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Using Life Insurance Products to Fund Long-Term Needs

Using Life Insurance Products to Fund Long-Term Needs

I have noted recently a number of advertisements offering risk-free investing.? When I dig into them, they are selling life insurance and annuities.? They claim high rates of return with virtually no risk.? Here are the problems:

  • Life insurers have come off of 3+ decades of falling interest rates, portfolio yields are high relative to what you can get in the market today.? Some insurers may show above average rates, but if enough take advantage of them, the rates will fall to market levels.
  • Commissions to agents are relatively high, which has two effects: 1) less investment performance goes to the insured, and more to the agent, and 2) High surrender charges.? If you ever need your money in full, you will never get it back from an insurance contract.
  • People have forgotten the 1970s, with rising interest rates, where many insurers were near bankruptcy, and on a market value basis, many were technically bankrupt.
  • Life insurers that have written a lot of variable business or a lot of indexed business have taken on a lot of hidden equity risk.? Imagine a Great Depression scenario, where equities fall 90% over 3 years, and it takes 20 years more for values to recover.? Guess what?? Virtually all of the life insurance industry dies, whereas most survived the Great Depression.
  • From Mutual Insurers, life insurance dividends are not guaranteed.? In a real crisis, dividend scales could drop to zero.? The insurance you thought was free regains a price.
  • Equity indexed products rarely return well.? When I analyzed them back in the early 2000s, T-bill yields were the result of my models.? Today, T-bill yields are so low that the returns must be better.? That said, you will have to accept low returns versus a long surrender charge.

Insurance is meant for protection, not savings.? It is also meant for scamming the tax man, especially with respect to estate taxes.

Just be wary here, I’m not naming names, because many of these parties are litigious, another sign of weakness.? But there is no “one size fits all” method for Wealth Management.? One of my clients recently complimented me because I don’t try to get all of the assets of a client.? Indeed, I want my clients to feel that they have chosen me for their purposes.? I do not want them to allocate more to me than they are comfortable allocating.

So, be aware of the limitations inherent in life insurance products.? And when you hear that something is virtually risk-free, take a step back and hold onto your wallet.? Nothing is risk-free.? Even with the guaranty funds backing the insurers, the full value of large policies is not guaranteed, much like large depositors in the banks.

The regulation of the solvency of life insurers has been better than that of banks for the last 30 years, but it hasn’t been perfect.? I was on the takeover team that tried to have AIG to take over the Equitable.? AXA overbid, and bought a bad situation just as it was about to turn.

As for AIG, some of those promoting insurance products say that AIG’s life insurance subsidiaries did not need a bailout in the crisis.? That was false, because of the securities lending agreements, and a few other things.? Most of the domestic life companies of AIG received bailout money.

The good record of life insurance lack of default over the last 30 years is the result of three things:

  • Falling interest rates
  • Better solvency regulation than banks
  • AIG’s life insurance subsidiaries were bailed out.

Be diversified, and don’t use just one set of entities to fund your retirement.? Using only insurers runs a lot of regulatory and taxation risk.? A future government may find clever ways to undo the clever tax avoidance that has been achieved there so far.? Spread your regulatory risk.? If you are wealthy enough, spread out your country risk, but be wary as you do so.? Who will support the rule of law better than the US?? Where will governments not tap assets under custody in a crisis?? Remember Cyprus.? It will not be the last place where assets are expropriated for the good of locals, even if locals got hurt as well.


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Market Impact

  • Gold Buyers Throng Indian Stores for Second Week on Rally Physical gold is receiving much attention, futures not $$ Apr 26, 2013
  • Renaissance Funds Take a Tumble Hedge Funds in aggregate r2 large &2 similar. They r an inferior way 2 invest. $$ Apr 26, 2013
  • Investors Say No to Sallie Mae Bond Deal Another sign of bad credit building up $$ Apr 26, 2013
  • Silver ? The Poor Man?s Gold Crossing Wall Street @eddyelfenbein retells the attempted corner on silver story $$ Apr 25, 2013
  • Cleveland Fed leads in measuring stress Aggregate financial stress gauge measures current risks daily $$ #kicksthevix Apr 24, 2013
  • Emerging-Market Returns Unhinge From Developed Perhaps a sign that the risk trade is getting past the peak $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • TradeBots, Social Media Form Volatile Combination U mean u can’t trust everything u read on Twitter? $$ #scandal Apr 24, 2013
  • Watchdog: Banks R Still Too Intertwined TBTF not solved, mortgage assistance may have harmed more ppl than helped $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Pimco?s Rising Stars Pull in Money for Future After Gross Pimco is a quant bond shop; not reliant on 1 person $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Hulbert on Investing: How to Time the Market Value Line’s Median Appreciation Potential is 50%; yellow/red light $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Hedge funds: Launch bad Breaking into the hedge-fund world is harder than before, fees coming down, game 2 tough $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Apollo-to-Goldman Embracing Insurers Spurs State Concerns Newcomers to life insurance invest more aggressively $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Reminds me of bad old days of life insurance investing, thinking the old rules don’t apply, using novel capital structures & investments $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • BTW, the bad old days were 1982-2002. Other similarities r the use of too much leverage & scrimping on actuarial/other specialty talent $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Why Does Financial Innovation Sometimes Make System Riskier? something new to wager on, can amplify bets elsewhere $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Other reasons ? regulatory arbitrage, relief frm accounting rules, tax advantages, agency problems (heads I win, tails the company loses) $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • JPMorgan Said to Plan CMBS Deal With Sales at Post-Crisis Peak If u could borrow @ ~4%, u might buy commercial RE2 $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • Lurching Gold ETF Veers From Metal Most in Year Amid Selloff Less of a factor now, as $GLD is trading near NAV $$ Apr 21, 2013
  • Gold slide flashes warning signs for global economy Significant but just one sign, Long US Tsys have also rallied $$ Apr 21, 2013


Rest of the World

  • Japan?s Investment Banks Once Ugly Sisters Turn Into Cinderellas When finance is expanding, it is not prosperity $$ Apr 26, 2013
  • The Poverty Lie: How Europe’s Crisis Countries Hide their Wealth Germany getting restive over requests 4 bailouts $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • After the Flash Crash Andy Xie bullish on Agriculture & Gold, bearish on Japanese monetary policy $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Xinhua: Overcapacity troubles Chinese economy, reform needed 2 much investment in heavy industries 4 export $$ #Japan Apr 24, 2013
  • Bernanke Peer Quits in Sweden as Inflation Targeting Tested Apostle of salvation via inflation finally quits $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Spain’s population falls as immigrants flee crisis Foreigners came in good times, now leave in hard times $$ #byebye Apr 24, 2013
  • China alert to debt risk fears Local governments keep borrowing $$ & selling land; how will it get paid back? Apr 24, 2013
  • Greece’s great fire sale Selling pristine beaches to palaces, entire islands & its London embassy $$ #regretitlater Apr 24, 2013
  • Inside Merkel’s Bet Merkel pushes dirty work to the Troika, stays popular in Germany resisting bailouts 4 fringe $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Japan’s population suffers biggest fall in history Japan, Germany, China, Russia lose vitality as populations drop $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Why the US is looking to Germany With their labor market, the US is suffering from a rising case of ?German envy? $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • China?s cooldown: Charting a new path for commodities Feels like the global economy is slowing, debt-heavy $$ #soggy Apr 22, 2013



  • Jim Grant on the Most Undervalued Stocks Someone must have given him a double-shot of espresso b4 this lively chat $$ Apr 25, 2013
  • Few $1-Salary CEOs Make a Buck as Ellison Gets $96MM Avg comp 4 S&P500 CEO is $1.1MM, which sounds low $$ #avoidenvy Apr 25, 2013
  • Verizon-Vodafone Chatter Picks Up Again – Corporate Intelligence $VZ should buy $VOD , &sell off what it doesn?t want Apr 25, 2013
  • Last tweet full disclosure: long $VOD Apr 25, 2013
  • Apple, the Fed and the financial fallacy @jamessaft compares the Fed’s & $AAPL ‘s willingness2dabble in fin’l mkts $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Illinois Tool Works’ Plan Faces Major Test Probably being done 2 meet management ROE incentives $$ $ITW #wouldnotdoit Apr 24, 2013
  • Netflix Shows It Pays to Buy Index Flotsam – Focus on Funds Index departees often rally hard after forced selling $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • He?s Not Short: Dude Likely Cheered On IBM Plunge Warren the wonderful has $$ 2 reinvest, likely buying more $IBM Apr 24, 2013
  • U.S. Aid Drove Fisker to Overreach It would b cheaper 4 the Govt 2 finance alt energy research, no companies $$ #duds Apr 24, 2013
  • Hewlett-Packard and Its Obstinate Director Easier 2 toss out a sitting congressman than a public company director $$ Apr 22, 2013
  • More than 90 pct of NY, NJ Sandy claims settled -trade group 3rd largest loss event in real $$ terms v Katrina,Andrew Apr 22, 2013



  • Wrong: Health Insurance Actuaries In the Hot Seat On ?Rate Shock? Actuaries r generally honest, unlike politicians $$ Apr 25, 2013
  • Wrong: Boston and the Un-Bush Obama is Bush-plus. That doesn’t make it right. Free societies take losses $$ Apr 25, 2013


US Politics & Economics

  • It’s A Bit Early To Declare A Winner In The Economic Debate High debt levels do slow growth; they create uncertainty Apr 26, 2013
  • Bombing Victims Get Millions as Internet Redefines Giving It works 4 now, b/c it’s new. Donor fatigue will set in $$ Apr 25, 2013
  • Americans Paying Up Wherever They Reside Beseech Congress Congress forgets expatriates, IRS remembers $$ #youlose Apr 24, 2013
  • Rand Paul Tries to Transform a Moment Into a Movement Libertarianism rarely wins in the US; here goes another try $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Deflation – A Three Act Play Fed’s lengthy battle w/deflation 2 weaken the $$ & rejuvenate inflation expectations Apr 24, 2013




  • If u want 2learn best tonality 4 your voice, sing the highest note u can clearly, then the lowest note, best tone is 25% from low 2 high $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Changing the Sound of Your Voice The quality of your voice affects how people perceive u; retraining can help $$ Apr 24, 2013
  • Chili Peppers Seen Helping 36 Million Migraine Sufferers This is the next hot idea in pharmaceuticals $$ #sorryihadto Apr 22, 2013


Replies, Retweets & Comments

  • Thx 4 realspeak $$ RT @jckhewitt: but you don’t understand man. They made a spreadsheet error. Infinite debt is infinity plusgood now. Apr 26, 2013
  • Not surprising, almost all fail for lack of volume $$ $MKTX RT @Alea_: BlackRock Crossing Bond Platform KAPUT Apr 25, 2013
  • @AppFlyer Capital needed to escape one’s country during times of panic to obtain a safe life in the US Apr 25, 2013
  • @VCEO_Vision I am a life actuary by training. Living benefits r not adequately reserved, & r improperly priced; regulators should ban them Apr 25, 2013
  • “Not only was it short, it was small.” ? David_Merkel Regarding the twitter “Flash crash” Apr 25, 2013
  • ‘ @timmelvin @TimABRussell MD searches 4 $$ , then 4 a justification; more imperial overreach in the People’s Republic of MD #raintax Apr 24, 2013
  • ‘@dpinsen @EddyElfenbein Here’s my article on the topic: At the end I conclude that 1.5x growth is the outer limit $$ Apr 23, 2013
  • Owners of bank common stocks RT @MattGoldstein26: This CSFI, Cleveland financial stress index, is fascinating stuff. So who is shorting it? Apr 23, 2013
  • @kyith I would never buy a dread disease policy; typically the claim pmt/premiums ratio is low. People overestimate incidence Apr 22, 2013
  • @fundmyfund My wife says @theEconomist always tries to save money on pictures by using funny captions $$ “Plan B for finding seed capital” Apr 22, 2013
  • RT @Galrahn: One terrorist had over 1,000,000+ Americans across 100+ square miles hiding in houses for safety. Boston is how not to do Home? Apr 22, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 22 retweets received, 4 new listings, 67 new followers, 25 mentions. Via: Apr 25, 2013


On High Short Interest Ratios

On High Short Interest Ratios

Two of my 35 stocks have short interest ratios over 10 days.? [Short interest ratio = amount of shares shorted / average daily volume]

I look at this statistic, and force myself to re-examine companies where the ratio is over 10.? Maybe there is something that I don’t know.

The two stocks in question are Stancorp Financial and National Western Life Insurance.? The short cases for both are based on a naive view of how insurance companies work.

Stancorp is a disability insurer.? Disability insurers often do badly in a recession because disability claims increase — people who are unemployed claim they are disabled.

There are two models for disability insurance: 1) Underwrite carefully, and pay all legitimate claims. 2) Accept all business, but when claims come in litigate with vigor.

Stancorp follows the first model.? I would never own an insurer that followed the second model, it is dishonest, and it is bad business.

Because Stancorp does its risk management up front, it does not get the same degree of unemployment masquerading as disability claims.? But the shorts don’t get this.? Thus the short interest ratio near 20.

Doesn’t bother me.? This is a undervalued company with a quality management team.? Low debt.? Sustainable competitive advantages in its niches.? One nice thing about being a knowledgeable insurance investor is that you can get a firm grip on the nature of the management teams, and invest in the good ones when they are out of favor.

With National Western, the short interest ratio is near 11.? Admittedly, it is an unusual company.? No analysts. Large controlling shareholder.? Hasn’t lost money in over 10 years.? Trades at less than 40% of adjusted book value.? Sells insurance policies to foreigners who want flight capital.

With interest rates falling, some shorts think some insurers will have difficulty meeting policy interest guarantees.? From my view, that is not the case with National Western, they have a large amount of long bonds to protect the guarantees.

Thus I say to the shorts: short all you want.? You will be buyers at higher levels.

Full disclosure: long NWLI and SFG for my clients and me

Classic: Get to Know the Holders’ Hands, Part 1

Classic: Get to Know the Holders’ Hands, Part 1

Note: this was published at RealMoney on 7/1/2004.? This was part three of a? four part series. Part One is lost but was given the lousy title: Managing Liability Affects Stocks, Pt. 1.? If you have a copy, send it to me.

Fortunately, these were the best three of the four articles.


Investing Strategies

Different investor groups in the market have different patterns of funding and disbursement.

Understand those patterns to read market action more clearly and see what trends might emerge.


Recently, the firm I work for held a large amount of the common stock of Phoenix (PNX:NYSE). As the stock rallied, I kept moving out my sell target, because the technicals on the stock were so compelling. There were no analysts saying buy, there were a few saying sell and the short interest was high. The company was doing all the right things and the stock had great price momentum, but the valuation was just too high. I wanted to sell, but I couldn’t figure out when.

Finally, on Feb. 21, the stock price began to rally on no news. Going to the message boards, I discovered that there was a momentum investor with a radio show who was making one of his occasional television appearances, and was touting Phoenix. I went to our trader and said that we had our chance. There was a group of valuation-insensitive buyers buying the stock with abandon. I said, “Ride the ask [offer stock at the asking price], and if you get any thick bids near the ask, hit them.” (Read: If there are aggressive large bidders, sell to them at their level.) We sold our position in two weeks, without disturbing the market; we were able to get an average price of about $14.25. (Our trader is top-notch.) Today the price of Phoenix is about 15% lower. The momentum investors choked on the stock that we (and others) fed them.

Why did this work for us? We understood two aspects of how Phoenix traded very well: the fundamentals and technicals. The fundamentals taught us what fair value should be, but the technicals taught us how investors would react to movements in the stock price.

Every investor has a mode of funding and a mode of disbursement. The funding and disbursement modes affect how long and under what conditions an investor wants to, or is able to, hold his position. Some examples will illustrate general principles of these modes. I will describe the ways that various classes of investors fund their investments, how their investments are held, how they are liquidated and how all of this affects what kinds of investments they can use from both an asset class and liquidity standpoint. I also will attempt to explain how the behavior of some classes of investors can become temporarily self-reinforcing, leading to booms and busts.? Finally, I will try to give some practical advice along the way as to how you can benefit from the behaviors of different classes of investors.


1. Banks and Other Depositary Institutions

Banks make promises to depositors. Some of these promises are absolute; some are contingent on external events. Bank regulations exist to make the keeping of the promises more certain (or, in modern times, keep the guarantee funds solvent). Banks have to keep adequate capital on hand to provide a margin of safety against insolvency. The amount of capital varies on the immediacy with which deposits may be withdrawn, the degree of equity/credit risk of the assets and how well the asset cash flows are matched to the liability cash flows.

Liquid assets must be set aside to meet the amount of funds that may be withdrawn immediately with little or no penalty. The more that is set aside, the lower the risk and the lower the profit. If the assets are materially longer or contain more equity risk than a money-market-like investment, there may be a loss when the assets are liquidated to pay off depositors. In general, the cash flows of assets must be matched to the liabilities that fund them, at least in aggregate.

This biases banks to hold primarily short- to intermediate-term, high-quality fixed-income assets: bonds, loans, mortgages and mortgage-backed securities. These are generally safe investments, but banks are fairly leveraged institutions. If the market moves against their investments and their capital cushion gets eroded to the point where their ability to operate becomes questionable to regulators (or customers), the banks might be forced to sell investments into a falling market in order to preserve solvency.

The first motive of a financial institution is to survive; the second is to profit. When the first motive is threatened, even if there is a good possibility that the institution will survive and make more money if it retains the assets that now are perceived as risky, in general, the risky assets will get sold to assure survival at the cost of current profitability.

To return to a concept I discussed in the first column I wrote for RealMoney, Valuing Financial Slack in the Steel Sector, banks with a high degree of leverage relative to the overall riskiness of their assets and liabilities possess little in the way of financial slack. Volatility in the markets that cuts against their position harms such companies. They end up becoming forced sellers and buyers.

Banks with financial slack can enjoy volatility. When the markets are dislocated, they can make room on their balance sheets to wave in securities that are distressed and temporarily trading below intrinsic value. During times of volatility, the strong benefit at the expense of the weak, whereas weak firms outperform during periods of stability. As an example, after the real estate crisis in 1989-1992, the banks that did the best over the whole cycle were those that did not become overleveraged, did not over-lend to marginal credits and had diversified operations. During the crisis, they had the flexibility to lend in situations of their choosing at favorable yields.


2. Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are like banks but generally have longer funding bases and typically run at a higher ratio of surplus to assets. Insurance companies typically have more ways to lose money than banks, and potential cash flow mismatches in the longer liability structure require more capital to fund potential losses. In principle, the higher surplus levels and the longer liabilities should allow for investment in longer-duration assets like equities, but the regulations make that difficult. Surplus is limited; what gets used for equities can’t be used for underwriting.

As a counterexample, consider what happened to the European insurance industry in 2002. European insurers are allowed to invest much more in equities than their U.S. counterparts can. (Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A:NYSE) is an interesting exception here.) As the bull market of the 1990s came to an end, European insurers found themselves flush with surplus from years of excellent stock-market returns, and adequate, if declining, underwriting performance. The fat years had led to sloppiness in underwriting from 1997 to 2001.

During the bull market, many of the European insurers let their bets ride and did not significantly rebalance away from equities. Running asset policies that were, in hindsight, very aggressive, they came into a period from 2000 to 2002 that would qualify as the perfect storm: large underwriting losses, losses in the equity and corporate bond markets and rating agencies on the warpath, downgrading newly weak companies at a time when higher ratings would have helped cash flow. In mid-2002, their regulators delivered the coup de grace, ordering the European insurers to sell their now-depressed stocks and bonds into a falling market. Sell they did, buying safer bonds with the proceeds. Their forced selling put in the bottom of the stock and corporate bond markets in September and October of 2002. Investors with sufficient financial slack, like Warren Buffett, were able to wave in assets at bargain prices.

This principle may be articulated more broadly as, “The tightest constraint dominates investment policy.” As an example, an insurer that already was at a full allocation on junk bonds could not take advantage of the depressed levels in the junk bond markets; such investors were biting their nails, wondering if they would make it through alive. Another example occurred in 1994, when the most volatile residential mortgage bonds were blowing up. Insurance companies that had a full allocation to that class could not buy more when prices were at their most attractive. Companies and investors that rarely bought the “toxic waste” of the residential mortgage bond market began scooping up bonds at discounts unimaginable previously. A number of flexible investors, including St. Paul (now St. Paul Travelers) and Marty Whitman both ventured outside their ordinary investment habitats to benefit from the crisis.


3. Defined Benefit Pension Plan

Defined benefit plans need cash to fund payments to beneficiaries. The amount and timing of the benefit payments vary with plan demographics (sex, age and income), physical roughness of the industry and the specific plan provisions (e.g., late retirement, early retirement, etc.). Inflows to DB plans depend on funding levels and the financial health of the company sponsoring the plan. For an individual DB plan, the cash inflow and outflow characteristics will help determine the plan’s asset allocation, together with the risk tolerance of the plan sponsor.? The more risk-averse a plan is, the less capable it is of funding inflows, and the older the plan’s participant population, the larger the proportion of assets that will go into bonds and other safer investments.

For all DB plans in aggregate, though, the cash flow and demographic characteristics mirror those of the Old Economy. DB plans were created back in the days when the relationships between employer and employed were more fixed than they are now. In the current era of more short-lived employment relationships and with the average age of participants in DB plans rising, these plans face several challenges:

  1. Net cash outflows are getting closer.
  2. There are fewer cash inflows.
  3. Plans are being terminated (or converted to cash balance plans) due to cost, economic weakness and inflexibility.

DB plans are major holders of equity and debt in the U.S., but they are not as great a force as they once were.? Defined contribution plans (i.e. 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.) are bigger now. The relative decline and aging of DB plans has had, and will continue to have, two effects in the market. First, because of aging, there will be a greater relative demand for bonds. Second, DB plans have always had a long investment time horizon. That is shrinking now. DB plans tend to resist trends in the market; they tend to rebalance to a fixed asset allocation, which leads them to buy low and sell high. DB plans were the ones selling equities in March 2000 and buying in October 2002; their rebalancing strategies insured that. As DB plans become a smaller fraction of the investor base, markets will become more volatile due to the reduction in long-horizon capital in the market.


4. Endowments

Endowments plan to survive forever. Forever is a tough mandate.

Inflows to endowments are uncertain, and outflows are fairly constant. They have spending formulas, the most common of which has the charity spending a constant percentage each year, usually 4% to 6% of the endowment. (In the old days, say 10 years ago, most formulas allowed charities to spend income, which was defined as dividends plus net capital gains.) Within these constraints, endowments behave like defined benefit plans.


5. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds do not face any fixed funding or disbursement. Their flows come from retail money chasing past performance. Managers that do well face the blessing of attracting more funds, which they hope will not dilute their returns. Managers that do poorly have funds withdrawn from them, forcing them to liquidate investments that they otherwise think are promising. If a manager is a big enough investor in a given company’s stock (think of Janus’ concentrated portfolios), this can have the effect of worsening performance as liquidation goes on, or boosting the already good performance of managers that are receiving cash inflows to a concentrated fund.

These tendencies become more pronounced the better or worse that performance gets. When performance is near the median level, say, within the second and third quartiles, performance-driven fund flows are small. For many mutual fund managers, this gives them the incentive to never drift too far away from the benchmark, whether that is an equity index or an average portfolio of peers. There is safety in the pack, even if there might be more grass to eat further from the herd. It is rare for a mutual fund manager to be fired for being mediocre.


6. Index Funds

What is true of regular mutual funds is also true of index funds, but the difference between the two helps illuminate a basic idea on demographics. Aside from taking market share away from active managers, when do index funds receive and disburse funds? The answer lies mainly in the demographics of investors.

When investors are younger, they invest surplus cash. When they are older, particularly after retirement, they liquidate investments to generate cash. Given the demographics in the U.S., the excess return for merely belonging to the S&P 500 has been roughly 4% per year over the past 15 years; index funds have received disproportionate large inflows relative to the market as a whole. Aside from that, in aggregate, active equity managers benchmark to something that approximates the S&P 500. Belonging to the S&P 500 ensures a continuing flow of capital.

Or does it? What will happen near 2020, when aggregate investment behavior changes from saving to liquidation?? Belonging to major indices may not have the same cachet as investors liquidate their holdings to fund present needs. What was 4% positive in the 1990s could become 4% negative in the 2020s, absent a continuing move toward passive investing.

I don’t have a firm answer here, but I do have suspicions. I would be cautious of too much index exposure 15 years from now, to the extent it can be avoided. (And of course, this will be anticipated several years before the flows turn negative.)


7. Unleveraged Private Investors

Sometimes private investors feel disadvantaged vs. larger institutional players, but there are advantages that unleveraged private investors have that institutional players often don’t: the abilities to invest for the long term, concentrate and do nothing.

Institutional investors are subject to the tyranny of constant measurement because they manage money for others. As I have noted before, measurement affects how a manager invests, particularly when it might affect the amount of assets under management, or the receipt of incentive fees. This encourages managers to be both short-term in their orientation and more like an index. It also encourages hyperactivity; clients often expect a manager to make changes to the portfolio even when doing nothing could be the most prudent policy.

Unleveraged private investors can make aggressive investment decisions. They can concentrate their portfolios or consider more esoteric areas of the market. They also can back away from the market if they feel that opportunities are absent. Finally, they can buy and hold, which is not always an option for institutions. They can’t always ride out long but temporary dips in the price of an asset.

That an unleveraged private investor can do these things doesn’t mean he should. Using these advantages presumes a level of expertise in the market well in excess of the average investor. Most investors are average and should index. Those with skill should use it to their maximum advantage, realizing that they are taking their own financial life in their hands; the risks to such an approach are significant, but the same is true of the rewards.

Unleveraged private investors have needs for cash. Some will need it for college, retirement, a second home, etc.? The sooner that an investor will need to liquidate a significant portion of his portfolio, the more conservative the portfolio must be to achieve those spending goals. Looking at private investors in aggregate, this would mean that as the baby boomers approach and enter retirement, there might be a tendency for the overall willingness to take risk in the markets to decline. Also, once the baby boomers are in retirement, assets will have to be liquidated to support them, which will be a drag on the markets at that time.


In the second part of this column, I will describe how the funding and disbursement modes of three more key groups of investors affect the market, \and how balance sheet players and total return players further mix up the market forces. I’ll also use the Long Term Capital Management crisis to illustrate how illiquidity can shape and shake the market.

Classic: Avoid the Dangers of Data-Mining, Part 2

Classic: Avoid the Dangers of Data-Mining, Part 2

The following was published on 6/1/2004 at




Investing Strategies


Models that work well on data about the past may not work in the future.

Check methods for weak points, like overfitting or ignoring illiquidity or business relationships.

Keep in mind some practical considerations when testing a theory.


Other Areas of Data-Mining


In 1992-1993, there were a number of bright investors who had “picked the lock” of the residential?mortgage-backed securities market. Many of them had estimated complex multifactor relationships that allowed them to estimate the likely amount of mortgage prepayment within mortgage pools.

Armed with that knowledge, they bought some of the riskiest securities backed by portions of the cash flows from the pools. They probably estimated the past relationships properly, but the models failed when no-cost prepayment became common, and failed again when the Federal Reserve raised rates aggressively in 1994. The failures were astounding: David Askin’s hedge funds, Orange County, the funds at Piper Jaffray that Worth Bruntjen managed, some small life insurers, etc. If that wasn’t enough, there were many major financial institutions that dropped billions on this trade without failing.

What’s the lesson? Models that worked well in the past might not work so well in the future, particularly at high degrees of leverage. Small deviations from what made the relationship work in the past can be amplified by leverage into huge disasters.

I recommend Victor Niederhoffer and Laurel Kenner’s book, Practical Speculation, because the first half of the book is very good at debunking data-mining. But it also mines data on occasion. In Chapter 9, for example, the authors test methods to improve on buying and holding the index over long periods by adjusting position sizes based off of the results of prior years. Enough results were tested that it was likely that one of them might show something that would have worked in the past. My guess is that the significant results there are a statistical fluke and may not work in the future. The results did not work in the recent 2000-2002 downturn.

As an aside, one of the reasons Niederhoffer’s hedge fund blew up is that he placed too much trust in the idea that the data could tell him what events could not happen. The market has a funny way of doing what everyone “knows” it can’t, particularly when a majority of market participants rely on an event not happening. In this case, Niederhoffer knew that when U.S. banks fall by 90% in price and survive, typically they are a good value. Applying that same insight to banks in Thailand demanded too much of the data, and was fatal to his funds.

What to Watch Out for

Investors who are aware of data-mining and its dangers can spot trouble when they review quantitative analyses by looking for these seven signals:

1. Small changes in method lead to big changes in results. In these cases, the method has likely been too highly optimized. It may have achieved good results in the past through overfitting the model, which would interpret some of the noise of the past as a signal to return to the earlier analogy.

2. Good modeling takes into account the illiquidity of certain sectors of the market. Any method that comes out with a result that indicates you should invest a large percentage of money in a small asset class or small stock should be questioned. Illiquid or esoteric assets should be modeled with a liquidity penalty for investment. They can’t be traded, except at a high cost.

3. Be careful of models that force frequent trading, particularly if they ignore commission costs, bid/ask spreads, and, if you are large enough relative to the market, market impact costs. These factors make up a large portion of what is called implementation shortfall. In general, implementation shortfall often eats up half of the excess returns predicted by back-testing, even when back-testing is done with an eye to avoiding data-mining.

For a full description on the pitfalls of implementation shortfall, read Investing by the Numbers, by Jarrod X. Wilcox.? Chapter 10 discusses this issue in detail. This is the best single book I know of on quantitative methods in investing.

4. Be careful when a method uses a huge number of screens in order to come down to a tiny number of stocks and then, with little or no further analysis, says these are the ones to buy or sell. Though the method may have worked very well in the past, accounting data are, by their very nature, approximate and manipulable; they require further processing in order to be useful. Screening only winnows down the universe of stocks to a number small enough for security analysis to begin. It can never be a substitute for security analysis.

5. Avoid using quantitative methods that lack a rational business explanation. Effective quantitative methods usually come from processes that mimic the actions of intelligent businessmen. Never confuse correlation with causation. Sometimes two economic variables with little obvious financial relationship to each other will show a statistically significant relationship in the past. Two financials merely being correlated in the past does not mean that they will be so in the future. This is particularly true when there is no business reason that relates them.

6. Look for the use of a control. A control is a portion of the data series not used to estimate the relationship. It’s left to the side to test the relationship after the “best” model is chosen. Often, the control will indicate that the “best” method isn’t all that good. And beware of methods that use the control data multiple times in order to test the best methods. That defeats the purpose of a control by data-mining the control sample.

7. One of the trends in accounting is to make increasingly detailed rules in an attempt (wrongheaded) to fit each individual company more precisely. The problem with that is it makes many ratios difficult to compare across companies and industries without extra massaging to make the data comparable. This makes thinning out a stock universe via screening to be less useful as a tool. For quantitative analysis to succeed, the data need to represent the same thing across different firms.

Practical Recommendations

There are many pitfalls in quantitative analysis. But three simple considerations will help protect investors from the dangers of data-mining.

1. Paper trade any new quantitative method that you consider using. Be sure to charge yourself reasonable commissions, and take into account the bid/ask spread. Take into account market impact costs if you are trading in a particularly illiquid market. Even after all this, remember that your real-world results often will underperform the model.

2. Think in terms of sustainable competitive advantage. What are you bringing to the process that is not easily replicable? How does the method allow you to use your business judgment? Is the method so commonly used that even if it is a good model, returns still might be meager? Even good methods can be overused.

3. If doing quantitative analysis, do it honestly and competently. Form your theory before looking at the data and then test your theory. Then, if the method is a good one, apply the results to your control. If you perform quantitative analysis this way, you will have fewer methods that seem to work, but the ones that pass this regimen should be more reliable.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Market Dynamics


  • The Scary Risks of Safety Bubble Up Never forget that dividend stocks r stocks & that assets r risky if overpriced $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Cheap Mortgages Are Hiding the Truth About Home Prices If Mtge rates r artificially low then housing prices r high $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Suckers! Tech Execs Selling Stock as Nasdaq Hits High Fed is the tide; who will b found swimming naked when it ebbs $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Banking Business: Complexity Cubed If you want to simplify corporate structure, start simplifying the tax code $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • The 14% Rate of Corporate Profits Will Eventually Revert 2 Mean, Spoiling the Party Don’t use P/E 2 measure cheap $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Most big companies, unless they r simple start to underperform at mkt cap > $100B. Managing the complexity is virtually impossible. $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • How The Equity Q Ratio Anticipates Stock Market Crashes & The Q Ratio and Market Valuation $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Check Here to Tip Taxi Drivers or Save for 401(k) Stupid efforts at manipulating behavior eventually fail $$ #quitit Apr 10, 2013
  • Questions to Ask Your Adviser About Fees Main things what do you pay & find out who else is paying him Apr 09, 2013




  • Merkel?s No-Nuke Stumble May Erode Re-Election Support An unforced error; far better 2 invest in Nuke plant safety $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Swedish Banks Make Money Ditching Cash as Krona Goes Virtual It is a mistake to make $$ disappear. Ask Cyprus why $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Economic Crisis Hits the Netherlands Imagine a nation where 120% LTV loans & trading homes every 3 yrs is common $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • ECB Survey Challenges Image of Poor Southern Europe I suspect this study is wrong or measuring the wrong thing $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Why Thatcher Wouldn?t Succeed in Our ?Lean In? Culture U have to + in the concept of killing sacred cows w/courage $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Portugal austerity plan frays Top court struck down wage cuts and lower pensions for state workers; what now, Troika? Apr 09, 2013
  • Soros: Europe faces ‘slow death’ Japan is trying to escape Seems 2 argue for massive QE, but no sign that QE works Apr 08, 2013
  • Why Rescue Fragile Banks? Outsource Them Instead Exile TBTF banks to the E-Zone; let them pay 4 the bailouts Apr 08, 2013
  • Europe Builds Own Chapter 11 Moves closer to the US, but still is not as flexible in rehabilitating corporations Apr 07, 2013


Credit Markets


  • Foreclosures Jump in New York as US Sees Decline: Mortgages Judicial f/c states catch up w/the rest of the US $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Pimco’s Gross Turns Positive on 10-Year Treasurys Guessing what central banks will want 2 buy, mug’s game Apr 10, 2013
  • Bank Investors Press Breakups to Add Value, Burnell Says Biggest banks r worth more broken up; can’t manage well $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Banks rethink the branch, but will it work? This article is just another way 2say there r2 many banks & branches $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • The leverage story banks want to hide To avoid bank insolvency focus on liquidity of assets/liabs in stressed times Apr 09, 2013
  • Contagion Starts Small Small->large requires domino debt failures, needing liquidity for illiquid, or safety mismatch Apr 09, 2013
  • Time bomb to the next crash is ticking as debt sales surge Investors requiring safety mismatch buying unsafe debt Apr 09, 2013
  • Where Bank Regulators Go to Get Rich An astounding array of former regulators aiding “end arounds” on regulation Apr 08, 2013



Rest of the World


  • Ghost of Suharto Seen in Boomtowns Leading Indonesia Growth Indonesia often booms near end of global econ cycle $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Low bond yields luring global central banks into equities: survey This is so unorthodox & cronyist it beggars belief Apr 09, 2013
  • Why Capitalism Won?t Change North Korea?s Regime Current leaders will lose out if people learn how badly they live $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Clashes Highlight Egyptian Divide Hippocratic Oath applies to diplomacy w/”regime change:” “First do no harm!” Apr 08, 2013
  • Is the Global Economy Slowly Falling Apart? Good list of some of the major problems; overstated title/weak conclusion Apr 08, 2013




  • A Day in the Life of a Beijing ‘Black Guard’ Secretive groups stop Chinese citizens complaining about local govts $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • China Exports Miss Forecasts as ?Absurd? Data Probed Will b interesting 2c how people revise views on Chinese data $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • In China, off-balance-sheet lending risks lurk in the shadows Tough Q: how do the shadow banks & municipalities fund? Apr 09, 2013
  • New Bird Flu Seen Having Some Markers of Airborne Killer No sign of mammal-to-mammal transmission, would not worry Apr 07, 2013
  • China Says It Can Manage H7N9 Virus as Infections Rise No human-to-human transmission yet, SARS-like most likely Apr 08, 2013





US Politics & Policy


  • Options Few as US Leaders Told Saturday Mail Can?t End Raise all postage prices, & double 4 junk mail $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Boomers Push Doctor-Assisted Dying in End-of-Life Revolt It’s almost like the Boomers want to corrupt everything $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Medical School at $278,000 Means Even Bernanke Son Has Debt Bad idea 2 invest where rules can b changed against u $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Obama seeks to reduce US subsidy of crop insurance It is time 2 end ALL Ag subsidies; just goes 2 Big Agriculture $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • FOMC Minutes Show Several Members Saw QE Over by Year-End Don’t think so, but if true, lighten up on risk assets $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Andy Kessler: The Pension Rate-of-Return Fantasy Excellent piece: bad pension assumptions; will lead2 benefit cuts $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Interview with Harvard Economist Carmen Reinhart on Financial Repression Sane words amid macroeconomic snake oil $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • USDA asks White House to approve sugar-for-ethanol program Utter corruption, $$ in the pockets of the US Sugar lobby Apr 09, 2013
  • A Primer for Understanding Obama’s Budget This is y Federal Debt always goes up by more than the planned deficit Apr 09, 2013
  • Evangelicals Push Immigration Path Governments limit immigration 4 selfish reasons; migrants come b/c desperation Apr 09, 2013
  • U.S. Plans New Laser Weapon for Persian Gulf Don’t get too excited; it only works at short range #studyphysics Apr 09, 2013
  • O?Malley Wins on Guns, Taxes Seen as 2016 Resume-Packing Raided liability funds 2 finance current spending #phony Apr 09, 2013
  • How Obamacare Will Distort the Health-Care Market This was easy2c in advance; ability to adjust premiums very limited Apr 08, 2013
  • Rhode Island’s Scary State Treasurer Raimondo fires back after Forbes contributor attacks her Apr 08, 2013
  • Workers Stuck in Disability Stunt Economic Recovery Many of these people should be called unemployed, not disabled Apr 08, 2013
  • Chicago Mayor’s Pension Conundrum Tip of the iceberg; this is going on in different ways in all US states Apr 08, 2013





  • Wrong: This Underused Metric Points To Big-Name Bargains 4 of 8 “bargains” r insurers; no way 2calc free cash flow $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Wrong: Kill the 30-Yr Mortgage You don’t finance long-term assets like homes w/short-term debt. Badly thought-out $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • A better long-term solution to make the residential RE mkts more stable would be to ban mortgage insurance & second lien mortgages (HEL) $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Wrong: Stalking the Silent Financial Killer in Our Midst Please kill this while little: LTC not underwritable $$ Apr 10, 2013




  • Mmm, the Flavors of Fermentation Interesting article that points out the many ways we use fermentation 4 flavoring $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Gates Helps Australia?s Richest Man in Bid to End Slavery Noble goal 2 free those who r essentially kidnapped $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • How Thatcher Saved Britain She did not give in 2 the Unions, nor Argentina, nor USSR, nor the media; she stood alone Apr 10, 2013
  • Wood: the fuel of the future Having lived in a town where wood was the most common winter heat source, air was dirty Apr 09, 2013
  • Tour Data Suggest Tiger Woods Owes His Comeback to One Basic Skill?Sinking Putts Drive 4 show; Putt 4 dough. Apr 09, 2013
  • Label Decoder | Protein Additives I think we are creating more health problems by eating processed foods Apr 09, 2013
  • 10 Insanely Overpaid Nonprofit Execs Caught btw managing a large enterprise & charitable mission; fight each other Apr 08, 2013
  • The Golf Shot Heard Round the Academic World Multiculturalism that cannot tolerate the ideas of conservatives Apr 07, 2013




  • As an aside, SCOR’s balance sheet is more levered than it seems. Reminds me a little of Scottish Re (spit, spit) RGA’s looks solid FD:+ $RGA Apr 11, 2013
  • RGA, Scor in final race for Generali US unit-sources SCOR aggressive, will likely overpay | FD: + $RGA $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Ace?s Greenberg Says Takeover Spree Beats Share Buybacks Seems like Evan is trying 2 create a mini- $AIG $$ $ACE Apr 11, 2013
  • Record levels for global reinsurer capital Listen 2 1Q conf calls, listen 4 pricing, divs, buybacks. EZ $$ been made Apr 10, 2013
  • Metlife on Offensive Against Systemic Tag Life Ins cos shouldn’t b SIFIs unless they have short-dated funding $$ $MET Apr 10, 2013
  • Insurers see promise in pay-for-performance health plans Skeptical: does not remove incentives 4 overuse by doctors Apr 09, 2013




  • Banks Are Not as Bad as You Think: Pettis Afraid I have to disagree, bad banks set back growth in 1870s & 1930s $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Crapo Says He Opposes Setting Capital Standards With Legislation Far better2focus on liquidity analyses under stress Apr 09, 2013




  • Regulators Feeling ‘Social’ Pressure In Age of Twitter, Old Rules That Don’t Address New Media Pose Challenges $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • Drug Conjugates: ‘Guided Missiles’ to Treat Cancer Drug conjugates attack tumor cells, rather than just any cells $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • The Future Of Mobile [SLIDE DECK] Long, but data-packed & a breezy read. cc @hblodget thanks, I learned some stuff Apr 09, 2013
  • Sponsors Now Pay for Online Articles, Not Just Ads I get ~10/week of these at my blog. Have never taken any of them. Apr 09, 2013
  • We Just Took A Big Step Toward Having Super High-Definition Desktop Displays So fine u won’t notice the pixels Apr 09, 2013
  • This Simple App Could Put E-Books On Millions Of Phones In The Third World Software & Cheap phones promote literacy Apr 09, 2013
  • Hypothermia Cure: Cooling Infants to Battle Brain Damage Interesting & Odd technology may benefit 0.1%+ of births Apr 09, 2013


US Economy


  • Murdoch-Diller Showdown Threatens to Make Fox Cable-Only Endgame for the separation of content & transmission $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • North Dakota Undergoes Refining Renaissance U know things r hot when a new crude refinery is built from scratch $$ Apr 11, 2013
  • You Got In; Now, Please Come Speaks 2 the overcapacity problem in colleges; high fixed costs r driving pleading $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • ?Everyone believes that, given where we are with interest rates, the only eventual direction is up” I c this said daily maybe more $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • US Transports Economic Pulse : Trucks — Boats – Planes – Trains Two up, two down — all in all, we muddle along Apr 09, 2013
  • I am become Ron Johnson, Destroyer of Worlds @reformedbroker sets up future biz school case study. I + my $0.02 $JCP Apr 09, 2013


Replies, Comments & Retweets

  • Commented on StockTwits: Not really. At present I own the following for clients & me: $NWLI $RGA $AIZ $SFG $AFL &… Apr 11, 2013
  • Ouch RT @ReformedBroker: Gundlach: Forget Fed Minutes, QE is not stopping anytime soon, talk is just talk. Yellen’s down to do this til 2025 Apr 11, 2013
  • RT @ReformedBroker: “Japan is important to watch, it’s a pace car for stock market peaks, weird policy responses and currency debasement … Apr 11, 2013
  • I think so too $$ RT @ReformedBroker: Gundlach: “Emerging market corporate debt is THE best area of investment grade fixed income right now” Apr 11, 2013
  • @fundmyfund If “Everyone Ought to be Rich” then who will deliver the pizzas? 😉 Apr 11, 2013
  • @LaurenLaCapra Another idea: DB available 4 pay: League Tables cost $6 Apr 11, 2013
  • @LaurenLaCapra Thy this and if that’s not enough try this Google query: Take care Apr 11, 2013
  • ‘@PensionDialog 2003 vs now, interest rates were higher & valuations 4 risk assets lower. Pension returns will b lower over next 10 years $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • @ritwik_priya Saw that, though housing values have fallen across much of Europe, particularly where mortgage debt is high Apr 10, 2013
  • @PensionDialog That’s backward looking, while interest rates are forward looking. In 2003, 10Y Tsy yields were more than 2% higher than now Apr 10, 2013
  • ‘@EMostaque To some degree, others will let funding levels stay low (& hope), some will pay more $$ , some will cut benefits where possible Apr 10, 2013
  • @IraApfel Sadly, proposal will reduce assets in MMFs, which r usually more stable than banks in a crisis. Better: $$ Apr 10, 2013
  • Yes RT @asymptotix: So, if anyone must leave, it should be Germany (and Finland), not Italy, Greece, Ireland, Portugal or Spain.. Apr 09, 2013
  • @jarrodwilcox A free trade zone in Europe is a good thing & might prevent war; a common currency, the way it is going could start one Apr 09, 2013
  • @jarrodwilcox But I think WW 3 is a boogeyman. Sandwiched between Russia/USSR & the US, that big of a war wouldn’t be likely 2 happen. Apr 09, 2013
  • Probably the latest peak blossom since I’ve been here RT @EddyElfenbein: Cherry blossoms in DC Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @jarrodwilcox: @AlephBlog Euro looks like a disaster until you remember WWII. Political will to overcome divisions may still be will … Apr 09, 2013
  • Those are succinct insights in why the Euro would fail. There were other saying similar things at the time… Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @AndreCimini: @AlephBlog Yes, absolutely. Here’s a couple of very interesting articles on Canada: 1) 2) htt … Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini Cam Hui is a good guy; I usually agree w/him. Second article makes some very good points; I learned from it, tho I knew some Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini It was an interesting article. Interesting to contrast US/States v Canada/Provinces. Provinces do more; linked tighter2Canada Apr 09, 2013
  • RT @AndreCimini: @AlephBlog Here’s why CDN gov’t debt deceiving; add in provincial debt and total debt is around 86% of GDP. http://t.c … Apr 09, 2013
  • @AndreCimini Thanks, I had forgotten that. Apr 09, 2013
  • 1 straw blowing in the wind, some go other ways RT @ReformedBroker: Forward Earnings Estimates Set a New Record High Apr 08, 2013
  • @groditi Also factor in the drag from pension liabilities, reductions from spending rules from lower interest rates; I think it washes Apr 08, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 34 retweets received, 2 new listings, 61 new followers, 34 mentions. Via: Apr 11, 2013


Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

US Fiscal & Monetary Policy


  • Obama?s Budget Would Cap Romney-Sized Retirement Accounts Might indirectly harm smaller accounts, article states Apr 05, 2013
  • Obama Budget Plan Would Curb Social Security Growth Small curbs; reinforces idea: can’t trust Govt on inflation Apr 05, 2013
  • Obamacare Sticker Shock: Are You Ready to Pay Double? Getting bad enough that the Democrats might undo Obamacare… Apr 04, 2013
  • ?Greatest bond bubble in history? will burst in economic chaos, says Stockman Collins & Aikman makes him Cassandra Apr 04, 2013
  • How the Fed fueled an explosion in subprime auto loans Cheap AAA financing + personal stories of aggressive lending Apr 04, 2013
  • Who will be the next Fed chair? Here are Wonkblog?s odds. Every one of these is a horrible idea, especially Yellen $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Krugman should be careful tossing out the phrase ?cranky old man stuff.? It tosses like a verbal Boomerang. #livesinaglassshouse $$ #stones Apr 01, 2013
  • Stockman Warns of Crash of Fed-Fueled Bubble Economy Krugman called Stockman?s piece ?cranky old man stuff? $$ Apr 01, 2013
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Face New Problem: Profitability Some in Govt plan on keeping F&F under govt control $$ Apr 01, 2013


North Korea


  • Understanding Kim Jong Un?s Tantrums Has 2 prove tough guy bona fides to generals, while pushing modest reform agenda Apr 05, 2013
  • North Korean Nukes: How Worried Should We Be, and What Is Kim Jong Un Thinking? Mutual deterrence of first move Apr 04, 2013
  • Scooping Up North Korean Coins Jimmy Rogers picks up some unusual numismatic coins from North Korea. $$ Apr 01, 2013




  • Merkel Losing Allies in $700 Billion Shift to Renewables For a science PhD, she certainly tends 2 magical ideas Apr 05, 2013
  • Draghi Considers Plan B as Sentiment Dims Post Cyprus Fumble Unwinding the Euro would be appropriate #unforcederror Apr 05, 2013
  • Le Fracking for Geothermal Heat Drawing Ire of French Oil The French tie themselves in knots: irrational policies Apr 05, 2013
  • EU Unemployment: Titanic in Perspective Summary of the EZone unemployment problem, culled from many websites Apr 04, 2013
  • A weakening Germany in a weaker EU But can Germany rescue itself; whole EZone slowing down; time 4 action Mario! 😉 Apr 04, 2013
  • World from Berlin: ‘Germany Isn’t Living Up to EU Responsibility’ But what will Germany do when it has2rescue France? Apr 04, 2013
  • Audi Wants to Change a 45-Year-Old U.S. Headlight Rule Only high & low-beams r allowed; Audi wants more variety Apr 04, 2013
  • Cyprus Turks Share Pain as Banking Crisis Revives Talk of Unity Serious talks will come through younger politicians Apr 04, 2013
  • The ECB Fragmented Monetary Policy Eurozone no longer has single monetary policy; euros not worth same everywhere $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Euro Zone Unemployment Hits Record High Fringe Europe suffers from the political dreamers post-WWII $$ #breakup Apr 03, 2013
  • Money Funds Meet Zero Yields by Breaking Buck Taboo: Euro Credit Short-term finance hits the wall in Eurozone $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Slovenia?s Jazbec Inherits Bank System to Avert Bailout Don’t care how smart u r; pain involved in deleveraging $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Texas wants its gold back! Wait, what? This is a rational response to kleptocracy a la Cyprus. $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • Developing Nations Retreating from Euro as Reserve Currency Predictable; can reserve currency allow confiscation? $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • President Hollande Failing to Control Unemployment Crisis It would require considerable deregulation 2fix France $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • Sundown in America Much as I have not liked Stockman, the logic is decent; he is arguing for the free markets. $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • Mitch McConnell Prepares To Give Barack Obama The Political Shellacking Of A Lifetime Worth a read, PPACA is a dog $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • Wrong: Confessions of a Keynesian heretic Another believer in monetary alchemy, but not fiscal alchemy $$ #endthefed Apr 01, 2013




  • Wrong: Japan?s Brave New Monetary Era Doing the same thing over & over & expecting a different result. Won’t work Apr 05, 2013
  • Japan’s Yen UnCompetitveness – Fukushima and the Yen – Hara-Kiri Export > Import favors yen fall; now is vice-versa Apr 05, 2013
  • Kuroda to Bernanke: My Bazooka Is Bigger Than Your Bazooka “I can destroy my nation faster than u can. Nyaah! Nyaah!” Apr 05, 2013
  • Bank of Japan in Bold Bid for Revival We must devalue & inflate our way to prosperity! Apr 04, 2013


Church v State


  • Next few tweets will b controversial: Founder’s thoughts on “No establishment of religion” applied to the National govt, not the states Apr 04, 2013
  • Laws favoring certain churches persisted in various states until 1850s, & some had religious test oaths for officeholders into 20th Century Apr 04, 2013
  • The “test oaths” died for lack of use, clean up in the 1900s, was largely perfunctory. The next tweet contains today’s story Apr 04, 2013
  • Proposal would allow state religion in North Carolina Won’t pass modern constitution muster, but would in early 1800s Apr 04, 2013


Other US Politics


  • Seven Dumb Things Bankers Say Among them that the big banks aren’t too big, & that the economy is not 2 financialized Apr 06, 2013
  • Deep in the Red of Texas, Republicans Fight the Blues Texas, future blue state, must motivate voters to care Apr 05, 2013
  • ‘Dear Airline, Here’s the Problem…’ Customized surveys home in on problems so airlines can fix complaints fast Apr 04, 2013
  • Pro-Gun Laws Gain Ground Since Newtown Massacre, More States Ease Regulations Than Bolster Them Apr 04, 2013
  • Tough Calls on Prenatal Tests Beware false positives; If u get a positive, do a 2nd invasive test 2 check Apr 04, 2013
  • 5 big Dodd-Frank battles Volcker Rule, consumer bureau battle, random ratings, derivatives fight all on agenda Apr 04, 2013
  • Health Insurers Prevail in Medicare Fight With Washington Another example of the perversity of the PPACA $$ #abolish Apr 03, 2013
  • Court says Stockton, California may proceed with bankruptcy Largest muni bankruptcy will challenge guarantors $$ $AGO Apr 02, 2013
  • Banks Win Dismissal of Substantial Portion of Libor Suits Difficult 2 prove particular damage 2 claimants. $$ #toobad Mar 31, 2013
  • Frats Worse Than Animal House Fail to Pay for Casualties Very long article: national fraternities avoid liability $$ Mar 31, 2013




  • Wrong: Beware of those who cry ‘bubble’ about bonds Article argues about wrong classes of bonds; Tsys not bubble Apr 05, 2013
  • As Business Lending Rises, Concerns Emerge About Profit May b no defaults now, but loan pricing tighter than exp loss Apr 04, 2013
  • The Lurkers of Wall Street @reformedbroker Of “desk analysts” that turn to Stocktwits when they can’t find news Apr 04, 2013
  • Freeh Says Corzine?s Risky Strategy Helped Fell MF Global B wary when companies pursue biz askew from main biz Apr 04, 2013
  • HSBC Converts Loan Clients to Enter Junk Top 10 Pay more in yield, but gain flexibility from fewer covenants Apr 04, 2013
  • Bond Traders Club Loses Cachet in Most Important Market It’s just not worth it 2b a primary UST dealer w/direct bids Apr 04, 2013
  • Financial ETF Falters Amid Bearish Bets as Bank Earnings Loom Ratio of $SPY to $XLF is rising Apr 04, 2013
  • I miss working in a life ins investment dept. You get to see all of the prospectuses for bizarre credit deals; u *feel* the credit cycle $$ Apr 04, 2013
  • Bitcoin?s largest market crashes after wild price swing Smile when u say Bitcoin & “crash course” in same sentence $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Gross Says Buffett, Soros Careers Fueled by Expansion Honest Gross; Taking 2much credit risk briefly looked good $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • Mortgage Gamble Pays Off for Wells Doing balance sheet lending w/an option to sell if conditions r good $$ FD: + $WFC Apr 03, 2013
  • Willow Fund as a Cautionary Tale for Investors Large strategy changes r always red flag; invalidates track record $$ Mar 30, 2013
  • Does Blame Predict Performance? “Blame cultures” can improve investing by identifying &fixing problems w/foresight $$ Mar 30, 2013
  • Carl Icahn Unleashed: Wall Street’s Richest Man Is On The Attack — Just Ask Michael Dell Was interviewed 4 this $$ Mar 30, 2013




  • Is Jeffrey Loria the Worst Owner in Sports? & Rent-seeking in professional sports ?cc @munilass Apr 04, 2013
  • Gold Slumps Toward Bear Market as Investors Cut Holdings Positive self-reinforcing liquidation of ETF units, mebbe Apr 04, 2013
  • A Man in the Mirror Bill Gross says great investors have had a huge tailwind from growth of credit. What comes next? Apr 04, 2013
  • Firefox 20 is giving me fits w/a Javascript bug keeps popping up boxes that say “Error: missing ( after for” Also no posting 2 stocktwits Apr 04, 2013
  • Visa Demand Jumps Employers Set to Quickly Reach Cap on Skilled Foreign Workers $$ Companies race to get ltd # visas Apr 02, 2013
  • Republican Born Roosevelt Digs Deep for Texas Oil Found With CO2 CO2 injection liberates tight oil in West Texas $$ Apr 02, 2013
  • Buffett?s Missed Airlines Bet Remember Buffett invests like baseball w/”no called strikes.” No fat pitch 2 swing @ $$ Apr 01, 2013
  • Suzy Weiss: To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me Satirical article:useless things colleges look 4 in applicants $$ Apr 01, 2013
  • Airline Returns Refute Buffett Aversion 2 US Carriers Dead cat bounce & that qualifies2undo the history of losses? $$ Apr 01, 2013


Overly Large Nonbank Financials


  • $NLY $GLD $SPY $VWO ticker list 4 publicly traded Miscellaneous Financial Services companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 04, 2013
  • $AMP $BLK $BAM $SCHW $MS $UBS list of tickers 4 publicly traded Investment Services companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • $AIG $BRK/A $CB $CNA $HIG $L $TRV list of tickers 4 publicly traded P&C Insurance companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • $GNW $LNC $MET $PL $PRU $UNM list of tickers 4 publicly traded Life Insurers companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • $AFL $CI $PFG $UNH $WLP list of tickers 4 publicly traded Acc & Health Insurance companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 03, 2013
  • $DFS $GE $SLM list of tickers 4 publicly traded Consumer Financial Services companies w/ > $50B in assets $$ Apr 03, 2013


Replies & Retweets


  • @probability_wtd Many things concern me, including this. Really difficult 2c the government keeping their hands of pension monies. Apr 06, 2013
  • Buffett isn’t simple RT @researchpuzzler: my latest #wsjexperts comment, on lessons from Buffett HT @alephblog Apr 05, 2013
  • @LaMonicaBuzz They have both assets & liabilities in the yen; they try 2 keep it even, effect should b small | FD: + $AFL Apr 05, 2013
  • All significant energy use improvements have been more efficient use of oil, gas&coal RT @finemrespice: <- Insanity. Apr 05, 2013
  • I would be fine w/that RT @Nonrelatedsense: @AlephBlog strikes me as better to eliminate dividend taxes for C corps Apr 05, 2013
  • “Just a market for speculators, because nothing physical is traded that producers want to hedge?” ? David_Merkel $$ Apr 05, 2013
  • @neilbarofsky Really glad for you. I rarely get to meet any heroes. She was prescient. Apr 04, 2013
  • RT @DavidSchawel: MOAR mREITS: Blackstone backed Ellington Mortgage $EARN files for $100mil IPO. Let no yield hog be left without a 12% … Apr 02, 2013
  • @The_Analyst 15-20 years ago Apr 01, 2013
  • ‘ @The_Analyst Real-time, this is 18-20 years ago, but it illustrates modern problems. It will get closer to the present as I move along $$ Mar 31, 2013
  • RT @DavidSchawel: CS lessons from Cyprus: sr. bank debt no longer safe, uninsured bank deposits have been nailed in, and capital control … Mar 30, 2013




  • My week on twitter: 44 retweets received, 3 new listings, 58 new followers, 45 mentions. Via: Apr 04, 2013


The Education of an Investment Risk Manager, Part IV

The Education of an Investment Risk Manager, Part IV

One day, when I was least expecting it, the Spanish Inquisition arrived, otherwise known as internal audit.

IA: You run the GIC business.

Me: Yes.

IA: What functions do you control here?

Me: I market, price, cashflow test, and reserve the GICs.? I also direct hedging and investment policy.

IA: Isn’t that too large of a concentration of power in your hands?? You do everything.? There are no checks and balances.

Me: It allows us to run a better operation, because we feed back our results into our underwriting.? Besides, my boss reviews my work regularly.? I am not the only one analyzing my work.

IA: But leaving reserving and pricing in the hands of the same person is wrong.

Me: In many cases I would agree with you, but these are GICs; I have little freedom in setting reserves for them, the answers are formulaic, I can’t vary them.? Besides, take a look at our cash flow testing opinion.

IA: Huh?

Me: after reading this, you will see all the controls we put on the process.? We run far more rigorous tests than other insurers do to ascertain the profitability of our business.? Have a read.? Beyond that, our financials are reconciled to the penny every night.? It would be very difficult to have fraud here.

IA: You really seem to have too much power…

Me: We are not a large division.? We have four actuaries total.? We have different functions, and we can’t spare the effort to split pricing and reserving.? The boss watches over us; go ask him for his view of what? we do.

IA: I have, and he sounds like you.

Me: And he is the best.? He built this place, and it runs more smoothly than any other division of the company.

IA: Your division is funny.? You do things that we recommend against, but we can’t find anything wrong.

Me: We’re just doing our jobs.

IA: (Sigh) Okay, thanks, but our objections will be in the report to management.

Me: That’s fine; if the boss says to change things we will do it.

One of the most important aspects of insurance is to let the results of underwriting flow back into reserving and pricing.? You want to try to change your pricing of new business such that it reflects the true risks undertaken.


Then there was the minor panic that happened in late 1993, early 1994.? Rates had been low for a long time, and the investment department decided to buy some 10- and 30-year Treasuries, because they couldn’t find anything with enough yield.? Thus my conversation with the manager of my portfolio:

Me: Why are we holding 10- and 30-year bonds?? The duration of my longest liability is five years.

IM: Well we couldn’t find anything you buy.? These are just placeholder assets.

Me: You could hold cash, or 3-year Treasuries.

IM: But we wouldn’t get the yield we need.

Me: I am less concerned about our income than that we cover our risks.? You have made my interest rate risk higher by a factor of two.

IM: That much?

Me: This is a leveraged operation.? We ordinarily run at a duration of 2.5.? You can’t give me assets with durations near 7 or 14.

IM: Don’t worry, assets that fit your need should show up soon, just give us time.

Me: I would rather wait in cash, but okay.

+++++++ Two months later +++++++++++

Me: We’re sitting on 10% losses on the long Treasuries now.? You are killing my year.? What are you going to do?

IM: (makes a gesture of praying)

Me: that’s not good enough!? You said you would find something soon and now the Fed is tightening.

IM: We’re looking, we’re looking.

Me: (sigh) I know, but put yourself in my shoes.? We control risk first and then seek yield.? This reverses our priorities.

IM: I know, but relative yield is hard to find these days

Me: I know, but absolute yields are rising, and we are losing in the process.


We closed out the position two months later for a loss of 18%.? Had the bonds been held longer, it would have been worse.? As it was, once we cleared that out, I started selling GICs rapidly, and did not hedge the sales, because I had figured out that rates would keep rising for a while, as I wrote about here.

As noted in the article just cited, 1994 eventually ended up being a winner of a year, but it started with that inauspicious event.? Who could tell?? My main point is this: don’t give up your risk control discipline to make a few measly bucks.? In tough situations, focus on the risks, and ignore the yields.

The Education of an Investment Risk Manager, Part II

The Education of an Investment Risk Manager, Part II

When I worked for Pacific Standard, which had the dubious distinction of being the largest life insurance insolvency of the 1980s, I had few investment-related tasks.? Investments were handled by the overly aggressive parent company Southmark, which gave little attention to risk.

But I knew things weren’t going well, and so I interviewed widely, finally landing two job offers with Midland National and AIG.?? I chose the spot with AIG, because they led me to believe I would work on the international side.? When I arrived, lo, I had a job on the domestic side.? As far as the job went, had I known I would be placed on the domestic side, I would have rather gone to Midland National.? They thought I had real leadership potential — whether true or not, that’s what I was told, and I would not have minded living in South Dakota, or nearby.? As it was, there were many good things that happen to me as a result of living in-between Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, living on the PA side of the line for reasons of adoption and homeschooling.

When I got to AIG, there was one main thing that involved my risk management skills.? AIG parent wanted growth in GAAP earnings.? They wanted to see a 15% ROE, which few in the life industry were attaining.? In order to do that, they entered into reinsurance treaties (before I arrived).? These would lever up the balance sheets of the subsidiary companies, without incurring debt.? Most of them passed risk to the reinsurers, one did not.

So, when I was called into an examination by the Delaware State Insurance Department auditor over the one treaty that did not pass risk, he said to me, “You know this treaty does not pass risk.”? I replied, “Under ordinary circumstances, I would agree, but the reinsurer has taken a significant loss from this treaty.”? He said, “What do you mean?”? I replied that when Congress passed the DAC tax, the reinsurer suffered the loss — they paid up front, and we pay over time, with zero interest.

He looked at me and said that reinsurance treaties did not exist to cover tax policy, and that the treaty was a sham.? I just shrugged.? I was not the creator of the treaty, and would not have done it if I had been at AIG two years earlier.

But the there were the two larger treaties that passed risk with a vengeance to a large reinsurer [LR] who is no longer a reinsurer (if anyone wrote treaties like these, he might not be a reinsurer anymore either).? In one sense, the treaties were structured like the trading requirements in CDOs.? If you must trade:

  • Get more income
  • Don’t give up rating
  • Don’t extend maturity
  • And a few more smaller things.

I was not there when the treaties were created.? Had I been there, I would have paid a lot more attention to them, and instructed the investment department to set up segregated portfolios, which was not done.? As it was, bonds that underlay the treaty were casually sold as if free to do so.

Now I arrive on the scene.? After reading the treaties, and looking at the data, I conclude that the treaties have been abused on our side.? I suggested to LR that I go through the history, and reallocate bonds that would have fulfilled the treaties strictures, an re-work the accounting so that the terms of the treaty would be fulfilled.? Initially LR agreed to this.

The treaty passed all investment risk to the reinsurer, so defaults would hit them.? What was worse, the liabilities underlying the treaty were structured settlements.? (Structured settlements result from a court case where someone is injured.? The defendant offers to buy from a reputable life insurer an annuity that will make the requisite payments.? Low bid wins, and if the plaintiff is badly injured, the cost goes down for payments that terminate at death.? That’s where most of the bad estimates com in.)? In those days, structured settlements were a “winner’s curse.”? If you won, it was because you mis-bid.? AIG Domestic Life Companies regularly overbid for their business (as did most of the industry).? LR did not do enough due diligence to see the underwriting errors.

I did a mortality study to estimate how badly we needed to increase reserves, and lo, it was more than $100 million, all of which would flow to LR.? LR decided to sue.? After I had gone on to Provident Mutual, AIG settled with LR.? Our missteps with the assets made the case tough, and the reinsurance treaty was rescinded.? That should have been enough to jolt AIG’s earnings for a quarter, but it did not.? Funny that, and it always left me a little suspicious of AIG.? (And LR.)

Before I left AIG, I had clipped the wings of the underwriters of the structured settlements so that they could not write on cases for the most severely disabled.? I also shut down a tiny line of variable annuities that was losing money left and right to an outsourcer who had a sweet contract from a prior management team, but upon leaving AIG I did not feel that great, because I had not built anything — most of my time had been spent trying to limit losses from prior bad underwriting and planning.? It wasn’t fun, and I loved my next company more because I got to build.

PS – a prior note on AIG.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Cyprus & The Eurozone


  • Betray Your Bank Before Your Bank Betrays You Deposits over insured limit r a sitting target 2b taken in a crisis $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Demolishing some myths about the single currency A euro in Nicosia isn’t worth the same as a euro in Berlin $$ #ulose Mar 29, 2013
  • Neatest thing about the Eurozone interactive graphic: crisis comes in fits & spurts; u think it is over,& it’s not $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Eurozone crisis: three-and-a-half years of pain Cool graphic that allows u2 explore the Euro-crisis blow-by-blow $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Lines Form as Cyprus Banks Reopen How 2 destroy your banking system & bungle rescue, courtesy of the EZ & #Cyprus $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • MANDATORY CREDIT: BLOOMBERG SURVEILLANCE Marc Faber talks2 Tom Keene & Alix Steel on stocks, Europe, Cyprus & gold $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Italy?s failure to form a government doesn?t bode well for the euro EZone a political creature w/lousy economics $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Money fled Cyprus as president fumbled bailout Give the Russians credit (figuratively) 4 squeezing $$ out of Cyprus Mar 27, 2013
  • Euro zone overrates ability to curb contagion: Moody’s Taxing insured deposits has opened up a can of worms $$ #dumb Mar 27, 2013
  • As a kid, we had a rule, “You can’t beat up my little brother. Only I get to beat up my little brother.” Cyprus: deposit insurance & levy $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Cyprus banks remain closed to avert run on deposits Won’t help; trust broken. Better 2 take money home, buy gold $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Cyprus: It?s not over yet There will be a lot of pushback from Russia & wealthy Cypriots. Taxing Insured deposits? $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Spain?s Swelling Debt Seen Impeding Rajoy Deficit Battle Unsure how Spain can escape. After that comes France $$ #woe Mar 25, 2013
  • Cyprus: crossing the green line If I had $$ in a Greek, Italian, French or Spanish bank, I would withdraw some #theft Mar 25, 2013
  • Cyprus: The Operation Was a Success. Shame the Patient Died. Misery of Cyprus is a feature, not a bug $$ #norelief Mar 25, 2013
  • Cyprus weighs big bank levy; bailout goes down 2wire Small depositors lose 4%, big 20%. Policymakers gain new tool $$ Mar 25, 2013


Financial Sector


  • Why Bad Directors Aren?t Thrown Out Large Institutional Shareholders go along 2get along. Y irritate powerful ppl? $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Surging Student-Loan Debt Is Crushing the System Avoid student debt if u can; most onerous form of debt in US now $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Wells Fargo Beats Rivals to Oil-Boom Deposits, Study Says FD: + $WFC | WFC bot little banks, grew them organically $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Swiss Re settles dispute w/Berkshire Hathaway Hasn’t developed same expertise U/W life policies as P&C $$ FD:+ $BRK/B Mar 29, 2013
  • 5 Financial Advisor Red Flags There r2 many fake “credentials” in investing; the person matters more than letters $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • 5th Anniversary of Credit Crisis: Should u Buy CLOs? All loan participation funds@ prem2NAV $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • We?ve Already Built the Next Banking Disaster At minimum, we need to break up biggest 4 banks $C $JPM $BAC $WFC $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Citigroup looks to cut cash holdings to boost earnings Every bank hates 2 keep slack liquid assets. Lowers ROE $$ $C Mar 27, 2013
  • The Best Way to Save Banking Is to Kill It @Matthew_C_Klein Separating deposit-taking from credit creation $$ #yes Mar 27, 2013
  • A successful failure by @researchpuzzler Amazing what @pimco can do when it has less money to invest $BOND $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • US Cracks Down on ‘Forced’ Insurance Restrictions on banks profits on force placed insurance won’t harm insurers $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Warren Buffett and Goldman Sachs: Explaining the Math Buffett receives $GS shares equal 2 his profits on the trade $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • 44% of Americans think they’re covered 4 weather-related floods. Only 15% have bought a supplemental flood policy. $$ Mar 25, 2013
  • Falcone Follows Michael Jackson Path Taking Fortress Loan $HRG Falcone tapping every loan source he can $$ #desperate Mar 25, 2013
  • Dealer inventory slump threatens market stability Intermediation brings stability 2 mkts if intermediaries solvent $$ Mar 25, 2013
  • Mortgage Securitizers Didn?t Know Housing Was Going Bust Many drank the same poison Kool-aid they served to others $$ Mar 25, 2013


Rest of the World


  • US Writes Its Worries About Buying IT Gear From China Into Law Just imagine the backdoors that could be installed $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Grooms at $18 Fuel IPO Ambitions for Indian Matchmaker India needs 2 have dowry go reverse way; husband pays $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • How Asia and Robotland have dramatically changed the US labor market Biggest thing killing off low-end jobs: tech $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Mr Yen cautions on Japan’s ‘unsafe’ debt trajectory Takehiko Nakao warns of consequences from 2 much govt debt $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • John Mauldin:”Might I suggest that a good trade would be to be long German government debt, short French debt? ” $$ neg carry, long disaster Mar 27, 2013
  • North Korea?s Economic Outlook: Cloudy with a Chance of Statistics by @steve_hanke Communism often cre8s inflation $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Japanese Investors Start to Cut the Cord Mrs Watanabe starts to buy stocks, even foreign & many other investments $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Chinese housing bubble fears grow China grew its economy by forced investing, & the central planning is failing $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Abe?s Inflation Exceeds Merkel?s After 14-Year Lag All a race to the bottom; sound $$ will produce greater growth. Mar 27, 2013
  • US shale no panacea for Japan’s crippling energy bills Infrastructure doesn’t exist 4 getting lotsa LNG 2 Japan $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Brazil Soy Boom Bottlenecked as China Left Waiting Need 2invest transport infrastructure; tax importers/exporters? $$ Mar 26, 2013




  • REITs Trigger Fed Warning as Kain Tops $100 Billion Shadow banking returns amid unconventional Fed policies $$ #panic Mar 28, 2013
  • M&A Stumbles Amid March Deal Drought “Can u say overvaluation, boys & girls? I thought u could; you’re special.” $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Here’s Why Marissa Mayer Is About To Spend ~$200 Million On A YouTube Wannabe Buy small $ grow organically, smart $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Is the $DELL Stub the Right Investment for You? Gun to the head, I would say “no.” 2 much leverage & excess supply $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Summaries of What’s Wrong w/ $YHOO ‘s Summly Buy & & $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • How the Maker of TurboTax Fought Free, Simple Tax Filing Intuit benefits from complexity in the tax code $$ #simplify Mar 27, 2013
  • Fredriksen Bets $2.6B New Ships Will Beat Glut: Freight A bold bet that may fail 4 lack of sufficient capital $$ $FRO Mar 27, 2013
  • The Scariest Stock Chart in Town @ReformedBroker Good example of analyzing balance sheet strength of stockholders. $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Cisco Is Keeping Its Promise Not To Buy Companies In The US Makes sense given US Tax laws | FD: + $CSCO $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • T-Mobile Becomes First Major Carrier to Drop Subsidies Probably a good strategy; differentiates & unbundles $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Customers Flee Wal-Mart Empty Shelves for Target, Costco I see it also $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Dell Says Blackstone, Icahn Offers May Be Superior Not sure I would want 2 win $DELL game; fixing ops very hard $$ Mar 25, 2013
  • Blackstone?s $DELL Bid Sets Stage for Rare Buyout Bidding War Michael Dell may lose control of company he built $$ Mar 25, 2013
  • Heinz Sells $3.1B of New Bonds Deal upsized, rated B1/BB-/BB-, lowest financing cost ever 4a LBO@ 4.25% 7.5yrs $$ #no Mar 25, 2013


US Monetary & Fiscal Policy


  • How the Fed Can Create a Market-Friendly Exit Strategy: Jeremy Siegel?s Proposal Listen 2 bank shareholders scream $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Pentagon to Cut $41B After Getting More Funding We could a lot of dead wood @ the Pentagon, expensive non-soldiers $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Big Business Spars Over Rewriting Tax Code Importer, Exporter, Services, REIT, MLP, PE: no common corptax position $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • The Exhausted US Consumer Spent-up, not pent-up $$ Looks at Disposable Personal Income, which recently dropped Mar 28, 2013
  • Restaurant Chains Cut Estimates for Health-Law Costs Test Q: List all the ways that the PPACA fails $$ #needmorepaper Mar 28, 2013
  • Best Predictor of Financial Crisis: Huge Inflows of Foreign Money Long assets financed w/short liabilities is why $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Stockton Deficits May Total $100 Million, Forecast Shows That’s the cash pmt curve of generous employee benefits $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Stockton Bankruptcy Decision to Come Monday, Judge Says $BEN $AGO & $MBI argue city didn’t negotiate in good faith $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • US Retail Sales: Very Soft Indeed! Unusual in that seasonal adjustments typically go away on YOY figures $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Brenner and Fridson: Bernanke’s World War II Monetary Regime Sad but true. Bernanke robs savers to fund US Govt $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • States Build Cash Reserves, Raising Rainy-Day Debate State budgets should balance on an accrual basis. None do $$ Mar 25, 2013




  • Wrong: Gold Declines in Worst Run Since 2001 as Economic Concerns Ease Gold is falling because of debt deflation $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Wrong: Proving Greenspan Wrong Shows Why Rey Became Worthy to Bernanke Proving Greenspan wrong is trivial $$ #tiny Mar 28, 2013
  • Wrong:Key US senator blames speculators for high ethanol RIN price Note Senator is from Iowa, which benefits most $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Wrong: Why the Rich Don’t Give to Charity The missing variable here is Christian faith; media is blind to that $$ Mar 27, 2013


Market Dynamics


  • Everybody is Furiously Looking for Bubbles Bubbles are financing phenomena; look 4 short finance of long assets $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Morningstar: Stocks Are Close to Fair Value “US stock market is some 50 percent above its historic mean value” $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Crises exist 2 eliminate things that don’t need 2b done; governments interfere w/ this process b/c they r in league w/those who skim society $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • When will the Bond Bubble Finally Burst? Fund flows, Fed, other CBs, Banks, & measured inflation supportive 4 now $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Investors face a shrinking stock supply Maybe we can get rid of Sarbanes Oxley b4 it kills the equity mkt entirely $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Investing in a High Debt Environment Concentrate on inflation, study interest rates & focus on business fundamentals Mar 27, 2013
  • Low Volume = Good Investment? Analysis of David’s “Neglected Stocks R Typically in Strong Hands” Thesis Good Stuff $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Use free cash 4 buybacks when price < 90% of franchise value [FV], issue dividends above that. FV is where u rather issue stock than debt $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Not Everyone Loves Dividends: Guy?s Argument is Worth Hearing Buybacks vs Divs: depends on undervaluation of stock $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Warren Buffett and John Hussman On The Stock Market The Market Cap/GDP ratio indicates significant overvaluation $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • Investors Pile Into Housing as Landlords Anytime investors become a large part of residential RE-> trouble $$ #bubble Mar 25, 2013
  • Buttonwood: Credit watch New book argues that investors should focus on the credit cycle, not economic growth $$ #duh Mar 25, 2013
  • How to Unlock That Stashed Foreign Cash If there are attractive foreign companies 2 buy, would b best use of $$ Mar 25, 2013




  • Corn Supply Slumps Most Since ?75 on Ethanol Profit Corn supplies may tighten by summer, tough if another bad crop $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • Business Insider Just Told College Students Their Secrets of Success Sprinter & marathoner, act dumb, ask Qs, etc. $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Leaked Photos of Johansson Expose Cloud’s Vulnerabilities to Social Engineering Take security seriously $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Methadone Deaths Tied to For-Profit Clinics Prompt Bills They get paid per visit; few incentives 2 act ethically $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • 6 Reasons You Should Have Cyber Liability Insurance U can make your computer invisible 2 the internet in 15 mins $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Arms Race to Grow World’s Hottest Pepper Goes Nuclear I don’t get this; I eat spicy food for taste, not 2b macho $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • The New US Industrial Renaissance A bit overstated but cheap energy & rising wages in China aid US competitiveness $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Falling US Gasoline Demand: A Weaker US Economy? Gasoline is fairly core 2 consumption, when it goes down, trouble $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Case-Shiller: Home Prices Post Biggest Rise Since 2006 But after the huge drop, it’s really just a dead cat bounce $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Wringing Out Laundered Cash Always easier 2 press a civil suit than a criminal suit; look at the bankers 4 proof $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • 3D-Printed Polymer Skull Implant Used For First Time in US Offers high degree of customization 4 surgical repairs $$ Mar 26, 2013


Retweets & Replies


  • The local situation in the US can’t run too far ahead of the world. Too interconnected $$ RT @boes_ America Mar 29, 2013
  • ‘ @JaredKastriner As for me, I play banker for my children. I pay 4 tuition & unavoidable costs. They pay avoidable costs& I lend 2 them $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • @JaredKastriner No, but it should make us consider whether college is needed, and maybe borrowing against the house might b better $$ Mar 29, 2013
  • ‘ @AndreCimini There r many incentives 4 politicians, regulators & businessmen 2 prolong a boom; I worked 4 a firm that foresaw it & made $$ Mar 25, 2013
  • I hold a CFA Charter, (and was an FSA — dues too expensive) but credentialing is overrated in almost all… Mar 28, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: Banks got bailed out after so many bad mortgage & other loans. A few hedge funds properl… Mar 28, 2013
  • @EddyElfenbein As a Christian, it embarrasses me. They misinterpret Revelation & it makes people think they can gauge when Christ will come Mar 28, 2013
  • ‘ @kyles09 My point is this: in 2007, the last time I saw something like this, it was right before loan pricing fell apart. That’s all. $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • ‘ @Nonrelatedsense I’m wrong, cancel that comment on the $PSX midstream assets. Thanks 4 the correction $$ Mar 28, 2013
  • Bitcoin $$ RT @groditi: OK, spill it, who’s gonna be the Big Short for BitCoin?. that parabola looks like it’s about to break any second now Mar 27, 2013
  • RT @SoberLook: Chart: Bitcoin’s unprecedented rally. Another way for Cyprus citizens to take funds out of the country – … Mar 27, 2013
  • I like it, thanks $$ RT @adamjbonesjones: @AlephBlog Short Frenchies vs EFSF bonds (over-collateralised, positive carry)…. Mar 27, 2013
  • Monster, yes. Greatest? No $$ RT @MattZeitlin: Whoever decided that tables and figures go at the end of papers is history’s greatest monster Mar 27, 2013
  • @Matthew_C_Klein Sometimes they hand out the Nobel Peace Prize 4 what they wish the world could b, hence Obama (drones), EZ (fantasyland) $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • RT @Matthew_C_Klein: For this they won the Nobel Peace Prize MT @SonyKapoor: EZ has made every country feel that they’ve been hard done by Mar 27, 2013
  • Patient is dying. More morphine. $$ RT @TheStalwart: RT @CNBC: Fed’s Kocherlakota: “Monetary policy is currently not accommodative enough.” Mar 27, 2013
  • Controlling system changes it RT @MatthewPhillips @CardiffGarcia:Fantastic NYFed paper financial risk monitoring $$ Mar 27, 2013
  • Extra points 4 USSR & Japan parallels RT @prchovanec: Apply these last three quotes (from “This Time is Different”) to China … discuss. Mar 26, 2013
  • [cute dog warning] I guess you did have to. RT @moorehn: Sorry. I had to. Mar 26, 2013
  • ‘ @kyles09 Good point, the rule mostly deals with excess cash over and above a low regular dividend $$ Mar 26, 2013
  • @ToddSullivan I could live with the word “moderate” 🙂 Mar 26, 2013
  • “Thing about low vol investing is that it is a moderate risk strategy, b/c it invests in stocks?” ? David_Merkel $$ Mar 25, 2013




  • My week on twitter: 57 retweets received, 2 new listings, 60 new followers, 57 mentions. Via: Mar 28, 2013


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