Saudi Arabia: Reading Tea Leaves

Photo Credit: Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Photo Credit: Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Let me mention four?posts that I did recently on energy issues:

There were four?main ideas that came out of those articles:

  • Saudi Arabia would allow the price of crude oil to fall to hurt competitors/rivals, particularly Iran.
  • The price of crude oil would stay near $50/barrel.
  • Lots of overlevered companies dependent on a high price for crude oil would go bankrupt.
  • But?bankruptcy would happen to fewer, and more slowly, because of all the private equity wanting to buy distressed assets.

All that said, my view has changed a little recently. ?I could be wrong, but I think that the ceiling price for crude oil may be $70/barrel for a few years, with the average remaining at $50. ?I believe this because I think the Saudis are more desperate for cash than most believe.

Here’s my reasoning:

  • First, you have them selling off a?5%?interest in Saudi Aramco. ?When you need?money, there is a tendency to sell high quality easily saleable assets, because they will sell for a high price, and with little fuss. ?Admittedly, they aren’t rushing to do it, which weakens my point. ?My view is that you would sell off lesser things that aren’t core, rather than complicate life by selling off a portion of a top quality asset.
  • Second, they are seeking loans, and considering selling bonds.
  • Third, they are considering decreasing the subsidies that they give to their people. ?I think this will be very difficult to achieve politically.
  • Fourth, when the amount of Saudi holdings of US Treasury bonds was announced, it was lower than many expected, at $120+ billion, which only covers a little more than a year of their budget deficits, which was $98 billion last year.
  • Fifth, and most speculatively, I wonder if many of the US Treasury holdings have been pledged to cover other debts. ?No proof here, but it’s not uncommon to use highly liquid assets as collateral for privately contracted debts. ?That may explain the musing by some that there had to be more US Treasuries ?there… but where are they?

What this implies to me is that Saudi Arabia is now little different than most of their associates in OPEC. ?Their financial situation is tight enough that they must pump crude oil without respect?to the strategy of holding crude oil off the markets to get better prices. ?It’s not just punishing US shale oil production and Iranian crude production — the Saudis need the money.

If the Saudis need the money, and must pump, then OPEC lacks any significant coalition to raise prices. ?Prices will rise with growth in demand, and cheap resource depletion… but as for right now, there are enough barrels to come out of the ground below $70.

The Saudi need for money is a much simpler explanation than trying to knock out US shale oil, or gouge the Iranians, because it has the Saudis acting directly in their own interests, and it fits the price series for crude oil better.

PS — One more note: this is mildly bearish for the US Dollar as the US does not have the same dedicated buyer of US Dollar assets as it once did. ?I say mildly bearish, because most of the damage is already past.

6 thoughts on “Saudi Arabia: Reading Tea Leaves

  1. Forecasting oil price just based on supply and demand is not correct. Oil price is tied to at least two more parameters that are politics and Oil’s trading in commodity market.
    As you most probably know, production cost in Iran is also low. So if you think Saudi’s are punishing Iran by flooding the market with their oil it might be correct (low price hurts all producers) but on the other hand they are punishing Iran’s competitors too with Iran sitting and laughing at Saudis.
    You also mentioned the new cap for oil price is probably $70. I liked that you mentioned “probably” and didn’t say it with confidence. But why not 68 or 72 or 65?
    We all know about possibility of US stock market crash in near future and we know that if it falls, it takes everything down with it, including oil. Not seeing even a single joint analysis of US stock market and oil price is interesting to me.
    Few months ago all news about oil was bearish. When big boys wanted it to go down so they could buy it with cheapest possible price (evidence is the highest traded volume at the bottom of price. Big boys were buying and accumulating). Now it is mix of bearish and bullish. When it reaches to $60, it will be all bullish news and drives price up exponentially (when big boys need it to be high). It is all cycles of manipulation.

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