
The Predictioneer?s Game (5 stars)

Who will benefit from the book?? This is a book that many will benefit from, because the subject area is broad, and the ability to turn the windmills of the mind are considerable.? For those who want to buy it, they can buy it here: The Predictioneer?s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future

Book of isms (4 Stars)

Here is my thesis: the more you care about a given ism, the less you will like the explanations in the book.? The entries are long compared to a dictionary, but short compared to an encyclopedia.? Personally, I found entries in areas that I have detailed knowledge of to be too short, and in some cases inaccurate.? This applies to many of the entries on Christianity, and some on economics.

If you want to buy the book, you can buy it here:? The Economist Book of isms: From Abolitionism to Zoroastrianism

Navigating the Financial Blogosphere (3 Stars)

Because I am aware of most of the areas in the book, this is a book that I skimmed. That said, as I looked at critical ideas in the book, I found that I largely agreed with his ideas. As a trivia note, Alephblog and I get featured on page 177, in the chapter on portfolio management. If I had to featured in any chapter, I?m glad it was that one, because managing risk through proper portfolio management is near and dear to my heart.

For those who want to buy it, they can buy it here: Navigating the Financial Blogosphere: How to Benefit from Free Information on the Internet

Theme: Overlay by Kaira