Search Results for: insurers

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

?Note: this is the 100th weekly edition of sorted weekly tweets.

Market Impact


  • Standing Out from the Crowd: Measuring Crowding in Quantitative Strategies Overinvestment in strategy precedes losses Feb 08, 2014
  • Does Fair Value Accounting Contribute to Market Price Volatility? An Experimental Approach Short answer: no $$ $XLF Feb 08, 2014
  • The Deeper Causes of the Financial Crisis: Mortgages Alone Cannot Explain It But they were the leading cause $$ $XLF Feb 08, 2014
  • Contagion Rejected as Biggest Bond Buyers Double Down on Junk Makes me think the correction will b another crisis $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Hedge Funds Preparing for $1T Property Bill Key Q: Will they limit their risks prior to the next commercl RE bust? $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Apollo Credit Twice Size of LBOs Shows Private-Equity Shift Not a good sign, nonstandard lenders r fragile $$ $APO Feb 07, 2014
  • Five Pointers on Floating-Rate Funds Don’t chase performance, rates may not rise, nor yields, adds credit risk $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Inverse VIX Fund Gets Record Cash on Calm Market Bet Be careful to not hold it long $$ $VXX Feb 05, 2014
  • World’s cheapest stock markets: Where are shares cheap? Gives u a rough idea as 2 where values may b found $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • Gundlach Shows Why Betting Against Treasuries Is a Fool?s Game Interesting that he is in long Tsys $$ FD: + $TLT Feb 03, 2014
  • Monday?s Selloff, by the Numbers That’s 2 large >2% down days in less than 2 weeks $$ $SPY Feb 03, 2014


Companies & Industries


  • Big Pizza Chains Use Web to Slice Out Bigger Market Share Easier 4 large chains 2 implement online ordering $$ $PZZA Feb 08, 2014
  • SodaStream?s New Mainstream Rivals: Coke and Green Mountain All the more reason 4 $PEP 2 buy $SODA $$ Feb 07, 2014
  • Why Discount Airlines Draw Fewer Complaints (Hint: It’s Not Better Service) Friendlier attitudes r better service $$ Feb 07, 2014
  • Satyajit Das: The Truth About Bank Earnings Bank earnings r lower quality; getting harder to increase them $$ $XLF Feb 05, 2014
  • Experts testify on true cost of Target breach Magnetic stripes will go away, & chips &/or PINs will appear $$ $TGT Feb 05, 2014
  • Apple Quietly Builds New Networks $AAPL certainly has spare $$ to throw at it, enhancing service quality $NFLX $GOOG Feb 04, 2014
  • H-P Finds Accounting Errors at Autonomy Unit We knew it was a dumb deal at the time, now $HPQ shows just how dumb $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Prophet of No Profit: How Jeff Bezos won the faith of Wall Street. Moats, operating leverage, pricing power $$ $AMZN Feb 01, 2014
  • Ask Buffett what he would be willing 2pay 4 $AMZN — after all, it has significant moats. I think he would put it in the “too hard” pile $$ Feb 01, 2014


Rest of the World


  • China, the Death Star of Emerging Markets @williampesek points at financial bubble in China; what will make it pop $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Scandal Tests Chinese President’s Standing With Military Corruption is a major issue 4 China, between Party & Army $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Saudi Twitter Debate as Citizens Criticize Government Social media allows criticism tht would not b done in public $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • China Savers? Penchant for Property Magnifies Bust Danger Anytime a single investment strategy dominates -> worry $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Pimco?s Bill Gross Says He Avoids China ?Mystery Meat? Great phrase as we do not know much about indebted China $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Sao Paulo Biggest Water-Supply System May Run Dry Within 45 Days Many water systems r near their limits globally $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Emerging Stocks Drop to 5-Month Low Led by China as Ruble Gains Not all emerging mkts r equal, some financed wrong $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Japan Sees Worst Developed-Stock Rout as Nikkei 225 Drops Current mkt reveals weak underlying fundamentals $$ $FXY Feb 04, 2014
  • Dad Can?t Buy Daughter Shoes as Argentine Currency Falls ?Do you know how I feel buying my daughter used shoes?? $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Argentina Scrambles To Raise $10B, Avoid Reserve Collapse; BONARs Bidless Only hold hard assets in Silverland $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • EM rout? Or Intervention Sunday? Difficult to tell what Developed Mkt policymakers will do, they r strapped @ home $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Argentina Bust Lures Investors After 200 Years of Defaults Invest in the hard stuff, land does not depreciate $$ $IRS Feb 04, 2014
  • Emerging-Market Rout Seen Enduring on Low Real Rates Funding structures of some emerging markets fall, $$ goes 2 $TLT Feb 04, 2014
  • Canadian Oil Rises as California Ships in Record Amount by Rail Retweet after me: Pipelines r cleaner & safer $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Analysis: Emerging markets outlook not rosy, but valuations tempt This may b a time 2nibble, not a time 2gulp $$ $EEM Feb 04, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • AOL is leading the way to make 401(k)s worse for everyone Meh; new employers will compensate workers that lose $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • ‘Six Californias’ plan difficult but doable, assessment shows Ideas like this come & go in a fragmented California $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • No, CBO did not say Obamacare will kill 2M jobs Rather, will discourage 2M from working full-time; big deal $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Ex-NSA Chief Details Snowden’s Hiring at Agency, Booz Allen Snowden set back US intelligence by 20+ yrs. Good. $$ Feb 06, 2014
  • The Tyranny and Lethargy of the Times Editorial Page Inside baseball, picture sums up story $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Puerto Rico Has Credit Rating Cut One Step 2Junk by S&P also Well-deserved, default coming $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Going on 30, Living With Mom and Dad Part is being slow 2 marry, then education, poor career choices, motivation $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Crop Insurers Win as Congress is Poised to Pass Farm Law If we can’t reduce ag subsidies when ag is healthy… $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Obamacare Wonks Flunk Data Analysis You can show lots of savings if u show your winners & hide your losers $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • CBO: Obamacare Will Lead To 2M Fewer Workers In Labor Force By 2017 Unintended consequences; fix this, break that $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Fed Presidents Say Stock Decline Unlikely to Derail QE Taper In the short-run true, but if the decline persists… $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • Investment Manager Explains Why 99.5% Of Americans Can Never Win Tax code is cockeyed, wealthy can avoid taxation $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • How Feds? Double Standard Enables Bad Bankers Simple: little bankers get prosecuted; big banks get fined $$ $BNK $XLF Feb 04, 2014
  • Early Drive for Hillary Clinton Unsettles Democrats Some Worry It Will Siphon $$ from Candidates in Midterm Elections Feb 04, 2014
  • You Can Thank or Blame Richard Stanger for Writing 401(k) Many important laws r accidental; killed DB pensions $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • ISM Miss Is Ugly All Around I’ve been arguing that the economy is weaker than it looks 4 a while; here’s a clue $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • US Banks Ease Loan Standards in Fed Survey as Demand Rises Can inflation b far behind if this persists? $$ $TLT $TIP Feb 04, 2014
  • California Dries Up as Brown Pushes $15B Tunnel If u don’t allocate water economically, becomes a political fight $$ Feb 04, 2014




  • Financial Blogging: How to Write Powerful Posts That Attract Clients My longer review: $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Why I Did Not Go To Jail @bhorowitz good read on the importance of proper company, legal, & incentives structure $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Daniel Suarez Sees Into the Future ‘Influx’ may propel sci-fi writer in2 void left by Tom Clancy &Michael Crichton $$ Feb 08, 2014
  • Why Melted Cheese Does the Trick Creaminess enhances the textures and flavors of other foods $$ $KFT $DF Feb 06, 2014
  • Deadly New Bird Flu Strain Spawned by Virus Behind H5N1 This is overblown. People die from the flu each year $$ $SPY Feb 05, 2014
  • Young Bankers Seek ?Good Yield? With Their Own Nonprofits Wealthy & powerful like 2b thought benefactors $$ Lk 22:25 Feb 04, 2014
  • How the Seattle Seahawks solved Peyton Manning Even if u r not into football, interesting 4 understanding strategy $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Super Bowl Safety Is Blow for Broncos and Las Vegas Sportsbooks The odds r interesting to read 4 unusual bets $$ $SPY Feb 04, 2014
  • Microsoft Adds Momentum to ?Open Science? | Understand that scientists r not neutral observers; they have 2 publish $$ Feb 04, 2014
  • Carney leaving CNBC for WSJ?s ?Heard on the Street? | @carney gets a significant promotion! Congrats! $$ $SPY $TLT $GE Feb 01, 2014


Other Economics


  • Free Checking Is Disappearing Perk Smaller banks often offer better deals than big banks on checking $$ $XLF $SPY Feb 08, 2014
  • More Men in Prime Working Ages Don’t Have Jobs 1 of the qualitative factors that show how punk the economy is $$ $SPY Feb 08, 2014
  • An International Gold Standard Beats The Rule Of The Governing Elite Old, makes point gold standard was better $$ Feb 05, 2014



  • Wrong: High unemployment putting the ECB in isolation Loose monetary policy doesn’t lower L-T unemployment $$ #global Feb 08, 2014
  • Wrong: America The Startup Worth a read, but the writer does not really understand the Pilgrims or the Puritans $$ Feb 04, 2014


Retweets, Replies, & Comments

  • @HistoryInPix Cemented the creation of the graphical user interface, buggy in prior versions, aside from pricey Macintosh ghetto Feb 06, 2014
  • ‘ @catofwallstreet the credit cards will have chips, not us- already have these in Europe. Also, consider amillenialism or postmillenialism. Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @PUMPSandDUMPS: This fan says it all #pennystocks Feb 05, 2014
  • Ice falling, branches too, west of Baltimore — kind of pretty $$ #weather Feb 05, 2014
  • @DavidSchawel The difference between dollar-weighted & Time-weighted returns is crucial but few get that. Good tweet on $DBLTX $$ Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @DavidSchawel: Retail psychology: chasing performance, then puking the bottom & missing the bounce-DBLTX Fund assets vs adjusted NAV htt? Feb 05, 2014
  • RT @cate_long: Cheers! “@carney: Thanks everyone! Very excited to be joining the @wsjheard team! Some details here Feb 01, 2014
  • @dpinsen not all, but a majority Feb 01, 2014


An Expensive Kind of Insurance

An Expensive Kind of Insurance

Strategy One: “Consistent Losses, with Occasional Big Gains when the Market is Stressed”

Strategy Two: “Consistent Gains, with Total Wipe-out Risk When Market is Highly Stressed”

How do these two strategies sound to you?? Not too appealing?? I would agree with that.? The second of those strategies was featured in an article at recently — Inverse VIX Fund Gets Record Cash on Calm Market Bet.? And though the initial graph confused me, because it was the graph for the exchange traded note VXX, which benefits when the VIX spikes, the article was mostly about the inverse VIX?exchange traded note XIV.

Why would someone pursue the second strategy?? Most of the time, it makes money, and since January 2011 we haven’t a horrendous market event like the one from August 2008 through February 2009, it makes money.

I would encourage you to look at the decline in the second half of 2011, where it fell 75% when the VIX briefly burped up to around 50.? But given the amazing comeback as volatility abated, the lesson that some investors drew was this: “Volatility Spike? Time to buy XIV!”? And that explains the article linked above.

You might remember a recent book review of mine — Rule Based Investing.? In that review, I made the point that those that sell insurance on financial contracts tend to win, but it is a volatile game with the possibility of total loss.? To give another example from the recent financial crisis: most of the financial and mortgage insurers in existence prior to 2007 are gone.? Let me put it simply: though financial risks can be insured, the risks are so volatile that they should not be insured.? You are just one colossal failure away from death, and that colossal failure will tend to come when everyone is certain that it can’t come.

But what of the first strategy?? How has it done?

Wow!? Look at the returns over the last few weeks!? Rather, look at a strategy that consistently loses money because it rolls futures contracts for the VIX where the futures curve is upward-sloping almost all the time, leading to buy high, sell low.

Does it pay off in a crisis?? Yes.? Can you use it tactically?? Yes.? Can you hold it and make money?? No.

Back to the second strategy.? People are putting money into XIV because they “know” that implied volatility always mean-reverts, and so they will make easy money after a volatility spike.? But what if they arrive too early, and volatility spikes far higher than expected?? Worse yet, what if Credit Suisse goes belly-up in the volatility?? After all, it is an exchange-traded note where owners of XIV are lending money to Credit Suisse.

Back to Basics

Do I play in these markets?? No.

Do I understand them?? Mostly, but I can’t claim to be the best at this.

What if I try both strategies at the same time?? You will lose.? You are short fees and trading frictions.

What if I short both strategies at the same time?? Uncertain. It comes down to whether you can hold the shorts over the long term without getting “bought in” or panic when one side of the trade runs the wrong way.

Recently, someone pinged me to speak to CFA Institute, Baltimore, where he wanted to talk about “not all correlations of risky assets go to one in a crisis” and pointed to volatility investing as the way to improve asset allocation.? Sigh.? I’m inclined to say that “you can’t teach a Sneech.”

I favor simplicity in investing, and think that many exchange traded products will harm investors on average because the investors do not understand the underlying economics of what they own, while Wall Street uses them as a cheap way to hedge their risk exposures.

There may be some value to speculators in using “investments” like strategy one for a few days at a time.? But holding for any long time is poison.? Worse, if you are accidentally right, and the world comes to an end — this is an exchange-traded note, and the bank you lent to will be broke.? That will also kill strategy two.

So, my advice to you is this: avoid either side of this trade.? Stick with simple investments that do not invest in futures or options.? Complexity is the enemy of the average investor.? I can understand these investments and they don’t work for me.? You should avoid them too.

PS — before I close, let me mention:

Good article in both places.

On Position Sizing in Equity Long-Short Hedge Funds

On Position Sizing in Equity Long-Short Hedge Funds

This article is prompted by the following article by John Hempton of Bronte Capital.? This is not meant as a criticism of him; I have nothing but respect for him.? The article triggered memories of my own experiences with position sizing at a hedge fund.

The hedge fund I once worked for had great expertise with financial companies, and I worked for them in the boom years of the 2000s.? Our leader was bearish on depositary financials, a view that would eventually be right.? Of course “eventually right” is another way to say “wrong in the short run.”

Let me describe the problem from another angle.? When I was a corporate bond manager, I would mentally set three levels with the bonds that I held.

  • Spread necessary for an ordinary-sized position.
  • Spread necessary for a big position.
  • Spread necessary for a maximum position.

These spreads I would adjust for premium vs discount, optionality, and a bunch of other things.? The point is that I would always have a schedule for where I would be willing to buy more, or lighten up (sell some).? I often dealt in some of the least liquid corporate bonds, and I was patient, and even willing to break rules by holding more than 20% of a given issue.? My analysts almost always did good work, and I trusted them.

When markets are illiquid, they “trade by appointment.”? If you have a balance sheet behind you that is not worried about liquidity, you can do interesting things by buying assets that most ordinary managers won’t touch, because the issue is too small.

I came to the hedge fund after I managed corporate bonds.? In one sense, I had managed a far more complex long-only portfolio.? But being able to short creates complexities of its own.

I can’t tell you how many times at meetings at the hedge fund we had tough discussion on position sizing, more frequently on short positions. We were perpetually long quality, short market capitalization, long insurers, short banks, and long value.? Great idea, if too early. This would be an extreme example:

Boss: “This short position is killing us, it is up 50% from where we shorted it, and now we have a 6% short position, what do we do?”

Others answered in front of me, essentially suggesting no change.? He asked me personally and I said:

David: “If you had no position, and you were approaching this company today, what would you do?”

Boss: “I would short the maximum — 4%.”

David: “Then buy in 2%.”

Boss: “But that locks in the loss.”

David: “Do you want to risk locking in a bigger loss?”

The boss once said to me that I was the only one on his team that was natively a portfolio manager rather than an analyst.? (That said, I remained an analyst, while an analyst was made an assistant portfolio manager.? I think it would have been too difficult to have the insurance guy to manage the portfolio of what was a banking shop.? That said, as a corporate bond manager, I managed the financials, which were mostly banks.)

Setting position sizes on shorts is always harder than longs.? When your thesis goes wrong on a short, your risk increases, as the position size gets larger.? When it goes wrong on a long position your risk decreases, as the position size gets smaller.

As I have often said, being short is not the opposite of being long, it is the opposite of being leveraged long.? When you are short, or leveraged long, you do not fully control your trade.? The margin desk can take you out of your trade if the equity in the account gets small enough.? They are ruthless in doing so, because the margin desks at brokerages do not want to take losses.

That makes it all the more important to set a schedule of sizes on short positions.? The first question should be: at what price would I put my maximum position on?? That would help in sizing introductory and normal positions.? They would be far smaller than what most hedge funds do.

Again, the same exercise is easier in a long-only format, but the protocol is the same.? Establish introductory, normal and maximum position sizes, and hold to them.? Also put into effect the idea that analysts must give greater scrutiny to large positions.

All That Said

This is a reason I am not a fan of most hedge funds.? I believe in the funds of my former employer and those of Mr. Hempton.? But the difficulties of dealing with bad decisions with a weak balance sheet kills a lot of hedge funds.? Long only — it might survive.? But when you go long and short with leverage, the risk arises of total loss.

So don’t think you are a “cool kid” because you invest in hedge funds.? Long only does better over the long haul, because it is less risky, and compounds value.


Systemic Risk Stems from Asset-Liability Mismatches

Systemic Risk Stems from Asset-Liability Mismatches

What happens when a crisis hits?? There are demands for cash payment, and the payments can’t be made because the entities have short liabilities requiring immediate payment, and long illiquid assets that no longer can be sold for a price consistent with average market conditions.? When there are many firms for which this is true, and they rely on each other’s solvency, that creates a systemic crisis.

Whether through:

  • Owning long assets, and financing short, or
  • Using the repo market to hold long assets, thus disguising it for accounting purposes as short assets
  • Taking deposits, and investing long,

it creates an imbalance.? It is almost always more profitable in the short-run to finance short and lend long.? But when there is a demand for cash, such institutions are on the ropes and might not survive.? Less than half of the major American investment banks existing in 2007 were alive in 2009 to today.

But what if you were clever as a financial institution, and had liability structures that were long, or distributed the risk of what you were doing back to clients.? You would always have adequate liquidity, and would not be in danger of default for systemic reasons.

Thus, I think the Financial Stability Oversight Commission [FSOC] is nuts to regulate insurers such as MetLife, Prudential, AIG and Berkshire Hathaway.? They do not face the risk of a run on the bank.? Look at the history of insurers: those that failed due to a run on the bank were those that:

  • Issued guaranteed investment contracts that would be immediately payable on ratings downgrade.
  • Issued P&C reinsurance contracts that would be immediately payable on ratings downgrade.

Aside from that, there were badly run companies that failed but no systemic risk.? There was also AIG, which faced a call on cash from its derivatives counterparty, but not the insurance entity.

As for investment managers, they have no systemic risk.? It does not matter if Blackrock, Pimco, Fidelity and Vanguard would all fail.? Mutual fund holders would find their funds transferred to solvent entities, and any losses? they might receive are the ordinary losses they could receive if the management? firms were still solvent.

Someone lend the FSOC a brain.? Big size does not equal systemic risk.? Systemic risk stems from a call on liquidity at financial firms that borrow short and lend long for their own accounts.? That does not include asset managers and insurers, no matter how big they are.

What this says to me is that financial reform in DC is brain-dead.? (Surprised?? Nothing new.)? They have fixated on the idea that big is bad, when the real problem is asset-liability mismatches, amplified by size and connectedness.? Big banks are a problem.? Big insurers and asset management firms are not.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • Crunch Escalates as Money Funds Rival Shadow Banks Money funds in China suck liquidity away from wealth mgmt prods $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Spain?s Worst Year for Work Leaves Rajoy Counting Cost Private debts r not economically neutral. Large -> unstable $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Richest Scandinavian Nation Extends Its Junk Boom Norwegian financial institutions have hunger for yield in kronor $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Bird Flu Kills Health Worker, Stokes Transmission Concern Would not b concerned, seems difficult to transmit virus $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Rise of ‘Common Man’ in India Threatens Stability of Government Coalition Things get squishy if no majority win $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • German Economic Growth Fails to Gain Impetus Depends on on the strength of those that import German goods $$ $SPY Jan 20, 2014
  • French First Lady Leaves Hospital At least *one* person cared about the behavior of Francois Hollande $$ #sad Jan 20, 2014
  • Solar Beats Gas Unlocking Middle East?s Heavy Oil, Report Says Fascinating, using cheap solar energy 2 produce oil $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Hot Demand for Emerging-Market Bonds This is puzzling , I don’t get how emerging markets r well financed $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • China encroaching on U.S. military dominance in Pacific, says top admiral So we can’t be global cop, good thing $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Mobius Placing Biggest Wagers on Nigeria for Frontier Rally It is difficult to make $$ when there is a quiet war Jan 19, 2014
  • BENGHAZI WAS PREVENTABLE: Hillary Clinton cited for major security lapses Hillary will have a lot to answer for $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Saudi King Sees Egypt Too Big to Fail Under Friendly General Saudi Arabia gets pragmatic, supports Egyptian Army $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • The West Is Losing Ukraine Ukraine is losing the West, as its leader strips freedoms, & fights protesters $$ $SPY Jan 19, 2014
  • Hollande?s Tryst and the End of Marriage Secretly, even the French care about the stability of their leaders $$ $FXE Jan 19, 2014
  • Baltic Homes That Singed Scandinavia Banks Heating Up: Mortgages Beware large increases in indebtedness $$ $TLT $SPY Jan 19, 2014
  • China’s Indie Rockers Get Boost From Online Music Platforms Note the prominence of our friend Michael Pettis $$ $FXI Jan 19, 2014
  • Venezuela Post-Ch?vez: Hustlers’ Paradise Thugs run govt. Some people get cheap goods, while others get shortages $$ Jan 19, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • Stop Obamacare?s Outrageous Bailouts Once losses exceed 8% of premiums, taxpayers pay for 75% of excess losses $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Questionable: Robert Gates?s Dishonorable Act There r too many bad secrets in DC that we ought to know about $$ $SPY Jan 20, 2014
  • Which Fed Guidance Should We Believe? As FOMC uses more & more words 2explain what they r doing we understand less $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • When Low Unemployment Is Bad News Labor force participation rate continues 2 fall as punk economy creates few jobs $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • NSA Data Have No Impact on Terrorism: Report NSA is not worth the privacy risk, nor what we pay to employ them $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Ari Fleischer: How to Fight Income Inequality: Get Married Poverty rate falls 4 those who can make a marriage work $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Obama’s Constitutional Education & Should consider unilateral actions modifying PPACA also $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • How the crash of safe assets fueled the financial crisis When “safe” assets r found to have credit risk -> bust $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Congress split over NSA’s domestic spying program, could just let laws expire Divisive: left & right vs center $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Young enrollees of Obamacare fall well short of goal When premiums rise as a result, people will b unhappy $$ $SPY Jan 20, 2014
  • Spy court judge slams proposed privacy advocate We need someone arguing against spying on average people $$ $SPY $TLT Jan 19, 2014
  • What?s Net Neutrality? What Happened to Net Neutrality Yesterday? What Happens Next? A Q&A for the Rest of Us. Read Jan 19, 2014
  • Volcker Rule Fix Will Aid Large and Small Banks This is a lousy rule that allows banks to bury Trup CDO losses $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Hillary Clinton’s political hit list of top betrayers includes Kerry, Kennedy This reminds me of the Nixon enemies $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Judge Disallows Plan by Detroit to Pay Off Banks Detroit should aim for the bast long-run outcome $$ $MUB $SPY $TLT Jan 19, 2014
  • Is Your Abortion My Free Speech?? This is where constitutions fall apart, b/c they are limited documents $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Reid Gives Landrieu VIP Treatment to Tip Election Odds Democrats desperate to retain power, aid marginal members $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Where Are the U.S.?s Millionaires? Alas, but Maryland sucks the blood of America, & creates millionaires $$ $SPY $TLT Jan 19, 2014
  • I Spent Two Hours Talking With the NSA’s Bigwigs. Here’s What Has Them Mad They hate Snowden’s guts $$ $thatsimple Jan 19, 2014
  • How the NSA Almost Killed the Internet | Threat Level Sowing distrust in major internet utilities on privacy $$ $GOOG Jan 19, 2014
  • To enforce net neutrality, the FCC has to decide that Verizon is a common carrier Simple idea, simple solution $$ $VZ Jan 19, 2014
  • Student Loans, the Next Big Threat to the US Economy? Rule of Thumb: avoid lending in area w/greatest debt growth $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • ISS Open to Activists Paying Bonuses to Directors Carl Icahn wins a small victory; broader implications unclear $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • ?Wolf of Wall Street? Offspring Never Quite Die It’s a revolving door & FINRA doesn’t provide real access 2 data $$ Jan 19, 2014


Market Impact


  • Investor Animal Spirits Spread to Companies Worldwide No such thing as animal spirits, only pursuing opportunity $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • JPMorgan Says BVG Owes $200 Million Over ?Unfortunate? CDS What’s worse is trifling yield prompting BVG’s greed $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Hedge Funds Raise Gold Wagers as Goldman Sees Drop Hedge funds 2short-term could b forced sellers on weakness $$ $GLD Jan 20, 2014
  • Even money market funds in a crisis would have a hard time delivering a >2% loss, which would b borne by investors, & not systemic $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • How You Can Survive a New Era in the Bond Market Too many people banging the drum 4 higher interest rates $$ $IEF Jan 20, 2014
  • From the prior tweet, Central Bankers have drawn wrong conclusion: You can fix a bust by issuing lots of credit. $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • The correct answer is that you can avoid a bust by not running loose monetary policy as in the ’20s & ’00s. We still have pain to come $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Where Have All the Star Fund Managers Gone? Focus on low fees, long track record, low assets & not index-like $$ $SPY Jan 20, 2014
  • Reinsurers face ratings cuts, S&P warns Too much surplus chasing reinsurance biz; I’ve been lightening the boat $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Interest rates don’t matter? Federal Reserve paper says so Sad but true, monetary policy is weaker than most think $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Professor Puts Ideas in Practice as Reverse-Mortgage CEO As w/most complex financial agreements, this will fail $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Metals, Currency Rigging Is Worse Than Libor, Bafin Says Impossible 2 create benchmarks free of human gaming $$ $SPY Jan 19, 2014
  • Nobody Likes Bonds!: by @ritholtz But *I* like bonds, particularly short corporates, loans, & $TLT FD: + $TLT $$ Jan 18, 2014




  • Comet-Chasing Spacecraft Sends First Signal in 31 Months Satellite to hitch ride on Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • The ‘Sharing Economy’ and Its Enemies How Airbnb steps on the toes of hoteliers, regulators & the tax man $$ $SPY Jan 20, 2014
  • Device Thefts Fueling Rise In Larcenies NYC larcenies fall if you exclude theft of Apple-branded devices $$ $AAPL Jan 20, 2014
  • The Right Way to Go After Big Clients Can waste a lot of time & find margins squeezed in the end $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • What Secrets Your Phone Is Sharing About You Many hack your phone datato get insights into how you shop $$ $SPY $TLT Jan 19, 2014
  • Moms in ?Survival Mode? as US Trails World on Benefits We can argue over any benefit, but what when US is broke $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Tennis Quant?s System Doubles Money Without Knowing Players Small markets r often inefficient, allow 4 small wins $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Miners Chopping $10B Search Bodes Next Price Boom Miners cut exploration budgets, should lead to higher prices $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • How the Target Hackers Did It Scraped RAM in POS machines grabbing all manner of data on card users $$ $TGT $SPY $TLT Jan 19, 2014
  • Another Bad Year for Religious Freedom Religion by its nature tends to invite constraint as it is a threat 2 govts $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • If Google Is a Guy, DuckDuckGo Is a Ghost Want privacy for your searches? Consider DuckDuckGo $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • How an intelligent lady managed to wrongfoot & destroy a website engaged in “revenge porn.” $$ Jan 19, 2014




  • Likely Wrong: A New Asset-Allocation Strategy for Investing in Retirement Stocks r risky over intermediate periods $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Wrong: Bonds Captivate $16T of Pensions Bonds have 2 go somewhere & defined benefit pensions have long liabilities $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Wrong: Bailout Risk, Far Beyond the Banks! Asset mgmt companies can go bust, & they pose no systemic risk $$ Jan 20, 2014
  • Wrong: Stanley Fischer saved Israel from the Great Recession. Now Janet Yellen wants him to help save the US $$ $TLT Jan 20, 2014
  • Wrong: Ten quotes on the question of financial bubbles No one focuses on the effect of borrowing money in bubbles $$ Jan 19, 2014
  • Wrong: Wealthy CEO Is Deeply Concerned About Budget Deficits Biased article doesn’t factor in entitlements $$ $TLT Jan 19, 2014



Replies, Retweets, and Comments


  • @DavidBCollum Look here: Value Line has a chart that goes back to the 20s though… Jan 17, 2014
  • RT @cate_long: Please add RT @researchpuzzler: a guide to finding data on the cheap from @AlephBlog Jan 15, 2014
  • RT @Pawelmorski: Great spot @toby_n : DB’s Slok quantifies how difficult the Fed finds explaining itself. Jan 14, 2014
E-mails on Insurance

E-mails on Insurance

Here we go.? E-mail #1:

You truly have one of the great blogs out there!

I was wondering, have you ever had to evaluate a company that had set up a captive insurance company to self insure? How did you get comfortable with it?

As an example, ZCL composites on the TSXV. I looked at them awhile back and disqualified it as I could not get comfortable with the environmental liability. They manufacture fuel storage tanks, so insurance is a large component of their cost of doing business.

If they did have a reputable outside insurer, you could at least count on the insurer for doing some audit work in their manufacturing and installation processes. But they have set up a captive, and self insure.?

So, how would you calculate whether they have enough reserves?

I threw the company in the too difficult pile and moved on, but it has irked me as I like them.

Good toss into the too difficult pile.? Environmental liabilities are difficult even for actuaries inside the insurance companies? to analyze.? Those of us outside have no chance.? I cannot validate reserves from outside, and particularly not on long-tail lines.? I will not invest in any insurer that has a large part of its underwriting in asbestos/environmental — it is too risky.

That aside, using a captive is a negative sign.? No one uses a captive, except to weaken reserving, taxation, or other rules.

Next e-mail:


I stumbled across Gainsco, Inc. (OTCPK:GANS), a very small nonstandard auto insurer (you may be familiar). It’s trading around 0.6x book value, seems to be well capitalized, and has had OK growth barring FY2012. It also has a pretty impressive 12.5% dividend yield.

I guess my questions are:

1) Would you expect this trade at such a discount to book because: its nonstandard insurance, it’s on the pink sheets (not regularly filing with the SEC), it’s too small, or some combination or other reason?

2) given that its nonstandard, I assume it’s riskier? What’s the best way to determine whether the company is adequately reserved/capitalized? 24.5% equity / assets seems pretty conservative, but I suppose if they’re not adequately reserved that could be meaningless.

Thanks so much, look forward to hearing from you.

I have run across Gainsco in the past, when they were bigger, and I avoided them.? Subprime insurers tend to lose money on underwriting over time.? There is a kind of cycle where a few make money for a few years, and then competition surges, and more money is lost than was previously made.? From the time I started as a buyside analyst of insurance stocks in 2003, until now, no subprime insurer has made money for a buy-and-hold investor.

Aside from that, Gainsco has gone dark.? You can see financials at their website, but do you trust them?? Aside from nonsponsored ADRs no good companies trade on the pink sheets.

Margin of safety — this does not meet my safety requirements.

Final E-mail:

Hi David,

I really enjoy your blog.? Have seen the recent news surrounding AmTrust Financial (AFSI) and short sellers?? I’d like to hear the thoughts of an actuary on the company and specifically the items that GeoInvesting points to.? To me, their financial structure appears extremely (perhaps, unnecessarily) complicated.?

Yes, and they fail my test of having conservative reserves.? They have had to strengthen reserves on prior year’s business for the past three years.? That is a bad sign, and would keep me away.? I think GeoInvesting is correct here, but this is not an endorsement of them generally.

It is very rare that an insurer should be valued near 2x book value.? Though I am rarely so bold, this one strikes me as a short sale, if you can get the borrow with confidence.


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • Iraq Is New Schism for Saudis in Strained Alliance With West This piles on top of Iran & Syria; Sunni-Shi’a divide $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Hollande Deplores Magazine Splash of Affair With Actress Many enjoy scandals, even if they say nothing is wrong $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Surprise drop in euro zone inflation shows deflation risk Economic conditions are so weak, should we b surprised $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Area Evacuated After Fiery Derailment in Canada Pipelines are environmentally safer; send the memo to Obama $$ $XLE Jan 09, 2014
  • South Sudan Peace Talks Falter Africa is essentially tribal, which does not mix well w/democracy, most of the time $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Good News and Bad News About Global Inequality Many non-economic indicators show inequality is declining $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Rich Danes Face Benefit Cuts as Universal Welfare Abandoned Non-universal entitlements tend2get viewed as welfare $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Bond Tab for Biggest Economies Seen at $7.43T in ?14 The debts will roll over, the only question is the yield $$ $TLT Jan 06, 2014
  • Euro Jobless Scourge Seen Defying Leaders? Growth Pledge 12%+ unemployment &little improvement, makes US look good $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • Dirtiest Coal?s Rebirth in Europe Flattens Medieval Towns Trading nuclear power for lignite seems a bad trade $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • Shadow Banking Risks Exposed by Local Debt Audit The problem is that it is tough to count all the opaque debts $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • China?s Runaway Train Is Running Out of Track! The Chinese debt bubble nears its demise, what will Chinese govt do $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • South Sudan Peace Talks Start as Army Pushes Back Rebel Assault Hard to have peace talks while pushing back rebels $$ Jan 05, 2014


Companies & Industries


  • Who Wins, Who Loses if the U.S. Starts Exporting Oil? Missed the effect on the commodity petrochemical industry $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Dish Seeks to End $2.2B Bid for LightSquared Asset Ergen wants to end the deal b/c LightSquared missed milestones $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Target Data Breach Much Worse Than First Thought 70M customers had home & email addresses & phone #s stolen $TGT $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Intel Has Its Eyes Fixed on Networking Intel thinks they have 4 openings 4 networks to aid the telecom companies $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Lenovo Dominated Worst-Ever World PC Market in 2013 Lenovo has the lead in a big but shrinking business $$ $HPQ $SPT Jan 11, 2014
  • IBM Doubles Down on Watson Watson is a genius, but it takes lots of effort to make the four areas of strength work $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Wells Fargo Creates SWAT Team to Keep Loans In-House Putting loans on the balance sheet? How quaint. $$ FD: + $WFC Jan 09, 2014
  • Americans Are Eating More Velveeta, and Now There’s Not Enough As a cook, contemplating this makes me queasy $$ $KFT Jan 08, 2014
  • How Companies Face Up to Human Trafficking Risk Very difficult to get all slave labor out of int’l supply chains $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Why business schools charge so much and pay their teachers so little They’re amoral bastards w/a profit motive $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Bank of America ramps up credit card loans If the big banks r starting to open the lending spigots — inflation? $$ Jan 08, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • Taxes Have Congress Avoiding Roads Bill as Money Runs Low Let the states prioritize their road construction/repair $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • What Liberals Don?t Get About Single Payer Insurers a small part of costs, Drugs, Medical equipment & Doctors big $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Christie and the IRS Contrast the Governor’s contrition with Obama’s lack thereof; tho if Christie lied he is dead $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • HARP: How the Mortgage Program Has Panned Out It does leave the taxpayer w/a contingent liability 4 defaults $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Puerto Ricans Flock North Away From Battered Economy Self-reinforcing cycle as better off Puerto Ricans come to US $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • How the War on Poverty Was Lost Goal was give fellow citizens a fair chance to develop their own capacities $$ #fail Jan 11, 2014
  • Chris Christie Is Not a Bully. These Guys Were John Adams, RFK, LBJ, Andrew Jackson, Nixon hurt political enemies $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Millionaires’ Club: For First Time, Most Lawmakers are Worth $1 Million-Plus A million ain’t worth what it used 2b $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Clickable Consent at Risk in Internet Privacy Lawsuits How much do u give away accepting information use policy? $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record Be sure & give Congress, Bureaucracy & the Federal Reserve blame 2 $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • How Not to Regulate Good regulations r holistic & ignore special pleading from politically connected entities $$ $SPY Jan 08, 2014
  • Congress Makes NASA Finish Useless $350 Million Structure If we can’t make easy cuts, hard cuts will never b made $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Cull the Stupid Tax Breaks Mostly we need to eliminate tax breaks that are not generally available to all business $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • Study Shows Fracking Is Bad for Babies Studies shouldn’t be released until peer review complete; statistics abuse $$ Jan 05, 2014
  • Darrell Issa’s Mischievous Postal Reform Bill Eliminates Saturday delivery to restore COLAs for military retirees $$ Jan 05, 2014


US Economics


  • Is Jobless Rate Really Falling? I find it dubious that falling labor participation rate is due to natural reasons $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Payrolls Rise Less Than Forecast; US Jobless Rate at 6.7% We need to have a different H/L #, U-3 is 2 unreliable $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Highlights From the December Jobs Report The December civilian labor force participation rate was a low 62.8% $$ $TLT Jan 11, 2014
  • Best Year Since 2007, Even Better 2014 Still haven’t made it back to 2000-2007 levels, projects better 2014 $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • What Do You Call 12,000 Economists Trudging Through Snow? Not enough snow 😉 $$ Jan 05, 2014
  • Arthur Laffer Interview Difficult 2 deal w/a paradigm shift; inflation not realistic during deleveraging $$ Jan 04, 2014


Market Impact


  • When Does A Bubble Spell Trouble? Many transformative technologies get overvalued b4 producing real cash returns $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Looking for Alternatives to Bonds Until negative part of the credit cycle bites it works; keep one eye on the exit $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Skagen Says Ignore Wall Street, Bet on Emerging Markets Alternative POV, but emerging mkts do bad amid $$ tightening Jan 11, 2014
  • 10 Reasons the Gold Bugs Lost Their Shirts @ritholtz writes a great piece on investing in an mistitled article $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Older Americans Shun Retirement at 65 for Risky Startups I’ve run into these in PE, the desperation can be felt $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Bull Market Has Years Left for Shaoul on S&P 500 Values Argument is that breadth leads to long market rallies $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • Wall Street’s Reading List Great list, but add in Michael Pettis’ The Great Rebalancing $$ Jan 06, 2014




  • Marriage Makes You Rich and Stupid Another factor here is that the productivity of stay-at-home spouse isn’t taxed $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • The Open-Office Trap Open offices promote distraction, which reduces productivity; it takes courage to resist it $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • To Stop Procrastinating, Look to Science of Mood Repair Just get started, avoid a pity party, look to the future $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Website helps students find freelance gigs, avoid unpaid internships Interesting stuff, sent it to my college kids $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Payout May Come for an ABA Team That Is Long Gone Half Billion comes 37 years later 2 owners of marginal ABA team $$ Jan 08, 2014
  • Frigid Air Threatens Coldest US Weather in Two Decades Things are extra cold in the Northern Hemisphere on average $$ Jan 06, 2014
  • Noah?s Ark Risks Collapse Without Bond Buyers by February It would be sad to see Noah’s Ark underwater 😉 $$ Jan 05, 2014
  • The Scandal Bowl: Tar Heels Football, Academic Fraud, and Implicit Racism Phony classes &grades 4 football players $$ Jan 05, 2014


Information Security


  • Security Experts Pull Out of RSA Conference in NSA Protest & they should, y support those who compromise security? $$ Jan 11, 2014
  • Is the NSA spying on Congress? Not long, worth a read; NSA responses to Sanders and Grayson indicate yes. $$ Jan 04, 2014



  • Wrong: Federal Probe Targets Banks Over Bonds Vacuous, the bond market requires that you research what u buy $$ $AGG Jan 09, 2014
  • Wrong: Why great CEOs ignore their stock price Great CEOs use their stock price to guide buybacks & acquisitions $$ Jan 09, 2014
  • Wrong: Is China Losing Hong Kong? I don’t think the Party cares much over whether those in Hong Kong are happy $$ Jan 06, 2014


Comments, Replies & Retweets

  • RT @MacFarlaneNews: EPIC FAILURE- U.S. Navy accidentally sends reporter its strategy memo for dodging his FOIA request cc: @gregorykorte ht? Jan 08, 2014
  • RT @OracleofWallSt: @MatthewPhillips Myth: companies investing more cash in buybacks and not reinvesting. This chart debunks this view. htt? Jan 08, 2014
  • @hblodget @MatthewPhillips How much of the cash is collateral for derivatives, and other lending agreements? Different world today. Jan 08, 2014
  • @Mr_Berman Brainy, and cool-looking for his era. We all age. 🙂 Jan 07, 2014
  • I review more books than the above personalities. I nominate The Great Rebalancing by Michael Pettis…. Jan 06, 2014
  • Bitcoin, like a promoted penny stock, is easily manipulated, because there is little intrinsic value Jan 06, 2014
  • The big question is when deleveraging stops, and individuals and banks start borrowing… Jan 04, 2014


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • Aberdeen Buys Thailand?s Stocks Amid Worst First-Day Drop Thailand is worth a look, the Army tends to stabilize $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Rousseff Buoyed by Rising Poor as Brazil Rating Drop Looms Y I sold all Brazil investments when Dilma was elected $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Who Needs Bitcoin? Venezuela Has Its ‘Sucre’ Trade Bolivars @ official rate 4 Sucre 2 Dollars 2 black mkt Bolivars $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • JPMorgan Halts Latvia Dollar Deals After Probes, Group Says Latvian banks do $$ laundering w/sloppy investment banks Jan 03, 2014
  • Cheaper Hanoi Pork Shows Crops Ease World Food Cost Bumper grain harvests in the US & India lower world food costs $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Chinese Banks Eye Global Bond Market B leery of Chinese bank subordinated debt convertible into equity in failure $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Explaining Hybrid Securities to Chinese Investors Think the Chinese will regret this financial innovation in time $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Unusual Emerging-Market Bond Bet Pays Off W/lots of liquidity, this was a year 4 the trash 2 fly: Argentina/Greece $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Israel’s Christian Awakening Arab Christians find common ground w/Israeli State vs Arab Muslims to defend Israel $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Bank Borrowing From ECB Jumps Every bank likes 2 look liquid at year end 4 the snapshot of its balance sheet $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • The unintended consequences of Abenomics @soberlook shows us how the poor & elderly r hurt by Abenomics $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Repeated Liquidity Crunches Beg a Question: Where’d the Money Go? Provides liquidity 2 WMP Ponzi schemes of banks $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • The Rise and Fall of a Local Official Obsessed with GDP Growth Statistics stretched2make things look better $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Argentina?s socioeconomic statistics: Still lying after all these years Official statistics r fudged 2help govt $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Miss Japan Ikumi Yoshimatsu joins battle against mafia in the media Can one beauty take on the Yakuza? She can try $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • It’s Official: Pope Has Not Abolished Sin, Says Vatican That may be, but he certainly downplays its importance $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Turkey first of Fed Taper victims as political crisis scares investors monetary policy tightening reveals weakness $$ Jan 01, 2014


US Politics & Policy


  • MIT Economist Seeks Facts in Health-Care Policy Debate Amy Finkelstein worth watching as she measures healthcare $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Someone Please Help New York Times With Econ 101 I’m sorry @cabaum1 , but there is no hope 4 the NYT, e.g. Krugman $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • America Burning – The Yarnell Hill Fire Tragedy and the Nation’s Wildfire Crisis Volunteer firefighters risk lives $$ Jan 03, 2014
  • Bakken Crude More Dangerous to Ship Than Other Oil Lighter hydrocarbons tend to b more flammable, need 2 test them $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • If 2013 Was Hard on Obamacare, Just Wait for 2014 An actuarially unsound program will get worse over time $$ #watch Jan 01, 2014
  • Obamacare Enrollments Hit 1.1M W/December Surge B interesting 2c how well the policy is liked as taxes/prems go up $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Americans on Wrong Side of Pay Gap Run Out of Means to Cope Labor is not scarce & QE inflates necessities & stocks $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • TRICKY DICK: Only Nixon less popular than President Obama in Year 5 B interesting 2c if it affects 2014 elections $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Portfolio Hedging Is Alive and Well Under Volcker The “London Whale trade” & things like it r legal w/Volcker Rule $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Buffett’s year-end bet: Pipelines Fits in nicely w/Lubrizol & $BRK-B other chemical assets | FD: + $BRK-B & $PSX $$ Dec 31, 2013
  • Icahn to FT: Why Shouldn?t My Board Picks Share in Profits? Company Sale not always S/H best interests in long run $$ Dec 31, 2013
  • North Dakota Train Fire Adds Fuel to Keystone XL Debate Pipelines r more reliable than trains on average $$ $SPY $TLT Dec 31, 2013
  • SEC pushes US insurers for details on ‘captives’ Isn’t primarily a GAAP issue, so the SEC is on the wrong track $$ Dec 31, 2013
  • Acquisitions Continue to Support AJG Zacks goofs again. Validus $VR isn’t an insurance broker, but a P&C reinsurer $$ Dec 31, 2013



Companies & Industries


  • Can’t Get Tenure? Then Get a Real Job by @asymmetricinfo Professors are in ovversupply, look outside of academia $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Yet Another Housing Cover Story From Barron’s @ritholtz takes under on 5% growth in housing prices 4 next 3 yrs $$ +1 Jan 04, 2014
  • How Wall Street got snowed on weather derivatives Weather is different everywhere; bespoke market can’t get volume $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Cox to Buy Back Stake in AutoTrader Who knew that AutoTrader was worth ~$7B; web middlemen can b worth a lot $$ $PCLN Jan 04, 2014
  • Berkshire Seen Failing Buffett 5-Year Test for First Time Had 2 happen sometime, amazing it went on4so long $$ $BRK-B Jan 02, 2014
  • Buffett?s Media General Deal Makes a Lot More Financial Sense Now Buffett has aready made what he put in in equity $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • The first 3D printed organ — a liver — is expected in 2014 If we can create native organs, impact will be huge $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Stop Pouting About Tech’s Next Big Thing, It’s Here We still haven’t maxed out utility of smartphones & tablets $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Hertz Runs Over Activist Shareholders A strong poison pill; I’m surprised the price of Hertz went up on the news $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Health: Scientists Look to Improve Cost and Time of Drug Trials Sounds promising, but will lose double blind rigor $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Bitcoin Is a High-Tech Dinosaur Soon to Be Extinct Bitcoin will die, but it is not right 4 governments 2monopolize $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Home Prices Back at Peaks in Some Areas Most of it depends on how well the underlying local economies r doing $$ Jan 01, 2014


Market Impact


  • Why ‘Wildly Overvalued’ Stocks May Keep Rising @ritholtz Low short rates, steep yield curve good 4 PE multiples $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Pension Funding Levels Surged in 2013 If a Defined Benefit plan is not fully funded now, likely it never will be $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Finra to Crack Down on Brokers With High Number of Complaints If FINRA is prioritizing now, y didn’t they do it b4 $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Amid Record Rally, Stock Picker Keeps Focus on the Basics Sam Eisenstadt, a Pioneer at Value Line, Remains Bullish $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Private Equity Enjoys a Record Year Firms That Buy & Sell Companies Are Set to Return >$120B to Investors for 2013 $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Paulson Gets $490 Million as ?Mooch? Rotates to Equities Not sure y an action of Scarmucci’s firm gets such play $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Persistence is a Killer @reformedbroker points out how hard it is 2 keep outperforming; as AUM rises harder still $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Stocks $3.7T Year Beats Bonds Most Ever on Funds What a year; I’m glad I limit my ability2b bearish w/my portfolio $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • S&P 500 Price to Book Value Worth a look- P/B is around 2.7 at present up from 1.8 at the beginning of 2009 $$ $SPY Jan 01, 2014
  • Guess which hedge funds beat the roaring S&P 500? Robbins, Paulson, Loeb, Peltz, Tepper, Pucillo $$ $SPY Dec 31, 2013




  • Green Bay Cold Threatens to Outfreeze NFL Ice Bowl Record Cheeseheads will watch&freeze as 49ers go to their knees $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Plosser: May Need to Employ Aggressive Tightening Campaign Fed doesn’t know what will happen & can’t control it $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Auburn-Alabama: Inside the Greatest Play of All Interesting details on the strategies employed by the two coaches $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Business Buzzwords Generator Generate random buzzword phrases for cheap fun $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Which Buzzwords Would U Ban? Going Forward, Low-Hanging Fruit, Disrupt, Epic, Incentivize, Game Change, Reach Out $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Apple, Jacob Appelbaum and the National Security Agency Scary article & video of NSA projects by a security expert $$ Jan 02, 2014
  • Scott Yancey – FREE Live Real Estate Income Event For losers only; learn how to attempt flipping property & lose $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • The Ride-Sharing, Handbag-Borrowing Productivity Revival The internet allows people 2 share capital goods easily $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Say Goodbye to the Same Old Steakhouse That most hidebound of dining institutions is long overdue for an update $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • 2014 Resolution: This Year, I Will Blog Easy 2 say, hard 2do. Tonight, Aleph Blog will give pointers on how 2do it $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • 2013 Year in Review by David Collum “Austerity is not a policy; it is a consequence of bad policy” Bad year 4 him $$ Dec 31, 2013


Wolf of Wall Street


  • How the “Wolf of Wall Street” Is Still Screwing His Real-Life Victims 20% restitution made to victims. Not enough $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • An Open Letter to the Makers of The Wolf of Wall Street, and the Wolf Himself Daughter of a scammer critcizes film $$ Jan 01, 2014
  • Daughter of the Boiler Room What would it b like2b daughter of Jordan Belfort’s associate? Lots of $$ -> lots of debt Jan 01, 2014
  • My ?Wolf of Wall Street? Review @reformedbroker validates much of the tale from his own early experiences $$ Jan 01, 2014




  • Wrong: The Pope Is Right: Inequality Is Unjust God is Sovereign & gives different people differing abilities $$ Jan 04, 2014
  • Wrong: Homebuyers Missing Housing Rebound Depend on Yellen Too optimistic; Fed no longer controls long rates $$ $TLT Jan 03, 2014
  • Wrong: In Search of the Perfect Portfolio A fool’s errand. Environments change & no simple universal method $$ Jan 01, 2014



Comments, Replies & Retweets


  • @groditi For you, I think it would be worth $50+ to review what someone who used 2do it at Credit Suisse thinks. Get the company to pay $$ Jan 03, 2014
  • Commented on StockTwits: First time I have heard of Perceptron, thanks for introducing me to it. No, I don’t know… Jan 03, 2014
  • Commented on StockTwits: Also be aware that distributions from $AMLP have been somewhat irregular in the past:… Jan 01, 2014
  • Commented on StockTwits: Just be aware that you have a concentrated position in an income vehicle. If interest ra… Jan 01, 2014
  • Commented on StockTwits: What proportion of your investable assets is held in it? Jan 01, 2014
  • @maoxian @randomroger But I’m glad you like it. I got the idea from @historysquared but realized it could be better 4 readers if I sorted Dec 31, 2013
  • @maoxian @randomroger I use “Allmytweets” & since I do it weekly, search the word “sorted” to find where I left off Dec 31, 2013
  • @dpinsen @PortfolioArmor Go for it! Dec 28, 2013
On Understanding and Valuing Financial Companies

On Understanding and Valuing Financial Companies

I have readers all over the world.? Here is an example:

Hi Dave

I am a 25 year old from Pretoria, South Africa. I have been reading your blog for around 2 years and I thoroughly enjoy it (especially the book reviews). I might not agree with a few things you say, but it is rare that I don’t learn something while reading your work. I love how your personality shines through in your writing…a personality based on God.

I have had this fascination with finance and investing since I ran into a popular finance magazine here in South Africa around 2008 while stile in university. Since then I have been reading everything I could on business, investing and finance. I am also about to start training with a large wealth management firm in south africa to be 1 of their financial advisors. Training I am wholeheartedly looking forward to.

In all my reading, there is something I still struggle to wrap my head around, and that’s how to value Financial companies. You are undoubtedly the most informed person on financial company investing nd financials that I read. Hence my email: I was wondering if you could suggest a few readings for me to tuck into (preferably books) as I have found most of the things I have read only scratch the surface. Reading with maths that is not too elaborate.

I hope I am not asking too much.? Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have, and I hope you keep up the good work on your blog.

Financial companies are difficult for several reasons:

1) The cash flow statement has almost no meaning.

2) It is very hard to know how much capital is needed to keep things going.? That data gets disclosed to the regulators, and not directly to stockholders.

3) It is difficult to know the riskiness of the assets that a financial company holds.

4) With complex financials, it is difficult to tell what the “run on the bank” risk is.

I will be reviewing a book on banks this month, but I have run into few books in my life analyzing financials.? It is a real hole in the investment literature.

Financial companies are valued off of their net worth, and their expected path of earnings.? Earnings retained, rather than paid out in dividends, or used to buy back stock, adds to net worth, and is new capital that can be used for growth.

The capital of financial companies can be divided in two: that which is required by the regulators for solvency purposes, and that which is free for deployment into new business.? With banks, look at the call reports to analyze the capital needs of subsidiaries.? With insurers, get the statutory reports.

To the extent you can, analyze the quality of assets owned.? Also analyze when liabilities may require cash, particularly if assets are financed by repurchase agreements.

Now over the last seven years, I have written a lot on financials, particularly insurers.? Here are the articles at my blog that would deserve attention:

A Summary of my Writings on Analyzing Insurance Stocks

A compendium of the best articles written prior to mid-2010.

Then there was the Flavors of Insurance Series.? In 12 parts, it went through the entire insurance space, explaining what make each area different.

Thinking about the Insurance Industry

Describes the changes that have happened since the financial crisis.? Bad financial models have been destroyed.

On Life Insurance and Life Reinsurance

Explains how life insurance is saturated but reinsurance is not.

On Complexity in Financials, and Insurers Specifically

Explains why complex financials are usually a bad investment.

Investing In P&C Insurers

Once you understand the model, many are simple companies, and easy to invest in.

Evaluating Regulated Financials

An attempt to explain to college students why financials are different from other companies.

On Insurance Investing

This seven-part series explained a wide number of factors in analyzing insurance stock investing.

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

On some of the pathologies inside badly-run insurance firms.

Two Insurance Questions

On reserving and valuation questions.

On the Designation of Systemically Important Financial Institutions

Why Insurers, no matter how large, should not be considered a threat to systemic risk.? (Please ignore AIG — no other insurer was a major party in derivatives.)? Also see: On Risk-Based Liquidity, and Financial Regulation

On Captive Insurers

Explains some of the nuances of statutory reserving/capital, and why some insurers want to fuddle it.

Classic: Financials are Different

A piece from 2006 at RealMoney, describing how financials are different from industrial stocks.

That should give you a start.? There aren’t many books dealing with the intricacies of financial companies, and of what few there are they are written by the big four auditors, or the rating agencies, for their own purposes.? I don’t own any of them.

But what I have written, from that you can benefit.

Classic: Financials are Different

Classic: Financials are Different

The following was published at RealMoney in March 2006:

When you are a corporate bond manager, one of the lessons that you learn early is that financial companies (or, financials) are different from industrials or utilities.? Why?? First, the novice manager wants to buy a lot of financials, because they yield more at equivalent ratings.? Second, you have a staff of analysts, and you realize that only a few of them can do financials, whereas almost all of them can do industrials or utilities.? Again, why?? Here are a number of related reasons:

  • Tangible assets play only a small role in a financial company.? What constrains the growth of an industrial company?? The fixed assets (plant and equipment) limit the technical amount of product that can be delivered in a year.? With services, workers? Finally, demand is the ultimate limiting factor, but this affects financial, industrial, and services businesses alike.? With a financial company, sometimes the limits are akin to a service business (?If only we had more trained sales reps!?), but more often, capital limits growth.
  • The cash flow statement plays a big role with industrials and utilities, but almost no role with financials.? One of the great values of the cash flow statement is the ability to attempt to derive estimates of free cash flow.? Free cash flow is the amount of cash that the business generates in a year that could be removed, and the business is as capable of functioning as it was at the start of the fiscal year.? Deducting maintenance capital expenditure from EBITDA often approximates free cash flow.? Cash flow statements for financials cannot in general be used to derive estimates of free cash flow because when new business is written, it requires capital to be set aside against the risks.? Capital is released as business matures.? In order to derive a free cash flow number for a financial company, operating earnings would have to be adjusted by the change in required capital.
  • Sadly, the change in required capital is not disclosed anywhere in a typical 10K.? Depending on the market environment, even the concept of required capital can change, depending on what entity most closely controls the amount of operating and financial leverage that a financial institution can take on.? Sometimes the federal or state regulators provide the most constraint; this is particularly true for institutions that interact closely with the public, i.e., depositary institutions, life and personal lines insurers.? For entities that raise their capital in the debt markets, or do business that requires a strong claims paying ability rating, the ratings agencies could be the tightest constraint.? Finally, and this is rare, the probability of blowing up the company could be the tightest constraint, which implies loose regulatory structures.? Again, this is rare; many companies do estimates of the economic capital required for business, but usually regulatory or rating agency capital is tighter.
  • Financial institutions are generally more highly regulated than non-financial institutions.? There are several reasons for this: the government does not want the public exposed to financial risk, systemic risk, guarantee funds are typically implicitly backstopped by the government (think FDIC, FSLIC, state insurance guaranty funds, etc.), and defaults are costly in ways that defaults of non-financials are not.? The last point deserves amplification; in a credit-based economy, confidence in the financial sector is critical to the continued growth and health of the economy.? Confidence can not be allowed to fail.? Also, since many financial institutions pursue similar strategies, or invest in one another, the failure of one institution makes the regulators touchy about everyone else.
  • Rapid growth is typically a negative; financial businesses are mature, and there is a trade-off between three business factors: price, quantity and quality.? In normal situations, a financial institution can get only two out of three.? In bad times, it would be only one out of three.
  • Because of the different regulatory regimes, financial institutions tend to form holding companies that own the businesses operating in various jurisdictions.? Typically, borrowing occurs at the holding company; the regulators frown at borrowing at the operating companies, unless the borrowers are clearly subordinate to the public served by the operating company.? This makes the common stock more volatile.? In a crisis, the regulators only want to assure the safety of the operating company; they don?t care if the holding company goes bust, and the common goes to zero.? They just want to make sure that the guaranty funds don?t take a hit, and that confidence is maintained among consumers.

All of these factors together lead to the following conclusion: financials are more complex than other types of companies, and are not correctly analyzed in the same way as non-financials.? Earnings quality is hard to discern, and growth is not always a positive thing.? Bankruptcies are rare, but when they happen, recoveries are poor for common stockholders and holding company debtholders.? Finally, management conservatism and competence are paramount, given the less certain nature of accrual accounting at financial companies, and the inability to calculate free cash flow with any precision.

In part 2 of this two-part series, I will give my approach to analyzing a sector of the insurance space in order to demonstrate some of these ideas.

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