21, 2013


The Stock Price Matters, Regardless

The Stock Price Matters, Regardless

I was reading an article at yesterday, If Only Everybody Was Paid More.? Okay article, mostly even-handed, then I looked at the comments section, and a writer was kvetching about companies didn?t care about their stock price because management had more than enough money to do what they wanted.? The stock price did not matter, because secondary trading puts no money into the hands of the company.

I started to write a comment, ?You don’t understand the stock market?? but after ten minutes, I realized that I had a blog post, and so I copied it to a file, and am completing it now for my readers, who are far larger, and more intelligent than the comment stream at

The price generated by secondary trading does the following to help a company:

If the price is low relative to net assets or potential earnings, it will attract new shareholders that will angle for change.? Those investors will aim for control, or for certain value-enhancing actions like a special dividend, a spin-off, etc.

If management/board thinks the price of the stock is undervalued, they will be among those buying shares in the secondary market, improving the value of the shares for the remaining shareholders.

If management/board thinks the price of the stock is overvalued, they may look at other companies to buy that are reasonably priced or cheap that will make their firm more useful.? At that point, their stock is a useful currency for acquisitions.

The stock price also serves as a guide to dividends, as it goes higher, often the dividend will go higher.? As the stock price goes lower, the dividend will stay the same, until it is unsustainable.? When it is unsustainable, the dividend will drop precipitously or be eliminated.? When that happens, the stock price will drop more, but the company?s bonds will rally.

A company with a high valuation and excess cash may pay a special dividend to enhance the value, as Microsoft did in the last decade.

Companies with a high valuation may decide to do a secondary offering if they run across an idea that they want to try internally that will require a great degree of investment.

Corporate bond and loan pricing is affected by the stock price.? Typically companies with high valuations get lower rates than those with low valuations.

Note that if stock valuations get too low, investors start to distrust the preferred stock, corporate bonds, and bank debt, in that order.

Also consider the stock options, profit-sharing plans, and any 401(k) match that happens in the corporation.?? They have a significant effect in motivating employees to do better.? As the price rises, so does morale.? Vice-versa when the price falls.

To summarize: the price that a stock trades at is very important to a corporation, even if it is not receiving any money directly as a result.? In general, the higher the stock price in the secondary markets, the greater the number of financial options that management has, and vice-versa.

Corporate Effects

The stock price matters to defined benefit pension plans, endowments, etc., because it affects solvency and ability to spend.? It affects fund managers, because a high market capitalization makes it more painful for them not to own your stock, if they benchmark against an index that the company in question in it.

And, if you get big enough, index inclusion means you get a dedicated bunch of shareholders that aren?t leaving anytime soon.? The rewards get bigger until you get into the Holy Grail, the S&P 500.


So, yes, it does matter what the stock price is to a corporation, even if the company does not receive any money as a result of the trading.

The Rules, Part XLVII

The Rules, Part XLVII

Crashes are the result of a shift from a positive self-reinforcing cycle to a negative self-reinforcing cycle.

Cycles in business and investment tend to be self-reinforcing.? That is true because most men don’t think, they imitate.? Economics needs to revise its view of man as rational, because it hurts to think differently.? It is much easier to go with the flow of your relatively successful neighbors, and imitate them.? Thinking for yourself is needless effort to many.? Why bother with that when doing well is a simple thing?

The trouble is, early imitators are few, because the signal is not so big.? Late imitators are many; the signal is big, and wrong.? The dumb money arrives at the end of a boom.? At that time, asset prices are so high that the asset must make gains over the next ten years in order to cover the capital cost of the investment.? At peaks, it would pay better to hold fixed income, and not play in the hot asset.

At the peak, it only takes a few sellers to overcome the market, because all of the dumb money is exhausted.? They are fully invested.? Valuation-sensitive buyers are wary.? This is one reason why markets rise slower than they fall.? Credit expands to aid the boom, but when the bust comes, new credit is cut off rapidly.? Thus we have crashes, and the economy never moves as quickly as the market, but the economy moves with more persistence.

I want to attack this from a different angle.? In 1929, before the crash, there was an article by J. J. Raskob in Ladies Home Journal entitled, “Everybody Ought to Be Rich.”? Think about that title.? Stocks flew as a result of the easy money policy of the Fed in the ’20s.? Some had invested in the market and made a fortune up to 1929.? Was that sustainable? No.? Did many keep it? No, very few.

But now suppose that everyone had invested in the market in mid-1929, off of Mr. Raskob’s advice.? Stocks would have soared further, and crashed worse.? Why?? The pricing of stocks is not arbitrary — a high price must be justified by high earnings relative to where an investment grade bonds yield.? As it was, the highly indebted economy of 1929 was ripe for a fall, with earnings and bond yields falling dramatically.? At least the Great Depression solved their debt problem — the Great Recession isn’t doing it for us.

But can everyone be rich?? Gotta break it to you, the answer is no.? Part of it is relative — there will always be some differences wealth/income because of a number of factors: some work harder, some work faster, some invest better, some get a better starting position, etc.

But part of it is absolute.? Some jobs don’t make sense unless you have less-skilled workers to accept lower wages for picking fruit, daycare, delivering pizza, etc.? In a society where almost all people marry and have more than two kids naturally on average, that means many of those low level jobs will fall to the young.? In societies where the birth rate is low, a lot of those jobs go to immigrants from poorer nations.? Now if you accept the idea that there is a spread of abilities in people, you know that there are less-skilled people by the time they arrive at age 25.? Some of it is natural.? Some of it is laziness.? Some of it is bad planning.? Many of those that are less skilled will occupy the low-end jobs, and in a society with reasonable population growth, there won’t be much room for immigration.

Everyone ought to be rich?? Because they invest?? If everyone were a value investor of high degree, and we parted with our excess income regularly to invest, where would the opportunities be?? In a situation like that, brighter and more motivated people would try to start businesses where they levered their own abilities without trying to play on the secondary markets, assuming they could find people to work with them.

The idea that “everyone ought to be rich” is hooey.? There are rare times when an asset class gets on a roll and seems invincible:

  • Stocks in the 20s, 50s-60s, 80s-90s
  • Bonds in the 80s-00s
  • Commodities in the 70s, 00s
  • Cash in the 70s
  • Real estate in the 20s, 70s-80s, first half of 00s

But to profit in those eras, you would have to know the right place to be, have proper discretion make wise investments, AND have enough funds socked away in order to make the wise investments.? By the time someone writes a book/article “Everyone ought to be rich,” or “How you can be rich by flipping real estate,” etc., it is too late.? And please ignore the scam ads where penny stocks create millionaires — that applies to those few selling the penny stocks, not those buying.

Few people have achieved great wealth through investing.? The ordinary sorts are those who manage other people’s money in public markets, and a lot of it, and do a middling-to-good job, so that clients don’t leave.? Other do it through private equity, but there again, they are levering other people’s money.? Then there are those that use mostly their own money, like Buffett, Munger, etc., and find undervalued situations relative to prospects regularly.? Those are precious few.

Society has people that make money off of:

  • Work
  • Lending
  • Managing physical assets
  • Managing businesses
  • Managing financial assets

That last category gets too much attention.? Most people have better advantage upgrading their skills, or owning private businesses that they understand well.? That may not make them rich, but it might make them well-off.


There are booms and busts, and each period has self-reinforcing behavior.? It is difficult to time booms and busts.? Some get the booms; some get the busts; very few get both.? It is tough to make money off of the boom-bust cycle and keep it.? It is really tough to make your living entirely through investing, unless you inherit it.? Work to enhance your skills to your best advantage wherever you work.

But no, everyone can’t be rich, and we have to accept that reality, and reflect that in government policy.? Encourage free and fair competition; eschew crony capitalism.? Don’t give anyone, rich or poor, an unfair advantage.

Finally, recognize what the neoclassical economists won’t admit — you can’t get rid of the boom/bust cycle.? It is a fact of life, and all of the tinkering with policy will never eliminate it — it will only intensify it.

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