Category: Pensions

Classic: Get to Know the Holders’ Hands, Part 1

Classic: Get to Know the Holders’ Hands, Part 1

Note: this was published at RealMoney on 7/1/2004.? This was part three of a? four part series. Part One is lost but was given the lousy title: Managing Liability Affects Stocks, Pt. 1.? If you have a copy, send it to me.

Fortunately, these were the best three of the four articles.


Investing Strategies

Different investor groups in the market have different patterns of funding and disbursement.

Understand those patterns to read market action more clearly and see what trends might emerge.


Recently, the firm I work for held a large amount of the common stock of Phoenix (PNX:NYSE). As the stock rallied, I kept moving out my sell target, because the technicals on the stock were so compelling. There were no analysts saying buy, there were a few saying sell and the short interest was high. The company was doing all the right things and the stock had great price momentum, but the valuation was just too high. I wanted to sell, but I couldn’t figure out when.

Finally, on Feb. 21, the stock price began to rally on no news. Going to the message boards, I discovered that there was a momentum investor with a radio show who was making one of his occasional television appearances, and was touting Phoenix. I went to our trader and said that we had our chance. There was a group of valuation-insensitive buyers buying the stock with abandon. I said, “Ride the ask [offer stock at the asking price], and if you get any thick bids near the ask, hit them.” (Read: If there are aggressive large bidders, sell to them at their level.) We sold our position in two weeks, without disturbing the market; we were able to get an average price of about $14.25. (Our trader is top-notch.) Today the price of Phoenix is about 15% lower. The momentum investors choked on the stock that we (and others) fed them.

Why did this work for us? We understood two aspects of how Phoenix traded very well: the fundamentals and technicals. The fundamentals taught us what fair value should be, but the technicals taught us how investors would react to movements in the stock price.

Every investor has a mode of funding and a mode of disbursement. The funding and disbursement modes affect how long and under what conditions an investor wants to, or is able to, hold his position. Some examples will illustrate general principles of these modes. I will describe the ways that various classes of investors fund their investments, how their investments are held, how they are liquidated and how all of this affects what kinds of investments they can use from both an asset class and liquidity standpoint. I also will attempt to explain how the behavior of some classes of investors can become temporarily self-reinforcing, leading to booms and busts.? Finally, I will try to give some practical advice along the way as to how you can benefit from the behaviors of different classes of investors.


1. Banks and Other Depositary Institutions

Banks make promises to depositors. Some of these promises are absolute; some are contingent on external events. Bank regulations exist to make the keeping of the promises more certain (or, in modern times, keep the guarantee funds solvent). Banks have to keep adequate capital on hand to provide a margin of safety against insolvency. The amount of capital varies on the immediacy with which deposits may be withdrawn, the degree of equity/credit risk of the assets and how well the asset cash flows are matched to the liability cash flows.

Liquid assets must be set aside to meet the amount of funds that may be withdrawn immediately with little or no penalty. The more that is set aside, the lower the risk and the lower the profit. If the assets are materially longer or contain more equity risk than a money-market-like investment, there may be a loss when the assets are liquidated to pay off depositors. In general, the cash flows of assets must be matched to the liabilities that fund them, at least in aggregate.

This biases banks to hold primarily short- to intermediate-term, high-quality fixed-income assets: bonds, loans, mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. These are generally safe investments, but banks are fairly leveraged institutions. If the market moves against their investments and their capital cushion gets eroded to the point where their ability to operate becomes questionable to regulators (or customers), the banks might be forced to sell investments into a falling market in order to preserve solvency.

The first motive of a financial institution is to survive; the second is to profit. When the first motive is threatened, even if there is a good possibility that the institution will survive and make more money if it retains the assets that now are perceived as risky, in general, the risky assets will get sold to assure survival at the cost of current profitability.

To return to a concept I discussed in the first column I wrote for RealMoney, Valuing Financial Slack in the Steel Sector, banks with a high degree of leverage relative to the overall riskiness of their assets and liabilities possess little in the way of financial slack. Volatility in the markets that cuts against their position harms such companies. They end up becoming forced sellers and buyers.

Banks with financial slack can enjoy volatility. When the markets are dislocated, they can make room on their balance sheets to wave in securities that are distressed and temporarily trading below intrinsic value. During times of volatility, the strong benefit at the expense of the weak, whereas weak firms outperform during periods of stability. As an example, after the real estate crisis in 1989-1992, the banks that did the best over the whole cycle were those that did not become overleveraged, did not over-lend to marginal credits and had diversified operations. During the crisis, they had the flexibility to lend in situations of their choosing at favorable yields.


2. Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are like banks but generally have longer funding bases and typically run at a higher ratio of surplus to assets. Insurance companies typically have more ways to lose money than banks, and potential cash flow mismatches in the longer liability structure require more capital to fund potential losses. In principle, the higher surplus levels and the longer liabilities should allow for investment in longer-duration assets like equities, but the regulations make that difficult. Surplus is limited; what gets used for equities can’t be used for underwriting.

As a counterexample, consider what happened to the European insurance industry in 2002. European insurers are allowed to invest much more in equities than their U.S. counterparts can. (Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A:NYSE) is an interesting exception here.) As the bull market of the 1990s came to an end, European insurers found themselves flush with surplus from years of excellent stock-market returns, and adequate, if declining, underwriting performance. The fat years had led to sloppiness in underwriting from 1997 to 2001.

During the bull market, many of the European insurers let their bets ride and did not significantly rebalance away from equities. Running asset policies that were, in hindsight, very aggressive, they came into a period from 2000 to 2002 that would qualify as the perfect storm: large underwriting losses, losses in the equity and corporate bond markets and rating agencies on the warpath, downgrading newly weak companies at a time when higher ratings would have helped cash flow. In mid-2002, their regulators delivered the coup de grace, ordering the European insurers to sell their now-depressed stocks and bonds into a falling market. Sell they did, buying safer bonds with the proceeds. Their forced selling put in the bottom of the stock and corporate bond markets in September and October of 2002. Investors with sufficient financial slack, like Warren Buffett, were able to wave in assets at bargain prices.

This principle may be articulated more broadly as, “The tightest constraint dominates investment policy.” As an example, an insurer that already was at a full allocation on junk bonds could not take advantage of the depressed levels in the junk bond markets; such investors were biting their nails, wondering if they would make it through alive. Another example occurred in 1994, when the most volatile residential mortgage bonds were blowing up. Insurance companies that had a full allocation to that class could not buy more when prices were at their most attractive. Companies and investors that rarely bought the “toxic waste” of the residential mortgage bond market began scooping up bonds at discounts unimaginable previously. A number of flexible investors, including St. Paul (now St. Paul Travelers) and Marty Whitman both ventured outside their ordinary investment habitats to benefit from the crisis.


3. Defined Benefit Pension Plan

Defined benefit plans need cash to fund payments to beneficiaries. The amount and timing of the benefit payments vary with plan demographics (sex, age and income), physical roughness of the industry and the specific plan provisions (e.g., late retirement, early retirement, etc.). Inflows to DB plans depend on funding levels and the financial health of the company sponsoring the plan. For an individual DB plan, the cash inflow and outflow characteristics will help determine the plan’s asset allocation, together with the risk tolerance of the plan sponsor.? The more risk-averse a plan is, the less capable it is of funding inflows, and the older the plan’s participant population, the larger the proportion of assets that will go into bonds and other safer investments.

For all DB plans in aggregate, though, the cash flow and demographic characteristics mirror those of the Old Economy. DB plans were created back in the days when the relationships between employer and employed were more fixed than they are now. In the current era of more short-lived employment relationships and with the average age of participants in DB plans rising, these plans face several challenges:

  1. Net cash outflows are getting closer.
  2. There are fewer cash inflows.
  3. Plans are being terminated (or converted to cash balance plans) due to cost, economic weakness and inflexibility.

DB plans are major holders of equity and debt in the U.S., but they are not as great a force as they once were.? Defined contribution plans (i.e. 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.) are bigger now. The relative decline and aging of DB plans has had, and will continue to have, two effects in the market. First, because of aging, there will be a greater relative demand for bonds. Second, DB plans have always had a long investment time horizon. That is shrinking now. DB plans tend to resist trends in the market; they tend to rebalance to a fixed asset allocation, which leads them to buy low and sell high. DB plans were the ones selling equities in March 2000 and buying in October 2002; their rebalancing strategies insured that. As DB plans become a smaller fraction of the investor base, markets will become more volatile due to the reduction in long-horizon capital in the market.


4. Endowments

Endowments plan to survive forever. Forever is a tough mandate.

Inflows to endowments are uncertain, and outflows are fairly constant. They have spending formulas, the most common of which has the charity spending a constant percentage each year, usually 4% to 6% of the endowment. (In the old days, say 10 years ago, most formulas allowed charities to spend income, which was defined as dividends plus net capital gains.) Within these constraints, endowments behave like defined benefit plans.


5. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds do not face any fixed funding or disbursement. Their flows come from retail money chasing past performance. Managers that do well face the blessing of attracting more funds, which they hope will not dilute their returns. Managers that do poorly have funds withdrawn from them, forcing them to liquidate investments that they otherwise think are promising. If a manager is a big enough investor in a given company’s stock (think of Janus’ concentrated portfolios), this can have the effect of worsening performance as liquidation goes on, or boosting the already good performance of managers that are receiving cash inflows to a concentrated fund.

These tendencies become more pronounced the better or worse that performance gets. When performance is near the median level, say, within the second and third quartiles, performance-driven fund flows are small. For many mutual fund managers, this gives them the incentive to never drift too far away from the benchmark, whether that is an equity index or an average portfolio of peers. There is safety in the pack, even if there might be more grass to eat further from the herd. It is rare for a mutual fund manager to be fired for being mediocre.


6. Index Funds

What is true of regular mutual funds is also true of index funds, but the difference between the two helps illuminate a basic idea on demographics. Aside from taking market share away from active managers, when do index funds receive and disburse funds? The answer lies mainly in the demographics of investors.

When investors are younger, they invest surplus cash. When they are older, particularly after retirement, they liquidate investments to generate cash. Given the demographics in the U.S., the excess return for merely belonging to the S&P 500 has been roughly 4% per year over the past 15 years; index funds have received disproportionate large inflows relative to the market as a whole. Aside from that, in aggregate, active equity managers benchmark to something that approximates the S&P 500. Belonging to the S&P 500 ensures a continuing flow of capital.

Or does it? What will happen near 2020, when aggregate investment behavior changes from saving to liquidation?? Belonging to major indices may not have the same cachet as investors liquidate their holdings to fund present needs. What was 4% positive in the 1990s could become 4% negative in the 2020s, absent a continuing move toward passive investing.

I don’t have a firm answer here, but I do have suspicions. I would be cautious of too much index exposure 15 years from now, to the extent it can be avoided. (And of course, this will be anticipated several years before the flows turn negative.)


7. Unleveraged Private Investors

Sometimes private investors feel disadvantaged vs. larger institutional players, but there are advantages that unleveraged private investors have that institutional players often don’t: the abilities to invest for the long term, concentrate and do nothing.

Institutional investors are subject to the tyranny of constant measurement because they manage money for others. As I have noted before, measurement affects how a manager invests, particularly when it might affect the amount of assets under management, or the receipt of incentive fees. This encourages managers to be both short-term in their orientation and more like an index. It also encourages hyperactivity; clients often expect a manager to make changes to the portfolio even when doing nothing could be the most prudent policy.

Unleveraged private investors can make aggressive investment decisions. They can concentrate their portfolios or consider more esoteric areas of the market. They also can back away from the market if they feel that opportunities are absent. Finally, they can buy and hold, which is not always an option for institutions. They can’t always ride out long but temporary dips in the price of an asset.

That an unleveraged private investor can do these things doesn’t mean he should. Using these advantages presumes a level of expertise in the market well in excess of the average investor. Most investors are average and should index. Those with skill should use it to their maximum advantage, realizing that they are taking their own financial life in their hands; the risks to such an approach are significant, but the same is true of the rewards.

Unleveraged private investors have needs for cash. Some will need it for college, retirement, a second home, etc.? The sooner that an investor will need to liquidate a significant portion of his portfolio, the more conservative the portfolio must be to achieve those spending goals. Looking at private investors in aggregate, this would mean that as the baby boomers approach and enter retirement, there might be a tendency for the overall willingness to take risk in the markets to decline. Also, once the baby boomers are in retirement, assets will have to be liquidated to support them, which will be a drag on the markets at that time.


In the second part of this column, I will describe how the funding and disbursement modes of three more key groups of investors affect the market, \and how balance sheet players and total return players further mix up the market forces. I’ll also use the Long Term Capital Management crisis to illustrate how illiquidity can shape and shake the market.

Stable Value Versus Rising Rates

Stable Value Versus Rising Rates

If you own a short-to-intermediate term bond portfolio, and you did not need to tap the cash for a few years, would you prefer rising short interest rates, or falling rates?? The correct answer is rising rates, because you will be able to reinvest interest payments paid in higher yielding securities.

That’s why I take issue with the following article on stable value funds from the Wall Street Journal.? Some might remember my “Unstable Value Funds” series.? Though the worst never happened, many funds came close to “breaking the buck.”

I once designed a substitute for Stable Value Funds, one that could trade on Schwab’s platform.? But the math of the product meant that it could be blown apart by a very rapid rise in short rates.? To try to remedy that, I rewrote the pension services contract to put in? a Force Majeure clause that would allow? the insurance company to alter many terms of the contract to avoid “breaking the buck.”?? (In 1997-8, I thought ahead, and designed a contract that had modes for normal and abnormal environments. Hey, Nationwide Insurance, it’s your intellectual property now. Use it.)

My main point is that stable value funds will lag in a rising rate environment.? Yes, it will not appear that you are losing money in the short run. but the credited rate will lag for 2-3 years, while returns to the short-to-intermediate term bond portfolio will be hurt in the short-run, but do well in the intermediate-term.

Be wary.? Even though Stable Value funds do not face credit risk problems now, rising rates would invite anti-selection by making short-to-intermediate term bond funds look attractive, even with the 90-day switch into equities or longer bonds.

Remember, Stable Value funds are bond funds that pay a little extra to guarantors, so that payments for death, disability, fund switching, etc., go out at book value.? They have to pay the fund management fees and the small guarantor fees.? The short-to-intermediate term bond fund can invest a little more aggressively, and only has to pay out the management fees.? Over the long haul, the short-to-intermediate term bond fund will beat most Stable Value funds, but the ride will seem more bumpy, because except in the worst scenarios, the Stable Value fund acts like a savings account, slowly accruing value, while the underlying investments actually behave like a short-to-intermediate term bond portfolio, with all of the volatility.

Shrinking Economies Deserve Gridlock

Shrinking Economies Deserve Gridlock

This will be very short.? Growth solves a multitude of economic sins.? So what prevents countries from encouraging growth?

  • Cronyism
  • A shrinking population, or something near that.
  • Too much regulation that affects production or hiring.
  • Cultural decay.

When economies stop growing, factions argue over their slice of the pie.? Gridlock ensues, and nothing good comes of it.

I wish I could be more optimistic here, but the world works better amid growth, but the policies of our governments suppress that.

A large part of this says don’t press your own agenda, it is not good for everyone else.? A freer economy creates more growth, freedom promotes opportunity.

But an economy where taxes are regular and predictable promotes growth also — corporations can plan for the longer-term, and not worry that current investments might earn less from higher future taxes.? Businessmen want predictable future taxes, which is one reason why a budget that is way out of balance concerns them.

Politicians do better with a rapidly growing economy because their revenue base allows them flexibility, because taxes received will rise without government action.? To them, the growing economy is magic — the gift that keeps on giving, but they have no idea what affects it.? They want to see the economy grow, aiding their efforts, but they engage in all manner of regulations that reduce growth.

The back-and-forth on issues like this produces gridlock, where deficits persist, amid growing needs elsewhere, and constrained taxes. I don’t see how 15% of the US states escape bankruptcy, even though they can’t do that.? There will be many significant fights over employee benefits in the states over the next 20+ years.? Only when we get past this black hole will growth revive.? (Add in normal monetary policy as well…)


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Rest of the World


  • West Australia Set to Stay Liberal Highlighting Gillard?s Plight Some Labor policies r perceived 2b anti-mining $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Top Stock Kroton?s School-Loans Growth Decelerates Brazil goes down the student loan path US has. Better results? $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Merkel Looks East for Austerity Allies in Hollande Talks Austerity is getting 2b a tougher sell; when does it end? $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Saudi Next Generation Has US Imprint as King Picks Leaders Wahabiism won’t accept cultural reforms; 2 optimistic $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Impotent Mursi Losing Grip on Egypt as Unrest Prompts Reversals Anarchy rules as Mursi putters; no 1 2 replace him $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • EU Unemployment: Titanic in Perspective ~12% unemployment across the EU & still rising. Sound like a success 2u? $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • Pound?s World-Worst Drop Seen Growing in Pimco Math Everyone wants a cheaper currency in the race 2 the bottom $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • China ‘fully prepared’ for currency war Brave words from a country w/an immature financial system $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • Japan’s Economic Bad Mix : Yen, Oil and China Not a question of Japan getting into trouble, only what catalyzes it $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Reforms Stall in Athens as Troika Considers Next Aid Tranche for Greece Still don’t c how Greece avoids leaving EZone Mar 03, 2013




  • Chevron Shale Bet Down Under Makes Senex Target That’s why gas found in Australasia is so valuable FD: long $CVX $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Ethanol Outpaces Gasoline on Longest Supply Drop Since 2010 Margins r wide enough shut capacity reopens $$ FD: + $VLO Mar 07, 2013
  • Conoco Says US Should Consider Allowing Oil Exports Now that we make more than we consume, y not sell excess? $$ Mar 07, 2013




  • When ‘Jazz’ Was a Dirty Word Fascinating 2c how jazz musicians rejected the label, but played w/great enthusiasm $$ Mar 09, 2013
  • Making a Liberal-Arts Education Pay Trouble w/liberal arts: not enough science & math; written by an English prof $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Stress at Work: Why Women Feel It More Than Men Women tend 2 ‘Tend and Befriend.’ Men tend 2 fight/act or leave $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Rice Glut Expands With Farms Poised for Record Crop I’ve heard there r animal feed shortages, can rice b used? $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • In Geology, Old-Timers Can Be Worth Their Weight in Gold They analyze plants, animals, not just computer analyses $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Many Avoid Tough Path to Citizenship Costs time & $$, effort from studying, hiring a lawyer, etc. Mar 05, 2013
  • As Pirates Run Rampant, TV Studios Dial Up Pursuit Story of television trying to eliminate piracy and not winning $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Glad that Venezuela does not have to suffer through more of Chavez, but sad 4 him. Now, what will the election result be? $$ Mar 05, 2013




  • Icahn Unbound Takes Activism to New Peak in Deal Fights He’s having a lot of fun going after poorly planned deals $$ Mar 09, 2013
  • Why Vodafone Should Head for a Verizon Exit $VOD should make $VZ pay up, they have less need 2 act | FD: + $VOD $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Boeing Said to Boost 787 Battery Tests As Carmakers Aid 2 Many batteries passing “quality control” @ manufacturer $$ Mar 07, 2013


Market Impact


  • Wrong question. by @ReformedBroker Tie your hands w/asset allocation. Give yourself limited movement re fear/greed $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Proof the Fed is Juicing the Markets Correlation is not proof, but the monetary base is highly correlated w/DJIA $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Welcoming, and Worrying About, a Record Market Last inflation adjusted DJIA high was not Oct-2007, but Jan-2000 $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • Young Adults Retreat From Piling Up Debt Saving is the secret to getting the big ticket items 2 make life pleasant $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • Qualified Private Activity Bonds Come Under New Scrutiny Corporations have access to issuing tax-exempt bonds $$ Mar 06, 2013


US Government & Economic Policy


  • Yale Suing Former Students Shows Crisis in Loans to Poor Loan programs seem cheaper in the short run, deceptive $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Tom Coburn?s Campaign Against Government Waste Coburn fights for what is right regardless of what the GOP thinks $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Nurses Spar With Doctors as 30 Million Insured Seek Care These fights will be more common as Obamacare proceeds $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • S&P Credibility Seen Eroded by Complicity in Soured Deals Where r the complaints about regulators forcing ratings? $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • Warren Buffett Sees ‘Hair Trigger’ When Fed Shifts Stance Right. Now if he would spend time speaking truth 2 power $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • US Sequestration : Market Impact on financial assets Would nitially b deflationary, but lead to growth later IMO $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Dr Copper and his funny friends dont agree with SP500 – Divergence ! Real economy not doing as well as S&P 500 $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • US Restaurant Index and US Consumer Confidence Restaurants r sensitive indicators of consumer behavior: weak now $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Federal Reserve: What Happens When It Runs Out of Ammo? What happens when they need2tighten & reaction is violent $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Two Scenarios for Future of ‘Big Finance’ Finance still needs 2 shrink, the economy needs total debt 2b < 2x GDP $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • US Incomes Fall, Spending Rises What do you expect when you add back the payroll tax? $WMT takes a hit also $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Druckenmiller Sees Storm Worse Than ?08 as Seniors Steal It is very bad, but I don’t get the $211T number, too big $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Obama Orders Cuts That Will Be ?Slow Grind? on Economy Next stop, 3/27 when the spending authorization expires $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Obama Makes Cuts Personal in Strategy to Bend Congress May try to mismanage sequester to embarrass Republicans $$ Mar 03, 2013



  • Edge: Milevsky, Ritholtz, Zweig, Ferri & More This year?s Edge Q is What *should* we be worried about? I’m in it 2 $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Kass Takes Buffett?s Challenge to Present Bearish Questions @DougKass gets fun of poking holes in Warren’s theses $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Buffett’s Advice to Apple’s Tim Cook: Ignore Einhorn Warren tells him to manage for the long haul. Wise words $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Investing methods that beat the market Momentum, small cap, value, yield — can all be mimicked through ETFs $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Birinyi Says Buy Mining, Technology Shares as Bull Ages Yes 4 tech, but miners have over developed, poor profits $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • How much do stocks really return? Good article, but I think the advantage of stocks over inv grade bonds is ~1%/yr $$ Mar 05, 2013
  • Say Goodbye to the 4% Rule for Retirement Better rule: Ten-year Tsy yield +2% if bullish, +1% neutral, +0% bearish $$ Mar 05, 2013




  • In Florida, Sinkhole Risks Grow With Urban Expansion West Central Florida has a sinkholes, could lose 4 counties? $$ Mar 07, 2013
  • Imagining a Post-Bundle World for Cable TV Popular shows/networks would do better, less popular would suffer $$ Mar 03, 2013


Replies & Retweets

  • Why should the companies you listed pay 6%, when all of them could issue senior unsecured for less than that? Mar 07, 2013
  • @The_Analyst They would give up that much to avoid being sr unsec liability?? Mar 07, 2013
  • Bigtime MT @BarbarianCap: $PRU >Annuity Fees Would Make Bankers Dance >> CEO touting how expensive their products r Mar 07, 2013
  • You can say that again RT @munilass: This is beautiful. The use of drones is finally getting the attention it deserves. Mar 07, 2013
  • Good one! RT @JMucken: @AlephBlog It would be metaphorical to give the winner a “gold” medal. Mar 06, 2013
  • I agree w/that, as it says in Romans 3:8 RT @cogent_rambling: Bad doesn’t erase good. Mar 06, 2013
  • RT @agnestcrane: I’d say credit markets feel pretty good about banks ahead of stress tests. BofA, GS, MS CDS spreads have more than halv … Mar 06, 2013
  • I use that when I worry about retailer spam RT @cullenroche: On a more serious note, why in the world do I still use my Yahoo email account? Mar 06, 2013
  • Maybe we could turn competitive devaluation into an Olympic sport. Send all finance ministers & central bankers 2 Sochi w/a 1-way ticket $$ Mar 06, 2013
  • @Fullcarry Thanks for the info, helps Mar 05, 2013
  • Jesus will surprise him RT @mattrixDOTinfo: re: Chavez and being sad. It’s a shame Chavez will now have 2b held accountable to our Maker. Mar 05, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 39 retweets received, 2 new listings, 90 new followers, 36 mentions. Via: Mar 07, 2013
Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Berkshire Hathaway


  • $BRK.B The preferred has 2 other features that materially increase its value: at some point it will b redeemed @ a significant premium price Mar 01, 2013
  • …the preferred also comes with warrants permitting us to buy 5% of the holding company?s common stock for a nominal sum $$ FD: + $BRK.B Mar 01, 2013
  • Buffett to Update His Acquisition Hunt Buffett has more than enough $$ to buy what he wants; free cash flow is huge Mar 01, 2013
  • We Want Your Questions for Warren Buffett Mail in your questions for Warren Buffett & do it here. I wil do so. $$ Mar 01, 2013

Full Disclosure: long BRK/B


Monetary Policy


  • Federal Reserve: What Happens When It Runs Out of Ammo? What happens when they need2tighten & reaction is violent $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Fed Could Slow Bond Selloff And so they dream, not realizing tightening cycles r proportionate to loosening cycles $$ Mar 01, 2013
  • Bernanke Says U.S. Must End ?Too Big to Fail? Bank Subsidy Easy2do: keep raising deposit ins prems till banks balk $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Kuroda?s Inflation Failure Seen in Long Bond Rally Most nations of the world r trying voodoo economics, Japan most $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Bernanke?s Stimulus Spurring US Employment in Housing I would be more optimistic if new sectors were prospering $$ Feb 25, 2013
  • Trade protectionism looms next as central banks exhaust QE Weakening your currency can give a temporary advantage $$ Feb 25, 2013


US Economy


  • Dr Copper and his funny friends dont agree with SP500 – Divergence ! Real economy not doing as well as S&P 500 $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • US Restaurant Index and US Consumer Confidence Restaurants r sensitive indicators of consumer behavior: weak now $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • US Incomes Fall, Spending Rises What do you expect when you add back the payroll tax? $WMT takes a hit also $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Obama Orders Cuts That Will Be ?Slow Grind? on Economy Next stop, 3/27 when the spending authorization expires $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Obama Makes Cuts Personal in Strategy to Bend Congress May try to mismanage sequester to embarrass Republicans $$ Mar 03, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Reforms Stall in Athens as Troika Considers Next Aid Tranche for Greece Still don’t c how Greece avoids leaving EZone Mar 03, 2013
  • Ivory Coast?s Women Reject Equality in Household Debate Equality means men don’t have to support their households $$ Mar 01, 2013
  • Japanese Revival Seen in Honda?s First Plant in 49 Years $HMC new factory comes just as weak yen boosts prospects $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Wrong: Berlusconi?s Surge Shows Why Europe Needs a Deeper Union Rather, it shows why the Eurozone should fold $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • India May Curb Widest BRIC Budget Gap for Rate-Cut Room BRIC should not b a group; problems r very dissimilar $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Asia s Huge Debt Growth Problem: Remember 1997? Bank lending/GDP in Asia exceeding levels at 1997 crisis $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • $20 Phone Stars at Mobile World Congress And it can go 35 days without charging; $NOK – hero of developing world $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Ruchir Sharma: China Has Its Own Debt Bomb China is so bad off that no one would want to be in their position. $$ Feb 26, 2013
  • China?s premature overheating Need to free the economy, end force-feeding of credit to glutted sectors & cronies $$ Feb 26, 2013
  • Canadian Economy Tumble Compilation of articles showing the slowing Canadian consumer, & its effect on the economy $$ Feb 25, 2013
  • Has Spain?s Economic Contraction Become Self Perpetuating? Population shrinkage from migration kills entitlements $$ Feb 24, 2013
  • Pettis: Countries w/higher external debt levels r constrained in their ability2wage currency war w/countries w/lower external debt levels $$ Feb 24, 2013


Financial Sector & Pensions


  • Two Scenarios for Future of ‘Big Finance’ Finance still needs 2 shrink, the economy needs total debt 2b < 2x GDP $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Druckenmiller Sees Storm Worse Than ?08 as Seniors Steal It is very bad, but I don’t get the $211T number, too big $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • McGraw Fighting U.S. Justice Recalls AmEx Battle to Save Company He fights valiantly against those who r evil $$ Mar 01, 2013
  • Rule Split to Put U.S. Banks at a Loss This is overstated; the real cash flow happens through statutory accounting $$ Mar 01, 2013
  • Gatsby, Galbraith and the Myth of Coolidge?s Crash The Crash caused by debt over-accumulation, like current crisis $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Payday Loans Get US Consumer Bureau Scrutiny as ?Debt Traps? This is one area where I would favor fiduciary stds $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Providence, R.I. claims firm missed $10 mln in pension costs Suing the actuarial firm for liability miscalculation $$ Feb 28, 2013
  • Wells Fargo Credit Profile Hurt by Heinz Deal, Moody?s Says | FD: long $WFC I think the $HNZ loan is well-proected $$ Feb 26, 2013




  • Imagining a Post-Bundle World for Cable TV Popular shows/networks would do better, less popular would suffer $$ Mar 03, 2013
  • Assembly-Line Pizza Draws Hungry Fast-Casual Investors Pizza to order will be available at reasonable prices $$ Mar 01, 2013
  • Too Much OIL Provides one useful tailwind for the US economy $$ Feb 26, 2013
  • Joel Kotkin: America’s Red State Growth Corridors Pro-business states tend to attract more biz & population $$ #texas Feb 26, 2013
  • Dennis Gartman: Selloff More Than a Rumble Sometimes when weak holders arrive, an event like Italy trip them up $$ Feb 25, 2013
  • Generic-Drugs Court Decision Irks Businesses I don’t think this precedent will stand after the appeals process $$ Feb 25, 2013
  • I finally wrote my “big think piece” regarding security pricing. Here it is: Death 2 Modern Portfolio Theory! $$ #FTW Feb 24, 2013
  • You’re Not as Good an Investor as You Think You Are We deceive ourselves to feel good $$ by @jasonzweigwsj Feb 23, 2013

Comments & Retweets

  • @PScatterpatter I posted a link to a smaller document with last night’s blog post Mar 01, 2013
  • @PScatterpatter Ernst & Young put it together to teach their own people Feb 28, 2013
  • @kyles09 I don’t see anyone willing to outbid & pay breakup Feb 28, 2013
  • @applehead72 enough refining, but not in right spots, also not enough transport abilities Feb 28, 2013
  • @Nonrelatedsense Didn?t know that, thanks. Feb 26, 2013
  • Anyone else have a problem that the latest Java 7 release (update 15) causes some programs to fail, like IB’s TWS? Feb 25, 2013
  • “Josh, if you have 4-6 hours to read it, the book “Once in Golconda,” gives the flavor of the?” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 24, 2013
  • “Well done, from dyed-in-the-wool fundamentalist. As an example, Buffett has a bin on his desk?” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 24, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 24 retweets received, 117 new followers, 37 mentions. Via: Feb 28, 2013


Full Disclosure: long BRK/B, WFC


Advice to Two Readers

Advice to Two Readers

I have great readers.? Two questions tonight on very different topics:

I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog ever since I came across it (via Simoleon Sense, I think?). I think your perspective as a bond manager is especially neat. When I was doing some research on Sears I?saw something odd in the most recent 10-Q and I was curious to see what you thought about it. It seems like the company sold $250M in bonds to its own pension plan back in 2010:

Senior Secured Notes

In October 2010, we sold $1 billion aggregate principal amount of senior secured notes (the ?Notes?), which bear interest at 6 5/8% per annum and mature on October 15, 2018. Concurrent with the closing of the sale of the Notes, the Company sold $250 million aggregate principal amount of Notes to the Company?s domestic pension plan in a private placement. The Notes are guaranteed by certain subsidiaries of the Company and are secured by a security interest in certain assets consisting primarily of domestic inventory and credit card receivables (the ?Collateral?). The lien that secures the Notes is junior in priority to the lien on such assets that secures obligations under the Domestic Credit Agreement, as well as certain other first priority lien obligations. The Company used the net proceeds of this offering to repay borrowings outstanding under a previous domestic credit agreement on the settlement date and to fund the working capital requirements of our retail businesses, capital expenditures and for general corporate purposes. The indenture under which the Notes were issued contains restrictive covenants that, among other things, (1) limit the ability of the Company and certain of its domestic subsidiaries to create liens and enter into sale and leaseback transactions and (2) limit the ability of the Company to consolidate with or merge into, or sell other than for cash or lease all or substantially all of its assets to, another person. The indenture also provides for certain events of default, which, if any were to occur, would permit or require the principal and accrued and unpaid interest on all the then outstanding notes to be due and payable immediately. Generally, the Company is required to offer to repurchase all outstanding Notes at a purchase price equal to 101% of the principal amount if the borrowing base (as calculated pursuant to the indenture) falls below the principal value of the notes plus any other indebtedness for borrowed money that is secured by liens on the Collateral for two consecutive quarters or upon the occurrence of certain change of control triggering events. The Company may call the Notes at a premium based on the ?Treasury Rate? as defined in the indenture, plus 50 basis points. On September 6, 2011, we completed our offer to exchange the Notes held by nonaffiliates for a new issue of substantially identical notes registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

I feel like that’s a bit odd, but I couldn’t find much about it either way. I assume you’ve pretty much seen it all with bond placement, so I figured you’d be a good person to ask – is that normal? Or is that something you see when a company has a hard time finding buyers for its debt? My gut says the latter since you’re basically jacking up your pension fund’s exposure to the company’s health and creating some agency issues, but maybe that’s just naivete on my part…

Anyway, love your blog, you’re putting something great out there (and not too many folks can say the same).

Aye, Miguel Barbosa, I know him.? We had dinner together in Chicago 1.5 years ago.? A great guy.

As for the odd Sears bonds, often companies with liquidity difficulties take the desperate step of issuing company securities to the pension plan.? You will note that most of the demand for the bonds came from external parties, and then they used that price to issue another $250 million to the pension plan.? To be perfectly above board, if I had been doing it, I would have done the deal for $1.25B, with a protected $250M order from the pension plan.? External investors should know the total size of the deal.

I’m not a pension actuary, but I do know that there are limits on what can be bought by pension plans of affiliated securities.? It is not considered to be a good practice — it is a form of leverage, and good companies don’t do it.? It would make me more skittish on Sears from a credit perspective.? Doing this is a red flag.

Aside from that, Eddie Lampert has harmed the interests of bondholders before, when he bought KMart.? Why should you be docile for someone who does not respect bondholders?

Here’s email #2:

I know you’re a big fan of RGA. How do you get comfortable with the tail risk potential from pandemics? What would downside be for the stock in the event of a pandemic?

I look forward to hearing your input.

That’s a good question.? In late 2004, I attended the Casualty Actuarial Society Annual Meeting in Montreal.? That was the first time I heard about H1N1, and the threat it might pose.? I owned for clients two pure-play life reinsurers at the time, RGA and (spit, spit) Scottish Re, so the potential problem concerned me.? After a lot of research, I held onto my reinsurers, here’s why:


  • People are a lot healthier now than in 1918
  • We are better at screening visitors from areas where avian flu exists.
  • The 1918 virus was unusual in terms of its ability to spread to humans and its virulence
  • Fewer people sleep on the ground with the birds that they shepherd.
  • Chickens and pigs are usually more separated now than previously.
  • Also humans don’t have as much contact with pigs.? Confinement raising may be cruel to animals, but it protects human health, in addition to being economic.


  • No one alive has any immunities to the avian flu.
  • Flu shots and Tamiflu are worthless with respect to the avian flu.? Don’t get vaccinated.? It is close to useless.? I have never gotten vaccinated.? They can’t predict what strains will be virulent six months in advance.

Now, nothing is impossible.? There is risk here, just as there is risk of large meteorites hitting earth every 100 years or so.? Those are risks I have to live with, unless I have special information, which I don’t.

More disasters don’t happen than do happen.? As Ecclesiastes 11:3-6 says:

If the clouds are full of rain, They empty themselves upon the earth;
And if a tree falls to the south or the north, In the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie.
He who observes the wind will not sow, And he who regards the clouds will not reap.

As you do not know what is the way of the wind, Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child,
So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.

In the morning sow your seed, And in the evening do not withhold your hand; For you do not know which will prosper, Either this or that, Or whether both alike will be good.

Worrying about large disasters is fruitless.? Far better to try to be productive, than to try to time disasters.? Productivity is something we can control under ordinary circumstances.? Disasters are something we are subject to, and are very hard to avoid, so unless you are one of the favored ones with inside knowledge, aim to be productive? — it is the far better choice.

Full disclosure: Long RGA (double-weight)

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Currency Wars


  • Battling the unknowns of currency devaluation | Reuters A tough game to play, particularly w/changed policy in Japan $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • This is what a currency war looks like Japan is leading the #currencywar by no longer sterilizing monetary policy $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • The Dark Side of Japan’s Creating Inflation Risk is interest rates rise and Japan can’t finance itself. #tippingpoint Feb 07, 2013
  • Japan Inc.?s appreciation of the yen?s depreciation Japanese stocks rally as their exports get relatively cheaper $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Falling yen set to spark renewed currency wars Japan has finally “thrown the hammer down.” No more sterilization $$ Feb 05, 2013




  • Dell?s largest outside shareholder thinks it?s worth $10 more a share – Quartz Let Southeastern et al bid 4 control $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • The Three Scariest Letters for Bondholders: L-B-O | Fox Business Note: junk bonds r protected from this, not invt grade Feb 09, 2013
  • New Worry for Bondholders: LBOs Company is cheap & has good Bal Sheet, it could LBO, harming current bondholders $$ Feb 04, 2013




  • Danger Seen in Pension Fund Cuts on Abe Inflation Guess what? Inflation can harm pensioners. Sad 4 them. $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Pension Funds Cut Back On Commodity Indexes Hoarding not a panacea, also, can get clipped on the roll $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • The Asset Mix (Stocks-Bonds) will make the Difference – 2 many Bonds Mr Abe? On pension asset allocation globally $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Baby Boomers Sicker Than Parents? Generation, Study Finds Will live longer too; big reason to reshape Medicare $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Americans Rip Up Retirement Plans Nearly 2/3rds of Those Between 45 & 60 Plan Delays, Steep Rise From 2 Yrs Ago $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Low Rates Force Companies to Pour Cash Into Pensions Low long rates push pension liabilities higher, req $$ payment Feb 04, 2013


High Yield


  • US High Yield Bonds: HYG On the support In order 4 HY 2 rally from here, need dumb buyers 2 apply leverage $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Fed?s Stein: Signs of Overheating in Credit Markets Junk yields less than in June 2007. Replace CDO bid w/Fed $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Two Things about High-Yield Bonds Investors Must Understand Today Low yields & spread relatives & high $$ prices Feb 07, 2013
  • A Mad Rush Could Be Coming In The Corporate Credit Markets Possible, but it depends on how levered investors are $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • No, there probably isn?t a bond bubble Misses key question: how much debt is being issued to acquire other debts? $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • US Higher Yield Bonds: A Corrective Update Corrections may be happening w/ both credit & high-quality long-duration $$ Feb 04, 2013



S&P Lawsuit


  • State Lawsuits Could Add to S&P Exposure Attorneys General for states become profit centers; opportunistic thieves Feb 07, 2013
  • Wrong: Levitt Says McGraw-Hill ?Foolish? to Not Settle S&P Lawsuit There’s a good chance that S&P will win, y give up Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P Lawsuit Undermined by SEC Rules That Impede Competition Will not be simple for the govt to win its case $$ #FTL Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P Lawsuit Portrays CDO Sellers as Duped Victims Stretching truth; CDO sellers knew credit better than agencies $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P feels Justice’s lash, but can law ever conquer greed? Diffcult 2 single out people/firms 2 prosecute in big crisis Feb 05, 2013




  • Top NY court throws Travelers asbestos award into question Case started in 1948, when USF&G insured Western Asbestos Feb 08, 2013
  • Buffett?s Son Says He?s Prepared Whole Life for Berkshire Role As Chairman, Howard will be “cultural guardian.” $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • San Francisco Gasoline Rises as Tesoro Seen Cutting Rates It’s tough when state governments discourage refineries $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Bond insurers aren’t the only winners in Rakoff’s Flagstar ruling All can rely on reps & warranties of mtge origin8rs Feb 07, 2013
  • Berkshire-Insured Muni Sees Good Demand Nothing amazing; some $BRK.B businesses r part of the development borrowing Feb 07, 2013
  • Life Insurer CFOs Say Their Financial Models Fall Short: Survey Surprising, another reason 2b bearish on life ins Feb 07, 2013
  • BlackRock Cautious as Sales End Dollar Bond Rally: China Credit Questions over credit quality, maybe 2 much supply $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Herbalife Drops After Report of Law-Enforcement Probe $HLF rises today. $$ Worries over being named “pyramid scheme” Feb 04, 2013
  • Was the AIG Rescue Legal? Of course not. Gov’t should not play favorites; emergencies b a DIP lender of last resort Feb 02, 2013


US Politics & Policy


  • House Speaker: Washington Has to Address Spending Yes it does, but will the Senate and President ratify that? $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Party Eyes ‘Red-State Model’ to Drive Republican Revival First balance budget on an accrual basis; no state does $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • House Leaders Weigh US Spending Bill Below $1T Good luck w/Senate & President on that, you will need it $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Study Says States Lose Billions in Offshore Tax Avoidance Just an effect of federal tax policy, which needs change $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • The Fed?s Worst Fear Losing control of long interest rates; the bond market will eventually trump the Fed $$ Feb 04, 2013


Market Impact


  • Americans Are Tapping Into Home Equity Again Does this mean a return to the reckless equity withdrawals? Likely not $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Banks Should Defer Bonuses for Up to 10 Years, Jenkins Says Better that banks become partnerships; creates caution Feb 08, 2013
  • Insiders now aggressively bearish Last Fri: sell-to-buy ratio for NYSE-listed shares listed stood at 9.20-to-1 $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • SP500 Complacent Divergence – Risk Factors Decelerating earnings growth threatens valuations. Econ surprises falling 2 Feb 08, 2013
  • Interdealer Brokers Emerge as Key Enablers in Libor Scandal & Them & Rain Man Tom Hayes $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Schwab Unveils Game-Changing Commission-Free ETF Platform Part of the ETF’s fees go to $SCHW . No free lunch here $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • H-P Aside, Corporate Splits Are Wholly Worth Investors? While Managements gain new focus; Behemoths lack true mgmt $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • U.S. to Offer Floating-Rate Notes Within a Year Money-market funds take heart; yield (w/spread duration risk!) $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Small lenders ride US mortgage wave as big banks cut back Interesting 2c little independent mortgage brokers return $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • America’s Baby Bust Heard on Radio C-SPAN yd ?Economies don’t work well when popul shrinks $$ Feb 02, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Mind the Liquidity Gap – Credit Gap 3 factors: global monetary policy, global credit supply & global credit demand $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • German Hope French Despair and EU Rescue: PMIs Eurozone PMIs r rising, but economies r still contracting $$ #France Feb 07, 2013
  • Basel Seen Rotten in Denmark as Banks Bypassed Denmark has many covered mtge bonds; Basel doesn’t care much 4them $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Shades of ’80s for Japan’s Stocks What, Japanese stocks can go up after the demographic dividend has faded? Feb 07, 2013
  • Desperate Greeks scuffle at free food handout Total desperation. Democracy started there, and it may end there too $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Canadians back2borrowing: avg consumer debt hits new hi overall debt low | cred: evergreen Feb 07, 2013
  • Last tweet derives from this article I believe in freedom, and small biz capitalism, with equality 4 all. $$ Feb 06, 2013
  • We need Obama/Hollande 2create economic barriers average people can’t surmount, so the clever rich can get richer. Cynical, but true $$ Feb 06, 2013
  • ECB Executive Board Member Asmussen: ‘German Interest Rates Will Rise Again’ Thinks *real* interest rates will rise $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Top Iranians Trade Barbs in Rare Public Feud Corruption is endemic to Iran; rare 4 the mafiosi 2 fink on each other Feb 05, 2013




  • An Insider’s Guide to Counterfeiting Wine – Businessweek 3 ways to counterfeit expensive wines & how to avoid them $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • Most Australian Wine Exports Ship in Giant Plastic Bladders ?We don?t ship glass around the world, we ship wine.? $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • Super Bowl Blackout Caused by Faulty Relay, Entergy Says That was what I guessed; weak spot in many power grids $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Asteroid to Traverse Earth?s Satellite Zone, NASA Says Interesting we only get one week’s notice on the near miss $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • What Abraham Lincoln Liked About Richard III Lincoln was Shakespeare buff; 1 controversial man’s thoughts on another Feb 08, 2013
  • Lease Surprise in Stuyvesant Town “clause that allows landlord to increase the rent in the middle of the lease” $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Nine Questions for Peter Levine, Andreessen Horowitz?s Enterprise Dude How SDN commoditizes much special hardware $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head Kinda of a quirky story, but interesting $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • ‘They Owe It to Me’: FBI Identifies Top Email Phrases Used by Fraudsters – Compliance Week Set up filters, compliance Feb 06, 2013
  • Legacy of Benjamin Graham: via @youtube In last minute, BG anticipates the Efficient Markets Hypothesis years ahead $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Legacy of Benjamin Graham: via @youtube Fascinating video w/Buffett, Kahn (2), Schloss, & other students of his $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • US Construction Jobs – A very Constructive Story Construction jobs coming back, looks like a dead cat bounce $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Sending electronic money to friends catching on Creating next great avenue 4 money laundering; cheap & convenient $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Hitler Awakes in 2011 Berlin, Becomes YouTube Hero Hard 4 me 2 believe. Does humor have any limits anymore? Funny $$ Feb 04, 2013


Replies & Retweets

  • @dpinsen 16x deteriorating free cash flow @ $24/sh. There’s some bluster there. Wouldn’t want to be a bondholder here $DELL $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: Wait, I’m wrong. Didn’t look far enough — they have 8.5% of shares, but 7.5% of votes. Onl… Feb 08, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: Here: Feb 08, 2013
  • ‘ @ampressman Thanks, Aaron. Reading it now. Good stuff. SE recently bought more $$ $DELL Feb 08, 2013 ?(This tweet was wrong, SE has been a seller of $DELL shares, and even recently?)
  • Owns 7.5%, what could they b thinking? $$ RT @BloombergNews: BREAKING: Dell holder Southeastern Asset plans ‘All Options’ to stop deal Feb 08, 2013
  • Worth the read RT @cate_long: Is the U.S. growing, or just issuing debt? – #MuniLand Feb 08, 2013
  • Seems reasonable to me $$ RT @TFMkts: @AlephBlog the high yield market is on cusp of some stop losses getting triggered Feb 08, 2013
  • @GaelicTorus Did not know that, thanks Feb 08, 2013
  • Small caps +7% $$ RT @credittrader: Gentle Reminder Japan Nikkei 225 +0.75% YTD in USD Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati Twitter is too small for this. Read: & Biggest problem isn’t capital, but liquidity $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • @Nonrelatedsense @credittrader Thanks, missed that Feb 07, 2013
  • @BlandDexter In a word, yes. Feb 07, 2013
  • @The_Analyst What floors me are professional investors that don’t read the prospectus the first time they analyze a new type of investment. Feb 07, 2013
  • @SapienQuis A lot of investment banks got pinned w/crud they could not sell whether due to secondary trading or origination Feb 07, 2013
  • @The_Analyst Yes, they did have staff. If u r a professional firm, you must independent vet out credit quality; ignore rating read writeup Feb 07, 2013
  • Well done! RT @jasonzweigwsj: 2 things about high-yield bonds investors should understand today, from @DavidSchawel $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati A better idea would be double liability, where mgmt & directors lose their capital before shareholders do. Change incentives Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati At current margins, banks could not earn their cost of capital w/30% E/A. Banks & credit would shrink a lot -> crisis Feb 07, 2013
  • @DavidSchawel Where will it be? Feb 06, 2013
  • Bondholders will get badly hurt $$ RT @DougKass: HPQ mulling a break up. $HPQ Feb 05, 2013
  • It’s starting $$ RT @LisaCNBC: The Japanese are going to overdo it and create an inflation problem. #Yen will spike in 2013. @PeterSchiff Feb 05, 2013
  • @TFMkts People made absurd predictions about capital mkts off of the experience 1982-2000, culmination ing tech bubble / lost decade $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Mersenne Primes RT @motokorich: Largest Prime Number Discovered, and it’s 17,425,170 digits long. via @sciam Feb 05, 2013
  • @TFMkts Would be interesting 2c a firm try that. The wind seems to still b blowing the wrong way there, w/discount rates so low. Feb 05, 2013
  • He was/is a bright guy $$ RT @munilass: Picking on S&P just isn’t as much fun without @EconOfContempt around. Feb 05, 2013
  • RT @LaurenLaCapra: “big exchanges therefore stand to gain tremendously from even a relatively small shift twd futures & away from sw … Feb 05, 2013
  • “I only want to add one thing: its not what pundits say that matters, it is what people rely on economically… $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • RT @moorehn: Pffft. MT @nycjim: Washington Post says it, too, was victim of hacking attack that appeared to originate in China. http://t … Feb 03, 2013
  • Good marketing kills bad ideas, people & products $$ RT @MattVATech: Marketing is never a substitute for substance. Feb 03, 2013
  • “Only if you think that by waiting a little while you might have higher yields to invest at. Can’t?” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 02, 2013
  • “Hi, KD… my bond mandate is unconstrained, so I just aim for total returns. Right now I am pretty?” $$ David_Merkel Feb 02, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 77 retweets received, 4 new listings, 86 new followers, 81 mentions. Via: Feb 07, 2013


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Central Banking


  • Records Show Fed Wavering in 2007 4 all of their vaunted intelligence, the Fed was worried, but clueless in 2007 $$
  • Three Stages of Fed Grief: Key Quotes From 2007 Slowly realized the economy they overlevered was getting worse $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • Fed Concerned About Overheated Markets Amid Record Bond-Buying The sourcerer’s apprentices note there is a problem $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Paul Moreno: Gold, Greenbacks and Inflation: A History and a Warning Ppl forget the degree the Fed has debased $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Once you turn base money into short-term debt, can you go back? @interfluidity ideas getting deserved attention $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • First Shots Are Fired in Global ‘Currency War’ Japan leads “race 2 the bottom.” Who will b first 2 stop sterilizing? $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Currency Moves? & Central Bank Bravado Posit that the yen is falling due to war risks & Japan biz risks in China $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Abe Rocket-Start Lowers Sony Risk With Market Fuel Loose monetary has spillover benefits 2 indebted corporations $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • I’ll grant this: the government always has some role in money, even commodity money like a gold standard… Jan 12, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Pressure Rises on China to Scrap One-Child Policy No better way 2 have a demographic crisis; change long overdue $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • Default Alarm Rings as Trust Loans Jump Sevenfold China is so messed up that it makes the Eurozone look good $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Singapore Curbs Industrial Property Sales to Avert Bubble Increases bid-ask spread; can’t fight fundamentals $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Mongolia?s Erdenes TT Halts Coal Exports to Biggest Buyer China Probably either gross malfeasance or bribery $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • European Dividends Tumble to Four-Year Low as CEOs Hoard Favor European Exporters over their Domestic companies $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Euro at 10-Month High Poses Economic Threat, Juncker Says The #currencywars continue. Rule: Beggar thy neighbor $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Russia Says World Is Nearing Currency War as Europe Joins Accept export slowdown? Monetize debt? Stupid QE-like stuf? Jan 17, 2013
  • Rio Tinto CEO Steps Down Every CEO should have etched on his wall: “Paying up 4 scale acquisitions is dumb” $$ $RIO Jan 17, 2013
  • China Capital Flow: Foreign Direct Dis-Investment Foreign inv’t inflows falling, domestic inv’t outflows rising $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • China Starts Losing Edge as World’s Factory Floor SE Asia benefits as China becomes more expensive 2 operate in $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Norway Sees Deeper European Job Pain as Default Fears Recede Rising NOK makes exports less competitive &fewer jobs $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Often when FX vols spike it means something might break, like the SNB not able continue its EUR peg. But if… Jan 16, 2013
  • HSBC needs 2 end its Ping An silence with simple answers much alleged insider deal information has been circulating $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Mainland alchemists turn damaged zinc into solid gold An example of how Chinese banking system papers over bad debts $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Rumor: large backlog of Chinese companies want to IPO, but having hard time slowing the required 2 years of rising earnings $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Neighbors Grow More Wary of China Ex-pat Chinese moving in, looking a little graspy w/respect to resources, etc $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Mineworker Debt Mounts as South African Lending Booms There are few places in the world without debt overages $$ Jan 14, 2013


Market Impact


  • Deutsche Bank Derivative Helped Monte Paschi Mask Losses Bad investing led to losses 2 hide. Enter Deutsche Bank $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • reaching for yield @researchpuzzler notes tight junk spreads, but + Ed Meigs & Dan Fuss r ?naysayers on junk credit $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Short-term Debt and Financial Crises: What we can learn from US Treasury Supply Qty issue ST fin’l sector debt->crisis Jan 17, 2013
  • 22 Insights From The Most Successful Investors In History Very nice assemblage of quotes from the best investors $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • [Will] the Bond Bubble Finally Burst? Synthesis of a variety of views: Yes, but not in the short-run… $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • FINRA to brokers: know your high-yield securities Intelligent words from FINRA; b able2show clients all possibilities Jan 16, 2013
  • The High Yield Market is “Completely Out of Control.” Watch risky debt buyers; c if they need things 2go right2survive Jan 16, 2013
  • Gold Forecasters Splitting on Peak for Bull Market Most-accurate gold forecasters>price will probably peak in 2013 $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Whatever Happened 2 Good, Old-Fashioned Accountants? @retheauditors explains y basic blocking&tackling go a long way $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Yale May Buy More Hedge Fund Assets After Favoring Cash Timing feels wrong here w/credit spreads tight & vol low $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Baupost Group Sitting On 116% Return From Madoff Claims Bankruptcy judge said ?seller?s remorse,? denied his effort $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Leeway on Repo Rules Is Cut Back “…we’re basically saying all repos should be accounted for as borrowings,” $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Inside the Self-Driving Index Funds That Finish First @jasonzweigwsj $BLK low fees, shares sec lending revenue $$ Jan 15, 2013
  • How2use Twitter & Facebook 2 make $$ from shares Just watch: this causes the next ‘flash crash’ h/t: @abnormalreturns Jan 14, 2013
  • KRS Spin Machine Is Smearing The Truth Again Kentucky Retirement Systems does not use RFPs -> “pay to play” @ KRS $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • US Not So High Yield Bonds : “It’s Starting To Feel A Lot Like 2007” Will supply grow, or will misfinancing start? $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • SP500 Revisited – Testing 1484/1500 zone and reversal after? Argues for a correction in stocks in the near term $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Hedge-Fund Leverage Rises to Most Since 2004 in New Year H0: flexible $$ overallocated to stocks now> correction due Jan 14, 2013
  • 39% of Fund Managers Beat the S&P in 2012 It was a growth year & not a value year. 48% would b the 10-yr average $$ Jan 13, 2013




  • I suppose Bloomberg could write a book about hidden billionaires, and call it “The Billionaire Next Door.” ?#yeah $$
  • Erie Billionaire Hagen Revealed as Car Premiums Surge $ERIE interesting company w/a unique asset-lite biz model $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Hidden Billionaire Milking Saudi Dairy Fortune in Desert Bloomberg likes ‘outing’ obscure billionaires like this $$ Jan 14, 2013


Personal Finance


  • Why you can?t avoid dumb 401(k) mistakes Plan sponsors chase hot managers & avoid passive options $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Behind the indexed annuity curtain Avoid. Surrender charges r long & high 2pay commission; opaque int crediting $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • One in four savers has 401(k) ?leakage? Retirement seems far away, but $$ needs r near, so ppl tap their 401(k)s Jan 16, 2013
  • Seven Resolutions to Get Your Nest Egg in Shape Good basic advice 4 ordinary people taking care of the nest egg $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • E-Filing and the Explosion in Tax-Return Fraud Identity theft; 1 reason y I do it myself & file on paper $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Housing Problems: Where To Get Help @retheauditors gives advice to those having issues with foreclosures $$ #goodstuff Jan 13, 2013


Banks and Investment Banks


  • More Ideological Excuse Making for Bad Banks It takes two to tango; it takes two to make a loan. Both deserve blame $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • A tempest in a spreadsheet A reason y having robust “smell tests” r needed when mathematical models get complex $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Mortgage Nanny Added to Lender Job Description Caveat Emptor:May make probs worse by creating illusion of safety $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Wells Fargo to Start Jet-Leasing Venture FD: + $WFC | I like the fact that theyr starting small #organicgrowth $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Jefferies Sets Table in Pay Clash Or, they could jump 2 $JEF soon 2b $LUK. $$ motivates better, but conflicts occur Jan 16, 2013
  • Bankers Get IOUs Instead of Bonus Cash Will tie employees more tightly, unless they jump to related industries $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Report of $JPM Management Task Force Regarding 2012 CIO Losses [132pp PDF] If interested in $JPM, summary in 17 pgs $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Municipalities Should Ditch Wall Street Derivatives Deals If Wall St is on other side of table, watch your wallet $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Banks say new agency’s oversight is slow, costly Banks pine away over the regulatory laxity they had 6-10 years ago $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Goldman?s ?Secret? Team Shows Volcker?s Folly Difficult to stop prop trading, better 2 remake I-banks partnerships $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Bank Deal Ends Flawed Reviews of Foreclosures absurd, $$ will b distributed w/little regard 2 who was actually harmed Jan 13, 2013


Economic Policy


  • Portfolio Manager Creates Dazzlingly Deep Presentation On What’s Really Going On With The US Economy Long but good $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Obama Finds Path to Congress Deals Goes Through McConnell Give him his due; has a nose that can sniff out deals $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • The Next Tax Increase What the US Govt has belongs 2 the US Govt. What belongs 2u is subject 2 negotiation $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Swap the Debt Ceiling for a Rule That Makes Sense Maybe limit total liabilities of US Gov’t to 2x GDP? Way past that Jan 16, 2013
  • Why U.S. might be ?a nation of deadbeats? Consumers have been paying down debt, but walking away from more $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • A Credit Downgrade Warning Both Sides Should Listen To Rating agencies r more honest than US Govt. Fitch may d/g US $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Treasury Bill Rate Curve Inverts Amid Debt-Ceiling Showdown Bill curve showing some inversion due 2 debt ceiling $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Money-Printing Will Lead to an Inflation in Another Guise Debt overload & slack capacity short circuit credit growth $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Two Warning Signs for Treasuries “yield curve btw 2&10 years is starting to steepen” Resistance 2 neg real rates up $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • TIPS Implied Inflation 4 2018-22 rose over 2012; flat now 2014 Inflation rising $$ Fed target 2.5% Jan 16, 2013
  • US states flirt with major tax changes Red states moving toward sales & away from personal/corporate income taxes $$ Jan 14, 2013


States & Municipalities


  • California, Unsaved, Speeds Toward a Wall of Debt Constants in life that r not comforting: gimmicks in CA budget $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State Energy could flow from the Land of Squandered Advantages $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Pension Funding Gap Widens for Big Cities Expect 2c many fights where bens cut 4 new, active & retired employees $$ Jan 16, 2013




  • Suitors Interested in H-P’s Autonomy, EDS Units Wouldn’t put 2 much into this; $HPQ won’t get good prices $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Genworth Shares Soar Amid Plan for Mortgage Insurer $GNW moves deck chairs on the Titanic; rewarded for now $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Chevron Signs Deal for More Oil Exploration Acres Off China FD: + $CVX smiles as it rides the tiger $$ #risks Jan 16, 2013
  • My Favorite Tobacco Stock Is Intel? @CharlesSizemore explains y it should deliver returns, amid hatred $$ FD: + $INTC Jan 16, 2013
  • TNT Left at Altar Gets No Immediate FedEx Deal “FedEx in a good position to wait this out & let TNT come to them.” $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Latest IPOs Arrive In The Form of New MLPs All of the new MLPs r energy-related $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • ARM CEO East Says Phooey to the ?Transistor Cliff? Cost, speed, & power use r the key factors 4 logic chips $$ Jan 14, 2013




  • Davos Pitch for Dynamism Rams Into End-of-Growth Debate I don’t think growth is ended, but bad finances interfere $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Global Piracy @ 5-Yr Low 2012: Pirates boarded 174 ships globally v 439 in 2011, people taken hostage 585<-802 $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • NRA Labels Obama Hypocrite on Guns for Child Protection Administration doesn’t like the argument; hits close 2home $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Kidnap insurers eye sales as euro crisis bites Stable rates: More competition, & armed guards 4 sea transport $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Mathematicians coming of age to become the most sought after professionals Nerds of the world unite! Big data 2analyze! Jan 16, 2013
  • The Margin Debate Labor share of US GDP has fallen because growth in the global capitalist labor force, wages fall $$ Jan 13, 2013


Financial Blogging


  • Your guide 2the financial blogosphere Comprehensive list of finance bloggers. I’m listed under “Trading & Investing” $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • What are the 100 Top (Anglo-Saxon) Finance Blogs? A Pseudo-Scientific Study I ranked higher than I expected 🙂 $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • The purpose of this site @reformedbroker ‘s excellent piece on how his blogging helps him think & invest better $$ Jan 14, 2013


Painting Kate Middleton


  • @judehere Perhaps this then? Jan 16, 2013
  • @judehere That’s okay. You say he painted the Queen? That’s interesting. Is there an image of that out on the web? Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @judehere She seems to be a nice lady, so I wouldn’t be a fan of that. But Freud died in 2011, so the possibility is not there. Jan 16, 2013
  • But this portrait of Kate Middleton is worse in my opinion No wonder only 19% like it. (2/2) $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Learning to draw, I copied a photo of a friend w/pencil. Another friend said “You took a very pretty girl, & turned her in2 pretty girl” 1/2 Jan 16, 2013



Michael Pettis


  • Pettis: What I will watch in 2013: 10 things: hard commodity prices, trade numbers, Spanish Bonds, Target 2, & Japan (2/2) $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: What I will watch in 2013: 10 things: China growth, Debt trajectory, financial scandals, bank activities, inflation (1/2) $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: Imbalances can continue for many years, I argue, but at some point they become unsustainable & the world must adjust by reversing $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: Policymakers do this by shortening their time horizons &managing from crisis2crisis, rather than sorting out the underlying problems Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: policymakers… taking steps that protect them from the consequences of the crisis but that also make the crisis worse. $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: It is interesting that policymakers are so pleased by an end (temporarily, I assume) to the financing crisis. $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis:We ended 2012 in a burst of optimism for Europe, w/everyone cheering Mario Draghi 4having ?saved? the euro, but I am deeply skeptical Jan 14, 2013




  • Wrong: How to Find a Fund Manager Who Can Beat the Market Doesn’t understand difference btw correlation & beta $$ Jan 15, 2013
  • Wrong: US Budget : Federal finances continue to improve It is a *spending* problem that started w/Bush 43, not revenue Jan 15, 2013
  • Wrong: Municipal Bonds May Not Be Safe From Income Taxes Would be a big shift, hit blue states hard. Won’t happen $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Wrong: Chris Hayes’ Brilliant Explanation Of Money Is One Of The Best Things We’ve Ever Seen On TV #goldstandard $$ Jan 13, 2013


Comments and Retweets


  • Good night. Blessings to all. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Think of judges in a court. No one will forgive a man for doing wrong in one area, because he has done good in others Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling It’s not a question of weakness but wrong. Divorce your wife for no good reason, cheat at your craft, all amounts 2 wrong Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Good question. God created Lance with a weakness. If Lance had trusted God, he could have overcome it, but he didn’t. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Not those that are God-given. Mt 5:48: “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling One last point: in the view of Jesus is there is no balancing. The least amount of evil poisons any good. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Read some of the writings of Kahneman & Tversky. Bad things have 3 times the force of good things. Good doesn’t erase bad Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Okay, I get it. But doing good things does not erase bad things. Doing things that are notably bad tarnishes anything good. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling I have heard the word as a part of popular culture, but have no idea what it is beyond a phrase. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Okay, I’ll bite. His charitable endeavors, but what else? Jan 18, 2013
  • @sallyeastman1 Well said Jan 18, 2013
  • My view: Lance Armstrong is best ignored. Close the browser window, change the channel on the TV, he will go away. I don’t care about him $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • @AboveAvgOdds Off to meet w/u & Chris Mayer in downtown Baltimore Jan 17, 2013
  • Endorse. I have read over half of these $$ RT @TheStalwart: The 22 books that Dylan Grice says you must read. Jan 17, 2013
  • @graemehein good point, but most simple models have obv intuition. Complex models have more potential 4 error b/c of 2nd+ order effects $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Others that did the same in 1994: Piper Jaffray’s Institutional Gov’t Income & FPA’s Fundamental US Gov’t Strategic Income funds Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Combined w/levering them, and not having the mathematical savvy to price them right Story near the bottom Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Cate, you’re right, I’m wrong. At the time, David Askin & those like him were notable. W/Citron it was mostly structured notes Jan 17, 2013
  • @kirstensalyer Sorry, that honor belongs to the first quantitative hedge fund manager, Ben Graham, who was doing that in the 1920s Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Also used complex RMBS. There was kind of a contest 2c how much negative convexity one could absorb in exchange 4 yield Jan 17, 2013
  • RT @maxrudolph: #unintendedconsequences when pension regs set up EA designation cut off practitioners from ALM development. Still catchi … Jan 17, 2013
  • Well done $$ RT @LaurenLaCapra: Jim Chanos talks to @Reuters about Herbalife & whether Ackman or Loeb will win out: Jan 17, 2013
  • @finsovet @prieur @vitaliyk Honored 2b included in such a group Jan 17, 2013
  • Think this analysis is correct, but uncertain $$ RT @mickwe: 3D printing is a lot of hype and it’ll never go mainstream Jan 17, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “7 gut checks before the stock market?s opening bell” Jan 17, 2013
  • @niubi If so, good for him. He revolutionized my economic thinking with his last book. Looking forward to the next one. Review copy coming Jan 17, 2013
  • +1 RT @dpinsen: Paging @TomFriedman: comment on How a ‘model’ employee got away with outsourcing his work to China $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • +2, scrap IFRS RT @Alea_: +1 Britain should scrap IFRS accounting standards, MPs told Jan 16, 2013
  • @oddballstocks very different mindsets; marketing and operations r different from finance, which is still different from investing Jan 16, 2013
  • @oddballstocks I did that as well from 1992-1998. Tried very hard to select non-name-brand mgrs w/durable competitive advantages Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @ClayNickel It depends on how equitylike the bonds r, & the financing composition of the holders. If the bonds r financed w/sig debt.. $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • RT @Matthew_C_Klein: The big deal about the German gold story isn’t that they’re taking some of it out of NY but that they’re moving *al … Jan 16, 2013
  • RT @Matthew_C_Klein: @izakaminska has a thoughtful take on the base money debate between @interfluidity and @NYTimeskrugman … Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @joshuademasi Good point. After all, most nations would love to swap for Norway’s economic situation. $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf Good insights both. We live in “interesting times” in the full meaning of the Chinese curse Jan 16, 2013
  • @ReformedBroker Rieder is a bright guy, as is my friend Ed Meigs at First Eagle; HY is okay for the short run, but 2 years out… $$ #Boom! Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf Yes Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf No, I don’t really find them persuasive. I do think that some Central Bank will stop sterilizing asset purchases, start new phase Jan 16, 2013
  • @JacPatterson I thought about that too, & think he really meant “English Language” Finance Blogs Jan 15, 2013
  • “But that also means you have to keep more $$ around if the puts get exercised, which Buffett had & many don’t.” Jan 15, 2013
  • @joelight @spbaines the paragraph that starts ‘To screen out such “closet indexers,”‘ is factually wrong, does not understand statistics Jan 15, 2013
  • @joelight @spbaines I’m not arguing w/R2 as a proxy for active share, though there r better measures; article says correlation, means beta Jan 15, 2013
  • +10 Mmmmm… RT @dpinsen: Bresaola, lemon, olive oil, Parmesan, and basil joining forces for a great sandwich. Jan 14, 2013
  • @abnormalreturns I’ve run into a *lot* of people trying to do this. Some are cleverer; not sure how it will work out… Jan 14, 2013
  • @JayLeonard but gold does control inflation and limits the government’s ability to use monetary policy for its own ends Jan 13, 2013
  • @JayLeonard Much of the difficulty is not gold vs not gold, but how banks were regulated — short liabs carrying long assets Jan 13, 2013
  • @GuldbergPeter Thanks, though I have heard that Canada *may* have issues. Jan 12, 2013
  • RT @GuldbergPeter: “@AlephBlog: Is there anyplace in the world that hasn’t overlent on real estate? Sweden, Canada and actually to some … Jan 12, 2013




  • My week on twitter: 40 retweets received, 1 new listings, 67 new followers, 65 mentions. Via: Jan 17, 2013
Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Who to Follow


  • #FF @researchpuzzler @newrulesinvest @felixsalmon @interfluidity @Alea_ I go through my follow list twice/yr & highlight those I respect $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • #FF @EddyElfenbein @ReformedBroker @smallcapanalyst @BarbarianCap @abnormalreturns @TheStalwart @The_Analyst @mickwe @marketfolly @bondscoop Dec 15, 2012


Stupid political things I have said


  • @jpgriffard When I say great, I mean “large.” I hate them both. Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde Me too, thanks 4 interacting w/me Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde Wrong time of year, and Congress is tied up with the budget, so I guess no. NYC mayor provoked me, demanding immediate action Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @JoshForde Yes. Unintended consequences. 9-11 and the wars it engendered r my leading exhibits there. The US messed up badly. Dec 15, 2012
  • @Borderscrossed No they don’t, have a good night. Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde That I can agree with as well, w/rights come responsibilities, bigtime. Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde Second-order effects; our policy usually omits those. Example: the Fed & Central Bank freedom; what if they act irresponsibly? Dec 15, 2012
  • @trmcloughlin I would agree with that also Dec 15, 2012
  • @incakolanews I would agree w/that Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde Okay, but I’ve said that before on other topics… this has been a general position of mine on a wide # of issues, not just guns Dec 15, 2012
  • Auughh! Blam! Drones r another ethical issue that I hate $$ RT @Borderscrossed: @AlephBlog NSA has logged our tweets. Drones on the way. Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @jpgriffard He has two great achievements PPACA & Dodd-Frank Dec 15, 2012
  • @Borderscrossed Wait, you said “Obama” & “do something” in the same tweet. Isn’t that illegal? 😉 Dec 15, 2012
  • @JoshForde I’m willing to consider… what was insensitive? Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @ross_marketment I agree, freedom requires some laws, and here’s one to consider… liability for not securing your gun. Dec 15, 2012
  • Behind every economic view there is a political view. Unavoidable. All I know is that I get more grief from writing on politics. $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • @laGiocondaVinci That’s fine hope u do well Dec 15, 2012
  • My politics r complex; I am mostly a libertarian: I was against Iraq 1 & 2, Afghanistan. I did not like Bush 43, don’t like Obama either $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • RT @dpinsen: @AlephBlog The same people who now regret the TSA, the PATRIOT Act, etc. rushed through after 9/11 want to rush through mor … Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @Borderscrossed I am just saying 4 all legislation consider the second order effects; never act in heated emotion, consider all effects $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @ross_marketment Again, 9/11 is my best example. It has harmed Americans more than our enemies. I have been against all our recent wars $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • @streetbrief Take care Dec 15, 2012
  • @ross_marketment Not sure. I am saying is consider wide range of effects from policy change; we do not typically do that & we get bad policy Dec 15, 2012
  • I’m willing 2c intelligent limits on firearms & some degree of liability 4 those that don’t secure them, but rushed policy is bad policy $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • @ross_marketment Problem: there may be fewer murders, but in the UK they have more “hot robberies” than we do; robbers have more 2fear in US Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @trmcloughlin What we don’t know is how many lives have been saved by firearms. We don’t hear the sound of one hand clapping. #2ndorder Dec 15, 2012
  • No doubt; I have 8 kids; 5 adopted – I feel sorry 4 the parents; grief RT @ross_marketment: and for the minority as well. 26 today Dec 15, 2012
  • And we get salvation through a plethora of ineffective statutes RT @JamesMarsh79: our society demands intervention $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • ‘ @ross_marketment I don’t own a gun, probably nevr will. I serve the Prince of Peace. I know that a few people ruin freedom 4 the majority Dec 15, 2012
  • So after a really ugly event like the killing of 6-7 year olds, we need to mourn, leave policy decisions 4 a calmer time, weighing +s/-s $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • 2 many people react 2 an ugly event saying, “This must never, Never, NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!” w/o considering what 2nd order effects will b $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • After 9/11, we made many policy decisions in haste that left us less free. Part of being a free culture –> we must accept some disasters $$ Dec 15, 2012




  • Wrong: Former HP CEO Shifts Blame for Autonomy Deal to Chairman No deal can get done w/o sponsorship of the CEO $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Wrong: As Dollar Loses Reserve Status Central Banks Diversify Bad as the $$ is, no other currency is as investable $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Wrong: Canadian Exceptionalism in Compensation France is no exemplar in paying bureaucrats a lot of $$ a % of GDP Dec 14, 2012
  • Wrong: Our Hero, Ben Bernanke: Why Central Bankers (Not Politicians) Are Saving the Global Economy First do no harm $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Wrong: Mozilo Unbowed Says Countrywide Was ?World-Class Company? Big, yes, but horrible underwriting, 2much debt $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Wrong: Bernanke Wields New Tools to Reduce Unemployment Rate No new tools, only wishful thinking $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Wrong: Oil at $60 or $120 Doesn?t Prevent US Supplanting Saudi Arabia Decay curve 4 fracking means short advantage $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Wrong: Krugman, Krauthammer and Their Implied Authors U r what u write; Just another aspect of your personality $$ Dec 11, 2012




  • And with that, I sign off Twitter 4 the evening (aside from robotic posts). One note b4 I go, $HPQ has not filed its 10-K @ its due date. $$ Dec 15, 2012
  • Apple Falls as UBS Projects Growth Slowdown Size is an enemy of growth. Channel check indicates slowdown 4 $AAPL $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Hurd was an accounting manipulator; he boosted asset accrual items to paper over flagging profitability. $$ $HPQ Dec 14, 2012




  • Alberta-Quebec Oil Pipeline Reversal Study Done by June Let Quebec find its own oil then $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Refiner Phillips 66 would support U.S. crude oil exports-CEO More important: infrastructure 4 LNG exports FD: + $PSX Dec 14, 2012
  • Tokyo Steel Shifts Output as Power Costs Rise Post-Fukushima There r real costs to doing w/o nuclear power $$ Dec 14, 2012


Federal Reserve & Central Banks


  • We would b better off in the long run if the central banks of the world stopped QE & low rates & let us work out bad debts 4 a decade $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Houston We Have a Problem – The Abe Approach Fed adopts an approach similar 2 the proposals of Shinzo Abe $$ #FTL Dec 13, 2012
  • Inside the Risky Bets of Central Banks They talk together, but the central bankers of the world share ignorance $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Biggest Opportunity Will Be Shorting the Bond Market: Dalio Shorting bonds is tough b/c of negative carry $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • RAY DALIO: The US Economy Is Facing A Rare Set Of Circumstances That Will Be Bad For Markets Bull mkt 4 cash & gold $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • BoE’s King warns of growing currency competition “Beggar thy neighbor” characterizes Central Bank policies globally $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • “Economists at the BIS, meanwhile, have grown more skeptical about the central bank tilt.” All lean the same way $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • “There is a lot we don’t understand,” said Donald Kohn, the Fed’s former vice chairman. You can say that again $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Most interesting move of the day was watching long Tsy bonds sell off after Fed said it would buy more “Et tu, QE?” $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • PS: long a little bit of $TLT 4 me & bond clients, short a little bit of $SPY for hedged clients Dec 12, 2012
  • Love the DJ reporter asking about Fed forecast accuracy. The answer is they missed financial crisis, & have been shocked by slow recovery $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Love those reporters who assume monetary policy can do anything, & that monetary policy can change unemployment w/a snap of the fingers $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Change since September in Central tendency of Fed funds Fed forecasts 2013-2015 & longer run: 0.01%, -0.20%, -0.32%, -0.15% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Change since September in Central tendency of PCE inflation Fed forecasts 2013-2015: -0.08% -0.08% -0.05% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Change since September in Central tendency of Unemployment Fed forecasts 2013-2015: -0.27% -0.18% -0.05% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Long Treasuries not liking the Fed Statement, even w/the promise of additional buying FD: long $TLT Dec 12, 2012
  • Change in Central tendency of GDP Fed forecasts since September 2013-2015: -0.07%, -0.16%, 0.08% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Steve Liesman actually asks a decent question, wow. Dec 12, 2012
  • Here’s one year forward, one year inflation implied from TIPS over the last 40 days: moving up, currently @ 2.01% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Using TIPS, the figure for inflation between one and two years ahead is already 2.01%. Fed did not do its homework, again. $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Fed Seen Pumping Up Assets to $4 Trillion in New Buying Doing same thing over & over & expecting different result $$ Dec 11, 2012


US Politics


  • How to Keep All of Huck Finn in the Classroom We need 2 eliminate the pseudo-intellectual “common core” standards $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Dispatches from the public pension wars: & & End pension spiking $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • It really seems stupid to spend $151B to upgrade Acela when it only has revenue of $0.5B/year Slow trains r better $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • Whose job is it to stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth? Would need at least 2 years of lead time, preferably 5 $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Big Banks Flunk OCC Risk Tests 2big2b effectively regulated; left hand doesn’t know what right does, centipede-level $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Pimco?s Gross Says Fed Policy Means ?Free? Debt for Treasury Ah, seigniorage; it is good 2b king Dec 13, 2012
  • Amtrak Plans to Replace All High-Speed Acela Trains I like the Acela, but I can’t see how 2 recoup $151B 4 new trains Dec 13, 2012


Rest of the World


  • Islam in Egypt’s new constitution Kind of interesting; gives u a feel 4 different types of Islamic casuistry $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Assad Losing Syria, Say Russia and NATO Could Chavez & Assad lose their power in the same week? $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • EU Reaches Deal on Bank Supervisor A lot of the details have 2b worked out; will b interesting 2c it in action $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • China’s Economy – weaker than we think The math is pretty clear: rebalancing will inevitably require lower growth. $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • What Mario Monti?s Exit Tells Us About Europe?s Debt Crisis Problems r cultural; politics can’t bring prosperity $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • ?Reckless, Wrong-Headed? Pension Rules Could Savage Europe?s Economy Key Q: how large is the equity prem over Tsys? $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • US Schoolchildren Lag Asian Peers on Academic Tests Phonics & going back to the “old math” would help considerably $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Argentine mom rescues hundreds of sex slaves In rescuing her kidnapped daughter, gains a quest & rescues hundreds $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Germany displaces China as US Treasury’s currency villain Germany > China; biggest source of global trade imbalance $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • BIS: Policy measures and reduced short-term risks buoyed markets True now, but will make eventual tightening harder $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Honey Laundering No way India is now producing so much honey. Imports from China, escapes duties, exports 2 US $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Hitler Has a Following in India India dislikes the British enough, & desires a strong leader to save them, & thus $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Sony Loses Science Talent as Student Resumes Go to Dairies Can’t obsolete food; shows caution among Japanese youth $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Carson Block Goes Short Unafraid as Chinese Gangsters Chase Trying 2 hide information does not change negative FCF $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • China November factory output jumps to eight-month high And consumer inflation bounced off 33-month lows $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Chinese Group Buys 80% of AIG Plane Unit for $4.2B Good 2c $AIG simplify. I suspect the seller is the winner here $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Raging Oil Price Will Burn OPEC Suggests downward pressure on oil prices. Sell high-cost E&P, maybe $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Slowing China Forex Reserves May Spell Trouble Suggests gold and Singapore $$ off of weakness & capital flight in China Dec 10, 2012




  • Those Diabolical Anonymous Commenters If we have to sign our names to what we write, we will b more judicious $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • The five most disruptive technologies of 2012 Pretty fascinating, particularly power storage & cheap internet $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Finally did it. Joined the cult of Warren the Wonderful Now my clients & I can get a discount @ GEICO. FD: + $BRK.B $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • America’s Milk Business in a ‘Crisis’ Maybe if they got rid of the growth hormones, more people would want milk $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Bloomberg Weighs Making Bid for The Financial Times Creating a more powerful Bloomberg, LP piece-by-piece $$ #FTW Dec 11, 2012
  • Green energy will come into existence without subsidies when crude is $200/bbl $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • They Know What You’re Shopping For Interesting. Shows how auto dealers get data on you $$ Get “do not track” $$ Dec 08, 2012


US Politics & Economics

  • When the CPI is up, journos point at the bogus “core” figure. When the CPI is down, journos point at the CPI. Bias $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • The Myth Of Cash On The Sidelines Remains A Myth Also have 2 count the cash that collateralizes derivative positions $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Mortgage Rates in the US Drop to Near-Record Lows Attractive credit, if u can get it; hey, rhymes and scans $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • If u r a professional bond investor, researcher would like you 2 take survey on Investor Preferences for Climate Bonds Dec 13, 2012
  • Beef in America is plentiful & affordable, spun out in enormous quantities @ high speeds: bonanza w/hidden dangers. $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • States Faulted Over Teacher Pension Shortfall (non) Payback coming to teachers 4 negotiating 2 high pension bfts $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • How Republicans engineered a blow to Michigan’s powerful unions Hidden in plain sight; careful planning achieved it $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • For-Sale Signs Sprout in Heartland Likely sustainable as there are low levels of debt used to effect buys $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • I care more for how a man weighs ideas & opinions than what he weighs. Dec 12, 2012
  • “Ferri’s reasoning only looks easy in hindsight. I agree with Barry’s reasoning, though. Consistent w/Q-ratio, etc. $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Before the public pension crisis ends, some states will remove pension protections in their constitutions, & retroactively cut benefits $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • $822,000 Worker Shows California Leads U.S. Pay Giveaway People r finally getting how big this problem is $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • Social Security ? 2012 Results Social Security & Medicare get worse and worse; US Govt will not b able 2 afford them $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • Hawaii Real Estate Paradise Returns With Goldman Loan Japanese & Korean travelers driving hotel visits $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • LOOMING CRISIS: State Budgets Soon to be Under Siege Cash payments r curving up rapidly 4 public employee benefits $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Don’t forget the unforced give up of stricter bailout terms, made when $$ was impossible to get; $AIG deal… Dec 11, 2012
  • Please ignore special tax benefits given $AIG & unforced renegotiation of original deal. A loss in economic terms $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • Better Gas Mileage, Thanks to the Pentagon As w/the space program, rarely we get positive spillover from Defense $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • 13 Insights From Paul Tudor Jones He is not only a successful hedge fund manager but a very original & clear thinker $$ Dec 11, 2012
  • $GOOG Revenues Sheltered in No-Tax Bermuda Soar 2 $10B Shock in Hamilton as NATO blockades, seizes shell companies $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Hostess Maneuver Deprived Pension Multi-employer pension trusts r weak; PBGC coverage is < single-employer plans $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Climate Treaty Hinges on Obama Making Case: Ex-Aides Obama doesn’t want 2 waste political capital on low odds win $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Most Accurate Forecaster Sees Lethargic US Expansion Economic Lethargy girdles the globe, everything slowing $$ Dec 09, 2012
  • SEC’s Aguilar Warms Up to Money-Fund Overhauls Will destroy MMFs & won’t significantly help systemic risk $$ Dec 08, 2012



  • To the main point: High speed rail is a boondoggle. Slow will do. RT @finemrespice: @AlephBlog Dec 14, 2012
  • Not indice, index $$ RT @weigu: Shanghai Composite Index is the 2nd-worst performing stock indice in the world this year, just after Spain. Dec 13, 2012
  • RT @randy_cass: Hint #1 that we’ve gotten conditioned to stimulus. Journalist asked question and referenced ‘$45 Billion a month’ as ‘a … Dec 13, 2012
  • Inertia RT @AsifSuria: Why does Best Buy still pay a dividend? $BBY Dec 13, 2012
  • Here’s a graph of it for those who don’t know where 2c it: RT @TheStalwart: @AlephBlog tanked right at 8 PM ET $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • RT @Convertbond: Scary US Percentage of High Yield Bonds Trading ABOVE next Call Price 2012 40% 2011 30% 2010 22% 2009 0% 2008 5% 2007 … Dec 12, 2012
  • You said it RT @credittrader: umm benny – look at 5y5y fwds! come on man…. Dec 12, 2012
  • He can’t mean that $$ RT @davidgaffen: “I don’t think any policymaker, including the Fed, should respond to markets.” -BB 12/12/12 Dec 12, 2012
  • RT @Kathleen_Hays: CBS news guy asks Bernanke how does tying rate change to 6.5% jobless help economy? Bernanke says better communicatio … Dec 12, 2012
  • RT @LaMonicaBuzz: Where’s Chuck Barris? The Bernanke press conference is approaching the hour-long mark. Time for someone to ring a big … Dec 12, 2012
  • Muted response from $GLD, $TLT down, $SPY up/down since stmt RT @jamessaft: it is not the reporters who scare me, it is the investors $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • I assume we r both “persona non grata” there RT @cabaum1: @AlephBlog Use my name. It’ll get you a seat in the very back. Dec 12, 2012
  • You made me laugh; I applied to be in the press, they didn’t take me RT @cabaum1: @AlephBlog Be nice. He’s playing Helen Thomas. $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • RT @WildestFacts: Only 70% of people will understand the following: 2 + 2 = Fish. 3 + 3 = Eight. 7 + 7 = Triangle. RT if you get it. Dec 12, 2012
  • RT @tracyalloway: So long European aversion? Yankee bonds of European issuers now trading at pre-debt crisis levels, BarCap says: http:/ … Dec 11, 2012
  • Can’t make this up $$ RT @Alea_:[ pictures ]Mayan apocalypse: Chinese farmer builds survival pods in case of a disaster Dec 11, 2012
  • RT @MKTWBurton: What if the stock market is rigged? @abnormalreturns @felixsalmon @alephblog @bclund @nastrading: … Dec 11, 2012
  • +1 RT @fmanjoo: The University of California’s new logo is just unbelievably bad Dec 10, 2012
  • Faith too RT @Mctaguej: It’s the growing number of collectivists among us that most concerns me. American individualism is in steep decline Dec 08, 2012



  • @e_d_sanders But once they are set up, most of the costs are incurred already, even the externalized ones. Dec 14, 2012
  • ‘ @JonathanProber My advice to all investors is to be wary of asset accrual items that seem too big relative to assets & profits $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • @JonathanProber I grew up on life insurance acctg, which is probably the most complex acctg of any industry, except investment banking Dec 14, 2012
  • @bundesbank Die Buba ist jetzt auf Twitter. Feiern Sie mit! Holen Sie sich eine Currywurst, Sauerkraut und ein Bier! $$ 😉 Dec 14, 2012
  • @finemrespice Living near Baltimore, idea of turning it in2a toxic nuclear waste dump could b an improvement. Better 40 miles SW, though $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • @quartznews Queen: “At least we don’t have to worry about whether this gold exists. Pity about the colonies & Fort Knox…” Dec 14, 2012
  • @Pedant_Bot This *is* Twitter, u know. Often we use less than optimal words 4 space reasons. Or, r u referrring to a blog post of mine? $$ Dec 14, 2012
  • @ritholtz I’m agreeing w/u, Barry – there is less cash available 2b invested than most think, b/c much of it is encumbered Dec 14, 2012
  • @ReformedBroker Thanks, Josh. You have my respect; it’s tough to put out quality content w/frequency, variety & regularity Dec 13, 2012
  • @SimoneFoxman “At least we don’t have to worry about whether this gold exists. Pity about the colonies & Fort Knox…” Dec 13, 2012
  • @finemrespice Got me to laugh. Yeh, hedge funds r the financial equivalent 2 alchemists. Let them propose alternative math, c who buys it $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • @finemrespice Alas, but mathematics is a tough foe. Let alternative mathematics try to make $$ by outcompeting traditional math 😉 Dec 13, 2012
  • @TheStalwart Not much in today’s trading… why, is something happening in Asia? Dec 13, 2012
  • @LaurenYoung The saints will laugh, the sinners will cry Dec 13, 2012
  • ‘ @Healey_trades I think the market is adjusting to the idea of higher future inflation, the Fed will not be able to maintain its policy $$ Dec 13, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial I’ve never agreed with that — that would be why median CPI or trimmed mean CPI would be preferred Dec 12, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial And if you use chained CPI vs chained PCE, they are virtually the same over the last 10 years Dec 12, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial Over the last 10 years that would shave 0.2% off CPI inflation Dec 12, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial I understand that Fed uses PCE $ TIPS r CPI-based, but there are no objective forward measures for PCE Dec 12, 2012
  • @cate_long Here’s 1-yr forward, 1-yr inflation implied from TIPS over the last 40 days: moving up, currently @ 2.01% $$ Dec 12, 2012
  • @cate_long Here’s a graph for that: Dec 12, 2012
  • @TheStalwart Ready at the criticism turret! Dec 12, 2012
  • ‘ @Kevin_Holloway As the market has run, $$ has grown, approaching max cash limit; 1.2x BV $BRK.B is below; well-run, difficult to replicate Dec 12, 2012
  • @WildestFacts 70% sounds high, but the process is simple, flip one and paste over the other for a picture Dec 12, 2012
  • “4 of 6 companies graphed are housing related. $CLGX is not an insurer. Maybe you need to revise?” ? David_Merkel $$ Dec 10, 2012
  • Many thanks to my 6000th Twitter follower @syedasyraf4 . Wherever you are, I pray things go well for you. Dec 09, 2012
  • ‘ @muffiehbs05 @carney I guess you’re right, Muffie, much more than a fund A home 4 student & alumni moral decay $$ Dec 08, 2012
  • .@historysquared The slow corruption of the last set of strong balance sheets in the US. Leverage is being substituted for organic growth $$ Dec 08, 2012



  • My week on twitter: 57 retweets received, 1 new listings, 54 new followers, 65 mentions. Via: Dec 13, 2012


Redacted Version of the December 2012 FOMC Statement

Redacted Version of the December 2012 FOMC Statement

October 2012 December 2012 Comments
Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in September suggests that economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months. Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in October suggests that economic activity and employment have continued to expand at a moderate pace in recent months, apart from weather-related disruptions. Remember when the FOMC cited the Tsunami in Japan for economic weakness that would soon go away?? More grasping at straws.
Growth in employment has been slow, and the unemployment rate remains elevated. Although the unemployment rate has declined somewhat since the summer, it remains elevated. So long as discouraged workers increase, this is a meaningless statement.
Household spending has advanced a bit more quickly, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed.? The housing sector has shown some further signs of improvement, albeit from a depressed level. Household spending has continued to advance, and the housing sector has shown further signs of improvement, but growth in business fixed investment has slowed. No real change ? just word order differences
Inflation recently picked up somewhat, reflecting higher energy prices.? Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. Inflation has been running somewhat below the Committee?s longer-run objective, apart from temporary variations that largely reflect fluctuations in energy prices. Longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable. Shades down their view of inflation, blaming energy prices. TIPS are showing rising inflation expectations since the last meeting. 5y forward 5y inflation implied from TIPS is now at 2.97%.? The FOMC is wrong on inflation.
Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. No change. Any time they mention the ?statutory mandate,? it is to excuse bad policy.
The Committee remains concerned that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions. The Committee remains concerned that, without sufficient policy accommodation, economic growth might not be strong enough to generate sustained improvement in labor market conditions. Emphasizes that the FOMC will keep doing the same thing and expect a different result than before. Monetary policy is omnipotent on the asset side, right?
Furthermore, strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. Furthermore, strains in global financial markets continue to pose significant downside risks to the economic outlook. No change.
The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely would run at or below its 2 percent objective. The Committee also anticipates that inflation over the medium term likely will run at or below its 2 percent objective. No change. CPI is at 2.2% now, yoy, so that is quite a statement.
To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee will continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month. To support a stronger economic recovery and to help ensure that inflation, over time, is at the rate most consistent with its dual mandate, the Committee will continue purchasing additional agency mortgage-backed securities at a pace of $40 billion per month. No change.

Does not mention how the twist will affect those that have to fund long-dated liabilities.

Wonder how long it will take them to saturate agency RMBS market?


The Committee also will continue through the end of the year its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of Treasury securities, and it is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities. The Committee also will purchase longer-term Treasury securities after its program to extend the average maturity of its holdings of Treasury securities is completed at the end of the year, initially at a pace of $45 billion per month. The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and, in January, will resume rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. Operation Twist continues.? Additional absorption of long Treasuries commences.? Fed will make the empty ?monetary base? move from $3 to 4 Trillion by the end of 2013.
These actions, which together will increase the Committee?s holdings of longer-term securities by about $85 billion each month through the end of the year, should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative. Taken together, these actions should maintain downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative. No real change.
The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. The Committee will closely monitor incoming information on economic and financial developments in coming months. No change. Useless comment.
If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities, undertake additional asset purchases, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. If the outlook for the labor market does not improve substantially, the Committee will continue its purchases of Treasury and agency mortgage-backed securities, and employ its other policy tools as appropriate, until such improvement is achieved in a context of price stability. Explicitly says that they will buy more long Treasuries.
In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases. In determining the size, pace, and composition of its asset purchases, the Committee will, as always, take appropriate account of the likely efficacy and costs of such purchases. The FOMC promises what it cannot know or deliver.
To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the economic recovery strengthens. To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee expects that a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate for a considerable time after the asset purchase program ends and the economic recovery strengthens. No change.

Promises that they won?t change until the economy strengthens.? Good luck with that.

In particular, the Committee also decided today to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate are likely to be warranted at least through mid-2015. In particular, the Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, inflation between one and two years ahead is projected to be no more than a half percentage point above the Committee?s 2 percent longer-run goal, and longer-term inflation expectations continue to be well anchored. Not a time limit but economic limits from inflation and employment.

Just ran the calculation ? TIPS implied forward inflation one year forward for one year ? i.e., a rough forecast for 2014, is currently 2.01%.? The FOMC has only 0.49% of margin in their calculation if they are being honest, which I doubt.

Next time, I will provide a graph.

  The Committee views these thresholds as consistent with its earlier date-based guidance. New sentence, and it is not accurate.
  In determining how long to maintain a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy, the Committee will also consider other information, including additional measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial developments. New sentence.? Giving yourself an out clause on the hard-and-fast promises made above?
  When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. New sentence. So what?
Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Elizabeth A. Duke; Dennis P. Lockhart; Sandra Pianalto; Jerome H. Powell; Sarah Bloom Raskin; Jeremy C. Stein; Daniel K. Tarullo; John C. Williams; and Janet L. Yellen. No change
Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who opposed additional asset purchases and disagreed with the description of the time period over which a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy will remain appropriate and exceptionally low levels for the federal funds rate are likely to be warranted. Voting against the action was Jeffrey M. Lacker, who opposed the asset purchase program and the characterization of the conditions under which an exceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate. Lacker sharpens his hopeless dissent against a flock of doves.? I like that he is opposing the QE, as well as the foolish promises regarding Fed funds.

Unlike the rest, he cares about the institutional reputation of the Fed, and thus opposes asset-side policies.



  • I really think the FOMC lives in a fantasy world.? The economy is not improving materially, and inflation is rising. Note that the CPI is over their 2.2% line in the sand.? TIPS-implied inflation 1X1 (one year ahead for one year) is 2.01%, and 5X5 is 2.97% annualized.? Both of these measures have continued to rise since the last meeting.
  • Current proposed policy is an exercise in wishful thinking.? Monetary policy does not work in reducing unemployment, and I think we should end the charade.
  • In my opinion, I don?t think holding down longer-term rates on the highest-quality debt will have any impact on lower quality debts, which is where most of the economy finances itself. When this policy doesn?t work, what will they do?
  • Also, the investment in Agency MBS should have limited impact because so many owners are inverted, or ineligible for financing backed by the GSEs, and implicitly the government, even with the recently announced refinancing changes.
  • The key variables on Fed Policy are capacity utilization, unemployment, inflation trends, and inflation expectations.? As a result, the FOMC ain?t moving rates up, absent increases in employment, or a US Dollar crisis.? Labor employment is the key metric.
  • GDP growth is not improving much if at all, and the unemployment rate improvement comes more from discouraged workers.

A Statement to Dr. Bernanke:

More debt will not get us out of this crisis.? The Great Depression ended when enough debts were compromised, paid off, or cancelled, which from my study is 1941, before World War two started.

Your policies further aid the growth of the budget deficit, and encourage malinvestment in housing and banking, two things in a high degree of oversupply.? The investments in MBS only help solvent borrowers on the low end of housing, who don?t really need the help.? Holding down longer-term rates on the highest-quality debt does not have any impact on lower quality debts, which is where most of the economy finances itself.

The problems with unemployment are structural, not cyclical.? Labor force participation rates continue to decline.? There is greater labor competition around the world, forcing down wages on the low end.? There is nothing that monetary policy can do to change this.? You can create stagflation through your policies, but not prosperity.

When inflation does arrive, the FOMC is going to find it very hard to raise Fed Funds or shrink its balance sheet.? The banks will not react well as you try to shrink, and the long rates that you have held down will react violently.

You haven?t thought through all of the ?second order? effects of your policy.? Even the ?first order? effects, which favor the rich over the poor, seem to elude you.? Assets rise, helping the rich.? Interest rates fall, helping the rich who can borrow.? Commodity prices rise, harming the poor.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result.? When will you realize that the policies of the Fed aren?t helping, and need to be abandoned?

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