Category: Fed Policy

Our Not-So-Elastic Currency

Our Not-So-Elastic Currency

Before I start this evening, I want to point to a blog post of Barry’s. I have never heard James Grant as agitated as he is in this Bloomberg interview. I’ve heard James Grant disappointed or discouraged, but not annoyed. It was interesting to listen to, and compatible with my views on the credit markets.

This small PDF file contains my summary of the Fed’s H.4.1 report at two points in time: early August 2007, and the latest. I chose early August, because it was prior to the FOMC being willing to advertise that they might consider unorthodox monetary policy solutions. How have things changed? Let’s start with what hasn’t changed. For the most part, the Fed hasn’t expanded its balance sheet. Total assets are up only 2.5%, or 3.8% annualized. The liability side of the balance sheet has expanded even less — 1.7% or 2.7% annualized. The issuance of Federal Reserve Notes has crept up 0.5%, or 0.7% annualized. For a loosening cycle, this is unusual.

But what has changed? The composition of assets on the balance sheet, and the level Fed net worth.

  • Treasury bills down $163 billion
  • Treasury notes and bonds down $18 billion
  • Repurchase agreements up $82 million
  • Term Auction Credit up $80 million
  • Other loans (direct lending to dealers) up $37 million
  • Fed net worth up $7 billion (21%, I will not annualize that)

What you are seeing is a substitution of T-bills and T-notes for short-term lending against collateral with greater credit risk (though with haircuts). If you net all of the changes that I highlighted on the asset side, it adds up to the change in assets less $3.5 billion. As for the net worth of the Fed, it is curious to see it rising so much. I need to look at that series over time to see how it changes.

In short, the FOMC is providing a little more credit to the economy as a whole through the expansion of its own balance sheet. In the process, it is changing the composition of its own balance sheet (at least for a little while) in order to induce more liquidity into the mortgage markets, while offering out T-bills that are in hot demand. Both aim to narrow the spread between mortgage bonds and Treasuries, particularly on the short end.

That said the bond market is big, making the $200 billion allocated by the Fed look small. Now, there are also the actions of the GSEs, which are perhaps another $300 billion. Is that enough to right the prime residential mortgage market? It looks small to me, though in the short-run, it can change market psychology.

Why I titled this “Our Not-So-Elastic Currency” is that the amount of stimulus to the economy as a whole is small; the action is focused on fixing the mortgage markets, and the broker-dealers. That M2 and other broader monetary aggregates are rising aggressively stems from a willing ness of the banks to take on leverage at present. For banks that are healthy, funds are cheap; they can expand.

TSLF Auction

I had earlier predicted that direct lending to broker-dealers would limit the need for the Term Securities Lending Facility. Well, that’s not true, but the need for the TSLF was not that great today. $75 billion of credit was offered, with only $86 billion of bids. The rate that the exchange of collateral priced at was only 33 basis points, which was only 8 basis points above the minimum acceptable. The auction was close to failing, except that failure would be a good thing. If bids had not been sufficient, it would have indicated a lack of need for the facility, which would indicate that conditions aren’t so bad after all.

My guess is that the TSLF will not be one of the new credit systems that survives the current crisis. The direct lending through the Primary Dealer Credit Facility may prove harder to discontinue because of its greater flexibility.

Ten Notes on Our Quasi-Government and the Financial System

Ten Notes on Our Quasi-Government and the Financial System

Personal notes before I get started: I’ve been busy studying for the Series 7 (and also reviewing the compliance manual for my new firm — wow it is big). The two of them fit together, as I get to see how the regulations get applied. I’ve made through the study guide (what do you do when it is wrong — not that I found a lot of errors, maybe half a dozen?), and I am 20% through my first practice test. Went and got fingerprinted for the fourth time in my life yesterday. (The other three times were for adoptions.)

My links are back 🙂 but I had to give up my descriptive permalinks. 🙁 Maybe I’ll get them back when I upgrade the blog to WordPress 2.5.1. Beyond that, I am working on a book review for Gene Marcial’s forthcoming book, “7 Commandments of Stock Investing.”

Catching up on the markets:

Our Unorthodox Federal Reserve, GSEs and Government

1) Repo rates may not be negative now, but they were so recently. Fails (failures to deliver securities) become common, because of the lack of a penalty. Today we should see whether the TSLF has any impact on the scarcity of Treasuries. We should learn more about the direct landing program as well after the close today. It got off to a big start last week. Watch for the H.4.1 report after the close. Given all that is going on, it is becoming the critical weekly Fed document.

2) Now, because of all these actions on the asset side of the Fed’s balance sheet, some are calling the actions of the Fed, including the Bear Stearns bailout, revolutionary. Well, maybe. It’s certainly different than before, but there is a cost to doing business this way. Bit by bit the Fed loses flexibility as more and more of its highest quality assets become encumbered for a time.? The more that they do, also, the harder it will be to unwind, in my opinion.

3)? Greenspan…? If we turn off the spotlight, will he go away?? (Then again, he has enough money to buy his own spotlight.)? It is tough for anyone to defend a legacy, and I don’t blame him for trying, but the Fed became too integrated with the political establishment under his tenure, which made it too activist in avoiding short-term pain.? It made him look like a hero at the time, but now we are paying the price.? Overly loose monetary policy and financial supervision led to gluts of borrowing to finance assets that appreciated dramatically, until the ability to service the debt began to decrease.? I don’t think history will treat him kindly.? He said too much in the past that he is contradicting today.

4) Will the Fed buy agency MBS outright?? I think the answer to that one is yes, if the crisis persists. If housing prices drop enough further, like say 15%, the actions of the Treasury, Fed, FHLB, Fannie, Freddie, FHA, and whatever new lending monstrosity our imaginative Government comes up with will have to be closely coordinated.? At some level, if the Fed can’t trust the implicit guarantee of Fannie and Freddie, why should the rest of us?? That guarantee is as sound as a dollar! 😉

5)? It’s interesting to see the tide shift with respect to GSE involvement in the mortgage market:

6)? On a consolidated basis, our government, with its enterprises, are levering up.? This is a substitution of public debt for private, and more, just a lowering of capital standards for the GSEs.? (I wonder how comfortable the rating agencies are with this?)? This works while Treasury yields are low.? I wonder, though, how much impact this will have on the willingness of foreign buyers of Treasuries to continue their funding of our government?? One thing for sure, this will all get funded by the US taxpayers, together with those who lend to the US (dollar depreciation).

7) Now, it’s not as if the US is the only place in the world with central banking problems.? Consider the Eurozone, where there is still no lender of last resort.? How would they deal with a financial crisis?? I’m not sure; the ECB has quietly helped out some Spanish banks, but it is not really in their jurisdiction.? Under conditions of deflationary stress, it would not be impossible to see a nation whose financial system was in trouble either directly bail out the dud institutions, or even, exit the euro (last resort, but not impossible).

Or consider China, where inflation is getting a nice head of steam.? Their neomercantilism, with their crawling peg against the dollar is forcing them to import loose monetary policy from the US.? As the article cited points out, they need to significantly revalue their currency upward, which would would whack their exports, at least for a time.

8 )? For those that remember the files that I created for my piece, A Social View of the FOMC, it looks like I will have to update the file soon.? We have a successor to Bill Poole nominated, James Bullard.? When he is approved, I will update the file.? (I will miss Poole.? Though he was occasionally out of step with the rest of the FOMC, he always spoke his mind, which was usually more hawkish than the rest of the FOMC.)

9)? Now, Bullard is an Economics Ph. D.? (Surprise!) ? In my earlier piece, Jeff Miller took note of a few of the things that I said, and perhaps attributed to me an anti-Academic bias.? I don’t have a bias against academics, per se.? (Hey, can we put Steve Hanke on the Fed?!? One of my professors…)? I do have concerns about not having enough real debate.? If the neoclassical view of monetary policy is correct, then we don’t have problems, because everyone on the FOMC is either a neoclassical economist, or a monetarist.

Now, I do know the difference between politics and policy formation, and if I hadn’t been trying to keep the number of pages down, I might have had two columns.? (Getting it down to 15 pages was hard.)? But most of the FOMC members had either one or the other, but not both, so I left it as one column.? Next time I change the column heading.? That said, even if one is in a policymaking capacity in the executive branch, there is typically some political affiliation that helps get that person the job.? Those are relevant bits of experience, just as I noted everyone that had foreign experience, or military experience.? But what worries me is a lack of real diversity in views of how economics works.? (Perhaps we could get someone from the Santa Fe Institute?)

10) Finally, there will be a lot of pressure in the future to re-regulate our financial system.? Personally, I don’t think it is possible to create a regulatory scheme that eliminates crises.? The regulator shapes the type of crisis that will come, and when it will come, but it is impossible to wipe out the boom-bust cycle.? (We put off this bust for a long time, and now we are getting it with compound interest for time delay.)? If a regulatory regime is too tight, the financial companies complain because their ROEs are too low.? To the extent that it can, capital begins to exit the industry, or, the stock prices languish, and financials trade at low multiples on book, because they can’t earn much off their net worth.

Financial companies find the weak spots in any risk-based capital formula.? They also lobby the executive branch and Congress effectively.? Unless we slide into Great Depression II, I don’t think things will change remarkably from here.

I? agree that we need to re-regulate, but perhaps after this crisis is done, we can consider systemic reforms, and not the piecemeal stuff we have been dished up in the name of crisis management.? My re-regulation would be to reduce the Federal Government’s role in the credit markets, but then, I am walking out of step, and realize that is not what is going to happen.

Fifteen Notes on the Credit Markets (and other markets)

Fifteen Notes on the Credit Markets (and other markets)

1)? A number of blogs pointed to this piece by Howard Marks of Oaktree, and I thought it was very well-thought out for the most part.? There are few people who think about history in the markets; they just follow present trends.? Learning how to see unsustainable trends and avoiding them not only reduces risk, but enhances long-term return.

2) Crisis!? Choose how you want to view it:

3) Tony Crescenzi sounds an optimistic note on the short-term lending markets.? His opinion should be taken seriously.? The money markets are a specialty of his.

4) To err is human, but to really mess things up, you need derivatives.? With Bear Stearns, different parties have different incentives regarding the firm.? Senior bondholders and derivative counterparties owed money by Bear are much, much larger than the teensy equity base of the small-cap firm.? It is my guess that they are protecting their interests by buying stock at prices over the terms of the deal.? They want the deal to go through.

5) How are the European investment banks?? My guess is that they have greater accounting flexibility, and things are better than US investment banks, but worse than currently illustrated.

6) Save our markets by risking our national credit?? I’m skeptical of many government solutions that bail out the markets, including those the Fed is pursuing.? Same for the GSEs… it seems like a free lunch to allow the GSEs to lever up further, but the losses are growing at Fannie and Freddie from all of the guarantees that they have written.? The US government backstops the whole thing implicitly, but even the capacity of the US government to fund these bailout schemes is limited.? Calling Fitch! — you often have more guts (or less to lose) than S&P and Moody’s.? Let’s have a shot across the bow, and downgrade the US to AA+.

7) Are mortgage rates finally falling?? I guess if the expectations of Fed policy get low enough, it will overcome the increase in swaption volatility.? Then again, PIMCO, Fannie, Freddie, and many others are buying prime mortgage paper again.

8 ) Thornburg, alas.? Dilution and more dilution, in order to survive.? (That could be the fate of many financial and mortgage insurers.)? Misfinancing in the midst of a crisis gives way to a need for equity that kills existing shareholders.

9) In terms of actual losses, Commercial Real Estate lending is not in as bad of a shape as residential lending.? That said, it’s not in great shape and the market is slowing dramatically.? What lending market is in good shape today? 🙁 We overlevered every debt market that we could…

10) When actual stock price volatility gets high, that is typically a sign of a bear market.? When it actual volatility peaks, that is often a sign of an intermediate term bottom.

11) Finally, an article on ETNs that mentions credit risk, if briefly.? Be wary of ETNs, they are obligations of investment banks, most of which have high credit spreads that you are not being compensated for in the ETNs.

12) Give the guys at Dexia some credit for being opportunistic during the crisis of financial guarantors… they had the balance sheet, conservative posture, and the team ready to take advantage of the dislocation in their subsidiary FSA.

13) Someone tell me otherwise if I am wrong, but I am not worried about the assets in my brokerage account.? In a crisis, there is SIPC and excess insurance.? Brokerages are prohibited from commingling client assets, and even if their are delivery failures from securities lending, those issues are solvable, given time and the insurance.

14) I worry about inflation in the US, because it is a global problem.? As the dollar declines, it slows foreign economies because they can’t export as much, and it raises prices here because imports cost more.

15)? This is an article that is just too early.? So the markets have rallied, and commodities have fallen?? It’s only one week, and that is no horizon over which to make the judgment that Fed policy is succeeding.? Look at it in 9-12 months, and then maybe we can hazard a good guess.

T2 Minus A2/P2, or, Monetary Policy is Still too Tight, Maybe

T2 Minus A2/P2, or, Monetary Policy is Still too Tight, Maybe

My preferred monetary policy in normal times is for the yield curve to have about 50 basis of positive slope from twos to tens. That’s enough slope for the economy to grow, and the banks to make a little money, but not lend aggressively. It’s flat enough to restrain inflation as well. Sounds good, but it would require discipline on the part of the central bankers to stick to it, because of political pressures to goose growth, or banks complaining that they can’t earn enough.

These aren’t normal times, though. Let me explain two ways that it is abnormal. First, the Two-year Treasury, which is a good measure of what the market expects Fed funds to be in 6-12 months, is about 1% lower than the current Fed funds rate. Second, the short-term private lending markets have not followed the 3-month T-bill yield lower. The one that I have looked at most closely recently is the Treasury-Eurodollar Spread [TED Spread], which is the difference between the 3-month LIBOR yield, and the yield on a 3-month T-bill. It closed out yesterday at a spread of 2.04%. Anything over 0.60% indicates stress in the short-term lending markets.

TED spread

Not so good, huh? Will the Fed try to boost the size of the TAF again to fight this? (Hey, is that a head-and-shoulders pattern? 😉 ) Now we can look at the Treasury yield curve:

Treasury Yield Curve

Well, at least the curve is positively sloped over all of its major segments now. That is a positive, right? 😉 Well, in a situation where the economy is growing, it would be normal, and good for lenders. When it is because of a money market flight to safety, that’s another matter, and not a positive, at least not yet.

That brings me to my second point. The lowest prime grade of Commercial Paper, A2/P2 CP, has an inordinately high yield compared to safer short term loans when the financial system is under stress. My thought was to create a combination measure that took into account both measures of short term financial stress. Both series come from the Fed’s H.15 report. My measure is subtracting the yield on nonfinancial A2/P2 CP from the two-year Treasury yield.

A2/P2 financial paper outyields the Two-year Treasury by 1.60% at present. That’s not as bad as things were in August or December of 2007, but that level eclipses levels reached in the LTCM crisis, but not the monetary tightness overshoot back in December of 2000.

Note that the average level over the eleven-plus years that I was able to get data is very close to zero. The positive periods tend to be long and shallow, like most bull markets. Seemingly also, the measure seem slightly correlated with stock market returns, but I could be wrong there. The negative periods tend to be short and sharp, like most crises. This present period is an exception — we’ve been in the negative zone for two years.

Am I saying the FOMC should loosen aggressively from here? Not necessarily, but I am saying that the financial system is still under significant financial stress, and existing measures like the TAF have not cleared that yet.

The Fed is facing some very hard choices here. I wouldn’t want to pursue a zero interest rate policy here in the US like they have in Japan, with not that much success. But maybe that’s because the Fed is behaving like the Bank of Japan. The Fed has been sterilizing its rate cuts and its unorthodox measures, and not allowing the monetary base to grow, which makes no sense to me in a loosening cycle. (Well, I take that back, it makes perverse sense. They are trying to draw to an inside straight — they are trying to restrain price inflation at the same time they solve problems in the financial system by downgrading their own balance sheet by lending and selling Treasuries. I don’t think it will work.)

Maybe the Fed should buy A2/P2 CP (please no 🙁 )? My view is that they should let the monetary base grow, and do some permanent injections of liquidity. We haven’t had one in 10.5 months, which is really unusual, particularly for a loosening cycle.

Will they do that? My guess is no, not until they have run out of Treasuries to sell or lend.


Go to Alea and look at the repo fails on Treasuries.? Just another sign of system stress.

Dissent at the FOMC

Dissent at the FOMC

There were a number of commentators who noted the double dissent today of Fisher and Plosser. I looked at that and wondered how common dissents were on the FOMC.

One of the things that Fed-watchers have to realize is that vote disclosure is a relatively new thing at the FOMC. It started in 1982, and became regular in 1984. In the earlier days, the internals of the FOMC were even more of a ?black box? than they are today. In order to gauge any policy change, one would have to look at the effect of open market actions on Fed funds; there was no announcement.

Late in the Volcker Era, the FOMC began announcing the votes on policy. Early in the Greenspan era, the FOMC would publish a statement, and indicate who dissented. Finally, they began recording the reasons for the dissent in the middle of Greenspan?s tenure.

Over the past 25+ years, how common has dissent been?


Single dissents happen about 27% of the time, and double dissents 10% of the time. Dissents of three and four occur 5% and 1% of the time.

The two quadruple dissents occurred during the 1989-1992 easing cycle, when commercial real estate was in the tank. Both occurred at meetings where no action happened, and the alternative was loosening.

In general, high levels of dissent occur near cycle turning points. That said, in the latter part of the Greenspan era, discipline was tight enough that dissent was rare. Wait, how does dissent vary among Fed Chairmen?

For Volcker we only get the latter part of his tenure, but dissent was relatively common. For Greenspan, you can divide his tenure into two parts. Prior to 1993, dissent was common, but after that, he effectively brought the remainder of the FOMC into lockstep. He was very effective at controlling meetings, as was noted by Laurence Meyers.

Look at this graph for an example of how Greenspan got stronger over the years:

Bernanke is still in his break-in phase, and he is faced with the difficulties of an easing cycle. Dissent is more common easing cycles:

Personally, I would not make that much out of a double dissent at this phase in the FOMC cycle. This is the time that we should be seeing dissent ? early in Bernanke?s tenure, and loosening. Also, Bernanke is taking a looser hand to the remaining Governors ? he wants them to speak their minds. It is much the same way it was when he was an economics department chairman, except now the stakes are higher. Much higher, Ben, if you are reading this. (I harbor no illusions here, I know a few people read me inside the Fed, but my thoughts aren?t worthy of the attention of any of the Fed Governors. They are busy people.)

Now, that said I would like to point to some comments on the current FOMC actions by Paul Volcker. I?m glad he is still around. He is one of the few people who have instant credibility when talking about the current Fed actions.

In one sense his main point is that the Fed is charged with protecting banks that they regulate. They are supposed to act in the interest of all Americans, and when it intervenes on behalf of investment banks that they don?t regulate, or one in particular, Bear Stearns, there is a question as to whether it is right for them to do so.

When Volcker was Fed Chairman, derivatives were not an issue. They are now, and the interlinkages almost require a rescue. Now, better that the Fed should regulate investment bank leverage, particularly if they are lending to investment banks now. I am not a fan of regulation or central banks, but if we are going to have a complex financial system with derivatives and central banks, they need to be regulated by the central bank. (Let?s just go back to a gold standard, okay? 🙁 Yeah, I didn?t think so.)

There are real problems with what the current FOMC is doing, but to me it seems the best solution at present. Greenspan should not have lowered rates so much in 2001-2002, nor should he have raised them so much in 2004-2006. There were ways to avoid this crisis in the past, at a cost of some minor short term pain, but we weren?t willing to do that in the latter era of Greenspan.

Now Bernanke is stuck with a badly-dealt hand. He?s coping as best he can. In general, I don?t like the way monetary policy is going, but I will say that we are taking a policy path that is close to optimal in the short run (though I would be expanding the monetary more aggressively). The real question is whether we will have any additional blowups that the Fed?s balance sheet is too small to handle.

FOMC: Fanning Our Monetary Conflagration

FOMC: Fanning Our Monetary Conflagration

From RealMoney:

David Merkel
FOMC: Fanning Our Monetary Conflagration
3/18/2008 2:16 PM EDT

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee lowered the Fed funds target and discount rate by 75 basis points. The vote was 8-2, with Fisher and Plosser dissenting. The growth risk assessment is weakness.

The prices risk assessment is balanced.

Overall, FOMC makes noises about some inflation, lending markets, and economic weakness.

The 10-year Treasury yield was down 2 basis points in yield after two minutes. The S&P 500 was down 80 basis points.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming. The fixation is ended! Trade!

Position: none

Okay, so 75 basis points isn’t 100. 75 is still pretty aggressive, and combined with all of the other actions that the FOMC has taken, it provides some stimulus. It would provide a lot more stimulus if they stopped immunizing all of their unorthodox policy measures, but hey, they are trying for a hat trick:

  • Solve the problems in the lending markets.
  • Don’t permanently add to the monetary base, and so restrain price inflation.
  • Stimulate a weakening economy.

Personally, I think they will eventually have to stop giving with the right hand and taking with the left, but for now, they can continue this policy. It might even work if nothing else material blows up. Credit spreads are considerably tighter today, but one day does not a recovery make.

A Social View of the FOMC

A Social View of the FOMC

I?ve put together a PDF file that summarizes the current Federal Open Market Committee.? My objective in this exercise is provide a handy way of getting data on the various Members of the Federal Open Market Committee.? It was also a way for me to better understand who is making out monetary policy, and from a social angle, try to understand their biases.

Most of the data in the PDF file (Excel file available here), comes from the Fed?s own websites.? I reorganized it, and deleted some bits of data that I thought were less important.? I added links to their bio, books, speeches, academic papers, etc.? (Full disclosure: if you buy a book from Amazon using one of the links, I get a small commission.)

When I look at this data, what jumps out at me is the number of Ph. D. economists ? they are 10 out of the 15 here, then three MAs in Economics and related fields, one MBA (Fisher) and one JD (Warsh).? (Personally, I would want to limit the number of Neoclassical economists on the committee to five, and put in a few Austrian School economists.? Monetary policy is too important to be left to a bunch of Neoclassical economists.)? Beyond that, among the economists, there are many of them that have done direct work on the inter-linkages between monetary policy and financial markets? (Bernanke, Kohn, Kroszner, Mishkin, Plosser, Evans, and Lacker).? A number of them have written about central banking and financial markets under conditions of stress.

Historically, it would be hard to find a group of Fed Governors more prone to using unorthodox methods to try to fight a crisis in the financial markets.? They have the training for it, and they do not want to go down as not having learned from the received wisdom on monetary policy regarding the Great Depression.? They will be fast, not slow.? Unorthodox, not orthodox, and bending/breaking the rules where possible.? They will tolerate a possibly large permanent increase in inflation, and avoid the Japanese experience 1990-Present.? They will pursue a unilateral course of action, and ignore foreign grumbling.

This is the FOMC that we have today, and the composition of the committee matters when considering how they will execute monetary policy.?? Expect aggressive responses, with considerable volatility.


Two postscripts: To me, the Committee seems young, with an average age of 51.? Second the compostion of the committee will likely change after the elections, because Congress is holding up the nominations that President Bush has put forth.? The nominees are Fed Governor Randall Kroszner, whose term officially ended Jan. 31, Capital One Financial Corp. executive Larry Klane and Virginia community-banker Elizabeth Duke.? Kroszner can continue to serve at the Fed until a successor is appointed. ??

The two businessmen would have been an interesting addition, but will not likely be approved because of the politics.? The one that wins the presidential election will have a large impact on the Fed, because he will get to appoint three board members.? The current economic volatility will have a large impact on the skill set of those that get nominated.

Last Thoughts on the FOMC Meeting

Last Thoughts on the FOMC Meeting

FOMC cycles usually have some sort of underlying consistency to them. In this cycle, the underlying consistency has been:

  • Unorthodox measures, attempting to use the asset side of the Fed’s balance sheet to solve lending problems among banks and broker-dealers.
  • They have effectively “sterilized” their unorthodox measures by withdrawing other liquidity from the system, leading to…
  • Lack of growth of the monetary base, which has only risen 2% in the last year, and the last permanent injection of liquidity was 5/7/07. (After reviewing the Annual Reports of the Open Markets desk of the NY Fed 1996-2007, I think that’s a record… it is certainly a record for a loosening cycle. How can you have a loosening cycle without growing the monetary base significantly? Unless they are planning on reversing their policy easing rapidly once the financial crisis is past.)
  • They have never cut rates less than expected.

So, that leaves me at a 1% cut in Fed funds tomorrow, with a parallel cut in the now-meaningful discount rate. Now that primary dealers can borrow there, that will be an active window. That said, the Fed will probably try to sterilize any borrowings there, withdrawing liquidity elsewhere.

Come to think of it, that was one of the problems with the Bank of Japan as they slid into their crisis in the 1990s. They always sterilized their monetary policy so that it had little effect, thus restraining inflation, but not doing much for their overleverage situation.

In this case, that’s a mistake. We can live with price inflation. Dealing with the collapse of leverage is a lot tougher. The Fed can use unorthodox measures until their supply of lendable/saleable Treasuries runs out. Then they will have no choice but to begin monetizing the debts of the US Government or its agencies, if they want to attempt further stimulus. Then we will get price inflation. As for me, I would own TIPS here. CPI inflation will likely rise if the bailouts needed exceed the size of the Fed’s balance sheet. I also like agency residential mortgage bonds here. Implied volatilities can’t get that much higher, so we should get some sort of rally.

Let see what happens tomorrow.


So what happens after I hit the publish button, but I receive a great article from Calculated Risk talking about the same issues.

Another Dozen Notes on Our Manic-Depressive Credit Markets

Another Dozen Notes on Our Manic-Depressive Credit Markets

This is what I sometimes call a “Great Garbage Post.”? I’ll cover a lot of ground, so bear with me.

1) How to do a bank/financial bailout: a) wipe out common and preferred equity and the subordinated debt (and offer some warrants to the debtholders).? Make the senior debt take a haircut of 50% (and offer warrants), and the bank debt a haircut of 20% (and offer warrants). Capital is offered in exchange for the equity interest, together with some senior financing pari passu with the banks.? If the management and other stakeholders do not like those terms (or something like them), then don’t bail them out.

Now, realize I’m not crazy about “lender of last resort” powers being in the hands of the government, but if we’re going to do that, you may as well do it right, and bail out depositors in full, while having others take modest to large haircuts.? There is no reason why the government/Federal Reserve should bail out common or preferred equityholders, and those that bought risky debt should pay part of the price as well.? This should only be done for institutions where significant contagion effects could affect other financial institutions.? The objective is to create a firewall for depositors, and the rest of the financial system.

2)? Bear Stearns.? Ugh, a bank run.? A testimony to leverage.? Book value is only fair if one can realize the value over time.? High leverage implies a haircut to book value in bad times, because the value of the assets can go down dramatically.? Will they get a buyer?? I don’t know, and I wouldn’t trust JC Flowers.? If what Jamie Dimon might be thinking is what the Bloomberg article states, then I think he has the right idea: keep the best businesses, dissolve the rest.

But remember, during crises, highly levered financial institutions are vulnerable, unless most of their financing is locked in long-term.? Most investment banks don’t fit that description, particularly with all of the synthetic leverage in their derivative books.

3) The downgrades on commercial bank credit ratings will continue to come, particularly for those that were too aggressive in lending to overlevered situations, e.g., home equity lending.? Home equity lending is very profitable in good times, but then it gets overcompetititive, and underwriting standards deteriorate.? Then a lot of money gets lost, as in 1998, where most of the main lenders went under.? In this case, most of the lenders are banks, and they aren’t concentrated in that line alone.

4)? Home builders are taking it on the chin.? Consider this article about joint venture failures of homebuilders.? It is my guess that we will see a few of the major homebuilders fail.? It will take us to 2010 to reconcile all of the excess inventory.? Personally, I would guess that the stable home ownership rate is still below the current level by maybe 2% of the households.? We tried to force homeownership on people that were not ready for it, people who didn’t have enough financial slack to make it through even a slight recession.

5) I find it amusing that Bob Rubin, the only guy in the Clinton Administration that I liked, says that few people anticipated this bubble. (Sounds like Greenspan, huh?)? Well, in a sense he’s right.? Probably fewer than 1% of Americans anticipated these results, but there were enough writers in the blogosphere that were saying that something like this would come (including me), that some could take warning.? As in the tech bubble, there were a number of notable commentators warning, but no one listens during the self-reinforcing cycle of the boom.

6) I am sticking with a 50-75 basis point move from the Fed in the coming week.? They want to move aggressively, but they don’t want to use up all of their conventional ammo, when they are so close to the “zero bound.”? They might disappoint the markets, but not on purpose.? They will tend to follow what the markets suggest.

7) This Fed is more willing to try novel solutions than in the Greenspan era.? Even so, I expect them to run into constraints on their ability to deal with the crisis, which will force the Treasury Department (yes, even in the Bush Administration) to act.

8)? The glory of “core inflation” is not that it excludes the most volatile classes of goods, but the ones for which there is the most excess demand.? Food price inflation is running.? Farmers can’t keep up with the demand.? Poetic justice for the hard-working farmers of our country, who have had more than their share of hard years.? Agriculture is one of the industries that makes America great.? Let the rest of the world benefit from our productivity there.

9)? This is one of those times where one can get a “pit in the stomach” from considering the possibilities from a financial crisis.? As leverage dries up, those with the most leverage on overvalued asset classes get margin calls, leading to forced liquidations.? As it stands now, many credit hedge funds are finding it difficult to maintain their leverage levels, and other hedge funds are finding their lending lines reduced.? This forces a reduction in speculation, and the prices of speculative assets.

10)? Be careful using the ABX indices.? They are too easy to short, and do not represent the values that are likely to be realized in the cash markets.? The same is true of the CMBX indices.? This would lead me to be a bull, selectively, in AAA CMBS, after careful analysis of the underlying collateral.? (CMBS was a specialty of minewhen I was a mortgage bond manager.)

11)? Two interesting articles on character and capitalism.? This is a topic that I havea lot to say about, but every time I sit down to write about it, I am not satisfied with the results.? Let me make a down payment on an article here.? Capitalism is good, but Capitalists often abuse it.? Short-sighted capitalists play for short-term advantage, and end up burning up relationships.? Longer-term capitalists play fair, because they not only want deal one, but deals two, three, four, etc.? They play fair because they will do better in the long run, even if they are intelligent pagans.? (Christians should play fair anyway, because their Father in heaven looks at their deeds.? If we love Him, we will please Him.)

Economics isn’t everything.? Smart businessmen know that a good reputation is golden.? They also know that happy employees are more productive.? Suppliers that get paid on time are more loyal.? These are the benefits of ethical, long-run thinking.

12) In closing, a poke at quantitative analysis done badly.? Consider Paul Wilmott, or William Shadwick.? With bosses over the years, often they would ask me a seemingly simple quantitative question, and I would reply, “Here’s the standard answer: XXXXX.? But there are many reasons why that answer could be wrong, because the math makes too many assumptions about market liquidity, investor rationality, soundness of funding sources, etc.”? Most quants don’t know what they are assuming.? They are too good with the math, and not good enough at the human systems that inadequately lie behind the math.

As a quantitative analyst, I have generally been a skeptic.? At times like this, when the assumptions are breaking down, it gives me a bit of validation to see the shortfall.? That said, it’s no fun to be right when you are losing money, even if it is less than others are losing.

Thinking About the Bear Stearns Bailout

Thinking About the Bear Stearns Bailout

When I go to prayer meeting on Thursday evenings, I have recently begun requesting prayer for the economy and policymakers.? Ordinarily, I resist doing that, because it usually doesn’t sound right.? I remember one time two years ago explaining why we should pray about a given economic issue, and my dear wife said, “Let me get this straight.? We’re praying for the World Economy, that we don’t have a disaster?”? But when I was asked to explain my concern recently, I said, “Things are breaking in the financial system that no one a year ago would expect to break, and the costs could be high.? A second Great Depression is not impossible, and a repeat of something similar to the 70’s is more likely, minus the ugly clothes.”? That said, I am satisfied with praying for my daily bread, and the daily bread of others.

I didn’t expect to start the post this way, but that’s what’s on my heart.? Things are breaking that should not break, but what is happening is consistent with what I have been writing about here and at RealMoney for the past four years.? I am not a bear by nature, nor a bull.? I just try to analyze economic situations from a holistic perspective, and what I have seen over the past four years, was a massive increase in leverage that was not sustainable.? This affected the investment banks as well, and in this case, Bear Stearns in particular.

Confidence is tricky.? The investment banks are more highly levered than mortgage REITs, and we have seen the fallout there, even though real estate is more stable than the assets financed by most investment banks.

This is why in investing, I write about having a provision for adverse deviation, or in Ben Graham’s terms, “A margin of safety.”? With leverage, one should always calculate the maximum amount of? leverage consistent with prudence, and then take several steps back from there.? What is permissible in the boom phase has little relevance to the bust phase.

Now, I tell my children, “Don’t blame the Ump.”? In sports, if it is call of an umpire or referee that is the difference between victory and defeat, then you did not deserve to win.? You did not gain a commanding lead in the contest.? In this situation, Bear Stearns played close enough to the edge that rumors could begin to push at their short-term financing base, creating a crisis.? Investment banks must be like Caesar’s wife — there can’t be a hint of impropriety (with respect to financing).

Now, with a downgrade in credit ratings, Bear Stearns will have to find a buyer.? Why?? Major financial companies that lend have to have A-1/P-1 commercial paper ratings in order to make money.? The ability to borrow at cheap rates in the short run is important to profitability.

Naked Capitalism has some good points on this topic.? I would echo on the mortgage exposure.? More important is not being liked.? According to friends of mine, Lehman got rescued privately during the LTCM crisis because they convinced creditors to support them.? Bear walked out on the LTCM bailout, and it still leaves a bad taste in the mouth of Wall Street.? Wall Street does have honor, in a twisted way.? They remember who were their friends during tough times.? Bear was not one of them.

When there is a lot of worry around, it doesn’t take much to kick a marginal firm over the edge.? Bear had ample opportunity to move to lower level of leverage, and did not do it.? Now let’s talk about the rescuer.

The Omnipotent Federal Reserve

The Fed can’t run out of bullets, because it can always print money.? That comes with an inflation price tag attached, though.? In this case, they are providing funds freely to J. P. Morgan to the extent that they lend to Bear Stearns.? Now, I know why the Fed did this.? Bear Stearns my be small in a market capitalization sense, but is large when one considers all of the debts that they have, both in the cash and synthetic markets.? (As an aside, I was analyzing some muni bonds of a major issuer today, and it amazed me that Bear Stearns was their #2 counterparty.)

Now the Fed has Fed funds, the discount window, TAF, TSLF, and more.? I am not here to fault them for lack of creativity.? I am here to fault them for (like Bear Stearns) overtaxing their balance sheet.? There is only so much that the Fed can rescue before it chokes, because they (at that point) have no more safe assets to pledge.

I sold my capital markets exposure earlier this week, and I am glad that I did, late as that was.? The Fed is not big enough to rescue all of the investment banks, nor could they rescue the GSEs, without creating significant price inflation.? What a mess.? Avoid the depositary financials, and those that lend and intermediate aggressively.? This is not a time to be a hero in financials.

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