Category: Value Investing

The Financings of Last Resort

The Financings of Last Resort

After seeing the amazing “refinancings” done by entities like MBIA, Thornburg, WaMu, and Rescap, I felt it was right to comment on last-ditch financing methods, so that you can recognize desperation (if it’s not obvious already).? Here are some methods:

  • Borrow money using a healthy subsidiary while limiting capital flows up to the less than healthy holding company (e.g., MBIA) .
  • Do a rights offering at a significant discount, diluting existing shareholders if they don’t participate.
  • Offer common stock at a significant discount to a private buyer (perhaps with warrants), diluting existing shareholders, but perhaps allowing the company a chance to play again another day. (e.g. WaMu, Thornburg).
  • Offer a convertible bond/preferred to monetize the volatility of the stock price, contingently diluting existing shareholders. (e.g. Lehman, Citigroup, Merrill)

With the exception of the first one, all of these dilute existing shareholders, usually driving the stock price down in the short run, unless the removal of fear of bankruptcy is the dominant factor.? With the first one, it is an example of structurally subordinating lenders to the holding company, who now lose “first dibs” on the value of the healthy subsidiary.

I try to avoid companies that do financings like these, or are likely to do them.? They have a high default rate.? And what goes for the stock here, goes triple for the corporate bonds, where you have all of the downside of the stock, and little of the upside, if the company should manage to survive.

Beginning of the Second Quarter Portfolio Reshaping

Beginning of the Second Quarter Portfolio Reshaping

Well, it’s that time again. Time to make a few portfolio swaps. At present I have two placeholder securities, the industrial Spider, and the technology Spider. Those will go, and I may sell one more security, but that’s it. I will use the proceeds to buy 2-4 positions, so that I will end with 34-35 positions.

When I run across an idea between quarters, I write it down on a sheet and wait for the next reshaping. Well, here is the list of tickers I came across over the last 3 months:


One of the fun parts of this exercise is that I invite readers to submit their own ideas as well. Feel free to leave them in the comments below.

From here, I will update my industry model, run some screens, and post additional tickers. After that, I will compare the replacement candidates against my existing portfolio, using my multifactor appoach. I will keep you apprised of my thoughts as I move toward making the portfolio changes.

Full disclosure: long XLI XLK

Seven Notes on Equity Investing

Seven Notes on Equity Investing

1) A lament for Bill Miller.? Owning Bear Stearns on top of it all is adding insult to injury.? Now, living in Baltimore, I get little bits of gossip, but I won’t go there this evening.? I think Bill Miller’s problems boil down to lack of focus on a margin of safety, which is the main key to being a good value manager.? During the boom periods, he could ignore that and get away with it, but when we are in a bust phase, particularly one that hurts financials.? When financials get hit, all forms of accounting laxity tend to get hit, making the margin of safety more precious.

2) Now perhaps one bright spot here is rising short interest. Short interest is a negative while it is going up, but a positive once it has risen to unsustainable levels.? What is unsustainable is difficult to define, but remember Ben Graham’s dictum, that the market is a voting machine in the short run, and a weighing machine in the long run.? The value of stocks in the long run will reflect the net present value of their free cash flows, not short interest or leverage.

3)? Now, if you want the opposite of Bill Miller in the value space, consider Bob Rodriguez of FPA Capital.? Along with a cadre of other misfit value managers that are willing to invest in unusual long-only portfolios aiming for absolute returns while not falling victim to the long/short hedge fund illusion, he happily soldiers on with a boatload of cash, waiting for attractive opportunities to deploy cash.

4) Retirement.? What a concept amid falling housing and equity prices.? Though we have difficulties at present from the housing overhang, and the unwind of financial leverage, there will be continuing difficulties over the next two decades as assets must be liquidated and taxes raised to support the promises of Medicare, and to a lesser extent, Social Security.? My guess: Medicare gets massively scaled back.

5) I get criticism from both bulls and bears.? I try to be unbiased in my observations, because amid the difficulties, which I have have been writing about for years, there is the possibility that it gets worked out.? When there are problems, major economic actors are not passive; they look for solutions.? That doesn’t mean that they always succeed, but they often do, so it rarely pays to be too bearish.? It also rarely pays to be too bullish, but given the Triumph of the Optimists, that is a harder case to make.

6) Bill Rempel took me to task about a post of mine, and I have a small defense there, and perhaps a larger point.? Almost none of my close friends invest in the market. It doesn’t matter whether we are in boom or bust periods, they just don’t.? These people are by nature highly conservative, and/or, they are not well enough off to be considering investments in equities.? They are not relevant to a post on investing contrarianism, because they are outside the scope of most equity investing.? They are relevant to a discussion of the real economy, and where your wage income might be impacted.

7) To close for the night, then, a note on contrarianism.? When I read journalists, they are typically (but not always) lagging indicators, because they aren’t focused on the topics at hand. They get to the problems late.? But when I think of contrarianism, I don’t look for opinions as much as financial reliance on an idea.? Many opinions are irrelevant, because they don’t reflect positions that have been taken in the markets, the success of which is now being relied upon.? Once there is money on the line, euphoria and regret can do their work in shaping the attitudes of investors, allowing for contrary opinions to be successful against fully invested conventional wisdom.? But without fully invested conventional wisdom, contrarianism has little to fight.

Predictably Irrational

Predictably Irrational

Zubin Jelveh has a good post over at on rationality and markets. Here’s my take:

Behavioral economics is very useful to practitioners, and we are grateful to those who say it is not, because it makes it more useful to the rest of us.

Think of the Adaptive Markets Hypothesis as a tree, and every anomaly/strategy as a bird. As a strategy works, the bird gets fed more, reinforcing the return pattern. When a bird gets too fat, the branch breaks, and the strategy can have a colossal failure. The bird hits the ground, walks away, and the branch re-grows. Eventually, after the bird slims down, he flies back to the branch.

Anomalies/strategies come and go. Too much money can pursue any strategy, even indexing. Wise investors try to ask the question “Where is there too much investor interest?” and then they avoid those strategies until they blow up.

To give an example, it is a great time now to manage unlevered structured product, agency or non-agency, MBS or ABS. Too many levered players have blown up, and there is a lot of good paper that needs a home.

I have talked about this a numberf of? times before, but one of the more fun times was this article.? :)? Here’s another one.

The concept of rationality is a fuzzy one.? I’m not sure that all rational people could agree on a definition. 🙂

My view is that people are not uniformly rational, but that they are in aggregate predictable.

Investment Banks Are Priced Like Bermuda Reinsuers

Investment Banks Are Priced Like Bermuda Reinsuers

Late in the day, I looked at a table of valuations of the remaining major investment banks, and thought, “Huh, they’re priced like Bermuda Reinsurers.? Price-to-book near 1 or lower, and expected P/Es in the middle single digits.”? Well, that got me thinking… how are those two groups of companies alike?

  • ?When losses come they can be severe.
  • Both have strong underwriting cycles where a lot of money is made in the boom phase, and a lot gets lost in the bear phase.
  • Earnings quality can be poor, unless management teams have a bias against meeting Street expectations, and allowing earnings to be ragged.
  • The opacity of the investment banks’ swap books is matched by that of the reinsurers’ reserving.
  • Both businesses are highly competitive, and global in scope.

Now, what’s different?

  • The reinsurers typically don’t have asset problems, only reserving problems.
  • The Bermuda reinsurers know that one day a change in their tax status may come (somehow forced to pay US tax rates — ask Bill Berkley), and that would lower earnings.
  • The financial leverage of the reinsurers is a lot lower.
  • The financing of reinsurers is a lot more secure.

The risk-reward seems balanced to me across the two groups.? The reinsurers are lower-risk/lower-reward, and the investment banks are higher on both scores.? Choose in accordance with your risk tolerance — as for me, I’ll look at the reinsurers.

National Atlantic Notes

National Atlantic Notes

Given the furor of the day, I thought I might have to abandon the National Atlantic Teleconference call.? I didn’t miss the call.? The transcript is here (thanks, Seeking Alpha).? Let me quote my portion of the call.



Thank you, sir. Today?s question-and-answer session will be conducted electronically. (Operator Instructions). We?ll go first to David Merkel of Finacorp Securities.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Hi, Hello.

James V. Gorman

Good morning, David.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Very good. I wanted to ask a little bit about the, you had a number of parties go over your reserves, three and all I believe and how, I would assume at this point you are rather certain that you have been able to clean up most of reserving problems particularly given what was happening in your claim department prior to, I guess September 2007? Can you walk us through that one more time?

James V. Gorman

Yes, we have taken a very hard look at the claim review process, within the claim department. We have modified the procedures, we have updated our diaries. And when you go through a change like this, your historical information and your typical loss development patterns are no longer appropriate to use.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities


James V. Gorman

In estimating alternates. So, we had to rely heavily on projecting the open, ultimate number of claims that will be paid and the severity associated with those clients. And I think our review that was done as well as that done by our external auditors have focused on looking at average claim cost as opposed to looking at normal loss development methods.

We continue to look very closely, as part of our quality control process to make sure that the adjusters are in fact keeping claims up to date that we are managing them affectively and that we are in fact putting in place an aggressive settlement policy to move these claims off of our balance sheet. So, we are cautiously optimistic that we have our arms around, our ultimate liabilities. But, obviously there is no guarantee but we have scrubbed this thing it from many different angles.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Great, well that?s good. The re-insurance recoverable change, it was $3.1 million or something like that? What was that about?

James V. Gorman

While we project our direct loses, we also project how much is going to commend in ceded loses and you know based upon our current retention as a company we?ve retained the first 500,000 of loss the emergence of ceded losses is very slow to develop.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities


James V. Gorman

And we have looked more carefully at our projected reinsurance recoverables and determined that we are not going to be in a position to collect as much as we had previously thought. This is not connected at all to any reinsurance recoverable on paid clients.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Yes got it.

James V. Gorman

This is based on projected losses.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Okay. Last question, do you have side of your balance sheet, you know, there is a decent amount of turmoil out there now, with respect to various types of AAA structured product and I know you didn?t do that much with subprime or anything like that. But, what are you experiencing if anything on the asset side of your portfolio at present, I assume that it?s just ordinary payments of cash flows from your mortgage bonds and other assets, because you have a fairly high quality portfolio we use the way the rating agencies rate them. Are you experiencing any difficulties there at all?

James V. Gorman

Well, I?ll start that answering your question David and then I?ll turn it to Frank, but from the investments, I would like to just further assure our investors that we have absolutely no subprime exposure. In addition, any bond that we have is A or better on its own merits without the effective any MBIA or AM backed insurance less to the rating, further we have no equities in our portfolio. So, on the investment side, I think that we are pretty planned and pretty solid and we had a great yield in ?07 given all of the decrease in interest, average interest rates. Frank can you add anything to that on the balance sheet.

Frank Prudente

I think you well covered it I may I think we felt for a long time, we have a conservative portfolio and with a disruption we?ve seen in the market it?s evident it?s conservatism by us not having any issues.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Well, thank you gentlemen. I appreciate it and I will be looking forward to any releases that describe the logic for the $6.25 purchase price. So, I thank you both.

James V. Gorman

Thank you, David.

David MerkelFinacorp Securities

Take care.


Okay, why did I ask those questions?? Why not bluster about the huge discount to book that they are selling the company at?

Rather than do it that way, I asked about the two least certain items on their balance sheet — their loss reserves, and the value of their assets.? If they express confidence in those two numbers, then it will be hard to back away from an adjusted book value north of $10.? Why does this have value?? Well, there are many other investors bigger than me in the company, and this gives them a reason to vote down the deal.? NAHC has no debt; there is no solvency crisis here, so a large discount to book is not warranted.? With a short-tail P&C company you could hire a specialist to inexpensively run the book off, and after a year or so, sell of the tail of the company.? We would definitely realize a price north of $6.25.

But what if the deal goes through?? In that case, I might not tender my shares, but file for appraisal rights.? I would show the judge the management’s answers to my questions, demonstrating the confidence that they had in the asset values and reserving, immediately after the deal announcement.? It is rare that the judges allow deals to go out at less than tangible book value, particularly on short-tailed P&C companies with little insolvency risk.

So, that’s why I asked those questions.? Now to see what happens.

Full disclosure: long NAHC

Another Dozen Notes on Our Manic-Depressive Credit Markets

Another Dozen Notes on Our Manic-Depressive Credit Markets

This is what I sometimes call a “Great Garbage Post.”? I’ll cover a lot of ground, so bear with me.

1) How to do a bank/financial bailout: a) wipe out common and preferred equity and the subordinated debt (and offer some warrants to the debtholders).? Make the senior debt take a haircut of 50% (and offer warrants), and the bank debt a haircut of 20% (and offer warrants). Capital is offered in exchange for the equity interest, together with some senior financing pari passu with the banks.? If the management and other stakeholders do not like those terms (or something like them), then don’t bail them out.

Now, realize I’m not crazy about “lender of last resort” powers being in the hands of the government, but if we’re going to do that, you may as well do it right, and bail out depositors in full, while having others take modest to large haircuts.? There is no reason why the government/Federal Reserve should bail out common or preferred equityholders, and those that bought risky debt should pay part of the price as well.? This should only be done for institutions where significant contagion effects could affect other financial institutions.? The objective is to create a firewall for depositors, and the rest of the financial system.

2)? Bear Stearns.? Ugh, a bank run.? A testimony to leverage.? Book value is only fair if one can realize the value over time.? High leverage implies a haircut to book value in bad times, because the value of the assets can go down dramatically.? Will they get a buyer?? I don’t know, and I wouldn’t trust JC Flowers.? If what Jamie Dimon might be thinking is what the Bloomberg article states, then I think he has the right idea: keep the best businesses, dissolve the rest.

But remember, during crises, highly levered financial institutions are vulnerable, unless most of their financing is locked in long-term.? Most investment banks don’t fit that description, particularly with all of the synthetic leverage in their derivative books.

3) The downgrades on commercial bank credit ratings will continue to come, particularly for those that were too aggressive in lending to overlevered situations, e.g., home equity lending.? Home equity lending is very profitable in good times, but then it gets overcompetititive, and underwriting standards deteriorate.? Then a lot of money gets lost, as in 1998, where most of the main lenders went under.? In this case, most of the lenders are banks, and they aren’t concentrated in that line alone.

4)? Home builders are taking it on the chin.? Consider this article about joint venture failures of homebuilders.? It is my guess that we will see a few of the major homebuilders fail.? It will take us to 2010 to reconcile all of the excess inventory.? Personally, I would guess that the stable home ownership rate is still below the current level by maybe 2% of the households.? We tried to force homeownership on people that were not ready for it, people who didn’t have enough financial slack to make it through even a slight recession.

5) I find it amusing that Bob Rubin, the only guy in the Clinton Administration that I liked, says that few people anticipated this bubble. (Sounds like Greenspan, huh?)? Well, in a sense he’s right.? Probably fewer than 1% of Americans anticipated these results, but there were enough writers in the blogosphere that were saying that something like this would come (including me), that some could take warning.? As in the tech bubble, there were a number of notable commentators warning, but no one listens during the self-reinforcing cycle of the boom.

6) I am sticking with a 50-75 basis point move from the Fed in the coming week.? They want to move aggressively, but they don’t want to use up all of their conventional ammo, when they are so close to the “zero bound.”? They might disappoint the markets, but not on purpose.? They will tend to follow what the markets suggest.

7) This Fed is more willing to try novel solutions than in the Greenspan era.? Even so, I expect them to run into constraints on their ability to deal with the crisis, which will force the Treasury Department (yes, even in the Bush Administration) to act.

8)? The glory of “core inflation” is not that it excludes the most volatile classes of goods, but the ones for which there is the most excess demand.? Food price inflation is running.? Farmers can’t keep up with the demand.? Poetic justice for the hard-working farmers of our country, who have had more than their share of hard years.? Agriculture is one of the industries that makes America great.? Let the rest of the world benefit from our productivity there.

9)? This is one of those times where one can get a “pit in the stomach” from considering the possibilities from a financial crisis.? As leverage dries up, those with the most leverage on overvalued asset classes get margin calls, leading to forced liquidations.? As it stands now, many credit hedge funds are finding it difficult to maintain their leverage levels, and other hedge funds are finding their lending lines reduced.? This forces a reduction in speculation, and the prices of speculative assets.

10)? Be careful using the ABX indices.? They are too easy to short, and do not represent the values that are likely to be realized in the cash markets.? The same is true of the CMBX indices.? This would lead me to be a bull, selectively, in AAA CMBS, after careful analysis of the underlying collateral.? (CMBS was a specialty of minewhen I was a mortgage bond manager.)

11)? Two interesting articles on character and capitalism.? This is a topic that I havea lot to say about, but every time I sit down to write about it, I am not satisfied with the results.? Let me make a down payment on an article here.? Capitalism is good, but Capitalists often abuse it.? Short-sighted capitalists play for short-term advantage, and end up burning up relationships.? Longer-term capitalists play fair, because they not only want deal one, but deals two, three, four, etc.? They play fair because they will do better in the long run, even if they are intelligent pagans.? (Christians should play fair anyway, because their Father in heaven looks at their deeds.? If we love Him, we will please Him.)

Economics isn’t everything.? Smart businessmen know that a good reputation is golden.? They also know that happy employees are more productive.? Suppliers that get paid on time are more loyal.? These are the benefits of ethical, long-run thinking.

12) In closing, a poke at quantitative analysis done badly.? Consider Paul Wilmott, or William Shadwick.? With bosses over the years, often they would ask me a seemingly simple quantitative question, and I would reply, “Here’s the standard answer: XXXXX.? But there are many reasons why that answer could be wrong, because the math makes too many assumptions about market liquidity, investor rationality, soundness of funding sources, etc.”? Most quants don’t know what they are assuming.? They are too good with the math, and not good enough at the human systems that inadequately lie behind the math.

As a quantitative analyst, I have generally been a skeptic.? At times like this, when the assumptions are breaking down, it gives me a bit of validation to see the shortfall.? That said, it’s no fun to be right when you are losing money, even if it is less than others are losing.



I will have a fuller post after I talk with Jim Gorman, CEO of National Atlantic.? If he thinks his company, which he owns around 13% of is only worth $6.25/share, that is a real surprise to me, and inconsistent with all of the other discussions that I have had with him over the last four years.? A few of you have asked me about appraisal rights.? Really, we should talk about this later if the deal gets approved; it’s too early to speculate there.? For those that remember my early posts at RealMoney on the Mony Group acquisition, remember that book value is sometimes illusory.? I don’t think that is the case here, but let me talk with Jim Gorman, and listen to the earnings call on Monday.? If they deliver another bomb, like last quarter, maybe $6.25 is generous.

Full disclosure: long NAHC

Ten Items — Saturday Evening Hodgepodge

Ten Items — Saturday Evening Hodgepodge

There are times where I feel the intellectual well is dry, and I come to my keyboard and say, “What do I write tonight?” This is not one of those times. I have too many things to write about, and not enough time. I’ll see how much I can say that is worth reading.

1) Jimmy Rogers (I?ve met him once ? a nice guy) tends toward the sensational. There is a grain of truth in what he says, but the demographic situation in China is worse than that in Japan, which is why they Communist leadership there is considering eliminating the one-child policy:

I gave a talk last October, which included a lot on the effects of demographics on the global economy: (pages 15-23) (non-PDF versions have my lecture notes)

Now, eliminating the one-child policy won?t do that much, because most non-religious women in China don?t want to have kids. In developed societies, once women don?t want children or marriage, no level of economic incentive succeeds in changing their minds.

This isn?t meant to be social commentary. The point is that there is a global demographic shift of massive proportions happening where there will be huge social pressures on retirement/eldercare systems, because the ratio of workers to retirees will fall globally. China will be affected more than most, and the US less than most (if we can straighten out Medicare).

The economic effect will feel a little stagflationary, with wage rates improving in nominal terms, taxes rising to cover transfer payments, and assets being sold (to whom?) to fund retirements and healthcare. There need not be a crisis, like a war over resources, in all of this, but it won?t be an easy next 30 years. One thing for certain, when you look at labor, capital, and resources at present, the scarcest of all is resources. Again, resource price inflation. At present, capital is scarcer than labor, but that will flip in the next 30 years.

2) A few e-mailers asked for more data on how I view monetary aggregates. On monetary aggregates, my view of it is a little different than most, and I take a little heat for it. Ideally, the lower level monetary aggregates indicate a higher degree of liquidity; greater ease and shorter time of achieving transactions. The other way to view it is how sticky the liability structure is for the banks. Demand deposits, not sticky. Savings accounts, stickier. Money market funds, stickier still. CDs, even stickier.

As the Fed changes monetary policy, there are tradeoffs. Willingness of the public to hold cash, versus opportunity at the banks to make money from borrowing short and lending longer, versus banking regulators trying to assure solvency.

That’s why I look at the full spectrum of monetary measures. They tell a greater story as a group.

3) No such thing as a bad asset, only a bad price? No such thing as a bad asset, only a mis-financed asset? Both can be true. What we are experiencing today in many markets is that many assets were financed with too much debt and too little equity. In the process, because of the over-leverage allowed for high returns on equity to be generated from low returns on assets, the buyers of risky assets overpaid for their interests.

This has taken many forms, whether it was Subprime ABS, CDOs, SIVs, Tender Option Bonds, the correlation trade, etc. Also the borrow short, lend long inherent in Auction Rate Securities, TOBs, and other speculations that make wondeful sense occasionally, but players stay too long.

Rationality comes back to these markets when “real money buyers” appear (pension plans, insurance companies, wealthy dudes with nose for value), and these non-traditional buyers soak up the excess supply of investments that are out of favor, and do it with equity, at prices that make the unlevered return look pretty sweet. This is how excess leverage gets purged from the system, and how pricing normalizes, with losses delivered to the overlevered.

4) As I said in my post last night, there is value in the tax-free muni market for non-traditional buyers. Is this the bottom? Probably not, but who can tell? Smart buyers will put a portion of a full position on now, and add if things get worse. Don’t put a full position on yet. I eschew heroism in trading, in favor of a risk-controlled style, where one makes more on average, but protects the downside. It is possible that the drop in prices will bring out more sellers, but I think that there will be more buyers in the next week. That said, the leveraged buyers need to get purged out of the muni markets.

5) In late 2004, I wrote a piece called Default Cycle Will Turn Nasty in 2007. Later I added the following comment:

David Merkel
A Low Quality Post by David
3/27/2006 3:54 PM EST

Interesting to note on Barry’s blog that he has noted that the “low quality” trade has been so stunning over the past three years. I thought Richard Bernstein at Merrill and I were the only ones who cared about this stuff. But now for the bad news: the trade won’t be over until high yield spreads start blowing out, and presently, they show no sign of doing that. Why? There haven’t been many defaults, for one reason. The few defaults have been for the most part in auto parts and airlines. There’s no systemic panic.

Beyond that, there’s a lot of capital to finance speculative ventures, and to catch bad ones when they fall. That means that marginal ideas are getting forgiveness as they get refinanced.

The demand for yield is huge, which drives the offering of protection in the credit default swap market. Fund of funds encourage hedge funds to seek steady income, which makes them tend to be insurers against default risk, rather than speculators on possible default.

I know that I wrote “Default Cycle Will Turn Nasty in 2007;” I take my calls seriously, because I have money on the line, and many of you do too. I think the low quality trade, absent a market blow-up, won’t outperform by a lot in 2006, but will still outperform. Something needs to happen to make credit spreads not look like a free lunch.

My best guess of what will do that is the seasoning of aggressive corporate bond issuance in 2004 and 2005. Bad credit be revealed for what it is, and even the stocks of low quality companies that eventually survive will get marked down for a time, as strong balance sheets get rewarded once again.

Position: none

Then later, in early 2007, I wrote: I was wrong on underperformance of junk bonds. Tight levels got even tighter, with an absence of significant defaults. Junk bonds led the bond market in 2006. In 2007, I don’t expect a repeat, but I do expect defaults to start rising by the end of 2007, leading to a widening in spreads and some underperformance of junk bonds. The real fun will come in 2008-2009. Corporate credit cycles last four to seven years, and the last bear phase was 2000-2002. We’re due for a correction here.

Well, I got it close to right. Timing is tough.

6) Would you pay a high enough price to buy a short-dated TIPS with a negative real yield? Yes you might, if you were hedging against nominal Treasuries, with the CPI running ahead at 4%, and short-dated (5 years and in) nominal bonds at 2 1/2% and lower. As it is, the market seems to be hesitating at going negative, but in my opinion it will, until the concern of the FOMC changes to price inflation.

7) Wilbur Ross didn’t get rich by being dumb. He didn’t buy stakes in MBIA or Ambac, but in one of the two healthy firms, Assured Guaranty. Better to take a stake in the healthy firm in a tough market; they will survive, and write the business that their impaired competitors can’t. This just puts more pressure on MBIA and Ambac, and provides a lower cost muni insurance competitor to Berky.

8 ) MBIA and Ambac are playing for time, and I don’t mean that in a bad way. They are willing to shrink their balance sheets, and write little if any structured business, pay principal and interest in dribs and drabs, and pray that S&P and Moody’s give them the time to do this, and keep the AAA/Aaa intact. It could be three years, and stronger players (FSA, BHAC, AGO) will absorb their non-structured markets. But it could work. If I were Bill Ackman, I would take off half my positions here. Just a rule of thumb for me, when I am managing institutional assets and I become uncertain as to whether I should buy or sell, I do half, and then wait for more data.

Remember, many P&C insurers have been technically insolvent (in hindsight) during the bear phase of the underwriting cycle. They survived by writing better business when their balance sheet was in worse shape than commonly believed. The financial guarantors have a unique ability to wait out losses.

9) There have been all sorts of articles asking whether XXX institution is “too big to fail?” Well, let me “flip it” (sending my pal Cody a nickel for his trademark 😉 ) and ask, “Is the US too big to fail?” There’s a reason for my madness here. “Too big to fail” means that the government will bail out an entity to avoid a systemic crisis. Nice, maybe, but that means the government raises taxes to do so (nah) or issues debt that the Fed monetizes, leading to price inflation. Either way, the loss gets spread over the whole country.

What would a failure of the US look like? The Great Depression springs to mind. Present day Japan does not. They are not growing, but they aren’t in bad shape. Another failure would be an era like the 1970s, but more intense. That’s not impossible, if the Treasury Fed were to rescue a major GSE via monetary policy.

10) I have had an excellent 4Q07 earnings season. As of the end of February, I am still in the plus column for my equity portfolio. But, into every life a little rain must fall… after the close on Friday. 🙁 Deerfield Capital reported lousy GAAP earnings, and I expect the price to fall on Monday. Now, to their credit:

  • They reduced leverage proactively, and sold Alt-A assets before Thornburg blew.
  • They moved to a more conservative balance sheet. It is usually a good sign when a company sells its bad assets in a crisis.

I would expect the dividend to fall to around 30 cents per quarter. I should have more to say after the earnings call. They are becoming a little Annaly with a CDO manager on board (might not be worth much until 2010).

I may be a buyer on Monday. Depends on the market action.

That’s all for this evening. Good night, and here’s to a more profitable week next week.

Full disclosure: long DFR

Berkshire Hathaway — The Anti-Volatility Fortress

Berkshire Hathaway — The Anti-Volatility Fortress

I?ve commented on Buffett?s Shareholder letter now for the past five years.? Those who know me well know that I admire Buffett and Berky, but not uncritically.?? Also, I view Berky as primarily an insurance company, secondarily as an industrial conglomerate, and thirdly as an investment company.

Onto the letter:

From page 3:

You may recall a 2003 Silicon Valley bumper sticker that implored, ?Please, God, Just One More Bubble.? Unfortunately, this wish was promptly granted, as just about all Americans came to believe that house prices would forever rise. That conviction made a borrower?s income and cash equity seem unimportant to lenders, who shoveled out money, confident that HPA ? house price appreciation ? would cure all problems. Today, our country is experiencing widespread pain because of that erroneous belief. As house prices fall, a huge amount of financial folly is being exposed. You only learn who has been swimming naked when the tide goes out ? and what we are witnessing at some of our largest financial institutions is an ugly sight.

Buffett starts out with the cause behind most of our current problems in financial companies.?? There are too many houses chasing too few people, and inadequate underwriting of the financing, because of a misplaced trust in the rise of housing prices.

From page 4:

Though these tables may help you gain historical perspective and be useful in valuation, they are completely misleading in predicting future possibilities. Berkshire?s past record can?t be duplicated or even approached. Our base of assets and earnings is now far too large for us to make outsized gains in the future.? (emphasis his)

Buffett has been honest on this point for years.? As the business grows, it is unlikely to find opportunities as good in percentage terms as it did when it was smaller.? That?s normal, even for the best investors.

In our efforts, we will be aided enormously by the managers who have joined Berkshire. This is an unusual group in several ways. First, most of them have no financial need to work. Many sold us their businesses for large sums and run them because they love doing so, not because they need the money. Naturally they wish to be paid fairly, but money alone is not the reason they work hard and productively.

Buffett hits on what I think is one of the great secrets of good capitalism.? The best capitalists are not purely money-motivated, but are idealists, aiming for excellence as they serve others though their businesses.? In the best businesses that I have worked in, we did it because we loved what we did.? That?s a key for all good businesses, from the CEO down to the clerk.

From page 7:

Long-term competitive advantage in a stable industry is what we seek in a business. If that comes with rapid organic growth, great. But even without organic growth, such a business is rewarding. We will simply take the lush earnings of the business and use them to buy similar businesses elsewhere. There?s no rule that you have to invest money where you?ve earned it. Indeed, it?s often a mistake to do so: Truly great businesses, earning huge returns on tangible assets, can?t for any extended period reinvest a large portion of their earnings internally at high rates of return.

This is the core of Buffett the businessman.? He understands the need to redirect free cash flow to the opportunities that offer the best returns.? He knows that certain businesses will never be more than niches, and like a good farmer would, harvests his specialty crop each year, but doesn?t plant much more the next year.

He goes on for two pages on how he distinguishes between businesses, considering their long-term competitive advantage, return on investment, and capital intensiveness.??? It?s a good read, and very basic.? If it weren?t for the fact that many companies operate more for the good of management than shareholders, you might see this in operation more broadly.? (And you would see opportunities diminish for private equity as far as big deals go.? Private equity keeps public management teams on their toes, for the bigger deals.)

From pages 9-11, Buffett discusses his insurance businesses, and spends much less time on them than in prior years.? It is not as if there isn?t a good story to tell.? Are underwriting profits down?? Yes, but only by 10%.? The rest of the P&C insurance industry is struggling with the same problems, and is likely doing worse in aggregate.? I think that some major disasters will have to happen to re-energize earnings here.? Berky is an anti-volatility asset, and always does relatively better when the rest of the insurance industry is hurting.

On page 11, Buffett comments on his utility businesses.? Earnings are up in this line.? These are a natural fit for Berky, with their earnings yield considerably above Berky?s cost of float, and earnings that tend to do well when inflation is higher.? Expect Buffett to buy more here, but only during some significant pullback in utility stock prices.

From that page:

Somewhat incongruously, MidAmerican also owns the second largest real estate brokerage firm in the U.S., HomeServices of America. This company operates through 20 locally-branded firms with 18,800 agents. Last year was a slow year for residential sales, and 2008 will probably be slower. We will continue, however, to acquire quality brokerage operations when they are available at sensible prices.

From page 13:

Last year, Shaw, MiTek and Acme contracted for tuck-in acquisitions that will help future earnings. You can be sure they will be looking for more of these.


At Borsheims, sales increased 15.1%, helped by a 27% gain during Shareholder Weekend. Two years ago, Susan Jacques suggested that we remodel and expand the store. I was skeptical, but Susan was right.


From page 15:

Clayton, XTRA and CORT are all good businesses, very ably run by Kevin Clayton, Bill Franz and Paul Arnold. Each has made tuck-in acquisitions during Berkshire?s ownership. More will come.

Buffett understands that most good acquisitions are little ones that can be used to increase organic growth of the subsidiary. ?Same thing for intelligent capital spending, as at Borsheim?s.? He may keep a tight hold on free cash flow, but he listens to his subsidiary CEOs, and usually gives them enough to invest to improve the businesses.

Also look at the countercyclical nature of Buffett?s acquisitions.? He is willing to buy real estate sales franchises in this environment, if they come at the right price.? Much as I am a bear on housing, this is the right strategy, if you have a strong enough balance sheet behind it.

On pages 12 and 14, net operating income improved in Manufacturing, Service, and Retailing Operations, and fell in Finance and Finance Products.? He doesn?t discuss it, but there was a loss in life and annuity.? Berky mainly does life settlements there, a business I regard as somewhat malodorous because it undermines the life insurance industry, by weakening the concept of insurable interest.? Also, leasing didn?t do that well, as Buffett points out.

On page 15, I don?t have a strong opinion on his stock positions? they are a little more expensive than I like to buy, but he has to deploy a lot more money than I do, and has a longer time horizon.? His focus on long term competitive advantage is exactly right for his position in the market.

On page 16, Buffett discusses his derivative book:

Last year I told you that Berkshire had 62 derivative contracts that I manage. (We also have a few left in the General Re runoff book.) Today, we have 94 of these, and they fall into two categories. First, we have written 54 contracts that require us to make payments if certain bonds that are included in various high-yield indices default. These contracts expire at various times from 2009 to 2013. At yearend we had received $3.2 billion in premiums on these contracts; had paid $472 million in losses; and in the worst case (though it is extremely unlikely to occur) could be required to pay an additional $4.7 billion.


We are certain to make many more payments. But I believe that on premium revenues alone, these contracts will prove profitable, leaving aside what we can earn on the large sums we hold. Our yearend liability for this exposure was recorded at $1.8 billion and is included in ?Derivative Contract Liabilities? on our balance sheet.


The second category of contracts involves various put options we have sold on four stock indices (the S&P 500 plus three foreign indices). These puts had original terms of either 15 or 20 years and were struck at the market. We have received premiums of $4.5 billion, and we recorded a liability at yearend of $4.6 billion. The puts in these contracts are exercisable only at their expiration dates, which occur between 2019 and 2027, and Berkshire will then need to make a payment only if the index in question is quoted at a level below that existing on the day that the put was written. Again, I believe these contracts, in aggregate, will be profitable and that we will, in addition, receive substantial income from our investment of the premiums we hold during the 15- or 20-year period.


Two aspects of our derivative contracts are particularly important. First, in all cases we hold the money, which means that we have no counterparty risk.


Second, accounting rules for our derivative contracts differ from those applying to our investment portfolio. In that portfolio, changes in value are applied to the net worth shown on Berkshire?s balance sheet, but do not affect earnings unless we sell (or write down) a holding. Changes in the value of a derivative contract, however, must be applied each quarter to earnings.


Thus, our derivative positions will sometimes cause large swings in reported earnings, even though Charlie and I might believe the intrinsic value of these positions has changed little. He and I will not be bothered by these swings ? even though they could easily amount to $1 billion or more in a quarter ? and we hope you won?t be either. You will recall that in our catastrophe insurance business, we are always ready to trade increased volatility in reported earnings in the short run for greater gains in net worth in the long run. That is our philosophy in derivatives as well.


Okay, so Buffett is long high yield credit, and seemingly receiving a pretty reward for it (the numbers seem too good, what is he doing?), and is long the US and other equity markets by writing long-dated European puts.? Sounds pretty good to me on both, though I?d love to see the details on the high yield, and on the equity index puts, Berky will be vulnerable in a depression scenario (it would be interesting to know the details there also).


Buffett is behaving like a long-tail P&C insurer, and he is willing to take on volatility if it offers better returns.? Berky is almost always willing to take on catastrophe risks, if they are more than adequately compensated.? If you are uncertain about this, ask the financial guarantors, they will tell you.


On page 17:


There?s been much talk recently of sovereign wealth funds and how they are buying large pieces of American businesses. This is our doing, not some nefarious plot by foreign governments. Our trade equation guarantees massive foreign investment in the U.S. When we force-feed $2 billion daily to the rest of the world, they must invest in something here. Why should we complain when they choose stocks over bonds?


Indeed, what?s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.? Why should the rest of the world buy our depreciating bonds, when they can buy our companies, which in my opinion, often offer much better prospects?? As Buffett puts it later, we are force-feeding dollars to the rest of the world? the decline in value is to be expected.


Also on page 17:


At Berkshire we held only one direct currency position during 2007. That was in ? hold your breath ? the Brazilian real. Not long ago, swapping dollars for reals would have been unthinkable. After all, during the past century five versions of Brazilian currency have, in effect, turned into confetti. As has been true in many countries whose currencies have periodically withered and died, wealthy Brazilians sometimes stashed large sums in the U.S. to preserve their wealth.


Clever move, and emblematic of the shift happening in our world where resource- and cheap labor-driven nations grow rapidly, and build up trade surpluses against the developed world.? Their currencies have appreciated.


Also on page 17:


Our direct currency positions have yielded $2.3 billion of pre-tax profits over the past five years, and in addition we have profited by holding bonds of U.S. companies that are denominated in other currencies. For example, in 2001 and 2002 we purchased ?310 million, Inc. 6 7/8 of 2010 at 57% of par. At the time, Amazon bonds were priced as ?junk? credits, though they were anything but. (Yes, Virginia, you can occasionally find markets that are ridiculously inefficient ? or at least you can find them anywhere except at the finance departments of some leading business schools.)


The Euro denomination of the Amazon bonds was a further, and important, attraction for us. The Euro was at 95? when we bought in 2002. Therefore, our cost in dollars came to only $169 million. Now the bonds sell at 102% of par and the Euro is worth $1.47. In 2005 and 2006 some of our bonds were called and we received $253 million for them. Our remaining bonds were valued at $162 million at yearend. Of our $246 million of realized and unrealized gain, about $118 million is attributable to the fall in the dollar. Currencies do matter.


Though Buffett got scared out of many of his foreign currency positions over the last few years, intellectually he was right about the direction of the US dollar, and made decent money off it.? The Amazon position was a home run in bond terms.? Bill Miller benefited from that one as well.? (I also endorse the comment on occasional inefficient markets.)


On page 18:


At Berkshire, we will attempt to further increase our stream of direct and indirect foreign earnings. Even if we are successful, however, our assets and earnings will always be concentrated in the U.S. Despite our country?s many imperfections and unrelenting problems of one sort or another, America?s rule of law, market-responsive economic system, and belief in meritocracy are almost certain to produce ever-growing prosperity for its citizens.


This is one of America?s greatest sustainable competitive advantages.? We allow more flexibility and failure than anywhere else in the world.? We have a relatively open and free system of markets and government.? Woe betide us if we change this.


On pages 18-20, Buffett takes on employee stock option accounting and pension accounting.? He believes options should be expensed, and that companies should bring down their assumptions for investment earnings, because they are unrealistically high.? I agree on the latter, and on the former, I think full disclosure is good enough.? Accounting rules are important, but investors (like Buffett) look for long-term free cash flows, which are largely unaffected by accounting rules.


I don?t think the market is fooled in either case.? Companies with large stock option grants and high assumed earning on pension plans both tend to trade cheap.? Their earnings quality is light.


Finally, on page 20:

Whatever pension-cost surprises are in store for shareholders down the road, these jolts will be surpassed many times over by those experienced by taxpayers. Public pension promises are huge and, in many cases, funding is woefully inadequate. Because the fuse on this time bomb is long, politicians flinch from inflicting tax pain, given that problems will only become apparent long after these officials have departed. Promises involving very early retirement ? sometimes to those in their low 40s ? and generous cost-of-living adjustments are easy for these officials to make. In a world where people are living longer and inflation is certain, those promises will be anything but easy to keep.


Ummm? say it again, Warren.? I?ve been saying this for years.? Hey, throw in multiple employer trusts as well.


With that, I would offer two observations about this letter from Warren.? First, it is shorter, and contains less data on the businesses, particularly the insurance businesses, but then, it was a quiet year.? Second, he had less in the way of ?soap box? issues this year.


In closing, Berky had a good year, and I have little to quibble with in this letter.? Another good job, Warren.

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