Category: Value Investing

Concluding the Current Portfolio Management Series

Concluding the Current Portfolio Management Series

To start, let me gather together my conclusions from the prior articles, and add one more:

  • Get the right industry.
  • Get a bright management team.
  • Don?t panic over small setbacks. Buy more.
  • Rebalance your portfolio regularly to fixed weights.
  • Dividends matter.
  • Buy cheap.
  • Trade away for better opportunities when you find them.
  • Don?t play with companies that have moderate credit quality during times of economic stress.
  • Measure credit quality not only by the balance sheet, but by the ability to generate free cash.
  • Spend more time trying to see whether management teams are competent or not.
  • Cut losses when your estimate of future profitability drops to levels that no longer justify holding the asset.
  • Diversify, diversify, diversify!

Okay, take another look at the graph above, and see that my gains are bigger and more frequent then my losses. Nonetheless, I took some significant losses. How could I bear those losses? Diversification. No position has ever been more than 7% of my portfolio, and the normal position is 2.9% in my 35 stock portfolio. I can take some whacks on individual positions if my overall investing is working.

My key question in deciding whether to sell a stock is whether I think its future returns are likely to be less than alternative investments. That is the only good reason to sell a stock, but few investors follow that rule. I may get my estimates of future value wrong, but if I do it consistently, my results should be good.

You can review my eight rules here. From my prior articles, you can see how my rebalancing trades have added value overall, even though on my losing trades, they added to the losses. Value works, Momentum works, and industry rotation works if it is done right.

My focus on accounting integrity, similar to to the work done by Piotorski, helps value investing work by avoiding value traps. I don’t miss every trap, but if I miss enough of them, I end up doing well.

Finally, our minds are not geared to make decisions where the dimensions of the decision are large. My methods compress the dimensions of the decision, and turn the decision into a swap transaction, where you trade something worse for something better.

That’s what I do in investing, and perhaps in the near term, I will gain my first sizable external clients. In closing, here is a list of all of my trades over the past 7.7 years:

Full disclosure: long the portfolio listed at

My Best Investments Over the Last 7+ Years

My Best Investments Over the Last 7+ Years

I’m going to go in reverse order here. These were my best investments in the Broad Market Portfolio over the past 7.7 years measured by total dollars gained. After this post, I should have one or two more to wrap up the series, to try to explain why I think my methods work, and flesh out the lessons that I have learned. I am a generalist, but if I have a core skill, I think it is being a portfolio manager, especially regarding risk control, though as I have admitted, I have had some real losers.

Drumroll, and here goes:

10) Anglo American plc

When I bought it originally, it was the cheapest of the diversified miners. I wanted some base metal mining exposure, because I felt it was an industry trend that was underdiscounted. The metal prices were ahead of the stock prices. (And, I wish I had never sold Cleveland Cliffs… then again, for many of the names on this post, I wish I had never sold a share, but discipline in risk taking gives you the confidence to take risks.)

The trading of this one was simple — one rebalancing buy in 2006 during a small metals panic, but aside from that, the thesis was perfect, and I kept selling as the price kept rising. As is common for me with big gainers in my taxable account, I gave away the last bit to charity. If you are charitable, giving away appreciated stock is a wonderful way to do it, and the Fidelity Charitable Gift Trust makes it sooooo easy.

9) Ameron International

You ever heard of Ameron International? I’m not sure to this day where I first heard of it. For much of the time that I owned it, it was one of the larger stocks with no analytical coverage. Ameron International is a multinational manufacturer of engineered products and materials for the chemical, industrial, energy, transportation and infrastructure markets.

Anyway, I bought some, and then Chris Edmonds, who at that time wrote for RealMoney, separately picked it for one of his Holiday Portfolios. I e-mailed my hearty assent.

Ameron didn’t do much for the first three years that I owned it, but I kept clipping the dividend, and doing rebalancing trades, while the internal value of the business grew. Finally, some institutional investor(s) realized what a gem this company is, and the price exploded. I gave the final slug to charity. Would that I had held on, but I have had other good stocks since then.

8 ) SPX Corp

SPX Corp is a diversified industrial corporation that fell on hard times. I looked at it as a turnaround, with global growth as a tailwind that would eventually drive the stock up. In the fall of 2004, I felt pretty dumb about my purchases, but I persevered, thinking that there was value to be unlocked through intelligent management.

Many companies that I own have significant declines for no good economic reason. SPX was one of them. It is difficult to tell apart those that will disappoint versus those that will persevere, but my experience is that more of mine persevere than fail.

Again, another company that in hindsight it would have been better not to sell, but it was outside my valuation boundaries, and as I would say along with Lord Rothschild, “I always sell too soon.”

7) Helmerich & Payne

I still own Helmerich & Payne, and have sold once more in May. As the oil price kept going higher, I looked for related entities that had not gone crazy and would benefit from the higher prices. HP was one of them. (And, as I wanted to say to my pal Cody Willard — “Hey, Cody, I own HP, but it’s the right HP.”)

Contract drilling is a great place to be, when oil prices are so high. During the rise in energy prices, I moved more of my exposure into services, because even if oil would not be found, still those that were aiding the attempt to find it would get paid.

6) Cemex SA

Cemex is the company that I have held the longest. I have long been a fan of the cement industry, because it is the cheap way to facilitate global growth, and catch up on delayed infrastructure investment in the US. My first article for RealMoney was on the cement industry, and I owned three companies in it at that time, a massive overweight that paid off.

It was not a popular idea to buy Cemex when I did. They had problems with derivatives and mis-hedging in recent memory, but the stock was cheap enough that I thought it was worth the risk. For the next year it got cheaper, and I bought more. Most investors would have assumed that they had gotten it wrong, and bailed out. That’s not my way.

As you can see, though the price of Cemex rose, it rose in a volatile way, and my rebalancing discipline captured a lot of extra value in the process. I still own Cemex, and still think that it is cheap, and that management is pretty bright. I’m getting close to another rebalancing sale. This is a gift that keeps on giving.

5) Valero Energy

I own Valero today, but I sold out of it in entirety in 2005. I also owned Premcor during the best part of the run, and through the acquisition by Valero. At the end, I sold some and gave the rest away. If I added Valero and Premcor together, they would be my #1 gainer.

When I bought Valero, I felt that refining was in short supply, and would get rewarded. I don’t expect to be right that fast, but it is gratifying when it happens.

Now, after Hurricane Katrina, I felt that the price rises were overdone for refining stocks, so I sold, and gave the rest away.

4) Lyondell Chemical

Lyondell was an idea that I grabbed from that grand old man, John Neff. He is a humble guy, so you won’t hear him tooting his horn. My idea was that they owned half of a refinery with Citgo, and the rest of their business I was getting for the price of the refinery.

As it was, Venezuela needed cash because of the self-aggrandizing goals of Chavez, and they sold their half of the refinery cheaply to Lyondell. There was some confusion in the process and the rating agencies had their doubts, but Lyondell managed it well, until selling out to Basell, a Russian company. I gave the remainder away to charity.

3) Conoco Phillips

I have owned Conoco for a long time. It is my second longest holding, and it has rewarded me well. It looked cheap when I bought it, and on an earnings basis, it doesn’t look much different now. I have had a few rebalancing buys, but on the whole, the mix of exploration and refining has done admirably.

2) Plum Creek Timber

There is a small complexity in this investment. When Plum Creek bought The Timber Company [TGP], I swapped my holdings of Plum Creek for the Timber Company. When the deal closed, I had more Plum Creek shares. Even after that, to mid-2002, I bought more Plum Creek, making it a triple-weight in my portfolio. I felt that timber assets were undervalued, and I was happy to clip dividends while the market caught up with me.

In late 2004, I began the process of scaling out of the position, moving from a triple weight to a double, single, and then zero weight. I like the management of Plum Creek, but there are price levels that I can’t pay, and I must sell.

1) Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo — SABESP

What a company; this was an idea from Cramer (yes). I have long believed the thesis that potable water is scarce, and that companies that facilitate fresh water will be rewarded. SABESP is one of the few companies that was cheap enough to buy in 2005, and remains so today. Demand for water remains high, particularly in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I have sold many times, but not bought because there haven’t been any pullbacks; what a happy problem to have.

So, there are my top ten. They are a mix of:

  • Get the right industry.
  • Get a bright management team.
  • Don’t panic over small setbacks. Buy more.

It is worth noting that the top 11 companies that I have owned covered all of my losses. The gains have been bigger than my losses by a wide margin , and I have had three gains for every loss. In my next post or two, I will wrap up this series, and try to explain underlying ideas that helped me do so well.

Full disclosure: long SBS COP HP VLO CX

Average? I Like Average, if It?s My Average. (Part II)

Average? I Like Average, if It?s My Average. (Part II)

Finishing off the average 10, the slightly better 5…

Deltic Timber

Deltic Timber was an idea that I gleaned from Jim Grant.? They have a lot of timberland in the Southern US, a decent amount of which is next to Little Rock, Arkansas.? The land near Little Rock, once developed, could be quite valuable in a bull market for residential real estate.? I ended up selling because I lost confidence in the residential housing market.

Honda Motors

I still own Honda.? Does the world need cars?? Does the world need small cars?? Yes!? Is Honda cheaply valued?? Yes.? Can they beat the cost levels of Ford, GM, and Chrysler?? Yes.? I like Toyota as well, and have owned it in the past.? I have owned American auto part manufacturers, but never the automakers themselves; their credit quality is too low.

Mueller Industries

This is a case where I found a cheap industrial, bought it, and waited.? The price rose, and I concluded that I had cheaper opportunities, so I sold.? Also, their raw materials prices were going to rise…

American Power Conversion

American Power Conversion was a cheap tech stock with products that are difficult to obsolete.? Eventually I had cheaper investments to buy, and I sold.? This is another example of how the rebalancing discipline can turn a flat stock into extra profits.

Australia & New Zealand Banking

This seemed to be a cheap, well-run foreign bank so I bought some.? As with many of my average investments, I sold it to fund other more promising investments.

Summary of Part II

  • Rebalance your portfolio regularly to fixed weights.
  • Dividends matter.
  • Buy cheap.
  • Trade away for better opportunities when you find them.

It is important in investing to have something to compare investments against.? Make them compete against each other for your dollars, and be rigorous about it.? Don’t invest because “That sounds like a good idea,” rather, is it better than what you currently have?? Keep improving the quality of your portfolio, in terms of cheapness, quality, and future prospects.

Full disclosure: long HMC

Average?  I Like Average, if It’s My Average. (Part I)

Average? I Like Average, if It’s My Average. (Part I)

Okay, same drill as my pieces for my worst losses, but this time I chose the ten most average investments of mine in terms of dollars earned. Remember, one of my key disciplines is rebalancing.


Honeywell was short and simple. I felt it was out of favor, and I bought some. Six months later, I had cheaper stocks to buy, so Honeywell was gone.

Stone Energy

Stone Energy was a weird one. As you will note, the initial purchase and final sale prices aren’t that much different. Interim trading made a difference to the total return.

The stock popped after hurricane Katrina, and sagged quickly thereafter on an audit of proven reserves that came up light. The rebalancing discipline was a big help here.

Dow Chemical

Dow Chemical has two stories. First, dividends are valuable. Second, rebalancing adds value. Dow was a cheap stock that did not get respect, but I still made decent money off of its gyrations, and dividends.

Universal American Financial Corporation

This one is too early to tell. I still own it. Sometimes investments make significant money out of the gate. That is not often, in my experience. This is a little individual and group healthcare company that has gotten smashed over the merger integration. That is a relatively stable business, but small healthcare players have been harmed in the past. Insider buying here is a plus.

Aspen Insurance Holdings

Aspen was a relatively cheap reinsurer. I bought some and sold a chunk into a runup, and sold the rest as I concluded that I had better places to put money.

Summary of Part I

  • Rebalance your portfolio regularly to fixed weights.
  • Dividends matter.
  • Buy cheap.

If done consistently, these principles will raise your overall return, and reduce overall risk. Pretty good performance from a bunch of average stocks.

Full disclosure: long UAM

A Simpler Explanation for Bill Miller

A Simpler Explanation for Bill Miller

I sympathize with Bill Miller; no one likes to have a losing streak. That said, by my calculations, he is now behind the S&P 500 over the last ten years.

I want to offer a simple explanation as to why Bill Miller has done so poorly recently. First, he has bought growth companies — companies where the valuation is critically dependent on future earnings growth. Think of Amazon (a success) or Yahoo (a failure). Second, he avoided cyclical companies that benefit from global economic growth, that is, energy and basic materials.

Bill Miller did well in the era where he used simpler valuation metrics, before he moved onto metrics that demanded more from future growth of earnings. Since that time, he has underperformed, and deservedly so. He has neglected the core idea of value investing, which is the margin of safety. By buying companies that will get crushed if growth targets are not met, he has invited his own troubles.

And, for someone who prizes deep thinking, I’m afraid he missed the forest for the trees. (Tsst… MM is a bright guy, I like reading him, but what does he really add?) Better to spend a little time looking at the world, and adjust the investing accordingly, than to insist that a bunch of US-centric growth companies will outperform. Cyclical growth is real growth in this environment.

I hope Bill Miller turns it around because many friends of mine are part of the Baltimore money management community. As Legg Mason shrinks, so do opportunities here. But to turn it around, it means a return to down and dirty value investing, and an eye toward analyzing what sectors will do best from a global context.

Losing Money is Part of the Game (Part II)

Losing Money is Part of the Game (Part II)

Continuing on, here are losses six through ten:

Dana Corp

In some ways, this one was pure slop on my part.? In September 2005, I thought the setback in Dana’s auto parts business was temporary, and bought a little more.? After the second dose of bad news, I looked at the statements afresh and kicked myself.? How could I have missed the growing negative divergence between earnings and cash flow?? I waited a few days for a rally, and sold.? As it was, Dana filed for Chapter 11 in March 2006.? This could have been a lot worse for me.

David Merkel
Dana Files Chapter 11
3/3/2006 2:19 PM EST

How much can you lose on a $7 stock? Seven dollars. Dana (DCN:NYSE) just filed for bankruptcy, and trading is temporarily suspended. I think the common will get wiped out, so any long trades here are purely speculative. Unsecured debt is trading in the high $60s, so they look like they are the new owners of the company (but that’s just a guess).

Just another reason to not be afraid to take losses when you make a mistake. Same for PXRE Group (PXT:NYSE), which has continued to fall since my sales.

Don’t be afraid to take losses, if you know the situation is worse than the current price would indicate.

The common was wiped out when Dana recently emerged from bankruptcy in February of this year.? PXRE made out better, merging with Argonaut.

National Atlantic Holdings

I’ve written more than my share on NAHC, and for the good of my readers, probably too much.? Perhaps this one might be a good example of taking time to accumulate a position.? My average cost is $6.67, which means that if the deal goes through at $6.25, this isn’t one of my ten largest losses.? Tentatively, though, I plan on filing for appraisal rights if the deal goes through.

Consider the 1Q08 earnings conference call on Monday:

And we have a follow up from David Merkel with Finacorp Securities.
<Q – David Merkel>: Hi.? Sorry to trouble you, one follow up. It’s basically the questions I asked on the last call.? Your loss reserves, there’s nothing there in terms of future development that should have been reflected in the first quarter that isn’t there in the statements, and your bonds are stated at their fair market value to the best of your knowledge.? You’ve got a high-quality portfolio there.
<A – Frank Prudente>: Yes we do, David.? This is Frank Prudente. I’ll take the second part of your question first if you don’t mind.? Our portfolio remains to be very conservative and very high quality.? With the implementation of the new accounting standard we’re at Level 2 two for all of our available for sale securities.? So we continue to feel very comfortable about our investment portfolio.? And as Bruce alluded to earlier, we do a comprehensive actuarial analysis every quarter which is further validated by the review performed by our external auditors each and every quarter.? And what I can tell you is we base our estimates of loss and loss adjustment expense reserves based on all of the most relevant data we have available to us for each and every financial statement close process.
<Q – David Merkel>: Thanks, Frank. I appreciate that. Take care.
What that may mean to the court is that twice after the announcement of the merger, they publicly stated that their most variable assets and liabilities were correctly and conservatively stated on their balance sheet.? That means anyone receiving much less than book is not getting fair compensation.? This one is not over yet; I may get out of this one with a gain.? :(? (Dreamer…)
My failure here was not carefully evaluating the management team, and rely on my usual benchmark that a short-tail P&C company earning money, and trading below book is a good deal.

Vishay Intertechnology

I am still invested in Vishay.? It earns money, generates free cash flow, debt is being reduced, and the balance sheet looks decent.? The sorts of electronic components that they make will be difficult to make obsolete.? I still like the name; I don’t think this one will be a loss for me in the end.


Tellabs looked cheap and got cheaper.? Almost every small tech company was getting thrown out; valuations reached record low levels by the end of third quarter 2002.? Tellabs had disappointment after disappointment, and I concluded that if it couldn’t earn money, the book value was overstated.? I sold, and bought stocks that I thought have more promise.

That said, my rebalancing discipline allowed me to reduce the overall losses from this volatile stock.? I didn’t lose nearly as much as a buy-and-hold investor would have.

Deutsche Bank

This was a failure to integrate my overall markets view, and allowing short-term valuation issues to dominate my decision.? I thought the investment banks wouldn’t do well, but I thought Deutsche Bank might escape the troubles.? Well, I was wrong.? European institutions mimicked Wall Street to a higher degree than most would have expected.

My last buy was a rebalancing buy, but as results came in from other European banks, I ended up selling Deutsche Bank, and RBS as well.? Time will tell how smart that was… the investment banks of our world are tied together through counterparty exposure — to a degree, they succeed and fail as a group… that’s why the Fed bailed out Bear Stearns.

Summary of Part II

I’ll repeat what I said in part one, and add a little.

  • Don?t play with companies that have moderate credit quality during times of economic stress.
  • Measure credit quality not only by the balance sheet, but by the ability to generate free cash.
  • Spend more time trying to see whether management teams are competent or not.
  • Cut losses when your estimate of future profitability drops to levels that no longer justify holding the asset.

The next two articles in this series will be about investments that went right.? They should come soon.

Full disclosure: long NAHC VSH

Losing Money is Part of the Game (Part I)

Losing Money is Part of the Game (Part I)

I’ve been debating in my mind how I would write this piece. In the end, I just decided that I would tell it plain. Part of investing is losing money. There is a connection between willingness to lose money in the short run, and ability to make money in the long run. My experience has been that if you don’t take the risk of losing significant money, you don’t make significant money. Another way of saying it is that if you don’t blow one up every now and then, you’re not taking enough risk.

With that introduction, let me present my 10 worst losses since starting this strategy 7.7 years ago, beginning with the worst, and moving to progressively lesser losses. These ten losses comprise 55% of the total dollar value of losses since I started this strategy.

Deerfield Capital

What can I say?? My original thesis was that Deerfield was a mortgage REIT that did it right.? In spite of my negative real estate views, I did not think that the risk would extend all of the way to prime mortgage and Alt-A (no stated income) collateral.? Alas, my training as an actuary should have told me to avoid companies dependent on market confidence to maintain financing.? As the repo haircuts rose, free assets diminished, aand they had to collapse their balance sheet.? My main mistake was thinking that repo haircuts couldn’t get that high.? I was wrong. I finally sold when I thought the likelihood of insolvency was significant.

YRC Worldwide

I got in this one too early.? My industry models sometimes flash “cheap” when things will get cheaper.? Sometimes I have the sense to remember that.? This time I didn’t.? YRC has more debt than I would like, but it has a huge amount of upside when the economy turns.? Waiting for that turn could be fatal, but I continue to do so.? One other note: for the remainder of this piece — where my graphs say exit, it does not mean sale. For companies that I still owned at 4/30/2008, I market them down as “exited” because that is where my calculations end.

The jury is out on this one.? As with all of my investments, I try to analyze a company versus its likely future prospects.? I don’t care a lot about the past, I just try to analyze current price versus future prospects.? My estimate of future value warrants continued inclusion in the portfolio.


Catch a falling knife?? When there is fraud, I give other investors a pass.? As for me, I should have known better.? Cash flow was light relative to earnings — not a good sign.? Another warning sign ignored: avoid managements that are self-absorbed.? Dynegy and their investment banks had to kick in to fund a settlement.? (Note: it is only worth going through the settlement process when a deep third pocket gets tagged.? Most fraud cases are broke, and only the lawyers do well.)

I’m afraid that friends influenced me here; a number of people in my investment department owned Dynegy, and when I bought, e comment was “Welcome to the Dark Side.”? Dark? — better to say red ink. I can’t prevent being taken in by fraud, but I can minimize it if I focus on companies with strong cash generation.? It’s hard to fake free cash flow.

Jones Apparel Group

Again, my industry models flashed “Cheap” too soon.? Everything depends on whether Jones can turn their operating businesses around.? I think they have a chance, and given the recent sale of one of their subsidiaries, there is enough cash.? That said, I tend to worry when debt levels verge on high, and the debt maturities are near.? There is a new CEO, who was the old CFO.? At present, I still think there is value here, but I will take my loss before the end of 2008 if earnings results don’t turn.

Cable & Wireless plc

One of my ways of trying to make money is to buy strongly capitalized companies in an industry that is having troubles.? Well, the strength of C&W’s balance sheet was overstated; there was a bit of a fraud issue there.? And, I should have listened to Cody Willard, who e-mailed me before we really knew me, and said something to the effect of, “Yeah, they have a balance sheet, but no good businesses.? Can’t make money with that.”

Part I Summary

Every loss is stupid in hindsight.? We all get tempted to say “woulda, coulda, shoulda.”? But the same principles that led to my losses also led to my greatest gains.? Two articles from now in this series, I’ll go over those.? But it is best to lead with failure… we learn far more from our failures than our successes.? What are my lessons here?

  • Don’t play with companies that have moderate credit quality during times of economic stress.
  • Measure credit quality not only by the balance sheet, but by the ability to generate free cash.
  • Spend more time trying to see whether management teams are competent or not.

I’ll see if I can’t do better on these concepts in the future.

Full disclosure: long YRCW and JNY

Seven-Plus Years of Trading for the Broad Market Portfolio

Seven-Plus Years of Trading for the Broad Market Portfolio

If you ask me what is more fundamental to me — am I an economist or and an investor? I will tell you that I am an investor. At present for my work I am putting together a pitch book for my company detailing my value investing for potential clients. In the process of doing that, I decided to analyze all of my investments over the past 7+ years, in an effort to find some stories that are representative of my money management methods (both good and bad).

In order to get those stories, I had to download and clean all of my transactions over the past 7+ years, and then calculate the internal rate of return on each stock that I bought over the period. I still haven’t written the stories, and would appreciate advice from readers as to which stocks to use.

As I did my analysis, I learned a few things:

  • Over the 7+ years, I have owned 186 stocks.
  • Slightly more than 75% of my investments have been profitable.
  • My average holding period has been 503 days.
  • I have hit some home runs, and hit into triple plays.
  • My top 11 gains pay for all of my losers.
  • My cumulative profits comprise more than two-thirds of my assets.

Holding Period

Now, on this graph, the days are averages, so zero represents 0-50 days, 100 represents 50-150 days, etc. As you can see, I occasionally trade (though usually not intentionally) , but most of the time I invest.

Internal Rates of Return
What is an internal rate of return [IRR]? It is the constant rate one earns on an investment from start to finish. It is a way of averaging out all of the cash flows, and annualizing the result, so that it can be compared against other investments. Here is a histogram of the internal rates of return on my investments:

But, IRRs can be misleading. A small gain/loss in a short period of time can result in large absolute IRRs. That’s why I decided to create the imperfect concept of the pseudo-cumulative return. Suppose you earned the IRR over the full length of the investment? What would the cumulative return be?

Now, those who have followed me for a while know that my rebalancing discipline forces me to buy or sell after large moves. The pseudo-cumulative return usually overstates my return, because I sold on the way up, and bought on the way down.

The above graph, tough as it is to interpret, gives a reasonable idea of how my investments have worked. Most of my investments last for a few years, some more, some less. I have tended to make money pretty regularly, but I have had some real stinkers. I’ll pick up on that theme in my next post on Monday.

Why Do I Blog?

Why Do I Blog?

I thought Felix Salmon did an excellent job on this post regarding economics blogging. His correspondent proposes standards for and a reward to be handed out to the best bloggers. Felix declines. I decline as well, which I will detail later. There are already ways for financial bloggers to be distinguished against one another:

  • What’s the Alexa, Technorati, and Quantcast rankings of your site?
  • Do journalists call you to talk about financial issues? (Happens to me a lot.) Do you get mentioned in the paper? (Uh, not so much… the copy editors leave me on the cutting room floor…)
  • If someone Googles a given term, where do you show up?
  • How many hits do you get per day? How many subscribe to your RSS feed? E-mail feed? Seeking Alpha? Other?
  • Do you get mentioned by Abnormal Returns? The Kirk Report? Other linkfests?

The thing is, the web is a very competitive environment, with a lot of bright people. Switching on the web is easier newspapers or magazines.

But why do I blog? Let me answer that with a different question, “Why did/do I write for RealMoney?” Well, it’s not for the money, though I would earn more if I submitted my articles to RealMoney rather than placing them at my blog. I like explaining concepts to people and seeing the light go on. I like hearing that someone made a better investment decision because of my educational writings. I also enjoy the challenge of trying to tease out conclusions from dirty data, using an approach that is eclectic.

Oh, and the money? Sorry, not much there. Though my blog costs me $200/year, it makes roughly $1000/year. The $800/year of profit is not enough to compensate me for my time; given the time required, I’m not sure what would be enough. I don’t do it for the money; I do it for the audience. (I would make more if I submitted it all to RealMoney, but then the audience would not be as wide, and I would not be building my brand.)

Now some bloggers are anonymous. I will mention Equity Private and Accrued Interest. Both know their stuff, and they aren’t pulling anyone’s chains. If someone writes anonymously, and does not know their stuff, their readership will not grow, because it will become known through the comments at the blog — it will not appeal to the intelligent commenters that help build an audience.

Blogging is in many ways tougher than being a young journalist. A blogger starts with no audience, whereas a young journalist has an audience from the publication. The young journalist will be guided in what to write about by his superiors, and will automatically get edited. The blogger has to figure out what he can adequately say, and whether anyone really wants to read him. The young journalist will have discipline imposed on him, whereas most successful bloggers have to develop their own discipline — one consistent with their posting style and frequency. Blog audiences decay rapidly with lack of attention, and there is a lot of competition to be heard. Journalists succeed or fail as a group, and the individual journalist does not have a lot of effect on that.

That last point should be changed to when journalistic organizations succeed or fail, the journalists inside tag along. Their competition does not primarily come from bloggers, but from Craigslist (classified ads), Google (targeted advertising), Ebay (targeted consumer to consumer sales), and Monster (Job ads and applicants), which dries up the real revenue streams. Plus, the younger demographic does not as easily pay for print subscriptions.

One other note — many popular bloggers realize that they could become a lot more popular if they head off in a sensationalistic direction, and a few do, with some cost to the truth. They do their readers little service. What I have stared down is that I could write only about stock investing ideas, and my site would be more popular. But those are far less certain than what I write about. I feel comfortable talking about my portfolio, which is over at, but individual ideas, particularly the controversial ones, have a lower probability of being correct.

Blogging is easier than being a journalist if you don’t care about being read. Anyone can go to Blogger or Typepad (among others), and start a blog in minutes. It is those bloggers who have something significant to say who will end up with an audience. I thank my audience that reads me regularly; I only hope that I can continue to be worthy of your time.

PS — I recently submitted my blog to, and the editor did not think that much of my blog. If you have a strong opinion about me, positive or negative, perhaps you could write a review. Again, thanks.

Rising Prices, Rising Crises

Rising Prices, Rising Crises

Every now and then, my hyperactive mind runs the film of the Federal Reserve changing its policy, and an unexpected chain of events happens, triggering a war a long way away. Sound farfetched? US monetary policy with its unending bias toward stimulus, since we are the global reserve currency (for now), pushes inflation out into the countries that lend to us and into the commodity markets as well. (What do you expect from a negative real interest rate?) This has political impacts as the prices for energy, food , and related goods rise.

Nigeria is a basket case because of the light sweet crude buried there. Venezuela gets its share of troubles because nationalized oil gives extra power to their government. Same for Russia, though the politics are different. Now there might be a movement for autonomy in the part of Bolivia where the natural gas is located. I sometimes think that Iran will have internal difficulties once their oil production falls to the degree that they can no longer subsidize their populace.

These are some of the difficulties driven in part by rising energy prices. Now, even in the US rising energy prices pinch. Summer travel will be less (though I will still take my family to the 50th anniversary of my parents — I expect to spend at least $600 on gas… cheaper than plane fare.)

Now, some allege that the energy markets are being manipulated. It is impossible to manipulate a resource market successfully over a long period. The Hunt Brothers learned that on the silver market, and OPEC learned that in the mid-80s on energy. Our government should not worry about the energy market getting manipulated. It can’t be done over the intermediate-term. Here’s one (of many) reasons why: when the price rises, new sources of supply show up, even the recovery of marginal amounts of energy in places where it was too expensive to extract.

Food and energy inflation are linked in several ways:

Rationing of rice and other staples is happening globally, even in the US to a limited degree. Personally, I think it will lead to higher prices still and a lot more planting (on land previously considered marginal) for food, not energy purposes.

There are other spillover effects in the US, whether it is pricing/portions in restaurants, or the general rise in price for meats that may come. Remember the meat shortage in the 70s? (Ugh, I am dating myself…) First grain prices rose. Then, ranchers culled their herds/flocks. Meat prices fell. (That may be where we are now.) Once the excess meat was purchased, meat prices rose as well, creating the “meat shortage.”

My endgame for the foolishness for the past 20 years has resembled a repeat of the 1970s, minus country music, truckers being cool, disco, etc. It will have its difficulties; just be grateful to God that you don’t live in Nigeria, or any other place that is coming under stress that is eve n more severe.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira