Search Results for: insurers



Here is an e-mail from a reader:

I’m curious about the intercept of the PB-ROE line. In your examples (, only life had a negative intercept; the others were all positive. Here’s the implication:

?PB = a + b ROE (where a and b are the intercept and slope).

If I divide both sides by ROE I get:

PE = a / ROE + b

Taking the differential:

dPE = – (a / ROE^2) dROE

So if the intercept is positive, an increase in ROE results in a lower PE and vice versa.

So here are two questions:

1) Why would the relationship be negative? Is it because the higher ROE is achieved via leverage, is therefore riskier, and requires a lower PE??

2) Why is the intercept negative for life insurers but positive for the others?

First, you have to understand PB-ROE.? The idea is that there is a limiting factor to earnings with financial companies.? The earnings of financial companies is limited by its book capital.? I think this is correct to a first approximation.? But different financial companies experience different financial results; they have different ROEs.? How sustainable are those different ROEs?? ROEs tend to revert to mean; competition drives that.? How fast ROEs revert to mean derives from the length of the businsess written.? Long tail exposures found in life companies mean that a higher ROE usually gives more kick to the P/B multiple.

As an aside, with industrials and utilities =, I often think that sales are the limiting factor, and so my equation becomes:

P/S = a + b * E /S + e? (E/S = profit margin)

Now to your math.? You have the first equation wrong, it should be:

PB = a + b * ROE + e , where e is a normally distributed error term, so if you did the division by ROE, it would be:

PE = a / ROE + b + e / ROE, which means my error term could no longer be normally distributed.? So, you can’t divide through by ROE.? Not legitimate.

Let’s try a different approach.? What if we modeled P/E as a function of B/E?

First, to me that doesn’t make sense, because the idea of capital as a limiting resource goes out the window.

Second, if you did that the a and b would be different, because regression minimizes the squared differences of the dependent variable (actual versus expected).

So, with respect to what I said above, I would not do the math your way. Dividing and differentiating by ROE neglects the meaning of the original equation.? All models are just that, models.? But we can’t go neglecting what they internally assume, and expect to get good results.

So, I can answer your second question, but not your first question.? When we estimate PB-ROE, often the equations with the highest slopes have the lowest intercepts.? What that describes are situations where the ROEs, if they are high, are expected to remain high, and thus produce much higher P/Bs.? Such would be true with long duration coverages like in the life industry.

The reason the life industry is different is that the companies with high ROEs are expected to maintain those high ROEs for a longer period of time, because coverages are long, and pricing adjusts slowly.? With other insurance coverages, pricing adjusts annually or nearly so.

For a short-tail P&C company with an ROE of zero, I would expect a P/B multiple that is positive, because pricing adjustments and mean-reversion are coming soon.? For a life company with a low ROE, the adjustment will happen slowly, or it may never happen.? Perverse dynamics kick in when a company with long-tail coverages finds itself earning very little to nothing.? There is the tendency to mis-estimate reserves, “because we can’t be making so little.”? The length of accruals allows a greater degree of subjectivity to be injected into the estimates.? Short accruals get validated every year.? Long accruals don’t get that validation, at least not in a way that a public investor can see.

If you were an actuary inside the long-tailed life insurer, you would get some data telling you that your assumptions were optimistic, right, or pessimistic.? But it takes a while to figure out whether the last few years are a deviation or a trend.? Good actuaries dig in, and look at the causes for claims, trying to see if the reasons for policyholders making claims matches up with the original estimate of what the subject population would be likely to die (or have disability or LTC claims) from.? Too many abnormal claims may imply that the business has been underwritten wrong, and needs to be adjusted.

That analysis takes some doing, because long-tail life coverages are low-frequency and high-severity.? That’s why the qualitative data may help, by giving clues long ahead of the flood of claims that you did not expect.

To summarize: Life is different because the coverages are long duration in nature, and ROEs don’t change so rapidly.


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorry I missed last week.? Thanks to those who like this.


Monetary Policy


  • Black Monday and the Greenspan put Initial error of Alan Greenspan. Fine-tuning monetary policy 2 remove volatility $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • Southeast Asia Seen Leading Rate Increases Next Year I doubt it; $$ laxity is the rule of the time; tough 2 fight Oct 19, 2012
  • Wall Street CMOs Crushed as Sales @ 3-Yr Low Wouldn’t call a 15% drop “crushed.” Fed feeding on their collateral $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Fed-Induced Stock P/E Gains Seen Ending Soon Effects of QE3 s/b fully anticipated by now. $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Currency Wars: US Attack Axel Merk criticizes Bernanke’s claim that US monetary policy isn’t a major prob 4 emg mkts $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Yes, it is more complex, but easy developed country monetary policy does make life tough for emerging… Oct 15, 2012


Financial Blogging


  • The Critic Wall Street Loves to Lunch With @felixsalmon one of the leaders of financial blogging gets profiled here $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • 6 blogs u should be reading @reformedbroker @thestalwart @calculatedrisk @pragcapitalist @convertbond & Bess Levin Oct 18, 2012




  • Prior tweets courtesy of Van R. Hoisington & Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D. Whole thing will be posted here in a few days $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Until the excessive debt issues r addressed, the multiyear trend in inflation, & thus the long Treasury bond yields will remain downward $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • “During all of the Fed actions since 2008 the velocity of money has plummeted and now stands at a five decade low” Hoisington & Hunt Oct 12, 2012
  • A jump in daily essentials has a more profound negative impact on living standards in economies with lower levels of real per capita income. Oct 12, 2012
  • How the Fed expects economic traction from higher stock prices when rising commodity prices r curtailing real income & spending is puzzling Oct 12, 2012
  • These three studies show that the impact of wealth on spending is miniscule?indeed, ?nearly not observable.? Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • “Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and other Fed advocates believe the ?wealth effect? of QE3 will bring life to the economy.” Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • Prior Tweet quotes Hoisington & “unintended consequence of these Federal Reserve actions, however, is to actually slow economic activity” Oct 12, 2012
  • QE3 is a tacit admission by the Fed that earlier efforts failed, but this action will also fail to bring about stronger economic growth. $$ Oct 12, 2012


Rest of the World

  • Devastating Photos Of India’s Illegal Coal Mines Government nationalizes coal mines; mafia springs up2 mine coal $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • Why China Has The Worst Farms In The World Worst in the sense of productivity per worker; they have lots of workers $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • Why Indians Are Getting Poorer Over past year, the Indian currency lost around 20% of its value against the US $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • China Faces Tough Choice on Growth Does the CCP continue to favor short-term self-interest, or long-term power? $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • Zhang Weiying: China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent Fascinating tale of an Austrian economist surviving in China $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • Iran Low on Options as Hyperinflation Concerns Spark Gold Dash Hyperinflations spawn currency substitutions: gold, $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Chavez Win Called by BofA Sparks Selloff as Barclays Flops Sad that Chavez won, but the bonds reflected a loss $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Cheapest Chinese Stocks Since ?97 Not Enough to Signal Rally Noneconomic actors compete & drive down future profit $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • The Iran Hyperinflation Fact Sheet From my former professor @ JHU, Steve Hanke. Financial sanctions r biting in Iran $$ Oct 07, 2012


Financial Reform


  • A Simpler Way to End Too Big to Fail Limit non-deposit liabilities; banks will scream; worthy 2b tried $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • EU, Japan Warn Against New US Swaps Rules Technical efficiency of mkts is less important than resiliency of mkts $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Ex-GE Bankers Convicted of Municipal Bond Bid-Rig Scheme 4 years of jail time; restitution plus 20% would b better $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Swaps Collateral Costs May Increase Under Rules Weighed by SEC Raises costs some, probably the right idea $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Treasurers Worry Over Accounting for MMF Changes Geithner tries MMF reform. Better: $$ Oct 16, 2012




  • Gasoline prices _ finally _ begin to slide Refineries finally catch up w/maintenance, outages & demand $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • First oil nears for Kazakhstan’s supergiant field Kazakhstan reduces the amount of time that foreigner scan profit $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • California Asks Court to Reinstate Carbon Fuel Standard I am happy that I left California at age 27; unrealistic $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Gas Market Stung by Rapid Traders HFT and “news” trading games in the futures markets. Running stops is not new $$ Oct 16, 2012




  • Spanish Borrowing Costs Ease It won’t last, but enjoy it 4 now. $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Retirement No Option for Older Workers in Europe?s Crisis Problem is greater in Europe because of lower fertility $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Hollande Robbed of Growth Engine as Companies Cut Investment Logical 2 invest less when EU & France r a mess $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize Nobel committee finally “jumps the shark.” The EU is unstable; a war waiting 2 happen $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Spanish Bonds Risk Forced Selling as Rating Approaches Junk The Rating agencies r flawed, but on credit they r honest Oct 12, 2012
  • IMF?s Blanchard: Healing From Crisis Could Take Decades Crisis won’t b healed until total debt levels normalize $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • IMF Sees ?Alarmingly High? Risk of Deeper Global Slump A stopped clock is right twice/day, $ the IMF is right now $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Why a U.S. buyout firm is investing in Greece ht: @danprimack – Companies w/global markets insensitive 2 local probs $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • Sicily, a Portrait of Italian Dysfunction Core Europe is to Italy as Italy is to Sicily. $$ gone & hard work starts Oct 08, 2012




  • Dem convention used corporate cash, despite pledge No one is truly a politician until they break a promise $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Obama Pursuing Leakers Sends Warning to Whistle-Blowers Hard to believe, but Obama outdoes Bush, Jr. 4 opacity $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Romney?s Rates Seen Spurring Growth Too Little 2 Late Nice 2c Obama & Romney competing 4 who can harm economy most $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • A123 Bankruptcy Gives Romney New Example of Green-Energy ?Loser? $$ $AONE Make green energy advocates take Physics Oct 17, 2012
  • Sorry, US Recoveries Really Aren?t Different Reinhart & Rogoff take on Romney’s advisors who say the US is different Oct 16, 2012
  • Romney Rolls in Rural Vote That May Provide Swing-State Margins Interesting perspective, but is that a big bloc? $$ Oct 16, 2012
  • Dividends: Start Screaming This one is tough. Probability of a cooperative Congress after the elections is low $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • California Facing $5 Gasoline Stirs Brown to Relax Rules There is a pain point 4 everyone, just found 4 CA gas $5 $$ Oct 08, 2012


Economic Strength / Weakness


  • Winners and losers as US weather patterns change Worth a read 4 the list of winners & losers near the end $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Challenges forcing change in trucking strategy Definitely a soggy data point; US & global economies seem 2b slowing $$ Oct 18, 2012




Taxpayers get hosed. Farmers doing fairly well $$ Oct 18, 2012

  • Drought brings record US cost for crop insurance subsidy 2012, Taxpayers pay more, Insurers pay some, farmers benefit Oct 17, 2012
  • Milk-Cow Drought Culling Accelerates as Prices Jump Anything involved in animal husbandry is having tough time now $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Midwest Drought Claims Poultry Producer Many firms involved in the meat biz r having a rough time now. $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • At this rate, growing tobacco should be prohibited. Oh, wait, we tried that with alcohol. Never mind. $$? Oct 09, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • Throwing Out Insiders Won’t Fix Corporate Boards Good boards watch over mgmt & have decent industry & company knowledge Oct 17, 2012
  • All-Time Highs, Almost There Will the market hit new highs this year, in 2013, or when? $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Legg Mason?s Miller Redeemed as Housing Bull 2 soon 2 say. Miller doesn’t seek a “margin of safety” when investing $$ Oct 15, 2012
  • Vanguard to JPMorgan Dodging Neediest Borrowers This is what you tend to see 1-2 years in advance of the crash $$ Oct 14, 2012
  • As an aside, there’s kind of a rule of thumb for Bermuda insurers on buybacks: >1.3x tangible book: special dividends. <1.3x TB buybacks $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • The Buyback Epidemic @reformedbroker notes that buybacks make less sense, the higher valuations get. I concur $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • New Regime @reformedbroker notes a sea change in the markets. I’ve been heading that way; still thinking about it $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • CNBC: Jim Rogers vs. Marc Faber (FULL) 10/04/2012 Faber & Rogers on the same segment? What a hoot! $$ $GLD $SPY $TLT Oct 12, 2012
  • OCC Forced JPMorgan, Wells Fargo to Write Down Home-Equity Loans FD: + $WFC – ’bout time. Recoveries poor on HEL $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • California Leading U.S. Out of Housing Bust I would be wary of “dead cat” bounces here $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Bubble-Era Financing Returns as Profits Falter Pay-in-kind bonds return, very nice. 2 years of rally left at most $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Wrong: Bullish Sign for Stocks: Leverage Is Up What matters more is whether leverage will rise in the future $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Not New York Towers Rise With Embrace of Yield When vacancy rates r this high, ordinarily rents fall. Y not now? $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Welcome to the ?Desert of the Real? ? a postmodern economy Increasing abstraction destroys economic intuition $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • Why Data Will Never Replace Thinking Every bit of data requires the creation of a hypothesis to give it meaning $$ Oct 17, 2012
  • Global Finance Chiefs at Odds Everyone pursuing similar policies (Loose $$ & deficits) reduces effectiveness 4 all Oct 15, 2012
  • Heidi N. Moore joins the Guardian’s US Team as Finance & Economics Editor Congrats @moorehn ! Will b reading u there $$ Oct 15, 2012
  • I’m not much of an #Orioles fan, but don’t you have to love a team of nobodies who can challenge the highly paid #Yankees? $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Tech Firms Become Real- Estate Trusts Tech firms that own a lot of real estate take advantage of becoming REITs $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • The UN has declared today as the International Day of the Girl Child Sex selection abortion kills the most girls $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Please follow Cato Scholar and JHU professor that I learned a lot from: @steve_hanke Oct 10, 2012
  • Musk?s SpaceX Launches Craft for Space Station Deliveries Space age begins as governments r less of a factor $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Insurers Shed Annuity Assets This doesn’t feel right. other times when financial guys buy insurers, doesn’t work $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • If Only T. Boone Pickens Had Died Score: TB Pickens 0, Wealthy donors 0, Oklahoma State Univ. 0, Life Actuaries 1 $$ Oct 08, 2012


Replies & Comments


  • @PlanMaestro 2 notes: rsv strengthing in Australia a concern, but not big. 2) Low ROE biz of the 90s is fading; life re was a loser then $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro I love $RGA . Good mgmt team. Less interest rate & stock market dependent than life insurers FD: long RGA for me and clients $$ Oct 20, 2012
  • @TheStalwart I get a few ridiculous marketing requests/day. Do all bloggers get them? I reply2them this picture $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • @BarbarianCap Sigh. Baltimore County is not as far gone as Baltimore City (which is also a county), but this is not wise or arms length $$ Oct 19, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “6 Wall Street blogs you should be reading – Jon Friedman’s Media Web – MarketWatch” Oct 18, 2012
  • @MattGGriffith Thanks. Will probably do a post in the near future expaning on that last paragraph. It struck me at the end $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • @laurenfosternyc Have you ever seen the “Gold Medal Gold Model?” Gold prices r a function of real interest rates $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • @CflGator these are deferred annuities so the life table plays no role. Problem is investing “too clever” inside a regulated life insurer $$ Oct 18, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “Student-loan debt is a good investment – Outside the Box – MarketWatch” Oct 15, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “Student-loan debt is a good investment – Outside the Box – MarketWatch” Oct 15, 2012
  • . @paulnovell It will be public in a few days — they e-mail it out to friends & clients b4 posting it here: $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • @wanderinggull Which? I don’t know. What was meant to produce “ever closer union” seems to be producing the opposite. Nobel = Pollyanna Oct 12, 2012
  • “Good post, Josh. You have identified many of the best. No one of us covers it all; it’s a strong list” ? David_Merkel Oct 10, 2012
  • @munilass Get to sleep, Babylass will need you tomorrow. 🙂 Oct 09, 2012
  • @PavChyt @matinastevis Her *former* husband. She kept the name b/c it was good politics. She did not keep him. Oct 08, 2012
  • @PavChyt @MatinaStevis I received the name Merkel at birth. Angela got it from her 1st husband. At least people r spelling it right now $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Yeah, & that is BV net of AOCI RT @PlanMaestro: $RGA : book value per share FD: long $RGA for myself & clients Oct 20, 2012
  • Jack speaks the truth, listen 2 him $$ RT @ReformedBroker: Jack Bogle: Get Out of the Casino Oct 18, 2012
  • RT @fivethirtyeight: All polling data is massaged A LOT in an era when only 10% of people respond to surveys. So that also introduces a … Oct 17, 2012
  • RT @MuniCredit: Citi Muni Presentation: #muniland h/t: @bondgirl Oct 12, 2012
  • I appreciate retweets RT @LSilverspar: Not enough for the value of your posts. If you value the retweets, I will do so far more often. $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • RT @danprimack: Every time people get all worked up over a national presidential poll, I wonder if the electoral college was eliminated … Oct 08, 2012
  • True of many notable CEOs w/earnings 2 smooth RT @rcwhalen: GE’s Jack Welch Knows All About Cooking the Books $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: “Markets are increasingly distorted by Central Banks, attempts to squeeze drops of growth from overindebted developed w … Oct 07, 2012
  • Shock! $$ RT @BarbarianCap: Revised Greek GDP figures show recession deeper than thought > data released friday night Oct 06, 2012
Total Return Versus Long Liabilities

Total Return Versus Long Liabilities

Very briefly in my career, I was Chief Investment Officer of a significant life insurer.? Sadly, that was my dream job, and to have it and lose it was a blow that I accepted, because I did what was right.

At my first meeting with the new CEO, he expressed that investment returns had been inadequate.? I explained to him that that was false — the investment department, inclusive of defaults had provided returns 0.7% better than single-A bond returns, which was notable for the industry.? He insisted that was not good enough, and that he wanted to see us trade aggressively, and produce total returns.? I tried to explain to him that that was the wrong way to manage investments for a life insurer.? The right way was occasional trading for loss mitigation, and maximization of investment spreads over the term of the liabilities.? Being the sort of Brit that disdained Americans, he told me that I didn’t know anything, and that total return was the only way to go.

For the good of the relationship between our two firms, I let it drop, but he held a grudge against me after that, which led my firm to change my position to corporate bond manager, letting another of our group be the CIO, who solicited my feedback to a high degree, because he knew that I knew what was going on, far better than the CEO did.? This is just my guess, but I think the CEO resented that I could see through him and the way he and Chief Actuary manipulated accounting results.? (I eventually spilled the beans to the regulators.? The state in question was kind of lazy — I really think they didn’t do anything with it.)

Leaving behind the past, here’s the theoretical problem: total return is a wonderful idea, but vapid, because the challenge is gaining total returns over a time horizon, after which the assets will be used to fund a liability.? In a life insurer, yes, you could manage the bonds to maximize total return in the short run, which might maximize short-run GAAP income, but might destroy long-term economic value because as high quality interest rates fall, it becomes harder to meet the longer-term promises previously made using new money interest rates.? Yes, you can realize the capital gains today, but only at the cost of reducing future net income, until net income goes negative, and recoverability testing indicates you are locking in a loss, and you have to do a writedown of your deferred acquisition cost asset.

This is why I am skeptical of hedge funds and other total return investors buying life insurers.? Good investing at a life insurer means improving the investment income spread between assets and liabilities, over the term of the liabilities, while taking account of capital use, and avoiding defaults.

It would be very difficult now to be managing a life insurer that had a large deferred annuity block, particularly one with high guarantees.? Your flexibility is strained — if rates go down, you have to still fund the guaranteed rate, and if rates go up you will wish you were invested short so that your credited rates go up, and you don’t lose money because the income off your bonds is rising.

The only normal option in such a situation would be to run a barbell — short assets and long assets, with little inbetween.? Long assets for the guarantees, short assets for the crediting rate sensitivity.? And even that might not be adequate.

I started my career at a small life insurer that grew into a medium-sized one in three short years off of capital raised by its holding company issuing junk bonds.? The holding company, Southmark (spit, spit), knew something about investing, but not about running regulated subsidiaries.? What looks simple is actually very hard.? The cash flows of the assets and the liabilities are not freely available to be used through the consolidated company.? The regulatory limits of each subsidiary are applied separately, limiting what cash flow can be sent to the overly-indebted holding company.

In the end, after interlacing the capital of the subsidiaries, such that our insurer held a lot of the equity and preferred equity of other insurers, the holding company declared bankruptcy (a two-time loser there), and the life insurer went into conservation with the California Department of Insurance.

I was just a junior actuary then, and my investment knowledge was small but growing, so I didn’t get much of it then. The company took too much credit risk with junk bonds (the regulations were loose then), and mismatched their investments short (can’t buy long junk) versus long liabilities.? As rates fell, fell and fell, junk bonds defaulted or were called.? Each reduced income, but the guarantees remained the same.

Thus I remain a skeptic of clever investors trying total return strategies versus long term promises.? In the situations I have been in, it has not worked, and with bad management teams, it is another way to make things look good for a time, until things blow up.

Now, as for the two insurers that I mentioned, their management teams didn’t end well.? The first one that I worked with left to start another insurer, while bidding unsuccessfully for the firm they left.? They never went far.

The one I mentioned at the beginning of this piece — the entire management team was let go, except for the CEO, who was forced into retirement, and the CEO of the holding company was forced to resign for wasting money pumping it into the life company.

Good investing stems from matching assets to the eventual need to pay cash at a future date.? True for individuals and institutions.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Hoisington Capital Management


  • . @paulnovell It will be public in a few days — they e-mail it out to friends & clients b4 posting it here: $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Prior tweets courtesy of Van R. Hoisington & Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D. Whole thing will be posted here in a few days $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • @wanderinggull Which? I don’t know. What was meant to produce “ever closer union” seems to be producing the opposite. Nobel = Pollyanna Oct 12, 2012
  • Until the excessive debt issues r addressed, the multiyear trend in inflation, & thus the long Treasury bond yields will remain downward $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • “During all of the Fed actions since 2008 the velocity of money has plummeted and now stands at a five decade low” Hoisington & Hunt Oct 12, 2012
  • A jump in daily essentials has a more profound negative impact on living standards in economies with lower levels of real per capita income. Oct 12, 2012
  • How the Fed expects economic traction from higher stock prices when rising commodity prices r curtailing real income & spending is puzzling Oct 12, 2012
  • These three studies show that the impact of wealth on spending is miniscule?indeed, ?nearly not observable.? Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • “Fed Chair Ben Bernanke and other Fed advocates believe the ?wealth effect? of QE3 will bring life to the economy.” Hoisington Oct 12, 2012
  • Prior Tweet a quotes Hoisington & “unintended consequence of these Federal Reserve actions, however, is to actually slow economic activity” Oct 12, 2012
  • QE3 is a tacit admission by the Fed that earlier efforts failed, but this action will also fail to bring about stronger economic growth. $$ Oct 12, 2012


Please Follow


  • #FF @japhychron @danprimack @treehcapital @insidermonkey @vitaliyk @herbgreenberg @tracyalloway @nancefinance @marykissel @diana_olick $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • Please follow Cato Scholar and JHU professor that I learned a lot from: @steve_hanke Oct 10, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • As an aside, there’s kind of a rule of thumb for Bermuda insurers on buybacks: >1.3x tangible book: special dividends. <1.3x TB buybacks $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • The Buyback Epidemic @reformedbroker notes that buybacks make less sense, the higher valuations get. I concur $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • New Regime @reformedbroker notes a sea change in the markets. I’ve been heading that way; still thinking about it $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • CNBC: Jim Rogers vs. Marc Faber (FULL) 10/04/2012 Faber & Rogers on the same segment? What a hoot! $$ $GLD $SPY $TLT Oct 12, 2012
  • Bubble-Era Financing Returns as Profits Falter Pay-in-kind bonds return, very nice. 2 years of rally left at most $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Wrong: Bullish Sign for Stocks: Leverage Is Up What matters more is whether leverage will rise in the future $$ Oct 09, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Zhang Weiying: China’s Anti-Keynesian Insurgent Fascinating tale of an Austrian economist surviving in China $$ Oct 13, 2012
  • Hollande Robbed of Growth Engine as Companies Cut Investment Logical 2 invest less when EU & France r a mess $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize Nobel committee finally “jumps the shark.” The EU is unstable; a war waiting 2 happen $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Spanish Bonds Risk Forced Selling as Rating Approaches Junk The Rating agencies r flawed, but on credit they r honest Oct 12, 2012
  • IMF?s Blanchard: Healing From Crisis Could Take Decades Crisis won’t b healed until total debt levels normalize $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • IMF Sees ?Alarmingly High? Risk of Deeper Global Slump A stopped clock is right twice/day, $ the IMF is right now $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Iran Low on Options as Hyperinflation Concerns Spark Gold Dash Hyperinflations spawn currency substitutions: gold, $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Chavez Win Called by BofA Sparks Selloff as Barclays Flops Sad that Chavez won, but the bonds reflected a loss $$ Oct 09, 2012
  • Why a U.S. buyout firm is investing in Greece ht: @danprimack – Companies w/global markets insensitive 2 local probs $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • Sicily, a Portrait of Italian Dysfunction Core Europe is to Italy as Italy is to Sicily. $$ gone & hard work starts Oct 08, 2012
  • Cheapest Chinese Stocks Since ?97 Not Enough to Signal Rally Noneconomic actors compete & drive down future profit $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • The Iran Hyperinflation Fact Sheet From my former professor @ JHU, Steve Hanke. Financial sanctions r biting in Iran $$ Oct 07, 2012


US Real Estate


  • OCC Forced JPMorgan, Wells Fargo to Write Down Home-Equity Loans FD: + $WFC – ’bout time. Recoveries poor on HEL $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • California Leading U.S. Out of Housing Bust I would be wary of “dead cat” bounces here $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • Tech Firms Become Real- Estate Trusts Tech firms that own a lot of real estate take advantage of becoming REITs $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Not New York Towers Rise With Embrace of Yield When vacancy rates r this high, ordinarily rents fall. Y not now? $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • Milk-Cow Drought Culling Accelerates as Prices Jump Anything involved in animal husbandry is having tough time now $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • Midwest Drought Claims Poultry Producer Many firms involved in the meat biz r having a rough time now. $$ Oct 11, 2012




  • I’m not much of an #Orioles fan, but don’t you have to love a team of nobodies who can challenge the highly paid #Yankees? $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • The UN has declared today as the International Day of the Girl Child Sex selection abortion kills the most girls $$ Oct 11, 2012
  • If Only T. Boone Pickens Had Died Score: TB Pickens 0, Wealthy donors 0, Oklahoma State Univ. 0, Life Actuaries 1 $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • Musk?s SpaceX Launches Craft for Space Station Deliveries Space age begins as governments r less of a factor $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • California Facing $5 Gasoline Stirs Brown to Relax Rules There is a pain point 4 everyone, just found 4 CA gas $5 $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • “Good post, Josh. You have identified many of the best. No one of us covers it all; it’s a strong list” ? David_Merkel Oct 10, 2012
  • At this rate, growing tobacco should be prohibited. Oh, wait, we tried that with alcohol. Never mind. $$? Oct 09, 2012



On Angela


  • @PavChyt @matinastevis Her *former* husband. She kept the name b/c it was good politics. She did not keep him. Oct 08, 2012
  • @PavChyt @MatinaStevis I received the name Merkel at birth. Angela got it from her 1st husband. At least people r spelling it right now $$ Oct 08, 2012




  • RT @MuniCredit: Citi Muni Presentation: #muniland h/t: @bondgirl Oct 12, 2012
  • I appreciate retweets RT @LSilverspar: Not enough for the value of your posts. If you value the retweets, I will do so far more often. $$ Oct 12, 2012
  • My week on twitter: 22 retweets received, 22 new followers, 16 mentions. Via: Oct 11, 2012
  • RT @danprimack: Every time people get all worked up over a national presidential poll, I wonder if the electoral college was eliminated … Oct 08, 2012
  • True of many notable CEOs w/earnings 2 smooth RT @rcwhalen: GE’s Jack Welch Knows All About Cooking the Books $$ Oct 08, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: “Markets are increasingly distorted by Central Banks, attempts to squeeze drops of growth from overindebted developed w … Oct 07, 2012
  • Shock! $$ RT @BarbarianCap: Revised Greek GDP figures show recession deeper than thought > data released friday night Oct 06, 2012
Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • Chavez ?Likely? to Lose, Supporting Bonds, Barclays Says Something optimistic 4a Friday afternoon; but will he go? $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Spain Sees Divorce Driving Breakup of Towns in Recession Badly handled, economic problems lead2 relationship problems Oct 05, 2012
  • BOJ Seeks Help Against Deflation Contrary to popular belief, low central bank policy rates inhibit growth $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Europe Jumps on Bank-Overhaul Bandwagon also Basel has done a bad job setting capital levels Oct 03, 2012
  • How ECB Chief Outflanked German Foe in Fight for Euro Clever politician sways Merkel through Hollande & wins4now $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • The real risk is the Capriles wins by a little, & Chavez finds a way to retain power. $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Property Funds, Bonds Supplant Europe Lenders Banks can’t lend; watch currency risk, liquidity risk & credit risk $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • Longest Rally in Nine Years for JGBs on Deflation 6th straight quarter of gains: matches a similar stretch in 2003 $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • Norway?s Wealth Fund Targets U.S. Real Estate by End 2013 They have a long time horizon; this isn’t 4 speculators $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • Spain Expects a Wider Budget Gap No surprise, Eurozone numbers r routinely gamed, b/c there is no enforcement $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • Trade Slows Around World Kind of a soggy feeling w/China slowing, huge gov’t deficits & loose $$ policy Oct 02, 2012



  • Bakken Crude Prices Rise as Railroad Reach Grows Fascinating 2c transportation matching crude supply & demand $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Natural Gas Glut Pushes Exports Usually big, aggressive investments don’t work out. Small ones are manageable $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • California Refiners Ration Gasoline as Prices Near Record also Price of EPA fuel rules $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Regulations help create shortages because gas in 1 area can’t be used in another. Time to simplify & have fewer blend? Oct 04, 2012




  • Jet-Lease Billionaire Udvar-Hazy Takes On $AIG Hand That Fed Him When AIG bot ILFC, took stock to avoid taxes, oops Oct 05, 2012
  • Apple?s Steve Jobs: What He Knew in 1983 Jobs was an amazing guy. What he foresaw makes him even more amazing. $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Dan Loeb and Boyz II Men: Break Up Murphy Oil $MUR doesn’t want to break up, but many oils cos r going that way $$ Oct 04, 2012


Federal Reserve


  • When central banks feel they need to reveal more & show action, they fall into a trap of over-acting, which leads to a liquidity trap $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Fed Seeks to Clarify Plans Fed transparency is a bad idea. Fed managed $$ policy better when it revealed little Oct 05, 2012
  • Rubik?s Revolutions @izkaminska takes us through the vagaries of why QE doesn’t do that much. We r Japan now $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Don?t call it money printing, rubiks cube edition No, QE is not money printing, but it won’t be easy 2 undo $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Bernanke Seeks Gains for Stocks in Push for Jobs Monetary policy favors the rich over the poor in the current Fed $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • TIPS Show Inflation Alarm Fading as Options Give Fed Time Off ~15 bps since QE3 launch $$ Oct 02, 2012


Market Dynamics


  • Despite Gains, Many Flee Stock Market Y retail investors tend to lose- fail 2 buy & hold @ a moderate risk level $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Investors Jump Off the ‘Junk’ Pile New record in junk issuance, & a very low proportion of BBs, feels like 2006 $$ Oct 05, 2012
  • Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo Keep Losing Market Share, And They May Be OK With It RIAs Ascendent $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • My (Not so) Golden Rules About Investing (& Not Investing) HT: @reformedbroker 25.75 tungsten-filled investing rules $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Early Impact Of 401(k) Fee Disclosure Rules This will be big. When you really c how much expenses they charge, ouch $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • They’re back! Yield hunt pushes funds into CLOs, CDOs Into the final phase of the credit rally. Wind it tighter! $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Stop Me Before I Do Something Stupid Tips for becoming a more disciplined investor?and boosting your returns $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • The Three Most Overrated (& Underrated) Financial Planning Recommendations Worth a read $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • For Warren Buffett, the cash option is priceless If you have the discipline, the cash option has value, if not no $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Damages Bill Gross takes an inflationary view, & assumes that the deflationary forces of the world will go away $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Dylan Grice Writes His Most Negative Note Ever Notes that the present QE policy favors the rich over the poor $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • America?s new subprime boom: This time it?s cars This will b a positive trend for 2 yrs; worry out in 2014 $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • 6 reasons to dump a bad mutual fund Could b simpler: sell when you find a fund w/better prospects net of loads $$ Oct 02, 2012



  • The Romney Reboot Arrives I’m voting 3rd party, but it is interesting 2c the presidential contest liven up $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • How to Make an Ailing World Economy Even Sicker The idea of gradually reducing the deficit is politically naive $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Romney’s Middle-Class Tax Sale The devil is in the details, & true of Obama as well. Ended up being Bush-plus $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Romney Floats Idea of Itemized Deduction Cap Has to be a cleaner way 2 do this. Ah, return to TRA ’86. Simple $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Obama Cabinet Flunks Disclosure Test With 19 in 20 Ignoring Law Less transparent than Bush $$ Oct 02, 2012


Bank Regulation


  • Bank-Friendly US Regulator Shifts Focus to Revamp Reputation OCC is actually going to regulate banks?! Who knew? $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Freddie’s Foreclosure Plan Hits Roadblock We don’t get it. After 2 much debt financing housing we seek more debt $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Banking should be a low ROE business.? High capital levels keep the banking system safe. $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Intelligence Exits Washington, Vacancies Rise Will b interesting 2c how comm RE pricing shifts as Wash DC retrenches Oct 03, 2012
  • Banks Like Munis; Mom-and-Pop Investors Don’t I don’t get how banks w/short liabilities can buy long munis $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • Sheila Bair: The one thing banking regulators should do now Her solution is to raise capital requirements $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • A Very Strange Way to Assess the Safety of Banks Simpler metrics than Basel r needed; complex ones r easy 2 game $$ Oct 02, 2012




  • Big Picture Conference 10/10/12 Lineup: Barofsky, Grice, Yamarone, O’Shaughnessy, Ritholtz, Rosenberg, Bianco & more $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Bill Gross calls for a balanced budget so that all Treasury bonds & his bonds will get paid in full. $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • SEC Leads From Behind as High-Frequency Trading Shows Data Gap SEC way behind $NDAQ & $NYX in understanding HFT $$ Oct 02, 2012




  • RE: She bought Paypal, the most valuable part of $EBAY . What more could you ask for? $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: Name 3 insurers that have managed Life & P&C operations well… I am a former insurance buy… Oct 03, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: Pretty certain that the DTAs would be divided up in a breakup. Insurance acctg tracks DTAs … Oct 03, 2012
  • RE: @bloombergview This really seems like wishful thinking. Huge difference in the way most Muslims & Westerners thin? Oct 03, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: $HIG has issues with variable products 2a higher degree, even though $AIG has the same issu… Oct 03, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: There r no synergies btw each of the 3 groups: no advantage to having P&C, Life & Other tog… Oct 03, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: I would split P&C & Life & everything else — still a valid idea. Oct 02, 2012
  • RE: @PS46MMUCF4PDUIQ4LRUF3DMW2A That doesn’t solve “fat finger” problems, rogue automated trader, or feedback loop pr? Oct 02, 2012




  • @incakolanews Could be… or maybe Barclays is trying to reduce its VZ bond inventory… Oct 05, 2012
  • . @The_Analyst The life insurance industry got burnt on CDO crops 1 (1998) & 2 (2001), but not 3 (2008), what will crop 4 yield? $$ Oct 04, 2012
  • @BlackRaven999 Both stock & flow are important, that is what makes this complex 2 understand Oct 03, 2012
  • @DividendMaster I think that either a significant recession &/or inflation is unavoidable. Delayed deficit decline means no deficit decline Oct 03, 2012
  • @BlackRaven999 Waiting till maturity leaves QE deposits in the system 4a long time due to twist. All removal of policy accommodation is hard Oct 03, 2012
  • @hook910 Take it up w/Buffett who has done it successfully. Intelligent businessmen do it: buy cheap assets when opportunities allow. $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • @hook910 With a long enough time horizon, and patient capital, market timing can succeed, value mgrs do this. This is what Buffett & FPA do Oct 03, 2012
  • @hook910 So you admit that the value of dry powder does change over time. Thanks! 😉 Oct 03, 2012
  • @hook910 It is not on option on cash, but cash can b thought of as an option on other assets. Was dry powder valuable in late 2008? Yes $$ Oct 03, 2012
  • @wanderinggull I think it is a bit of a stretch Oct 02, 2012
  • @DividendMaster They r attempting to lock in a smaller loss. Wonder when the yield on the 30-yr TIPS goes negative? $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • @ReformedBroker I respect Chuck Royce, but basically he is estimating the odds of deflation as being very low. What if China shrinks? $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • @TheStalwart Big installed base for LIBOR, easy to offer something better: even total up all US interbank lending 4a day, calc avg rate $$ Oct 02, 2012




  • RT @ppearlman: RT @AlephBlog: Break up $AIG. I said it first here: then here: $$ Oct 02, 2012
  • Break up AIG $$ RT @ppearlman: RT @RonReuven @ppearlman no one understands all of $AIG’s assets or businesslines, including most of $AIG Oct 02, 2012


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Federal Reserve Policy / Treasury Yields


  • Great Tips-pectations Future inflation expectations are rising. Twenty year TIPS are flat to expected CPI $$ Sep 22, 2012
  • ‘Titanic battle’ over deflation about to sink long bonds: Gross Didn’t he say this in 2011 & lose? Try, try, again? $$ Sep 22, 2012
  • Lacy Hunt at Hoisington called the trajectory on Treasury yields years ahead of time. Sep 21, 2012
  • Former FDIC chairman Sheila Bair: TARP wasn?t necessary Would have been better to let stockholders get wiped out $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Fed?s Fisher Says U.S. Inflation Expectations Rising Definitely: QEternal moved the TIPS $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Stephen Roach: Fed?s Asset Purchases Are A ?Charade? QE is a theory that has no successes; Y does anyone believe it? $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • No Exit in Sight from Fed’s Bond Buying: Gundlach It will be very difficult 4 the Fed 2 exit from their “stimulus” $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • The Road to Recovery John B. Taylor is the man who should have been our Fed Chairman, unlike the pretender Bernanke $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • Fed’s ‘QE Infinity’: 4 Things That Could Go Wrong Moral Hazard4Washington &Wall St, Hurting Confidence, May not work $$ Sep 16, 2012
  • Bernanke?s Battle for Jobs Eclipses Inflation Concerns How QE-inf will produce jobs is a mystery; OTOH stagflation $$ Sep 16, 2012
  • Mortgage-Bond Spreads Fall to Record Low as Fed Starts Buying Fed breaks agency RMBS mkt; some OASs drop to zero $$ Sep 16, 2012


Credit Markets


  • Credit rollovers & rally monkeys Feels like 2005 in corporates, but w/easier money, & fewer securitizations $$ Sep 22, 2012
  • Company bond sales in US in Sept-12 total >$135.8B, fastest pace 4 any September & exceeds $124.6B sold in Sept-09 $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • Private Debt Is Crippling the Economy Deleveraging has not taken place 2 the degree needed 2make the economy healthy $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Risk Aversion Falls to Lowest Level in 2 Years When risk measures r low, it is time to start being conservative. $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • Junk-Bond Yields Drop Below 7% for First Time, Index Data Shows This is significant. Watch 4 leverage 2 grow $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • ETFs Overtaking Swaps for Junk-Bond Speculation If this continues, I suspect it will lead 2 ETF underperformance $$ Sep 17, 2012
  • Cheaper Student Loans. Who Knew? About 2.6% of all borrowers?are using income-based repayment $$ 15%, 15 years Sep 17, 2012


Rest of the World


  • China Slowdown Seen Longer Than in Crisis by State Economist Will take a while reconcile a decade of malinvestment $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • Japan launches QE8 as 20-year slump drags on Poster child 4 the efficacy of unlimited QE 4 economic stimulation $$ 🙁 Sep 20, 2012
  • In Spain, economic crisis fans Catalan separatism Good for them & may they create their own currency & not the euro $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Deposit Flight From Europe Banks Eroding Common Currency Wouldn’t u withdraw deposits from Greek & Spanish banks? $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Missed Chances Stoke Skepticism Over EU?s Crisis Fight Works other way: earlier the break-up, smaller the damage $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Sword-Bearing Islamist Signals Peril 4 Arab Democracies “Islam is a religion of peace” Overheard in a DC bar $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • EU Track Record Casts Doubt on Crisis Fight as Draghi Rally Ebbs You can’t solve debt problems with more debt $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Europe Takes On Gazprom at Last, Now Must Hang Tough New delivery methods & supplies lessen need 4 Russian natgas $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Europe Banks Fail to Cut as Draghi Loans Defer Deleverage Same thing for the Fed. $$ policy inhibiting delevering Sep 19, 2012
  • Kaiser’s Postulate: Bringing Free Market Economics to South America Brings an Austrian perspective 2 S. America $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • US military suspends combat patrols with Afghan forces In this chess game, there are some pieces that r gray. $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • A little problem of maturity mismatch Many Chinese firms have financed long assets w/short debt. But how big is it? $$ Sep 18, 2012




  • The guys at LTCM weren’t that good w/math. Part of being an applied mathematician is knowing limitations of your models Sep 21, 2012
  • July 2012 severe enforcement actions; Capital One units pick up 3 Interesting improving graph: $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Microsoft, HP skirted taxes via offshore units: Senate panel What u get 4 creating a complex tax code. FD: + $HPQ $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Bored? Consider this Total risk-taking value play FD: + $TOT very diversified geographically, seems cheap $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Insurers are middlemen. They just pass the costs on. They have no need to do climate research. $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Dow Corning Offers Workers Cold Showers w/Bugs to Build Sales Fascinating tales of voluntary adventures @ Dow Corning Sep 18, 2012




  • Welfare Reform as We Knew It Inside the Obama work waiver: It’s worse than Romney says. $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Tortoises Manhandled for Solar Splits Environmentalists Solar works well in sunny deserts: solar or tortoises $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Why the Current Account Deficit Helps Explain the Economics of QE3 Explains similarities between CA deficit & QE-inf $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Don?t Stick Taxpayers With Underfunded Corporate Pensions Against the liberalization of DB plan funding rules Sep 19, 2012
  • Snip, snip, snip. Cutting up AARP membership cards. The Baby boomers ask for too much through Social Security & Medicare. $$ snip, done Sep 19, 2012
  • Should the Eligibility Age for Medicare Be Raised? Yes, & by more than the suggestions in the article $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Election Uncertainty Raises Odds Of Fiscal Cliff Regardless of who wins, there will be gridlock. $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • Harry Reid Has a Glass-House Quandary on Taxes Let Congress begin doing detailed disclosure of their taxes $$ Sep 17, 2012




  • Gold shines & $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • Big Data Upends the Way Workers Are Paid Basic kindness & fairness goes a long way in retaining competent staff $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Do New Job Tests Foster Bias? Maybe, but it does prevent many good people from getting hired. Ppl >> algorithms $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • Harvard Losing Out to South Dakota in Graduate Pay Economics is relative; different things r valuable @ diff times $$ Sep 19, 2012



  • Farmer?s Daughter Haugerud Reaps Riches on Drought-Struck Corn Know I’ve read about her b4, can’t remember where $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • For Superfast Stock Traders, a Way to Jump Ahead in Line This is important & may explain HFT & its profitability $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Fidelity’s Abby Johnson faces challenges on many fronts Fidelity not just mutual funds but retirement plan services $$ Sep 17, 2012
  • When Playing It Safe Means Taking On More Risk Safety is a function of price paid vs value & intrinsic solvency $$ Sep 16, 2012



  • 6 Reasons Why Evolution Isn’t A Sure Thing 7. Which evolution r u talking about? Many versions, low agreement btw them Sep 20, 2012
  • Heavy rain in Baltimore now; supporting efforts to ship it to the Midwest $$ Sep 18, 2012



  • RE: For areas where there is significant data, they do research. Lots of it.? The models are huge and complex. The e? Sep 21, 2012
  • .@OVVOFinancial Part of what I am saying is economists don’t understand macro well. Free lunches rarely emerge; hard2remove accommodation $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • @felixsalmon I give proportionate to income, so if I were in Romney’s situation, it is likely I would be giving more Sep 21, 2012
  • . @OVVOFinancial I’m a skeptic. Economists didn’t expect stagflation in ’70s; did not tag the great moderation properly, or call the bust $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • Why this doesn’t work: too many mortgages are inverted & there is too much supply that will appear as… Sep 21, 2012
  • @fundmyfund If you can infinitely defer income recognition, or reclassify income, the tax rates don’t matter much $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • “I want to clarify what I wrote on my your last post. It wasn’t one of my finer comments?” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • RE: @bloombergview This is another reason why the definition of income matters more than tax rates. Taxes deferred ar? Sep 21, 2012
  • RE: @bloombergview How do you distinguish between Dworkin who lost to Flynt, Carol Burnett who beat the National Enqu? Sep 21, 2012
  • @williamalden Interesting curiosity, but they don’t have much musical talent Sep 21, 2012
  • @ianbremmer Not too surprising, U would probably get the same result in Vallejo, Stockton, Jefferson County, AL, & other bankrupt places $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • “I hope they kill this one while it is little. Residential Rental Income ABS sounds like a disaster.” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • @e_d_sanders That wouldn’t surprise me, to me it is funny how we end up overriding law with administrative action Sep 20, 2012
  • “I’ve owned $CVX for a long time for clients. $BRKB is interesting; I really like what Buffett does?” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • . @hassankhan Sometimes there is research, sometimes it is little better than a guess. And yes, new insurance biz has sometimes lost $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • . @hassankhan New coverages start with a guess. As claims emerge, pricing & terms adjust to reflect claim incidence & severity $$ Sep 20, 2012
  • @Fullcarry People want to lock in a smaller loss Sep 20, 2012
  • @dcarpenter14 Good point, thanks for making it Sep 19, 2012
  • @XQuickFixX investors that buy & hoard 4 DB plans, ETFs, commodity funds, etc, even the SPR, that speculation does affect prices Sep 19, 2012
  • @XQuickFixX Besides, prices r set at the margin — what it costs to get the next barrel. Last point, if speculators includes the commodity + Sep 19, 2012
  • @XQuickFixX But the evidence in the article is hearsay. The extraction cost of $11/bbl looks really low. It has 2b higher than that. Sep 19, 2012
  • @XQuickFixX 2 thoughts: 1) my reform for derivative markets is hedgers must initiate all trades. Speculators can’t trade with each other Sep 19, 2012
  • I don’t believe the oil market is manipulated. It’s too big;keep the bid price too high, they will sell you a lot of ? Sep 19, 2012
  • @izakaminska Thanks, Izabella. My best to all at FT Alphaville. $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • @izakaminska I admire you all at ft alpha, you write about big things that many of us miss; I would work with u all if u wanted me $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • RE: Average people can’t invest well & can’t get longevity insurance at a fair price. DB plans r better than DC plans? Sep 18, 2012
  • RE: Sorry, public pensions are not included; their rules are weaker than this. Also, no PBGC for muni DB plans. $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • @moorehn The eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus would have noted a wife; Peter had 1. Definitive scholarly book Sep 18, 2012
  • “I disagree, mostly. Value is often its own catalyst. People ignore many low P/E stocks just b/c?” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • @LDrogen low likelihood, high severity Sep 18, 2012
  • “”How long until a producer comes in yelling, ?wait?wait, he?s just a loud-mouth with a blog?” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • @rcwhalen We had 3 & adopted 5. Used zone defense metaphor 2 explain it 2 guys. W/a zone u r rules-based; need more rules w/more kids. $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • @groditi The only thing that gives me pause is that my old friends from my bond manager days r still constructive on HY Sep 18, 2012
  • “Exactly. I read the same piece, and for some reason I didn’t comment on their lack of understanding.” $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • Exactly. Every asset they inflate, inflates liabilities for those who fund them.? Commodities rise due 2 financial re? Sep 18, 2012
  • @TheStalwart Pie charts provide the least information of any type of graph, I think that’s why the chart nerds like them less $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • @MikeLanter Yes, THE ELEPHANT! Sep 16, 2012
  • “Well said. My but the Fed has become an elephant in the agency RMBS market” ? David_Merkel $$ Sep 16, 2012



  • If we don’t get stagflation RT @OVVOFinancial @Vermeer1097 Martingale works for Fed playing w/o table limits and unlimited balance sheet. $$ Sep 21, 2012
  • RT @SullyCNBC: Instead of being angry at individuals for paying the least amount in taxes they legally angry at Congress for our … Sep 21, 2012
  • Double down, BABY!! $$ RT @Vermeer1097: @AlephBlog Bubbles Bernank simply using a very old betting system: the Martingale. Sep 21, 2012
  • You can either think binary or not $$ RT @daveinbawlmer: @AlephBlog @ritholtz a sort of binary way of thinking about being binary Sep 21, 2012
  • There r only 10 types of people in the world, those get binary & the rest RT @ritholtz: Either you believe the world is binary or you don’t Sep 21, 2012
  • RT @researchpuzzler: RT @DDInvesting: An Open Letter to CFOs Across America ~ must read, for investors as well as C … Sep 19, 2012
  • RT @prchovanec: When will Chinese authorities figure out that developing new financing vehicles does not change underlying asset quality? $$ Sep 19, 2012
  • Bigtime $$ RT @historysquared: Chinese banks are ?the nexus for? all of this credit-driven investment.” ~ Jim Chanos Sep 18, 2012
  • What reputation? Perpetuating a bad idea $$ RT @credittrader: Tuesday Humor – *JUNCKER SAYS GREECE EURO EXIT WOULD HARM EURO REPUTATION Sep 18, 2012
  • +1 RT @ReformedBroker: ?When we encounter pain, we are at an important juncture in our decision-making process.? $$ Sep 18, 2012
  • RT @groditi: @AlephBlog i’d much rather hold some decent stocks w/ good FCF/Earnings yields and an overweight cash position the the same … Sep 18, 2012
  • Well-stated $$ RT @felixsalmon: #Romneyshambles: the conservative take is no less damning. Sep 18, 2012
  • You said it $$ RT @BoydRoddy: You get the feeling that @John_Hempton is having fun with $FMCN a la a Cat and a stalked mouse? Yeah, me too. Sep 18, 2012
  • You betcha. BTW, @soberlook has posted good stuff RT @merrillmatter: not buying any MBS here $$ Sep 16, 2012


On Low Volatility Investing

On Low Volatility Investing

Recently a friend of mine sent me an e-mail after my review of Eric Falkenstein’s latest book.? Here it is:

David, I?ve been reading a decent amount of the academic literature on low vol investing and it?s certainly got my attention.? I?ll definitely be purchasing his book to read thru it, but I think he and Mebane Faber have had quite a bit of this stuff on their respective blogs.? Frankly I liked the research enough that I decided to part ways with some gifted Verizon stock that the in-laws gave us and bought a global low-vol ETF (ACWV). ?

I wish it had a bit more international tilt, but there is a sister international ETF that I can buy, so I might add that at some point to balance out the geographic exposure.? The one thing that really surprised me the most was that I figured this thing would have huge weights in Utes/Telecom.? Not so–actually the industry diversification looks very attractive.? And for 35bps of fees vs nearly 4% yield, hard to go wrong with this product for a nice LT buy and hold.? Kinda funny when I find myself, as a stock guy, actually liking a highly diversified index-type product? I just needed a bit more balance in the portfolio from all my very idiosyncratic idea.

Some of your readers might be interested in some of these ETFs if you think they are worth talking about.

For raw quantitative index investing, funds like these are good ideas, at least for now.? But with all new strategies, I ask the question, what will happen when a lot of people do this?? It is possible for stocks that minimize volatility as a group to become overpriced.

Think about what a minimum volatility portfolio looks like.? The companies pay decent dividends, are mostly not in cyclical industries… the portfolio looks like growth at a reasonable price.? Company financial & operating leverage is relatively low.? When I think of all of these together, it sounds like high free cash flow, and/or high growth of free cash flow.? This would be similar to high-quality growing companies that don’t take on a lot of debt.

A minimum variance portfolio, should the portfolio characteristics continue over the rebalancing horizon, will behave somewhat like a high yielding bond, but noisier.

The fund that my friend mentioned has an above average P/E ratio, an above average dividend yield, and an above average Price-to-Book ratio.? It tends to choose stable, eclectic companies within each economic sector.? For example, when I looked at financials, I saw a disproportionate amount of REITs, Insurers, and obscure Japanese and Asian banks.

This is a little quirky, but the stable elements of a variety of different sectors seem to do well over time as a portfolio.? But just as “value stocks” as a group can become overvalued, the same can happen for the stocks in the minimum volatility portfolio.? It would be good to track the average E/P & B/P (trailing twelve months) for the portfolio.? If the valuation metrics get too high, it could be a sign that low volatility is becoming a crowded trade.

That said, given the dynamism inherent in re-estimating a minimum variance portfolio, it might not be so obvious when low volatility is over-invested.? Maybe watching when the ratio of the Morgan Stanley Cyclicals index versus the S&P 500 might give us a negative clue. It was less attractive to invest in stable stocks in August of 2000 and February 2009.? These are two very different dates.? The former showed stable stocks peaking, while the latter was cyclical stocks troughing.

My own investing methods rely on no one factor, but looks at what makes a stock valuable through multiple lenses.? But tonight I highlight low volatility, because I think that investors do occasionally overpay for quality, but in general a quality bias pays off over time, as does a value bias.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • ECB Collateral Moves Reopen ?Soup Kitchen? for Struggling Banks Euros available in exchange 4 marginal collateral $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Jobless Greeks Resolved to Work Clean Toilets in Sweden Really a sad tale; another way of saying EZone has failed $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Euro: Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck Axel Merk argues that current Eurozone troubles will create US Europe $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Draghi Says Officials Agree on ECB Unlimited Bond-Buying The conditionality will eventually render it ineffective $$ Sep 06, 2012
  • Fears Rising, Spaniards Pull Out Their Cash and Get Out of Spain When times get tough, people leave. More in Spain $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Perhaps the Irish economy is rebounding.? Maybe the banks are next? $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Two Tears for Two-Tiers Will Mario Draghi really create an expensive market for <3yr Spanish & Italian debt? $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • ECB bond-buying would not breach rules-Draghi Of course not pooky. Buying the short debt will draw u2 long debt l8r $$ Sep 04, 2012




  • California Treasurer Backs Law to Ban Costly Long-Term Bo [sic] Capital Appreciation Bonds are expensive 2 issuers $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • We’re Not Out Of Money There may not be an economic limit on printing $$ but a political limit when inflation arrives Sep 05, 2012
  • Top Bank Lawyer?s EMails Show Washington?s Inside Game Former SEC Commissioner Annette Nazareth uses her influence $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Suits Challenge Classrooms That Segregate Boys, Girls My brother ran a school for boys; much better than co-ed $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Fed’s unemployment target is unrealistic Global labor competition will keep unemployment high, until exports get big $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • The Clinton Administration did not offer as much public debt, Social Security was running its largest… Sep 05, 2012
  • As I said with the Republican Convention, I am very glad that I don’t own a TV. I would rather consider the merits than emotional appeals $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • They grow so fast, treasure them while you can $$ RT @TheStalwart: The Obama daughters have aged a lot. Sep 05, 2012
  • A radical tax plan the left and right can agree on Cut corporate tax rates & eliminate all special preferences $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • If You Think Obama?s First Term Was Bad, Imagine a Second Same applies to Romney; we will have gridlock either way $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Why Bernanke has become irrelevant Inflating financial assets also inflates financial liabilities &so it does little $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Putin to Raise Government Retirement Age to 70 We should also. Y should young ppl subsidize oldsters who could work Sep 04, 2012
  • The Democrats? Version of Mediscare Agreement btw Reps & Dems: cut medicare. The Q is how to do it? $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Long term real rates in the US hit record lows Can you say “financial Repression,” boys & girls? I thought you could $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Gloria Romero: Trials of a Democratic Reformer Unions (SEIU, CTA, the CA school employees) dominate $$ in Sacto $$ Sep 01, 2012
  • California Lawmakers Send Public-Pension Cutback to Brown First, prospective change, next retrospective on actives $$ Sep 01, 2012
  • The duopoly doesn’t like interlopers playing on their turf $$ RT @LaurenLaCapra: Why Is Gary Johnson Being Ignored? Sep 01, 2012

The Markets


  • Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management: Is the Industry Shifting to a New Paradigm? 2 complex; parameters unstable $$ Sep 08, 2012
  • Student Loans: Debt for Life With student loans not dischargable in bankruptcy many students end up debt-slaves $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Commodities Beat Stocks, Bonds for Second Month in August Anticipated inflation (via TIPS) rising over last 2 months $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Should You Wade In With a Windfall? A perpetual debate; best to decide on your asset allocation and invest $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Are You Making Too Much Money? Cramer points out that when a strategy is working too well -> greater prob of blowup $$ Sep 01, 2012


Lenders, Insurers, and Housing


  • Hedge funds face autumn uncertainty Hard not to be uncertain when deficits are high, monetary policy loose, & EZone $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • With Lax Regulation, a Risky Industry Flourishes Offshore Bermuda reinsurers r better managed than largest US banks $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Assessing Fannie’s Past and Future Sadly, ending the role of the US Govt in lending $$ is not a listed option. Sep 04, 2012
  • Home Prices Are Not Rebounding as Fast as You Think Market will have to digest a lot of dark supply, post-bottom $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Breaking Up Banks Is Hard With Traders Hooked on Deposits WIll b made up reducing diseconomies of scale $$ #breakthem Sep 04, 2012
  • Bad headline: Nine Insurers Boast Gains On Facebook Positions Read the story: most insurers owning $FB lost $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Big Banks Are Hazardous to U.S. Financial Health Implicit promise of US rescue allows large banks to finance cheap $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Fighting financial complexity with simple rules? Limit leverage, interconnectedness, analyze risk-based liquidity $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Ranking the Largest U.S. Banks: M&T No. 17 With a Bullet Look at how large the top 4 r relative to everyone else $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Index points to new dawn for US housing There is a lot of dark supply to clear, but bottom has passed on low end $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • Melbourne Hasn?t Seen Worst of Housing Drop as Glut Builds I’m sure glut is temporary, “Contained” & banks r fine 😉 Sep 01, 2012




  • Shale Boom Cuts Gulf Oil Premium to 24-Year Low Whouda thunk oil production would increase in the US? $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • “Green energy ‘is a big area of unfulfilled promise,'” aka “crazy inefficient dreaming.” Send them to study physics $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • RE: Natural gas prices have fallen; that is most of the new energy produced. Little oil so gasoline prices stay high. Sep 03, 2012




  • Stanford researchers’ cooling glove ‘better than steroids’ & helps solve physiological mystery, too Muscles overheat $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • FBI vs. Google: The Legal Fight to Unlock Phones Interesting that $GOOG resists requests 4 smartphone passwords $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Malware attacks on the rise Now coming to a handheld device near you. Try to decide on a ransom strategy early $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • Awkward Belly Dance for Groupon As if $GRPN doesn’t have enough troubles, two large founders back a competitor $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • China, Germany plan to settle more trade in yuan, euros Settling $$ doesn’t matter, where proceeds r invested matters Sep 03, 2012
  • The Federal Reserve: From Central Bank to Central Planner The more tasks we give to the Fed, the worse they do $$ Sep 03, 2012
  • You Can’t Trust Airport Security Security systems must balance risks of false positives vs missing positives $$ Sep 03, 2012


BloombergView Hypocrisy

  • You Pick: a Strong Recovery or an Accountable Fed? The Fed could b genuinely transparent & the economy prosperous $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Republicans Must Choose: Less Debt or More Jobs? The 2r not related. Proceeds of debt do not lead2 hiring necessarily Sep 05, 2012
  • @bloombergview , master of the false dichotomy headline: Republicans Must Choose: Less Debt or More Jobs? $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • @bloombergview , master of the false dichotomy headline: “You Pick: a Strong Recovery or an Accountable Fed?” Sep 05, 2012




  • Big Firms a Drag on Pension Funds Returns at larger private equity funds have lagged their smaller brethren $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • Retirement security is a big problem — especially for the young The developed world lives in a fantasy re: retirement Sep 05, 2012
  • San Jose Cops Rush Disability Retirement Bids as Rules Tighten & I’ll bet the actuary never priced 100% disability $$ Sep 05, 2012



  • #FF @cabaum1 @HousingWire @journalistjosh @LizRappaport @CardiffGarcia @simonconstable @agnestcrane @WSJTheSource @maoxian @jsphctrl $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • #FF @footnoted @LSPollack @MattGoldstein26 @munilass @williamalden @JeffreyMatthews @PragCapitalist @neilbarofsky @MKTWBurton @petereavis $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • @lv_1 I’m doing 1 of these per day listing my favorite tweeps, some of which are lesser known; last group is mostly economics Sep 06, 2012
  • It’s not Friday, but please follow: @GonzaloLiraSPG @rajivatbarnard @John_Hempton @SoberLook @groditi @unstructuredfin @historysquared $$ Sep 06, 2012
  • It’s not Friday but please follow: @finemrespice @prchovanec @vshih2 @BoydRoddy @dpinsen @niubi @manualofideas @wesbury @merrillmatter $$ Sep 03, 2012



  • A permanent problem in a dynamic language $$ RT @BloombergView: These are sad times for grammatical purists | Sep 07, 2012
  • RT @DennisDMZ: Obama thanked Biden for being “the best VP I could have hoped for.” Proof that America really has become the land of dimi … Sep 07, 2012
  • Their headlines mislead more than most RT @LaurenLaCapra: This Bloomberg headline is not only weird, but questionable. Sep 05, 2012
  • Worth a read $$ RT @TheStalwart: This strikes me as an interesting contribution to the profit margins debate. Sep 05, 2012
  • RT @PlanMaestro: Very good takedown of Taibbi’s Bain Capital piece. There is a story in there just not this one @da … Sep 05, 2012
  • Oops $$ RT @SecurityTube: [News] BitCoin Exchange Loses $250,0000 [sic] After Unencrypted Keys Stolen Sep 05, 2012
  • How many divisions does Draghi have? MT @TheStalwart: The Most Powerful Man In The World Is Going To Speak Tomorrow. So Is Barack Obama $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • Also worth a look $$ RT @_TPR: One of my favorite tables: Shadow Banking Depositors. The plumbing. Sep 05, 2012
  • Worth a look $$ RT @_TPR: Another: Credit-Maturity Transformation Spectrum Sep 05, 2012
  • RT @NickTimiraos: CoreLogic index shows that home prices are now 1.3% above Jan 2009 level. Down 0.7% from June 2010 (tax credit induced … Sep 04, 2012
  • RT @TheStalwart: RT @conorsen: @TheStalwart @diana_olick You should probably have

an auto-RT app for Diana’s stuff. Sep 04, 2012

  • RT @ReformedBroker: As the politicians descend on Charlotte, Carolinians come face to face with more pork than they’ve ever pulled. #DNC2012 Sep 04, 2012
  • Good one, made me smile. $$ RT @pdacosta: This euro crisis thing is really Draghing out. Sep 03, 2012
  • My but Congress was farsighted to recognize a banking benchmark & celebrate! $$ RT @ReformedBroker: HAPPY LIBOR DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sep 03, 2012
  • RT @mbusigin: You know what’s going to happen? People going to pile into Risk Parity strategies just in time for yield volatility modera … Sep 01, 2012
  • RT @simonconstable: ?@Mctaguej: Connaughton is a loyal Democrat–but he pulls no punches in his expose of Obama’s failure to pursue Wall … Sep 01, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: Thought we had an aging population Ben Bernanke? How many jobs have been lost because 150 mln baby boomers are earning … Sep 01, 2012



  • @BradErvin1 Fair point; we have skills mismatch here as well, & income differences among regions; not as pronounced though, adjusts better Sep 08, 2012
  • @crampell My son thanks you for that article. He runs and the trainers ice him down after practice; going to show it to his coach Sep 07, 2012
  • @ToshibaEric Thanks 4 replying. Talked to 10 people @ Toshiba before I got someone to send me a free mailing box for repairs ~ 2 hours $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • @toshiba also aggravating sitting on hold, getting dropped three times, and representatives hiding behind the legalese Sep 07, 2012
  • @toshiba Really aggravating dealing with your phone support for a new computer that fails on day one, and you do not offer replacement $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • ‘ @Fullcarry It’s kind of like the “pop” that happens when a distressed credit does an equity offering in order to survive. $$ Sep 07, 2012
  • @niubi Perhaps because that would be blocked. China does not want people 2know how much diverse information 2which they do not have access Sep 07, 2012
  • @credittrader The cash he receives will be used to collateralize an account invested in stock index futures $$ 😉 #nevercashonsidelines Sep 05, 2012
  • @moorehn Could we pass a law that all politicians have to write their own speeches, so that they say is more likely what they really think? Sep 05, 2012
  • @_TPR Okay, so I have missed something. I trust Bermuda; I do not trust Ireland as a regulator. Who has moved? $$ Sep 05, 2012
  • @finemrespice Some technological breakthroughs e.g., but no 1 mentions costs. Technical efficiency <> Econ progress $$ Sep 04, 2012
  • I just left a comment in “How Pimco?s Gross beats the average bond fund – Mutual Understanding – MarketWatch” Sep 04, 2012
  • We need a new misery index that includes the future pain of present borrowing. At least Carter kept… Sep 04, 2012
  • 2, 4, and 6 are not myths. The others are. There are limits to what the government can do. They must tax or… Sep 04, 2012
  • Alas, modern worship, odious to God. Bring back a cappella singing of Psalms, like the ancient church.? Also, giving ? Sep 04, 2012
  • It is rational for lower-level German politicians to say Greece must leave the Euro. It is what an average German be? Sep 04, 2012


How Warren Buffett is Different from Most Investors, Part 2

How Warren Buffett is Different from Most Investors, Part 2

Before I begin this evening, let me simply say that where I find intelligence, I appreciate it, whether I agree with all the ethics of the situation or not.? Buffett is a bright guy, brighter than most.? I have *not* been shy to criticize Buffett when I thought there were ethical lapses — whether it was retroactive reinsurance, life settlements, David Sokol, or anything else.

The fifth way that Buffett is different is that Buffett was comfortable managing a company, rather than a pass-through vehicle like a mutual fund or a hedge fund.? That may sound trivial, but it is significant, because few investors do that.? The advantages are considerable.? You have permanent capital to work with, so you can focus on the distant future when times are bad.

The article that prompted this piece talked about how Buffett would “bet against beta,” and would invest in quality stocks.? These are the strategies that one can take advantage of if one has sufficiently long-term capital.? But I differ from the article, because value, betting against beta, and an emphasis on quality are not risk factors if you have a sufficiently long time horizon.? They are sources of alpha.? I disdain everything from MPT.? Real investing is finding companies that can compound free cash flow at above average rates.

I think that is a part of the problem with academic consideration of investing.? Typically they embed an idea that the investment horizon is short, which makes their ideas useless for long-term investors.

The sixth way that Buffett is different is that Buffett uses leverage (“float”) from the insurance companies to fund much of his assets.? The float has grown, but in an era of low interest rates, P&C insurance companies focus hard on making an underwriting profit.? In one sense, the low interest rate environment has made the P&C insurers and reinsurers to not be financials; they compete on underwriting, not investing.

The seventh way that Buffett is different, is that he doesn’t care what form the investment takes.? Buffett might say: “Stocks, great.? Convertible preferreds, even better.? Convertible bonds, yes.? Credit default swaps, only if I get to structure it, and same for selling options.? Private equity is fine; I will leave them alone, and capture the private equity niche of those who care about their corporate culture.” And more… he is a flexible guy, because he has a strong balance sheet behind him.

As for the robo-Buffett the academics create, well, hindsight is 20/20.? Who could have seen the relatively placid economics of the past 30+ years?? With that much foreknowledge, some private equity investors could have gone wild and done far, far better than that.

But Buffett had no roadmap.? He faced the same fog that we all do, but made robust choices that would do well against a fuzzy future.? As such, he deserves attention for his clever investing, because Buffett is different from the rest of us.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • 30 Innovations That Will Change The World Fascinating list; bookmarking it because I don’t have time now $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • How ‘Oxygen Foam’ Can Save People Who Aren’t Breathing Injectable oxygen can keep people alive when lungs hav probs $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Laser-Guided Bullets Will Change The Future Of Warfare Changes bullets into mini-guided missiles $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • This Nanoparticle System May Lead To A Cure For Cancer Clever fusion of drugs, polymers, nanoparticles & infrared $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Power Felt Feeds Off Your Body Heat To Generate Electricity If cheap enough could power developing world cellphones $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • A Tiny Microscope That Attaches To A Cell Phone Could Save Lives Around The World & it only costs $10! Amazing $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • 5 Ways Researchers Use Microbes To Make Energy First 2 seem most promising. Butanol great replacement 4 ethanol $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • The Amazing Process That Enabled Paralyzed Rats To Run Again Several different technologies used in concert $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Check Out The Cancer Detection Program That Won Top Prize At Google’s Science Fair WIll save life & pain 4 women $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • See How Scientists Print Skin That Will Help Treat Burn Victims Amazing. Again, the cost will determine viability $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • This Concentrated Solar Cell Could Be Powering Cities ‘Within Years’ If this gets cheap enough, will change energy $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • How This Small Machine Turns Human Waste Into Clean Water Vapor Neat, is it less expensive than current methods? $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • The Secret To Making Food Packaging You Can Eat Talk about your childhood wishes: you can even eat the dishes $$ Aug 31, 2012




  • The Riddle of the Resilient Economy Solved?? I think many people factor future tax burdens & inflation into their views Sep 01, 2012
  • Bernanke on The Safe Asset Shortage When u become a large part of the market,distort price signals, difficult 2 exit $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Not if you count in the rise in debt and unfunded liabilities $$ RT @TheStalwart: America is better off than it was four years ago Aug 31, 2012
  • ‘The Economy Stole My Retirement’ I’m sorry; no one owns a retirement, it is not an entitlement; work is good $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • If Interest Rates Go Negative . . . Or, Be Careful What You Wish For A fundamental boundary u should not break $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • U.S. Firms Move Abroad US has some of the highest corporate tax rates in world, w/too much social engineering $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • True, Even if QE does nothing $$ RT @BubblesandBusts: @AlephBlog Even admitting this, Fed may be trapped by stock market expectations Aug 29, 2012
  • Fiscal Crunch Time in the Nation’s Capitals Long article on sagging GDP amid difficulaties 4 China’s municipalities $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Sadly, yes. Add in student loans for debt-slavery. $$ RT @jasonzweigwsj: Are Debtors? Prisons Coming Back? #WSJ $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • The unintended consequences of QE: not what you think QE both inflates and deflates doing almost nothing on net $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Richard Koo is overrated, as is damage from austerity. $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • If I had $1 4 every lame QE3 comment, could fund vacation 4 the Fed RT @ReformedBroker: QE3: SHUT UP, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Aug 27, 2012




  • BOE’s Haldane: Tear Down This “Tower Of Basel” To Stop Crises International standards are ill-enforced & squishier $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • France’s Hollande speeds launch of state investment bank Governments involved in lending help create bubbles $$ Sep 01, 2012
  • Judgment Days Arrive for Euro Crisis September will be busy for the Eurozone. Strap in and enjoy the ride. $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Spain Unveils New Financial Reforms Subordinated debt & government absorb losses, as depositors & investors flee $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • El-Erian: Who Will Determine Greece’s European Future? The weaker Italy & Spain r the more the EZone protects Greece $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Europe banks find a rare funding window in August Can hardly think of assets with a worse risk/return ratio $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Deposit flight from Spanish banks smashes record in July Uncertainty leads to safe-haven-seeking $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Turks to EU: No, Thanks Turkey grows much faster without the Euro; why end a good thing? $$ #ignorethedebtbubble Aug 29, 2012
  • France Debt ?Significantly Overvalued,? General Re Says France is the core EZ country closest to tipping $$ Aug 28, 2012




  • Romney Can Take His Dad?s Idea and Cut Mortgage Tax Break Grandfather it, a least 4 a while $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • I don’t believe someone whose views have shifted radically $$ RT @dpinsen: @AlephBlog He’s telling you what he stands for now Aug 31, 2012
  • Please, Ron would have been far more skeptical here $$ RT @FriendsRonSmith: Mitt’s hitting it out of the park tonight! Aug 31, 2012
  • Note on last Tweet: I am not voting 4 Romney; I have no idea what he really stands 4, given his past. Will go 3rd party, if I vote 4 prez $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • How to Beat President Obama “Obama is losing independents, his base is less enthusiastic, the economy stinks” $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Time to Get Serious on Medicare The elephant in the room for both parties: what will you do with Medicare? $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Four Years Later, and a Million Miles From Safety We have not solved TBTF, repo funding, margining, and much more $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Republicans Vow 2 Transform Obama?s US by Less Govt Even Reagan only held Federal Register 2 no increase; shrink? Wow Aug 31, 2012
  • Obama Second Term Would Defy Confidence Measure Only reason this race is close is the Reps had no strong candidates Aug 31, 2012
  • Ryan Pledges GOP Rebirth Nice thought, but who will have the guts to cut entitlements or defense or reform taxes $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Piecemeal reform that gives the financial sector what it wants would be the worst of all worlds. $$ Repeal it all, pu? Aug 30, 2012
  • It is days like this that I am grateful that I do not own a TV, or I would be tempted to waste time watching the Republican Convention $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Paul Ryan?s Intellectual Muse Hayek was not a “no government” guy as much as a “limited government” guy $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Sen. Corker: Bernanke’s Fed Feeds ‘Perverse Addiction’ Current policy absorbs $$ from savers to finance US deficit Aug 28, 2012
  • Will they have the courage to use it, didn’t use their power last time RT @The_Analyst: OLA is some progress, no? $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Didn’t fix TBTF or remove bad regulators RT @CFAInstitute: Sheila Bair: 2Yrs After Dodd-Frank, Y Isn?t Anything Fixed? Aug 28, 2012
  • 10 things the post office won?t tell you Point 8 I have a lot of experience with, but true of many govt buildings Aug 28, 2012
  • Partisan Finger-Pointing Misses Real Deficit Story Not dealing w/real issues until we deal w/entitlements $$ Aug 28, 2012




  • China?s Growing Economic Crisis The Communist Party is running out of paces to create fake growth $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Credit crisis in China?s richest province Zhejiang “This is pervasive throughout China,” said Chovanec $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • China?s bad-debt nightmare Another aspect of Chinese malinvestment coming due $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Latest missive out from Michael Pettis. Very bearish on commodity prices & Chinese GDP growth. rebalancing Chinese economy will be difficult Aug 28, 2012




  • Start-up savior? Killing convertible debt Proposed Alternative: An modified form of convertible preferreds $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Quebec Whodunit: 1/4 of Province?s Syrup Reserves Go Missing Did not know that Quebec provides 75% of all syrup $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Weekly Wrap: Bernanke speaks in Wisconsin An oops from NPR Marketplace. Jackson Hole is in what state? $$ #Wyoming Aug 31, 2012
  • Hidden Truths about Calories A Food is Not a Food, A Body is Not a Body, A Microbe is Not a Microbe, A Cal is Not a Cal Aug 31, 2012
  • ?Virtually Untreatable? Tuberculosis Threat Rising Existing drugs proving useless. TB: coming 2 a country near you $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • Twelve-Year-Old Programmers Help Fuel IPhone Game Frenzy SImple computer languages let kids make games, learn2code $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Quake ‘Swarm’ Hits California Town This would be pretty nerve-wracking to have almost constant small quakes $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • When you homeschool you can never tell the next question; just had a 10 minute discussion w/kids 5 & 6 on franchising, good discussion $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • ‘ @ballenmo 5th is 18, 6th is 15 1/2 — came from a visit to Buffalo Wild Wings where 1 kid tried 2 use coupon only good @ company stores $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • 4 those of you who know me, I review a lot of books, & PR flacks send them 2me in a wide # of ways. 1st time I got 1 via $AMZN today $$ Aug 27, 2012
  • When “biggest X” is going on, where X is university building campaigns, skyscraper, private equity deal &c credit cycle is about2go bust $$ Aug 25, 2012
  • Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing $AMZN is like the cable industry of old: grows rapidly, profit in future $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • This is why I say it will be a while before high end real estate recovers. NJ suffers as finance shrinks $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Watson gets ready 4 more uses as $IBM works on voice interface, & broadens its knowledge & $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • This is a reason why the definition of income matters more than the rates it gets taxed at. Many rich people legally ? Aug 28, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Asia’s Tide of Cash Hems in Policy Makers Today’s exhibit on effects of loose monetary policy from US, EU, Japan $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Poor in India Starve as Politicians Steal $14.5 Billion of Food Food aid should bypass governments or don’t give $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Brezhnev Bonds Haunt Putin as Investors Hunt $785 Billion Don’t tell me nations don’t default on debts $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Canada Says ?Anonymous? May Attack Energy Firm Computers Threats2Canada?s critical infrastructure r real&will persist Aug 28, 2012


Financial Market Dynamics


  • Oh No ? Another Post About High Frequency Trading? HFT is the solution to fragmentation of venues 4 executing orders $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • High-yield ETFs Drive One Tenth Of Bond-Trading Volume That’s significant, & will increase HY mkt volatility $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • How to dodge market touts and traps Chuck Jaffe goes after promoted penny stocks, similar 2 what I have said $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • At least a few of us knew that $$ RT @EddyElfenbein: “Short-Selling Bans Don?t Work. Period.” Who knew? Aug 30, 2012
  • Pimco?s Ivascyn Beats Gross?s Flagship Pimco is misunderstood because of the PR they do w/Gross & El-Erian $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • How to get a jumbo mortgage now One of the more optimistic things I’ve seen in residential real estate lately $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • SEC Commissioners Fault Schapiro Over Money-Market Rule Debate Significant tax probs w/float NAV, acctg probs w/capl Aug 29, 2012
  • Floating NAVs [4 MMFs] could prove taxing I remember when I tried to use a ST bond fund 4 checking; messy tax-wise $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • The Averaging Down Clown This is more a question of time horizon and quality; I average down a lot and make $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • How Young Homeowners Lost Out by Buying Remember, homes r primarily an expense & not an investment $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Hertz Wins Bid to Buy Dollar Thrifty Did not know that Enterprise controls 50% of mkt, Hertz DT 26%, Avis 18% $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Presidential Life Corporation To Be Acquired By Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company This will not end well $$ #FTL Aug 28, 2012
  • States Review Insurers’ Capital State regulators may require addl capital 2b held against non-GSE mortgages $$ Aug 28, 2012


Occupy Wall Street


  • “I don?t have any sympathy for anyone who has any semblance of middle-class life in this country — no sympathy” #OWS Aug 29, 2012
  • Last tweet shows attitudes of some in #OWS . Can’t fight something w/nothing, though. Organization will always beat disorganization $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • Examples: Spartan & Roman armies could beat the less organized that had far larger armies. A real political movement organizes, unlike #OWS Aug 29, 2012
  • “The article sounds like #OWS is reduced to its fringe elements, which will be unpredictable, but?” ? David_Merkel $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • ‘ @jmiah_th read the Bloomberg article on #OWS It almost seems like they are falling apart if the article is right $$ Aug 29, 2012




  • @carney Reminds me of how AIG collateralized their sec lending w/AAA subprime RMBS, or the guy who tried 2 get a loan out of me by pledging+ Aug 31, 2012
  • @carney 5x the amount of a microcap stock w/ no earnings & neg net worth. Stock cratered and was worth zero 18 months later $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • The Central Bank of Sweden Prize RT @jasonzweigwsj: why the Nobel Prize in economics isn’t (exactly) a Nobel #WSJ $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • +1 $$ RT @TheStalwart: #FF: @diana_olick. If you’re not following her, you have no idea what’s happening in real estate. Aug 31, 2012
  • @crampell Post hoc propter hoc fallacy — QE inflates assets *and* liabilities; it does nothing on net Aug 31, 2012
  • @SaraMurray What a cute kid. Aug 31, 2012
  • RT @maoxian: @niubi The plural of Ordos is Overdos. Aug 31, 2012
  • @The_Analyst She has always been kind to me. Don’t know what to say, I tend to give everyone room in this complex environment $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • RT @asymmetricinfo: Goodnight, tweeps. Remember: in 100 years, your great-grandchildren will be struggling to believe that anyone cared. Aug 31, 2012
  • @The_Analyst Heidi is a friend of mine. Why are you so hostile? Most journalists on finance learn as they go, she is better than most. $$ Aug 31, 2012
  • ‘ @BettyInTheLoop Romney will do best being authentic, whatever that is for him; efforts to remake a candidate into what he is not fail $$ Aug 30, 2012
  • @JeniecePrimus Thanks for the compliment. I try to be as fair as possible, down to my contracts, and the disclaimer on my blog. Aug 30, 2012
  • It is a loser $$ RT @ritholtz: Jeb Bush Slams Republican Anti-Immigrant Stance as Losing Recipe via @BloombergNews $$ Aug 30, 2012
  • @17thStCap This time he mentioned that he liked $GM; I’ll continue to hold on to my $HMC, but it made me think. FD: +HMC Aug 29, 2012
  • @moorehn Now, that, made me laugh — caught me needing a laugh too, thanks. Aug 29, 2012
  • RT @dakyne: @JamesGRickards Nice rebuttal! The gold standard wasn’t the problem–the problem was the price was set too low during the 20 … Aug 30, 2012
  • RE: @bloombergview Shows why economists are dumb. Unemployment is high because labor is plentiful globally, & wages f? Aug 30, 2012
  • “Russian money and influence already extends to Cyprus. Short hop to Greece ?” ? David_Merkel $$ Aug 30, 2012
  • “”Economic growth is stabilizing at a slow pace.” Nothing to see here. Move along. $$” ? David_Merkel Aug 30, 2012
  • @groditi I think post-WWII until Roe v Wade, most politics was quieter, w/noise behind closed doors. History pre-WWII & politics was ugly $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • @danprimack Right, and look at the DEF 14A forms — to test, pulled up the board of Amerus Group in 2006, since bought out by Aviva Aug 29, 2012
  • “Toss in some moderate sideshows: Japan, Switzerland, Australia. This era is a mess.” ? David_Merkel $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • @ReutersFlasseur @historysquared @firoozye slow preparation on the off-chance of unwinding the Eurozone $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • ‘ @BergCT When I read that, I thought, “I get the politics of demonizing the 1%, I do not get the politics of demonizing the ~75%.” $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • RT @KeithMcCullough: “Bernanke has becomes a 21st century Pangloss, hoping for the best and quite unprepared for the worst” @JamesGrickards Aug 29, 2012
  • RT @KeithMcCullough: “Fed has effectively declared currency war on the world” @JamesGRickards Memo from the front: Aug 29, 2012
  • @susanweiner Scope out the overall idea of what u want to say, then list ~10 articles that will say that. Write, seek feedback, repeat $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • @grossdm She has worked there long & hard, and from my dealings with Fidelity, has helped to transform them from being only mutual funds $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: Priceless RT ?@lemasabachthani: RT @Darlington_Dick: Morocco has eur-denom bond maturing on 10/2020. Trades 170bp tight … Aug 29, 2012
  • @GuardianJessica Would have phrased it more delicately; when some ppl who r selfish have kids, they expand the spheres of their selfishness Aug 29, 2012
  • @eddtorial I have Tweetdeck up in front of me, and it all people are talking about. I am reading a good book by David X. Martin on risk $$ Aug 29, 2012
  • RT @jarstone: @TheStalwart As American’s we have a choice to make in this election. We can end up like the NY Times or the Wall Street J … Aug 28, 2012
  • Used to work near there $$ RT @GlobeStcom:Philadelphia Stock Exchange building in receivership, @NewmarkKF 2market #CRE Aug 28, 2012
  • RT @The_Analyst: Book Review: “Bailout” by @neilbarofsky, or: Why I’ll Never Work in DC & Why Main Street should blame Govt Not Wall … Aug 28, 2012
  • I just reviewed: ‘The Crisis of Crowding: Quant Copycats, Ugly Models, and the New Crash Normal… via @alephblog $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • @DavidSchawel Renting offers flexibility. Owning is a commitment w/large fixed costs. Y tie up capital in 1 levered undiversified asset? $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • NB: Yuan may b overvalued $$RT @saraeisenFX: Yuan forwards trade at biggest discount to onshore rate since March 2009 on growth slowdown Aug 28, 2012
  • Commented on StockTwits: There is a time and place for renting vs buying — what are your resources, needs, time hor… Aug 28, 2012
  • @jonsticha Just this: Reagan was pragmatic, but did not want to be… w/majorities in Congress he would have been far more transformative $$ Aug 28, 2012
  • Garbage. If Reagan had had a strong majority in Congress, he would have balanced the budget & done more on social iss? Aug 28, 2012
  • RT @yvessmith: Why Neil Barofsky?s Book ?Bailout? Matters: Matt Stoller is a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. You can follow … http: … Aug 28, 2012
  • RT @ampressman: Brought my daughter to the office this morning to impress her with my piles of folders, pens of much ink and assorted tc … Aug 28, 2012
  • ‘David Frink, a spokesman for Dell, said the company?s bonds are a ?more accurate market indicator,? which are ?tradi? Aug 27, 2012
  • @neilbarofsky My review is out; loved your book: $$ Aug 26, 2012
  • @The_Analyst I try to release them at the same time. Aug 26, 2012
  • @The_Analyst Sorry, but I feel late to this one as well. Top reviewer at Amazon has 99/109 positive votes, from a poorly written review $$ Aug 26, 2012
  • @DynamicHedge FRED has come a long way; used it when it was a bulletin board. Now it is a treasure trove free on the Web $$ Aug 25, 2012
  • @DynamicHedge 3M LIBOR minus 3M T-bill yield Aug 25, 2012
  • Ripple effects RT @SoberLook: Post: “The crash of the Dutch housing market reminds us of a much older market bubble” $$ Aug 25, 2012
  • Miss your stuff too, when my blog was down 4 a wk, it was tough $$ RT @jennablan: cc: @kenli729 RT @unstructuredfin So sad without my blog Aug 25, 2012
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