Search Results for: insurers

Letters from Two Readers

Letters from Two Readers

I wanted to drop you a line to commend you on your blog which I read with interest and almost universal agreement.

Your investment ideology and style is very similar to my own, and I enjoy the snippets of personal insight and glimpses of your life that you share.

I have worked in investment management for a number of life and general insurers in the UK and with a number of actuaries, some of these have been extremely able and had an outlook very similar to that which you hold. The more risk averse, countercyclical heads have tended to perform very strongly when given the time for their ideas to mature.

It is far easier to identify a good idea than to know when the market will come into line with your thinking!

Performance can be poor whilst you wait for the market to adjust, so you need have established your investment credentials beforehand. I have also seen a company destroyed by the unwillingness of a board to wait for investment performance switching managers and strategy at the peak of the TMT bubble, which ended up putting one of the strongest life funds into run-off.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.? It?s always challenging to strike the balance between earning returns and avoiding undue risk, much less having any sense of timing the risk cycle.? With bonds, it is a little easier, because you can tell when debt covenants, etc., and other terms of lending weaken.? We can see when incremental yield is most likely not going to be compensate for the risks involved.

The same applies to insurance ? stylistically, first pricing declines to technical levels, then terms and conditions deteriorate, then pricing declines further, until there is a disaster, capital reduces and pricing strengthens.

Thanks for writing.

I really appreciate the way you do twitter and blog. ?You always include your thoughts to some degree in your tweets, which I appreciate; and your blogging is great! ?I often read to hear about what your thinking and you do a good job of translating a lot of technical or specific information into applicable or at least thoughtful steps I can take.

I’m probably most amazed by your ability to find “truth” through mathematics due to your skills as an actuary. ?As a younger man in this business I’ve been from awed to disillusioned from the market and I still struggle to have a grasp. ?We use mutual funds predominantly so I don’t have to worry about knowing so much about the market and the individual goings-on but I still do a lot of asset allocation. ?Frankly, I think there is more risk in a poor asset allocation than a poor asset selection within that allocation.

Right now I’m thinking that high yield spreads are too tight and credit too frothy, but I read Third Avenue on high yield and they argue that we have a few years before that’s a problem. ?I guess what I’m asking for is advice on how to find the truth of where we are in the market cycle and how to take smart risks with my clients’ money. ?Should I be reducing or eliminating HY debt because of the “seemingly clear” overheated risk? ?If so, where do I find a decent return in fixed income or do I bite the bullet and stay short with little/no yield.

Especially for the more conservative investors who really need every penny to work out – it’s a hard balance to find right now. ?I don’t think I’m alone. ?Nevertheless, sorry for the long email. I hope to see something on your blog or a response if you find a minute of what must be a very busy life.

Yes, high yield is frothy, but it could get frothier.? Cramer had a saying, ?Absurd is like infinity.? Twice absurd is still absurd; twice infinity is still infinity.?? I read through the Third Avenue report? I generally like the way they do things though Marty Whitman got whacked in the financial crisis for owning too many low quality financials.

I learned early on from a junk bond manager who currently has five stars from Morningstar, that spreads are less critical to junk bond than dollar prices.? His view is that there is some irreducible risk in high yield, such that you need yield, not just spread, to guide your decisions.? Particularly when junk bond prices get so high that they are likely? to be called.? With such a steep yield curve for Treasuries, it is possible for option-adjusted spreads to rise as the bond price rises.

I can?t tell you what to do.? I can tell you what I am doing.? For my bond clients, I have assets? allocated half to emerging markets, both local currency and dollar denominated.? The governments of most emerging markets are run in a more orthodox manner than most of the developed markets, so I am comfortable with the risks.?? The rest is invested in short and longer investment grade corporate, and a small wager on the Swiss Franc appreciating.

I am happier getting yield from emerging markets than getting it from weak corporate credits. ?There are risks in the world today, and we could see high yield strategies fail.? After all, no one thinks about a moderate-sized war changing risk preferences.

That?s what I am doing.


To all my readers, risk is sometimes not obvious.? In this time of abnormal monetary policy and large budget deficits, it pays to be careful.

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Currency Wars


  • Battling the unknowns of currency devaluation | Reuters A tough game to play, particularly w/changed policy in Japan $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • This is what a currency war looks like Japan is leading the #currencywar by no longer sterilizing monetary policy $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • The Dark Side of Japan’s Creating Inflation Risk is interest rates rise and Japan can’t finance itself. #tippingpoint Feb 07, 2013
  • Japan Inc.?s appreciation of the yen?s depreciation Japanese stocks rally as their exports get relatively cheaper $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Falling yen set to spark renewed currency wars Japan has finally “thrown the hammer down.” No more sterilization $$ Feb 05, 2013




  • Dell?s largest outside shareholder thinks it?s worth $10 more a share – Quartz Let Southeastern et al bid 4 control $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • The Three Scariest Letters for Bondholders: L-B-O | Fox Business Note: junk bonds r protected from this, not invt grade Feb 09, 2013
  • New Worry for Bondholders: LBOs Company is cheap & has good Bal Sheet, it could LBO, harming current bondholders $$ Feb 04, 2013




  • Danger Seen in Pension Fund Cuts on Abe Inflation Guess what? Inflation can harm pensioners. Sad 4 them. $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Pension Funds Cut Back On Commodity Indexes Hoarding not a panacea, also, can get clipped on the roll $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • The Asset Mix (Stocks-Bonds) will make the Difference – 2 many Bonds Mr Abe? On pension asset allocation globally $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Baby Boomers Sicker Than Parents? Generation, Study Finds Will live longer too; big reason to reshape Medicare $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Americans Rip Up Retirement Plans Nearly 2/3rds of Those Between 45 & 60 Plan Delays, Steep Rise From 2 Yrs Ago $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Low Rates Force Companies to Pour Cash Into Pensions Low long rates push pension liabilities higher, req $$ payment Feb 04, 2013


High Yield


  • US High Yield Bonds: HYG On the support In order 4 HY 2 rally from here, need dumb buyers 2 apply leverage $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Fed?s Stein: Signs of Overheating in Credit Markets Junk yields less than in June 2007. Replace CDO bid w/Fed $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Two Things about High-Yield Bonds Investors Must Understand Today Low yields & spread relatives & high $$ prices Feb 07, 2013
  • A Mad Rush Could Be Coming In The Corporate Credit Markets Possible, but it depends on how levered investors are $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • No, there probably isn?t a bond bubble Misses key question: how much debt is being issued to acquire other debts? $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • US Higher Yield Bonds: A Corrective Update Corrections may be happening w/ both credit & high-quality long-duration $$ Feb 04, 2013



S&P Lawsuit


  • State Lawsuits Could Add to S&P Exposure Attorneys General for states become profit centers; opportunistic thieves Feb 07, 2013
  • Wrong: Levitt Says McGraw-Hill ?Foolish? to Not Settle S&P Lawsuit There’s a good chance that S&P will win, y give up Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P Lawsuit Undermined by SEC Rules That Impede Competition Will not be simple for the govt to win its case $$ #FTL Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P Lawsuit Portrays CDO Sellers as Duped Victims Stretching truth; CDO sellers knew credit better than agencies $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • S&P feels Justice’s lash, but can law ever conquer greed? Diffcult 2 single out people/firms 2 prosecute in big crisis Feb 05, 2013




  • Top NY court throws Travelers asbestos award into question Case started in 1948, when USF&G insured Western Asbestos Feb 08, 2013
  • Buffett?s Son Says He?s Prepared Whole Life for Berkshire Role As Chairman, Howard will be “cultural guardian.” $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • San Francisco Gasoline Rises as Tesoro Seen Cutting Rates It’s tough when state governments discourage refineries $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Bond insurers aren’t the only winners in Rakoff’s Flagstar ruling All can rely on reps & warranties of mtge origin8rs Feb 07, 2013
  • Berkshire-Insured Muni Sees Good Demand Nothing amazing; some $BRK.B businesses r part of the development borrowing Feb 07, 2013
  • Life Insurer CFOs Say Their Financial Models Fall Short: Survey Surprising, another reason 2b bearish on life ins Feb 07, 2013
  • BlackRock Cautious as Sales End Dollar Bond Rally: China Credit Questions over credit quality, maybe 2 much supply $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Herbalife Drops After Report of Law-Enforcement Probe $HLF rises today. $$ Worries over being named “pyramid scheme” Feb 04, 2013
  • Was the AIG Rescue Legal? Of course not. Gov’t should not play favorites; emergencies b a DIP lender of last resort Feb 02, 2013


US Politics & Policy


  • House Speaker: Washington Has to Address Spending Yes it does, but will the Senate and President ratify that? $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Party Eyes ‘Red-State Model’ to Drive Republican Revival First balance budget on an accrual basis; no state does $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • House Leaders Weigh US Spending Bill Below $1T Good luck w/Senate & President on that, you will need it $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Study Says States Lose Billions in Offshore Tax Avoidance Just an effect of federal tax policy, which needs change $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • The Fed?s Worst Fear Losing control of long interest rates; the bond market will eventually trump the Fed $$ Feb 04, 2013


Market Impact


  • Americans Are Tapping Into Home Equity Again Does this mean a return to the reckless equity withdrawals? Likely not $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Banks Should Defer Bonuses for Up to 10 Years, Jenkins Says Better that banks become partnerships; creates caution Feb 08, 2013
  • Insiders now aggressively bearish Last Fri: sell-to-buy ratio for NYSE-listed shares listed stood at 9.20-to-1 $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • SP500 Complacent Divergence – Risk Factors Decelerating earnings growth threatens valuations. Econ surprises falling 2 Feb 08, 2013
  • Interdealer Brokers Emerge as Key Enablers in Libor Scandal & Them & Rain Man Tom Hayes $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Schwab Unveils Game-Changing Commission-Free ETF Platform Part of the ETF’s fees go to $SCHW . No free lunch here $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • H-P Aside, Corporate Splits Are Wholly Worth Investors? While Managements gain new focus; Behemoths lack true mgmt $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • U.S. to Offer Floating-Rate Notes Within a Year Money-market funds take heart; yield (w/spread duration risk!) $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Small lenders ride US mortgage wave as big banks cut back Interesting 2c little independent mortgage brokers return $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • America’s Baby Bust Heard on Radio C-SPAN yd ?Economies don’t work well when popul shrinks $$ Feb 02, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Mind the Liquidity Gap – Credit Gap 3 factors: global monetary policy, global credit supply & global credit demand $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • German Hope French Despair and EU Rescue: PMIs Eurozone PMIs r rising, but economies r still contracting $$ #France Feb 07, 2013
  • Basel Seen Rotten in Denmark as Banks Bypassed Denmark has many covered mtge bonds; Basel doesn’t care much 4them $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Shades of ’80s for Japan’s Stocks What, Japanese stocks can go up after the demographic dividend has faded? Feb 07, 2013
  • Desperate Greeks scuffle at free food handout Total desperation. Democracy started there, and it may end there too $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Canadians back2borrowing: avg consumer debt hits new hi overall debt low | cred: evergreen Feb 07, 2013
  • Last tweet derives from this article I believe in freedom, and small biz capitalism, with equality 4 all. $$ Feb 06, 2013
  • We need Obama/Hollande 2create economic barriers average people can’t surmount, so the clever rich can get richer. Cynical, but true $$ Feb 06, 2013
  • ECB Executive Board Member Asmussen: ‘German Interest Rates Will Rise Again’ Thinks *real* interest rates will rise $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Top Iranians Trade Barbs in Rare Public Feud Corruption is endemic to Iran; rare 4 the mafiosi 2 fink on each other Feb 05, 2013




  • An Insider’s Guide to Counterfeiting Wine – Businessweek 3 ways to counterfeit expensive wines & how to avoid them $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • Most Australian Wine Exports Ship in Giant Plastic Bladders ?We don?t ship glass around the world, we ship wine.? $$ Feb 09, 2013
  • Super Bowl Blackout Caused by Faulty Relay, Entergy Says That was what I guessed; weak spot in many power grids $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Asteroid to Traverse Earth?s Satellite Zone, NASA Says Interesting we only get one week’s notice on the near miss $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • What Abraham Lincoln Liked About Richard III Lincoln was Shakespeare buff; 1 controversial man’s thoughts on another Feb 08, 2013
  • Lease Surprise in Stuyvesant Town “clause that allows landlord to increase the rent in the middle of the lease” $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • Nine Questions for Peter Levine, Andreessen Horowitz?s Enterprise Dude How SDN commoditizes much special hardware $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head Kinda of a quirky story, but interesting $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • ‘They Owe It to Me’: FBI Identifies Top Email Phrases Used by Fraudsters – Compliance Week Set up filters, compliance Feb 06, 2013
  • Legacy of Benjamin Graham: via @youtube In last minute, BG anticipates the Efficient Markets Hypothesis years ahead $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Legacy of Benjamin Graham: via @youtube Fascinating video w/Buffett, Kahn (2), Schloss, & other students of his $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • US Construction Jobs – A very Constructive Story Construction jobs coming back, looks like a dead cat bounce $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Sending electronic money to friends catching on Creating next great avenue 4 money laundering; cheap & convenient $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • Hitler Awakes in 2011 Berlin, Becomes YouTube Hero Hard 4 me 2 believe. Does humor have any limits anymore? Funny $$ Feb 04, 2013


Replies & Retweets

  • @dpinsen 16x deteriorating free cash flow @ $24/sh. There’s some bluster there. Wouldn’t want to be a bondholder here $DELL $$ Feb 08, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: Wait, I’m wrong. Didn’t look far enough — they have 8.5% of shares, but 7.5% of votes. Onl… Feb 08, 2013
  • Commented on StockTwits: Here: Feb 08, 2013
  • ‘ @ampressman Thanks, Aaron. Reading it now. Good stuff. SE recently bought more $$ $DELL Feb 08, 2013 ?(This tweet was wrong, SE has been a seller of $DELL shares, and even recently?)
  • Owns 7.5%, what could they b thinking? $$ RT @BloombergNews: BREAKING: Dell holder Southeastern Asset plans ‘All Options’ to stop deal Feb 08, 2013
  • Worth the read RT @cate_long: Is the U.S. growing, or just issuing debt? – #MuniLand Feb 08, 2013
  • Seems reasonable to me $$ RT @TFMkts: @AlephBlog the high yield market is on cusp of some stop losses getting triggered Feb 08, 2013
  • @GaelicTorus Did not know that, thanks Feb 08, 2013
  • Small caps +7% $$ RT @credittrader: Gentle Reminder Japan Nikkei 225 +0.75% YTD in USD Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati Twitter is too small for this. Read: & Biggest problem isn’t capital, but liquidity $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • @Nonrelatedsense @credittrader Thanks, missed that Feb 07, 2013
  • @BlandDexter In a word, yes. Feb 07, 2013
  • @The_Analyst What floors me are professional investors that don’t read the prospectus the first time they analyze a new type of investment. Feb 07, 2013
  • @SapienQuis A lot of investment banks got pinned w/crud they could not sell whether due to secondary trading or origination Feb 07, 2013
  • @The_Analyst Yes, they did have staff. If u r a professional firm, you must independent vet out credit quality; ignore rating read writeup Feb 07, 2013
  • Well done! RT @jasonzweigwsj: 2 things about high-yield bonds investors should understand today, from @DavidSchawel $$ Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati A better idea would be double liability, where mgmt & directors lose their capital before shareholders do. Change incentives Feb 07, 2013
  • @anatadmati At current margins, banks could not earn their cost of capital w/30% E/A. Banks & credit would shrink a lot -> crisis Feb 07, 2013
  • @DavidSchawel Where will it be? Feb 06, 2013
  • Bondholders will get badly hurt $$ RT @DougKass: HPQ mulling a break up. $HPQ Feb 05, 2013
  • It’s starting $$ RT @LisaCNBC: The Japanese are going to overdo it and create an inflation problem. #Yen will spike in 2013. @PeterSchiff Feb 05, 2013
  • @TFMkts People made absurd predictions about capital mkts off of the experience 1982-2000, culmination ing tech bubble / lost decade $$ Feb 05, 2013
  • Mersenne Primes RT @motokorich: Largest Prime Number Discovered, and it’s 17,425,170 digits long. via @sciam Feb 05, 2013
  • @TFMkts Would be interesting 2c a firm try that. The wind seems to still b blowing the wrong way there, w/discount rates so low. Feb 05, 2013
  • He was/is a bright guy $$ RT @munilass: Picking on S&P just isn’t as much fun without @EconOfContempt around. Feb 05, 2013
  • RT @LaurenLaCapra: “big exchanges therefore stand to gain tremendously from even a relatively small shift twd futures & away from sw … Feb 05, 2013
  • “I only want to add one thing: its not what pundits say that matters, it is what people rely on economically… $$ Feb 04, 2013
  • RT @moorehn: Pffft. MT @nycjim: Washington Post says it, too, was victim of hacking attack that appeared to originate in China. http://t … Feb 03, 2013
  • Good marketing kills bad ideas, people & products $$ RT @MattVATech: Marketing is never a substitute for substance. Feb 03, 2013
  • “Only if you think that by waiting a little while you might have higher yields to invest at. Can’t?” ? David_Merkel $$ Feb 02, 2013
  • “Hi, KD… my bond mandate is unconstrained, so I just aim for total returns. Right now I am pretty?” $$ David_Merkel Feb 02, 2013



  • My week on twitter: 77 retweets received, 4 new listings, 86 new followers, 81 mentions. Via: Feb 07, 2013


Seven Notes on Blogging and the Markets

Seven Notes on Blogging and the Markets

I need to catch up on a few things, so bear with me.? This might ramble.

1) Should I live and continue to write until mid-October of 2013, I will reach 10 years of investment writing.? I started writing for RealMoney in October 2003, and that changed my life.? Thanks to Cramer, because he created an organization that revolutionized financial media.? Former TST news writers occupy a wide number of top spots in many places in the financial press — it is astounding how much better financial news is today.? I am grateful to know many of them, some of whom would call me for help on occasion.

2) In a few more weeks, Aleph Blog will hit its sixth blogoversary.? Seems like minutes to me, but I have a lot more grey to prove that the time has passed.? I do want to note that much as I wrote at RealMoney, I have written far more here.? I have a problem though.? It seems that RealMoney has lost its ability to recover old posts pre-2008.? I would love to get copies of my old posts that are listed here.? If any of you know how to do that, please let me know.

3) Saturday night’s second article was hate me or love me in terms of responses.? There are no other writers at this site; the same flawed man writes them all.? My main point is that you need someone who acts like a fiduciary (whether they are a fiduciary or not) to tend to your assets.? Investment banks do use retail to lay off exposures that they do not want.

In any significant transaction, you want to know who is with you and who is not.? (This was true in the housing bubble, where many parties teamed up against buyers.)? For my clients, they know that over 50% of my net worth is on the line in the same portfolio that they have. (At present, over 70%.)? I have a lot of confidence in my ideas.? I eat my own cooking.

You want to invest in situations where there is alignment of incentives.? Are there brokers who are noble?? Yes.? But to use one, he needs to jump through extra hoops, because he is not under obligation to be a fiduciary.

4) 4+ years ago I wrote a piece called: Inflation for Goods Prices, Attempted Inflation for Housing-Related Assets, but Sorry, No Inflation for Wages.? Probably one of my longest titles… but that still seems to be the case today.? Fed policy inflates housing-related assets, gives some price inflation, but because labor is not scarce globally, wages are flattish.

5) I wrote this piece summarizing my views on the rating agencies.? I stand by it.? The rating agencies are not the problem.? Regulators are the problem.? They create the conditions where ratings are needed.? Ratings by their nature are opinions, they are not guarantees.? They can’t be otherwise, or else the rating agencies will have to become financial guaranty insurers, and charge far higher fees that will destroy financing for so many.

That’s why I think the lawsuits against the rating agencies will fail, again.? This is not to say the rating agencies were blameless, but it is very difficult to estimate future losses on any class of securities that has not ever gone though a failure cycle.

6) I believe in the conservation of liquidity: it can’t be created or destroyed, but it can be shifted.? My first example is stock price increments.? I think that the tick size is arbitrary, and a small tick size will favor small investors who are looking to buy small positions.? A large tick size will favor larger institutions that wait patiently to buy and sell.

7)? I believe in the conservation of liquidity in bigger ways also.? The Fed does not create liquidity, at least not in the sterilized? way that they do it presently.? But they can shift liquidity; who do the QE programs help?? The US Government and the GSE-backed mortgage market.? Liquidity has been shifted there, and away from everyone else.

That’s all for now.

The Product that Never saw the Light of Day

The Product that Never saw the Light of Day

I have never particularly liked individual variable life and annuity products.? But one day, I came up with an individual variable annuity product idea.? I don’t think it has ever been done.? If it has been done, please note it in the comments below.

Most individual variable annuity products offer some hard to price guarantee:

  • Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit
  • Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefit
  • Guaranteed Minimum Income Benefit
  • Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit

This product would have no such guarantees.? It would also be sold by agents inside the mutual fund companies, and carry no commission.? I call it T-shares, for deferred TAX shares.? The insurance company offering this would go to mutual fund companies, and offer to train mutual fund company representatives to be insurance agents.? The T-shares would have the same annual fee as the “no load” C-shares, plus 0.2%/year for the insurance company.? The T-share buyer gets the option of having a tax-deferred mutual fund for the price of 0.2% extra per year.

Considering the ease of not having to track your cost basis on a mutual fund, and the additional growth from compounding what is not taxed, this could be a very attractive proposition.? It would be interesting to have contractual provisions that allow the annuitant to be changed during the deferral period, even after death, so that the tax savings could continue.

There has to be a loser here, but who?

The obvious one is the taxman.? Much of the mutual fund industry could end up issuing T-shares, instead of C-shares.

But the other one is not so obvious.? I pitched this idea to a number of insurers.? One said, “Great idea, but why should we cannibalize our existing block of variable annuity policies to make less?”? That told me I needed to approach large life companies that had no variable products.? So I spoke to one of the few that was like that, and the CEO was interested, but nothing came of it, because he left soon afterward.

As a buy-side analyst of insurers, I tossed the idea out to most of the life insurance CEOs I met that I knew had no individual variable annuity block of policies.? No one bit.? Maybe it would be the complexity of making the policy work across a large number of mutual fund companies.? The IT expertise needed would be considerable.? So would the legal documents.

But no one grabbed the idea and ran with it.? Personally, I think a lot of people would like this product, but it never saw the light of day.? Mmmm… I never talked to Assurant about this one….

On the other hand, maybe the place to start is with the mutual fund companies… they might have the greater interest.

PS — to those who are receiving buyout offers some life insurers on variable annuities with guarantees, turn them down.? They are not offering you what the guarantees are truly worth.? Unless you know something critical that they don’t, don’t take the buyout offer.

Full Disclosure: long AIZ, and many other insurers

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Central Banking


  • Records Show Fed Wavering in 2007 4 all of their vaunted intelligence, the Fed was worried, but clueless in 2007 $$
  • Three Stages of Fed Grief: Key Quotes From 2007 Slowly realized the economy they overlevered was getting worse $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • Fed Concerned About Overheated Markets Amid Record Bond-Buying The sourcerer’s apprentices note there is a problem $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Paul Moreno: Gold, Greenbacks and Inflation: A History and a Warning Ppl forget the degree the Fed has debased $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Once you turn base money into short-term debt, can you go back? @interfluidity ideas getting deserved attention $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • First Shots Are Fired in Global ‘Currency War’ Japan leads “race 2 the bottom.” Who will b first 2 stop sterilizing? $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Currency Moves? & Central Bank Bravado Posit that the yen is falling due to war risks & Japan biz risks in China $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Abe Rocket-Start Lowers Sony Risk With Market Fuel Loose monetary has spillover benefits 2 indebted corporations $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • I’ll grant this: the government always has some role in money, even commodity money like a gold standard… Jan 12, 2013


Rest of the World


  • Pressure Rises on China to Scrap One-Child Policy No better way 2 have a demographic crisis; change long overdue $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • Default Alarm Rings as Trust Loans Jump Sevenfold China is so messed up that it makes the Eurozone look good $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Singapore Curbs Industrial Property Sales to Avert Bubble Increases bid-ask spread; can’t fight fundamentals $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Mongolia?s Erdenes TT Halts Coal Exports to Biggest Buyer China Probably either gross malfeasance or bribery $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • European Dividends Tumble to Four-Year Low as CEOs Hoard Favor European Exporters over their Domestic companies $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Euro at 10-Month High Poses Economic Threat, Juncker Says The #currencywars continue. Rule: Beggar thy neighbor $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Russia Says World Is Nearing Currency War as Europe Joins Accept export slowdown? Monetize debt? Stupid QE-like stuf? Jan 17, 2013
  • Rio Tinto CEO Steps Down Every CEO should have etched on his wall: “Paying up 4 scale acquisitions is dumb” $$ $RIO Jan 17, 2013
  • China Capital Flow: Foreign Direct Dis-Investment Foreign inv’t inflows falling, domestic inv’t outflows rising $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • China Starts Losing Edge as World’s Factory Floor SE Asia benefits as China becomes more expensive 2 operate in $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Norway Sees Deeper European Job Pain as Default Fears Recede Rising NOK makes exports less competitive &fewer jobs $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Often when FX vols spike it means something might break, like the SNB not able continue its EUR peg. But if… Jan 16, 2013
  • HSBC needs 2 end its Ping An silence with simple answers much alleged insider deal information has been circulating $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Mainland alchemists turn damaged zinc into solid gold An example of how Chinese banking system papers over bad debts $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Rumor: large backlog of Chinese companies want to IPO, but having hard time slowing the required 2 years of rising earnings $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Neighbors Grow More Wary of China Ex-pat Chinese moving in, looking a little graspy w/respect to resources, etc $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Mineworker Debt Mounts as South African Lending Booms There are few places in the world without debt overages $$ Jan 14, 2013


Market Impact


  • Deutsche Bank Derivative Helped Monte Paschi Mask Losses Bad investing led to losses 2 hide. Enter Deutsche Bank $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • reaching for yield @researchpuzzler notes tight junk spreads, but + Ed Meigs & Dan Fuss r ?naysayers on junk credit $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Short-term Debt and Financial Crises: What we can learn from US Treasury Supply Qty issue ST fin’l sector debt->crisis Jan 17, 2013
  • 22 Insights From The Most Successful Investors In History Very nice assemblage of quotes from the best investors $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • [Will] the Bond Bubble Finally Burst? Synthesis of a variety of views: Yes, but not in the short-run… $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • FINRA to brokers: know your high-yield securities Intelligent words from FINRA; b able2show clients all possibilities Jan 16, 2013
  • The High Yield Market is “Completely Out of Control.” Watch risky debt buyers; c if they need things 2go right2survive Jan 16, 2013
  • Gold Forecasters Splitting on Peak for Bull Market Most-accurate gold forecasters>price will probably peak in 2013 $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Whatever Happened 2 Good, Old-Fashioned Accountants? @retheauditors explains y basic blocking&tackling go a long way $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Yale May Buy More Hedge Fund Assets After Favoring Cash Timing feels wrong here w/credit spreads tight & vol low $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Baupost Group Sitting On 116% Return From Madoff Claims Bankruptcy judge said ?seller?s remorse,? denied his effort $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Leeway on Repo Rules Is Cut Back “…we’re basically saying all repos should be accounted for as borrowings,” $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Inside the Self-Driving Index Funds That Finish First @jasonzweigwsj $BLK low fees, shares sec lending revenue $$ Jan 15, 2013
  • How2use Twitter & Facebook 2 make $$ from shares Just watch: this causes the next ‘flash crash’ h/t: @abnormalreturns Jan 14, 2013
  • KRS Spin Machine Is Smearing The Truth Again Kentucky Retirement Systems does not use RFPs -> “pay to play” @ KRS $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • US Not So High Yield Bonds : “It’s Starting To Feel A Lot Like 2007” Will supply grow, or will misfinancing start? $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • SP500 Revisited – Testing 1484/1500 zone and reversal after? Argues for a correction in stocks in the near term $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Hedge-Fund Leverage Rises to Most Since 2004 in New Year H0: flexible $$ overallocated to stocks now> correction due Jan 14, 2013
  • 39% of Fund Managers Beat the S&P in 2012 It was a growth year & not a value year. 48% would b the 10-yr average $$ Jan 13, 2013




  • I suppose Bloomberg could write a book about hidden billionaires, and call it “The Billionaire Next Door.” ?#yeah $$
  • Erie Billionaire Hagen Revealed as Car Premiums Surge $ERIE interesting company w/a unique asset-lite biz model $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Hidden Billionaire Milking Saudi Dairy Fortune in Desert Bloomberg likes ‘outing’ obscure billionaires like this $$ Jan 14, 2013


Personal Finance


  • Why you can?t avoid dumb 401(k) mistakes Plan sponsors chase hot managers & avoid passive options $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Behind the indexed annuity curtain Avoid. Surrender charges r long & high 2pay commission; opaque int crediting $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • One in four savers has 401(k) ?leakage? Retirement seems far away, but $$ needs r near, so ppl tap their 401(k)s Jan 16, 2013
  • Seven Resolutions to Get Your Nest Egg in Shape Good basic advice 4 ordinary people taking care of the nest egg $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • E-Filing and the Explosion in Tax-Return Fraud Identity theft; 1 reason y I do it myself & file on paper $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Housing Problems: Where To Get Help @retheauditors gives advice to those having issues with foreclosures $$ #goodstuff Jan 13, 2013


Banks and Investment Banks


  • More Ideological Excuse Making for Bad Banks It takes two to tango; it takes two to make a loan. Both deserve blame $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • A tempest in a spreadsheet A reason y having robust “smell tests” r needed when mathematical models get complex $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Mortgage Nanny Added to Lender Job Description Caveat Emptor:May make probs worse by creating illusion of safety $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Wells Fargo to Start Jet-Leasing Venture FD: + $WFC | I like the fact that theyr starting small #organicgrowth $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Jefferies Sets Table in Pay Clash Or, they could jump 2 $JEF soon 2b $LUK. $$ motivates better, but conflicts occur Jan 16, 2013
  • Bankers Get IOUs Instead of Bonus Cash Will tie employees more tightly, unless they jump to related industries $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Report of $JPM Management Task Force Regarding 2012 CIO Losses [132pp PDF] If interested in $JPM, summary in 17 pgs $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Municipalities Should Ditch Wall Street Derivatives Deals If Wall St is on other side of table, watch your wallet $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Banks say new agency’s oversight is slow, costly Banks pine away over the regulatory laxity they had 6-10 years ago $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Goldman?s ?Secret? Team Shows Volcker?s Folly Difficult to stop prop trading, better 2 remake I-banks partnerships $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Bank Deal Ends Flawed Reviews of Foreclosures absurd, $$ will b distributed w/little regard 2 who was actually harmed Jan 13, 2013


Economic Policy


  • Portfolio Manager Creates Dazzlingly Deep Presentation On What’s Really Going On With The US Economy Long but good $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Obama Finds Path to Congress Deals Goes Through McConnell Give him his due; has a nose that can sniff out deals $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • The Next Tax Increase What the US Govt has belongs 2 the US Govt. What belongs 2u is subject 2 negotiation $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Swap the Debt Ceiling for a Rule That Makes Sense Maybe limit total liabilities of US Gov’t to 2x GDP? Way past that Jan 16, 2013
  • Why U.S. might be ?a nation of deadbeats? Consumers have been paying down debt, but walking away from more $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • A Credit Downgrade Warning Both Sides Should Listen To Rating agencies r more honest than US Govt. Fitch may d/g US $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Treasury Bill Rate Curve Inverts Amid Debt-Ceiling Showdown Bill curve showing some inversion due 2 debt ceiling $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Money-Printing Will Lead to an Inflation in Another Guise Debt overload & slack capacity short circuit credit growth $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Two Warning Signs for Treasuries “yield curve btw 2&10 years is starting to steepen” Resistance 2 neg real rates up $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • TIPS Implied Inflation 4 2018-22 rose over 2012; flat now 2014 Inflation rising $$ Fed target 2.5% Jan 16, 2013
  • US states flirt with major tax changes Red states moving toward sales & away from personal/corporate income taxes $$ Jan 14, 2013


States & Municipalities


  • California, Unsaved, Speeds Toward a Wall of Debt Constants in life that r not comforting: gimmicks in CA budget $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • California Could Be the Next Shale Boom State Energy could flow from the Land of Squandered Advantages $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Pension Funding Gap Widens for Big Cities Expect 2c many fights where bens cut 4 new, active & retired employees $$ Jan 16, 2013




  • Suitors Interested in H-P’s Autonomy, EDS Units Wouldn’t put 2 much into this; $HPQ won’t get good prices $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Genworth Shares Soar Amid Plan for Mortgage Insurer $GNW moves deck chairs on the Titanic; rewarded for now $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Chevron Signs Deal for More Oil Exploration Acres Off China FD: + $CVX smiles as it rides the tiger $$ #risks Jan 16, 2013
  • My Favorite Tobacco Stock Is Intel? @CharlesSizemore explains y it should deliver returns, amid hatred $$ FD: + $INTC Jan 16, 2013
  • TNT Left at Altar Gets No Immediate FedEx Deal “FedEx in a good position to wait this out & let TNT come to them.” $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Latest IPOs Arrive In The Form of New MLPs All of the new MLPs r energy-related $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • ARM CEO East Says Phooey to the ?Transistor Cliff? Cost, speed, & power use r the key factors 4 logic chips $$ Jan 14, 2013




  • Davos Pitch for Dynamism Rams Into End-of-Growth Debate I don’t think growth is ended, but bad finances interfere $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • Global Piracy @ 5-Yr Low 2012: Pirates boarded 174 ships globally v 439 in 2011, people taken hostage 585<-802 $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • NRA Labels Obama Hypocrite on Guns for Child Protection Administration doesn’t like the argument; hits close 2home $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Kidnap insurers eye sales as euro crisis bites Stable rates: More competition, & armed guards 4 sea transport $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Mathematicians coming of age to become the most sought after professionals Nerds of the world unite! Big data 2analyze! Jan 16, 2013
  • The Margin Debate Labor share of US GDP has fallen because growth in the global capitalist labor force, wages fall $$ Jan 13, 2013


Financial Blogging


  • Your guide 2the financial blogosphere Comprehensive list of finance bloggers. I’m listed under “Trading & Investing” $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • What are the 100 Top (Anglo-Saxon) Finance Blogs? A Pseudo-Scientific Study I ranked higher than I expected 🙂 $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • The purpose of this site @reformedbroker ‘s excellent piece on how his blogging helps him think & invest better $$ Jan 14, 2013


Painting Kate Middleton


  • @judehere Perhaps this then? Jan 16, 2013
  • @judehere That’s okay. You say he painted the Queen? That’s interesting. Is there an image of that out on the web? Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @judehere She seems to be a nice lady, so I wouldn’t be a fan of that. But Freud died in 2011, so the possibility is not there. Jan 16, 2013
  • But this portrait of Kate Middleton is worse in my opinion No wonder only 19% like it. (2/2) $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • Learning to draw, I copied a photo of a friend w/pencil. Another friend said “You took a very pretty girl, & turned her in2 pretty girl” 1/2 Jan 16, 2013



Michael Pettis


  • Pettis: What I will watch in 2013: 10 things: hard commodity prices, trade numbers, Spanish Bonds, Target 2, & Japan (2/2) $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: What I will watch in 2013: 10 things: China growth, Debt trajectory, financial scandals, bank activities, inflation (1/2) $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: Imbalances can continue for many years, I argue, but at some point they become unsustainable & the world must adjust by reversing $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: Policymakers do this by shortening their time horizons &managing from crisis2crisis, rather than sorting out the underlying problems Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: policymakers… taking steps that protect them from the consequences of the crisis but that also make the crisis worse. $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis: It is interesting that policymakers are so pleased by an end (temporarily, I assume) to the financing crisis. $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Pettis:We ended 2012 in a burst of optimism for Europe, w/everyone cheering Mario Draghi 4having ?saved? the euro, but I am deeply skeptical Jan 14, 2013




  • Wrong: How to Find a Fund Manager Who Can Beat the Market Doesn’t understand difference btw correlation & beta $$ Jan 15, 2013
  • Wrong: US Budget : Federal finances continue to improve It is a *spending* problem that started w/Bush 43, not revenue Jan 15, 2013
  • Wrong: Municipal Bonds May Not Be Safe From Income Taxes Would be a big shift, hit blue states hard. Won’t happen $$ Jan 14, 2013
  • Wrong: Chris Hayes’ Brilliant Explanation Of Money Is One Of The Best Things We’ve Ever Seen On TV #goldstandard $$ Jan 13, 2013


Comments and Retweets


  • Good night. Blessings to all. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Think of judges in a court. No one will forgive a man for doing wrong in one area, because he has done good in others Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling It’s not a question of weakness but wrong. Divorce your wife for no good reason, cheat at your craft, all amounts 2 wrong Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Good question. God created Lance with a weakness. If Lance had trusted God, he could have overcome it, but he didn’t. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Not those that are God-given. Mt 5:48: “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling One last point: in the view of Jesus is there is no balancing. The least amount of evil poisons any good. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Read some of the writings of Kahneman & Tversky. Bad things have 3 times the force of good things. Good doesn’t erase bad Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Okay, I get it. But doing good things does not erase bad things. Doing things that are notably bad tarnishes anything good. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling I have heard the word as a part of popular culture, but have no idea what it is beyond a phrase. Jan 18, 2013
  • @cogent_rambling Okay, I’ll bite. His charitable endeavors, but what else? Jan 18, 2013
  • @sallyeastman1 Well said Jan 18, 2013
  • My view: Lance Armstrong is best ignored. Close the browser window, change the channel on the TV, he will go away. I don’t care about him $$ Jan 18, 2013
  • @AboveAvgOdds Off to meet w/u & Chris Mayer in downtown Baltimore Jan 17, 2013
  • Endorse. I have read over half of these $$ RT @TheStalwart: The 22 books that Dylan Grice says you must read. Jan 17, 2013
  • @graemehein good point, but most simple models have obv intuition. Complex models have more potential 4 error b/c of 2nd+ order effects $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Others that did the same in 1994: Piper Jaffray’s Institutional Gov’t Income & FPA’s Fundamental US Gov’t Strategic Income funds Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Combined w/levering them, and not having the mathematical savvy to price them right Story near the bottom Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Cate, you’re right, I’m wrong. At the time, David Askin & those like him were notable. W/Citron it was mostly structured notes Jan 17, 2013
  • @kirstensalyer Sorry, that honor belongs to the first quantitative hedge fund manager, Ben Graham, who was doing that in the 1920s Jan 17, 2013
  • @cate_long Also used complex RMBS. There was kind of a contest 2c how much negative convexity one could absorb in exchange 4 yield Jan 17, 2013
  • RT @maxrudolph: #unintendedconsequences when pension regs set up EA designation cut off practitioners from ALM development. Still catchi … Jan 17, 2013
  • Well done $$ RT @LaurenLaCapra: Jim Chanos talks to @Reuters about Herbalife & whether Ackman or Loeb will win out: Jan 17, 2013
  • @finsovet @prieur @vitaliyk Honored 2b included in such a group Jan 17, 2013
  • Think this analysis is correct, but uncertain $$ RT @mickwe: 3D printing is a lot of hype and it’ll never go mainstream Jan 17, 2013
  • I just left a comment in “7 gut checks before the stock market?s opening bell” Jan 17, 2013
  • @niubi If so, good for him. He revolutionized my economic thinking with his last book. Looking forward to the next one. Review copy coming Jan 17, 2013
  • +1 RT @dpinsen: Paging @TomFriedman: comment on How a ‘model’ employee got away with outsourcing his work to China $$ Jan 17, 2013
  • +2, scrap IFRS RT @Alea_: +1 Britain should scrap IFRS accounting standards, MPs told Jan 16, 2013
  • @oddballstocks very different mindsets; marketing and operations r different from finance, which is still different from investing Jan 16, 2013
  • @oddballstocks I did that as well from 1992-1998. Tried very hard to select non-name-brand mgrs w/durable competitive advantages Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @ClayNickel It depends on how equitylike the bonds r, & the financing composition of the holders. If the bonds r financed w/sig debt.. $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • RT @Matthew_C_Klein: The big deal about the German gold story isn’t that they’re taking some of it out of NY but that they’re moving *al … Jan 16, 2013
  • RT @Matthew_C_Klein: @izakaminska has a thoughtful take on the base money debate between @interfluidity and @NYTimeskrugman … Jan 16, 2013
  • ‘ @joshuademasi Good point. After all, most nations would love to swap for Norway’s economic situation. $$ Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf Good insights both. We live in “interesting times” in the full meaning of the Chinese curse Jan 16, 2013
  • @ReformedBroker Rieder is a bright guy, as is my friend Ed Meigs at First Eagle; HY is okay for the short run, but 2 years out… $$ #Boom! Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf Yes Jan 16, 2013
  • @earwulf No, I don’t really find them persuasive. I do think that some Central Bank will stop sterilizing asset purchases, start new phase Jan 16, 2013
  • @JacPatterson I thought about that too, & think he really meant “English Language” Finance Blogs Jan 15, 2013
  • “But that also means you have to keep more $$ around if the puts get exercised, which Buffett had & many don’t.” Jan 15, 2013
  • @joelight @spbaines the paragraph that starts ‘To screen out such “closet indexers,”‘ is factually wrong, does not understand statistics Jan 15, 2013
  • @joelight @spbaines I’m not arguing w/R2 as a proxy for active share, though there r better measures; article says correlation, means beta Jan 15, 2013
  • +10 Mmmmm… RT @dpinsen: Bresaola, lemon, olive oil, Parmesan, and basil joining forces for a great sandwich. Jan 14, 2013
  • @abnormalreturns I’ve run into a *lot* of people trying to do this. Some are cleverer; not sure how it will work out… Jan 14, 2013
  • @JayLeonard but gold does control inflation and limits the government’s ability to use monetary policy for its own ends Jan 13, 2013
  • @JayLeonard Much of the difficulty is not gold vs not gold, but how banks were regulated — short liabs carrying long assets Jan 13, 2013
  • @GuldbergPeter Thanks, though I have heard that Canada *may* have issues. Jan 12, 2013
  • RT @GuldbergPeter: “@AlephBlog: Is there anyplace in the world that hasn’t overlent on real estate? Sweden, Canada and actually to some … Jan 12, 2013




  • My week on twitter: 40 retweets received, 1 new listings, 67 new followers, 65 mentions. Via: Jan 17, 2013
Evaluating Regulated Financials

Evaluating Regulated Financials

Dear readers, I repost here an edited version of what I shared with a Linked-in group:


I took Benefit-Cost Analysis from Dr. Hanke of Johns Hopkins in 1980, and so I never gained the benefit of his current proprietary tweaks to the Discounted Cash Flows model for stock valuation.? That said, application of DCF to any regulated financial company is difficult, because not all of the capital is free to be deployed into investment in new business, stock buybacks, or dividends.

The level of required capital at a regulated financial varies with the risks of the blocks of business (liabilities) that it underwrites, the assets they buy with the proceeds from the liabilities, and the cash flow, currency and other mismatches between the assets and the liabilities.

The marginal amount of capital for new business and investments may be significantly different than what is required for old business.? So here is my question to the group, especially the students, to think about: how would you apply your DCF model to a situation like this?

Notes, Mostly on Financials

Three final notes: 1) If you want to experiment with this, here are five very different insurers that are my current favorites: RGA (life reinsurance), ENH (P&C insurance & reinsurance), AIZ (Life, P&C, Warranties, Pensions & Individual Health), SFG (disability), & NWLI (Life insurance and annuities sold to foreigners for flight capital).? Try applying the model to one, and see what you get.

2) Most real risk in large financials does not come from inadequacy of capital, but from borrowing short and investing/lending long.? The key measure is whether an institution has enough high-quality short-term assets to meet a run on the institution, where those that supply funds to the institution demand them back at the same time.

With life insurance companies, failures occasionally happen from a run on the company (General American and ARM financial in 1999), but more often, because regulators think the capital base has shrunk too much because of bad credit risks, and take the company into conservation. (Pacific Standard, Confederation, Kentucky Central, near-miss w/The Equitable, etc.)

With P&C insurers and reinsurers, failure happens because bad underwriting leads to a shrinkage of capital, and the regulators take them into conservation. (Think of Reliance and Saul Steinberg, though a lot of reinsurers were de facto bankrupt in the mid-1980s, but the regulators didn’t catch them.)

With small banks and thrifts, it?s credit problems versus capital.? Liquidity does not usually play a role because of deposit guarantees.

With large banks, it is illiquid and longer assets versus short financing.? In the recent crisis, much of that came from financing mortgage inventories in the repurchase market, where financing had to be renewed daily, and margin requirements in derivative financing that had to be adjusted daily.? In the latter case, a credit downgrade would trigger a need for more capital to be put up as margin, just at the time when liquidity was scarce.? In the former case, deteriorating prices for the assets financed in the repurchase market led to an increase in the capital haircut, requiring more liquidity out of the borrowers at the time they could least afford it. (AIG, Wachovia, Countrywide, etc.)

Finally, remember that the financial markets are talkative.? No one wants to hold unsecured credit from a bank they think will go broke, so if there is a reasonable doubt on failure, liquidity dries up because other banks stop dealing with you (Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, etc.)

As an example in my own life, back when I managed and traded corporate bonds back in 2002, when the market was feeling a lot of stress, I joked with my broker, ?Hey, is XYZ Corp trading flat yet??? (With most corporate bonds, when you settle a trade, the pro-rata portion of the next interest payment is added to the price.? A bond like XYZ Corp, when its solvency is doubtful, the dealers start settling bond trades assuming it will not make another payment.)? He told me that it was not trading flat.? The high yield manager, Ed, sitting next to me, after the call ended said, ?Just a matter of time.?

Half an hour later, my broker that talked with before called me back, and in an edgy voice said ?XYZ Corp is now trading flat!? and quickly ended the call.? Ed looked at me and said, ?Dave, don?t do that again.?

Liquidity is plenteous when you don?t need it, and scarce when really needed.? Remember that when investing in financials.

3) The Baltimore CFA Society gives significant discounts for students that want to attend our meetings.? $10 gets you a $30 meal and an interesting speaker or two, so consider yourselves invited.? Next meeting on January 11th is one of our bigger ones.? You even get to meet the aforementioned ?Ed.?

Full disclosure: long RGA, AIZ, NWLI, ENH, SFG

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • Depression Deepens Greek Middle Class Despair With Crime They need to leave the euro & end early retirement $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Global Shipping Industry?s Troubles R Threat for Biggest German Banks During good times bankers forget cyclicality $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • All recent French Presidents are good examples of why the power of the office should be weakened & term shortened $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Don?t Tax Our Wine Irish Cry as Austerity Finds Threshold Alcohol exists 2 prevent the Irish from ruling the world $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Paris Faces Darkness as City Set for Illumination Ban French politicians r the worst enemies France has $$ #inthedark Dec 05, 2012
  • Paulson Said to Blame Bet Against Europe4 Most of Loss Betting on disaster is tough; getting timing right tougher $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Merkel’s euro push leaves E. Germany out in the cold Angela faces weakness in E. Germany politically & economically $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • France Sexy No More for Entrepreneurs Escaping Hollande The “invisible foot” opposes increasing taxes in France $$ Dec 03, 2012


Central Banking


  • Fed Exit Plan May Be Redrawn as Assets Near $3 Trillion The Fed will never significantly shrink its balance sheet $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Bernanke Cliff Analogy Overstates Immediate Economic Harm After the cliff, 2014 will be a good year, &2015 better $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • At Press Conference After ECB Interest Rate Decision, Draghi Faces Frustrations & Mistrust No magic, only illusions $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • How canceling central banks? holdings of government debt could be a useful thing I don’t agree, but worth reading $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Fed holds lenders’ feet to the fire on mortgages Simple: absence of competition w/the lack of shadow banking $$ Dec 04, 2012


US Politics


  • Fannie and Freddie Are Not Piggy Banks Tosh, Congress loves a slush fund, Fed’l Financing Bank, FHA, Ag credit sys $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Obama?s Tax Increases Will Find the Middle Class @cabaum1 After all, that is where most of the income 2 tax is $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Push to Curb Union Power Advances in Michigan No one should be forced to join a union, or pay dues 2 get any job $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • The Real Reason Warren Buffett Should Pay More Taxes Labor & Capital should b taxed @ same rate, w/no deferral $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Obama?s Tax Plan Would Spare Many Affluent Families Why the definition of income is more important than tax rates $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Defense Industry Cuts Exceed 500,000 Workers Over Cliff Living on the DC side of Baltimore, the effect will be big $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Greenspan Says Painless Solution to US Debt is Fantasy This is one of the two times per day for this stopped clock $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Medicare is unsustainable in current form “As it stands now, Medicare cannot keep its promises 2future seniors” $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Deck the Halls with Macro Follies A new video from the guy who brought you Keynes vs. Hayek at $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Sallie Krawcheck should not run the SEC Her prior career does not suggest that she would be a good regulator $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Elizabeth Warren would bring real smarts to the position. Now if we can find spots for Barofsky and Kauffman. Dec 05, 2012
  • Wrong: Five States 2Increase Class Time in Some Schools Little correlation btw class time & educational progress $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Republicans Reprise 2011 Debt-Limit Threat in Cliff Talks This is not a 2-player game but a 3-player game: t-party $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Obama Bets Re-Election Gave Him Power to Win Fiscal Cliff Think this idea is overplayed; players same now as b4 $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • +1 We need genuine capitalists, & not defenders of Wall Street & big business @ the SEC $$ @davidgaffen @footnoted @nminow @Reuters Dec 03, 2012




  • Benefits Leader Reins In 401(k)s $IBM defers 401(k) match 2 yearend; if u leave early, except retiring, u lose $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Baby boomers need annuity simplicity SPIAs r good annuities don’t sell b/c agents never earn another commission $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Milwaukee task force studies changes to pension system Will raise retirement ages & lower the multipliers 4 svc yrs $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Officials call pension reforms a must Kentucky reduces future pension benefits; good 4 taxpayers, bad 4 employees $$ Dec 03, 2012




  • #FF @Fullcarry @KidDynamiteBlog @Convertbond @foxjust @EconOfContempt @GregorMacdonald @edwardnh @MatthewPhillips @srussolillo $$ Dec 08, 2012
  • To Quote Thomas Jefferson, ‘I Never Actually Said That’ Yogi Berra, “I never said most of the things I said.” $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • Big Test at Johns Hopkins (biz school) Scuttlebutt is that it is not doing so well w/their Int’l student focus $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • “[Ransomware] is the new Nigerian email scam,? Mr Haley said. ?We?ll be talking about this for the next two years.? $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • The Insourcing Boom Can improve labor costs, morale, R&D, product quality, time to market. Wave of the future $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • My week on twitter: 42 retweets received, 3 new listings, 26 new followers, 65 mentions. Via: Dec 06, 2012
  • Dial-a-maid, get-a-slave in middle class India No, slavery is not dead yet & women bear the brunt of it $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Hospital Incentives Help Babies Determine Own Birth Dates Washington State finds a way 2reduce caesarean-sections $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • While at RealMoney, Steve Smith & I tried 2 get Lenny Dykstra 2 explain the risks of his strategies; he never responded Dec 05, 2012
  • Deere Gets the Wright Stuff My friend Bill Wright is now making standing lawn mowers 4 $DE ; both firms benefit $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Warren?s Way I respect Buffett a lot, but he is a hypocrite on taxes. Pay off the DTL, Sell $BRK shares, pay a div $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Online Classes Mean No Dorm, Gym or Debt My wife thinks there is room 4a quality college w/o the frills $$ #worthatry Dec 03, 2012
  • Not news: Burying the “Fed model” Have 2 decompose in2 real rates & inflation expectations. Result known since 1994 $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Wall Street finds a foreign detour around U.S. derivatives rules Do foreign biz through their London subs $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • A Free-Market Fix for the Copyright Racket Keep copyright protections, but limit them to 28 years $$ Dec 03, 2012


Fixed Income


  • Despite Risks, Investors Just Can’t Quit US Treasurys [sic] One of the better deflation hedges out there $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Talking Macro, Fixed Income, & the Strategic Alpha Bond Fund w/Loomis Sayles? Matt Eagan w/ @DavidSchawel Well done $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • California moves toward open source ratings for city bonds Researcher makes case here: $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Yield-Starved Investors Hoarding EM Bonds There is yield & their govts r running finances more orthodox way $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • We Were Stunned By The Brand New Patent That’s Been Awarded To Bill Gross Easy ideas should not be patentable $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Women analysts dominate muniland Funny, but when I was a corporate bond mgr, most of my analysts were bright ladies $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • BlackRock’s new bond plan $BLK does a kind of structuring of covenants (buyer’s due diligence) & coinvests in volume $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Scrounging for Income Okay advice, but if you can reduce need 4 income or harvest capital gains would b better $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Leveraged loans return 0.31% in November; YTD return is 8.8% Interesting part of article is strength of CLO bid $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • The Great Yield Gamble When risk-free rate is being used as a policy tool, it is harder 2 make rational choices $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Panasonic Swings Ruin Funds? Appetite for BBB Debt No notes rated <BBB+ by Japanese assessors offered in November $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • High Yield Exhaustion High yield feels tired between high supply, and potentially weakening demand $$ Dec 03, 2012

Rest of the World


  • China listings may soon flee US, expert says I usually don’t like when foreign listings leave; exception: China $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Sellers in Toronto, Vancouver just say no as housing markets sink Feels like the US in late 2006 $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Russia’s problem is not a petrified Soviet economics but corrupt politics impeding growth w/o fully blocking it $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Top US Firms Are Cash-Rich Abroad, Cash-Poor at Home Buy foreign businesses & hire clever transfer pricing accts $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Are We Watching Another North American Financial Crisis Unfold? Canadian taxpayers r on the hook for >C$1T in mtges $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Shangai broken dreams – changing gear? Argues Chinese mkt has broken support, but might have value 2 locals that dig $$ Dec 03, 2012




  • Cook Says Lives Enriched Matters More Than Money Made Summary & Manufacturing Macs in US $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Apple?s Halo Cracked $AAPL ‘s valuation requires that their products remain competitive for a long time to come $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Banks book record profits off Fannie and Freddie It’s more that much origination capacity is gone -> wide spreads $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Freeport to Buy Plains, McMoRan for $9 Billion I prefer resource extraction firms to be focused, not diversified $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • Steak Price Rising as Cattle Seen 20% Higher at JBS Combination of loose $$ policy & high feed prices from weather Dec 05, 2012
  • That fiscal cliff? $DOW Chemical says China’s a bigger worry Not a good sign for commodity chemical producers $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Trucks — Boats – Planes – Trains Transports are hinting at more economic weakness $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • Diamonds Dug in Gusty Arctic Too Remote for Diesel Fuel How mining companies generate power in remote areas $$ #wow Dec 03, 2012




  • Insurers’ Sandy Claims Estimates Show No Long-Term Damage Prudent insurance underwriters & investors bounce back $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • Re: Principles based stat reserving. As a life actuary, I wonder what will happen to old blocks of biz that get reinsured 2 get new acctg $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Insurers Add Reserve Power Move 2 principles-based reserving 4 Stat acctg is a mistake; lower margin of safety $$ Dec 03, 2012




  • Kind of fitting that $UBS discovered it $$ RT @graemehein: Swiss counter-intel is making Canada look good! Dec 04, 2012
  • OTOH, many other schools r athletic progs glued2 educ charity $$ RT @carney: Is Harvard really just a giant hedge fund? Dec 07, 2012
  • I believe it has a small educational charity attached $$ RT @carney: Is Harvard really just a giant hedge fund? Dec 07, 2012
  • I think Andrea encourages him to get fresh air now & then $$ RT @ecchymosis2009: Who let him out of his crypt? Dec 06, 2012
  • Barofsky 4 SEC Chair RT @matthewstoller: Important statements from @neilbarofsky on how to reform the SEC. $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • +1 Good news $$ RT @cate_long: .@matthewstoller reporting that Sallie Krawcheck seems to have been knocked out of the running as head of SEC Dec 06, 2012
  • Probably correct $$ RT @munilass: CalPERS likely 2 lose next court battle, San Bernardino bankruptcy observers predict Dec 05, 2012
  • You got it RT @James_Karn: @AlephBlog Don’t forget ethanol policy as a factor in high feed prices. Dec 05, 2012
  • UN = Useless Nations $$ RT @marykissel: Debacle-in-the-making: @UN takes a step toward regulating the #Internet Dec 05, 2012
  • +1 true $$ RT @LorcanRK: congrats to whoever is running the @euromoney account these days. Has completely transformed a semi-dormant feed. Dec 04, 2012
  • RT @ritholtz: ENOUGH ALREADY! I propose the hashmark #CLIFFHYPE to mark conversations about the excess hype regarding the so called Fis … Dec 04, 2012
  • Incongruous, huh? Or maybe it takes a thief… $$ RT @felixsalmon: Bob Merton on a financial stability committee??? Dec 03, 2012
  • Yes, & I lost some $$ on it last year RT @GaelicTorus: @AlephBlog panasonic is a value trap, imo $PC Dec 03, 2012
  • +1 For sure RT @footnoted: @joshuademasi @AlephBlog Well, nobody would accuse me of being a defender. That’s for sure. Dec 03, 2012
  • +1 RT @neilbarofsky: The more things change…Good for @benlawsky for voting no: New Rules for Life Insurers $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • Had good ideas in 2001 now jumps shark $$ RT @LDrogen: Taleb should have quit while he was ahead, this is just nonsense Dec 02, 2012




  • @Ryknow16 Not yet.. I expect the Fed to overdo it until it is obvious that they have to shift & then some; when shift comes it will b brutal Dec 08, 2012
  • “Thanks for writing this… this will be an important signal when the Fed finally hints at tightening,” David_Merkel $$ Dec 08, 2012
  • @DividendMaster Granted, but I have a rule of thumb: Removal of policy accommodation always is tougher than the Fed claims & imagines $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • @DavidSchawel You are welcome. Excellent interview & ideas. I also follow Pettis & Lacy Hunt — I’m an information hound $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein It was a good indicator, but now it is used for policy purposes in Operation Twist, making it useless as an indicator now. $$ Dec 07, 2012
  • “Challenge for Apple is perpetuating successful innovation. Difficult to continually get high ROEs?” ? David_Merkel $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • @neilbarofsky I have a compromise proposal on MMFs that gives everyone 90% of what they want. Can I show it to you? Dec 07, 2012
  • @DoubleDeuce Women I was speaking of were investment analysts, not actuaries, but u r right there also; famale actuaries tend 2b junior $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • @USTreasury Don’t care if this came from McConnell or Paul Krugman. The executive is *not* supposed to have any power over spending. Dumb $$ Dec 06, 2012
  • @DoubleDeuce Yo, friend. Men tend to be better at the risk-return tradeoff. Women tend to be better at estimating risk. Dec 06, 2012
  • @ivorroy I won’t live longer; eating meat in moderation is good 4u, &enjoying your life prolongs life far more than avoiding a few toxins $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • @Dan_Dicker Wrote a piece similar 2your “Embrace the Cliff” last June. “Might not be so Bad” $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • @cate_long I have a compromise proposal b4 the SEC on MMFs. Talked w/senior lawyers there: Really tough 2do good $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • @cate_long Personally, I think running the SEC is beyond everyone. The $$, the politics, can’t easily fire/hire people, etc. Dec 05, 2012
  • @cate_long Only be Chairman of the SEC. Only difficulties r managing the politics & incompetence. I would be willing 2 help. Dec 05, 2012
  • @rszbt Maybe we should nominate Cate Long. never reada bad article from her. Dec 05, 2012
  • @CondorOptions Ted Kauffman, Sheila Bair, Neil Barofsky, (giggle) Harry Markopolous, David Merkel (who?), Jack Ciesielski, I have more $$ Dec 05, 2012
  • @nelson3748 I expect nonsense from academics. Dec 05, 2012
  • @nelson3748 How has she been a disaster for consumer banking, and local and regional banks? Many of her proposal seem reasonable. Dec 05, 2012
  • @AppFlyer Yes, I heard about that… thought it was more dumb than lying… it was lying, but I didn’t see how she would gain from it. Dec 05, 2012
  • @AppFlyer Maybe I’m out of it. How is she a liar & a cheat? Links welcome. Dec 05, 2012
  • ‘ @StockRealist Hello from another member of the penny stock truth squad. Article of mine: Got $IMNG today #spitspit $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • .@drVTC It’s more what u do w/whatever time u spend w/kids, than the amount of time. I agree, tho; character is the most important factor $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • @paulvieira Typically u hear a few pops b4 the tree falls; inn the US that was mid-2007 $$ Dec 04, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein Makes sense, thanks Dec 04, 2012
  • @buzzfeedben What r u looking for from someone to run your possible business vertical? I know of a lot of talent in financial writing… Dec 04, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein your latest piece deals w/correlations — how well do the betas match up? Dec 04, 2012
  • @Fechtmeyer Thanks, I get it now. But technology is creative destruction, while Wall Street’s risk control methods were just wrong. $$ Dec 03, 2012
  • @Fechtmeyer SV? WS? Dec 03, 2012
  • @LDrogen “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty.” Ben Franklin $$ Dec 02, 2012
  • @kyles09 That is, how much profit there is in the deal 4 the originator, whether in % upfront, or in the excess interest strip Dec 02, 2012
Problems in Life Insurance

Problems in Life Insurance

I am not an FSA, but I am an actuary.? That said, I am not presently practicing inside a life insurance company, so as I write this, there may be some things that I get wrong.

There are two areas that concern me in life insurance accounting at present.? The first is that there is no good way to estimate the reserves for products that have secondary guarantees.? Yes, many actuaries can create models to try to estimate what the reserves should be.? But when you are dealing with variables that are less than predictable ? withdrawal assumptions, investment performance, etc., the results are often less good than desirable.

As a result, there have been reinsurance deals done to eliminate or reduce the formulaic reserves on secondary guarantees.? As a former boss of mine at AIG liked to say, ?I drop my deficiency reserves in the Atlantic Ocean.?? In other words, a Bermuda reinsurer with weaker reserving standards would absorb the secondary guarantee risk, even if it was another AIG subsidiary.? The same can be done through securitization and Special Purpose Vehicles.

Two articles on the topic:

  1. Experts Fear Life Insurers Are Courting Reserve Risk
  2. Captive SPVs: Shadow industry or necessary tool for life insurers?

But here is the more recent problem: allowing insurance companies to use their own models for reserving.? If the results of banks using the Basel Standards were bad, this has the potential to be worse.

You want all setting of reserves/accruals in financial companies to be conservative, and not manipulable by the companies, lest solvency be compromised.

When I was active in pricing, reserving, and cash flow modeling, I felt I had some of the best modeling out there, because most actuaries don?t understand complex regression models, and the components of investment return.

But I would never use my models to set the reserves.? That goes too far.

You don?t want to hand over reserving rules to one hired by the company, no matter how ethical he might be.? That way lies disaster.? There are always subtle pressures put on actuaries to be less conservative, because companies face pressure to show good earnings in the short-run.

Think of the mostly European quants, accountants and actuaries using the Basel standards.? Giving them the authority to set their own reserves for credit using internal models led to setting the reserves too low.? You want to have checks and balances.? You don?t want to have players serving as their own umpires.? So what if the statutory standards are too tight?? That just means earnings will be delayed, not eliminated.? Risk margins should be received as earned, and never capitalized.? Besides, the current crisis shows us that we never truly understand the parameters of the distribution.

Now, the rules in question are Statutory rules, affecting solvency, but not earnings, which come from GAAP.? What Statutory affects is the degree of solvency for subsidiaries, and the amount of free cash flow available to the holding company in the short-run.

This gives a lot of flexibility to management teams, and there is a lot more room to be liberal or conservative in terms of overall leverage policy.? In the short run, there could be a self-reinforcing cycle driving up the prices of life insurers as the less conservative buys the more conservative, resets their reserves, and uses the excess cash flow in the short run to acquire more companies.

Now for three quotations from this Wall Street Journal article on the topic:

Critics of the plan say they fear insurers will go overboard in their effort to placate investors who have grumbled for several years about subpar returns, draining the industry of reserves that could be needed in future financial crises. Many publicly traded life insurers are struggling to post the midteens returns on equity that shareholders want. Analysts say it is too soon to calculate how the new method will filter through to returns.

“This a significant and historic vote for the NAIC, moving forward on a substantive change in policy,” said Thomas Sullivan, a partner with PwC’s regulatory advisory business, and a former Connecticut insurance commissioner.

Once insurers can free up capital, “you could see more competitively priced products to consumers and/or improved financial flexibility for insurers,” Mr. Sullivan said.

Others are less optimistic. The move to principles-based reserving “is one of the most important developments in the history of life insurance,” said Joseph Belth, a professor emeritus of insurance at Indiana University and editor of the Insurance Forum. “Future generations of executives, regulators and consumers will have to deal with the financial carnage.”

Benjamin Lawsky, superintendent of the New York Department of Financial Services, had urged fellow regulators to vote no in a letter dispatched last week.

“The insurance industry weathered the financial crisis well precisely because of the careful reserving state regulators have historically required,” Mr. Lawsky said Sunday. “To ignore the lessons of the financial crisis and deregulate the industry, allowing them to keep less in reserves, is unwise.”

Listen to the New York Department of Insurance, which is the giant among pygmies.? They understand insurance regulation, versus most of the others states that don’t, who don’t deserve? a vote.? Listen to Joe Belth, who has fought against all manner of insurance frauds.? He deserves to be listened to as an elder statesman, unlike many others who think loosening up standards will produce some great outcome.

Principles based reserving will be less transparent than current standards.? Think of it this way.? Under the old rules, everyone was using the same algorithm.? You could ask questions about the inputs to it, and whether they were reasonable.? Under the new rules, regulators not only have to ask questions about inputs, but about the algorithms.? I can tell you from my experience, New York and the large states will be challenged trying to regulate that.? The small states?? They can’t even handle the present standards.

Now, it is not a done deal that these standards will come into existence.? Note from this article:

With the adoption of the Valuation Manual and prior approval of revisions to the Standard Valuation Law, the NAIC and Academy can present this as a package to state legislatures for consideration in early 2013. This package must be approved by 42 jurisdictions that represent states in which at least 75 percent of direct premiums are written before PBR takes effect. ?

Both New York and California are against this, and they have 18% of the market.? 8% more against, and this is dead.? Also, I know from my own forays back in 2000, when I led the effort to modernize Maryland’s life insurance investing code that it is very difficult to convince legislators to adopt new standards that they don’t understand.? I succeeded, and mainly because I was able to explain how excesses would be curbed.? With this legislation, I have no idea how you pitch it, aside from the braindead “More flexibility is good for the life insurance industry,” pitch.
I do not stand behind the American Academy of Actuaries.? I was a member of that for years, but I do not see them as promoting the good of all, but only that of the insurance/benefits industries.
Two more articles:

And to put my money where my mouth is, I am willing to testify against this legislation in state capitols as needed.? Maybe I get the fun of going back to Annapolis, but where else might I go?

Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets


Rest of the World


  • Wrong: Panic Spreading Across Nations Outranks Trade The panic is rational. 2 much debt that cannot b paid back $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Hong Kong Taxing Homebuyers in Bubble Fight Would that other nations had tried this rather than encouraging debt $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • China’s 18th Communist Party Congress convenes in Beijing on 11/8 4a once-a-decade leadership change $$ Infographic Nov 01, 2012
  • Hollande Ducks as French Industry Bleeds Jobs If France doesn’t change, the Eurozone eventually will fall apart $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • Italy in political chaos as election nears Italy exists 2 flesh out dictionary definitions of corruption & instability Oct 31, 2012
  • Ortega Tops Buffett With Zara Fortune of $53.6 Billion Tough 2 make that much $$ off retailing apparel but he did it Oct 31, 2012
  • Malaysian Gold Plans Flourish as Savers Seek Higher Yield When yields are too low, many bad income schemes arise $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • The EC can claim “success” in CDS regulation @soberlook tells us how the EU solved sovereign CDS by killing it $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • WHOA: Japan Has Its Own Fiscal Cliff, And People Are Actually Talking About A Risk Of Imminent Technical Default $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Europe’s Crisis Spawns Calls for a Breakup?of Spain more here: Will b tough 2 stay whole $$ Oct 29, 2012




  • Berkshire Hathaway buying Oriental Trading Buffett buys an Omaha company that sells party supplies nationally $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • MetLife’s Big Annuity Charge Linked to Regulatory Concern Reserving 4 guarantees on variable products can b weak $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Hartford Moves to Offer Annuity Buyouts also Annuity-holders: don’t accept $HIG ‘s low offers Nov 03, 2012
  • P/C Insurers Can Handle Sandy Losses; Flood Program 2 Bear Brunt Watch $TWGP, maybe $CB, property-centric reinsurers $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • Insurers Won’t Get Whole Tab Important 2c that much damage is not insured, & flood insurance not bot by many $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • Berkshire Extends Housing Bet With Brookfield Venture Buffett increases residential real estate sales presence $$ Oct 31, 2012




  • Nomads in Queens Endure Life on the Line as They Forage4 Gas Many Running on Empty in Newark Nov 03, 2012
  • Many Affected by #Sandy Lacked Flood Coverage Common in low frequency areas to not get the flood cover $$ #rolldice Nov 01, 2012
  • #Sandy Seen Lifting Insurance Prices Amid ?New Reality? Might have a small upward move in rates; shouldn’t b big $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Sandy Delivers a Digital Wallop to Eastern US Many datacenters have gotten soaked/fried; hope the data was backed up Nov 01, 2012
  • As far as the US equity indexes are concerned, the two day break for #Sandy had little effect on the stock markets $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • New York Subway System May Take Weeks to Recover From Storm Will be difficult to get into NYC by many means $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • US Stock Trading Shut for Second Day, Joining Bonds Markets likely to reopen on Wednesday, things still uncertain $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Behind Decision to Close Markets Contingency plans to operate exchanges remotely will be the rule in the future $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Hurricane Sandy: Losses Estimated at $45 Billion Seems high, but possible. More realistic: $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Sandy knocks out power to 82 percent of LIPA customers Astounding $$ Oct 30, 2012




  • The progressive case against Obama I may write “The Libertarian case against Romney,” b/c we really don’t know him $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Disasters Create Bigger, Not Better, Government The challenge is 2 decide in advance what risks r borne by whom $$ Nov 01, 2012




  • Mining Canada’s Oil Sands: Suddenly, Not a Sure Thing High cost 2 produce vs tight oil from fracking in the US $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Vladimir Putin Is The New Global Shah Of Oil Putin gains control over Russian oil & gas; how will he use that? $$ Oct 30, 2012




  • In Fixed Income, a Fight to Survive Investment banking in bonds favors a market structure w/6-10 major brokers $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Low Rates Lure Yield Seekers Onto Thin Ice When amateurs reach 4 yield they usually don’t know the risks they take $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Pimco?s Gross Says Quantitative Easing Not Leading to Investment Should not b a surprise, only affects HQ rates $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Bond Sales Topping $3 Trillion Nears 2009 Record Corporate debt deserves its chance 2become a bubble. Will u help? $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Who Loses When Fed Keeps Interest Rates Low? Savers, Banks, Insurers (Life more), Pensions, Endowments, & Trusts $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • Bernanke?s Cash Fueling Record Corporate Rally Corporate credit getting tempted to overissue from low yields $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Hedge Funds Drawn to Fannie-Freddie Risk-Sharing Plan Creating new private mortgage securities in an unusual way $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Bargain-Addicted Investors Ignore Perils of Low Rates Argues investors & borrowers underestimate economic weakness $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Treasury Real Yields Turn Positive as Inflation Slows I prefer the CPI and the GDP IPD 2 the PCE. #alphabetsoup $$ Oct 28, 2012
  • Cost of Bailing Out Fannie and Freddie Expected to Fall Sharply Looks more optimistic, so long as housing prices ^ Oct 28, 2012
  • Trusts, Bonds Lead Surge in Credit ‘Gambling’ Maturity & risk-based pricing only come after mkts have a failure event Oct 27, 2012
  • New Peril for Parents: Their Kids’ Student Loans Safer: Borrow directly & formal lend 2 yr kids $$ #dontcosign Oct 27, 2012
  • Here’s a Tip: Watch Those Pricey TIPS People are locking in increasingly larger losses vs the CPI, be wary $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • That said, the enhanced indexing is often a better strategy, but not everyone can do it; it would eventually distort the market $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • Is Your Bond Strategy Wrong? Mkt cap weighting scales &is true idxing; other weighting schemes r enhanced idxing $$ Oct 27, 2012


Market Impact


  • Does Academic Research Destroy Stock Return Predictability? It reduces, but does not destroy; limits to arbitrage $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Predicting the Next Shock to the Global Economy China, Fiscal Cliff, Oil price surge, European Bank failure, Earnings Nov 03, 2012
  • Sectors And Style: Which is the better way to view the market? Sectors. Been my view 4a while $$ ht: IndexUniverse Nov 01, 2012
  • Rich Stuck as Salient Curbs Withdrawals for Investors The sting of illiquidity at its finest; hedge fund halts w/d $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • THE REAL BEAUTY OF A BALANCED FUND “The beauty of rebalancing is that it forces us to do what we won?t want to do” $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • David Rosenberg Brought Down The House With This Depressing Presentation At A Conference This Week 2 wks dated $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • ?Misunderstanding Financial Crises?, a Q&A with Gary Gorton I will b reviewing this book soon; disagree on policy $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Signal failure:Why illiquidity in one asset can spread quickly to others Investors sell risk assets at same time $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • SEC Weighs Bringing Back Fractions in Stock Prices Probably a mistake; there r better ways2 solve trading issues $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • Your Fund May Be ‘Adopted.’ So What? Doesn’t affect existing holders, usually done2increase marketing 2 new holders Oct 27, 2012


Pensions & Endowments


  • Also, it is very difficult 4 avg ppl 2 invest a lump sum over a long horizon; that’s even difficult 4 professionals, unless u have lotsa $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • GM Retirees Take Lump Sum Buyout Usually a bad idea to take a lump sum buyout; avg ppl don’t estimate value well $$ $GM Nov 01, 2012
  • Preliminary Data Indicate Educational Endowments Earned Investment Returns Averaging -0.3% in FY2012 Tarnished model $$ Oct 29, 2012




  • VMware, the bell tolls for thee, and Microsoft is ringing it Never thought $MSFT would ever threaten a company again $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • Sharp Says It Faces Material Doubt on Survival From Sharp minds come… never mind… tech is a cutthroat sector $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Honda starts making small jets in US, aims for ‘Civic of the Sky’ FD: + $HMC Unique jet may offer many advantages $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Abbott Labs $ABT Said to Ready a $10B+ Bond Deal Remember bigger 1 in 2002 4 $GE Capital. I passed & it sank $$ Oct 28, 2012




  • Are You Better Off Now Than You Were Four Years Ago? If u r reading @reformedbroker u r. Happy 4th blogoversary! $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • Unsaving the U.S. economy Low savings rate may aid GDP in the present, at the cost of lower GDP in the future $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Taming Stomachs With Fodmap Diet Spurs $8 Billion Market Eliminate a few sugars from diet & upset stomachs go away $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Let?s Put America?s Bankers Out of Business Now I.e. not finance US debt via China & Japan, OPEC, etc. $$ #tough2do Oct 29, 2012
  • Counting das gold at Fort Knox This would be interesting if the Germans can audit it & no Americans can $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • A Dirty Investment Watch composition of the financing & get skittish when debt levels get hi4 new transactions $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Great Ideas Bosses Never Hear It’s a cultural thing. It’s easy to create a culture where new ideas r put down $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Practice Makes Perfect?And Not Just for Jocks and Musicians Many disciplines benefit by making basics instictive $$ Oct 28, 2012
  • Windows 8 Success Hinges on $10 Component Hail the high-tech hinge! Variable friction for enhanced functionality $$ Oct 27, 2012



  • If states declare #Sandy not 2b a “hurricane” so hurricane deductibles don’t apply, expect 2c policy forms rewritten 4 future storms $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • It would be stupid2base your vote off the Friday jobs report. A related variable is better Labor Force Participation $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • “Sandy has not affected your ability to write trenchant posts, Josh. Well done.” David_Merkel $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • It’s obvious that NYC and a number of coastal areas took some pretty bad whacks. Anyplace further inland get hit that badly? $$ #Sandy Oct 30, 2012
  • Sandy having her last hurrah in Baltimore. We are on the downhill slope from here. 20% of people lost power, much less than feared. $$ Oct 30, 2012
  • Trench on the uphill side of the yard is diverting water downhill and away from the house. Moderate winds & rain at present:Baltimore #Sandy Oct 29, 2012
  • If #Sandy has not turned toward the US Coast by 8AM ET, it will head out to sea. If so, will NOAA issue an apology? $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Just tossing this out, but what if #Sandy doesn’t make landfall on the US Coast? Storm tracking east of predictions. $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Men live in a dream world about women. Women live in a dream world about men. Sadly, they aren’t the same dream worlds. $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • And thus, good marriages require communication and compromise Oct 27, 2012



  • Yeh, or Icahn’s son RT @valuewalk: or his son Nov 01, 2012
  • Carl only plays 4 Carl RT @srussolillo: Whitney Tilson Has ‘Mixed Feelings’ About Carl Icahn’s Netflix Stake $NFLX Nov 01, 2012
  • RT @marketfolly: Tons of hedgies lately saying to avoid long-term treasuries. Makes sense, but contrarian move is obviously for them to … Oct 31, 2012
  • Y I never say IMHO RT @felixsalmon: RT @racheldodes: Observation: those who describe themselves as “humble” r usually the opposite of humble Oct 31, 2012
  • RT @cabaum1: My Bastiatian response to destruction-is-good crew: Why wait for natural diasters when we could nuke and rebuild cities all … Oct 30, 2012
  • +1 RT @Convertbond: I think we’ll see an a leak over to corporate CDS in #Europe as the sovereign short selling bad goes into effect #France Oct 30, 2012
  • RT @grossdm: Irony, and this is the last time I’ll use this pun. Biggest liquidity market to hit NY in decades causing historic illiquid … Oct 29, 2012
  • High required returns & unrealistic views of “alternatives” RT @The_Analyst: you mean illogical/delusional return assumptions, no? $$ Oct 29, 2012
  • Time to celebrate! RT @PragCapitalist: Minor miracle. Server transfer completed without destroying the website. Oct 28, 2012
  • I am with you there, I tell young ppl that RT @rossbrannon: Or don’t let kids get student loans at all. It’s the worst debt there is. $$ Oct 28, 2012



  • @jucojames Typically, I write about Buffett in the late Winter or early Spring, b/c I get the most data then. Quarterly releases r light $$ Nov 03, 2012
  • @jucojames Excellent 2 hear from you my friend. I hope your business continues 2 prosper. When I opened my doors 4 biz, I underperformed 🙁 Nov 03, 2012
  • @researchpuzzler The link to my article has extraneous stuff at the end does not work Nov 01, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 Not sure where you are going — this has cut across everyone, though men, young, old, & minorities more Nov 01, 2012
  • @michaellipson1 This is true, & it is one place where the average individual has an advantage over the actuarial tables; U know yr health $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • @crampell Politicians don’t like to admit that there r problems that r so big & complex that they can’t do anything about them $$ Nov 01, 2012
  • @TheStalwart It’s slower, I think. Many key internet nodes got knocked out by #Sandy. See: Nov 01, 2012
  • @merrillmatter @munilass What a cute kid. I don’t have any that small anymore. Kid #8 just turned 10, and she’s still cute, but they grow up Nov 01, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein How do you dig these little gems up, Eddy? Oct 31, 2012
  • @carney Disasters don’t often happen on a correlated basis; people have cognitive bias 2 think they do; also shutting barn door after cow $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @carney As a buyside insurance analyst back in 2006, everyone was saying what a bad disaster year it would be. I argued against it. $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro Challenge to govts is 2 set rates that reflect risk fairly, avoid permanent subsidy, & discourage efforts at non-compliance $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro They typically exist 4 low-frequency high-severity events & areas where insureds can’t or don’t take steps 2 avoid losses $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @Alea_ Thanks, I get it, I think. Assets r more unbounded than processes like underwriting damages. Fair? Oct 31, 2012
  • @Alea_ But isn’t EVT better than alternatives when dealing w/questions like how do we size reserves 4 events larger than we have seen b4? $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @finemrespice @carney “Most commercial policies provide flood coverage, though with some limits” but homes, not $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @joshgiersch The situation in China might be competitive, given the financial repression going on there. Oct 31, 2012
  • @joshgiersch You can say that again. When governments engage in financial repression, they tempt ppl to cut corners on safety 4 income $$ Oct 31, 2012
  • @JamesMarsh79 It’s not just ability, but willingness, and willingness is affected by politics as well as economics Oct 29, 2012
  • @real_taxloss Well done. That was well worth a read. Oct 29, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro I appreciate guys like you that I agree with half the time, and disagree with half the time. Makes me think. $$ Oct 28, 2012
  • @ColoradoCapital Nominally TIPS investor gets CPI – x if held to maturity. The nominal Tsy holder gets his yield [y]. Real: -x vs y-CPI $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • @munilass Is there a brief way to explain what incremental risks exist between a Puerto Rico GO & a generic state GO? Similar laws or not? Oct 27, 2012
Sorted Weekly Tweets

Sorted Weekly Tweets



  • Insurers Must Boost Reserves for Residential Mortgage Bonds Pretty trivial; change small, not worth making $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Randian and the Bailout Without a tax gift from the US Tsy, $AIG couldn’t pay off the bailout Oct 25, 2012
  • For that last tweet, full disclosure, long $AIZ for clients and me Oct 24, 2012
  • Assurant Reports 3rd Quarter 2012 Financial Results Over 8.75 yrs $AIZ has shrunk its share count from 142M to 78M $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Weschler Rise From Grace Leads to Role Advising Buffett Interesting tale of a guy who can deal4 & value companies $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Goldman Sachs Creates a Dividend+Buybacks Measure, & 4 Insurer Stocks Shine I own 2 of them 4 clients. Which 2? $$ Oct 22, 2012


Central Banking


  • Here Comes the Dollar Wave Again Defend exports, import inflation, asset bubbles “Our currency, but your problem.” Oct 25, 2012
  • Approach risks ?distorting? decisions & ?it might be economically inefficient 2try2 push prices up so much,? Shiller Oct 24, 2012
  • Redacted Version of the October 2012 FOMC Statement Note: CPI inflation is at 2%, also inflation expectations rising $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • FOMC Statement: Oct 24, 2012
  • “We fail 2c the direct link, or even an indirect link, btw the size of the Fed’s balance sheet & the unemp rate” $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Buffett: ‘”I get a little worried about continuously expanding” the Fed’s balance sheet, he said on CNBC.’ $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Traders Calling Singer?s Bluff on Intervention as Koruna Gains Czech National Bank playing with fire, will burn $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Would mean that the external effect of loose monetary policy have been played out, & the next big move is coming (but from where)? $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Worst Carry Trades Show Central Banks at Stimulus Limit Interesting thought: if carrytraders can’t make money… $$ Oct 22, 2012


Fiscal Cliff


  • Firms Hit Brakes Before Fiscal Cliff Tap brakes is more like it. Most think we won’t go over the cliff #gridlock $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Aha! Here’s The REAL Reason Corporate Executives Are Freaking Out About The Fiscal Cliff Favors initiatives of Dems $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • How Supap Kirtsaeng?s Textbooks Idea Led to Supreme Court What rights exist to re-sell something that you bought? $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The Plot to Destroy America’s Beer A tale of cost-cutting, quality reductions. Light beers ascendant. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • Sandy Nears Jamaica, Forecasters Weigh New England Threat High Incidence, Low Power 4 Tropical Storms in 2012 $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Calling All Germs Cellphones Are Great for Sharing Photos?and Bacteria; Cleaning May Harm Screens $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Romney?s Air Force Comparison Misses U.S. Edge in Jets There r some situations where more lower tech jets would help Oct 24, 2012
  • Dean, Marathon Split-Offs on Tap Post-split $DF looks interesting, if boring. More room 2 focus $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Shale Glut Becomes $2 Diesel Using Gas-to-Liquids Plants This is the Holy Grail, because gasoline is tough2produce $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • The internal combustion engine is far from dead Most real improvements in energy efficiency deal w/fossil fuels $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Americans Buying Fewer New Cars in Lifetime long-term probably not a good sign; autos drive a lot of the economy $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • The Myth of Affordable Energy – Interview with Ed Dolan Energy efficiency is increasing. Full cost pricing desirable $$ Oct 20, 2012




  • Russian Funds Band Together to Repel Government Cash Grab Gotta b careful on pension funds cuz govts like 2 raid them Oct 26, 2012
  • More Americans delaying retirement until their 80s This is the way it should be. Retirement s/b 4-5 years at most Oct 25, 2012
  • Can Japan?s Elderly Become Its Growth Engine? This seems like wishful thinking to me. Spending from savings <> wages $$ Oct 24, 2012




  • U.S. securities regulator questions need for new broker standard Extending fiduciary standards 2 brokers in question Oct 24, 2012
  • Forcing frequent failures @interfluidity hits a home run in dealing with bank failures, & how to regulate Oct 24, 2012
  • Low Rates Pummel Banks Borrowers Benefit, but Industry Lending Profits Hit Lowest Level in Three Years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Marsico: When Going Private Goes Wrong June 2007 was the wrong time 2 LBO, then performance lags $$ My sympathies2them Oct 23, 2012
  • 3 key money topics Romney-Obama debates ignored Housing prices, Investor protections & Retirement Savings $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • The end of stock market crashes? I’m sorry, but the conclusion is bogus. Even if its works, only some could escape $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Mortgage risks underestimated, economists conclude FHA uses a model that leads it to underestimate delinquency risk $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • Annaly Says Michael Farrell Dies After Cancer Diagnosed He was kind2me ~2000; willing2share ideas w/little me $$ $NLY Oct 22, 2012
  • Mortgage REITs: Not Just Yet I would be careful here & reduce exposure… they are always unstable vehicles $$ Oct 21, 2012
  • The Winner for Investors Is… @jasonzweigwsj points out the connection between returns & politics is tenuous $$ Oct 21, 2012




  • Firings Highest Since 2010 as Ford to Dow Face Slump This is the US economy. We can’t support workers relative2profit Oct 26, 2012
  • Weak Tea at Unilever Persists Amid Innovation at Rivals Did not even know that Lipton was a Unilever brand $$ $UL $UN Oct 24, 2012
  • Doom Heralded at Hayman by Widening Trade Deficit: Japan Credit Japan?s debt is the ?cleanest dirty shirt.? Not. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Hunger Stalks My Father?s India Long After Starvation End Long article, makes me grateful that I can feed my kids $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • Electrolux, Philips Warn Of US Slowdown Another soggy data point; less demand 4 bigger-ticket consumer items $$ Oct 22, 2012




  • Ya, true RT @glenntyrpa: @barnejek @AlephBlog @sikorskiradek Yea. When did Japan invade China? Was that 1930? 🙂 we Americans forget. Oct 26, 2012
  • RT @PragCapitalist: Today’s financial tip: don’t ever buy a boat. Instead, find a friend with a boat. If necessary, buy the friend. … Oct 24, 2012
  • Clever RT @BradErvin1: @AlephBlog @PragCapitalist This is Buffett, courtesy legacy @kevindepew articles @Minyanville $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • Stinks, just stinks RT @ritholtz: THE SELLSIDE: SAME AS IT EVER WAS Courthouse News Service via @CourthouseNews $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @KathrynTully: The last of Sarah Thornton’s top reasons for quitting art market surely belongs in top 10 reasons not to be a journo. … Oct 24, 2012
  • RT @emckean: LOVE THIS RT @aniajakubek: There’s a Polish saying that means “Not my problem” & literally translates to “Not my circus … Oct 24, 2012
  • SIFMA gets an infamous big name to speak to them RT @LaurenLaCapra: #greenspan Oct 23, 2012
  • At my house too RT @retheauditors: Halloween is dead to me. Oct 22, 2012




  • #FF @NickTimiraos @carney @grossdm @annsaphir @ritholtz @ToddSullivan @PlanMaestro @RolfeWinkler @LaurenLaCapra @davidgaffen @jennablan $$ Oct 27, 2012
  • @TraderNewsFeed No, I don’t think that. I think we should enjoy our work, and enjoy it for as long as we can, until we can no longer work $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @rjwile True, but that’s the price of not saving enough. There is no right to a retirement. Someone send the EU the memo. $$ Oct 26, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial I largely agree. Reducing the real value of debts would help. My only fear is that nominal incomes might not grow much $$ Oct 25, 2012
  • @OVVOFinancial Missed that, thanks. Still, the Chain-weighted PCE deflator is 1.5% yoy at present. Oct 25, 2012
  • @barnejek oops Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist A boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money $$ That said, the recession created a lot of used boats 4 sale Oct 24, 2012
  • @tebaho I am not a Romney backer Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein lifted the stake above 50% by 1995. Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1977, GEICO was ~6% of his public investments, before $BRK.B acquired 33% of the company by 1980, and buybacks + Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein In 1981, GEICO was ~30% of his public investments — no data on how big his private investments were then $BRK.B $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein 1996-7 around 16% of pretax income. Prior to that, it was not wholly owned, and so Buffett acctd 4 it as an investment $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein $BRK.B would not want to live without GEICO, but in my opinion, it could live without it Oct 24, 2012
  • @EddyElfenbein It’s about 5% of BRK’s pretax profits. The float it generates is very short and is only 5% of liabilities. Oct 24, 2012
  • @PragCapitalist It’s a conglomerate fueled by a set of huge insurance companies, where assets r sourced privately & publicly $$ $BRK.B Oct 24, 2012
  • @PlanMaestro @aarontask @TheStalwart I think it is spurious correlation b/c I c many other variable that r weak. US economy is flat. $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @felixsalmon In the NT Greek, there r2 words for God’s will, &1 tells u God ordains everything, the other, he doesn’t approve everything Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator I would ask the question, how is $TGT going to deploy the capital? The answer probably lies there. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen America’s politicians have always made appeals based on religion, & then abandoned the religious voters that support them (not new) Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi I realize with Japan, it is unlikely 4 there 2b an external default, until the external debt gets big enough Oct 24, 2012
  • @aarontask This is a stock versus flow issue. The banks reap capital gains now, but it will reduce their future interest margins/income $$ Oct 24, 2012
  • @CflGator Think they are trying to free up capital for alternative uses. Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen But all people have unprovable a priori opinions, and many will affect their views on public policy, whether “religious” or not Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen It becomes the same paradox that philosophers go through with respect to the concept of free will vs determinism Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen Even 2a Christian like me, God’s will is a highly nuanced, b/c there r 2 words in NT Greek 4 “will” & they mean different things Oct 24, 2012
  • @LDrogen One of my close friends came into existence as a result of a rape. Two good people adopted him; biological mother was courageous Oct 24, 2012
  • . @aarontask will look for it — if anyone has a link 2 it, pass it 2 me Oct 24, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Nations with their own currencies don’t have to default on debts. I think some will choose to default for political reasons $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “This brings up something @ritholtz would say ~ blog traffic goes up during a crisis?” ? David_Merkel $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @joshuademasi Not sure he will lose; he has a decent chance of being correct. Japan has preceded the global economy for past 20 years $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • “5. Tadas, as you have said before, investment/finance blogging is hard. And many of the best of us?” $$ David_Merkel Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett I distrust polls generally. I am not a Romney supporter. Most statistical comments in the media r not well-founded $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Stratification matters more. The size was smaller than most polls I c, & instant senses of who 1r often not correct Oct 23, 2012
  • @DUNNER2 @CBSNews Now there was a poll that no one asked for, the sample size was far too small, but actually had a real impact. Sad. Oct 23, 2012
  • @Shwaver should be more like 5% if the poll is well stratified, and most polls aren’t Oct 23, 2012
  • @thejudge1082 @cbsnews I would criticize that as well. Most polls are too small and not well stratified Oct 23, 2012
  • @nmariecrumbie @DJDougMadrid @cbsnews I am *not* a backer of Romney. I am voting for the Constitution Party. I am a statistician, are you? Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @CBSNews size *always* matters. I am a statisticiam by training. The hyper-short news cycle forced out a poll Oct 23, 2012
  • @Justsaying1104 @cbsnews of course size matters — what I object to is trying to get instant answers to what people are thinking $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @ituzzip On a 500 person poll the error bounds are wider +/- 5%. But Rs answer polls less often than Ds. Oct 23, 2012
  • @JW28 Sorry, I am not a Romney backer Oct 23, 2012
  • @DJDougMadrid I don’t believe in instant, & I am voting 3rd party. Oct 23, 2012
  • @StephenShiflett Most polls I see are double that, it was still small, given the short time after the debate. Oct 23, 2012
  • @CBSNews Small sample size Oct 23, 2012
  • @TheStalwart I think you are fair and balanced, because A third of the time I agree, a third I disagree, and a third I an in-between. $$ Oct 23, 2012
  • @wallstCS FD: long $SFG — You do realize that revenue is not a useful valuation metric for insurers, right? Earnings & Book r relevant $$ Oct 22, 2012
  • @groditi @GaelicTorus it drives a lot of technology development, materials science, design (or lack thereof), advertising, energy efficiency Oct 22, 2012
  • @BradErvin1 No, the point is that corrupt governments tend to spawn corruption in society Oct 20, 2012
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