Category: Value Investing

Book Review: Margin of Safety

Book Review: Margin of Safety

This book review is different.? I liked this book a lot, but I don’t want you to buy it.? Why?? I’m a value investor, that’s why.? More on that in a moment.

What commends this book to our attention?? It is a well-written book on value investing by one of its leading practicioners, Seth Klarman.? I love reading books on value investing written by the experts who have done it so well.? It is useful to get their differential insights.? It sharpens you.

What I found in Margin of Safety was a very good basic book on value investing.? It contains the usual warnings against speculation, which most retail investors do, and how Wall Street frequently overcharges and misleads retail investors.? Even institutional investors get cheated by focusing on relative performance, rather than absolute performance, according to Mr. Klarman.? As an absolute value investor, he wants to make money all the time, not just beat the market.? (A word here, if stocks beat safe bond investments on average, then there may be some validity to relative value investing.)

The book was written in 1991, after the junk bond market collapse, and contains a decent amount of criticism of the era.? Buying high yields is not enough, those yields be realizable from companies that can produce cash flows to support the price of the bonds.

The book also reflects the author’s early career in the investment shop founded by Max Heine, and run by Michael Price, until it was sold to Franklin Resources.? The Mutual Series Funds did ordinary value investing, but they also bought special situations, did deal arbitrage, bought distressed debt, and more.

The eponymous and key idea of the book is Ben Graham’s concept of a margin of safety.? Invest in assets where your likelihood and severity of loss is low, given your purchase price.? Don’t take risks unless you are handsomely paid to take them.? If you buy enough of them cheap enough, you will do well in the long run.

All in all, a very good book on value investing.? Why not buy it?? Too expensive.? The book is good, but very basic.? You can do better for free with:

So how much would it cost to buy a copy?? $900-$2000.? You can see the results at Ebay and Amazon.? Put on your cost-sensitive sunglasses before viewing.

It’s a very good book, but relative to what is available for free or at nominal (<$30) cost, it doesn’t make sense to buy it, aside from bragging rights.

So, how did I end up with a copy?? I don’t have a copy.? I borrowed it via Interlibrary loan and quickly read it, sending it back to the nice library in Florida that lent it to my library.? I recommend that you do that as well, if you want to read the book.? If you are game, I also ask that you write Seth Klarman at:

10 St. James Avenue – Suite 1700
Boston, MA 02116


Write a nice letter, asking him to do a second edition of the paperback version for a new generation of young value investors.? At least a reprint…

For those just wanting to know what he holds for clients, the 13F is available here.

PS — No link to buy it here, but remember, I do book reviews of all sorts of books, not just new ones.? Often the old stuff is better, like today’s book.? If you enter Amazon through any link on my site and buy anything there, I get a small commission.? It is my version of the tip jar, and the best thing is, it comes out of Amazon’s pocket, and not that of my readers.

Liquidity Management is the First Priority of Risk Management

Liquidity Management is the First Priority of Risk Management

This leson goes way back with me, to my graduate student days, where I was assisting the teaching of Corporate Financial Management.? At UC-Davis, this was the class that attracted the bright and motivated students.? I happened to get it as my first assistant role at UCD, not realizing it was a plum role.

One of the things we taught was that most firms suffer financial distress from a failure to manage cash flow properly.? That is a salient lesson in the current environment.? I learned it again as a young life actuary, because life insurance companies can die from credit risk, run-on-the-company risk, or both.? Consider Mutual Benefit, which wrote fixed-rate GICs [Guaranteed Investment Contracts] putable on a ratings downgrade, or General American and ARM Financial, which wrote floating-rate GICs putable on a ratings downgrade.? The downgrades hit.? They were toast.

Illiquid assets must be funded by equity or long-term noncallable debt, where the term is as long as the asset’s horizon.? (Near asset price tops, longer, near bottoms, long enough for comfort.)? This is the first step in orthodox risk management: assuring that you can hold onto your assets under all conditions.

But in this current crisis, this rule has been violated many times:

  1. Taking on mortgages where the payments can reset upward.
  2. Hedge fund investors thinking that their funds were liquid.
  3. Venture capital investors presuming that they would easily have the money to fund future commitments.
  4. Banks financing illiquid assets with liquid deposits.
  5. Pension plans and endowments going overboard to buy alternative assets.? (More on pensions: one, two, three)
  6. General Growth, and other REITs choking on maturing short-term debt.
  7. US states, especially California, presume on continuing good times, and overspending what would be sustainable in the intermediate-term.
  8. Investment banks and mortgage REITs that relied on short-term repo funding.? Bye-bye, Bear and Lehman.? Mear miss to Merrill, protected by Bank of America.? Many mortgage REITs dead, or nearly so.
  9. Derivative counterparties like AIG do not factor in the need for more collateral during times of credit stress.
  10. ABCP and SIVs presume that easy lending terms will always be available.

This is the advantage of the actuarial model of risk over the financial model of risk.? I have previously called it table stability versus bicycle stability.? A table always stands, whereas a bicycle has to keep moving to stay upright.? What happens if markets stop trading in any reasonable fashion?? WIll you be broke?? I submit that that is not an acceptable risk to take, because markets do fail for moderate amounts of time.

Better to manage such that you can buy-and-hold for moderate lengths of time, with enough financial slack to tide over rough patches in the market.? Analyze your cash flows over pessimistic scenarios, and ask whether you can carry your positions with sufficient certainty.? Sell down your positions to levels where you are comfortable.

When I was the risk manager for two life insurance companies, one of the first things that I did was analyze the illiquidity of my assets and liabilities, making sure I had liquidity adequate to fund illiquid assets.? The second was analyzing cash flow needs and making sure there was always more cash available than cash needed, under all reasonable scenarios.

This is risk management at its most basic level.? Many on Wall Street looked at short-term asset/liability correlations, and missed whether they could adequately finance their businesses under stressed conditions.

With that, I ask you:

  • Do you have an adequate liquidity buffer against negative events?
  • Are you only risking money that you can afford to lose in entire?
  • Are the companies that you own subject to financing risks?

Asset allocation is paramount in investing.? Bonds and cash get sneered at, but they play an important role in risk reduction for both individuals and institutions.? As my boss at Provident Mutual taught me, “Never risk the franchise.”? That motto guided me, and I avoided crises that other companies suffered.

Will it be the same for you and your assets?? Analyze your survivability in personal finance, and that of your assets, and make adjustments where needed.

Industry Ranks for January

Industry Ranks for January

I’m gearing up for the next change in my portfolio, but unlike prior reshapings, I am putting out my industry ranks first.? As I have mentioned before, the rankings can be used in value mode (green) or momentum mode (red).? That reflects two different philosophies on investment turnover and time horizons.

I am still negative on the banks, and think the present relative strength will reverse.? The same for housing-related industries… there is more weakness to come.

For those playing momentum, with a few exceptions, the industries in the red zone are industries with stable cash flows.? That is another sign of risk aversion in the present environment.

I will be putting out my replacement candidates later this week; at present, I’m not sure what way my portfolio will move.? These are unusual times, and I am focused on survivability, and after that, cheapness.? Safe and cheap, with the accent on safe.

Book Review: Dear Mr. Buffett

Book Review: Dear Mr. Buffett

This is not your ordinary Buffett book.? In one sense, that is because it is not a Buffett book.? When I read other early reviews on the web, I concluded that they hadn’t read the book.? I read almost all of the books that I review at my blog.? If I have not read the book, but have skimmed it, I tell you so in the first few paragraphs.? I also purposely avoid reading the stuff that the PR flacks include with the books.? I find it fascinating how many reviewers rely on the crutches provided.

Why is this not an ordinary Buffett book?? Because it concerns how an expert on derivatives came to know Mr. Buffett, and how the current crises were seen in advance by both of them.? This book’s greatest strength comes from its ability to explain the messes we are currently in.? No solutions, mind you, and Mr. Buffett ain’t handing out any of those either, but understanding how we got to where we are is of value, and Janet Tavakoli is nothing if not a good writer on those points.

There is a second theme — how a derivatives expert came to appreciate value investing.? After all, when short term investing is focused on a variety of arbitrage situations, why not think long, and look for long term capital appreciation?

In the book, much of the current crisis gets examined up through September 2008.? Unlike many, she was right in advance on many of the topics that would eventually bite us:

  • CDOs
  • Subprime mortgages
  • Hedge fund underperformance
  • Failing Financial Guarantors
  • And more…

She also disses the overrated Nassim Taleb, saying that the current events are not a “black swan,” but predictable, given the overage of leverage.? I agree, having written about these thing before the bust hit, while still admiring Taleb’s focus on nonlinearity and feedback cycles.

Janet Tavakoli and Warren Buffett share a similar philosophy on derivatives.? That is what motivates this book.

  • How can they be a systemic hazard?
  • How might one use them properly?

I heartily recommend this book.? One reading this will understand our current crisis very well, and will gain in his understanding of how our markets work.? That said, the virtues of the book do not come from Mr. Buffett, but from one who intelligently admires his views on derivatives and other matters.

You can buy the book here: Dear Mr. Buffett: What An Investor Learns 1,269 Miles From Wall Street

PS — I write book reviews, and I hope you like them, because unlike other reviewers, I read the books.? I use Amazon because their service is good, and they offer a fair commision to those influencing those that buy through them.? My view is that if you need to buy something through Amazon, entering the site through one of my links will not increase your costs, and I will get a small commission.? Thanks to all who buy on Amazon through me.

Happy New Year to my Readers

Happy New Year to my Readers

At the beginning of each calendar year, I sit down and see how my expenses have tracked over the past year.? I make a table and a pie chart to show my wife.? She is always amazed at how much goes to taxes, though the new amazement is what it takes to put children through college.? We spend some time discussing plans for the next year.? Since my wife is not money-oriented (not a big spender, and focused on teaching the children) this gives her a quick way to get reoriented in our financial situation.

After that, I look at investment income.? 2008 was an unusual year for me in this way: it was the first year in my working life that my net worth fell.? Though painful, at age 48, I’m grateful that I have had a good past.

I then look at how individual stocks in the portfolio did.? Here’s a chart for 2008:

The chart is in order from the biggest gain to the biggest loss.? XIRR is the internal rate of return on funds during 2008, and days was the number of days I held a position during 2008.? Needless to say, this was my worst year ever, but I still did better than the S&P 500 by a middling single digit percentage.

That is important to me, because in 2009 I hope to gain my first external client. I have been banging my head against the wall, because I have a small bunch of investors that want to sign on, but they all don’t want to be my first client.? They want to see an institutional investor invest in my fund, then they will invest with me.? Frustrating.

Since strategy inception in 2000, I have beaten the S&P every year except 2007, where I missed by less than a percent.? And, given the performance of many well known value managers in 2008, beating the S&P ain’t bad.

Going back to the table above, I got whacked on names with bad balance sheets, life insurers, and names with too much cyclicality.? I did well on a number of names that I bought cheaply, and particularly on my October reshaping, where I focused on survivability.

I still think survivability is the watchword here.? I’ll be putting out my candidates list for the next reshaping soon, as well as my main industry model, but in an environment like this, raw cheapness doesn’t matter; a company must survive to realize the discount on its valuation.? Remember, the main rule of value investing is not “buy them cheap,” is not “lowest average cost wins,” but is “margin of safety.”

One more note: the present portfolio “long only” portfolio is 22% cash.? That is the highest level in eight years.? I have raised cash into the recent rally through my normal rebalancing discipline.? I will deploy cash as I get opportunity into strong names with strong balance sheets.

Asset Allocation

I also look at our asset allocation.? Excluding our house (no mortgage), it looks like this:

  • 30% Cash and TIPS
  • 20% International Stocks
  • 18% Large Cap US Stocks
  • 17% Small Cap US Stocks
  • 15% Private Equity

I have no debts, but I have eight liabilities, two of which are going to college, and six of which might do so.? That is my main financial challenge for the next fifteen years (the little one is almost seven, and what a cutie.)

Even though I am bearish, I am comfortable with the amount of risk that I am taking, partly because I may derive a business from it through my ability to pick stocks that do relatively well.? The private equity is illiquid, but in this environment even it is doing well — having clever businessmen as friends is a help.

Recent Changes

Here’s a list of my moves since the last time I wrote:

Outright Sale — Gruma SA

Swap — Bought Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund, sold SPDR Russell Nomura Small Cap Japan? (The CEF was trading at an extreme discount)

Rebalancing Sales

  • Assurant (3)
  • RGA
  • Valero Energy
  • CRH
  • Magna Automotive
  • Safety Insurance
  • Charlotte Russe
  • Shoe Carnival
  • Devon Energy
  • Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund

Rebalancing Buys

  • Assurant (2)
  • Charlotte Russe (2)
  • Magna Automotive
  • Shoe Carnival
  • Nam Tai Electronics

I also participated in the RGA exchange, where I traded my A shares for B shares when the discount was wide, and received RGA shares one-for-one when the exchange was complete.

Blog News

I have several book reviews coming, including one on Technical Analysis, and one on how wealthy people got that way.? I also have a panoply of other article ideas:

  • How the lure of free money corrupts politicians
  • Setting up mutual banks
  • The risk of no significant change (not yes we can, but, why do we need to change?)
  • Hidden correlations
  • The mercantilists lost
  • Analyzing TIPS
  • Momentum strategies
  • Buybacks
  • Confidence means keeping assets inflated
  • How securitization could aid resolution of our current crisis

It is a lot of fun writing this weblog.? I enjoy it a lot.? As I close this note, I would like to thank:

  • Those that read the blog
  • Those that comment here, and send me email (all of which I read, but I can’t answer all of it)
  • Seeking Alpha
  • Others that republish me
  • Those that buy products at Amazon through my site
  • Those that buy blogads at my site
  • Other bloggers that give me good ideas
  • And the firm that employs me, Finacorp, but bears no liability for my mutterings here.

2009 may prove to be a better year than 2008.? If that is not true, we will be rivaling the Great Depression.? That said, there are opportunities even in bad economic environments, and lts see if we can’t make the best of what we do get.? Here is to making the most of our opportunities in 2009.? May the LORD bless us all in our endeavors.

Full disclosure: long COP SBS DIIB.PK MGA IBA XEC VLO TNP JSC NTE VSH SAFT CHIC SCVL HIG RGA HMC ESV KPPC DVN ALL PRE CRH PEP GPC LNT NUE AIZ (yes, that is the complete current portfolio)

Three Long Articles on Three Big Failures

Three Long Articles on Three Big Failures

If you have time, there are two long articles that are worth a read.? The first is from the Washington Post, and deals with the demise of AIG, highlighting the role of AIG Financial Products.? It was written in three parts — one, two, and three, corresponding to three phases:

  • Growth of a clever enterprise, AIGFP.
  • Expansion into default swaps.
  • Death of AIG as it gets downgraded and has to post collateral, leading to insolvency.

What fascinated me the most was the willingness of managers at AIGFP to think that writing default protection was “free money.”? There is no free money, but the lure of “free money” brings out the worst in mankind.? This is not just true of businessmen, but of politicians, as I will point out later.

My own take on the topic involved my dealings with some guys at AIGFP while I was at AIG.? Boy, were they arrogant!? It’s one thing to look down on competitors; it’s another thing to look down on another division of your own company that is not competing with you, though doing something similar.

As I sold GICs for Provident Mutual, when I went to conferences, AIGFP people were far more numerous than AIG people selling GICs.? The AIG GIC sellers may have been competitors of mine, but they were honest, and I cooperated with them on industry projects.? Again, the AIGFP people were arrogant — but what was I to say?? They were more successful, seemingly.

The last era, as AIG got downgraded, was while I wrote for RealMoney.? After AIG was added to the Dow, I was consistently negative on the stock.? I had several worries:

  • Was AIGFP properly hedged?
  • Were reserves for the long-tail commercial lines conservative?
  • Why had leverage quadrupled over the last 15 years?? ROA had fallen as ROE stayed the same.? The AIG religion of 15% after-tax ROE had been maintained, but at a cost of increasing leverage.
  • Was AIG such a bespoke behemoth that even Greenberg could not manage it?
  • My own experiences inside AIG, upon more mature reflection, made me wonder whether there might not be significant accounting chicanery.? (I was privy to a number of significant reserving errors 1989-1992).

In general, opaqueness, and high debt (even if it’s rated AAA), is usually a recipe for disaster.? AIG fit that mold well.

Now AIG recently sold one of their core P&C subsidiaries for what looks like a bargain price.? This is only an opinion, but I think AIG stock is an eventual zero.? Granted, all insurance valuations are crunched now, but even with that, if selling the relatively transparent operations such as Hartford Steam Boiler brings so little, then unless the whole sector turns, AIG has no chance.? Along the same lines, I don’t expect the “rescue” to be over soon, and I expect the US govenment to take a significant loss on this one.

The second article is from Bethany McLean of Vanity Fair.? I remember reading her writings during the accounting scandals at Fannie Mae.? She was sharp then, and sharp now.? There were a loose group of analysts that went under the moniker “Fannie Fraud Patrol.”:? I still have a t-shirt from that endeavor, from my writings at RealMoney, and my proving that the fair value balance sheets of Fannie were unlikely to be right back in 2002.

Again, there is a growing bubble, as with AIG.? The need to grow income leads Fannie and Freddie to buy in mortgages that they have guaranteed, to earn spread income.? It also leads them to buy the loans made by their competitors.? It leads them to lever up even more.? It leads them to dilute underwriting standards.? Franklin Raines’ goals lead to accounting fraud as his earning targets can’t be reached fairly.

One lack in the article is that the guarantees that Fannie had written would render Fannie insolvent at the time the Treasury took them over.? On a cash flow basis, that might not happen for a long time, but it would happen.? Defaults would be well above what was their worst case scenario, and too much for their thin capital base.

The last article is another three part series from the Washington Post that is about the failure of our financial markets.? (Here are the parts — one, two, three.)? What are the main points of the article?

  • Bailing out LTCM gave regulators a false sense of confidence.? They relished the micro-level success, but did not consider the macro implications of how speculation would affect the investment banks.
  • Because of turf and philosophy conflicts, derivatives were left unregulated.? (My view is that anything the goverment guarantees must be regulated.? Other financial institutions can be unregulated, but they can have no ties to the government, or regulated financial entities.
  • The banking regulators failed to fulfill their proper roles regarding loan underwriting, consumer protection and bank leverage.? The Office of Thrift Supervision was particularly egregious in not doing their duty, and also the the SEC who loosened investment bank capital requirements in 2004.
  • Proper risk-based capital became impossible to enforce for Investment banks, because regulators could not understand what was going on; perhaps that is one reason why they gave up.
  • The regulators, relying on the rating agencies, could not account for credit risk in any proper manner, because the products were too new.? Corporate bonds are one thing — ABS is another, and we don’t know the risk properties of any asset class that has not been through a failure cycle.? Regulators should problably not let regulated entities use any financial instrument that has not been through systemic failure to any high degree.
  • Standards fell everywhere as the party went on, and the bad debts built up.? It was a “Devil take the hindmost” situation.? But as the music played, and party went on, more chairs would be removed, leaving a scramble when the music stopped.? Cash, cash, who’s got cash?!
  • In the aftermath, regulation will rise.? Some will be smart, some will be irrelevant, some will be dumb.? But it will rise, simply because the American people demand action from their legislators, who will push oin the Executive and regulators.

A few final notes:

  • Accounting rules and regulatory rules were in my opinion flawed, because they allowed for gain on sale in securitizations, rather than off of release from risk, which means much more capital would need to be held, and profits deferred till deals near their completion.
  • This could never happened as badly without the misapplication of monetary policy.? Greenspan enver let the recessions do their work and clear away bad debts.
  • Also, the neomercantilistic nations facilitated the US taking on all this debt as they overbuilt their export industries, and bought our debt in exchange.
  • The investment banks relied too heavily on risk models that assumed continuous markets.? Oddly, their poorer cousin, the life insurers don’t rely on that to the same degree (Leaving aside various option-like products… and no, the regulators don’t know what is going on there in my opinion.)
  • The insurance parts of AIG are seemingly fine; what did the company in was their unregulated entities, and an overleveraged holding company, aided by a management that pushed for returns and accounting results that could not be safely achieved.
  • The GSEs were a part of the crisis, but they weren’t the core of the crisis — conservative ideologues pushing that theory aren’t right.? But the liberals (including Bush Jr) pushing the view that there was no need for reform were wrong too.? We did not need to push housing so hard on people that were ill-equipped to survive a small- much less a moderate-to-large downturn.
  • With the GSEs, it is difficult to please too many masters: Congress, regulators, stockholders, the executive — all of which had different agendas, and all of which enoyed the ease that a boom in real estate prices provided.? Now that the leverage is coming down, the fights are there, but with new venom — arguing over scarcity is usually less pleasant than arguing over plenty.
  • As in my blame game series — there is a lot of blame to go around here, and personally, it would be good if there were a little bit more humility and willingness to say “Yes, I have a bit of blame here too.”? And here is part of my blame-taking: I should have warned louder, and made it clearer to people reading me that my stock investing is required because of the business that I was building.? I played at the edge of the crisis in my investing, and anyone investing alongside me got whacked with me.? For that, I apologize.? It is what I hate most about investment writing — people losing because they listened to me.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Portfolio Management

Nonlinear Dynamics in Portfolio Management

There have been a lot of articles recently about the poor performance of hedge fund of funds, and hedge funds generally.? I’ve written before on this topic, so if you have a subscription to RealMoney, and want to peruse my earlier pieces on market structure, here they are (with their odd titles, I wanted something more consistent):

Many investment managers seem to not think globally about their businesses.? It becomes: “Follow my process.? Buy and sell securities that my process reveals.? Succeed.? Rake in more money to invest, if my marketing guy is competent.”

Market environments like this reveal the weaknesses inherent in balance sheets of all sorts.? Every investment enterprise, every company, and even you have a balance sheet.? During times of stress, those balance sheets get tested.? Many of them are found wanting, if one can read the writing on the wall. 😉

An investment manager thinking globally, using logic from a source like Co-opetition, or Michael Porter’s Five Forces considers not only his actions, and the actions of securities that he has bought or sold short, but considers in broad the actions of other managers, and companies that he does not own.? He also considers the affairs of his investors, and the stresses they are under.? What if they are under stress, and need to redeem funds at an inopportune time?? What if they pour in money in a frenzy during good times?

It is important, then, to think about how a manager should structure the cash flows of his fund.? How liquid/fungible are the assets?? As with a money market or stable value fund, how much can the book value (what investors can withdraw) differ from the market value (best estimate of what the securities are worth)?

With some open-end real estate funds, they limit redemptions to the amount of cash that can be realized at each withdrawal date, and investors stand in line for the portion of their money that they will receive.? Or, consider hedge funds with illiquid positions.? Many funds, including the famed Citadel, are restricting withdrawals in order to avoid fire sales (or forced buy-ins) of assets.

But there is more to the Co-opetition framework here.? Shouldn’t managers try to estimate if there are too many other managers following their strategies?? With all of the adulation over managing the endowments at Harvard and Yale, isn’t it possible that too many endowment managers got Swensen-envy, and decided to allocate to “alternative assets” at the worst possible time?? That ‘s a reason to be cautious on illiquid alternative asset classes.? You can’t undo the decision without significant costs.? Also, there is greater freedom to mess up, as happened with Calpers on real estate.

Another way to think about it, is that when too many managers pursue the same strategy, in absolute terms, it does not matter if you are the best manager of the strategy.? If too much money is being thrown at the strategy, it will underperform, and the best manager will be carried down with the worst.? The relative performance will be better, but there will still be a likely loss of assets in the “bust phase” of that market.

But in the present environment, we have had the challenge of many managers seeking returns off of every market anomaly that we collectively can imagine.? When a market anomaly gets saturated with enough assets, returns become market-like.? Risk becomes market-like as well, because the investors are subject to needs/fears for cash flow.? In the recent past most anomalies have been saturated.

That is one great reason why so many seemingly unrelated asset classes have become so correlated.? The investor base as a whole diversified, and all of the asset classes are subject to their greed and fear.

Now, there will always be new entrants with novel and profitable theories, but their success will attract imitators, and their returns will decline.? Aleph will give way to Beth, oops, Alpha will decline, and the new methods will correlate with the market as a whole (Beta).

As for hedge fund-of-funds, they suffer from the conceit I described yesterday.? They look at past uncorrelatedness, and presume that past is prologue.? Thus someone with a positive alpha, and uncorrelated returns can get a big allocation, like Mr. Madoff.

As investors, we need to think about the markets as a whole.? We can’t afford the luxury of ignoring the broader picture, as some stock pickers might.? Instead, we need to consider the macro and the micro factors, and when we can find them with any accuracy, the technical factors.

This is not easy to do, and I often fail.? But I would rather be approximately right than precisely wrong.? May it be so for you as well.

The Sterility of Stability

The Sterility of Stability

One of the great conceits in investments is trying to earn above average returns with low variability of returns.? Yet, when you consider the Madoff scandal, it is what can attract a lot of money from credulous investors.

One of the glories of a capitalistic economy is that markets are unstable, they adjust to point out what is no longer needed.? Often the adustments occur violently, because businessmen/consumers chase trends, which can lead to bubbles and bubblettes, until the cash flows of the assets cannot bear the interest flows on the debts that have been created to buy the assets.? Attempts to tame this, such as Alan Greenspan’s aggressive provisions of liquidity just build up more debt for an economywide bubble, followed by a depression.? We got the Great Moderation because of trust in the Greenspan Put.? The Fed would only take away the punchbowl for modest amounts of time, so speculation on debt instruments, real estate, financial institutions, etc., could go on to a much greater degree.? Boom phases would be long; bust phases short and low-impact.

There have been problems with lax regulation of bank underwriting, and investment bank leverage, but the key flaw was mismanagement of the money/credit supply.? Had the Fed held credit tighter during the ’90s and 2000s, we would not be here now.? The Fed could have kept the fed funds rate high, rewarding savings, perhaps leading to a lower cuurent account deficit as well.? Debt growth would have slowed, and securitization, which hates having an inverted or flat yield curve, would have slowed as well.? GDP growth would have been slower, but we would not be facing the crisis we have now.

Or consider housing, and how it became overbuilt because of lax loan underwriting, accommodative monetary policy, and a follow-the-leader mania.? Here’s an old CC post from the era:

David Merkel
Pensions, Energy and Housing
8/18/2005 3:32 PM EDT

1) For those with stable businesses that throw off a lot of earnings and cash flow, and want to dodge the tax man, here’s a possible way to do it, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal: start a defined benefit plan. Disadvantages: complex, relatively illiquid and expensive. Advantages: you can sock away a lot, and defer taxes until you begin taking your benefit, possibly (maybe likely) at lower tax rates.

(This message brought to you courtesy of one actuary who won’t benefit from the message itself… but hey, it helps the profession.)

2) Sea changes in the markets rarely take place in a single day or week. Tops, and changes in leadership tend to take place over months, and feel uncertain. Though Jim is pretty certain that it is time to shift out of energy, I am willing to hang on, and get my opportunities to average down if they come at all. My rebalance points are roughly 20% below current prices anyway, so I’d need a real pullback in order to add.

Though there may be temporary inventory gluts, the basic supply/demand story hasn’t changed, and energy stocks still discount oil prices in the 40s, not the 60s.

3) Contrary to what Jim Cramer wrote in his housing piece today, you can lose it all in housing. Granted, it would be unusual to see homeowners in multiple areas in the country lose their shirts all at the same time; that hasn’t happened since the Great Depression, and we all know that the Great Depression can’t recur, right?

Thing is, local hot real estate markets often revert; if the reversion is bad enough, it leads to foreclosures. Think of Houston in the mid-80s, and Southern California in the early 90s. For that matter, think of CBD real estate in the early 90s… not only did that threaten real estate owners, it did in a number of formerly venerable banks and insurance companies.

Real estate is not a one way street, any more than stocks are. We have never financed as much real estate with as little equity as today before. We have not used financing instruments that are as back-end loaded before. Finally, this speculation is being done on a basis where renting is far cheaper than owning, leaving little support for property prices if the incomes of leveraged homeowners can’t be maintained in a recession. (Oh, that’s right. No more recessions; the Fed has cured that.)

Look, I’m not pointing at any immediate demise of housing in the hot markets. I still think that any trouble is a 2006-7 issue. But this is not a stable situation; if you have a large mortgage relative to your income, make sure your employment situation is really stable. If you can make the payment, prices on the secondary market don’t matter. If you can’t… those prices matter a lot.

One more note: an average investor can sell all of his stocks in the next 20 minutes, with little effect on the market. This is true even in a bad market. In a bad real estate market, you can’t sell; buyers are gunshy — it is akin to what I went through as a corporate bond manager in 2002. There are months where there is no liquidity for some bonds at any reasonable price. So it is for houses in some neighborhoods when half a dozen “for sale” signs go up. No one can sell except at fire sale prices.


Well, that’s the macroeconomic problem with stability.? When it gets relied on, after a self-reinforcing boom, it goes away.? Trust in stability is dangerous in other contexts, though.? From another CC post:

David Merkel
Oil and Economic Strength (and a Rant on the Sharpe Ratio)
8/31/2005 3:13 PM EDT

I haven’t really talked about the issue of whether high oil prices portend economic strength or weakness for a good reason. No one knows. There are too many moving parts, and separating out the different effects is impossible; opinions here come down to more of one’s personality (optimist/pessimist) or investment positions (stocks/bonds/energy).

Even if someone did tests using Granger-causality, I’d still be suspicious of the result, whichever way it would point, because of the high probability of finding spurious correlations.

And, speaking of spurious correlations, since Charles Norton brought up the Sharpe ratio, I may as well say that it is a bankrupt concept as commonly used by investment consultants. First, variability is not risk. Losing money over your own personal time horizon is risk (which implies that risk varies for each investor). Second, there is not one type of risk, but many risks. Systematic risk may be measurable in hindsight, but never prospectively.

Third, any measure going off historical values is useless for forecasting purposes, because the values aren’t stable over time. When managers get measured in order for clients to make decisions, they are using the figures for forecasting purposes. It is no surprise that they don’t get good results from the exercise.

Why do figures like a Sharpe ratio gets used, then? Because consultants like simple answers that they can give to their clients, even if the answers yield no insight into the future. (It makes the math really simple, and allows a large number of strategies to be rapidly compared. It eliminates real work and thought.) Investment is a far more messy process than a few simple ratios can illustrate, and those that use these ratios get the results that they deserve.

Finally, an aside. Why am I so annoyed by this? Because of money lost by friends and clients who have been led along this path by investment consultants. There is a real cost to bad ideas.

Position: none

And this CC post as well:

David Merkel
Time Series Regression and Correlation (for wonks only)
7/12/2007 3:11 PM EDT

We’ve had a few discussions here recently involving correlation, so I thought I might post something on the topic. First, it is easy to abuse statistics of all sorts. Few on Wall Street really understand the limitations of the techniques; I have seen them abused many times, often to the tune of large losses.

When comparing multiple time series of any sort, the results can vary considerably if you run the calculation daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. As you use fewer and fewer observations, the parameters calculated will change. The best estimate will be the one using all available observations, that is, assuming that the underlying processes that generated the time series will be the same in the future as in the past.

It gets worse when comparing the changes in time series. Here moving from daily to weekly to monthly (etc.) can make severe differences in the calculations, because two data series can be almost uncorrelated in the short-run, and very correlated in the long run. My “solution” is that you size your time interval to the time interval over which you make decisions. If daily, then daily, annually, then annually. Again, subject to the limitation that that the underlying processes that generated the changes in time series will be the same in the future as in the past.

But often, the results aren’t stable, because there is no real relationship between the time series being compared. High noise, low signal is a constant problem. Humility in financial statistics is required.

As an example, calculations of beta coefficients often vary significantly when the periodicity of the data changes. People think of beta as a constant, but I sure don’t.

For those who want more on this, there are my two articles, “Avoid the Dangers of Data-Mining,” Part 1 and Part 2.

Enough of this. Back to the roaring markets! Haven’t hit the trading collars yet!

Position: none, but intellectually short Modern Portfolio Theory [MPT]

My point is this: investors look for stable relationships that they can rely on.? Those relationships are precious few.? Sharpe ratios aren’t stable; correlation coefficients aren’t stable; return patterns aren’t stable.? They shouldn’t be stable.? They rely on a noisy economy? which is prone to booms and busts, and industries that are prone to booms and busts.? Seeking stable returns is a fool’s errand.? Warren Buffett has said something to the effect of, “I’d rather have a lumpy 15% return, than a smooth 12% return.”? Though we might mark down those percentages today, the idea is correct, so long as the investor’s time horizon is long enough to average out the lumpiness.

So, if we are going to be capitalists, let’s embrace the idea that conditions will be volatile, more volatile on a regular basis, but given the lower debt levels across the economy because of regular shakeouts, no depressions.? But this would imply:

  • Higher savings rates.
  • Greater scrutiny of balance sheets.
  • Aversion to debt, both personally, and in companies for investment.
  • Less overall financial complexity, and a smaller financial sector.
  • Lower P/Es at banks.
  • Even lower P/Es in non-regulated financials.? It’s a violent world.

For further reading:

Twenty-five Facets of the Current Economic Scene

Twenty-five Facets of the Current Economic Scene

1) So many managers lose confidence near turning points, like Bruce Bent in this article.? Still others maintain their discipline to their detriment, not realizing that they have a deficiency in their management style.? Alas for Bill Miller.? A bright guy who did not get financials, or commodity cyclicals.

2) We will see rising junk bond defaults in 2009.? Some defaults will be delayed because covenants are weaker than in the past.? But defaults primarily occur because cash flow is insufficient to finance the interest payments on debts.? That can’t be avoided.? After Lehman, what can you expect?

3) As housing prices fall, which they should because housing is in oversupply, more homeowners find themselves in trouble.? Remember, defaults occur because a property is underwater, and one of the five Ds hits:

  • Divorce
  • Disability
  • Death
  • Disaster
  • Dismissed from employment

As it stands now, the jumbo loan market is looking at more trouble — there was a lot of bad underwriting there during the boom.

4) I am not a fan of workouts on residential mortgage loans.? Most of them don’t work out.? Loans typically default because of one of the 5 Ds, and modifying terms is adequate to help a small number of the borrowers.

5) I’ve talked about this for a while, but Defined Benefit pensions (what few remain) have been damaged in the recent bear market.? What should we expect?? When companies offer a fixed benefit, and rely on the markets to fund it, they rely on the kindness of strangers, who they expect to buy equities when they need to make cash payments on net.

6) There are two credit markets.? Those that the government stands behind, and those that it does not.? That is the main distinction in this credit market, with Agency securities falling into a grey zone.

7) If we were dealing with your father’s financial instruments, we would use his financial rules.? As it is, more complex financial instruments that are more variable in their intrinsic value must be valued to market, or, the best estimate of market. There are problems here, but remember that market does not equal last trade for illiquid, complex securities.? Also, there should be caution over level 3 modelled results.? From my own work, those results are squishy.

8 ) During a crisis, many relationships boil down to liquidity.? Who has it? Who needs it, and at what tradeoff?? The same is true of venture capital today.? Who will fund their commitments?? Beyond the issue of dilution looms the issue of survival.? VC backed companies lacking cash will have a hard time of it in the same way their brother public companies do.

9) The Fed ain’t what it used to be.? Today it has all manner of targeted lending programs, and a disdain for stimulus through ordinary lending.

10) General Growth Properties relied on continual prosperity, and look where it led them.? Better, consider the Rouses who sold to them near the peak.? Good sale.

11) How can SunTrust be in this much trouble, needing a second does of TARP funds so soon?? I don’t get it, but it is endemic of our banking sector.? The TARP Oversight Panel is supposedly going to ask a bunch of questions to the Administration regarding past use of TARP funds, but the questions are vague and easy to answer in generalities.

12) There were warnings of trouble inside both Fannie and Freddie, as well as a few recalcitrant analysts outside as well (including me).? Now they recognize the trouble they are in, maybe.? (Also: here.)? Congress does what it can now, not to identify what went wrong, but to divert attention and blame away from themselves.? No one supported the expansion of Fannie and Freddie more than Congressional Democrats.? Political critics were marginalized.

Now, it is possible that Congress could double down on its stupidity, and cause Fannie and Freddie to not require appraisals on refinanced loans.?? They have enough credit risk as it is; should they do loans that are not adequately secured by the property?

13) The euro makes it to its ten-year anniversary, and we are told… see, as sound as a Deutschmark.? Well, maybe.? Having a strong currency might be fine for Germany, but what of Greece, where the credit default swap market is pricing in a 12%+ probability of default over the next five years?? They might like a weaker euro.

14) Is Britain a greater default risk than McDonalds?? Is the US a greater default risk than Campbell Soup?? Sovereign default is a different beast than corporate default.? Corporations don’t control their own currency (hmm… does that make Greece more like a corporation of the Eurozone? or more like California in the US?), and so bad debt decisions compound over longer periods of time, until we end up with inflation, a forced debt exchange, or an outright default.? It is possible for the US to default without Campbell Soup defaulting, but the life of any US corporation would be made so much more difficult by an outright default of the US government, that I would expect an outright default to cause most US companies, states, and other nations to fail as well, because of implicit reliance on the creditworthiness of the Treasury.

15)? What is stronger now, fear or greed?? Let’s take up greed.? I got a large-ish amount of responses to my pieces Does Not Pass the Japan Test, A Reason to Sell Stocks Amid the Rally, and my more bullish piece Momentum in the S&P 500.? There are a lot of bulls here:

Bottom-callers are out in droves, with many sophisticated arguments.? They all hinge on one idea: that we can return to normalcy soon with a compromised financial system, and debt levels that are record percentages of GDP.

16) On the fear front, we have:

Here’s the main graph from the second piece:

The basic idea behind the two pieces is this: sure, we’re at average valuation levels now, but in a real bear market values can get cut in half from here.? My view is this: we’re not at table-pounding valuation levels yet, but someone with a value and quality bent will make money over the next ten years.

17) Less helpful are pieces like this one: Five Sparks for a Stock Market Comeback.? His five sparks are:

  1. No More Downward Revisions to GDP Growth
  2. An Enormous Government Stimulus Package
  3. An End to Redemption-Related Selling by Hedge and Mutual Funds
  4. Increased Lending
  5. Tax Cuts

I fear this confuses the symptoms with the disease. Yes, it would be nice if many of these happened, but with the deficit hitting record levels, 2 and 5 are problematic.? In an over-indebted economy 1and 4 are tough as well.? As for point 3, you may as well argue with the sunrise, because most investors are trend-followers, whether they know it or not.? Redemptions typically end after the market has turned significantly.? It’s not a leading indicator, nor is it necessarily an “all clear.”

18 ) There are other reasons for concern, among them low t-bill yields.? There is significant fear, such that short term investors will take zero, rather than put principal at risk.? Maybe we should call t-bills the biggest mattress in the world to hide money under.

19) From the “read your bond prospectus with care department,” Catastrophe bonds are only as good as the collateral backing the deal or creditworthiness of the obligor.? Though it may have seemed a good idea at the time, allowing for lower quality collateral has caused the creditworthiness of several catastrophe bonds to suffer as Lehman defaulted, and as losses on subprime mortgages rose.? My take is this: analyze all the risks on a bond, even the obscure ones.? A lot of exchange traded note [ETN] investors probably wish they had paid more attention to who they were lending the money to, rather than the index attached to the notes.

20) The “read your bond prospectus with care department” does have a humorous side, as Paul Kedrosky points out on this amendment to some new Illinois GO bonds.? They don’t sound too worried, but maybe the lawyers have to be more pro-active, and put the following new risk factor into the prospectus:

Endemic Political Corruption

Your investment in the state of Illinois is subject to risks involving political corruption, which is a normal fact of life in Illinois. In lending to the State the lender bears the risk that the corruption level gets so great that it affects the trading value of these securities, and that interest and principal repayment could be impaired.

21)? Even if you don’t have 5 of your last 9 Governors removed due to scandal, like illinois, it’s tough to be a state nowdays.? Now you have the credit default swap [CDS] market spooking investors in your bonds.

22) So what would it mean for the Fed to issue debt?? Is it just an alternative to Treasuries and the Fed’s present relationship with the US Treasury?? A way to pay interest to those that participate in the Fed funds market, but can’t leave excess reserves at the Fed?? Or, a way to have a sovereign default without a sovereign default?

I’m not sure, but I would be careful here.? What can be used for a single limited pupose today can be put to unimaginable uses tomorrow.? The Fed’s balance sheet is already at much higher levels of leverage than it was three months ago.? Does it really want to take on more?? Granted, seniorage gains/losses go back to the Treasury, which then can borrow less or more in response, but as the Fed’s balance sheet gets more complex, it makes it more difficult to gauge their policy responses, and I think it will lead to a lack of trust in the Fed and the US Dollar.

23) With conditions like these, should we be surpised that volatility is high in the equity markets?? By some measures, it is higher than that in the Great Depression.? I’m not sure I would call it a “bubble” though.? Extreme Value Theory tells us (among other things) that when a probability distribution is ill-defined, don’t assume that the highest value that you have seen is as high as it can get.? Records beg to be broken.

24) It’s not as if I am the only one thinking about issuing longer US Treasury debt.? Now the Treasury is thinking about it as well.? It will fill a void in our debt markets that life insurers, endowments, and DB pension plans will want to invest in (and create a bunch of new leveraged fixed income investments for speculators).

25) Three articles to close with:

Industry Ranks Update

Industry Ranks Update

Okay, here are my current industry ranks:

Remember, my model can be used in two ways: in the red zone, for short term momentum players.? (Look at all of those relatively stable predictable industries.)? Or, the green zone, for value/contrarian players.? (Look at all of those cyclicals and financials.)

Which do you think will do better?? Mean reversion or relative safety?? My portfolio is spread across both, so I don’t have a dog in that fight.? I do think that portfolios in this environment have to aim to be self-financing, avoiding the need for capital raises in an environment where capital is scarce.

Away from that, I am still not a believer in financials, aside from insurers, and I don’t see much good among housing or autos, regardless of who gets bailed out.

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